233 О. С. Edwards, «A Surprising View of Gnosticism,» New Review of Books and Religion, May, 1980, p. 27. 234 Joseph A. Fitzmyer, «The Gnostic Gospels According to Pagels,» America, February 16, 1980, p. 123. 235 Cp. Drane, Introducing the NT, chapter 11. Гатри приводит подробные обзоры современных критических дискуссий (pp. 43–53 Matthew., pp. 81–84 Mark., pp. 113–125 Luke., pp. 252–283 John.). См. Habermas, Ancient Evidence for the Life of Jesus, p. 63 (и сноски), где перечислены многие современные ученые, подтверждающие традиционное авторство. 236 Помимо историков Майкла Гранта и А. Н. Шервина-Уайта, чьи взгляды на историческую ценность Евангелий рассматривались в главе 3, см.: R.T. France, The Evidence for Jesus (Downers Grove: Inter Varsity, 1986), chapter 3, especially pp. 121–125; Blomberg, Historical Reliability, p. 161; Drane, Introducing the NT, chapter 12. 239 Фем Перкинс, которая сама имеет непосредственное отношение к этим исследованиям и положительно отзывается о некоторых работах Пейджелс, тем не менее, пишет: «Пейджелс проявляет недостаток либо осведомленности, либо заинтересованности в вопросе о богословском многообразии и развитии «ортодоксального» христианского богословия в первые три столетия, что не позволяет ей справедливо судить о его защитниках, споривших с гностиками. Она часто увлекается обобщенной риторикой обеих сторон, ошибочно принимая риторику за факты». (См. Pheme Perkins, «Popularizing the Past,» Commonweal, 9 November, 1979, pp. 634–635.) В числе проблем в работах Пейджелс – методология популяризации, постоянное наложение политических, социологических и современных психологических факторов на древние философские и богословские вопросы, а также отсутствие защиты прав женщин, которую ей хотелось бы видеть в гностических источниках. (Подробнее см.: Edwards, р. 7; Fitzmyer, р. 122; Perkins, р. 635; Raymond Е. Brown, «»The Christians Who Lost Out,» The New York Times Book Review, January 20, 1980, p. 3; Kathleen McVey, «Gnosticism, Feminism, and Elaine Pagels,» Theology Today, vol. 37, January, 1981, pp. 498, 501.)


It must be pointed out that Palestinian Christians have long played a leading role in in the Palestinian national project, alongside their Muslim brethren. Palestinian Christian leaders have demonstrated their commitment to the cause and many have left their mark on the course of the Palestinian struggle and the more contemporary Palestinian revolution. Among the prominent examples of such influential figures is Dr George Habash, known as the founder of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Other leading figures were Edward Said and Dr Wadih Haddad, known for being the leader of he Popular Front of the Liberation of Palestine " s foreign operations branch and the vice-president of the Palestinian National Council during the Palestinian Liberation Organisation " s earlier years. We cannot forget that many of the cause " s leaders were among the Palestinian Christians living in the 1948 territories during the early years following the Nakba. Many of them led battles to defend their right to stay inside Israel and contributed to Palestinian resistance and were very persistent in making changes on the ground. One must also mention other prominent Palestinian Christians such as Tawfiq Toby from Haifa, famous writer Emile Habibi and historian Emile Toba. There are also figures like Shehadeh Shehadeh, who is known for his work as the head of the Committee for Land Defence, lawyer Hanna Naqara, writer and poet Hanna Ibrahim, thinker Elias Choufani and the leaders of the Land Movement, which started in the Galilee in the 60s as a way to confront the occupation and its oppressive policies. Among the members of the Land movement were: Mansour Kardoush, Boulus Farah and Habib Qawaji among others. 5 июля 2014 г. Смотри также Комментарии Benjamin Chung 26 августа 2015, 22:00 Very confusing as always. Israel not acknowledging Jesus Christ as Messiah but being of the people of Jesus in geneological history and ancestry. Palestinian Christians and palestinian muslims calling for their own independent state apart from Israel while the muslim extremist ISIS in Syria are actively threatening and murdering christians! It is hard to imagine how a palestinian state could exist with christians and muslims both citizens in there....not likely since muslims have always persecuted christians....I do not see why any christian would support muslims over and against Israel given that christians have not been persecuted by Israel nearly as much as by muslims....


