Sfântul i Marele Sobor va fi convocat de Patriarhul Ecumenic Bartolomeu la Constantinopol, în anul 2016, în cazul în care nu va aprea ceva neateptat. Preedintele Soborului va fi Patriarhul Ecumenic. Din dreapta i din stânga dumnealui vor edea confraii si – Întâistttorii altor Biserici autocefale. 7. Misiunea este legat indisolubil de unitate. Biserica nu triete pentru sine: datoria ei este de a mrturisi i a împri darurile lui Dumnezeu cu apropiaii i deprtai. Participând la Dumnezeiasca liturghie i rugându-ne pentru întregul univers, noi suntem chemai s continum aceast liturghie i dup oficierea serviciului divin, împrtind cu întreaga omenire darurile adevrului i ale dragostei, în conformitate cu porunca i fgduina final a Domnului: „Mergând, învai toate neamurile… Eu cu voi sunt în toate zilele, pân la sfâritul  veacurilor” (Mt. 28:19-20). 8. Noi trim într-o lume, în care multiculturalitatea i pluralismul sunt realiti inevitabile i în permanent schimbare. Noi suntem contieni c nici o problem în vremurile noastre nu poate fi propus sau soluionat fr a avea o concepie global, deoarece contrapunerea între caracterului local i cel mondial duce doar la schimonosirea modului de gândire ortodox. În faa scindrilor, segregrii i divizrilor noi pronunm cu toat hotrârea cuvântul Ortodoxiei. Noi recunoatem c un dialog este întotdeauna mai bun decât un conflict. Fuga i izolarea nu prezint alegerea noastr. Noi înc odat afirmm c datoria noastr este de a fi deschii pentru contactul cu alte persoane i alte culturi, cretinii altor confesii i adepii altor religii. 9. În pofida tuturor dificultilor, noi declarm vestea bun a Domnului, Care „atât de mult a iubit lumea”, încât „a trit în mijlocul nostru”. De acea noi, ortodocii, privim în viitor cu speran, în pofida tuturor tulburrilor, ndjduim la „Cel ce este, Cel ce era i Cel ce vine, Atotiitorul” (Apoc. 1:8). Deoarece noi inem minte c ultimul cuvânt - cuvântul de bucurie, dragoste i via – este al Lui. Lui i se cuvine slava, cinstea i închinciunea, acum i pururi i în vecii vecilor. Amin.


Священство – преемственно как в ветхозаветной, так и новозаветной церкви. Напротив, пророческое служение единолично и не знает преемственной передачи. Кроме того, если допускать, что любимый ученик не вкусил общечеловеческой смерти и неведомым образом пребывает, то и преемство делается не только излишним, но и невозможным в виду того, что он сам незримо пасет стадо свое, пророчественно его вдохновляя. По крайней мере, домыслы эти напрашиваются сами собою, при обозрении всех данных, сюда относящихся. Эти экзегетические наблюдения отдаем мы ныне на суд компетентной критики в полном сознании того, насколько трудна и ответственна эта область и сколь ограниченными в ней являются единоличные усилия. Само собою разумеется, устанавливаемый здесь факт двойственного первоапостольства Петра и Иоанна 34 ставит на очередь целый ряд и дальнейших принципиальных вопросов первостепенной важности, преимущественно из области учения о Церкви. Однако, сами эти вопросы выходят уже за пределы настоящего очерка. Лето 1923 г. 1 Мы воспроизводим здесь итоги этого изучения опираясь преимущественно на новейшее обширное uccлeдobahue Michel d’Herbigny S. I. Theologia de Ecclesia, I-II, 2 uзд. Paris. 1920–1. 2 D’Herbigny npuboдum для доказательства примата Петра и такие примеры, которые не могут не вызывать удивления: сюда относятся многочисленные проявления личного темперамента Петра, не всегда для него благоприятные: см. I, 217, D. Даже кроткий укор в Гефсимании: Симоне, спиши? ( Мр. 14, 37 ) попадает в реестр примата. 3 Блаженным называются в Евангелии те, кто исполняют закон Христов и удостаиваются испытания в верности ему: заповеди блаженства! Ср. также текст Ев. Лyku II, 27–28 : блаженно чрево, носившее Тебя, и сосцы, Тебя питавшие! А Он сказал: блаженны, слышащие Слово Божие и хранящие его. Ср. также в притче о рабах: блаженны рабы, которых господин пришедши застает бодрствующими. Лк. 12, 37, 43 . 4 Y d’Herbigny (L. с. I, 257) по этому поводу встречаем такое разъяснение: Ат praecipue Petrus dicitur a Christo scandalum et Satanas in ipso, Mt. 16, 23 .


