Ullmann. Gregorius=C. Ullmann. Gregorius von Nazianz der Theologe. Gotha, 1867. Usener. Untersuchungen=H. Usener. Religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen. Bonn, 1911. Vita Gregorii=Vita sancti Gregorii. PG 35, 243–304. Ware. Meaning=K. Ware. The Meaning of the Great Fast. — The Lenten Triodion translated from the original Greek by Mother Mary and Archimandrite Kallistos Ware. London, 1978. Pp. 13–68. Wesche. Union=K. P. Wesche. The Union of God and Man in Jesus Christ in the Thought of Gregory of Nazianzus. — St. Vladimir Theological Quarterly Review 29. New York, 1984. Pp. 83–98. Williams. Arius=R. Williams. Arius: Heresy and Tradition. London, 1987. Winslow. Dynamics=D. F. Winslow. The Dynamics of Salvation. A Study in Gregory of Nazianzus. Philadelphia, 1979. 4. Сокращения CC — Corpus Christianorum. CCG — Corpus Christianorum, series graeca. CCL — Corpus Christianorum, series latina. CSCO — Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium. CSEL — Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum. GCS — Die griechischen christichen Schriftsteller. DOP — Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Washington, D. C.). OC — Orientalia Christiana. OCA — Orientalia Christiana Analecta. OCP — Orientalia Christiana Periodica. PG — Patrologiae cursus completus, series graeca. Ed. J. — P. Migne. PL — Patrologiae cursus completus, series latina. Ed. J. — P. Migne. PTS — Patristische Texte und Studien. Ed. K. Aland and E. Muhlenberg (Berlin — New York). RSR — Recherches de science religieuse. SC — Sources Chrйmiennes. TU — Texte und Untersuchungen. Сведения об авторе Игумен Иларион (Алфеев) - православный богослов и патролог, доктор философии Оксфордского Университета, доктор богословия Свято–Сергиевского православного богословского института в Париже, член Синодальной Богословской Комиссии, руководитель Секретариата по межхристианским связям Отдела внешних церковных сношений Московского Патриархата, заместитель главного редактора журнала " " Церковь и время " " , клирик храма св. великомученицы Екатерины на Всполье (г. Москва). Автор книг " " Таинство веры. Введение в православное догматическое богословие " " , Le mystere de la foi, Introduction a la dogme et spiritualite orthodoxe (Paris, 2000), " Жизнь и учение св. Григория Богослова " " , " Мир Исаака Сирина " " , The Spiritual World of Isaac the Syrian (Kalamazoo, Michigan, 2000), " Преподобный Симеон Новый Богослов и православное Предание " " , St Symeon the New Theologian and Orthodox Tradition (Oxford, 2000), " Ночь прошла, а день приблизился " " , " Православное богословие на рубеже столетий " " , " Христос — Победитель ада " " , а также многочисленных статей в периодической печати. Составитель и редактор антологий " " Отцы и учители Церкви III века " " (в 2–х томах), " Восточные Отцы и учители Церкви IV века " " (в 3–х томах). Переводчик творений Отцов Церкви с греческого и сирийского языков. notes Примечания 1


602. “Introducing the New Series: Anaphorae Orientales,” OCP 67 (2001) 555-558. 603. “Questions on the Eastern Churches” 1: “ECJ Question Box Rules,” “Prayers Before Communion in the Byzantine Eucharist,” “Clergy Communion at the Byzantine Presanctified Liturgy,” ECJ 8/1 (2001) 123-126 (=123-4, 124-5, 125-6). 604. (Co-editor), Acts of the International Congress Comparative Liturgy Fifty Years after Anton Baumstark (1872-1948), Rome, 25-29 September 1998, edited by Robert F. Taft, S.J. and Gabriele Winkler (OCA 265, Rome: PIO 2001). 605. Co-author with Gabriele Winkler, “Introduction,” Acts of the International Congress Comparative Liturgy Fifty Years after Anton Baumstark (1872-1948), Rome, 25-29 September 1998, edited by Robert F. Taft, S.J. and Gabriele Winkler (OCA 265, Rome: PIO 2001) 9-29. 606. “Anton Baumstark’s Comparative Liturgy Revisited,” in Acts of the International Congress Comparative Liturgy Fifty Years after Anton Baumstark (1872-1948), Rome, 25-29 September 1998, edited by Robert F. Taft, S.J. and Gabriele Winkler (OCA 265, Rome: PIO 2001) 191-232. 607. “Liturgia oriental,” in Diccionario histórico de la Compañía de Jesús. Biografico-tematico, ed. C.E. O’Neill, J.M. Domínguez (Rome/Madrid 2001) 3:2880-2882. 608. “The Liturgy in the Life of the Church,” Logos 40 (1999) 187-229 (reprint of no. 583—appeared in 2001). 609. Review of Michael Kunzler, Archieratikon. Einführung in Geist und Gestalt der bischöflichen Liturgie im byzantinischen Ritus der griechisch-katholischen Kirche der Ukraine (Paderborn: Bonifatius Druck Buch Verlag 1998), OCP 67 (2001) 226-230. 610. Review of Andreas Heinz, Die Eucharstiefeier in der Deutung syrischer Liturgieerklärer. Die Liturgiekommentare von Georg dem Araberbischof (†724), Mose bar Kepha (†903), Dionysius bar Salibi (†1171) (Sophia. Quellen östlicher Theologie, Hrsg. von Andreas Heinz, Bd. 33, Paulinus Verlag, Trier, 2000), OCP 67 (2001) 506-507. 2002 г. 611. “P. Robert Taft, S.J.—Biography,” CCOr 3/3 (2001) – 4/1 (2002) 90-94.