A second expansion dates back to the mid 19th century, during Bulgaria’s National Revival period, when residents of the then village of Boyana funded further construction. After Bulgaria’s National Liberation from the Ottoman Empire in 1878, local residents wanted to tear down the Boyana Churchin order to build a bigger one in its place but was saved by Bulgaria’s Tsaritsa-Consort Eleonore (1860-1917), the second wife of Bulgarian Tsar Ferdinand (r. 1887-1918). The unique murals of the Boyana Church also date back to different periods. The oldest layer is from the 11th-12th century, while the 240 most valuable mural depictions from the second layer date back to 1259 AD. There are also murals from the 14th century, the 16th-17th century, and 1882. The world famous murals from 1259 AD, which have been described by many scholars as Early Renaissnace or precursors of Renaissance Art, are the work of the unknown Boyana Master and his disciples who are believed to have been representatives of the Tarnovo Art School in the Second Bulgarian Empire(1185-1396 AD). They have sometimes been described as belonging to the tradition of the so called Byzantine Palaiologos (Palaeologus or Palaeologue) Renaissence. In addition to the many biblical scenes, themurals at the Boyana Church feature depictions of Sebastokrator Kaloyan and Sebastokratoritsa Desislava as donors, as well as of Bulgarian Tsar Konstantin Asen Tih (r. 1257-1277 AD) and his wife, Tsaritrsa Irina. Two other small churches preserved in today’s Sofia are also attributed to thedonorship of Sebastokrator Kaloyan. The frescoes of the Boyana Church were restored several times between 1912 and 2006. The Boyana Church was first opened for visitors as a museum in 1977. Archaeology in Bulgaria 13 января 2016 г. Рейтинг: 2 Голосов: 2 Оценка: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Archaeologists Discover Ancient Hebrew Slab Near Town Where Jesus Drove Out Demons Archaeologists Discover Ancient Hebrew Slab Near Town Where Jesus Drove Out Demons Historians have long believed that Kursi was inhabited either by Jews or early Christians, and the discovery, supervised by Prof. Michal Artzi of Haifa University and Dr. Haim Cohen with the Israel Antiquities Authority and the Israel Nature and Parks Authority, seems to confirm those ideas. Комментарии Новые материалы Выбор читателей © 1999-2015 Православие.Ru


Archive Primates of Orthodox Churches of Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem and Cyprus emphasize the necessity of defending the faithful, churches and monasteries in Ukraine from attacks and violence 19 April 2019 year 17:24 On 18 th  April 2019, at the invitation of His Beatitude Archbishop Chrysostomos II of New Justiniana and All Cyprus, Their Beatitudes Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria and All Africa, Patriarch John X of Antioch and All the East, and Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem visited Cyprus. Discussed at the meeting were problems of inter-Orthodox relations, as well as the plight of Christians in the Middle East. At the results of the meeting, a joint communiqué was issued, noting that Their Beatitudes the Primates of the Orthodox Churches discussed various problems “that arose after granting autocephaly to the Orthodox Church in Ukraine.” “His Beatitude Chrysostomos, Archbishop of Cyprus, briefed them [the three Primates] on his personal initiative of mediation. After listening to His Beatitude, the Primates of the three Churches gave their support for his initiative to carry it for the good of the unity of the Orthodox Church in Christ Jesus. In this regard, Their Holiness and Beatitude called upon all people concerned to work, on the one hand, to achieve Eucharistic unity, which constitutes the fullness of the Church in Christ Jesus, and on the other hand, to protect the faithful, their churches and their monasteries against all forms of transgressions and all acts of violence coming from any side, whatever the causes and motives are,” the communiqué states, in particular. The Primates of the four Orthodox Churches also expressed “their sadness at the indifference of various countries and centers of power regarding the fate” of the Archbishops of Aleppo, Paul Yazigi of the Church of Antioch and Youhanna Ibrahim of the Syrian Jacobite Church, who were abducted six years ago, on 22nd April 2013. During a private meeting, Patriarch John X of Antioch and Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem “discussed in a spirit of sincerity, brotherhood and love, and exchanged views on the issue related to both Churches. They expressed their sincere determination and good intention to overcome these problems in the nearest future, in order for both Churches to reach the sought Eucharistic communion.” DECR Communication Service /Patriarchia.ru Календарь ← 7 December 2023 year


