Arhiva În ziua de pomenire a Sfîntului Ierarh Petru, mitropolit al Moscovei, Întîistttorul Bisericii Ortodoxe Ruse a svârit Sfînta i Dumnezeiasc Liturghie în catedrala Adormirii Maicii Domnului din Kremlin 6 septembrie 2011 12:30 În data de 6 septembrie 2011, în ziua de pomenire a praznicului mutrii moatelor Sfîntului Petru mitropolit al Moscovei i a toat Rusia mare de minuni fctor (1479), Preafericitul Patriarh Kiril al Moscovei i al Întregii Rusii a svârit slujba Sfintei i Dumnezeietii Liturghii în catedrala Patriarhal a Adormirii Maicii Domnului din Kremlin, Moscova. Preafericirii Sale i-au coslujit: mitropolitul Iuvenalie de Krutii i Kolomna , arhiepiscopul Pantelimon de Oriol i Livni ; episcopul Tihon de Vidnoe ; episcopul Serafim de Baltiisk ; stareul mnstirii stavropighiale Novospask episcopul Sava de Voskresensk ; secretarul Patriarhului Moscovei i al Întregii Rusii pe oraul Moscova protoiereul Vladimir Divakov ; secretarul Direciei Executive a Eparhiei de Moscova protoiereul Alexandru Ganaba; parohul bisericii Sfintei Mare Mucenie Ecaterina din Roma ieromonahul Antonie (Sevriuk) ; clerici din Moscova i din Podmoscovie (suburbia Moscovei). Printre cei care s-au rugat împreun cu cei care au liturghisit: mitropolitul Pantelimon de Bereea, Naus, Kampania i membri ai delegaiei Bisericii Ortodoxe din Elada , care au adus în oraul Dmitrov moatele Sfîntului Mare Mucenic Dimitrie din Tesalonic; Prim-vicepreedintele Conducerii Regiunii Moscova I.O. Parhomenko; delegaia clericilor i a mirenilor din Podmoscovie. La sfîritul Sfintei Liturghii Preafericitul Patriarh Kiril a svârit o slujb de laud închinat Sfîntului Petru, mitropolit al Moscovei, citind o rugciune în faa sfintelor moate care se odihnesc în partea de nord a altarului caterdralei Adormirii Maicii Domnului. Dup aceasta Întîistttorul Bisericii Ortodoxe Ruse s-a adresat celor prezeni cu un cuvânt de învtur. Cîntrile Sfintei Liturghii au fost interpretate de clerici din regiunea eparhiei de Moscova. Serviciul de Pres al Patriarhului Moscovei i al Întregii Rusii Календарь ← 6 martie 2022 19 aprilie 2020

Gunfire at besieged Kenyan mall, Islamists threaten hostages/Православие.Ru Gunfire at besieged Kenyan mall, Islamists threaten hostages Nairobi, September 23, 2013      Gunfire and explosions sounded on Monday from the Nairobi mall where militants from Somalia " s al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab group threatened to kill hostages on the third day of a raid in which at least 68 have already died. A general view shows cars parked at the Westgate shopping mall during a shootout between armed men and the police in Nairobi September 22, 2013. Photo: REUTERS/Thomas Mukoya Reuters journalists near the upmarket Westgate complex heard sporadic shots and also heavy bursts of rifle fire and muffled blasts on at least two occasions after daybreak. Kenyan troops moved around outside the building. A Kenyan Red Cross official, Abbas Guled, said there had been clashes inside the building. But there was no indication of the fate of people whom the authorities had said on Sunday were being held by 10 to 15 gunmen - and possibly women - inside a large supermarket. An al Shabaab spokesman warned that the Islamists would kill hostages if Kenyan security forces, who are being assisted by Western and Israeli experts, tried to storm their position: " Israelis and Kenyan forces have tried to enter Westgate by force but they could not, " Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage said in an audio statement posted online. " The mujahideen will kill the hostages if the enemies use force. Security forces had secured most of the complex by Sunday, freeing many people who had hidden in terror. Though they hoped for a quick solution, rescuing those held will be difficult. Survivors " tales of Saturday " s military-style, lunchtime assault by squads of attackers hurling grenades and spraying automatic fire, has left little doubt the hostage-takers are willing to kill. Previous such raids around the world suggest they may also be ready to die with their captives. In Somalia, Kenya " s northern neighbour devastated by two decades of civil war, al Shabaab have demanded President Uhuru Kenyatta pull out Kenyan troops, who have pushed the militants on to the defensive over the past two years as part of an African Union-backed peacekeeping mission. Kenyatta refused.

Black Sea Fleet patrol craft to deliver the relics of St. Andrew the First-Called to Crimea/Православие.Ru Black Sea Fleet patrol craft to deliver the relics of St. Andrew the First-Called to Crimea Moscow, September 18, 2015 The Russian Black Sea Fleet Smetlivy patrol craft has departed from Sevastopol for the Mediterranean, the Russian Defense Ministry said. " The Smetlivy left Sevastopol today and headed for the Black Sea straits. It is planned to arrive in the Mediterranean tomorrow, " the Black Sea Fleet said in a report seen by Interfax on Friday. The ship " will join international marine events, visit the Greek ports of Corfu and Lefkada, and participate in the traditional Russian Week on the Ionic islands, " it said. Metropolitan Chrisostomos of Patras will present a shrine with the relics of St. Andrew the First-Called to the Russian Black Sea Fleet during the ship " s visit to the Patras port on September 22. The shrine will be positioned in the Sevastopol garrison church. " After having attended the formal events, the Smetlivy will join the Russian Navy task force permanently stationed in the Mediterranean, " the report said. 18 сентября 2015 г. Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также The Crimean war. The key to conflict The Crimean war. The key to conflict Last time war broke out over Crimea, the consequences were terrible; about 750,000 soldiers died, plus countless civilians. And the immediate causes were religious. St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle Commemorated November 30/December 13 St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle Commemorated November 30/December 13 Nathan Duffy After following Christ during His earthly ministry, beholding Him after His resurrection, and receiving the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, St. Andrew heeded Our Lord’s commandment to preach the Gospel in all the world and baptize the nations in a most literal and spectacular fashion. A procession of the cross to go from Sevastopol to Smolensk A procession of the cross to go from Sevastopol to Smolensk The faithful will visit more than 70 settlements of the Crimea, Kuban, the Rostov, Voronezh, Belgorod, Kursk, Bryansk, and Smolensk regions. Комментарии © 1999-2015 Православие.Ru При перепечатке ссылка на Православие.Ru обязательна Контактная информация Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Наконец все было готово и эксперимент был запущен. В 2016 году исследователи Национального института здравоохранения (NIH) объявили, что сердце свиньи сохранялось живым у бабуина в течение трех лет. Использование препаратов, подавляющих иммунную систему, также снизило вероятность отторжения. Это был первый настоящий успех, которых многим вселяет надежду, что проблема донорства органов будет вот-вот решена. Некоторых впечатлительных людей идея разводить свиней, чтобы затем пересаживать  их органы в человеческие тела, приводит в ужас. Другие, ‘прагматичные’ граждане успокаивают их тем, что количество свиней, убиваемых в год в мире для производства продуктов питания, превышает миллиард! Если мы готовы бесцеремонно убить столько жизней в погоне за беконом, ветчиной, сосисками, окороками, барбекю и шашлыком, то стоит ли, мол, ужасаться убийству ‘лишь’ нескольких тысяч или десятков тысяч животных? Также, ‘прагматики’ обращают внимание на тот факт, что из одного животного-донора, обычно извлекаются сразу несколько органов для трансплантации, а не использованные мясо, сало и прочее могут быть использованы в пищу человеком как обычно. Оставляем сию полемику на суд Читателя. Переводчик Евгений Сеничкин Источники: USA National organ waiting list   Ethical and Societal Issues Occasioned by Xenotransplantation (Journal List, Animals (Basel), v.10(9), 2020 Sep, PMC7552641) The myth of Icarus and Daedalus   Ethical rejections of xenotransplantation? EMBO reports , John D Loike, Touro College, New York, NY, USA and Alan Kadish Touro College and University System, New York, NY, USA Organ transplants raise ethical questions . By John Wilkens, May 9, 2015, The San Diego Union Tribune  Animal transgenesis: state of the art and applications. Melo EO, Canavessi AM, Franco MM, Rumpf RJ Appl Genet. 2007; 48(1):47–61. Animal-to-Human Transplants: The Ethics of Xenotransplantation . [accessed on 2 September 2020]   Global Pig Slaughter Statistics and Charts . [accessed on 2 September 2020] Обращаем ваше внимание, что информация, представленная на сайте, носит ознакомительный и просветительский характер и не предназначена для самодиагностики и самолечения. Выбор и назначение лекарственных препаратов, методов лечения, а также контроль за их применением может осуществлять только лечащий врач. Обязательно проконсультируйтесь со специалистом. Ещё статьи о здоровье

