Однако его пришествие будет катастрофичным: прежде «тьма» должна сгуститься и возгореться «тоска по красоте» 471 . В заключении следует сказать, что красота у Булгакова и Соловьева – это выражение духовного единения тварного и нетварного, мира и Неба, субъекта и объекта, это восстановление красоты как эсхатологического понятия. Как Соловьев, так и Булгаков ожидали одухотворения природы и всего сущего или сотворенного. Это – необходимое условие грядущего царства красоты. Однако Булгаков сосредоточился на задаче церкви по воплощению Софии, явлении на земле красоты Божественной Премудрости. Перевод с английского Кирилла Войцеля Об авторах и редакторах Карл Барт (Karl Barth) – Один из крупнейших и наиболее влиятельных богословов XX века (1886–1968). Автор «Послания к Римлянам», многотомной «Церковной догматики» и ряда других основополагающих богословских трудов. Ганс фон Балигазар (Hans Urs von Balthasar) – Один из крупнейших католических богословов современности (1905–1988), кардинал и священник. Алексей Бодров – Кандидат физико-математических наук, ректор и главный редактор ББИ. Катарина Брекнер (Katharina Breckner) – Специалист по русской политической и религиозной философии. Автор многих публикаций. Проживает в Гамбурге (Германия). Ансельм Грюн (Anselm Gruen) – Монах бенедиктинского монастыря в Мюнстершварцахе (Бавария, Германия), изучал философию и богословие в Риме, экономику в Нюрнберге. Автор более двухсот книг, изданных миллионными тиражами и переведенных на 30 языков. Григорий Гутнер – Доктор философских наук, старший научный сотрудник Института философии РАН, преподаватель ББИ и СФИ. Эндрю Данстан (Andrew Dunstan) – Аспирант Оксфордского университета. Гуннар Иннердал (Gunnar Innerdal) – Аспирант университета NLA (Берген, Норвегия). Ромило Кнежевич (Romilo Knezevi) – Современный сербский богослов, аспирант Оксфордского университета. Автор книги «Время и познание: богословское прочтение Марселя Пруста», ряда статей по богословию. Михель Ремери (Michel Remery) – Научный сотрудник факультета Католического богословия Тилбюргского университета; специалист в области архитектуры и богословия, опубликовал ряд работ о связи между литургией и архитектурой.


составление и перевод А.А. Бурова Святой Освальд, архиепископ Йоркский и Вустерский († 992, память 29 февраля) Святой Освальд родился в Англии в 925 году в семье датчан, которые были в ту пору у власти. Он приходился племянником святому Одо (Odo, память 4 июля), епископу Канторберийского (Cantorbéry) и Оскителла (Oskitell), первому епископу Дорчестерского (Dorchester), а затем и Йоркского, наставником которого и был Одо. Освальда назначили деканом Уинчестерским (Winchester), а несколько позднее святой Одо отправил его во Францию, в монастырь Флёри (Fleury) для научения монашеской жизни. В 962 году Освальд вслед за святым Дунстаном (Dunstan или Duncan, память 19 мая) стал епископом Вустерским (Worcester). Имя Освальда, наряду с именами святого Дунстана и святого Этельвольда (Ethelwold, память 1 августа) связаны с восстановлением монашества в Англии. Его первым монастырём стал Уэстбари-на-Триме (Westbury-on-Trym) неподалёку от Бристоля. Но наиболее значимым монастырём стал Рамсей (Ramsey) в Хантингдоншире, основанный в 972 году, откуда он отправился основывать Першор (Pershore), Эверсхэм (Evesham) и другие монастыри. Святой Освальд был блестящим епископом, энергично занимавшимся вопросами повышения уровня клира. В 972 году он стал архиепископом в Йорке, там, где он когда-то, ещё юным, трудился вместе со своим дядей Оксителлом. Но он не мог оставить и свои дела в Вустере, и ему пришлось возглавлять две епархии сразу. Святой Освальд был почти всегда занят приходскими делами и поездками по епархии. В редкие свободные от архипастырских дел часы его можно было найти среди молящихся в монастыре Святой Марии. Во время поста Освальд всегда приглашал двенадцать бедняков к себе на ужин и прислуживал им. Он отошёл ко Господу в монастыре Святой Марии, тотчас по принятии Святых Таин. Десятью годами позже его преемник Адульф перенес его тело и поместил в раку. Позднее его мощи были перенесены в Йорк. Святого Освальда изображают прогоняющим диавола молитвою, а также омывающим ноги беднякам. Тропарь, глас 4. O glorious Oswald, thou rule of faith and model of meekness, Splendour of Worcester and luminary of York, like a tree in the midst of paradise Didst thou bear the fruit of the virtues for thy Lord, and therewith thou enlightenest all who cherish thine honoured memory and ever cry out to thee in prayer: Intercede, O holy bishop, that our souls may be saved. Читать далее Источник: Избранные жития святых, в Европейских и иных землях просиявших : А-Э/Сост. и перевод А.А. Бурова. – Москва : 2005–2015. Поделиться ссылкой на выделенное


