Desecration of a mosque in Moscow - the Church calls to prevent provocations Moscow, January 13, 2015 The Russian Orthodox Church expresses its concern over the desecration of a memorial mosque at the Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow, reports Interfax-Religion . “This crime was obviously committed by people whose behavior is incompatible with both Islam and Christianity, otherwise they would not have used an unskillfully painted cross together with an obscene image near it in their provocative and blasphemous action,” said Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, head of the Synodal Department for Church-Society Relations, to Interfax-Religion . He has supposed that somebody, probably very young people, “got carried away by the hysteria around Islam and Islamic symbols that is now going on in the world”. “Campaigns directed against religious symbols always attract mentally unsound and foolish people. And I do not want the world agenda to be determined by terrorists taking refuge in Islam on the one part and by anti-religious instigators and blasphemers on the other part,” the agency’s spokesman noted. According to him, “such an agenda very soon may lead to a war of all against all”. “Apparently someone is striving for this, stimulating pseudo-Islamic extremists and, at the same time, provocateurs who desecrate religious symbols. It grieves me that the cross of Christ was used in this way, it is monstrous. Thus, it is a desecration of both the mosque and the cross alike,” said the representative of the Church. He has expressed his hope that “we will learn who committed this crime and will work hard together so that all the attempts to undermine the interfaith and interethnic peace from any side might be excluded from our life”. Earlier Azamat Mintsayev, vice-chairman of the All-Russian Interethnic Youth Union, published on his social network’s page photographs with drawings painted in black by unidentified people on the walls of the memorial mosque. Among the pictures are those of a cross and of male reproductive organ near it. 15 января 2015 г. Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Сочинение И. Т. приобрело большую популярность в араб. мире; поставленная им задача демонстрации совместимости богословских и философских истин позднее на более высоком теоретическом уровне решалась в трактатах Ибн Рушда и др. исламских авторов. На лат. язык сочинение И. Т. впервые было переведено с евр. языка Пико делла Мирандола в XV в., в 1671 г. Э. Покок издал оригинальную араб. версию с собственным лат. переводом под заглавием «Philosophus Autodidactus, sive Epistola... de Hai Ebn Yokdhan, in qua ostenditur quomodo ex infereorum contemplatione ad superiorum notitiam ratio humana accendere possit» (Философ-самоучка, или Сочинение о Хайе Ибн Якзане, в котором показывается, как человеческий разум от созерцания низшего может возвыситься до познания высшего). К наст. времени повесть И. Т. переведена на все европ. языки, на мн. из них (в т. ч. на русский) она переводилась неоднократно. Соч.: Науу Ben Yaqza  n: Roman philosophique d " Ibn Thofail: Texte arabe, trad. franç./Ed. L. Gauthier. Beyrouth, 1936 (рус. пер.: Роман о Хайе, сыне Якзана/Пер. и предисл.: И. Кузьмин. Пг., 1920; Повесть о Хайе, сыне Якзана [Повесть о Живом, сыне Бодрствующего]/Пер., вступ. ст. и коммент.: А. В. Сагадеев. М., 1988). Лит.: Hourani G. F. The Principal Subject of Ibn Tufayl " s Науу Ibn Yaqza  n//JNES. 1956. Vol. 15. N 1. P. 40-46; Hawi S. Islamic Naturalism and Mysticism: A Philos. Study of Ibn Tufayl " s Науу Bin Yaqza  n. Leiden, 1974; idem. Ibn Tufayl " s Appraisal of His Predecessors and Their Influence on His Thought//Intern. J. of Middle East Studies. 1976. Vol. 7. N 1. P. 89-121; Goodman L. Ibn Tufayl//History of Islamic Philosophy/Ed. S. H. Nasr, O. Leaman. L., 1996. [Vol. 1.] P. 313-329; The World of Ibn Tufayl: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Науу Ibn Yaqza  n/Ed. L. I. Conrad. Leiden, 1996. Д. В. Смирнов Рубрики: Ключевые слова: ВАХБ ибн Муннабих ибн Камил ибн Сайадж, Абу Абдаллах (654 или 655 - 728 или 732), мусульм. ученый-традиционалист, принадлежавший к табиун ИБН РУШД Абу аль-Валид Мухаммад (1126 - 1198), исламский философ, богослов и ученый, комментатор сочинений Аристотеля

