John Anthony McGuckin Men, Alexander (1935–1990) KONSTANTIN GAVRILKIN Bible scholar, theologian, religious writer, and evangelist, Alexander Men was born to a Jewish family, but in 1935 his mother decided to become Orthodox Christian and he was baptized together with her in the Russian Catacomb Church. In his teens, Alexander had a spiritual experience that prompted him to write a book about Jesus: the first draft was finished when he was 15, and The Son of Man, published in 1969, was its final version. Around the same time, Alexander discovered the writings of the Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov, who shaped his understanding of history and Christianity. In fact, Solovyov’s idea to write a Christian inter­pretation of the history of world religions was later turned by Alexander Men into the six-volume series History of Religion: In Search of the Way, the Truth, and the Life, published in Russian between 1970 and 1983. When, in 1958, he was expelled from college for his religious beliefs, he was ordained a deacon and in 1960 a priest. He served in a number of parishes in the Moscow region; for the last twenty years of his life as a pastor of the Annunciation Church in Novaia Derevnia. In the 1960s Fr. Alexander became a supporter ofhuman rights activists, some of whom joined the Orthodox Church because of his influence. He also continued to write on the Bible, the history of salvation, and the Orthodox Church, publishing his books in the West under various pseudonyms (E. Svetlov, A. Bogolyubov, and A. Pavlov) with the help of the Catholic publishing house in Brussels, La Vie avec Dieu, which was instrumental in supplying Christians in the Soviet Union with Russian religious literature. In the 1970s and 1980s Fr. Alexander became a recognized spiritual leader of many Soviet intellectuals who were baptized and joined the Orthodox Church despite KGB harassment and political persecution. During the Gorbachev years, Fr. Alexan­der took full advantage of new avenues for evangelization and ministry: he and his fol­lowers founded the Russian Bible Society and the Open Orthodox University in 1990, created a network of Sunday schools, and initiated charitable ministries at vari­ous hospitals.

Saints Cyril and Methodius: Examples of Evangelism and Christianisation By encountering the Slavic people through their own culture and language, they were able to win their love and trust and evangelize them. They did not impose foreign languages or strange customs upon them, but lived with them, mastered their speech and embraced their culture and traditions. Saints Cyril and Methodius, Apostles to the Slavs (feast day: 24 May according to the old calendar; 11 May according to the revised) are celebrated by Slav Orthodox Christians as national and cultural heroes as well as saints. Much like the Three Great Hierarchs, Saints Basil the Great, John Chrysostom and Gregory the Theologian, whose contribution to Greek literature tends to overshadow what made them such remarkable saints, Cyril and Methodius’ life and sanctity also are frequently overshadowed by their contribution to Slavonic literature through the invention of the Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabets. Yet they are greatly revered outside the Slav world. So what makes these saints so significant for Orthodox Christians with little or no connection with or interest in the Slavonic language? At the heart of the universal admiration the Christian Orthodox world has for Cyril and Methodius is their remarkable missionary achievements. Prince Ratislav of Moravia wrote to the Byzantine Emperor Michael III (842-867), informing him that his people had rejected paganism and that they had embraced Christianity, but they had no one to teach them the faith in their own language. Roman Catholic missionaries had attempted to evangelize the Slavs, but they were unsuccessful, because they all had tried to do so in Latin or Greek. The Slavs needed missionaries who could speak their language. The prince’s request was answered in the persons of Cyril and Methodius. Cyril and Methodius were brothers, born in Thessalonica, Greece early in the ninth century. Both were highly educated, and both became monks; Cyril was also a priest who knew Slavonic.

