Archive His Holiness Patriarch Kirill and Primate of Orthodox Church in America hold telephone conversation 22 December 2020 year 09:41 On December 21, 2020, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia spoke on the phone with His Beatitude Tikhon, Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of All America and Canada. The Primates exchanged greetings on the occasion of the upcoming feast of the Nativity of Christ, which the Orthodox Church in America will celebrate on December 25, according to the Revised Julian calendar. During the conversation, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill shared with His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon warm memories of his visits to America, including Alaska. As His Holiness noted, the year 2020 marks a jubilee: fifty years ago, on April 10, 1970, Patriarch Alexy I of Moscow and All Russia, of blessed memory, signed the Tomos of Autocephaly of the Orthodox Church in America. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill invited His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon to visit Russia when the sanitary and epidemiological situation allows it. Having expressed condolences over the demise of the former OCA Primate, Metropolitan Theodosius (Lazor), who fell asleep in the Lord on October 19, 2020, the Primate of the Russian Church shared recollections of his meetings with Metropolitan Theodosius over the years. His Holiness also offered condolences to His Beatitude Tikhon over one more loss that had befallen the Orthodox Church in America: Archbishop David of Sitka and Alaska passed away in November 2020. His Holiness mentioned, in particular, that this hierarch had been among those accompanying His Beatitude Tikhon on his visit to Moscow in 2019. His Beatitude Tikhon expressed condolences over the demise of Metropolitan Feofan of Kazan and Tatarstan, with whom he had been personally acquainted. During the conversation, His Holiness Kirill noted with gratitude the position of the Synod of the Orthodox Church in America on the situation in Ukraine. The Primates discussed how the Russian Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Church in America were coping with the restrictions caused by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Among other issues raised during the conversation was the completion of restoration works at the Church of St.Catherine the Great Martyr in-the-Fields – the OCA Representation in Moscow. DECR Communication Service / Календарь ← 7 December 2023 year

     Over 80 clergy and lay youth and camp workers gathered at Saint Seraphim Cathedral here January 21-23, 2016 for this year’s Pan-Orthodox Youth and Camp Workers’ Conference. “This annual conference is sponsored by the Orthodox Christian Camp Association and the leaders of all the different jurisdictions’ youth departments,” said Andrew Boyd, OCA Youth Director. “This year’s gathering was hosted by the Orthodox Church in America—and it was especially joyous to see so many come together to work to do better for our youth.” Fr. Steven Voytovich leads a discussion on burnout and self-care. The theme of the conference—“Feed My Sheep: Crisis, Trauma, and Everyday Life”—was explored in two keynote addresses by Archpriest Dr. Steven Voytovich, Dean of Saint Tikhon’s Seminary, South Canaan, PA, and numerous workshops. Father Steven focused on mental health and development in youth and young adults, as well as burnout and self-care for pastors and youth workers. Workshops focused on ministering to young veterans, responding to crises at camp, building effective young adult ministries, developing youth ministry programs in smaller parishes, and planting and expanding campus ministry efforts. Participants enjoy fellowship and exchange ideas and best practices. “This year saw a record number of both clergy and lay attendees from the OCA,” Mr. Boyd added. “Representatives from the Bulgarian Diocese, the Diocese of the Midwest, the Diocese of New England, the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, the Diocese of the South, and the Romanian Episcopate participated.” “I came away from the conference energized and ready to continue working with my parish’s lay leaders to deepen our youth ministry,” said Priest Justin Patterson. “I was also excited that the workshop I led on youth ministry in a small parish garnered so much interest and feedback. Coming home, I feel energized by what is happening in so many parishes across Orthodox America.” Attendees listen attentively before offering feedback and questions. His Grace, Bishop Thomas the Diocese of Oakland, Charleston, and the Mid-Atlantic of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, who chairs the Youth Committee for the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA, presided at a meeting of that committee’s consultants, focusing on youth formation and opportunities for more Pan-Orthodox cooperation among the youth. Next year’s conference will be hosted by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America from January 26-28, 2017 at a location yet to be determined. The Orthodox Church in America 5 февраля 2016 г. Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Всякий, ненавидящий брата своего, есть человекоубийца; а вы знаете, что никакой человекоубийца не имеет жизни вечной, в нем пребывающей. 1 Ин. 3,15 Суд признал архиепископа Канадского Серафима виновным в сексуальном насилии 27.01.2014 Архиепископ Оттавы и Канады Серафим (Сторгейм) признан виновным в сексуальном насилии. Решение об этом вынес суд в Манитобе (провинция Виннипег, Канада). Суд рассмотрел свидетельства о событиях, которые имели место в середине 1980-х гг., в то время, когда будущий архиерей Православной Церкви в Америке был священником в Виннипеге. В то же время архиепископ был оправдан по ряду других обвинений подобного рода. Окончательный приговор и мера наказания архиепископу Серафиму будут объявлены позднее. В настоящее время он остается на свободе под уплаченный за него залог. Архиепископ Серафим — бывший глава епархии Православной Церкви в Америке (OCA) на территории Канады. В декларации, опубликованной на официальном сайте OCA 24 января по поводу суда над архиепископом Серафимов, Синод Православной Церкви в Америке напоминает, что он временно отстранил владыку Серафима от его обязанностей в 2010 г., когда против него были выдвинуты обвинения. Была создана специальная синодальная комиссия, чтобы рассмотреть этот вопрос. Комиссия должна в ближайшее время опубликовать свое заключение. Владыка Серафим (в миру Kenneth William Storheim), архиепископ Оттавы и Канады является правящим архиереем епархии Православной Церкви в Америки на территории Канады, секретарем Священного Синода и председателем Отдела внешних сношений Православной Церкви в Америки. Является первым канадцем, который стал архиереем в юрисдикции Православной Церкви в Америки. В конце сентября 2010 г. Синод Православной Церкви в Америке заслушал доклад о том, что канадская полиция расследует жалобу по поводу сексуальных домогательств архиепископа Серафима. Этот акт, как предполагалось, имел место тридцать лет назад, когда архиепископ Серафим был священником в Виннипеге. Он был направлен в отпуск на период расследования. 30 ноября 2010 года Синод запретил его в служении. Седмица.Ru / Древо-инфо.Ru Редакция текста от: 27.01.2014 17:26:40

9 Murray R. Some Rhetorical Patterns in Early Syriac Literature//A Tribute to Arthur Vööbus. Chicago, 1977. P. 109–131. Впервые P. Мюррей обратился к этой теме в своей ставшей уже классической книге «Символы Церкви и Цар­ства» (недавно вышло второе, исправленное автором издание): Murray R. Sym­bols of Church and Kingdom. A Study in Early Syriac Tradition. Cambridge, 1975 (см., напр., p. 42–43 и p. 350–351). 10 Murray R. Hellenistic-Jewish Rhetoric in Aphrahat/« Symposium Syriacum III. Roma, 1983. P. 79–85 (OCA 221). 16 Samir Kh., Yousif P. La version arabe de la troisième Démonstration d " Aphra- hat (sur le jeûne)//Actes du deuxième congrès international d " études arabes chré­tiennes (Oosterhesselen, septembre 1984), Roma, 1986. P. 31–66 [арабский текст тахвиты «О посте» с факсимиле рукописи Strasbourg 4226, fol. 199 v – 202 г ] (OCA 226); текст арабской версии тахвиты «О молитве» не издан (Stras­bourg 4226, fol. 201 " -206»). 17 Почти ни один параграф оригинального текста не был переведен полнос­тью. Тахвита «О посте» содержит §§ 1–3, 7, 8, 14, 16 сирийского текста. Тах- вита «О молитве» – §§ 1–5, 8–15, 7, 18, 19 (см.: Sauget J.-M. Entretiens dAphraate en arabe sous le nom d " Ephrem//Le Muséon 92. 1979. P. 64–65). 18 Не издано; см. английский перевод С. Брока по рукописи British Library Or. 6714, fol. 81b-83ä Brock 1987. P. 190–196. 21 Craig E. Morrison. The Reception of the Book of Daniel in Aphrahat " " s Fifth Demonstration, «On Wars»:» HV7NlMorrison.html; Owens 1983; Goshen-Gottstein M. H. Prolegomena to a Critical Edition of the Peshitta//Text and Language in Bible and Qumran. Jerusa­lem; Tel Aviv: Orient, 1960. 22 Нельзя исключать и возможность использования Афраатом более древних по сравнению с сохранившимися рукописей сирийского Ветхого Завета, хотя, по наблюдению Р. Оуенса, библейский текст Афраата лежит в границах тек­стуальной традиции Пешитты (Owens 1983. Р. 247). В любом случае Афра­ат является очень ценным свидетелем раннего сирийского ветхозаветного текста (так, напр., самая ранняя сирийская библейская рукопись, содержащая фраг­мент книги Исаии, датируется 459–460 г., а самая ранняя рукопись, содержа­щая весь Ветхий Завет , – VI-VII вв.).