And it is so wonderful to see so many pilgrims from far and wide: from Brooklyn, New York, Boston, Canada, and even from Europe. It is so wonderful that we have all gathered here in one place to pray. Let us continue to gather in these days, and glorify Venerable Job, seeking the aid and intercession of the Mother of God, and supporting our Holy Trinity Monastery. " On behalf of the gathered pilgrims, diocesan secretary Archpriest Serge Lukianov greeted His Grace on the occasion of the feast, and thanked Fr. Luke and the brethren for their continued prayers and monastic struggles. Addressing the gathered pilgrims, Fr. Serge urged them to generously support the monastery not only with their prayers, but with alms and monetary donations. A special collection was then undertaken to help the brethren continue working on the much-needed renovations of monastery churches and buildings. Those who wish to participate can donate to the monastery directly through their official website . A festal luncheon was served in the monastic refectory, during which the pilgrims attentively listened to readings from the Lives of the Saints. After lunch, pilgrims had an opportunity to interact with one another on the monastery grounds, where various kiosks were set up, offering handmade products from the monastery and the neighboring St. Elizabeth’s Skete. The pilgrimage concluded with a Divine Liturgy on Monday morning, September 7, during which many of the pilgrims once again partook of Holy Communion before returning to their homes, glorifying God through His chosen wonder-worker, Ven. Job of Pochaev.      A photo gallery of the weekends events may be viewed here . 10 сентября 2015 г. Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также The Russian State Archives and Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville exchanged documents The Russian State Archives and Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville exchanged documents On September 17, 2010 the Russian Federation State Archives and the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville exchanged microfilm copies of historical documents during the Archives " 90th anniversary celebration in Moscow.

Dmitry Lapa 29 декабря 2013 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Holy Hierarch Birinus, Bishop of Dorchester-on-Thames and Apostle of Wessex Commemorated December 3/16 (repose) and September 4/17 (translation of relics) Holy Hierarch Birinus, Bishop of Dorchester-on-Thames and Apostle of Wessex Commemorated December 3/16 (repose) and September 4/17 (translation of relics) Dmitry Lapa In 635 the bishop successfully reached the shores of Albion and landed in the port of Southampton on the south coast of Britain, in the Kingdom of Wessex. He intended to go further inland where there were no missionaries, but since he met only pagans in Wessex, he realized that he must remain there. Russian Translator Dmitry Lapa on England, the Handicapped, and Ancient Saints Dmitry Lapa, Olga Kirianova Russian Translator Dmitry Lapa on England, the Handicapped, and Ancient Saints Dmitry Lapa, Olga Kirianova —Dmitry, the readers of know you as the translator of a series of articles on the history of Christianity in England and its Orthodox Saints. You are also an independent author of publications about English Orthodoxy. It is less well known that you are a visually handicapped person from childhood and these works are a testimony to the courage and persistence with which you have overcome your handicap. How did your interest in Orthodoxy in England begin? Orthodox Ireland Vladimir de Beer Orthodox Ireland Vladimir de Beer It is generally believed that St Patrick brought the Christian Faith to Ireland, his traditional title being Apostle of the Irish. Without wishing to diminish St Patrick’s importance in any way, it is relevant to point out that in 431 St Palladius was sent to Ireland by St Celestine I Pope of Rome, as the first bishop of the Emerald Isle, with the task of administering the sacraments ‘to the Irish who professed Christ’. There must therefore have been numbers of Christians in Ireland by the time St Patrick arrived in the following year. Комментарии © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru

Missionary train finishes its tour of the BAM’s east branch line Komsomolsk-on-Amur, October 2, 2014      On September 29, 2014, the missionary train, “Holy Hierarch Innocent of Irkutsk”, arrived in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, reports the Amur and Chegdomyn Diocese’s press service. In this way the missionary tour over settlements of the east branch line of the Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM) railroad was completed. This time the missionaries were blessed by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, who from September 16, made a patriarchal visit to Komsomolsk-on-Amur. During the journey the missionaries visited 10 settlements with a population of between 500 and 15,000 people. Supplicatory prayer services were performed in all populated localities. Divine Liturgies were celebrated in three localities, including the Uktur village, which has no registered parish.      Nevertheless, at the Divine Liturgy, served at the village’s church, 17 people took Holy Communion. In all villages the Sacrament of Baptism was performed for all those who willing to be baptized. In various inhabited localities the number of those receiving Baptism ranged from 3 to 17 people. Over the course of the journey 78 people were baptized, and the number of adults and children among them was nearly equal. A Church wedding ceremony was performed in one of the settlements.      In most of the villages the missionaries visited secondary schools where they gave talks to schoolchildren. In addition to this, the missionary group members were invited to visit several military units, where discussions with servicemen were held and premises and military hardware were sprinkled with holy water. The main relic in the tour was the Icon of Saint Nicholas the Wonder-Worker of Myra in Lycia, with a depiction of his miracles, painted with an enamel painting technique. It was donated by Patriarch Kirill for a permanent stay in the coach-church of the missionary train. The fact that this Icon of St. Nicholas accompanied the missionaries on the trip was, beyond doubt, providential, as two of three churches in the itinerary of the missionary train were dedicated to this great saint. Now in October the missionaries are setting out on a new journey. This time the train itinerary will pass through the north branch line of BAM over the Solnechny and Verkhnebureinsk districts of the Khabarovsk territory. 6 октября 2014 г. Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Archive Пн Chinese version of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill’s book In His Own Words to be presented in Moscow 22 September 2021 year 17:37 On September 30, 2021, the presentation of the Chinese version of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow’s book In His Own Words will take place at the Chinese Patriarchal Metochion.  The collection contains thoroughly selected passages from His Holiness’ sermons, academic articles, papers, speeches and interviews, with each day of the calendar year having an appropriate passage.  In the book, the Chinese reader can take a look at Patriarch Kirill as a pastor of the Church of Christ, a thinker addressing pressing problems of today’s world and a person endowed with a profound spiritual experience and a unique charism of the preacher. The publication of this book in Chinese on the eve of the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church’s 75th birthday reflects the interest of the whole world in the personality of Patriarch Kirill himself and in the life of the whole Russian Orthodox Church.  The event will be led by chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate and rector of Ss Cyril and Methodius Institute for Post-Graduate and Doctoral Studies Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk.  The presentation will also include other publications of Orthodox literature in Chinese including Catechism: A Concise Guide to Orthodox Faith by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, a concise illustrated Russian-Chinese dictionary of Orthodox vocabulary, Ascetics for the Laity by Father Pavel Gumerov and others. The publications became possible thanks to the Foundation for Support of Christian Culture and Heritage.  The event will be streamed on YouTube for other cities with the simultaneous translation into Chinese:КитайскоеПодворье . It is also possible to participate in the presentation online through the Zoom videoconferencing, the link to which is available on email  with the indication of your name, city of residence and walk of life.  Address: Moscow, Pervy Golutvinsky pereulok, 14. The beginning of the event: 16:00.  Contacts for mass media: Mariya Prishchepova, Tel: +7 903 233-47-80, . DECR Communication Service / Календарь ← 21 апреля 2024 г. (8 апреля ст.ст.) воскресенье 7 April 2024 year Share with friends