Meletius " s successor Gregorius IV (sed. 1906–28) focused his activity on pastoral issues, including the establishment of «denomination councils», consisting mainly of laypersons, to support the bishops in their work. These councils even had the right to participate in the election of the patriarch and the bishops. The Church of Antioch suffered immensely during the Second World War and in its aftermath, as the re-drawing of national boundaries in the Middle Eastern region divided its flock between Syria, Lebanon and Turkey. However, the emergence of the Orthodox Youth Movement in 1942 breathed fresh life into the Church, bringing a serious commitment to ecclesial life and openness towards the challenges of the modern age. THE ORTHODOX YOUTH MOVEMENT: A SPIRITUAL REVIVAL The rise of the Orthodox Youth Movement or MJO (for »Mouvement de la Jeunesse Orthodoxe») in 1942 was one of the most obvious signs of revival in Antioch " s modern history. The founders of this movement, led by Georges Khodr (now Metropolitan of Byblos and Botris (Mt Lebanon)), were disturbed by the state of their Church, which was riven by inner tensions and dominated by confessional and sectarian ambitions fomented by Western powers. Inspired by religious zeal and the discovery of Orthodox spirituality, mainly through the writings of Russian émigrés, these young people called for a revival based on a " rediscovery» of the richness of the Bible and the Orthodox tradition. They were convinced that a genuine Christian life is distinguished by a true commitment to prayer and a conscious participation in the sacraments, which went hand in hand with a deep desire to strengthen theological education, with the aim of crystallising a committed Orthodox awareness, caring for the poor and the needy, rejecting sectarianism and opening up to other Churches and to Islam. After its recognition by the Antiochian Synod, the MJO spread rapidly. Youth groups were formed in the dioceses of Lebanon and Syria. Sunday Schools were established almost everywhere to teach children of all ages the basics of the Orthodox faith. The MJO has created an incomparable dynamic in Church involvement and ecclesial awareness that has touched almost every active member of the Antiochian Church. Under the influence of the MJO, and with a growing awareness of the importance of monasticism in the life of the Church, several monasteries were re-opened in Lebanon and Syria to welcome new brotherhoods of monks and nuns. These monasteries have since played a crucial role in counselling and spiritual guidance.


Accept The site uses cookies to help show you the most up-to-date information. By continuing to use the site, you consent to the use of your Metadata and cookies. Cookie policy Had St.Meletius of Antioch been ordained by the Arians: another faulty analogy in the ordination issue Had St.Meletius of Antioch been ordained by the Arians: another faulty analogy in the ordination issue   Bishop Sylvester of Belogorodka, vicar of the Kiev Metropolia, rector of the Kiev Theological Academy and Seminary   In the course of debates on the order of acceptance into the Church of persons ordained in schismatic communities one can often hear references to various precedents in history. For instance, the defenders of the position of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, which had received members of the UOC KP and UAOC into communion without reordination, cite examples of acceptance in the present dignity of persons ordained by schismatics and even by heretics. Yet, in most cases these examples do not seem to be convincing upon closer look. We will focus our attention on an example that one can encounter rather often. This is the ordination of St. Meletius and his ascension to the See of Antioch in 360. Assertions can be found in the literary works that he was ordained by the Arians. This is what both ancient church writers and modern researchers say. For instance, Socrates Scholasticus in his “Ecclesiastical History” wrote that the adherents of the Nicene faith believed that “Meletius had been ordained by the Arians” (Book II, ch. 44) St. Epiphanius of Cyprus wrote that St. Meletius “had been ordained by the Arians, followers of Acacius [of Caesarea]” (Panarion, 73, 28) Quite recently the same was said by Metropolitan Kyrillos (Katerelos) of Krini, the Patriarchate of Constantinople and by Abbot Antipa of St. Anne’s scete on Mt. Athos As far as is known, St. Meletius was held in special veneration during his lifetime both in Antioch and in Constantinople and presided at the Second Ecumenical Council in 381. How can these facts consist with the accusations of Arianism? Some Orthodox authors have already answered this question but, nonetheless, we will try to look more closely at this episode in church history.