King Edwig married the younger Aelgifu, although the union was within the forbidden degrees of kinship. As a result, the northern parts of the English kingdom, Mercia and Northumbria, rebelled against him, and chose his brother Edgar as their king. And in the next year Archbishop Oda dissolved his marriage. When Aelgifu tried to rejoin the king, she was caught by men from the north; they severed the muscles and sinews of her lower limbs, and she died in agony a few days later. Finally, Edwig died, and when Edgar reunited the kingdom under his sole rule, he recalled Dunstan from exile. In the year 958 King Edgar «the Peaceablé ascended the throne. In the same year St. Dunstan was made Bishop of Worcester. Then, in 959, he was transferred to the see of London. And in 960 he was elected Archbishop of Canterbury. The truly »symphonic» cooperation of King Edgar and Archbishop Dunstan laid the foundation of a golden age in the history of the Anglo-Saxon Church. This age had been prophesied by a heavenly voice which St. Dunstan had heard in 943, at the birth of Edgar: «Peace to England as long as this child reigns, and our Dunstan survives.» »The succession of events,» wrote William of Malmesbury, «was in unison with the heavenly oracle; to such an extent did ecclesiastical glory flourish and martial clamour decay while he was alive.» However, the early part of Edgar " s reign was marred by his attempts to seduce two nuns of Wilton, St. Wulfhilda and Wulfrida, by the second of whom he had a daughter, St. Edith. For this he was placed on a penance by St. Dunstan, and was not allowed to wear his crown from his sixteenth to his thirtieth year. He accepted this penance humbly, and it is probably for this reason that his coronation did not take place until the year 973, in a ceremony in Bath Abbey which became the model for all future English coronations. After Dunstan had been elected archbishop, he set off, like all English archbishops-elect, for Rome, to receive the pallium (omophorion) from the Pope. On the road he gave away all his provisions to the poor, which greatly irritated his servant. So when he asked him one day: «What do you have to sustain us tonight?», the servant replied: »Absolutely nothing; for you have taken no care about it – you have given everything away, either to our own men or to strangers.» Then the bishop said: «I ask you not to be too worried by this; for Christ our Lord is bountiful to all those who believe in Him.» But the steward replied again: »Now you will see what your Christ will give you tonight – you who have squandered everything.» And he continued scoffing as the saint went in search of a place to serve Vespers. His scoffing soon ceased, however, when they were met by messengers of an abbot who had been waiting for them for three days, and who now most charitably supplied the needs of the saint and his men for many days ahead.