“I also thank the bishops of our Church, carrying out their ministry in various countries, to the hierarchs who are the first to respond to the challenges posed by those striving to destroy the unity of our Church, as well as by those who for ideological reasons fight against the Church, refusing to see her as a positive factor in the human life. I know that in their ministry bishops rely on the clergy, just as I rely, first of all, on the Moscow clerics and on active laypeople of different age, including the young committed people. Today it is our laypeople, including the youth, who are performing great deeds, often quietly and unnoticeably, but these deeds are changing the moral climate in our country. “What can I say about myself? Nothing more than we have heard today in St Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians. This year my birthday is on the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost. Of course, it is just a coincidence, but there is nothing fortuitous about God. And St Paul’s words are the only words I can say today with full responsibility and faith. ‘But God forbid that I should glory,’ St Paul writes, ‘save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.’ Amen.” DECR Communication Service 22 ноября 2016 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Patriarch Kirill: Persecution of Middle East Christians surpasses scope of Soviet Russian persecution Patriarch Kirill: Persecution of Middle East Christians surpasses scope of Soviet Russian persecution “That which the Christian world is now facing, it has never faced before. By the number of Christians killed, the persecution in Russia was more brutal and more extensive, but if we look at the proportions not in absolute, but relative terms, then the events in the Middle East can be called a genocide of the Christian population.” Metropolitan Tikhon, OCA delegation to visit Church of Russia Metropolitan Tikhon, OCA delegation to visit Church of Russia At the invitation of His Holiness, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon and a delegation from the Orthodox Church in America will join the Primates and representatives of the Local Orthodox Churches at services and related festivities in Moscow marking His Holiness’ 70th birthday. Комментарии © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru

Αρχεο Συνντηση του Μητροπολτη Βολοκολμσκ Ιλαρωνα με τον Προκαθμενο τη ν Αμερικ Ορθοδξου Εκκλησας τον Μητροπολτη Τχωνα 25 Οκτωβρου 2019 τος 11:47 Τα Γραφεα της ν Αμερικ Ορθοδξου Εκκλησας στην Syosset (Πολιτεα Νας Υρκης), που εχε συνντηση με τον Μακαριτατο Αρχιεπσκοπο Ουσιγκτον και Μητροπολτη πσης Αμερικς και Καναδ Τχωνα, επισκφθηκε στις 24 Οκτωβρου 2019 ο Μητροπολτης Βολοκολμσκ Ιλαρωνας, ο Πρεδρος του Τμματος Εξωτερικν Εκκλησιαστικν Σχσεων του Πατριαρχεου Μσχας, ο οποος ευρσκεται στις ΗΠΑ με ευλογα του Αγιωττου Πατριρχη Μσχας και Πασν των Ρωσσιν Κυρλλου. Ο Σεβασμιτατος κ. Ιλαρωνας προσκνησε τα ιερ κειμλια του παρεκκλησου του Οσου Σεργου του Ραντονζ και στη συνχεια τον Πρεδρο του ΤΕΕΣ προσφνησαν ο Μητροπολτης Τχων και στελχη των Γραφεων της OCA. Ο Μητροπολτης Ιλαρωνας αντιφνησε καταλλλως, μεταφροντας τις ευχς του Αγιωττου Πατριρχη Κυρλλου και προσφροντας στον Μακαριτατο κ. Τχωνα ιερ αναμνηστικ εγκλπιο. Ακολοθησε η συνντηση του Προδρου του ΤΕΕΣ με τον Προκαθμενο της ν Αμερικ Ορθοδξου Εκκλησας παρουσ και συμμετοχ του καγκελαρου της ν λγ Εκκλησας Πρωθιερα Αλεξνδρου Ρντελ και του Προσταμνου της Διευθνσεως των εξωτερικν και διεκκλησιαστικν σχσεων Πρωτοπρεσβυτρου Λεωνδα Κισκφσκι και λλων. Κατ τη διρκεια της συναντσεως η οποα διεξχθη σε θερμ αδελφικ κλμα συζητθηκαν επκαιρα ζητματα της Ορθοδξου επικαιρτητας καθς και θματα της περαιτρω συνεργασας της Ρωσικς Ορθοδξου Εκκλησας και της ν Αμερικ Ορθοδξου Εκκλησας. Ειδικτερα δε τα μρη επιβεβαωσαν το κοιν ενδιαφρον τους για την απ κοινο διεξαγωγ το τος 2020 σειρς αναμνηστικν και λατρευτικν εκδηλσεων με αφορμ την 225η επτειο απ την ναρξη απ τους μοναχος του Βλαμο της Ορθοδξου ιεραποστολς στην Βορειοαμερικανικ πειρο, τη 50η επτειο απ απονομς αυτοκεφαλας  στην ν Αμερικ Ορθδοξη Εκκλησα απ την Ρωσικ Ορθδοξη Εκκλησα και αγιοκατατξεως του Οσου Γερμανο Αλσκας. Εκδηλθηκε η προθυμα να συνεχισθε η κοινωνα στο υψηλ διεκκλησιαστικ εππεδο στα πλασια των εορτασμν στις 7 Δεκεμβρου του τρ.ε. της 25ετας λειτουργας του ν Μσχ Μετοχου  της OCA στον Ιερ Να Αγας Αικατερνης στο Βσπλγιε Μσχας. Календарь ← 23 Ιανουαρου 2024 τος © , 2005 – 2024 Με την επιφλαξη παντς νομμου δικαιματος © Сделано в Κατασκευ απ Stack Group

Fifteenth Anniversary of the Rebirth of Monastic Life in Sretensky Monastery. The First-Hierarch of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) congratulates Archimandrite Tikhon and brothers of Sretensky Monastery/Православие.Ru Fifteenth Anniversary of the Rebirth of Monastic Life in Sretensky Monastery. The First-Hierarch of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) congratulates Archimandrite Tikhon and brothers of Sretensky Monastery June 3, 2009 V. Rev. Archimandrite Tikhon, Abbot Monastery of the Meeting of the Vladimir Icon of the Theotokos ( " Sretensky " Monastery) Moscow, Russia Dear Father Tikhon: It brings me great joy to be able to congratulate you and the entire monastic brotherhood of " Sretensky " Monastery on the occasion of your 15 th Anniversary of the revival of monastic life at your holy habitation. Indeed, there is much that unites the Orthodox Church in America with Sretensky Monastery. It is well known that the ever-memorable Bishop BASIL (Rodzianko) played an integral role in the spiritual formation of the brotherhood of Sretensky Monastery during the early 1990 " s. His Grace was a frequent visitor to your holy habitation and a spiritual advisor to many of the first monastics during the early years of the monastery. In addition, we know that our current Representative to the Russian Orthodox Church, Archimandrite Zacchaeus, while still a hieromonk and then later Igumen labored at Sretensky Monastery while continuing his education at St. Tikhon Orthodox Institute, thus also continuing the spiritual connection that exists between your monastery and the Orthodox Church in America. The brotherly love that exists between our Representative and the Abbot and the brotherhood of Sretensky Monastery is apparent and brings joy to my heart. It is with great fondness and spiritual joys that I remember my visits to Sretensky Monastery during the days of revival in the 1990 " s and then once again as the Primate of the Orthodox Church in America during my first Primatial visit earlier this year. 1 am also aware that you, dear Father Tikhon, with the blessing of the Most Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia also received my two predecessors during their visits to Moscow, thus enabling them to see the positive work of the monastic brotherhood of Sretensky Monastery.

