Tweet Нравится St. Tikhon’s Seminary Choir benefit concert held in Bethlehem, PA (+ VIDEO) Moscow, February 23, 2017      St. Tikhon’s Seminary held a benefit concert last night at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Bethlehem, Pa., sponsored by the Pan-Orthodox Clergy Brotherhood of the Lehigh Valley, which includes thirteen parishes throughout the region. The performance, “Psalms and Hymns,” presented Orthodox liturgical pieces in English especially meant to highlight the Biblical foundations of Orthodox Christian worship, which is especially relevant as about a hundred people who had never been to an Orthodox church before came to the concert thanks to a write-up in the regional newspaper. Drawing especially on the thousand-year-old tradition of monastic singing in Russia, the program included examples of Znamenny Chant as well as more recent arrangements by composers from the Moscow Synodal School and the Trinity-Saint Sergius Lavra. Also included on the program were arrangements by the late Deacon Sergei Trubachev an original work by Mr. Sheehan, based on Znamenny chant, and a Byzantine-style psalm popular on Mt. Athos. Proceeds from the concert will go to benefit seminarians of St. Tikhon’s. A video clip from the concert is available below: 23 февраля 2017 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Concert on November 6 in Philadelphia to Explore Biblical Foundations of Orthodox Christian liturgy Concert on November 6 in Philadelphia to Explore Biblical Foundations of Orthodox Christian liturgy The performance, entitled “Psalms & Hymns,” will feature Russian Orthodox sacred music in English that highlights the biblical foundations of Orthodox Christian liturgy. Jonathan Jackson talks about Enation’s new compilation: “Basileia ton Ouranon” Jonathan Jackson talks about Enation’s new compilation: “Basileia ton Ouranon” Holywood actor Jonathan Jackson, recipient of five Emmy Awards, and the Entaion " s band frontman at an interview given to " Pemptousia " during his recent visit to the Porto Lagos " metochi of Vatopedi Monastery, talks about Enation’s new compilation: “Basileia ton Ouranon " " Where your treasure is, there your heart is. " The state of Church singing in America Jesse Dominick, Benedict Sheehan " Where your treasure is, there your heart is. " The state of Church singing in America An interview with choirmaster Benedict Sheehan Jesse Dominick, Benedict Sheehan " I think if you really care then you’ll do something, you’ll do better, you’ll do really well if you really care. Christ said Where your treasure is there your heart is. If the liturgy in your church is sung poorly, or half-heartedly, or in a slovenly or disorderly manner, then your heart’s not there. It can’t be. " Комментарии © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru

The Synod also adopted a statement which presents the historical facts indicating that the ecclesiastical belonging of the Kievan Metropolia to the Moscow Patriarchate is indisputable, no matter what attempts are being made to review the church history now, 300 years after their reunification. The statement calls upon the Local Orthodox Churches to initiate a brotherly pan-Orthodox discussion of the ecclesial situation in Ukraine. Why is it necessary now? Firstly, the granting of the autocephalous status is the concern of the entire Orthodoxy, not of one Church only. Secondly, the granting of the tomos to the schismatics will have catastrophic consequences for the Orthodox unity. According to the Orthodox ecclesiology, one cannot be in the Eucharistic communion both with the canonical Church and with those who fell away from it. Such a step will lead to the complete break in communion between the Patriarchates of Moscow and Constantinople, and this rift will be hard to overcome. I am acquainted with many hierarchs of the Orthodox Church of Greece and believe that most of them take to heart what is going on in regard to the so-called ‘Ukrainian autocephaly.’ Many of these hierarchs have been to Ukraine and to Russia; many of them have received pilgrims from the Moscow Patriarchate – from both Russia and Ukraine. We have reached a dangerous point, but I still have a hope that Their Eminences and Graces the archpastors of the Church of Greece will devote special attention to the current critical situation and will do all in their power to initiate the pan-Orthodox discussion of the Ukrainian church issue, for the further unilateral actions in relation to the Ukrainian autocephaly can lead to the most tragic consequences for the unity of the entire Holy Orthodoxy. DECR Communication Service / Календарь ← 21 апреля 2024 г. (8 апреля ст.ст.) воскресенье Неделя 5-я Великого поста. Глас 5-й. Прп. Марии Египетской (переходящее празднование в 5-ю Неделю Великого поста). Апп. Иродиона, Агава, Асинкрита, Руфа, Флегонта, Ерма и иже с ними (I).