Фрейберг Л.А. (ред.). Античность и Византия. М., 1975. Хонигман В. Петр Ивер и сочинения Псевдо- Дионисия Ареопагита /Пер. с нем. Тбилиси, 1955. Хосроев А.Л. Из истории раннего христианства в Египте. М., 1997. Хосроев А.Л. Пахомий Великий : (Из ранней истории общежительного монашества в Египте). СПб., 2004. Хрушкова Л.Т. Раннехристианские памятники Восточного Причерноморья (IV-VII века). М., 2002. Чекалова А А. Константинополь в VI веке: Восстание Ника. СПб., 1997 (2-е изд.). Чекалова А А. Сенат и сенаторская аристократия Константинополя: IV – 1-я половина VII в. М, 2010. Штаерман Е.М. Кризис античной культуры. М., 1975. Шувалов П.В. Секрет армии Юстиниана: Восточноримская армия в 491–641 гг. СПб., 2006. Щукин М.Б. Готский путь: Готы, Рим и Черняховская культура. СПб., 2005. Allen P. , Jeffreys Е. (ed.). The sixth century: end or beginning? Brisbane, 1996. Angold M. Byzantium: the bridge from antiquity to the middle ages. London, 2001. Bagnall R. Egypt in late antiquity. Princeton, 1993. Bagnall R . (ed.). Egypt in the Byzantine world, 300–700. Cambridge, 2007. Baker D. (ed.). The Orthodox Churches and the West. Oxford, 1976. Barnwell P.S. Emperor, prefects and kings: the Roman west, 395–565. London, 1992. Beck H.-G. (hrsg.). Studien zur Friihgeschichte Konstantinopels. Mun-chen, 1973. Blockley R.C. East Roman Foreign Policy: Formation and Conduct from Diocletian to Anastasius. Leeds, 1992. Bonini R. Introduzione alio studio delF eta Guistiniana. Bologna, 1977. Bonner M. (ed.). Arab-Byzantine relations in early Islamic times. Alder-shot, 2004. Bowersock G.W. Roman Arabia. Cambridge (Mass.), 1983. Brock S. From Ephrem to Romanos: interactions between Syriac and Greek in late antiquity. Aldershot, 1999. Brock S. (ed.). The Hidden Pearl: the Syrian Orthodox Church and its ancient Aramaic heritage. Rome, 2001. 4 vol. Brown P. The World of Late Antiquity: AD 150–750. London, 1971. Brown P. The Cult of the Saints: Its Rise and Function in Latin Christianity. Chicago, 1981.

Indonesia has the largest Islamic population in the world, according to the Pew Research Center, and ranks #47 on the the Open Doors 2015 World Watch List of the worst persecutors of Christians. In light of the recent spurt in violence, Curry is urging the Christian community worldwide to unite in prayer for their brothers and sisters in Indonesia. " Christianity is opposed in Indonesia, " he said. " It is a very difficult place to work, but we need to be praying, we need to be going, we need to be interacting with and loving Muslims in that culture. I think we keep pressing forward, but we know what we " re dealing with. " 16 октября 2015 г. Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Indonesian Orthodoxy Indonesian Orthodoxy Jakarta, Indonesia- Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral) of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) Archbishop of Australia and New Zealand arrived in Indonesia today and served a liturgy in Jakarta were he ordained 2 Indonesians deacons to the Priesthood. During the course of his visit to Indonesia His Eminence will ordain 4 priests and 1 deacon. In the ROCOR mission of Indonesia there are already over 2500 Indonesian Orthodox parishioners. The Dean of the Indonesian Orthodox mission Archimandrite Daniel Byantoro held a press-conference with to describe the difficult situation in the rapidly expanding Orthodox mission in Indonesia. If Jesus is God, Let my daughter be alive! Notes about Indonesian Orthodoxy Priest George Maximov If Jesus is God, Let my daughter be alive! Notes about Indonesian Orthodoxy Priest George Maximov What is the Crown Princess of Bali doing in an Orthodox church, why do Russians prefer to confess to Indonesians, and why Orthodoxy is a blessing for Indonesia—these and other themes are discussed in the Indonesian notes of Fr. George Maximov. " I Believe in the Future of Orthodoxy in Indonesia " A Conversation with Archimandrite Daniel (Byantoro) " I Believe in the Future of Orthodoxy in Indonesia " A Conversation with Archimandrite Daniel (Byantoro) Archimandrite Daniel Byantoro Fr. Daniel is the first Indonesian convert to Orthodoxy and the founder and heart of the struggling Orthodox Church there. Комментарии © 1999-2015 Православие.Ru