124 . Hausherr I. Opus Dei//OCP 1947. 13. 195–218. же://Id. 1 .405). 121–144. [О непрестанной молитве]. 125 . Hausherr I. Variations récentes dans les jugements sur la méthode d " oraison des hésychastes//OCP 1953. 19. 423–428. 126 . Hausherr l. Les Exercises spirituels de saint Ignace et la méthode d " oraison hésychaste//OCP 1954. 20. 7–26. 127 . Hausherr I. Note sur l " inventeur de la méthode d " oraison hésychaste//OCP 1954. 20. 179–182. же://Id. 2 .132). 4–7. 128 . Hausherr I. Comment priaient les Perès//RAM 1956. 32. 33–58, 284–296. 129 . Hausherr I. Noms du Christ et voies d " oraison. Roma I960. 314. (OCA 157). Basile (Krivocheine)//ВРЗПЭ 1964. 46–47. 180–183. пер.: The Name of Christ: The Names of Jesus used by the early Christians. The development of the Jesus Prayer. Kalamazoo 1978. (Cist. Studies. 44). McGuckin J.//Heythrop J. 1986 (Jan.). 27:1. 87. 130 . Hausherr I. Prière de vie-vie de prière. P. 1964. 131 . Hausherr l. La prière perpétuelle du chrétien//Laicat et sainteté. Roma 1965. 2. 111–166. же://Id. 2 .132). 255–306. 132 . Hausherr l. Hésychasme et prière. Roma 1966. XII, 308. (OCA 176). Guillaumont A. Notices bibliographiques//RHR 1968. 174. 221; Bayer M.//OS 1969. 18. 61. [Сб-к, куда вошли все осн. статьи автора на указ. тему]. 133 . Heiler F. Das Gebet. Eine religionsgeschichtliche und religionspsychologische Untersuchung. München 1923. 5 München; Basel 1969. [Один из базовых зап. трудов о молитве]. 134 . Jugie М. Les origines de la méthode d " oraison des hésychastes//EO 1931. 30. 179–185. 135 . Kallistos of Diokleia, bp. Praying with the body: the hesychast method and non-Christian parallels//Sobornost. 1992. 14:2. 6–35. 136 . Kallistos of Diokleia, bp. The «Monk of the Eastern Church» and the Jesus prayer//Sobornost. 1993. 15:2. 17–27. 137 . Kallistos Ware, hierom. Pray without ceasing: the ideal of continual prayer in Eastern monasteries//ECR 1969. 2. 253–261. 138 . Kallistos Ware, hierom. The power of the Namë The function of the Jesus Prayer//Word out of silencë A symposium on world spiritualities/Ed. Robinson J.-D. Cross Currents. 1974. (Summer/Fall). 24:2/3. 184 sq.