Archive Patriarch Kirill takes part in the presentation of the Russian version of the book ‘Unto the Uttermost Part of the Earth’ 29 April 2018 year 23:12 On April 29, 2018, during the peace visit of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia to the Albanian Orthodox Church, a presentation took place of the book by His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana and All Albania entitled ‘Unto the Uttermost Part of the Earth’, devoted to the history, today’s tasks and prospects of the Orthodox mission.  The Primates of the Russian and Albanian Orthodox Churches took part in the event held at the cultural center of the Cathedral of the Trinity in Tirana. The presentation was attended by the members of the delegation accompanying Patriarch Kirill during his visit to the Albanian Church, including Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate department for external church relations (DECR), Archbishop Sergiy of Solnechnogorsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate administrative secretariat, Archpriest Nikolay Balashov, DECR vice-chairman, Archpriest Igor Yakimchuk, DECR secretary for inter-Orthodox relations, Archpriest Andrey Bondrenko, acting head of the Patriarchal Protocol Service, and Rev. Alexander Volkov, head of the Patriarchal press service. There were also hierarchs of the Albanian Orthodox Church, leaders of the religious communities in Albania, as well as numerous townspeople and guests of the city. Addressing the gathering, Archbishop Anastasios said in particular, ‘In the 1960s, when we began to refer to Risen Christ’s often forgotten commandment Go ye therefore, and teach all nations (Mt. 28:19-20) as part of the work of Orthodox youth throughout the world, many believed that it was ungrounded enthusiasm; others tried to restrict our efforts saying that they were made under an impact of Western churches. ‘And then we decided to engage in a systematic theological and historical research into the missionary work of the Eastern Church. We began with studies in Byzantine missions crowned with St. Cyril Equal-to-the-Apostles, whose name you, our dear and holy brother, have the honour to bear.


About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation Ascension of the Lord Convent on the Mt of Olives marks the 95th anniversary of a devastating earthquake Source: ROCOR Pravmir.com team 15 July 2022 Consequences of the 1927 earthquake on the Mount of Olives On the day of the celebration of the icon of the Mother of God, called the “Three Hands,” June 28/July 11, 2022, the 95 year anniversary of a devastating earthquake in the Holy Land was remembered. On this day, as every year after this natural disaster, a prayer service was performed to the Mother of God with a procession throughout the entire territory of the Holy Ascension Convent on the Mount of Olives. After the Divine Liturgy, the Head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission, Archimandrite Roman (Krassovsky), along with the clergy of the Mission, Archimandrite Innokenty (Sereda) and Protodeacon Vyacheslav Batalsky, went with the sisters in procession with the icon of the Mother of God “Three Hands.” The Abbess of the monastery, matushka Barbara (Novikova) along with the vice-abbess (namestnitsa) of the convent, nun Catherine (Samara) carried the revered icon. During the procession, the icon was handed over in turn to all the sisters of the monastery who consider it a grace-filled honor to carry the holy image. On July 11, 1927, at around 3 pm, an earthquake struck Palestine. the epicenter of the tremor was near the city of Jericho. Approximately 300 people died. The bell tower of the monastery, “Russian Candle”, has took such a dangerous lean that it is about to collapse. But miraculously it remained intact and and remained standing. We publish a photo of a house that was destroyed in front of the gates of the monastery. From that day on, the sisters of the convent celebrate this incident by thanking the Lord God for His mercy and praying to His Most Pure Mother that She always covers the monastery with her omophorion.