On Tuesday, February 3, 2014 at 8:00 p.m. EST, the Archdiocese of Western Pennsylvania will present a free webinar devoted to helping parishes understand the positive impact of college ministry on both the parish and students. “Few actions can ‘heat up a lukewarm parish’ better than reaching out to college students to help them find a worship ‘home away from home.’” said Joseph Kormos, Archdiocesan Parish Development Ministry leader.  “The webinar, one of the ongoing ‘Building Vibrant Parishes’ series, will feature a panel of youth leader experts.  It is specially geared to parish outreach ministry leaders, council members, and clergy.” Topics to be explored include stories of the positive impact of college ministry on parish life, examples of the formative impact on students and tips for finding, connecting and communicating with college students. Other speakers, in addition to Mr. Kormos, include Priest John Diamantis, Rector of Saint Vladimir Church, Trenton, NJ, District Chaplain of the Orthodox Christian Fellowship [OCF] for the Northeast US, and Chair of the College Ministry Department of the OCA Diocese of New York and New Jersey; Deacon Alexander Cadman of Holy Trinity Church, State College, PA, who also serves as Orthodox Chaplain at Penn State University and represents the OCA on the OCF Board of Directors; and Andrew Boyd, OCA Youth Director and former President of the University of Connecticut OCF. This session is similar to a webinar that was previously announced for December 2014 that had to be rescheduled.  The session is free but does require registration. For more information and to register, please log on to http://www.ocadwpa.org/news_141204_1.html . Code for blog Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong. Having said that, Pravmir provides daily articles from an autonomous news service, weekly wall newspaper for churches, lectorium, photos, videos, hosting and servers. Editors and translators work together towards one goal: to make our four websites possible - Pravmir.ru, Neinvalid.ru, Matrony.ru and Pravmir.com. Therefore our request for help is understandable. For example, 5 euros a month is it a lot or little? A cup of coffee? It is not that much for a family budget, but it is a significant amount for Pravmir. If everyone reading Pravmir could donate 5 euros a month, they would contribute greatly to our ability to spread the word of Christ, Orthodoxy, life " s purpose, family and society. Also by this author Today " s Articles Most viewed articles Functionality is temporarily unavailable. Most popular authors Functionality is temporarily unavailable. © 2008-2024 Pravmir.com


Leading up to this most recent problem, there has existed for several years now a repeated pattern by Metropolitan Jonah of taking other unilateral actions that were contrary to the advice of the Holy Synod and/or the Church’s lawyers, which prolonged or caused litigation involving the OCA, which substantially increased legal fees, which created confusion in negotiations, and which exposed the OCA to otherwise avoidable additional financial and legal liability. He withheld information from his brother bishops and from the Church’s lawyers concerning litigation matters, and matters which might have resulted, and still might result, in litigation. He has spoken unilaterally with and provided sensitive information to opposing counsel and opposing parties concerning pending and threatened litigation, although he had specifically been warned many times of the perils in doing so. He gave to unauthorized persons a highly sensitive, painstakingly detailed internal Synodal report concerning numerous investigations into sexual misconduct, risking