Shortly after this, the saint went to stay with another relative of his, St. Aelfheah " the Bald», Bishop of Winchester. Once the holy bishop was going with Dunstan to the dedication of a church at the west gate of the city. After the festivities, when they were returning past the church of St. Gregory, the bishop called a halt for Compline. As they were putting their heads together for the absolution, a stone suddenly fell out of the empty sky and passed between them, injuring no one but grazing their heads. Where could this have come from, people reflected, if not from the evil one? St. Aelfheah several times asked Dunstan to become a monk. But he refused, pleading that he wanted to marry. Then the bishop prayed to the Lord that the young man would pay heed to his warnings. Immediately Dunstan was seized by an intolerable pain in his bladder which passed to his whole body. Thinking that he had elephantiasis and that he was on the point of death, in great anguish he sent for the holy bishop whom he had just spurned. When the bishop arrived, he announced to him his intention of following his salutary advice. Chastened, and now recovered from his illness, Dunstan received the monastic tonsure. St. Aelfheah also ordained him to the priesthood, and then sent him back to Glastonbury. There he built for himself a very narrow cell in which to fast and pray. He also occupied himself in making church bells and other ecclesiastical ornaments. Now there died a close friend of the saint " s, a deacon by the name of Wulfred. Not long after his repose, Wulfred appeared to Dunstan and revealed to him many heavenly mysteries, as well as the whole course of his future life. When Dunstan asked for a sign whereby he could be assured of the truth of these revelations, Wulfred led him to the cemetery, and, pointing to an unused plot, said: " You will know that what I say is true from the fact that in three days» time a priest will be buried here, although he has not yet fallen ill.» On awaking, Dunstan related the prophecy to some others; and as they were coming back from the cemetery the chaplain of a certain very religious noblewoman came up and asked for that plot for his burial. Shortly after, he sickened and died; and within three days he had been buried in that very spot.


Edmund was succeeded by his brother Edred, who loved Dunstan no less than his predecessors, loading him with honours and submitting to his wise counsel. In 953, Bishop Ethelgar of Crediton died; whereupon King Edred tried to persuade the saint to accept the vacant see. But he refused, not wishing to desert the king, whom he loved, for the sake of the episcopate. The king then asked his mother, St. Aelgifu, to intercede. So she invited him to a royal banquet and again put forward the same proposal. But he replied: «I ask you, lady, not to ask me this again; for I tell you truly: I must not be made a bishop during the lifetime of your son the king.» The Lord, however, was not pleased by Dunstan " s refusal, as was revealed to him in a vision that night. For he saw himself returning from a pilgrimage to the apostles» tombs in Rome and was coming near the Mons Gaudium. Then St. Peter and his fellow apostles Paul and Andrew approached him. Each held in his hand a sword, which they offered him. On Peter " s sword were inscribed the words: «In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.» Then Andrew sang sweetly from the Gospel: »Take My yoke upon you, for I am meek and lowly of heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls.» Peter then raised a staff which he held in his hand and struck Dunstan lightly on the palm, saying: «Take this as a warning not to refuse the yoke of the Lord in future.» Waking up, the saint asked a monk who was sleeping in the same room who it was that had struck him. He said that he did not know. Dunstan thought for a while, and then said: »Now I know, my son, now I know by whom I have been struck.« In the morning he recounted his vision to the king, who said: »Since the swords you took up with the apostles» blessing are the weapons of the Holy Spirit, you can be quite certain that through the sword given you by the blessed Peter and inscribed with the word of God, you are to receive the archbishopric from heaven.» As for the other swords, that given by St. Paul may have signified the see of London, whose cathedral church was dedicated to the apostle and which Dunstan held for a short period before he became archbishop. And that of St. Andrew may have signified the see of Rochester, whose church was dedicated to the First-Called and which Dunstan was called upon to defend in his later years.


On another occasion the king asked the saint to postpone the beginning of the Divine Liturgy until he had returned from hunting. The third hour was approaching, and the man of God was standing clad in his hierarchical garments, immersed in tearful prayer. Suddenly he fell into a light slumber and was rapt up to Heaven, where he heard the angels singing; «Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison.» Coming to himself, he asked whether the king had arrived. The answer was that he had not. Again he prayed, and again he was rapt up to Heaven, where he heard the last words of the Liturgy being pronounced in a high voice. At that moment some clergy ran up to him and told him that the king had arrived. But he replied that he had already been present at the Liturgy, and would not be present at or celebrate it again that day. On being asked why, he revealed to them his vision, after which he forbade the king to hunt again on the Lord " s Day. Then he taught the clergy the »Kyrie eleison» which he had heard in the heavens. Once a nobleman entered into an uncanonical marriage. When he refused to renounce it, Dunstan excommunicated him. The earl then went to Rome, where he obtained from the Pope a written order to the archbishop compelling him to allow the marriage. But Dunstan, as his name 1 implied, was firm as a rock: «I am not to be moved,» he said, »even by the threat of death, from the authority of my Lord.» In this way the saint demonstrated his truly Orthodox consciousness and freedom from the papist heresy that sought to place the Popés authority above that of the Universal Church. Nor did the king try to persuade him to disobey the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ. And so the nobleman came to repentance, and appeared before Dunstan barefoot and with a candle in his hand; whereupon he was released from his ban. Now in the capital city of Winchester opposition arose against the monastic reforms which St. Aethelwold, backed by St. Dunstan, was introducing. The secular clergy decided to refer the matter to the king, who in turn referred it to the saint. Dunstan then asked the king to convene a council in Winchester, which met in the refectory of the Old Minster in the presence of the king and queen, the nobles, monks and clergy. The final decision was announced by St. Dunstan: «This Old Minster was founded as a habitation for monks. Let those who benefit from its revenues henceforth live as true monks.» It is said that during the council, when the possibility of restoring the secular clergy to the Old Minster was being discussed, a cross spoke fro the wall: »Far be it from you! You have done well: to change again would be wrong.«