Tweet Нравится Athonite Hilandar Monastery buys 14th century Serbian manuscript Moscow, January 18, 2017 Photo: HIilandar Monastery      It would be among the National Library Foundation’s twenty most important manuscripts, but it was Mt. Athos’ Hilandar Monastery which recently purchased a highly valuable fourteenth century handwritten Serbian manuscript. According to the monastery’s own site , the manuscript, previously owned by a Greek collector, was passed over by the Athens National Library, and negotiations with the Serbian National Library failed procedurally. The collector was about to offer the manuscript to a London auction house when Hilandar, possessing a great treasure of manuscripts from Serbian saints, stepped in. “I wanted this book to be saved for Serbian culture, for our researchers,” explains Milivoj Rani, director of the Hilandar Foundation, adding “We are especially proud of the fact that Hilandar bought it with its own funds, and not through donations or contributions, with money earned from the sale of monastery wine.” The manuscript cost a large sum for a precious manuscript, but large enough for an Athonite monastery. Photo: Hilandar Monastery      A detailed study is yet to come, but for now it is certain that the manuscript was very carefully compiled by true masters, scholars, translators, interpreters, proofreaders and editors. The work contains a number of articles including homilies, letters, and hymns for nearly every Church celebration in the second half of September, with evidence of a volume on the first-half of September as well. Scholars are assuming that such a work was intended for the whole year, which would have to have been under wealthy patronage, presumably that of St. Stefan Lazarevic (June 15/28), who ruled from 1389 to 1427. The new acquisition is unique in that previously known similar works compiled texts on major holidays throughout the year, rather than focusing on daily chronological celebrations. Moreover, the manuscript appears to be a translation of texts known in the South Slavic tradition, the likes of which was hitherto unknown.


     Generously sow the seed of God’s Word, and take good care of the good sprouts. For this it is necessary to harmoniously develop different aspects of Church activity: spirituality and enlightenment, good deeds, which we now call social work, mission, and of course, education of the young generation, care over the building and restoration of churches, and the creation of strong Christian communities. All of these are the life-giving juices that feed the organism of the Church and help it grow and develop in full measure. This does not at all mean programs that are external to the Church, inspired by circumstances of the times. It means those nourishing juices, without which the tree of Church life cannot grow. Therefore, get a deep understanding of parish life, especially supporting the parish’s volunteer and youth groups.      It is extremely important for you to care for your good and faithful companions who might help you bear all the weight, and who would be reliable supports in difficulties and various situations. The clergy under your authority should become those close helpers for you. Be fully responsible when searching out candidates for the priesthood; test their sincerity in the faith and faithfulness to Christ’s Church, their erudition so needed in our age, and the depth of their pastoral sensitivity.      While always remembering the loftiness of the episcopal rank, be also simple and accessible in your association with clergy and laypeople. Avoid arrogance, remember that you have received the Spirit not to be ministered unto, but to minister (Mt. 20:28), and if necessary—and these are not just pretty words—to lay down your life for Christ’s rational sheep. Be a kind and caring father to your flock, showing sternness and integrity when needed, magnanimity and condescension where required, and unfailing love and spiritual discernment in all things.      While making your hierarchical vow remember also your monastic calling. The main work of any monk is prayer. Never abandon it, for nothing so sobers the mind, brings peace to the soul, and strengthens the spirit as prayer, which is the key that opens the Heavens to the believing heart. When it seems to you that you have neither the time nor the strength for it, when you feel that everyday affairs are about to swallow you whole, then together with Blessed Augustine sigh from the depth of your heart, “Do not be much caring, my soul: do not let the ear of my heart be deafened by the clatter of your fuss” (Blessed Augustine, Confessions , Book IV Blessed Augustine knew what he was saying, because he himself in the whirlpool of worldly vanity passed through many temptations and came to know the true power of prayer and repentance.