Cultic Groups Stalk Harvest Crusade Attendees/Православие.Ru Cultic Groups Stalk Harvest Crusade Attendees Torrence, California, August 4, 2010 - Christian Newswire When Lynn’s son Bryce went to the annual Harvest Crusade, a Christian music and evangelism event, she had no way of knowing he would be lured into a cultic group known as the Twelve Tribes . Before she knew it, Bryce abandoned his studies at Christian college and disowned his family. The Twelve Tribes regularly field teams of proselytizers to intercept new converts and their friends as they leave the Crusade. Dancing and distributing literature around their brightly painted “hippie bus” in the Angel Stadium parking lot, Twelve Tribes members invite passerby’s to commit themselves to a more authentic Christian lifestyle in their “messianic communities.” But as Lynn discovered to her dismay, behind the quaint “freepapers” and homespun clothing is a religious system marked by exclusivism, racism, manipulation, and the spiritual domination of a man who calls himself “Yoneq.” Seventh-day Adventists are among the other groups that chase down Crusade attendees. These followers of the prophetess Ellen G. White emphasize end-time themes, especially the observance of Saturday as the true day of worship, in order to avoid the coming wrath of God. “Churches need to inoculate their members against ‘love bombing’ by predatory groups at crusades and concerts,” says Gretchen Goldsmith, CEO of Rose Publishing. “Christians need help in discerning truth from error so they can recognize and resist counterfeits–and this is especially true of new believers who have just responded to an invitation to trust in Jesus.” Goldsmith recommends that churches educate their attendees on a regular basis on key beliefs and doctrines, and be familiar with the way these are twisted or denied by groups claiming to be Christian but actually rejecting the 2000-year-old message. To help bridge the gap for Christians, Rose Publishing has just released a new 6-session DVD-based course called Christianity, Cults & Religions . It covers the key Christian beliefs and why Christians hold them. It also goes into detail on the beliefs of six groups that aggressively proselytize today and how to answer them.


Egyptian Christians Persecuted Post-Morsi " s Downfall/Православие.Ru Egyptian Christians Persecuted Post-Morsi " s Downfall SOURCE: Huffingtonpost.com By Hamza Hendawi A supporter of ousted Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi paints graffiti on the wall of a Coptic Church in Assiut, Upper Egypt, Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2013.Arabic graffiti reads, " Boycott the Christian dogs. "      ASSIUT, Egypt -- It was nighttime and 10,000 Islamists were marching down the most heavily Christian street in this ancient Egyptian city, chanting " Islamic, Islamic, despite the Christians. " A half-dozen kids were spray-painting " Boycott the Christians " on walls, supervised by an adult. While Islamists are on the defensive in Cairo following the military coup that ousted President Mohammed Morsi, in Assiut and elsewhere in Egypt " s deep south they are waging a stepped-up hate campaign, claiming the country " s Christian minority somehow engineered Morsi " s downfall. " Tawadros is a dog, " says a spray-painted insult, referring to Pope Tawadros II, patriarch of the Copts, as Egypt " s Christians are called. Christian homes, stores and places of worship have been marked with large painted crosses. The hostility led a coalition of 16 Egyptian rights groups to warn on Wednesday of a wave of violence to come, and to demand that the post-coup authorities protect the Christians who are 10 percent of the population, and suffer chronic discrimination. Nile-side Assiut, a city of one million people 400 kilometers (250 miles) south of Cairo, dates back to the pharaohs. The New Testament says Mary, Joseph and the infant Jesus passed through as they fled the infanticidal King Herod. Today, its Christian fears are compounded by the failure of authorities to curb the graffiti-spraying and the Islamists " demonstrations, which have gone on almost nightly since the July 3 coup that ousted Morsi. " They (the Islamists) will not stop as long as they are left to do as they please without fear of accountability, " said Hossam Nabil, 38, who owns a jewelry store on Youssry Ragheb Street, where the demonstration passed on Tuesday night. " They are many and one day they will trash our stores. "


