P 36–52. См. например , Слотердайк . Sloterdijk P God’s Zeal: The Battle of the Three Monotheisms. Cambridge: Polity Press. 2009. 216 p. Agamben G Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life (Heller-Roazen D, trans.). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. 1998. P .14 См.: Юрген Хабермас . Сокращенный перевод под редакцией Дмитрия Узланера по изданию The Power of Religion in the Public Sphere: Judith Butler, Jürgen Habermas, Charles Taylor, Cornel West (ed. E. Mendieta, J. VanAntwerpen, C. Calhoun). N.Y.: Columbia University Press, 2011. / http :// russ . ru / Mirovaya - povestka / CHto - takoe - politicheskoe (Дата обращения: 12.02.20 г.) Giddens A Capitalism and Modern Social Theory. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1971. 234 p. Lois McNay Self as Enterprise: Dilemmas of Control and Resistance in Foucault " s The Birth of Biopolitics (as enterprise: dilemmas of control and resistance in Foucault’s The Birth of Biopolitics//Theory, Culture & Society - 26(6): Oxford University, 2009. P . 55-77. Фуко М. Политическая технология индивидов (1988)/Фуко Мишель. Интеллектуалы и власть: Избранные политические статьи, выступления и интервью/Пер. с франц. С.Ч. Офертаса под общей ред. В.П.Визгина и Б.М.Скуратова. – М.: Праксис, 2002. – Ч.1. С.360-382. Rajan KS. Biocapital: The Constitution of Postgenomic Life. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2006 - 358 p . Weber M. Economy and Society, Roth G and Wittich C (eds). Berkeley: University of California Press. 1978. 266p. Вебер, Макс Хозяйство и общество: очерки понимающей социологии: в 4 т./Макс Вебер ; [пер. с нем.] ; сост., общ. ред. и предисл. Л. Г. Ионина ; Нац. исслед. ун-т «Высшая школа экономики». — М. : Изд. дом Высшей школы экономики, 2016. 445 с Фуко М. Рождение биополитики/ Фуко Мишель. Интеллектуалы и власть: Избранные политические статьи, выступления и интервью/Пер. с франц. Б.М.Скуратова, под общей ред. В.П.Большакова. М.: Праксис, 2006. – Ч.3. С.151-160. Хабермас Ю. Техника и наука как «идеология»/Пер. с нем. М.Л.Хорькова.


Archive Students of the Patriarchate of Antioch studying in Russia come together 10 March 2021 year 14:43 With the blessing of the Most Blessed Patriarch of Antioch and All the East John X and with the support of the metropolitan of Philippopolis Niphon, the representative of the Primate of the Antiochian Orthodox Church to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus, there was organized fr om 6 th to 8 th March 2021 for students from various dioceses of the Patriarchate of Antioch studying in Russian colleges and universities a three-day camp called ‘Following in the Lord’s Footsteps.’ The event began with the Divine Liturgy at the representation church of the Church of Antioch in Moscow. After the service the guests were warmly greeted by the metropolitan of Philippopolis Niphon. His Eminence delivered a lecture on the role of religion in modern-day society and shared with them warm memories of his life in Russia over the past sixty years. After a festive meal the young people gave a performance of religious hymns in Arabic. The meeting was also attended by the consul of Lebanon in Moscow Rodrigo al-Huri. On 6 th March the students set off for Sergiev Posad, wh ere for three days they stayed at the Monastery of the Holy Trinity and St. Sergius. They venerated the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh and other holy sites of the monastery and visited the churches and museums there. They joined the students of the Moscow Theological Academy in prayer at the Divine Liturgy in the Church of the Protecting Vei in the Academy and then took part in a communal meal. With the blessing of the chairman of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate the metropolitan of Volokolamsk Hilarion the secretary for inter-Orthodox relations archpriest Igor Yakimchuk addressed a word of greetings to the Antiochian youth on behalf of the Russian Orthodox Church. He spoke to them on the history and current state of relations between the Russian and Antiochian Orthodox Churches. The camp’s participants were addressed via video link by bishops of the Patriarchate of Antioch. The metropolitan of Zahlé and Baalbek Anthony delivered a lecture on the topic of repentance and the renewal of life and answered the numerous questions put by the young people, while the bishop of the Emirates Gregory delivered a lecture on the topic of prayer. DECR Communication Service /Patriarchia.ru Календарь ← 7 December 2023 year