leaks of names of alleged victims and alleged perpetrators. While those who now possess the report are wrongfully in possession of OCA property, they have not yet returned their copies of these highly confidential and sensitive documents, further exposing our Church to potential legal liabilities. What we have said here is based on the Metropolitan’s own words, both during numerous Holy Synod and Metropolitan Council meetings, and established in documentary evidence. We cannot release that publicly, and the Metropolitan Council members have legal and moral obligations to maintain in confidence information pertaining to threats to individuals and alleged crimes. We have however been communicating with and will continue to communicate with law enforcement authorities. Our request for Metropolitan Jonah’s resignation, or that he take a leave of absence for treatment, came at the end of a rather long list of questionable, unilateral decisions and actions, demonstrating the inability of the Metropolitan to always be truthful and accountable to his peers. The Metropolitan’s freely-chosen resignation has been characterized by him and others as the result of politics and internal discord among the members of the Holy Synod. Quite to the contrary, the other members of the Holy Synod stand firmly together in our unanimous astonishment at the Metropolitan’s actions. We cannot stress enough that while the most recent events are likely the most dangerous for the Church, these represent only the latest in a long series of poor choices that have caused harm to our Church. We understand and agree that an ability to work or not work well with others, or a challenged administrative skill set, or Metropolitan Jonah’s refusal to comply with the recommendations of the treatment facility, while not the reasons for his requested resignation, were fundamentally related to the consequences of his actions.


Continuing the series of diocesan presentations, videos depicting the life of the OCA’s Romanian Episcopate, the Diocese of the South and the  Archdiocese of Washington DC were aired. Archpriest Eric G. Tosi and Priests David Rucker and John Parker described the first-ever OCA Mission School, held in Detroit in the spring of 2015.  The highly successful week-long school was entirely supported by a bequest of nearly million received by the OCA.  A second Mission School will be offered in a different region in 2016. Newly elected representatives for open Metropolitan Council and  Pension Board positions were announced at the conclusion of the session. Archpriests Antonio Perdomo and Thomas Moore were elected Metropolitan Council clergy representatives for six-year and three-year terms respectively, while Priest Elijah Muller will serve as alternate.  Elected as lay representatives for six-year and three-year terms respectively were Matushka Kitty Vitko and Larry Skvir.  Michael Strelka will serve as alternate. Priest Gleb McFatter and Archpriest John Zdinak were elected Pension Board clergy representatives for six-year and three-year terms respectively, while Matushka Mary Buletza Breton and Barry Gluntz were elected as lay representatives for six-year and three-year terms respectively as lay representatives.  Michael Mezmar will serve as alternate. In related news, delegates once again attended their choice of ten different workshops on topics ranging from Clergy Self Help and Parish Finances to Preaching on Campuses and the Use of the Web.  The workshops were also offered on Wednesday afternoon to afford participants to attend multiple sessions. Protodeacon Peter Danilchick described the work of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America and the direction in which it is heading.  Alexei Krindatch, the Assembly’s Research Coordinator, reported on his recent survey detailing giving trends in Orthodox Christian parishes throughout the US.  At the outset, he noted that, of all the jurisdictions that participated in the survey, the OCA and its clergy were the most cooperative and responsive.  From the data submitted, he concluded that there are two major factors that lead people to give more to the Church—greater Orthodox unity and cooperation and a greater emphasis on mission.  [ Several selections of Mr. Krindatch’s various past survey results may be found here .]