“Maximus the Confessor.” Cambridge History of Philosophy in Late Antiquity, ed. Lloyd Gerson (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming). “On Drawing the Mind into the Heart: Psychic Wholeness in the Greek Patristic Tradition” (Chinese translation). Reading Thomas Aquinas, ed. Kelly James Clark and Xu Xiangdong (Peking University Press, forthcoming). “The First Cause, Creation, and Emanation.” Blackwell History of Philosophy in the Middle Ages, ed. John Inglis, Daniel Frank, and Taneli Kukkonen (Blackwell, forthcoming). Interview with American Orthodox theologian and philosopher David Bradshaw about historic and current links between theology and philosophy. Интервью с православным американским богословом и философом Дэвидом Брэдшоу об исторической и актуальной связи теологии и философии. Interview with American Orthodox theologian and philosopher David Bradshaw, on the study of the Fathers in the United States and on the Society of Christian Philosophers, which is expanding its cooperation with Russia. Декан философского факультета Университета Кентукки Дэвид Брэдшоу дал интервью корреспонденту портала «Богослов.Ru» игумену Адриану (Пашину).   В книге прослеживается история развития концепции Бога и отношений между Божией сущностью и деятельностью от Аристотеля и неоплатоников  до таких мыслителей, как Августин, Боэций, Фома Аквинский (на Западе) и Дионисий Ареопагит, Максим Исповедник и Григорий Палама (на Востоке). Перед читателем - сравнительная история философской мысли двух разнящихся частей христианского мира;  сравнительный анализ двух течений религиозной философии направлен на понимание философской базы, сформировавшейся вследствие раскола XI века между Восточной и Западной Церквами. Другие публикации на портале: © 2007-2024 Портал Богослов.Ru. Издатель: БОГОСЛОВ.RU Адрес издателя: 141300 Московская область, город Сергиев Посад, территория Троице-Сергиевой Лавры. Все права защищены. Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ Эл ФС77-46659 от 22.09.2011 При копировании материалов с сайта ссылка обязательна в формате: Источник: Портал Богослов.Ru . Мнение редакции может не совпадать с мнением авторов публикаций.