     “When I look at the present state of things in the world I realize that Vladimir Putin is the sole defender of Christian civilization one can rely on,” Assad said in an interview with French magazine Valeurs Actuelles. The Syrian leader also said that he would step down only if asked to by the Syrian people and the Syrian parliament, adding that the issue of his possible resignation had not yet been raised on an international level. Syria will only share intelligence information with France if Paris changes its policies in the region, President Assad said. " If the French government is not serious in its fight against terrorism, we will not waste our time collaborating with a country, government or an institution that supports terrorism, " he noted in the interview carried out the day after Friday " s deadly attacks in Paris. " You have to first change policy so that it is based on one criteria, to be part of an alliance that joins countries only fighting terrorism and not supporting them, " Assad added. More than 220,000 Syrians have lost their lives in four-and-a-half years of armed conflict, which began with anti-government protests before escalating into a full-scale civil war. More than 11 million others have been forced from their homes as forces loyal to President Bashar Assad and those opposed to his rule battle each other — as well as jihadist militants from Islamic State and the al-Nusra Front. 18 ноября 2015 г. Смотри также Комментарии ChiRho 18 ноября 2015, 21:00 Bashar Assad is correct. The majority of European leaders are not Christians and do not care for Christians. They are Socialists (Communism-light) and Marxists. They have more in common with the Islamists than Christians and their policies support this idea. The president of the United States is most certainly not a Christian and more pro-Islamists than the European leaders. The anti-Assad fighters are Sunnis from mostly outside of Syria pretending they want democracy. In truth, their goal is to take out the strongmen (the mostly secular leaders of the Middle East and North Africa who maintain order and relative freedom) and replace them with hardline Islamists who are loyal to the Muslim Brotherhood. Syria is not experiencing civil war, it is experiencing an invasion. Just as with Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, etc the Muslim Brotherhood is attempting to overthrow governments and install their people. Russia did more damage to IS in a couple weeks than anyone else did in over a year. Europe and the USA are pretending to fight IS while actually aiding it. Putin deserves much credit. The other world leaders only give empty words and shows, Russia is actually fighting on the side of Christianity. Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

We must stand up for Middle East " s persecuted Christians/Православие.Ru We must stand up for Middle East " s persecuted Christians SOURCE: By Johnnie Moore      Christianity began in the East, not the West, yet today Christians in the East are enduring an all-out-assault by Islamic terrorists, while Christians in the West live their lives largely oblivious to it all. This has to change. This is no imaginary persecution; in Syria alone there have been reports of kidnappings, Christian communities intentionally displaced by militants and, worst of all, shootings and beheadings of Christians who refused to convert to Islam. In Egypt radicals have recently destroyed dozens of churches, and the once vibrant Christian population in Iraq has been decimated. Christians in the West should stand up for those in the East out of regard for all they have given us over these thousands of years, if for no other reason. See, what most American Christians don’t realize is that the “Islamic World” was once the Christian world. Some of the most well-known and influential leaders in the early church hailed from North Africa and the Middle East – like the warring theologians Athanasius and Arius, and the apologist Tertullian. It was for the library in Alexandria that the preeminent Greek version of the Torah (the “Septuagint”) was commissioned. Today, St. Augustine would be called a Tunisian, Origen would be Egyptian and the Apostle Paul – who was on the road to Damascus when he encountered Christ – would have told the story of his conversion while heading to “Syria.” It was also in the Syrian city of “Antioch” that Christians were first called “Christians,” and to this day there are as many Christian holy sites in that nation as anywhere else in the world. When Jesus was born, and his life was threatened by the hysteria of King Herod, it was to Egypt that Joseph and Mary fled until Herod’s bloodlust subsided. If the famed Council of Nicaea were held today, the headline would read: “Christian theologians gather in Turkey to settle long-held dispute about Christ’s deity,” and the part of the Jordan River where Jesus was baptized could have very well flowed through modern-day Jordan , as opposed to Israel.