About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation Completed study materials for Fr. Hopko’s “The Orthodox Faith” series now available Source: OCA Natalya Mihailova 14 August 2017 The Orthodox Church in America’s  Department of Christian Education  [DCE] recently announced the release of the fourth and final set of questions and answers developed to accompany the late Protopresbyter Thomas Hopko’s series,  The Orthodox Faith .  The newly completed study materials amplify Father Thomas’ volume on  Worship , according to Matushka Valerie Zahirsky, DCE Chair. “As summer vacations end and fall approaches, many families will again be attending their home parishes regularly,” Matushka Valerie said.  “The second volume—Worship—is especially useful for study with the beginning of the ecclesiastical year on September 1.  It offers a close look at the Church’s liturgical services, especially the Divine Liturgy—the service parishioners experience most often. “Each of the numbered  131 questions  is keyed to the page of the Worship volume, while a separate document containing  numbered answers  also contains several points for reflection,” Matushka Valerie explained.  “For all four volumes, the questions help readers review and reinforce their understanding of the material Father Thomas presents.” Many parishes have been using the questions and answers for group study, Matushka Valerie added. “They read through a chapter of the the book together, then find the answers to the questions as a review, checking the answer document for accuracy, and discuss the points for reflection offered,” she noted.  “Other groups begin reading with the questions in hand and find the answers as they go through the text.  Readers using the books on their own can use the study materials in any way they find most beneficial.  Teachers of older Church school students have used the materials to create ‘Jeopardy’ quizzes and other team activities.”


Мейендорф Иоанн , протоиерей . Брак в Православии. Клин, 2000. Неофит (Осипов), архимандрит . Мысли об имени//Начала. 1998. 1–4. Православно-догматическое богословие Макария, митрополита Московского и Коломенского. Т. 2. СПб., 1883. Пролыгин И.В . Катехизация и чин крещения в Антиохии в конце IV века//Святитель Иоанн Златоуст. Огласительные гомилии. Тверь, 2006. С. 27–61. Суслова А. В., Суперанская В. А . О русских именах. Л., 1985. Шмеман Александр , протопресвитер . Водою и Духом. О таинстве Крещения. М., 1993. Lampe G. W. H. A Patristic Greek Lexicon. Oxford, 1991. McGuckin J.A . The Orthodox Church. An Introduction to its History, Doctrine, and Spiritual Culture. Malden, MA – Oxford, 2008. Meyendorff J . Byzantine Theology. Historical Trends and Doctrinal Themes. New York, 1979. Yevtich, Bishop Athanasius . Christ, The Alpha and Omega. St. Herman of Alaska Monastery, 2007. 3. Сокращения ЖМП=Журнал Московской Патриархии. Москва. ПЭ=Православная энциклопедия. Москва. CCL=Corpus Christianorum, series Latina. Louvain. OCA=Orientalia Christiana Analecta. Roma. PG=Patrologiae cursus completus, series graeca. Ed. J.-P. Migne. Paris. PL=Patrologiae cursus completus, series latina. Ed. J.-P. Migne. Paris. PTS=Patristische Texte und Studien. Berlin. SC=Sources Chrétiennes. Paris. Приложение Чинопоследование таинств крещения и миропомазания Перевод со славянского Чин оглашения Развязывает священник пояс желающего просветиться, снимает с него верхнюю одежду и ставит его лицом к Востоку в одной одежде, не опоясанным, с непокрытой головой и без обуви, держащим руки вниз, и дует ему в лицо трижды, и трижды запечатлевает его крестным знамением со словами: Во имя Отца, и Сына, и Святого Духа. Аминь. И возлагает руку на голову его, произнося следующую молитву: Господу помолимся. Хор: Господи, помилуй. Во имя Твое, Господи, Боже истины, и единородного Твоего Сына, и Святого Твоего Духа, возлагаю руку мою на раба Твоего [или рабу Твою] (имя), удостоившегося [или удостоившуюся] прибегнуть ко святому имени Твоему и под кровом крыл Твоих укрыться! Удали от него [или от нее] то древнее заблуждение и исполни его [или ее] верой в Тебя, и надеждой, и любовью, да познает, что Ты Бог единый, Бог истинный, как и единородный Твой Сын, Господь наш Иисус Христос, и Святой Твой Дух. Дай ему [или ей] по всем заповедям Твоим поступать и угодное Тебе сохранить: ибо если исполнит их человек, жив будет чрез них. Впиши его [или ее] в книгу жизни Твоей, присоедини его [или ее] к стаду наследия Твоего, да прославится имя Твое святое в нем [или в ней], как и возлюбленного Твоего Сына, Господа же нашего Иисуса Христа и животворящего Твоего Духа. Да будут очи Твои взирать на него [или на нее] с милостию всегда, и уши Твои слышать глас моления его [или ее]. Возвесели его [или ее] во всех делах рук его [или ее] и во всем роде его [или ее], да исповедает Тебя, поклоняясь и славя имя Твое великое и высочайшее, и восхваляет Тебя всегда, все дни жизни своей.


