He applies a typological analogy to the relation between the Christian faith and pagan philosophy by comparing the people of Israel, who took vessels and ornaments of gold at the time of the exodus from the Egyptians (who could not know how, in the future, all these things could be turned to the service of Christ), with the Greeks, who invented philosophy and the liberal arts (not knowing that they, too, could be turned to the service of Christ): “For what was done at the time of the Exodus was no doubt a type prefiguring what happens now.” 91 Augustine not only sees the problem of the relationship between Christian faith and non-Christian philosophy in its historical dimension but also assigns it some theological features. For him, the full meaning of this relationship can be understood only after the incarnation of Christ. Thus, according to Augustine, the true meaning of philosophy can be achieved only through the Christian understanding of its role as a gift of reason given to humans by God in order to praise God and his creation. This makes Augustine’s position close, in general terms, to that of the Greek Fathers, who, as discussed above, interpreted science in the perspective of Christ. Science as the Handmaiden of Theology in St. Augustine It is clear that Augustine appreciated rational thinking and philosophy in those aspects that were required by religious thought, that is, when reason was applied to problems and objects that had religious relevance. It is interesting to understand Augustine’s treatment of philosophy when it was applied to natural objects with no obvious reli­gious significance. How did he treat empirical research in the material world in which we live? The brief answer is that Augustine did not value these investigations highly. For example, while writing on the shape of the heavens in his Literal Meaning of Genesis, he warns numerous writers against discussions on this topic in terms of the natural sci­ences because “the sacred writers with their deeper wisdom have omitted them… for they knew the truth, but the Spirit of God, who spoke through them, did not wish to teach men these facts that would be no avail for their salvation.” 92 Thus, according to Augustine, the writers did this for a purpose: “Such subjects are of no profit for those who seek beatitude, and, what is worse, they take up very precious time that ought to be given to what is spiritually beneficial.” 93 Does this mean that Augustine encouraged Christians to proclaim an intentional ignorance with respect to natural phenomena and the attempts to explain them? When speaking about such borderline questions as the cosmological issues involved in the Genesis narrative, Augustine follows the way of caution: saying too much about the meaning and nature of material things is worse than saying nothing.


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Assyrian Christians in northeastern Syria have been targeted by ISIS in recent months. More than 200 Assyrian Christians were taken hostage near the village of Hasakah in February, and ISIS forces swept through several predominantly Assyrian Christian villages, forcing thousands of people to leave. There are Christians prepared to fight back. Kino Gabriel is the spokesman for a militia called the Syriac Military Council that was created in January 2013 to defend the Syriac people, who comprise various Christian groups, including Assyrians, Syriac Orthodox, Syriac Catholics, Chaldeans and Maronites. The council fought alongside Kurdish fighters against ISIS around Hasakah in February. “We are working to preserve our existence inside Syria,” Gabriel says. “It’s our homeland. Our ancestors have been here for the last three or four thousand years. If we moved away from here we would lose ourselves, our identity.” He speaks bitterly of the Assad regime, saying it has done nothing but weaken the Syriac people for the past 40 years, preventing them from teaching their language and culture. “For us it’s the same threat by ISIS, by the regime and from all regimes that don’t recognize the differences between peoples,” he says, appealing for international military help. The ISIS assault has been just as fierce in northern Iraq. “In addition to forcing the mass exodus from thousand-year-old villages, [ISIS militants] destroy churches, libraries and monuments to wipe out any trace of these being Christian areas,” says Sajad Jiyad, the director of research at independent research consultancy Integrity in Baghdad. That is what happened in Mosul when ISIS took over the city in June 2014. Earlier, under Saddam Hussein’s despotic rule, the city was a sanctuary, home to tens of thousands of Christians. But in Mosul and other towns in the region, ISIS gave Christians an ultimatum—convert to Islam, pay a tax known as jizya or be killed. Aziz Emmanuel al-Zebari, 65, is a Chaldean Catholic who left Mosul in 2006 and moved to Ankawa, an Assyrian suburb of Erbil, in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq, where a statue of the Virgin Mary watches over the streets outside the Cathedral of St. Joseph. A professor of English at Salahaddin University in Erbil, al-Zebari says more than 125,000 Christians from Mosul and the surrounding Plains of Nineveh have been driven from their homes. He lists a string of Christian towns he says are now deserted: Qaraqosh, Karemlesh, Bartella, Bashiqa, Tel Keppe, Batnaya, Tesqopa, Alqsh, Sharafiya. “For the last nine months the church bells have gone silent and there is not a single Christian in those villages and the city of Mosul,” al-Zebari says.


