St. Lawrence of Chernigov: Some Prophecies and Statements on the Ukrainian Situation Dimitra Dwelley Schema-Archimandrite Lawrence, in the world Luke Evseevich Proskura, was born in 1868 in the region of Chernigov. He reposed on the Feast of Theophany, 1950, and after his death his relics were found to be incorrupt. The Russian Orthodox Church canonized him as a saint in 1993 (commemorated on December 29/January 11 and January 6/19). Besides the gift of healing, St. Lawrence was known for his gift of prophecy, especially concerning events surrounding the end of the world and the coming of Antichrist. His words have striking significance for us today. Chernigov is located in the northern Ukraine, a region that before the Bolshevik revolution and Lenin’s redrawing of the map was more considered a part of Russia. St. Lawrence would have felt deeply for the fate of both peoples without preference, and his prophecies concerning the Ukraine have come down to us. Here are some of those prophecies, translated from the book: St Lawrence of Chernigov: Life and Service to the Saint [Russian] (Lestvitsa: Moscow 2003). They are also found in the book [Russian], St. Lawrence of Chernigov: Life, Teachings, Prophecies and Akathist (Holy Dormition-Pochaev Lavra, 2001). “Defender and Protector of Holy Rus’” He was all things to all people (cf. 1 Cor. 9:2) St. Lawrence of Chernigov The spiritual people who had contact with Fr. Lawrence—Metropolitan Joseph (Chernov) of Alma-Atin and Kazakhstan (1839-1975); Archbishop Simon (Ivanovsky) of Vinnitsa and Bratslav (1888-1966); Archbishop Veniamin (Novitsky) of Irkutsk and Chitinsk (1900-1976); Archbishop Evmeny (Khorol’sky) of Zhitomir and Ovruch (1886-1967); Bishop Iakov (Zaika) of Chernigov; Archimandrite Kronid, Vicar of the Kiev Caves Dormition Lavra; Schema-Archimandrite Prochor of Pochaev and St. Kuksha of Odessa were witnesses to Fr. Lawrence, that he was a great ascetic and Starets—like St. Ambrose of Optina and St. Varnava of Gethsemane Skete.

Liddell Henry G., Scott Robert. GreekEnglish Lexicon. 9th ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. Limentani Ludovico. La morale della simpatia: Saggio sopra l’etica di Adamo Smith nella storia del pensiero inglese. Genova: A. F. Formiggini, 1914. Lowry S. Todd. Ancient and Medieval Economics//A Companion to the History of Economic Thought/Samuels Warren J., Biddle Jeff, Davis John Bryan (eds.). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2003. Р. 11–27. Lowry S. Todd. The Archaeology of Economic Ideas: The Classical Greek Tradition. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1988. Lowry S. Todd. The Economic and Jurisprudential Ideas of the Ancient Greeks: Our Heritage from Hellenic Thought//Ancient and Medieval Economic Ideas and Concepts of Social Justice/Lowry S. Todd, Gordon Barry (eds.). New York: Brill, 1998. Lowry S. Todd, Gordon Barry (eds.). Ancient and Medieval Economic Ideas and Concepts of Social Justice. New York: Brill, 1998. Luther Martin. Martin Luther’s Last Sermon in Wittenberg, Second Sunday in Epiphany, 17 January 1546//Dr. Martin Luthers Werke: Kritische Gesamtausgabe. Weimar: Herman Boehlaus Nachfolger, 1914. Р. 51–126. Macfie Alec L. The Invisible Hand of Jupiter//Journal of the History of Ideas. Vol. 32 (October — December 1971). Р. 595–599. Macfie Alec L. The Individual in Society. London: Allen & Unwin, 1967. MacIntyre Alasdair. A Short History of Ethics: A History of Moral Philosophy from the Homeric Age to the Twentieth Century. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1998. Mahan Asa. A Critical History of Philosophy. New York: Phillips & Hunt, 2002. Malthus Thomas. An Essay on the Principle of Population. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. Mandeville Bernard. A Letter to Dion. The Project Gutenberg: [Electronic resource]. h.htm. Martindale Wayne, Root Jerry (eds.). The Quotable Lewis: An Encyclopedic Selection of Quotes from the Complete Published Works. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale, 1989. Marx William. The Devil´s Rights and the Redemption in the Literature of Medieval England. Rochester, NY: Boydell and Brewer, 1995.