382 . Hardman O. The ideals of asceticism. L. 1924. 232. 383 . Harl M. Le langage de l’expérience religieuse chez les pères grecs//RSLR 1977. 15. 5–34. 384 . Hamack A. Das Mönchtum, seine Ideale und seine Geschichte. Leipzig 1905. пер.: Гарнак А. Монашество. Его идеалы и его история. СПб. 1906. 385 . Harpham G. G. The ascetic imperative in culture and criticism. Univ. of Chicago Press 1987. 325. Hollywood A.//J. of Religion. 1992, jan. 72:1. 165 sq. [Постмодернист, трактовка аскетизма, находящая его во всех явлениях совр. жизни и мысли, но полностью оставляющая в стороне собственно аскезу, сферу подвига, в к-рой автор невежествен]. 386 . Harpham G. G. Old water in new bottles: The contemporary prospects for the study of asceticism//Semeia 1992. 58. 134–148. 387 . Harpham G. G. Asceticism and the compensations of art//Asceticism 1 .241). 357–368. 388 . Hausherr l. Les grands courantsde la spiritualité orientale//OCP 1935.1.114–138. 389 . Hausherr l. Ignorance infinie//OCP 1936. 2. 351–362. же://Id 2 .132). 38–49. 390 . Hausherr l. A propos de spiritualité hésychastë controverse sans contradiction//OCP 1937. 3. 260–272. 391 . Hausherr l. Penthos. La doctrine de la componction dans l’Orient chrétien. Rome 1944. (OCA 132). Wenger A.//REB 1949. 7. 256–257. пер.: Penthos: the Doctrine of Compunction in the Christian East. Kalamazoo 1982. (CistSt 53). [Дет. иссл-ние аскетич. понятия «сокрушения " ]. 392 . Hausherr l. Les Orientaux connaissent-ils les «nuits» de Saint Jean de la Croix?//OCP 1946. 12. 5–46. же://Id. Hésychasme et prière 2 .132). 87–128. 393 . Hausherr l. Dogme et spiritualité orientale//RAM 1947. 23. 3–37. же://Id. Études de spiritualité orientale 1 .405). 145–180. 394 . Hausherr l. Limitation de Jésus-Christ dans la spiritualité byzantine//Mélanges offerts à F.Cavallera. Toulouse 1948. 231–259. же://Id. 1 .405). 217–245. 395 . Hausherr l. La direction spirituelle en Orient. Rome 1950. 396 . Hausherr l. Direction spirituelle en Orient autrefois. Rome 1955. (OCA 144). пер.: Spiritual direction in the Early Christian East/Forew. Kallistos Ware, bp. [The spiritual father in saint John Climacus and saint Symeon the New Theologian. VII-XXXIII]. Kalamazoo 1990. (CistSt 116).

Five bishops to bless Parma, OH’s ZOE House March 4 Source: Orthodox Church in America February 17, 2016      Five Orthodox Christian bishops will bless the new ZOE House of ZOE for Life in Parma’s original post office at 5454 State Road during its open house on Friday, March 4, 2016. The open house will begin at 6:30 p.m. with the blessing slated to take place at 7:00 p.m. Slated to bless the house are His Eminence, Metropolitan Savas of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Pittsburgh; His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel of Detroit and the Romanian Episcopate [OCA], His Grace, Bishop Daniel of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, His Grace, Bishop Gregory of Nyssa of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the USA, and His Grace, Bishop Paul of Chicago and the Midwest [OCA]. Headquartered in Cleveland Heights, OH, ZOE for Life is a non-profit Orthodox Christian ministry that helps women during and after crisis pregnancies, offers pure living resources and retreats, and assists Orthodox Christian couples seeking to expand their families through adoption. The agency, which is endorsed by the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA, offers its services at ZOE House, into which it moved at the end of December. “The Orthodox people are working together in unity, under the loving guidance of our metropolitans, bishops and clergy,” said Paula Kappos, ZOE for Life President. ZOE House occupies two-thirds of the post office’s space, Ms. Kappos said. With approximately 3,000 square feet, the new facility provides space for meetings, classes, prayer circles and other healing ministries. It is on the bus line and close to the freeway, occupying a single floor for easy access to pregnant women and children. “The new facility will also allow ZOE for Life to pursue its plan to create a Women’s Center to provide limited obstetrical ultrasounds, peer counseling, needed supplements and professional referrals to ensure that crisis pregnancies aren’t dangerous one,” Ms. Kappos added. “We are incredibly excited about what God is doing with ZOE for Life and are looking forward to whatever else He might have in store.” Additional info may be found on the ZOE for Life web site or by calling 440-893-9990. The Orthodox Church in America 18 февраля 2016 г. Оценка: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Смотри также Комментарии Новые материалы Выбор читателей Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

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