It is not surprising that seeing Jesus walking on the sea would frighten the disciples (6:19). In Mark " s account, they are afraid because they assume Jesus to be a spirit, probably a night spirit 6073 or a spirit of one drowned at sea, 6074 which were thought particularly dangerous. On recognizing him (6:20), they «willed» to «receive» him (6:21), which makes sense on a purely literal level but in the context of the whole Gospel may imply some typical Johannine symbolism (see the comments on «received» in 1:11–12). It contrasts with Jesus» enemies» failure to receive him in 5:43. As after the resurrection, Jesus provides a demonstration of the reality of his epiphany to the disciples (20:27). 6075 Of the four canonical gospels, only John reports that the boat was immediately at land (6:21b); Mark reports instead merely that the wind ceased ( Mark 6:51 ). 6076 Immediacy often, though not always, characterizes miracle reports in antiquity (see also 5:9). 6077 Bultmann compares a hymn in which a ship «reaches its destination with miraculous speed» once Apollo is on board. 6078 Greek tradition could in fact do better than this: in one account, observers reported Pythagoras teaching simultaneously in two different cities! 6079 Rapid teleporting (cf. Acts 8:39) also appeared in Jewish legends, 6080 probably originally rooted in biblical traditions about Elijah (1 Kgs 18:12) and Ezekiel ( Ezek 3:14; 8:3; 11:1, 24; 37:1; 43:5 ). Some have preferred parallels to the exodus event in which God brought his people through the sea, 6081 but, while this fits the Passover and exodus context of the chapter (hence what we should expect to find here), the parallel is not close and John provides at best few clues for this otherwise fertile interpretation. The most analogous phenomenon within the Fourth Gospel itself would be Jesus» sudden appearance in a room behind closed doors (20:19, 26), suggesting that John may close the miracle story proper by alluding forward (albeit not for first-time readers) to the resurrection appearance to the disciples, where Jesus again reveals his divine identity and ultimately is hailed as God by the most skeptical disciple (20:28). The Manna Discourse (6:22–58)


«Самым древним из сосудов святого, говорит Евальд (Alterthümer des Volkes Israel, 171), нужно считать стол для хлебов предложений; напротив жертвенник каждений был самый поздний сосуд; первый раз он появился только по занятии земли обетованной. Так как этот жертвенник предназначался собственно для священнической жертвы в ее отличии от обыкновенной (?), то он мог явиться только тогда, когда развилась священническая власть дома Ааронова». Против этого предположения, в настоящем случае, нам достаточно заметить, что все сосуды скинии находятся в такой тесной связи между собою и со всею системою жертвенного ветхозаветного богослужения, что, с устранением какого либо одного из них, перестанут быть понятными назначение святилища и его богослужение. Если же в законодательном описании жертвенник каждений не упомянут в ряду других сосудов святого, то причина этого скрывается частию может быть в истории переписок законодательства Моисея, а частию также в особенном значении самого жертвенника каждений, выделявшегося из ряда других сосудов святого и приближавшегося по своему значению к сосудам святого святых. По крайней мере об этом сосуде употребляются такие выражения, какие о других сосудах святого необычны: он является как бы предваряющим собою ковчег завета и стоит уже на переходе от святого к святому святых, пред лицем ковчега завета, пред лицем завесы святого святых и принадлежит уже давиру ( Исх.30:6, 40:5 , 3Цар.6:22 ). Мало того, апостол Павел ( Евр.9:4 ) представляет этот сосуд, названный им χρυσον ϑυμιατριον, золотая кадильница, стоящим непосредственно во святом святых. Отсюда некоторые древние толкователи Ориген (Homilia 9 in Exodus), Августин (Quaestionum in Exodus. 133:136) и новые исследователи Соси и де-Вогюэ вывели ошибочное заключение, что жертвенник каждений был постоянною принадлежностию второго отделения скинии или святого святых. Дело в том, что в приведенном месте апостол Павел изображает не постоянный вид святилища, а только картину скинии в день Очищения, когда первосвященник, взяв с жертвенника каждений очаг или кадильницу с курившимися угольями, вносил ее во святое святых, по особенному обряду, назначенному для дня Очищения.


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