Не успели сколотить команду, как уже возникает новое осложнение. Casa de la Contratación возражает против произведенного Магелланом набора; ее чиновники находят, что он завербовал в королевскую испанскую армаду слишком много португальцев, и заявляют, что не станут выплачивать чужакам ни одного мараведиса. Но королевская грамота дает Магеллану неограниченное право вербовать людей по своему усмотрению (que la gente de mar que se tomase fuese a su contento como persona que de ella tenia mucha experiencia ), и он на этом праве настаивает; итак, снова письмо к королю, снова просьба о помощи. Но на сей раз Магеллан задел больное место. Якобы из нежелания оскорбить короля Мануэла, на деле же — из опасения, как бы Магеллан со своими португальцами не почувствовал себя слишком самостоятельным, Kapл V разрешает оставить на всю флотилию не свыше пяти португальцев. А тем временем уже возникают новые затруднения: то в срок не доставляются товары, экономии ради закупленные в других областях и даже в Германии, то вдруг один из капитанов испанцев отказывает адмиралу в повиновении и в присутствии команды оскорбляет его, — опять приходится обращаться ко двору, опять просить королевского бальзама для врачевания ран. Каждый день несет с собой новые дрязги, из-за всякой мелочи завязывается нескончаемая переписка с соответствующими ведомствами и с королем. Указ следует за указом; десятки раз кажется, что вся армада потерпит крушение, не успев даже покинуть Севильскую гавань. И снова неуклонной, настойчивой энергией Магеллан преодолевает все препятствия. Ретивый посол короля Мануэла вынужден с тревогой признать, что все его грязные происки, все его надежды расстроить экспедицию разбились о терпеливое, но неизменно стойкое сопротивление Магеллана. Уже пять кораблей, заново оснащенных, забравших на борт почти весь груз, ожидают приказа выйти в море, уже, кажется, невозможно чем-нибудь повредить Магеллану. Но в колчане Алвариша еще хранится последняя стрела, к тому же отравленная; туго и коварно натягивает он тетиву, чтобы поразить Магеллана в наиболее уязвимое место.


I wish my friends who remained pagans would simply study the subject a little bit deeper and without prejudice. This would be quite enough to understand the inadequacy of paganism and, possibly, return to Orthodoxy. Only distorted views on Christianity keep people in paganism. And mere pride: after spending many years believing in it, they can’t renounce it all of a sudden, because their inertia is too strong. But there is God and He is really Love. I wish all neo-pagans would experience such Love. Ivan Liskov was interviewed by priest Priest George Maximov Translation by Talyb Samedov 5 июня 2015 г.   Contactee : In the study of UFOs, this is what people are called to say that that have come into contact with non-earthly civilizations, were abducted by extra-terrestrial beings, etc. In modern “new age” jargon, these are people who have established continual contact with certain spirits, and convey their “revelations”.   Egregore —In occultism this word implies an essence that supposedly lives on the astral and mental planes at the same time and works together with a person’s intellect. It is widely believed that an egregore receives its existence from people’s thoughts and emotions.   Tikala —In Hinduism, a “sacred” mark that followers of Hinduism inscribe with various materials on the forehead or other parts of the body. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Смотри также Комментарии TurtleShroom 25 сентября 2015, 03:00 Greetings from the Protestant side of the Faith! I greatly enjoyed this article and I fully agreed with its message. It was an uplifting, spiritual story about finding God and coming back to Him after so long. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ and we all serve the One True God and His Son, Jesus Christ. It always does my heart and soul good to read stories about how people came to know Christ. Grimmwotan 9 июня 2015, 14:00 A conversa entre o Padre George Maksimov e o ex-rodnover Ivan Liskov, tem tons similares em algum sentido com o que ocorreu com o famigerado golpista do ocultismo, Fabiano Jacob (o nome em si, sionisticamente falando, jб nos diz muito sobre o assunto), mais conhecido como Millenium.