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church finds “Kyiv Patriarchate’s” proposal to hold services by turns unacceptable Kiev, October 22, 2015 The proposal of the “Kyiv Patriarchate” to the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church to celebrate services in disputed churches by turns is unacceptable, said Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich, deputy chairman of the Department for External Relations (DECR) of UOC MP, in his interview with the Argumenty I Fakty newspaper, reports .      “Our Church disapproves of the idea of performing services alternately—this is the position of His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev and All the Ukraine. Our experience tells us that the practice of holding services by turns does not promote settlement of the conflict. It is better when each community builds a church for itself and the one helps it as far as possible,” the Church representative noted. According to Archpriest Nikolai, confrontations between parishes crop up only in the villages that have only one church. In cities, where there are many churches, such problems do not arise. “And, by the way, whenever representatives of the “Kyiv Patriarchate” are talking about alternate services, they should, first of all, make these steps themselves. But, for some reason, when recently a parish of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic (Uniate) Church in the Turylche village of the Ternopil region appealed to the “Kyiv Patriarchate” with such a request, it was turned down,” stressed vice-chairman of the UOC MP DECR. In his interview the archpriest has emphasized that following the takeover of churches of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church the faithful continue attending services in adapted buildings or build new churches. “That is why we are not afraid of these seizures, since they are taking only our walls, but not people. And walls without people are worth not much. Nevertheless, we will defend each church on the basis of the current legislation of the Ukraine. I believe that in the present situation the interfaith conflicts should be resolved exclusively on the legal basis,” Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich said. At the present time, he added, the lawyers are working with each individual case of violation of rights of the communities, including the incidents in Katerinovka and Kolosova in the Ternopil region. “There were problems in the Pticha village of the Rivne region, but the problem there has already been solved judicially. The court confirmed the rights of UOC MP believers, and their church was returned to them. I feel certain that it is always possible to come to an agreement without court—only showing respect toward each other,” Archpriest Nikolai said in conclusion. 26 октября 2015 г. Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Version: Russian , Greek Share: Materials on the theme Metropolitan Theodosius (Snihiriov): ‘The world community is standing up in defence of our Church’ [Interview] A number of hierarchs of Local Orthodox Churches announced the creation of an international human rights association His Holiness Patriarch Kirill sends messages in connection to bill No.8371 considered by Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Archbishop Theodosius of Sebastia: the oppression to which the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is subjected is unjust and cannot be justified or accepted in any form Ukrainian authorities try to withhold information from world community regarding facts of violation of believers’ rights Hierarchs of the Malankara Church have called for the speedy release of Metropolitan Jonathan of Tulchin and Bratslav Patriarch Porfirije of Serbia: Father Superior of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra given custodial sentence for his religious affiliation Metropolitan Hilarion of Budapest and Hungary: Vatican concedes to liberals on the issue of same-sex couples [Interview] Synodal Biblical-Theological Commission meets for plenary session DECR chairman meets with Archbishop Filippo Santoro of Taranto Prof Dr Thomas Bremer: Freedom of faith stipulates for non-interference of state in ecclesiastical affairs All materials with key words international organizations in Europe – persecution of Christians – Roman Catholic Church   Other news DECR representative took part in an interreligious meeting on the topic of the family Church for Russian Orthodox community consecrated in Lebanon Thanksgiving celebrated at St. Nicholas Cathedral in Tehran Several humanitarian projects in Africa carried out in cooperation with Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa Metropolitan Eugene of Tallinn is forced to leave Estonia DECR chairman concelebrates Liturgy with Patriarch of Antioch at Russian Church’s Metochion in Damascus Russian Ecclesiastical Mission commemorates its heavenly patron Clergy of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission celebrate Liturgy in Bethlehem Grotto of the Nativity His Holiness Patriarch Kirill had phone conversation with Metropolitan Ioann of Belgorod and Stary Oskol DECR chairman attends presentation of Christmas project at the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs   Календарь ← 12 апреля 2024 г. (30 марта ст.ст.)

The IP concentrated on the other four directives of the mandate »] (с. 4). Обоснованно говорить о дефектности и других заявленных задач исследуемого Доклада Р. Макларена. Кроме того, анализ Доклада Р. Макларена позволяет сделать вывод об отсутствии референтности заявленных задач и предмета Доклада выводам Доклада. 1.3. Оценка фактологической и иной источниковой основы Доклада Р. Макларена 1.3.1. Заявления Г. Родченкова как один из источников информации в основе Доклада Р. Макларена Основным источником информации, заложенным в основу Доклада, заявлены заявления и материалы Г. Родченкова. При этом в отношении переданных Г. Родченковым материалов всё сводится просто к указанию того, что такие материалы были переданы, в такой-то форме, в таких-то объёмах (всё абстрактно): « Публичные заявления д-ра Родченкова спровоцировали начало расследования НЛ. Он сотрудничал со следствием, дал согласие на многочисленные интервью и предоставил тысячи документов в электронной или печатной форме » [« Dr. Rodchenkov " s public statements triggered the creation of the IP investigation. He cooperated with the investigation, agreeing to multiple interviews and providing thousands of documents electronically or in hard copy »] (с. 7). Никаких выкладок относительно способов отыскания и нахождения подтверждения сказанному Г. Родченковым, проверки и подтверждения достоверности переданных им «документов» в Докладе не приводится. Просто голословно утверждается об этом лице: « он был честен с НЛ (см. Главу 2) » [« he has been truthful with the IP »] (с. 7); « Родченков предоставил убедительные доказательства ...» [« Rodchenkov provided credible evidence »] (с. 14); « Родченков достоверно и правдиво передал мне показания ... в допросах со мной он был честен » [« Dr. Rodchenkov is credible and truthful in relaying to me the testimony... has been completely truthful in his interviews with me »] (с. 21); « Родченков , в контексте предмета в рамках мандата НЛ , был надежным и честным человеком » [« Rodchenkov , in the context of the subject matter within the IP mandate, was a credible and truthful person »] (с. 23);