Metropolitan Tikhon discusses persecution of Christians with Billy Graham Association representative Source: OCA His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon welcomed the Rev. Viktor Hamm, Executive Assistant of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, at the Chancery of the Orthodox Church in America on Thursday, November 10, 2016. Photo: During the course of the meeting, the Rev. Hamm extended an invitation to Metropolitan Tikhon to attend and address the World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians, slated to convene in Washington, DC May 11-13, 2017.  The Summit will bring together hundreds of Orthodox Christian, Evangelical and Catholic leaders and advocates and victims of persecution from around the world to address the growing legal, social and political problems associated with the persecution of Christians in today’s world.  His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion [Alfeyev] of Volokolamsk, who chairs the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, will be among those addressing the Summit’s plenary session. The Rev. Hamm explained that the Summit’s goals including raising global awareness of the ongoing persecution of Christians; demonstrating solidarity with all who are suffering because of their faith in Jesus Christ; exploring ways of reducing the discrimination, marginalization, harm and death perpetrated against Christians; communicating a Biblical understanding of Christian living in a hostile world; and celebrating faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.  Discussions focused on raising awareness of the suffering of Christians, particularly in the Middle East and other challenging regions, and mutual cooperation in addressing this and related areas of concern. Also participating in the meeting were Archpriest John Jillions, OCA Chancellor; Archpriest Eric G. Tosi, Secretary; and Protopresbyter Leonid Kishkovsky, Director of External Affairs . Code for blog Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong.

Funeral Services for His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York Source: ROCOR Photo: On Saturday, May 21, 2022, the feast of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, the monastic funeral of the newly reposed First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, His Eminence Hilarion, Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York, was held in the Synodal Cathedral “of the Sign” in New York City. His Eminence Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany officiated the service, co-served by members of the Synod of Bishops: His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America; His Eminence Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada; His Eminence Archbishop Peter of Chicago and Mid-America; His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan and His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe. Also taking part in the funeral rite were hierarchs of other Local Churches: His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph of New York (Antiochian Archdiocese of North America), His Eminence Archbishop Michael of New York and New Jersey (Orthodox Church in America), and His Grace Bishop Gedeon of Makarovka (vicar of the Kievan Metropolitanate, with the blessing of His Beatitude Metropolitan Onouphry), as well as a multitude of clergy of the Russian Church Abroad and guests. Earlier that day, Metropolitan Mark celebrated Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral “of the Sign,” with archpastors, representatives of Local Orthodox Churches, and many clerics taking part. Condolences on the repose of the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad were received from His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, Metropolitan Onouphry, His Eminence Metropolitan Jonathan of Tulchin and Bratslav, His Grace Bishop Longin of New Gracanica (Serbian Orthodox Church), His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph (Antiochian Archdiocese), and from a large number clergy and laity. They all speak of the reposed Metropolitan as a humble monk, a man of fervent prayer, a zealous server, and a good archpastor, in short, a true Christian. Condolence continue to be received.

Каталог икон на сайте Православные иконы Богородицы, Христа, ангелов и святых Описание: Богоматерь Днепрская. 1867 г. Москва. Мастерская МД Шеина (клеймо МШ). Дерево, серебро, стекло; живопись, штамповка, чеканка, гравировка, золочение, эмаль. 37,2х31,5 см. Сергиево-Посадский государственный историко-художественный музей-заповедник. Икона поступила в Троице-Сергиеву лавру в 18б7 году после смерти митрополита Московского Филарета (Дроздова). Вместе с другими иконами она была привезена на гробе настоятеля Троице-Сергиевой лавры к месту его погребения. Надписи на трех картушах в нижн[...] Файл 30005.jpg:   Размер: 517x610, 0.32 MPix, 207 Kb. Дата: 2017-10-24, анонимно. Рейтинг изображения: 4 (116) , (2) . Описание: A RARE AND LARGE ICON SHOWING THE MOTHER OF GOD DNEPROVSKAYA Russian, Vetka, mid 19th century Tempera on wood panel. The Mother tenderly embracing her Son, him holding onto the edge of her maphorion. Finely executed in reds on a gold ground. Six selected saints on the borders showing the Evangelists John and Matthew, Mark and Luke, Sts. Irina and Anisia. Vertical crack restored, minimally restored. 44.9 х 38 cm. Файл 30006.jpg:   Размер: 950x1100, 1.05 MPix, 525 Kb. Дата: 2017-10-24, анонимно. Рейтинг изображения: 4 (108) , (2) . Описание: Днепровская Пресвятая Богородица. XIX век. 10,4 х 8 см. Муниципальное бюджетное учреждение культуры " Городецкий историко-художественный музейный комплекс " . Файл 31942.jpg:   Размер: 1657x2001, 3.32 MPix, 768 Kb. Дата: 2018-06-02, анонимно. Рейтинг изображения: 4 (97) , (2) . Описание: Богоматерь Днепрская с Ангелом-хранителем и преп. Сергием на полях. Вторая половина XIX века. Дерево, левкас, темпера. 34,5 х 27,0 х 1,6 см. Центральный музей древнерусской культуры и искусства имени Андрея Рублева. Файл 32523.jpg:   Размер: 497x640, 0.32 MPix, 143 Kb. Дата: 2018-08-30, анонимно. Рейтинг изображения: 3 (96) , (2) . Описание: Икона четырехчастная: «Богоматерь Казанская», «Феодоровская», «Днепрская» и избранные святые: «Великомученика Параскева, Священномученик Антипа, Святой Лонгин, Ангел Хранитель и Святая Матрона». Россия, Гуслицы, вторая половина XIX века. Дерево; левкас, темпера, золочение. 35,7 х 30,5 см. Частное собрание.