This eschatological glory is manifested on Tabor as Light which cannot be compared with any created light known to man. The gnosiological framework, into which Chrysostom places the Light of Tabor, demonstrates that even descriptions of the revelations of God in Scripture are ultimately always apophatic in character. The Taborian Light, then, is not a physical or material light, and cannot be perceived fully by the corruptible physical eyes of mortal man. Therefore, although he never refers to the Transfiguration Light specifically as uncreated ( aktiston ), it is not difficult to appreciate how these factors combine to point to its supernatural and—because of His clear-cut created-uncreated distinction—also uncreated nature. Equally significant in Chrysostom’s treatment of the Taborian theophany is his insistence on the revelation of God by His condescension rather than by His essence or nature, which is not only invisible and incomprehensible but also totally inaccessible to both human reason and intellect. Indeed, as we shall see, the fundamental presuppositions as regards the relationship between the Light of Tabor and the divine economy are remarkably similar to those which may be found in Greek patristic literature throughout the period which this study aims to cover, that is, up to and including the person of St. Gregory Palamas in the fourteenth century. The Cloud, on the other hand, offers the disciples a deeper experience or foretaste of the life of the blessed in the Kingdom of Heaven. And the words of the Father, by informing us of the hypostatic individuality and uniqueness of the Son’s generation from Him, transport us once more to the plane of the life of the Holy Trinity—the Kingdom of Heaven. Originally published in: Veniamin, Christopher. " Saint John Chrysostom and the Light of Tabor. " Patristic & Byzantine Society (Merton College, University of Oxford: Hilary Term, 1994). Published in Alive in Christ X.2 (Summer 1994): 29-33. Dr. Christopher Veniamin 19 августа 2015 г.


28 Нельзя не согласиться со следующей характеристикой терминологии патристического богословия: All through the literature of the patristic age it is constantly evident how seriously its authors are handicapped by their lack of abstract terms and their habit of concrete and materialistic thinking. Instead of conceiving of God in terms of love, in terms appropriate to personality, they are concerned with substances, with images borrowed from the fusion of metals, of the mixing of liquid or the hybridising of animals, images too crude to do justice to the subtleties of living relationships and often making their whole treatment of the experience of religion seem artificial (Raven. Apollinarianism, 259–9). Можно сказать, что лишь неким божественным инстинктом, вопреки всему несовершенству терминологии и связанной с нею неясности мысли, патристическая эпоха совершила свою гигантскую догматическую работу, запечатлевшуюся в определениях вселенских соборов. Сила Божия в немощах совершается, и сокровище веры носим в глиняных сосудах. Однако, мы, храня сокровище, совсем не должны держаться за вековую глину, чего искренно делать мы просто и не можем, и должны поэтому продолжать богословскую работу так, как мы теперь это только и можем делать, т. е. уже понятиями современной мысли. 30 «Если с Богом, который есть ум (νος), был во Христе и человеческий ум, то дело воплощения не совершается», (Antirr. 38). «Не спасается род человеческий восприятием ума и всего человека, но приятием плоти» (ib. 39). «Спасается род человеческий не через восприятие ума и всего человека, но чрез приятие плоти» (ib. 40). 32 Ib. 51. И далее Ап. продолжает, в совершенном согласии с православным учением: «но не истребляет греха людей, не соделавшись человеком безгрешным, и не разрушает владычество смерти над всеми людьми, если не как человек Он умер и воскрес... А смерть человека не может истребить смерти... Смерть человека не разрушает смерти, а не умерший не воскресает: из всего этого очевидно, что сам Бог (=Богочеловек) умер, почему, говорит, и невозможно было смерти удержать Христа» (ib. 51, 52).