A boy who had been dumb and lame from his birth was cured at the tomb of the saint. »Glory to God in the highest. Alleluiá were his first words, and he continued to extol the miracle for the rest of his life. A girl who had been blind from her birth was brought to the tomb of the saint by her mother. When her eyes were opened she leapt for joy and said: «Mother, what are these beautiful things which I see?» »Do you see something, my darling?» asked the mother. «A beautiful man commanded me to see these beautiful things,» she said. A certain German named Clement had been excommunicated for certain sins, and had been dragged from place to place for seven years, possessed by a demon. Coming to the tomb of the saint, he attended the all-night vigil. At the response, »You see a miracle,» he leapt up and vomited the demon out together with some blood. In the year 1012, a controversy arose between the communities of Canterbury and Glastonbury as to which of them possessed the bones of the saint. The argument was finally settled in 1508, when Archbishop Wareham found the saint " s coffin at Canterbury with the inscription: " Here rests St. Dunstan». The holy relics were found wrapped in linen and with a very fragrant odour, as of balsam, which testified to the heavenly glory of which the saint had been counted worthy. St. Dunstan is commemorated on May 19. Holy Father Dunstan, pray to God for us! (Sources: W. Stubbs, Memorials of St. Dunstan, Rolls series, 1874, containing the earliest «Vita Dunstani» by Saxon priest B. (c. 1000) and the eleventh-century Lives by Abelard, Osbert and Edmer; William of Malmesbury, Gesta Regum Anglorum and Gesta Pontificum Anglorum and De Antiquitate Glastoniae Ecclesiae, 2; Eleanor Duckett, Saint Dunstan of Canterbury, London: Collins, 1955; David Farmer, The Oxford Dictionary of Saints, Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1978, p. 112; Christopher Brooks, The Saxon and Norman Kings, London: Fontana, 1963, pp. 127–128; Andrew Prescott, The Benedictional of St. Aethelwold, London: The British Library, 2002, p. 3)


Besides his religious activities, Dunstan cultivated the arts of metalworking, painting and harp-playing. One day, he was invited to the house of a certain noblewoman called Ethelwynn. She had asked him to design a stole to be used in the Divine services which she would then adorn with gold and silver and precious stones. Dunstan came, bringing his harp with him. Then, as they were returning to work after supper, the harp, which was hanging on the wall far from the reach of any visible hand, spontaneously began to play the melody of the hymn: «Let the souls of the saints who have followed in the footsteps of Christ rejoice in the heavens. Since they have shed their blood for His love, they will reign with Christ forever!» Everyone was amazed at the miracle, wondering what it could mean. In 923, Archbishop Plegmund of Canterbury reposed in the Lord, and was succeeded by Dunstan " s uncle, Athelm, Bishop of Wells. Athelm invited the saint to stay with him at Canterbury in the archbishop " s house, and Dunstan accepted. Archbishop Athelm foresaw the future greatness of his nephew and introduced him to King Athelstan, who showed him great favour. But then a temptation was allowed to try him. Certain companions and relatives of his at the court became jealous of Dunstan " s success and accused him to the king of practising black magic. The soldier of Christ did not falter, but remembered the words of David: »Unjust witnesses are risen up against me, and injustice hath lied to itself». He placed before his spiritual eyes the promise of Christ: «Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad; for great is your reward in heaven.» And so, comforted by these words, he »became as a deaf man in whose mouth are no reproofs»; for when the dogs barked at him he hardly ever opened his mouth. But their madness grew more frenzied, and, binding him like a sheep by the arms and legs, they threw him into a muddy pool and trampled on him. He got up and set off for a friend " s house which was about a mile away. But then the friend " s dogs ran keenly up to him, and, thinking him to be more a monster than a man, started barking at him savagely. However, they soon recognized his soothing voice and calmed down. Sighing deeply, the servant of God reflected how the irrational nature of animals showed him more kindness than the animal ferocity of his kinsmen.