[англ. Benson] Ричард Мьюкс (1824, Лондон - 14.01.1915, Коули), англикан. священник, основатель первой англикан. монашеской общины. Начальное образование получил дома, затем учился в Крайст-Чёрче (Оксфорд). В 1850 г. Б. стал священником и был назначен на приход в Сербитоне, недалеко от Литлмора, где некогда служил Дж. Ньюмен . В 1858 г. в городке Каддесдон Б. основал дом для уединения и молитвы священников (Retreat). Подобные дома уже возникали в связи с деятельностью Оксфордского движения , однако прежде они служили более местами встреч и общения. В 1959 г. в мест. Коули на территории своего прихода Б. построил ц. св. Иоанна Богослова. Б. всегда хотел стать миссионером и готовился отбыть в Индию, однако местные церковные власти настояли на том, чтобы он остался в Англии. Желая превратить основанный им Retreat в настоящую монашескую общину (он считал монашество основой миссии, а монахов - лучшими кандидатами в миссионеры), Б. активно консультировался с Э. Пьюзи и лордом Ч. Галифаксом , а также с А. П. Форбсом, еп. Бречинским, разделявшим трактарианские взгляды и находившимся в хороших отношениях с бенедиктинцами из Монте-Кассино . 27 дек. 1866 г., в день св. ап. Иоанна Богослова, в Коули первые 3 священника принесли монашеские обеты. Новое монашеское сообщество называлось «Священники-миссионеры св. Иоанна Евангелиста» (Mission Priests of St. John the Evangelist); его первым главой (супериором) стал Б. Устав сообщества был заимствован у бенедиктинцев и нек-рых др. католич. орденов, в основном священнических. Богослужение совершалось по «Книге общих молитв» , к к-рой Б. добавил 7 дореформационных служб суточного круга; в общине соблюдались посты, во время трапезы монахи слушали чтения, практиковалась регулярная частная исповедь. Никакой особой одежды, кроме священнических сутан, «отцы-евангелисты» не носили. Будучи англиканином, Б. всегда признавал необходимость подчинения епископам в вопросах пастырства и богослужения и не стремился вводить католич. обрядность, как это делали трактариане. В 1879-1883 гг. были основаны отд-ния сообщества в США, Индии и Юж. Африке. В 1884 г. Б. закончил составление конституции и устава для «Священников-миссионеров», действующих в ордене и в наст. время. В 1890 г. Б. оставил должность супериора и жил на покое. За это время он смог побывать почти во всех отд-ниях ордена, но незадолго до смерти возвратился в свою общину в Коули. Похоронен в Лондоне.