About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Are You a True Christian? Navigation Putin to discuss Syrian peace process with pontiff admin 22 November 2013 Moscow, November 21, Interfax – Syrian settlement prospects will be an item on the agenda of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s meeting with Pope Francis in the Vatican on November 25. “The issue will be touched upon at the audience with the Pontiff,” Russian presidential aide Yury Ushakov said. Pope Francis sent a message to Putin before the G20 St. Petersburg summit of September 2013 to laud Russia’s chairmanship in the Group of Twenty and to oppose the use of force in the settlement of the Syrian conflict. “The message created a constructive background for the discussion of the Syrian crisis at the St. Petersburg meeting of the G20 leaders. Interesting and rather positive developments occurred later on, in the light of the initiatives put forward by our president,” the Kremlin representative observed. There will be some other topical international issues on the meeting’s agenda, Ushakov said. “Special attention will be given to the protection of the Christian population in North Africa and the Middle East,” he said. Russia and the Holy See advocate for the preservation of the priority of international legal and moral fundamentals in interstate communication, the presidential aide continued. “Positions on further coordination of efforts at international organizations – the UN, the Council of Europe and the OSCE – will be compared,” Ushakov said. That would be the third visit of the Russian chief of state to the Vatican after the establishment of full-scale diplomatic relations in December 2009. In the earlier period, Putin met with Pope John Paul II in 2000 and 2003 and with Pope Benedict XVI in 2007. Source: Interfax-religion Tweet Donate Share Code for blog Putin to discuss Syrian peace process with pontiff

Moscow, December 11, Interfax - Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations on Thursday expressed deep anxiety over anti-Christian " genocide " in the Middle East. “The so-called Arab Spring, which has lasted for several years, has led to the violation of principal interreligious and interethnic balances that have been taking shape in the Middle East for many centuries. Today radical and extremist forces have been rearing their heads and, cloaking themselves with religious slogans, commit hideous crimes – they kill people, cut off their heads, defile holy sites, destroy churches,” he told reporters. “Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the Middle East these days, they are being put to what is effectively genocide,” he said. “The Christian population of Iraq has been decreased by 90% since 2003, an absolute majority of Christians have either been exterminated or forced to leave their home country. These days the few who remain there are subject to extremely brutal genocide. There are almost no Christians in Libya any longer. Christians in Egypt have been through tough trials, though at the moment, with new state leaders being in rule, the situation there is improving gradually,” Metropolitan Hilarion said. He pointed out that Syria is going through a humanitarian tragedy that has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and made the existence of religious minorities extremely difficult. “Today only Russia and the Russian Orthodox Church are speaking about this tragedy out loud. In the West, unfortunately, it’s being glossed over, ignored, few people are aware of the scale of this tragedy,” he said. “We must do everything that is under our control to help the Christians of the Middle East so that Christianity survives in this region, where it was born and has existed for two millennia,” he added. Code for blog Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong.

Образ К. изредка появляется в произведениях, связанных с патриаршим двором и придворными мастерами. Они предназначались в т. ч. для рода Строгановых, что можно объяснить их близостью ко двору государя и вниманием к рус., в т. ч. малоизвестным, святым. Иконописец Истома Савин изготовил по заказу М. Я. Строганова на досках «гроба Петра митрополита» 3-створчатый складень с изображением Московских святителей и юродивых в молении Богоматери (рубеж XVI и XVII вв., ГТГ; в нач. XX в. находился в усыпальнице вел. кн. Сергея Александровича в Чудовом мон-ре; Антонова, Мнёва. Каталог. Т. 2. Кат. 785. С. 311-312; Рыбаков А. А. Вологодская икона: Центры художественной культуры земли Вологодской XIII-XVIII вв. М., 1995. Табл. 288). На левой створке - К., в саккосе и белом клобуке, молится вместе с митрополитами Алексием и Филиппом перед образом Пресв. Богородицы в изводе иконы «Моление о народе». Необычная форма относительно короткой скругленной седой бороды, вероятно, свидетельствует о знакомстве иконописца с прижизненным образом К. на иконе «Спас митрополита Киприана». Эта деталь повторена и на окладе иконы митр. Алексия (1-я пол. (2-я четв.?) XVII в., СИХМ; см.: Игошев В. В. Драгоценная церковная утварь XVI-XVII вв.: Вел. Новгород, Ярославль, Сольвычегодск. М., 2009. С. 300-301. Ил. 523); на полях иконы помещены полнофигурные и поясные изображения Московских святых, в т. ч. К. В составе этой программы, в той или иной мере напоминающей программы складня Истомы Савина, росписи ц. Ризоположения и иконы «Древо государства Российского», ростовой образ К. в саккосе и клобуке занимает довольно заметное место на левом поле, между фигурами святителей Ионы и Фотия. В памятниках «строгановского» круга встречаются изображения К. в архиерейской митре: на иконе-таблетке «Минея на сентябрь и октябрь» (1-я пол. XVII в., ГЭ, см.: Косцова А. С. Двухсторонние иконы-таблетки XV-XVII вв. в собр. Эрмитажа//Рус. искусство в Эрмитаже: Сб. ст. СПб., 2003. С. 30-31. Ряд 3. 3), на иконе «Минея на май» из Никольского единоверческого монастыря (сер. XVII в., см.: Гурьянов. 1904. С. 29, 57) - аналогично складню письма Истомы Савина. К «строгановским» произведениям восходит и комплект святцев (нач. XIX в., частное собрание), где К. изображен трижды: в композиции «Сретение Владимирской иконы Божией Матери», под 16 сент. и 27 мая (вместе со святителями Фотием и Ионой, см.: MacDougall " s: Icons of the Orthodox World: Wednesday, 2 December 2009. L., 2009. N 12; датирован 60-ми гг. XVII в. на основании надписи о принадлежности икон Д. А. Строганову; возможно, представляет собой полностью поновленный древний памятник или его точную реплику).