Bishop Markell: " Moldavian authorities under pressure from EU that tries to undermine the position of the Church " Kishinev, September 3, 2013 Bishop Markell of Beltsy and Falesht has spoken with harsh criticism of the authorities of Moldavia, accusing them of antinational policy. " After 2009, when parties, financially and politically supported by the European Union, came into power, there have been insistent attempts by the state authorities to change the Moldavian people’s way of life, especially regarding their attitude to the Church, " writes the Bishop in his article published on Interfax-Religion website on Tuesday. The Bishop noted that the state, under the insistent pressure from the EU, wishes to undermine the authority of the Church, to depreciate its historical role in eyes of the people, and to minimize its influence in society, limiting its functions in every possible way. " The rhetoric of the Moldavian bureaucrats, who are not supported or trusted by the population at all, is directed utterly against the Orthodox Church, the institution trusted by the overwhelming majority of Moldavian citizens. Isn " t it strange? Doesn " t it indicate that they are waging a war against their own people? " asking the author. According to him, on the legislative, administrative-executive levels and on the level of everyday life, " The most impertinent and pernicious experiment is being carried out with the people: to eradicate the image of the Church of Christ from its historical memory and to transform the spiritual and moral foundation of the Moldavian ethnos, based on Christian values, confessed throughout the centuries, to the level of brute, ‘animal’ instincts and vices " . The hierarch mentioned " the authorities’ pushing of an extremist version of Islam " in the registration of the League of Islam and the " shameful adoption by the parliament of the scandalous law " On equality of chances " that gives the sexual minorities unprecedented rights to propaganda of perversions and corruption in the upcoming generation " . Besides, as Bishop Markell stated, under pressure from the non-governmental organizations sponsored by the West, the Orthodox Church, to which, according to his information, 94% of the population of the republic belong, now shares equal rights with other religious organizations, " including destructive and totalitarian ones " . " Any unwillingness to base society on Western values, any open expression of sympathy with Russia, Russian language and culture, or any willingness to establish closer relations with the Eurasian Union are interpreted by the authorities as an attempt to prevent the process of the country " s European integration. The administration is pursuing a dirty anti-Russian policy and is persecuting (specifically persecuting) dissenters, " write Bishop Markell in the article. Pravoslavie.ru 5 сентября 2013 г. ... Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Archive DECR representative takes part in interreligious forum at the Pubic Chamber of the Russian Federation 23 December 2022 year 15:38 On December 22, 2022, a research and practice conference on “Islam – an integral part of religious heritage of Russia: 1100th anniversary of Volga Bulgaria’s conversion to Islam” took place at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. The conference was organized by the Commission of the RF Public Chamber for Harmonization of Interethnic and Interreligious Relations and the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia. Mufti Albir Hazrat Krganov, head of the Assembly and vice-chairman of the Commission acted as moderator. Taking part in the conference were representatives of the state, public, charitable and nonprofit organizations, academic and educational community, experts, and religious and public figures. Welcoming remarks were delivered by Mr. Konstantin Blazhenov, deputy chairman of the Department for national politics and interregional relations of Moscow and head of the administration for relations with religious organizations, and by Mr. Danis Shakirov, chairman of the Executive Committee of the World Congress of Tatars. With the blessing of Metropolitan Antony of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, taking part in the conference was Rev. Dimitry Safonov, DECR secretary for interreligious relations. In his presentation he told the audience about the experience of cooperation with Islamic communities and organizations, for instance, with the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia, in the work with migrants and collecting and delivering humanitarian aid to the Syria and Donbass residents, and also about activities of the Interreligious Working Group for Protecting Believers’ Rights against Discrimination and Xenophobia. Rev Dimitry mentioned the conference organized with Mufti Krganov’s participation on the role of Orthodoxy and Islam in harmonization of life in modern society held in Tashkent on June 3, 2022. The DECR secretary also spoke about the history of interreligious peace dialogue started in the USSR in the postwar years, focusing on the role played by the Moscow Patriarchate and the chairmen of the Spiritual Administrations of Muslims. DECR Communication Service /Patriarchia.ru Календарь ← 7 December 2023 year