This arbitrary ban seems to be yet another demonstration of the “unofficial” second-class status of Christians in Turkey. As the scholar Robert Spencer puts it: That t he Greek Orthodox need special permission to celebrate divine services in any of their churches in what is now Turkey is a dark reminder of the Islamic oppression of Eastern Christians from the mid-7th Century to today, and for the Greeks, especially from the Muslim conquest of Constantinople in 1453 through the defeat of the Ottoman Empire by the Western Powers during World War I. Today, Greek-speaking Orthodox Christians are a tiny, dwindling minority in Turkey -- around 2,500 people -- and the community routinely faces discrimination. “Christians are certainly seen as second-class citizens,” Walter Flick, a religious expert with the International Society for Human Rights in Germany, told the publication DW. “A real citizen is Muslim, and those who aren " t Muslim are seen as suspicious. Christians aren " t equal. They don " t have full rights.” PJ Media 7 октября 2016 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Смотри также Комментарии ChiRho 10 октября 2016, 16:00 Any Christians left in Turkey should flee expediciously if they have any sense. The Turks are intent on reviving the Ottoman Empire and they will not be any less vicious than before. Clara Haralambis 8 октября 2016, 01:00 Their way to hell is bright, may our God have mercy on their souls! Anthony 7 октября 2016, 20:00 This has been going on ever since turks came to our lands. What is however of massive significance was a speech erdogan gave last week, where he (and later the mayor of Ankara) effectively tore up the Treaty of Lausanne which created the modern day borders between Greece and Turkey, claiming the Greek islands as turkish. Those who have read the prophecies of Ayios Paisios and Geronda Iosif Vatopaidinos know that when the issue of the examilia (six miles) is raised, (the six miles being the six nautical mile radius which is Greek territory around the Greek islands), then you know war is near. Once Greece and Turkey withdraw their embassies, then Turkey will hit some Greek islands, Russia will smash Turkey to pieces, and the third world war will kick off. All these are well documented prophecies that can be read on the internet or seen on youtube.

P. 45-68; idem. Islamic Associations in Cameroon: Between the Umma and the State//Islam and Muslim Politics in Africa/Ed. B. F. Soares, R. Otayek. N. Y., 2007. P. 227-241; Mbaku J. M. Culture and Customs of Cameroon. Westport, 2005; Messina J.-P., Van Slageren J. Histoire du Christianisme au Cameroun, des origins à nos jours: Approche oecuménique. Yaounde; P., 2005; Mouiche I. Islam, mondialisation et crise identitaire dans le royaume bamoun, Cameroun//Africa. L., 2005. Vol. 75. N 3. P. 378-420; Constitution of the Republic of Cameroon//Human Rights, Peace and Justice in Africa: A Reader/Ed. Ch. Heyns, K. Stefiszyn. Pretoria, 2006. P. 167-169; Loumpet-Galitzine A. Njoya et le royaume Bamoun: Les archives de la Société des missions Évangéliques de Paris, 1917-1937. P., 2006; Taku N. Cameroon//Encycl. of World Constitutions/Ed. G. Robbers. N. Y., 2007. T. 1. P. 157-161; Orosz K. J. Religious Conflict and the Evolution of Language Policy in German and French Cameroon, 1885-1939. N. Y., 2008; Dr ø nen T. S. Communication and Conversion in Northern Cameroon: The Dii People and Norwegian Missionaries, 1934-1960. Leiden; Boston, 2009; Kodji G. T. Traditional Beliefs in Modern Society. Tromsø, 2009; Lado L. Catholic Pentecostalism and the Paradoxes of Africanization: Processes of Localization in a Catholic Charismatic Movement in Cameroon. Leiden; Boston, 2009; Christianity in Cameroon: Cameroonian Christians, Christian Missionaries in Cameroon, Roman Catholic Dioceses in Cameroon. S. l., 2010; Daughrity D. B. The Changing World of Christianity: The Global History of a Borderless Religion. N. Y., 2010. P. 212-224; DeLancey M. D. e. a. Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Cameroon. Lanham (Md.), 2010 4; Awoh P. A. The Dynamics and Contradictions of Evangelisation in Africa: An Essay on the Kom Experience. Bamenda, 2011. Э. Небольсин Рубрики: Ключевые слова: АФРИКАНСКИЕ ХРИСТИАНСКИЕ ТЕЧЕНИЯ общее название церквей и сект, которые объединяют людей черной расы и сочетают в своей доктрине положения христианства и традиционные африканские верования