8 Архиепископ Антоний (Медведев), «Приснопамятный Архиепископ Виталий, Восточно-Американский и Джерзиситский: к 25-летию его кончины», Православная Русь 6 (март 1985): 9–10. 9 «Архиепископ Виталий: к столетию со дня рождения», Церковная жизнь 5–7 (май-июль, 1973): 55–71. 14 После революции 1917 г. о. Виталий был захвачен большевиками в Почаеве. Комиссар приговорил его к расстрелу. «Послухай, Петре – спокойно обратился Владыка Виталий к комиссару – ты вот хочешь меня расстрелять, – неужели за то что, помнишь, я тебя спас от разорения позычкой из нашего Почаевского банка?» Лидия Бодасюк, «К прибытию архиепископа Виталия», Православная Карпатская Русь 23 (1934): 1. 22 Путь моей жизни: Воспоминания Митрополита Евлогия (Георгиевского) изложенные по его рассказам Т. Манухиной (Московский Рабочий: Москва, 1994), 298. 26 С. Ряснянский, «К столетию со дня рождения Архиепископа Виталия», Православная Русь 15 (Август 1973): 28 [Архимандрит Серафим (Иванов)] «Отец-Владыка: К прибытию в Обитель пр. Иова – строителя ее Архиепископа Виталия», Православная Русь 15 (1935):1. 33 Архиепископ Виталий, «Факты для установления мира всей Русской Православной Зарубежной Церкви», Мотивы моей жизни. С. 13–14. 37 Архиепископ Виталий, «Памяти Митрополита Феофила: Дополнение к посланию», Мотивы моей жизни. С. 123. 38 OCA Archives. XI-Records relating to Church institutions. «U,» St.Vladimir " s Orthodox Theological Seminary. 1. Correspondence and reports. Благодарен архивисту Алексею Либеровскому за сообщение мне этой информации. 39 Журнал заседания Педагогического Совета Свято-Владимирской Православной Духовной Семинарии 16 января 1946 г. Holy Trinity Seminary’s Archives. N. Talberg Collection. R.P.Ts.Z. Box 13 Folder 7. 46 Archbishop Vitaly, Letter (December 16, 1946, OCA Archives, Series IV – Records of the All-American Councils, 6S Pre 7S, 4:79). Цитируется по: Nikolaj L Kostur, The Relationship Between the Russian Orthodox Church in North America and the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad from 1920–1950 (Crestwood, N.Y.: M.Th. Thesis, St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, 2009), 110.