Archive DECR representative and delegation of the Foundation for Support of Christian Culture and Heritage visit the St. Alexander Nevsky Monastery in Ugljevik 7 December 2021 year 14:19 On December 6, 2021, the commemoration day of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky, Archpriest Nikolay Balashov, a vice-chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, and a delegation of the Foundation for Support of Christian Culture and Heritage led by the Foundation executive secretary Ye. I. Skopenko visited the monastery dedicated to this saint in the city of Ugljevik, Republika Srbska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the monastery, which the Foundation has been helping to upgrade since 2020, the guests were warmly welcomed by Ugljevik Mayor V. Peric and Protohegumen Sran Vasiljevi, who showed the guests the church of St. Alexander Nevsky and the monastic building under construction, which is to accommodate a Russian-Serbian Friendship Center. The guests were told about the progress made in the construction work to be completed with the help of the Foundation in 2020. The Monastery of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky was founded in 2020 by Bishop Fotije of Zvornik-Tuzla near the church of the same name built by Russian paratroopers from the peace contingent deployed in the city of Ugljevik as part of the Stabilization Force in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The church was consecrated in 1997 by Bishop Savva of Krasnogorsk, chairman of the Synodal Department for Cooperation with the Armed Forces, and Bishop Basil of Zvornik-Tuzla and transferred to the Serbian Orthodox Church after the Russian peacemakers were withdrawn in 2003. DECR Communication Service / Календарь ← 7 December 2023 year

Few Russians Celebrate Western-style Christmas – Poll Moscow, December 25, Interfax – Only 7% of Russians celebrate Western-style Christmas, according to a Levada Center survey obtained by  Interfax . The indicator stood at 5% in 2011, 6% in 2006, and 19% in 2003. It seems Russians are bracing for the long New Year holiday season,  Levada Center  said. The majority of Russians celebrating Western-style Christmas are people younger than 25 (11%), people with a secondary education (9%), Muscovites (16%), unemployed people (14%), housewives and specialists (13%). Catholics and many other Christian religions, including Orthodox, celebrate Christmas on December 25. The Russian, Serbian, Jerusalem and Georgian Orthodox Churches celebrate Christmas on January 7. Source: Interfax-Religion Code for blog Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong. Having said that, Pravmir provides daily articles from an autonomous news service, weekly wall newspaper for churches, lectorium, photos, videos, hosting and servers. Editors and translators work together towards one goal: to make our four websites possible -,, and Therefore our request for help is understandable. For example, 5 euros a month is it a lot or little? A cup of coffee? It is not that much for a family budget, but it is a significant amount for Pravmir. If everyone reading Pravmir could donate 5 euros a month, they would contribute greatly to our ability to spread the word of Christ, Orthodoxy, life " s purpose, family and society. Also by this author Today " s Articles Most viewed articles Functionality is temporarily unavailable. Most popular authors Functionality is temporarily unavailable. © 2008-2024

BM 54557: (=Zawadzki JEOL 34:45f.) Text from Sippar [?]. Although dated only to the accessionyear of Darius II (month IXp], day 29), the body of the text refers to a span of time “from month V year 41 of Ar (takshatsu ...) to the end of month XII, year 41, accession of Darius.” (Information on this text was received from Prof. Matthew W. Stolper, the leading expert on the Murashu archive, in a letter dated January 29, 1999). Bertin 2889: Text from Babylon dated to”day 26, month XI, year 41, accessionyear of Darius.” The text is not published, but information on the date was received by JeanFrédéric Brunet from Dr. Francis Joannès on July 3 rd , 2003. (Mail BrunetJonsson, December 22, 2003) BM 33342: Text from Babylon dated to “month Shabatu [month XI]; day 29; year 41, accessionyear, Darius, King of hands.” (Matthew W. Stolper in AMI, Vol. 16, 1983, pp. 231236) This text does not belong to the Murashu archive. BE 10 no. 4: (=TuM 2/3, 216) Text from Nippur dated to day 14, month XII, year 41, accessionyear of Darius II, king of the lands. BE 10 no. 5: Text from Nippur dated to day 17, month XII, accessionyear of Darius, king of the lands. The first line says “until the end of Adar (month XII) of year 41, accessionyear of Darius, king of the lands.” BE 10 no. 6: Text from Nippur dated to the accessionyear of Darius. Month and day are illegible, but lines 2f. mention the whole year “from the first month of year 41 to the end of month XII of the accessionyear of Darius.” PBS 2/1 no. 1: Text from Nippur dated to day 22, month XII, year 41, accessionyear of Darius II. BE 10 no. 7: (=TuM 2/3, 181) Text from Nippur dated to month I, day 2, year 1, of Darius II. Tine 6 mentions receipt for produce for, “year 41, accessionyear of Darius.” PBS 2/1 no. 3: Text from Nippur dated to month I, day 5, year 1, of Darius II. Lines 2–3 refers to taxes for the period “up to the end of month XII, year (4)1, (ac)cession year of Darius.” Line 13 says: “until the end of Adar [month XII], year 41.”