35 В последнее время археологами «минималистами» высказывались сомнения относительно датировки укреплений Мегиддо временем Давида и Соломона – теперь их предлагают датировать IX b. до Р.Х. 36 M. Noth, Das System der zwoelf Staemme Israels (Stuttgart, 1930); A. Alt, Die Staatenbildung der Israeliten in Palaestina (Leipzig, 1930) 37 Johannes Pedersen, Israel I-II (Copenhagen and London, 1926), Introduction and Part II; Der Eid bei den Semiten (Strasbourg, 1914) 38 George E. Mendenhall, BA, XVII, No. 3 (September 1954); воспроизведено в Law and Covenant in Israel and the Ancient Near East. 40 A. Lods, in Studies in Old Testament Prophecy, ed. H.H. Rowley (Edinburgh, 1950), pp. 103–110; Archives Royales de Mari, ed A. Parot et G. Dossin, II (Paris, 1950), Letter No. 90; III (Paris, 1948), Letter No. 40; M.Noth, BJRL, 32 (1950), pp. 194–206. 41 «Гива», в переводе с древнееврейского, означает «холм». в. Олбрайт датировал следы первоначального поселения на этом месте последней четвертью XIII b. до Р.Х. Это как раз то поселение, которое было уничтожено около 1100 г. (следы пожара), что связывают с войной израильских племен против колена Вениаминова. Уже вслед за этим в Гиве была построена крепость Саула, которая по крайней мере два раза тоже подвергалась разрушению. 42 В последние годы некоторые историки- " минималисты» поставили под сомнение историчность предания о правлении Давида. По их мнению, дошедшая до нас редакция VIII b. до Р.Х. едва ли могла сохранить достоверную информацию о событиях начала Х в. и служить основой для исторических реконструкций. Даже они, однако, признают, что в основе сохранившегося повествования должны были лежать какие-то реальные события. Ведь все предание о Давиде носит апологетический характер, оно признано оправдать его действия (такие, например, как убийство Абнера, военачальника Саула, убийство его наследника, сотрудничество с филистимлянами и пр.). Другие источники, кроме Библии, никаких упоминаний о Давиде не содержат. Найденный в 1993 на городище Телль Дан фрагмент стелы с арамейской надписью, в которой упоминается «дом Давида» (bytdwd) оказался подделкой (ее автор имел весьма слабое представление о нормах арамейской грамматики, поэтому разоблачить подделку удалось довольно легко – см. David Found at Dan, Biblical Archaeology Review (BAR), March/April 1994 (Order this issue); and Avraham Biran, More Fragments from «David» Stela Found at Dan, BAR, September/October 1994.). Правда, египтологом К. Китченом (Ливерпуль) недавно было высказано предположение, что имя Давида все-таки содержится в победной надписи египетского царя Шешонка (библейского Шишака) в храме Амона в Карнаке. Шешонк совершил поход в Палестину около 925 г. до Р.Х. Его надпись содержит более ста связанных с Ханааном топонимов. В числе тех, которые имеют отношение к югу Палестины – h(y)dbt dwt – что можно перевести как «высоты Давида».

Conference, " Monasteries and Monasticism--Traditions and Modern Times " , to take place at the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra/Православие.Ru Conference, " Monasteries and Monasticism--Traditions and Modern Times " , to take place at the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra Moscow, September 18, 2013 On September 23-24, 2013, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, the international theological, research and practical conference, " Monasteries and Monasticism--Traditions and Modern Times " will take place at The Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, reports the Synodal Information Department of the Russian Orthodox Church. The organizer of the conference is the Russian Orthodox Church " s Synodal Department for Monasteries and Monasticism. Leading hierarchs, abbots and abbesses, as well as priests from a number of local Orthodox churches will take part in the conference. The aim of the conference is to continue the discussion in the Church on the " Statute on Monasteries and Monasticism " project, prepared by the Russian Orthodox Church " s commission of the inter-conciliar presence for Monasteries and Monasticism. The themes, which are to be discussed at the conference, include: ideas fundamental to monasticism of vows, degrees of monasticism, forms of monastic life, issues of the relationship between a monastery/convent and the local diocesan authority, specifics of monastic rules, and control over a monastery/convent. According to the results of the conference, amendments and additions to the " Statute on Monasteries and Monasticism " project will be proposed, and then the project will be submitted for broader discussion across the Church. 20 сентября 2013 г. ... Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Abbess of all Russia Interview with Mother Superior of the Piukhtitsy convent abbess Varvara Abbess of all Russia Interview with Mother Superior of the Piukhtitsy convent abbess Varvara Vladyka Alexy, present patriarch, helped us not only with the household; he was our spiritual guide.

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