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113 See Cormack. Painting the Soul, esp.154–155, and also the extensive bibliography cited there. 114 Meinardus O. A study of the relics of saints in the Greek church//Oriens Christianus 54 (1970), p. 267–269. 117 Belting H. An image and its function in the liturgy: the Man of Sorrows in Byzantium//DOP 34–35 (1980–1981), 1–16. Also Maguire H. Art and Eloquence in Byzantium. Princeton, 1981. 118 For example, the image of St Stephen the Younger in the enkleistra of St Neophytos on Paphos. 119 The suggestion is J. Wortley’s in: Iconoclasm and Leipsanoclasm: Leo III, Constantine V and the relics//ByzF 8 (1982), p. 224–279. 121 Eastmond A. Body vs. Column: the cults of St Symeon Stylites//Desire and Denial in Byzantium/Ed. L. James. Aldershot, 1999, p. 87–100. 122 On Western concerns, see: Bynum Walker C. Material continuity, personal survival and the resurrection of the body: a scholastic discussion in its medieval and modem contexts//Fragmentation and Redemption. New York, 1991, p. 239–298. 123 A homily of Chrysostom’s discusses mechanical objections to the resurrection of the dead and suggests that the faithful need not worry about this issue and that it is a different body which will be resurrected: John Chrysostom. Seventh Homily on I Thessalonians, esp. 4, 3//PG 62, p. 435–440. Also see: Krausmuller D. God or angels as impersonators of saints. A belief and its contexts in the ‘Refutation’ of Eustratius of Constantinople and in the writings of Anastasius of Sinai//Gouden Hoorn 6, 2 (1998–1999), 5–16, which touches on this theme. My thanks to Mary Cunningham for both of these references. Also see: Ware T. The Orthodox Church. London, 1964, p. 238, 264. 125 Ambrose. De viduis XI, 54, PL XVI, 250 and quoted by: Brown P. Relics and social status in the age of Gregory ofTours//Society and the Holy in Late Antiquity. London, 1982, p. 228. 126 Brown P. Relics and social status; Idem. Society and the supernatural: a medieval change//Daedalus CIV (1975), p. 133–151, and in ‘Society and the holy’, p. 302–332.


949 Там же, Pl. XXXIII. В. 42.1, aspron trachy nomisma (Христос Халкитис – император в полный рост); ср. Mango, fig. 19. 950 Там же. Pl. XXXI, Е1. 21, aspron trachy nomisma (Богоматерь на троне с Христом в медальоне на груди – император, венчаемый Христом Халкитисом). 951 Catalogue of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks collection and in the Whittemore collection. V. III/Ed. Grierson Ph. Washington, 1973, p. 160–161. 952 Среди наиболее известных – увенчание Христом Константина VII Багрянородного на пластине слоновой кости из ГМИИ, а также Рожера Сицилийского на мозаике в Палатинской капелле (KitzingerE. The Mosaics of St. Mary’s of the Admiral in Palermo. Washington, 1990, p. 189–197). 953 Заслуживает внимание то, что на монетах Андроника I различных номиналов помещается полнофигурное изображение стоящего Христа в сцене Божественной инвеституры монарха, иконографически тождественное изображениям на монетах Иоанна Ватаца. 954 См., напр.: Constantinus VII, De caerimoniis aulae byzantinae, I, 56. (Le livre des ceremonies. T. I–II. Texte etabli et traduit par A. Vogt. Paris, 1967). 955 Angold M. Church and Society in Byzantium underthe Comneni 1081–1261. Cambridge, 1995, p. 536–537. 956 Grierson Ph. Byzantine Coins, London, 1982. 1195. По этому же образцу отчеканил свою монету и союзник Феодора Дуки сербский краль Стефан Радослав, сопроводив изображение Христа эпитетом О ΠANTOKPATOP. 957 Belting H. Likeness and Presence. A History of the Image before the Era of Art/Transl. E. Japhcott. Chicago, 1994 (first published Munich, 1990), p. 330–342. 958 Meinardus O. A typological analysis of the traditions pertaining to miraculous icons//Wegzeichen. Festgabe zum 60. Geburtstag vom Prof. Dr. H. M. Biedermann OSA/Eds. E. Suttnerand C. Patock. Wurzburg, 1971. P. 201–232. 959 Casini A. Nessuno osi trasferirmi da qui. Storia di Montallegro. Rapallo, 1981; Bacigalupo M. A., Benatti P. L. II Santuario basilica di N. S. di Montallegro. Rapallo, 1998. Documentary sources are printed in: FerrettoA. II Codice diplomatico del santuario di Monte Allegro. Genoa, 1897; Sacco L. Contributi all storia di Nostra Signora di Monte Allegro. Genoa, 1899; 2 nd edn, 1913. We are grateful to Fr. Pasquale Marcone, former Rector of the Sanctuary of Montallegro, for his support of our work on the icon.


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