It is a well-known fact that one of the first conditions to create a work of art is the existence of a real subject. If that subject does not exist, it is impossible to create not only a masterpiece, but even a successful work of art. This is one of the crucial and fundamental rules of art. The biggest enemy of art is dishonesty and fabrication. For this reason there are no masterpieces dedicated to Lenin, and there are many, many spiritual and sacred masterpieces, because the source of these works is God who is real. For this reason, anyone who appreciates sacred art must accept the fact that the source of that art is God, although that might present a challenge for an atheist or an agnostic. Here I have presented my personal experience, which is a powerful way to show the truth, rather than obtain it from books and theories. This truth is the Alpha and Omega for me and for many and that is the existence of a good, wise, and perfect creation, the existence of God. This article originally appeared in the December 2018 issue of Today’s American Catholic. Reprinted with permission. Fr. Bedros Shetilian was born in Aleppo, Syria, in 1963. After high school, he moved to Armenia and then to Russia to pursue a musical education and graduated from St. Petersburg Conservatory with a master’s degree in symphony conducting. Between 1992 and 2003 he successfully worked as a conductor, with concerts in Russia, Armenia, and Europe. Fr. Shetilian attended the Catholic College in St. Petersburg and the Seminary of the Catholicosate of Cilicia in Lebanon. He was ordained as a married priest in 2003. Afterward, he was assigned to serve in the US. Since 2005, he has been the priest in residence at St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic (Orthodox) Church in Springfield, Massachusetts. Fr. Shetilian continues to combine both his callings as a clergyman and a musician. Code for blog Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong.

Series of attacks in Iraq, dozens of dead. Church of St Mathew in Baghdad targeted Baghdad, 20 march 2012 Photo: AsiaNews A bomb exploded near the Syrian-Orthodox church in the capital, killing two guards and wounding five others. Across the country there were over 20 explosions. AsiaNews sources: attacks to derail the upcoming Arab League summit. The violence set to continue. Baghdad (AsiaNews) - The Syrian Orthodox Church of St. Matthew, in Baghdad, is one of the objectives targeted by Iraqi extremists, who this morning carried out a series of attacks across the country to coincide with the ninth anniversary of the U.S. invasion - March 20, 2003 - to overthrow Saddam Hussein Nasser. Church sources in Iraq asking for anonymity for safety reasons, told AsiaNews , that the two guards were killed in the attack, while five others were injured. Meanwhile, the provisional toll from the bomb attacks - in more than 20 explosions - in the capital, in Kirkuk, in the Shiite holy city of Karbala, and Hillah in Mahmoudiya is at least 39 dead and 200 wounded. AsiaNews sources in Iraq confirm " at least the 20 explosions " in different areas of the country, including the bombing of the church of St. Matthew, which " caused the death of two guards and wounded five other people. " At present it is unclear if the place of Christian worship was the real target of the extremist. In Kirkuk, a city 300 km north of the capital, there were " three blasts that caused about 10 deaths and more than 40 wounded " in a neighborhood where the attackers " have targeted a police station. " Reports speak of 13 other deaths and fifty wounded in Karbala, the Shiite holy city, where two car bombs exploded. More attacks were reported in Hillah, Latifuyah and other areas of Iraq, although currently there is no official news. The long trail of blood today marks the ninth anniversary of the U.S. invasion and is just the latest in a series of unending violence that mark a nation divided between Arabs, Kurds and Turkmen, and where Christians are often the victim of revenge caught in the crosshairs of power plays. From 2003 to December 2011, the date of complete withdrawal of U.S. troops, 4,550 U.S. soldiers have died and 300 allies. However, the real carnage regards the Iraqi civilian population, which has around 100 thousand casualties since the war began.

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