«Звезды, сверкающие на ночном небе, как алмазы на черном бархате, и луна, серебряное сияние которой отражается в волнах какого-нибудь озера, свидетельствуют о том, что они были созданы великим Архитектором». (Сторожевая Башня, 01.10.1980 г., стр. 4); «А если это так, то разве этот Великий Архитектор позволит жадным людям уничтожить влажнотропические леса и разорить землю?» (Пробудитесь! 22.03.1997 г., стр. 13). Вы можете еще ознакомиться с подобными цитатами на английском языке: «Despite the opinion of such men, God " s own Word says that the design was received under inspiration by Moses from the great Architect of the universe, Jehovah God himself. ( Ex. 25:9 ) Christ Jesus accepted this statement». (Watchtower 56 11/15 685 Israel’s Wonderful Way in Worship); «While sharing the happiness of such an organization, my purpose has been to work for and serve the great Architect and Builder of that citylike organization and to aid in its expansion». (Watchtower 59 11/1 668 Pursuing My Purpose in Life); «This means that the entire earth will be made a paradise according to the pattern of Jehovah, the great Architect who originally purposed it so». (Watchtower 67 7/15 431 Festivals of Praise to Jehovah); «The stars at night scattered above like sparkling diamonds on black velvet, or the silvery moon shining on the waves of a sea, reflect that a Great Architect is responsible for these lovely things». (Watchtower 79 4/1 1 7–18 Youth’s Place in the Christian Society); «Consider, rather, how marvelously the Great Architect of the universe implanted in men so great a variety of capabilities!» (Awake! 70 5/22 2 1–2 Eye-catching Architecture-Ancient and Modern); «Jehovah is the Great Architect; he knows how he wants man to use the things he has created to beautify and «subdue» the earth». (Awake! 71 7/8 4 Why Do Things Wear Out); «Those who are acquainted with the Holy Scriptures know that the Great Architect of language is none other than Jehovah God himself». (Awake! 73 8/22 21 Where Do Words Come From?);


I wish my friends who remained pagans would simply study the subject a little bit deeper and without prejudice. This would be quite enough to understand the inadequacy of paganism and, possibly, return to Orthodoxy. Only distorted views on Christianity keep people in paganism. And mere pride: after spending many years believing in it, they can’t renounce it all of a sudden, because their inertia is too strong. But there is God and He is really Love. I wish all neo-pagans would experience such Love. Ivan Liskov was interviewed by priest Priest George Maximov Translation by Talyb Samedov 5 июня 2015 г.   Contactee : In the study of UFOs, this is what people are called to say that that have come into contact with non-earthly civilizations, were abducted by extra-terrestrial beings, etc. In modern “new age” jargon, these are people who have established continual contact with certain spirits, and convey their “revelations”.   Egregore —In occultism this word implies an essence that supposedly lives on the astral and mental planes at the same time and works together with a person’s intellect. It is widely believed that an egregore receives its existence from people’s thoughts and emotions.   Tikala —In Hinduism, a “sacred” mark that followers of Hinduism inscribe with various materials on the forehead or other parts of the body. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Смотри также Комментарии TurtleShroom 25 сентября 2015, 03:00 Greetings from the Protestant side of the Faith! I greatly enjoyed this article and I fully agreed with its message. It was an uplifting, spiritual story about finding God and coming back to Him after so long. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ and we all serve the One True God and His Son, Jesus Christ. It always does my heart and soul good to read stories about how people came to know Christ. Grimmwotan 9 июня 2015, 14:00 A conversa entre o Padre George Maksimov e o ex-rodnover Ivan Liskov, tem tons similares em algum sentido com o que ocorreu com o famigerado golpista do ocultismo, Fabiano Jacob (o nome em si, sionisticamente falando, jб nos diz muito sobre o assunto), mais conhecido como Millenium.