В.В. Ремезов The purpose of a christian’s life and the ways of his feat according to the letters of st. Theophan the Recluse to the laity Аннотация. Статья посвящена вопросу цели жизни христианина и путей его подвига. Данный вопрос успешно раскрывает один из наиболее значимых представителей христианского наследия – святитель Феофан Затворник Вышенский . Делает он это в своих письмах к разным мирским лицам, среди которых большинство составляют его духовные чада. Эту проблему, без сомнения, можно отнести к одной из самых важных в жизни любого православного христианина. Среди адресатов святителя встречаются как мирские, так и духовные лица. Епископ Феофан в полной мере раскрывает обозначенные проблемные вопросы духовной жизни. Путь раскрытия – четкое и ясное разграничение целей, методов и средств достижения заявленных вопросов. Святитель делает анализ причинно-следственных связей действий православного христианина в земной жизни. В конце каждого своего доказательства епископ Феофан старается делать небольшой вывод. Безусловно, святитель, как ревностный пастырь и верный сын Православной Церкви, обращается к тексту Священного Писания , а также к своему личному духовному опыту. В статье приведены выводы исследователей, обращавшихся к наследию святителя Феофана касаемо практических вопросов жизни православного христианина. Abstract. The article is devoted to the question of the purpose of a Christian’s life and the ways of his feat. This question is successfully solved by one of the most significant representatives of the Christian heritage – St. Theophan the Recluse of Vyshensky. He does this in his letters to various lay people, among whom the majority are his spiritual children. This problem, without a doubt, can be attributed to one of the most important in the life of any Orthodox Christian. Among the addressees of the saint there are both lay and spiritual persons. Bishop Theophan fully reveals the identified problematic issues of spiritual life. The way of disclosure is a clear and clear delineation of the goals, methods and means of achieving the stated issues. The saint makes an analysis of the causeand-effect relationships of the actions of an Orthodox Christian in earthly life. At the end of each of his proofs, Bishop Theophan tries to draw a small conclusion. Of course, the saint, as a zealous pastor and faithful son of the Orthodox Church, refers to the text of the Holy Scripture, and also, to his personal spiritual experience. The article presents the conclusions of researchers who turned to the legacy of St. Theophan with regard to practical issues of the life of an Orthodox Christian.


Сети богословия Тема недели: Почитание мощей в православии Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Мнение Мнение Статья Статья Статья Новые материалы 1 января Ecumenical Patriarch: 2012 Christmas Encyclical 24 декабря 2012 20:03 – 1 января 1970 03:00 События + BARTHOLOMEW By the Mercy of God Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome And Ecumenical Patriarch To the Plenitude of the ChurchGrace, Mercy and Peace From the Savior Christ Born in Bethlehem “Christ is born, glorify Him; Christ is on earth, exalt Him.” Let us rejoice in gladness for the ineffable condescension of God.The angels precede us singing: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will among all people.” Yet, on earth we behold and experience wars and threats of wars. Still, the joyful announcement is in no way annulled. Peace has truly come to earth through reconciliation between God and people in the person of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, however, we human beings have not been reconciled, despite God’s sacred will. We retain a hateful disposition for one another. We discriminate against one another by means of fanaticism with regard to religious and political convictions, by means of greed in the acquisition of material goods, and through expansionism in the exercise of political power. These are the reasons why we come into conflict with one another. With his Decree of Milan issued in 313 AD, the enlightened Roman emperor, St. Constantine the Great, instituted freedom in the practice of the Christian faith, alongside freedom in the practice of every other religion. Sadly, with the passing since then of precisely 1700 years, we continue to see religious persecution against Christians and other Christian minorities in various places. Moreover, economic competition is spreading globally, as is the pursuit of ephemeral profit, which is promoted as a principal target. The gloomy consequences of the overconcentration of wealth in the hands of the few and the financial desolation of the vast human masses are ignored. This disproportion, which is described worldwide as  a financial crisis, is essentially the product of  a moral crisis. Nevertheless, humankind is regrettably not attributing the proper significance to this moral crisis. In order to justify this indifference, people invoke the notion of free trade. But free trade is not a license for crime. And criminal conduct is far more than what is recorded in penal codes. It includes what cannot be foreseen by the prescription of statutory laws, such as the confiscation of people’s wealth by supposedly legitimate means. Inasmuch, therefore, as the law cannot be formally imposed, the actions of a minority of citizens are often expressed in an unrestrained manner, provoking disruption in social justice and peace.