Theodore of Studios St., Theopaschite Clause, Theophany, Thomas Christians, Tisserant Eugene, Triodion, Trisagion, Typikon, Twelve Great Feasts, Uniatism, Unity Brothers, Unmixed Chalice, West-Syrian Rite, Zeon, Zone.” 487. Orientalia Christiana Analecta Norms and Regulations for Preparing and Submitting Manuscripts (OCA, Rome: EOC 1995) 43 pp. 488. “The Minister of Holy Communion in the Eastern Traditions,” in G. Karukaparampil (ed.), Tuvaik. Studies in Honour of Rev. Jacob Vellian (Syrian Churches Series XVI, Kottayam 1995) 1-19. 489. “Liturgie und Eucharistie. I. Der Osten,” in J. Raitt (ed.), Geschichte der christlichen Spiritualität, Bd. II: Hochmittelalter und Reformation (Würzburg 1995) 423-434 (German version of no. 122—very unsatisfactory translation, published without possibility of corrections by the author). 490. “Respectful of the Church, Responsible to the Truth,” National Jesuit News (October 1995) 8-9. 491. “Church and Liturgy in Byzantium: The Formation of the Byzantine Synthesis,” in C.C. Akentiev (ed.), Liturgy, Architecture, and Art in the Byzantine World. Papers of the XVIII International Byzantine Congress (Moscow 8-15 August 1991) and Other Essays Dedicated to the Memory of Fr. John Meyendorff (Vizantinorossika—Byzantinorossica, vol. I, Publications of the St. Petersburg Society for Byzantine and Slavic Studies, St. Petersburg 1995) 13-29. 492. Review of Henryk Paprocki, Le mystère de l’eucharistie. Genèse et interprétation de la liturgie eucharistique byzantine (Paris: Cerf 1993), OC 79 (1995) 233-236. 1996 г. 493. “Praying to or for the Saints? A Note on the Sanctoral Intercessions—Commemorations in the Anaphora: History and Theology,” in M. Schneider, W. Berschin (eds), Ab Oriente et Occidente (Mt 8,11). Kirche aus Ost und West. Gedenkschrift für Wilhelm Nyssen (St. Ottilien: EOS-Verlag 1996) 439-455. 494. “The Precommunion Elevation of the Byzantine Divine Liturgy,” OCP 62 (1996) 15-52. 495. (Редактор), The Christian East. Its Institutions & Its Thought. A Critical Reflection. Papers of the International Scholarly Congress for the 75th Anniversary of the Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome, 30 May—5 June 1993, edited by Robert F. Taft, S.J. (OCA 251, Rome: PIO 1996).


Metropolitan Council retreat, fall session opens September 23 September 20, 2013 SYOSSET, NY [OCA] Members of the  Metropolitan Council  of the Orthodox Church in America will gather at the Chancery here for their fall session September 23-26, 2-13. According to Archpriest Eric G. Tosi, OCA Secretary, the session will begin with a one-day retreat at which Priest Nicholas Solak, Rector of Holy Trinity Church, Stroudsburg, PA, and Dr. Albert S. Rossi, Director of Field Education at Saint Vladimir’s Seminary, Yonkers, NY, will address the issue of conflict resolution. “The retreat,” said Father Eric, “is the most recent in a series that had been recommended by the Metropolitan Council’s Internal Governance Committee as a means of professional and group development.” In addition to His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon and the members of the Lesser Synod of Bishops, the chairs of two of OCA’s departments also will participate. “As part of a rotating cycle that aims to bring in departmental chairs to update Council members on their ministries, the  Department of Evangelization’s  Priest John Parker and Mrs. Donna Karabin of the Department of Christian Service and Humanitarian Aid , will report on accomplishments and future plans in their respective fields,” Father Eric added.  “At the Council’s spring 2013 session, reports were received from the Departments of  Continuing Education  and  Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministry .” Members of the Sexual Misconduct Advisory Committee will update Council members on their work and the most recent revisions to the “Policy, Standards, and Procedures for Sexual Misconduct Allegations.” In addition to the report of the Chancellor, Archpriest John Jillions, Mrs. Melanie Ringa, Treasurer, will present the proposed 2014 budget, which reflects the second round of assessment reductions as mandated by delegates to the 16th All-American Council in 2011. Preliminary plans for the 18th All-American Council, slated to convene in 2015, and the composition of the Preconciliar Commission will be considered in depth.  Finalized proposals will be forwarded to the Holy Synod of Bishops for approval.


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