Iran’s Christians celebrate New Year Tehran, January 2, 2015 As Christians around the world celebrate Christmas, the holiday season is also observed in Iran, a predominantly Muslim nation where Christians make up some 1% of the country’s approximate population of 77.5 million, the Al-Monitor said in an article. Christmas trees decorated with red, green, and gold gift boxes placed behind shop windows or at the entrances of different shopping malls and hotels can be seen across Christian neighborhoods of Iran, it added. According to the Statistical Center of Iran (SCI), over 117,000 Christians reside in Iran, most of whom are Armenians who are followers of the Oriental Orthodox branch of Christianity. More than 46,000 members of this minority group live in Tehran. Assyrians, Catholics, Protestants, and Evangelical Christians make up the remainder of Iran’s Christian population. Despite being a minority, Iran’s Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians are recognized as established religious minorities and are represented in parliament, and enjoy freedom to practice their religions and perform their religious rituals. “You cannot celebrate Christmas in any Islamic country the way we do in Iran,” Rafi Moradians, an Iranian Armenian in Tehran, told Al-Monitor. Referring to the community’s exclusive sport and cultural club, Rafi said, “Authorities do not impose any restrictions on us. We attend church services and there are also special celebrations at the Ararat Club.” In recent years, municipal authorities have also put up banners celebrating the birth of Jesus on many main streets and at the St. Sarkis Armenian Church on Villa Avenue, where a service is held every year. Unlike other countries in the region where public celebration of Christmas is limited to hotels frequented by foreigners, there is no such restriction in Tehran. Ordinary Iranians are not alone in the holiday celebrations and in exchanging greetings at Christmas time. This year, President Hassan Rouhani sent season’s greetings to Pope Francis and world leaders. Through his Twitter account, Rouhani reached out to Christians around the globe, as well as those in Iran. “May Jesus Christ, the prophet of peace and love, bless us all on this day. Wishing Merry #Christmas to those celebrating, esp #Iranian Christians,” he tweeted. Also, Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif used his 100th tweet to express hope for a more peaceful 2015. The Twitter account belonging to the office of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei also featured a series of messages on the occasion of Christmas. One of the messages read: “It’s time for all caring Muslims, Christians & Jews to obey the prophets & truly honor #Jesus’ birthday by standing up against Israeli crimes.” 4 января 2015 г. Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Breitbart noted that Brunne became the world " s first openly lesbian bishop in the Lutheran Church in 2009, and has a young son with her wife and fellow priest, Gunilla Linden. Although just over 64 percent of the Swedish population is formally registered with the Lutheran Church, that number has steadily fallen over the decades, from its height of 95 percent of the population in 1972. Sweden has been welcoming refugees not only from Syria, but also Eritreans who had initially traveled to Italy. In September, the EU agreed to a plan to relocate a further 120,000 refugees across Europe, despite the opposition of a number of Eastern states, like Hungary, who has said the crisis is stretching their borders and resources. Germany has vowed to take more refugees than any other nation, opening its borders to close to 800,000 people. The Christian Post 8 октября 2015 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также “To remain Christians. If we can manage…” Igumen Daniel (Irbits) on the new “migration of peoples” " To remain Christians. If we can manage… " Igumen Daniel (Irbits) on the new “migration of peoples” Peter Davydov The arrival of thousands of refugees, migrants and settlers from Africa and Asia to “the Old World” is already being interpreted by many Europeans as a catastrophe, a curse, and a real challenge not only to the culture, economy, and the Christian faith of the continent (which is still alive, though is becoming very weak), but, therefore, to the very existence of the continent and its native inhabitants. What should Europe do not to be afraid? Italian police: Muslim migrants threw Christians overboard Italian police: Muslim migrants threw Christians overboard Muslims who were among migrants trying to get from Libya to Italy in a boat this week threw 12 fellow passengers overboard -- killing them -- because the 12 were Christians. Metropolitan Ambrosius of Helsinki Sparks Controversy by Inviting Female Lutheran bishop Irja Askola to Altar during Clergy Ordination Metropolitan Ambrosius of Helsinki Sparks Controversy by Inviting Female Lutheran bishop Irja Askola to Altar during Clergy Ordination Archbishop Leo- Primate of the Finnish Orthodox Church has condemned the incident and has asked Metropolitan to clarify the issue before considering any measures against him. Комментарии T.D. 27 января 2017, 03:00 Hello foolish woman! What do muslims do to women? Think! What times are we living in? Mark Citadel 8 октября 2015, 17:00 This is an ABOMINATION! It is time something was done about Christianity " s pretenders. © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru

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