Metropolitan Onuphry Consecrates University Church in Odessa The church dedicated to St. John the Theologian was built in the complex of Odessa National University. Photo: The consecration of the church in honor of the Apostle John the Theologian, built in the complex of Odessa National University, was performed by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev and All Ukraine, on October 9, 2020, the commemoration day of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John. After the rite of great consecration, the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church officiated the Divine Liturgy at the church, reports the Information and Education Department of the UOC. Among the concelebrants were Metropolitan Agafangel of Odessa and Izmail, Metropolitan Anthony of Boryspil and Brovary, guests, and clerics of the Odessa diocese. During the service, prayers were offered for stopping the spread of the coronavirus infection and for the doctors who are fighting for life and health of their patients. After the liturgy, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry congratulated those present on the feast day and told them about the life of St. John the Theologian in his sermon. The archpastor thanked those who participated in the construction of the church for their hard work and awarded the benefactors with church awards. In particular, he awarded Sergei Kivalov, President of the National University “Odessa Law Academy”, who was the initiator of the construction of both the university and the church. Sergei Kivalov, President of the National University “Odessa Law Academy”, holding the award next to Metropolitan Onuphry Then Metropolitan Onuphry took part in the grand opening of Odessa National University. Odessa National University is the largest university in Odessa, 1200 students can study here. The university was built on the site of the family church of a prominent public figure of the 19th century, Grigory Marazli. There are two churches in the complex: one is in honor of the Apostle John the Theologian and the other is dedicated to St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Celebration of the Feast of St. John Kochurov at Chicago’s Holy Trinity Cathedral      The early years of the 20th century witnessed the rise of a unique Chicago ecclesiastical landmark — Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral, designed by noted architect Louis Henry Sullivan. Collaborating with Sullivan in the cathedral’s construction was the parish’s rector, Father John Kochurov, who had been assigned to serve Chicago’s Orthodox Christian community in 1895. Consecrated in 1903, the completed edifice drew much attention at the time, being the first example of Byzantine and Russian architecture and iconography in the US Heartland. Father Kochurov faithfully served the cathedral until he and his family returned to Russia in 1907. Ten years later — on October 31, 1917 — he became the first clergyman to be martyred for his faith at the outset of the Revolution. Canonized as a saint in December 1994 — the bi-centennial year of Orthodox Christianity’s arrival in North America — he is lovingly remembered to this day as “Saint John of Chicago.” Photo:      The Feast of Saint John Kochurov was celebrated at Holy Trinity Cathedral on the last weekend of October 2016. His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, joined His Grace, Bishop Paul of Chicago in welcoming Grace, Bishop Mstislav of Tikhvin, Russia, to the celebration, which opened on Saturday afternoon, October 29 with the singing of the Akathistos Hymn in honor of Saint John Kochurov. The three hierarchs, together with His Grace, Bishop Demetrios of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago, served at the Vigil on Saturday evening. An exact reproduction of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God — the gift of Bishop Mstislav — was to have been blessed and enshrined in the cathedral, but it unfortunately had been delayed in transit from Russia. A special presentation and blessing of the icon will be celebrated in November. Ascribed to the hand of the Evangelist Luke and enshrined for centuries in Jerusalem, Constantinople and since the 1400s, northern Russia, the Tikhvin Icon had been brought to Chicago after World War II by the late Bishop [later Archbishop] John [Garklavs] and enshrined in the cathedral. In 2004, the icon was returned to Tikhvin and once again placed in the monastery there. The reproduction will be permanently enshrined in the cathedral.