Life has proven these words: When Roma was in the eleventh grade, he was not ashamed to tell his dumfounded mother one day that while she was at the dacha, a girl spent the night with him in the apartment. It sounded shameless, but it also sounds like of a cry for help—within such teenage declarations a subconscious " SOS " is often being sent. A seeking of parental attention, thirst for love, protest, loneliness—this is bottom line of what we will find in the corner of a dark room, where a computer screen flickers for several hours while the parents are busy with their work, or rest after work, or housework—but in fact, their egoism. " But what can be done? " you ask. As always, we have to begin with ourselves. If the matter has gone too far, go for consultation to an Orthodox psychiatrist [if one can be found—if not, find a good psychiatrist who is sympathetic to your religious beliefs. —OC]. But in any case, as Fr. Sergei says, " Offer him something of equal value as a replacement, and act patiently and very slowly. " Anastasia Mishagina Translation by OrthoChristian.com 2 ноября 2011 г. ... Предыдущий Следующий Комментарии Войдите через FaceBook ВКонтакте Яндекс Mail.Ru Google или введите свои данные: Pravoslavie.ru 17 ноября 2011, 10:00 The Russian version is at: http://www.pravoslavie.ru/jurnal/49445.htm Ivan Pupkin 7 ноября 2011, 03:00 This article is a bit troubling, to say the least. I much prefer to call into question the motives of this Dr. Igor Olienik, as [an Orthodox?] psychiatrist? How very nice of you sir, to expand your market for pharmaceuticals to your religious brethren; as if you can " t find enough victims for your wares in the modern secular world. Who really cares what your Psychiatric profession says about anything, given its perverse history? The Marketing Of Madness: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fduMpYhv1_M Making a Killing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDlH9sV0lHU Ekaterina 2 ноября 2011, 23:00 Can you translate this taxt? © 1999-2015 Православие.Ru


Archive Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk meets with head of French diplomatic mission in Moscow 25 January 2021 year 20:47 On January 25, 2021, the chairman of the Department for External Church Relations (DECR) of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France in Russia, H. E. Pierre Levy. Paricipating in the meeting were also, from the French side, Mr. Nicolas Broutin, first secretary, and interpreter Serge Dersin, and Archpriest Sergiy Zvonarev, DECR secretary for the far abroad, Metropolitan Hilarion warmly welcomed the high guest and his retinue to the synodal department, the church analogue of a secular ministry for foreign affairs. At the ambassador’s request, the hierarch spoke of the efforts made by the Church to help believers during the coronavirus infection pandemic. The talk focused on the history and the present situation of the Russian Orthodox Church. The DECR chairman cited the growing number of its parishes and monasteries and shared an account of the presence of the Moscow Patriarchate outside Russia, in the territory of other countries outside its canonical responsibility. Touching upon the situation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Hilarion drew the diplomat’s attention to the recent unlawful interference of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in the life of Orthodoxy in the Ukrainian land. Among other topics of the talk was the situation in inter-ethnic and interreligious relationships in Russia and France, including the work of the Interreligious Council in Russia and the legislative foundations of the functioning of religious organizations. They also discussed challenges brought to the state and society by extremism and terrorism parasitizing on people’s religious feelings and religious conciseness. In conclusion of the talk, the sides agreed to continue communicating and exchanged tokens of the meeting. DECR Communication Service /Patriarchia.ru Календарь ← 7 December 2023 year