But now it came for the man of God to go the way of all flesh. On the eve of the Feast of the Ascension, 988, a priest of the saint " s monastic family at Canterbury, the future Bishop of Elmham, Elfgar «the Almsgiver», had the following vision. Dunstan was sitting on his Episcopal throne, dictating canon law to a scribe. While he was intent on these things, a great host of heavenly beings was seen entering the church through all the entrances. They surrounded the bishop with their festal array and cried: »Rejoice, our Dunstan! If you are ready, come, join our fellowship as a most honoured member!» But he said: «You know, holy spirits, that I must preach to the assembled people in the mother church and communicate them in the Holy Mysteries of the Lord. So I cannot possibly come.» To which they replied: »Be ready to come to us on the Sabbath.« On the Feast of the Ascension, the saint preached three sermons whose power and glow was wonderful. Then, having said farewell for the last time to his cathedral family, he suddenly felt weak and retired to his bed. And on the morning of the Sabbath, May 19, 988, when the Mattins hymns were finished, he told the brethren to come to him. In their presence he commended his spirit to God and received the Holy Mysteries, which had been celebrated on the holy table in his presence. Then, giving thanks to God, he began to chant the words of David: »He made a remembrance of His wondrous deeds; merciful and compassionate is the Lord; He hath given food to them that fear Him.» With these words he rested in peace. St. Dunstan was buried with great honour in Christchurch, Canterbury. Very soon, miracles were being wrought at his tomb. A woman who had been blind for many years was healed after watching and praying at his tomb. A priest was cured of paralysis at his tomb. But a little later, while he was celebrating and giving thanks to God and St. Dunstan, he said: «And if there had been no Dunstan, I should still have been cured.» Immediately he was struck with his former paralysis, and died soon after.


Entering the king " s chamber in accordance with their superiors» command, Dunstan and Cynesige found the king " s crown, which was bound with gold, silver and precious stones, and shone with a many-coloured light, carelessly thrown on the floor far away from his head, while the king himself wallowed between the two women as if he were in a pig-sty. They said to him: »Our nobles have sent us to you to ask you to come as quickly as possible to your proper seat, and not to scorn to be present at the joyful banquet of your chief men.» But when the king did not want to rise, Dunstan, after first rebuking the folly of the women, drew him by his hand from his licentious reclining with them, replaced the crown on his head, and brought him with him to the royal assembly by force. Like Jezabel of old, the elder Aelgifu now conceived a violent hatred for Dunstan and obtained the consent of the king to deprive him of all his honours and possessions, and to expel him from the kingdom. Dunstan " s friends and supporters were also persecuted. Aelgifu even sent secret agents to kill Dunstan before he could leave the country. But he eluded her grasp, and made a speedy passage to the continent. There he was kindly received by Count Arnulf of Flanders, staying in the Abbey of St. Peter in Ghent. The saint did not cease to weep and groan day and night, thinking of his country and the spiritual condition of his monastery. One night, he dreamed that he was with a group of brethren as they were coming to the end of the Vespers psalms. After the canticle, «My soul doth magnify the Lord», they began to sing the antiphon from Job: »Why have ye disparaged his truthful words, and composed speeches to reprove him, and.» At this point the chant stopped and they all fell silent; nor was he able to persuade them to complete either the words or the melody. Several times they went back to the same point in the chant, never did they say the last words. And he, rebuking them in the same vision, said: «Why do you not want to end the antiphon with the words: «what ye have had in mind ye discharge»?» Then came the Divine reply: »Because, I say, they will never discharge what they are striving for in their minds – to tear you away from the government of this monastery.» Waking up, the saint gave thanks to God the Most High, his Comforter. And indeed, some of the people in the vision turned out later to have been plotting against him in secret.


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