Сергей Худиев События в селе Птичье, Ровенской области, когда путем явного, грубого, беззаконного насилия группа громил пытается забрать храм у общины Украинской Православной Церкви и передать его раскольникам, продолжаются несколько дней. Уже и сам митрополит Онуфрий обратился к президенту Порошенко за защитой - и пока без толку. Святитель Спиридон родился в конце III века на острове Кипр. В молодости он был простым пастухом, имел жену и детей, и все свои средства отдавал на нужды ближних и странников. За это Господь вознаградил его даром чудотворения: он исцелял неизлечимо больных и изгонял бесов. English Edition [Orthodoxy Today] “I entered the Patriarchate, fell on my knees before His Holiness, and began sobbing… I sobbed like any father would who was losing his child and mourning over him. I could barely even get the words out about my catastrophe. Tearfully I begged our Patriarch to save my son“. [Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ] The long-awaited winter holidays in Georgia, New Year and Christmas, are just around the corner. [News] Nativity advert featuring Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus follows Lord’s prayer advert with cinema ban [Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ] His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) " Today with hope we listen to the words of the greeting of the angels: Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord (Lk. 2:10-11). " [Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ] At around midnight on November 12th, the day on which the craftsmen expected to start their work, there was lightening and thunder - thunderbolts, one after the other. It was then that the guard of the governor " s residence saw a monk approaching him holding a lit torch in his hand. [Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ] Fr. Herman (Podmoshensky) And here, in the midst of this pre-Christmas joy so filled with impressions, there enters into the American consciousness a Russian monk from Valaam who was also connected with children, coziness, spice-cake, pretzels, covered by the Alaskan snow—St. Herman the Wonderworker of America.


The next year the Magyars were decisively defeated by the Bulgarians in the extremely fierce Battle of Southern Buh (in today’s Ukraine) which eventually led their tribes to retreat to the west and settle in the region of Pannoniaessentially founding today’s Hungary. During the later years of the First Bulgarian Empire the region around today’s Silistra was known for its rock monasteries. In 927 AD, Drastar became the seat of the first internationally recognizedPatriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Damyan. In 969 AD, it was captured by Knyaz Sviatoslav I of Kiev, the ruler of Kievan Rus in 945-972 AD, but two years later it was conquered byByzantium under Emperor John I Tzimiskes (r. 969-976 AD) in the Battle of Dorostolon, and renamedTheodoropolis, after military saint Theodore Stratelates. In 976 AD, Bulgaria’s Tsar Samuil (Samuel) (r. 977/997-1014 AD) regained the city until 1001 AD when it was again conquered by the Byzantine Empire. Drastar was a metropolitan’s residence and a major fortress during the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1396 AD). In 1279 AD, under Tsar Ivailo (r. 1277-1280), Drastar withstood a three-month siege by the Mongols. It was conquered by the invading Ottoman Turks in 1388 AD (ca. 1400 AD, according to some sources), and turned into a major Ottoman fortress. Subsequently, Silistra has remained a major urban center in the Lower Danube region. 17 октября 2015 г. Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Archaeologists Find Last Fragment of Early Christian Christogram in Bishop " s Basilica in Bulgaria " s Sandaski Archaeologists Find Last Fragment of Early Christian Christogram in Bishop " s Basilica in Bulgaria " s Sandaski Archaeologists excavating the so called Bishop’s Basilica of the Ancient Roman and Early Byzantine city of Parthicopolis located in the town of Sandanski in Southwest Bulgaria have discovered the last fragment from a marble slab with a christogram, a Christian symbol consisting of a monogram of letters standing for the name of Jesus Christ. Skeletons Found in Early Christian Tomb on St. Ivan Islan Off Bulgaria " s Sozopol Belonged to Syrian Monks Who Brought St. John the Baptist " s Relics Skeletons Found in Early Christian Tomb on St. Ivan Islan Off Bulgaria " s Sozopol Belonged to Syrian Monks Who Brought St. John the Baptist " s Relics “After completing the excavations we have found that the way [the tomb] was built differs from all other known tombs in Bulgaria from this time period. Its foundation is tiled with 18 tiles of equal size covering all four walls. Above the tiles comes the arched structure of the roof. The floor is tiled with the same kind of tiles,” Popkonstantinov explains. Комментарии © 1999-2015 Православие.Ru При перепечатке ссылка на Православие.Ru обязательна Контактная информация Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


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