What is Occultism?/Православие.Ru What is Occultism? Let us begin with a short but true story. A child comes home from school and sees that the floor is sprinkled all over with rice. " Mama, what happened? " he says. " I am expelling bad energy from the house, " she answers her son, explaining the practice of some Eastern mystic or other, where you sprinkle the " charmed " rice all over the floor. Who would have supposed that in the twenty-first century, alongside electronics, high technology and other scientific advances, the same old superstitious attraction to occultism would hang on. Everyone knows that many modern singers and actors are into cabbala. For example, Madonna personally founded a center for the study of cabbala in London, and others have followed her example—Elizabeth Taylor, Mick Jagger, Paris Hilton, Courtney Love, Phillip Kirikorov, Lolita Milyavskaya, to name only a few. The Norwegian Princess Martha Louise in 2010 announced her dedication to esoteric teachings and spiritualism. Businessmen attentively watch the astrology forecasts, and some politicians and athletes even go to psychics and other sorcerers before serious undertakings. Occultism (from the Latin occultus, meaning secret, hidden) is the mysterious teachings and cults that express a longing to penetrate the spiritual world, learn about the powers there, and possess them. This seems to be just as mysterious as the creaking of an old door in an abandoned barn, when children peek in with a mixture of fear and curiosity. Occultism considers that in man, nature, and the cosmos there are mysterious, supernatural powers, which can be revealed and discovered. Occultism calls people to take possession of these powers and use them to reach a more perfect life on earth. But isn " t that what religion also calls man to do? In religion (by which we mean firstly Christianity, as true religion), knowledge of the spiritual world comes after constant communion with God. In occultism, man attempts to break through to spiritual powers, bypassing God.


Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) celebrates rite of return to Church for apostates Moscow, April 11, 2017 Photo: Pravoslavie.ru      On Lazarus Saturday, April 8, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, celebrated the rite of apostates returning to the holy Orthodox Church. On this day, sixty-three people renounced paganism, sectarian errors, and false schismatic beliefs, in Moscow’s Church of the “Joy of All Who Sorrow” Icon of the Mother of God, reports the press service of the Moscow Patriarchate. As Lazarus was resurrected from bodily death, so have they been resurrected from spiritual death. Met. Hilarion welcomed them all back into the saving enclosure of the Church, noting that, while many contemporary people doubt the existence of the devil and his machinations, those who fell away were “experiencing first-hand the work of the devil.” However, we should take courage because, “The holy Church was founded by the Lord Jesus Christ, and for two thousand years already the Church has faithfully preserved intact the teaching of Jesus Christ and His apostles, as the place of the living presence of the Lord, His Most Pure Mother, and all the saints.” In the Church, His Eminence explained, we are united to the entire Body of Christ and all believers both past and present, and in the holy Eucharist we partake of the Lord Himself, which transforms and enlightens us.      He encouraged all those who had returned to immerse themselves in Orthodox spiritual literature, to be faithful in attending Divine Liturgy and receiving Holy Communion, and to trust in the Church to teach them rightly and guide them on the path to Heaven. He further exhorted them to “be obedient to the Church, read the Gospels every day which tell about the life and acts of our Lord Jesus Christ, and learn to build your life in accordance with Christ’s evangelical commandments.” Work with people who have fallen away from Orthodoxy is carried out in the Moscow church of the Joy of All Who Sorrow Icon of the Mother of God by the Center for Rehabilitation of Victims of Non-Traditional Religions in memory of A. S. Khomiakov. Currently the center is led by the church’s cleric priest Eugene Tremaskin. Preparatory talks are conducted for a few months before celebrating the rite of uniting to the Orthodox Church of sectarians and schismatics desiring to return to the true faith. 11 апреля 2017 г. скрыть способы оплаты скрыть способы оплаты Смотри также Комментарии Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Tweet Нравится Patriarch Kirill cautions against violent punishment of children Moscow, February 16, 2017 Photo: CNN      Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia has expressed concern about the methods of child rearing to which some Russian families resort. He offered his remarks after serving Liturgy on the feast of the Meeting of the Lord on Wednesday, which is also the Day of Orthodox Youth in Russia, reports Interfax-Religion . “We know how sometimes parents teach their children pretty severely… And we know the children sometimes suffer from it,” the primate stated. “The Lord does nothing by force,” he continued, drawing a parallel between God’s behavior and man’s. “He does not raise his strength against us and does not lower His strength. He simply stretches forth His hand to us. But it’s not a tire iron and it’s not a construction crane, but a loving hand which supports us, touching us in the difficult moments of our lives.” The Lord never violates our freedom, Patriarch Kirill continued: “God does not violate our freedom, and does not invade our life with that force with which human authorities sometimes invade.” On this day the patriarch consecrated the Church of St. Seraphim of Sarov in Moscow here he served. He emphasized that churches are built to help bring people closer to God Who raises the fallen and transforms lives, giving them power to overcome any challenges. 