Wonderworker and Unmercenary Cyrus Commemorated on January 31 Saint Cyrus was a noted physician in the city of Alexandria, where he had been born and raised. He was a Christian and he treated the sick without charge, not only curing their bodily afflictions, but also healing their spiritual infirmities. He would say, “Whoever wishes to avoid being ill should refrain from sin, for sin is often the cause of bodily illness.” Preaching the Gospel, the holy physician converted many pagans to Christ. During the persecution by Diocletian (284-305), Saint Cyrus withdrew into Arabia, where he became a monk. He continued to heal people by his prayer, having received from God the gift to heal every sickness. In the city of Edessa at this time lived the soldier John, a pious Christian. When the persecution started, he went to Jerusalem and there he heard about Saint Cyrus. He began to search for him, going first to Alexandria and then to Arabia. When Saint John finally found Saint Cyrus, he remained with him and became his faithful follower. They learned of the arrest of the Christian woman Athanasia and her three young daughters. Theoctiste was fifteen; Theodota, was thirteen; and Eudoxia, was eleven. Saints Cyrus and John hastened to the prison to help them. They were concerned that faced with torture, the women might renounce Christ. Saints Cyrus and John gave them courage to endure what lay before them. Learning of this, the ruler of the city arrested Saints Cyrus and John, and seeing their steadfast and fearless confession of faith in Christ, he brought Athanasia and her daughters to witness their torture. The tyrant did not refrain from any form of torture against the holy martyrs. The women were not frightened by the sufferings of Saints Cyrus and John, but courageously continued to confess Christ. They were flogged and then beheaded, receiving their crowns of martyrdom. At the same place they executed the Holy Unmercenaries Cyrus and John. Christians buried their bodies in the church of the holy Evangelist Mark. In the fifth century the relics of Saints Cyrus and John were transferred from Canopis to Manuphin. Later on their relics were transferred to Rome, and from there to Munchen (Munich) (another account is located under June 28).

Reproduction of Tikhvin Icon enshrined in Chicago’s historic Holy Trinity Cathedral      His Grace, Bishop Paul and a number of clergy and faithful were present as a reproduction of the Wonderworking Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God was enshrined in Holy Trinity Cathedral here on Wednesday, November 9, 2016. The icon — brought from Russia by His Grace, Bishop Mstislav of Tikhvin, who also was present — was to have been placed in the cathedral during the celebration of the feast of Saint John Kochurovon October 29-30. Due to a number of delays encountered in shipping the icon from Russia, however, the icon did not arrive in time. “Prior to Wednesday’s service, Bishop Mstislav carefully removed the packing materials used to protect the icon,” said cathedral member Larisa Fetterly. “A faithful reproduction of the original, the icon is covered with a decorative sterling silver cover, or ‘riza,’ embellished with pearls and precious gems.” Photo:      The icon was then brought in procession from the parish hall to the cathedral, at which time Bishops Paul and Mstislav, assisted by Deacons Thomas Keith and Alexander Koranda, celebrated the Akathistos Hymn in the icon’s honor. Also in attendance were Hieromonk Onufrii, who accompanied Bishop Mstislav; Archpriest John Adamcio, cathedral Dean; Archpriest Mykola Bodnarchuk; and Priest Alexei Vassiouchkine. “The final prayers of the Akathistos Hymn to the Tikhvin Icon made me realize the need we have for the protection of the Holy Theotokos, especially in light of the election of our new President-elect,” said Bishop Paul. “We are a divided country and in need of her prayers for us. May the presence of this icon be an instrument of peace for us in America.” After venerating the icon, those present enjoyed light refreshments in the parish hall. Photo:      According to ancient tradition, the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God is one of several painted by Saint Luke the Evangelist. In the fifth century, the icon was taken from Jerusalem to Constantinople, where it was enshrined in the Church of Blachernae, which was built especially for this purpose. In 1383, seventy years before the fall of Constantinople, fishermen on Lake Ladoga in the principality of Novgorod in northern Russia witnessed the icon miraculously hovering over the lake’s waters amidst a radiant light. Shortly thereafter, the icon appeared in several neighboring towns, including the village of Motchenitsy on the bank of the Tikhvinka River, before it finally appeared near the town of Tikhvin. A wooden church dedicated to the Dormition of the Mother of God was built on the site. In 1560, by order of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, a men’s monastery was established near the church. Over the centuries, the icon’s fame spread far and wide, with copies of the original adorning countless churches throughout Russia and beyond.

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