Journeying Up the Mountain: A Sacred Choral Music Workshop with Maestro Vladimir Gorbik/Православие.Ru Journeying Up the Mountain: A Sacred Choral Music Workshop with Maestro Vladimir Gorbik An Interview with Isaac Crabtree Jesse Dominick , Isaac Crabtree On September 27 we posted an interview with Benedict Sheehan, choirmaster at St. Tikhon " s Monastery and Seminary in Pennsylvania, in which he shared his thoughts on the state of Church music in America and about the various projects with which he is involved. One of those projects is the Patriarch Tikhon Russian-American Music Institute (PaTRAM) which is dedicated to promoting high-quality Church singing, through private instructions and also through Master Classes throughout America. September 2 —6 the institute offered its first Master Class in Russia, at the Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra Podvoriye in Moscow, where Institute co-founder Maestro Vladimir Gorbik, of whom Benedict spoke, is choirmaster. Singers from America, Canada, and Russia came together for an intensive workshop in Slavonic choral music, as well as several pilgrimage-outings, under the direction of Maestro Gorbik. We spoke with Isaac Crabtree of St. John Chrysostom Orthodox Church in House Springs, MO, one of the thirty-five participants in the Master Class, about the experience. His thoughts and reflections are a testament to the work of PaTRAM and give us insight into the depth of the Orthodox choral tradition, and what can be accomplished both technically and spiritually when we give our best effort and our first fruits to the Lord. —Give us a run-down of the daily schedule of the conference. —This was a four-day Master Class, Wednesday—Saturday, that also included several planned excursions to holy places. Our final practice was on Saturday afternoon and we sang the Vigil at the Podvoriye Saturday evening, and the Divine Liturgy on Sunday. Each day was scheduled differently, but all were a combination of rehearsals or divine services and either planned or informal excursions.

It is a temptation for the Church to accommodate itself to the world in a way that compromises its own heritage. Certainly we need to communicate with the world, to reach out to the world, but the world expects the Church to retain its integrity and its witness and it is because of that integrity and that witness that they return to the Church. And this becomes the answer to the challenges of the modern world, that the Church does not change; it retains the same witness it had over the centuries, and as it gave people hope, consolation and profound joy in past centuries, so can it do so even today. A.B.: Father, thank you very much for this interview. Your ideas were really great and very important for us. Thank you very much. J.S.: Thank you. Interviewer: priest Antoniy Borisov Комментарии ( ): Написать комментарий: Правила о комментариях Все комментарии премодерируются. Не допускаются комментарии бессодержательные, оскорбительного тона, не имеющие своей целью плодотворное развитие дискуссии. Обьём комментария не должен превышать 2000 знаков. Републикация материалов в комментариях не допускается. Просим читателей обратить внимание на то, что редакция, будучи ограничена по составу, не имеет возможности сканировать и рассылать статьи, библиограммы которых размещены в росписи статей. Более того, большинство этих статей защищены авторским правом. На просьбу выслать ту или иную статью редакция отвечать не будет. Вместе с тем мы готовы рассмотреть вопрос о взаимном сотрудничестве, если таковые предложения поступят. Прим.: Адрес электронной почты опубликован не будет и будет виден лишь модераторам. Зарегистрированным пользователям Отправить Другие публикации на портале: 17 июня 2020 10 22 мая 2020 10 6 мая 2020 10 25 марта 2022 10 18 марта 2022 10 12 января 2022 10 14 ноября 2021 10 22 июня 2020 10 22 июня 2020 10 17 июня 2020 10 22 мая 2020 10 6 мая 2020 10 25 марта 2022 10 18 марта 2022 10 12 января 2022 10 14 ноября 2021 10 22 июня 2020 10 22 июня 2020 10 17 июня 2020 10