16 февраля 2017 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также A Teenager’s Meeting With God Archpriest Alexander Ovcharenko A Teenager’s Meeting With God Archpriest Alexander Ovcharenko In the teenage years a person finds himself at the crossroads: He is reevaluating what his parents have already managed to teach him, is looking for his “own way”, his own approach to truth. How can we talk to young people about the Church? How can we find the right words and not drive him away? How must we ourselves spiritually prepare ourselves for this dialogue, which is not so simple? “Fundamentals of Orthodoxy” taught to over eighty percent of school students in Moscow region “Fundamentals of Orthodoxy” taught to over eighty percent of school students in Moscow region The majority of fourth graders’ parents of Moscow region schools choose the “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” course for their children. A Pastor’s Adult View on Children’s Confession Fr. Artemy Vladimirov A Pastor’s Adult View on Children’s Confession Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov, Nikita Filatov Confession is the most important component of the spiritual life of every Christian, both adults and children. At what age should children begin to go to Confession? How to explain to them the essence of this Mystery? How to prepare for Confession? What can help to overcome the hesitation or even fear in our young people? Комментарии © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru


The relics of holy Hieromartyr Athanasius have been translated several times. The Monastery of St. Simeon suffered a fire in 1815; the relics were found to be intact and reinterred beneath the altar when the church was rebuilt, eventually moved into the sarcophagus so the parishioners could pray over the relics. In 1893, the relics were transferred to the church named in the hieromartyr’s honor in Grodno; and some of the relics were subsequently moved to an Orthodox convent in the bordering province of Lublin; when the nuns were relocated first to Siberia and then to Paris, the relics of St. Athanasius went with them, before being restored to Lublin in 1996. The courage, the steadfastness in the faith, and the love for the persecuted by which the holy monk lived his life are virtues for which all Orthodox Christians should strive; and St. Athanasius of Brest-Litovsk remains a beloved source of inspiration for Russian and Polish Orthodox Christians alike. Holy Hieromartyr Athanasius, Confessor of Orthodoxy, pray to God for us sinners! The Heavy Anglo Orthodox 18 сентября 2016 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также 1050th Anniversary of Christianity in Poland 1050th Anniversary of Christianity in Poland The religious and political ceremonies dedicated to the 1050th anniversary of Polish Christendom lasted three days and were organised in the cities of Gniezno, the cradle of Polish Christianity, and Pozna. A Contemporary Confessor and Martyr for Christ: Valeriu Gafencu Commemorated February 5/18 A Contemporary Confessor and Martyr for Christ: Valeriu Gafencu Commemorated February 5/18 Among the many portraits of the confessors, one will be found in particular that is recalled with reverence by all and is considered a saint: Valeriu Gafencu. Nicknamed “the saint of the prisons” by Father Nicolae Steinhardt in a truly inspired moment, Valeriu Gafencu was one of the more impressive figures who lived an admirable spiritual life amidst prison conditions. New Martyrs of Sakhalin Nun Cornelia (Rees) New Martyrs of Sakhalin Nun Cornelia (Rees) As Orthodox Christians not only in Russia but around the globe attended services and sang the praises of these righteous ones of the comparatively recent past, little did they suspect that two more Russians Orthodox Christians in the Russian far east would die that day, in a way that can only be called martyric. Who were these two martyrs, and what motivated the young man who everyone described as an ordinary Russian guy, indistinguishable from anyone else in the church until he opened fire on the worshippers assembled there? Комментарии © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru


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