La grande e salvifica forza di amore guarisce l’indifferenza e la cattiveria, medica l’odio e le offese. Ammorbidisce i temperamenti feroci e corregge molte distorsioni dei rapporti sociali! Se ci comportiamo in questo modo, veramente eseguiamo la nostra vocazione altissima di essere cristiani, poiché con questa “effusione di amore”, secondo Sant’Isacco di Ninive, “diventiamo simili a Dio” (Sermoni ascetici, 48). Il mistero dell’Incarnazione è il mistero della presenza reale di Dio nel mondo. San Giovanni apostolo ed evangelista, prevedendo la vita del secolo che verrà, testimonia la permanenza completa del Signore con gli uomini: “Egli dimorerà tra di loro ed essi saranno suo popolo ed egli sarà il Dio-con-loro” (Ap 21, 3). Eppure, questo ineffabile mistero della presenza divina comincia a realizzarsi già adesso, sulla terra, poiché con il Natale del Salvatore “il tempo è compiuto e il regno di Dio è vicino” (Mc 1, 15). Noi entriamo in questa realtà in modo visibile, formando una e santa Chiesa di Cristo, tramite la quale noi tutti, miei cari, siamo messaggeri e rappresentanti di questo supremo Regno di amore. Questa mirabile e profonda esperienza del “Dio con noi” forma l’essenza della vita mistagogica e arcana della Chiesa. Ricordiamoci questo: se l’Onnipotente - l " Alfa e l " Omega, il Primo e l " Ultimo, il principio e la fine – ha abbracciato la storia umana e ha promesso di essere con noi “tutti i giorni, fino alla fine del mondo” (Mt 28, 20), allora non dobbiamo temere le circostanze preoccupanti dei nostri tempi. Rispondendo al grande amore del Salvatore, impariamo ad abbandonarci al Signore e a sperare nella sua buona Provvidenza affinché possiamo, fino alla seconda venuta di Cristo in gloria, testimoniare con coraggio e gioia alle “nazioni lontane” (Is 8, 9) che “Dio è con noi!” PATRIARCA DI MOSCA E DI TUTTA LA RUS’ Natale di Cristo 2023 / 2024 Mosca In altre lingue: Stampa la pubblicazione Condividere: Page is available in the following languages Commenti


Wir Priester haben alle die Erfahrung, wie Verblendung oder Verzückung gerade bei Jugendlichen zu geistiger Verwirrung, ja zur Krankheit führt. Das geschieht, wenn Jugendliche die natürliche Scheu oder „Furcht“ verlieren, gewisse Gedanken anzunehmen – dann werden sie ein gefundenes Fressen für den diabolos. Erst Jesus Christus, der zweite Adam, führt Seine Apostel endlich zum Ur-Auftrag Gottes an Adam zurück: „Lehrt sie alles halten, was ich euch befohlen habe“ (Mt. 28, 20). Gott bereitete unsere Ur-Eltern in ihrer Ur-Heimat auf eine neue Erfahrung vor. Zur Ausrichtung darauf gehörte die Bewahrung des Herzens nach Innen, im Hinblick auf denbesagten Baum, und der Schutz des Gartens Eden nach Außen. Das hebräische „gan“ ( =Einfriedung, Garten) bezeichnet ja, ebenso wie das persische „pardes“ (=Einzäunung, von daher „Paradies“), ein durch Abgrenzung geschütztes Stück Land .Der Garten unterscheidet sich grundsätzlich von seiner feindlichen Umgebung des tohu-wabohu, der Finsternis über der Tiefe. Gottes Auftrag an Adam ist, die ihm anvertraute Einfriedung zu bewachen . Tragisch ist das Eindringen Satans vermittels der Schlange in die Einfriedung, in diesen Ort der Ruhe verglichen mit der „außerhalb“ herrschenden Unordnung. Diesen Garten ist Adam berufen zu bebauen und zu bewahren, im weitesten Sinne Ordnung zu schaffen. Nach der Lehre des hl. Maximus Confessor war der Mensch berufen, die innere Ordnung des Paradieses auf die gesamte Welt auszuweiten . Adam sollte – wachsam und ordnend tätig – Mitstreiter im Heere Gottes werden: „ So wurden der Himmel und die Erde vollendet samt ihrem ganzen Heer.“ (Gen. 2,1). Welcher Art ist dieses Heer? Das biblische „zebah“ ( ) ist im heutigen Israel die Armee. In der LXX aber steht in der Schöpfungsgeschichte: Kosmos. Das Wort Kosmos, slawisch украшение, hat mit der Schönheitsgestaltung zu tun, daher die „Kosmetik“. Im weitesten Sinne geht es hier um eine Ordnung. Das Wort „zebah“ steht später auch für die Priester, die die Bundeslade betreuen (Num 4,30). Dass die Übersetzer der LXX das hebräische zebah im Griechischen mit kosmosübersetzen, zeigt, dass für sie der Aspekt der Schönheit Vorrang hat. Die Schönheit hat eine eigene Art von Macht. Solcher Art ist der Herr der Heerscharen - Jahweh Zebaoth!


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