Everyday Heroes: An Interview with Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) Архимандрит Тихон (Шевкунов) In his address to the Federal Assembly [on December 12, 2012.—Trans.], President Vladimir Putin stated: “It is painful for me to say this, but I must say it: Russian society is experiencing an evident deficit of spiritual bonds.” The dissociation between “fathers and sons,” the lack of understanding among people even of the same generation, and sometimes also the loss of Russia’s traditional moral values… Until this year we hadn’t hear anything like this from the leaders of our government. Whether we like it or not, after the Soviet period with its coercive ideology, we hurled ourselves, as usual, in the opposite direction: in this case, towards complete ideological confusion and ambiguity of meaning and purpose. While maintaining every aversion to coercive ideology, more and more people are gradually coming to the conclusion that the opposite extreme, a completely de-ideologized state, is spiritually weak and simply unsustainable. So what instead? A new ideology? That’s just what I wouldn’t want at all: an ideology labored over behind desks and obligatory for all. Fortunately, however, in the realm of human convictions and worldviews there are things that are much more significant and effective than any ideology.    For example? Eternal values. For people today that sounds a little too passionate. Perhaps it might be better to say “core values”? That’s what people today say should be actively cultivated when talking about Russia’s youth policy.          And may I ask which “core values” are most in demand among young people today? We know this from numerous opinion polls. Health comes first, then quality of life and family, then money and material goods. Security. The ability to find lucrative, interesting work. Then friends. And, finally, love for the Motherland. Well, if these are indeed the principles values of today’s young people, then our position really is worse than can be imagined. After all, if we translate this hierarchy of values from the language of sociology into Russian, this is what we hear: “Guarantee me a quality education, lucrative work, security, decent housing, and everything needed for good health—and then my friends and I will love the Motherland.”

Version: Russian Materials on the theme Church for Russian Orthodox community consecrated in Lebanon Metropolitan Hilarion of Budapest and Hungary: Vatican concedes to liberals on the issue of same-sex couples [Interview] Thanksgiving celebrated at St. Nicholas Cathedral in Tehran DECR chairman concelebrates Liturgy with Patriarch of Antioch at Russian Church’s Metochion in Damascus Christian leaders in Jerusalem called for an immediate and sustainable ceasefire in the Gaza Strip DECR Chairman met with a representative of the Church of England Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk met with representatives of the Coptic Church Delegation of Malankara Church arrives in Russia All materials with key words parishes abroad – inter-Christian relations   Other news DECR representative took part in an interreligious meeting on the topic of the family Metropolitan Anthony holds talks with Primate of Malankara Church Metropolitan Anthony participates in events in India to mark the 1950th anniversary of the martyr’s death of the holy apostle Thomas Meeting takes place between chairman of the DECR and representatives of the Church of India responsible for relations with the Russian Orthodox Church Metropolitan of Volokolamsk meets with newly-elected primate of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church Chairman of the DECR meets with Indian nuns   Календарь ← → Богослужебные указания Video 7 December 2023 year His Holiness Patriarch Kirill presides over jubilee meeting of Inter-Religious Council of Russia Other video Top news Paschal Message of Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Russia Patriarch : Messages Patriarchal message to the archpastors, clergymen, monastics and laypeople of the dioceses in the territory of Russia Patriarch : Messages His Holiness Patriarch Kirill approves texts of prayerful supplications in view of the spreading coronavirus infection Instructions to rectors of parishes and monasteries’ town churches, abbots and abbesses of the monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church over the threat of spreading coronavirus infection Documents Dialogue and unity Documents Statement of the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of December 6, 2019 Documents Statement of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church Documents On the situation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Documents Statement by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church concerning the encroachment of the Patriarchate of Constantinople on the canonical territory of the Russian Church Documents On the situation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Documents Statement by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church concerning the encroachment of the Patriarchate of Constantinople on the canonical territory of the Russian Church Documents Interview © , 2005 – 2024

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