Сети богословия Тема недели: Почитание мощей в православии Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Статья Мнение Мнение Статья Статья Статья Новые материалы 1 января Inner River: A Pilgrimage to the Heart of Christian Spirituality In Inner River, Kyriacos Markides—scholar, researcher, author, and pilgrim—takes us on a thrilling quest into the heart of Christian spirituality and mankind’s desire for a transcendent experience of God. From Maine’s rugged shores to a Cypriot monastery to Greece’s remote Mt. Athos and, ultimately, to an Egyptian desert, Markides encounters a diverse cast of characters that allows him to explore the worlds of the natural and the supernatural, of religion and spirit, and of the seen and the unseen. 2012 г.  336 с.  ISBN 0307885879 Inner River will appeal to a wide range of readers, from Christians seeking insights into their religion and its various expressions to scholars interested in learning more about the mystical way of life and wisdom that have been preserved in the heart of Orthodox spirituality. Perhaps most important, however, is the bridge it offers contemporary readers to a Christian life that is balanced between the worldly and the spiritual. “With his engaging blend of travelogue, conversations with a wise and charismatic spiritual father, and musings on the big questions of life and death, Professor Markides takes us as companions on his journey of discovery. The insights that he communicates with such enthusiasm are timely ones: here at last is a writer who challenges the seeker after mystical understanding and Eastern spirituality to discover Christianity.” —Dr. Elizabeth Theokritoff, independent scholar and co-editor of The Cambridge Companion to Orthodox Christian Theology “Dr. Markides welcomes readers into a reliving of another of personal pilgrimages. His vulnerable exchanges with insightful elders prompt meaningful reflection; and these joyous experiences lead each reader to renewal and resolve of their own journey in spiritual development. The entire text is replete with enlightenment of the treasures found in catharsis, fotisis,and theosis.”


Arhiva Preafericitul Patriarh Chiril a oficiat sfinirea pietrei de temelie a bisericii în cinstea aniversrii a 700 de ani de la naterea cuviosului Serghie de Radonej în Gatcina 3 aprilie 2014 17:05 La 3 aprilie 2014 Preafericitul Patriarh al Moscovei i al întregii Rusii Chiril a oficiat rânduiala sfinirii pietrei la temelia bisericii în cinstea aniversrii a 700 de ani de la naterea cuviosului Serghie de Radonej în Gatcina, regiunea Leningrad. Dup încheierea serviciului divin Întâistttorul Bisericii Ruse s-a adresat ctre cei prezeni cu o predic: „Pe toi care sunt prezeni aici, iar în persoana voastr pe toi locuitorii Gatcinei, a vrea s v felicit cu ocazia evenimentului minunat - sfinirea pietrei la temelia bisericii în cinstea sfântului cuviosului printelui nostru Serghie, egumenul de Radonej, mare sfânt al lui Dumnezeu, o mare personalitate istoric, datorit eforturilor cruia a avut loc adunarea Rusiei în jurul Moscovei. Anume graie cuviosului Serghie s-au putut împca cnezatele dispersate de rzboaiele fratricide i de format o putere, capabil s distrug pe duman, ceea ce a avut loc pe câmpia Kulikovo. Sfântul cuviosul Serghie a fost o pild vie a faptului, cum grija duhovniceasc pentru mântuirea propriului suflet, cu o atitudine corect fa de viaa duhovniceasc devine o cauz de importan social, deoarece în jurul unui atare om, care este în stare s-i împrteasc experiena sa altora, se mântuiesc mii. Acest impuls duhovnicesc, care provine de la cuviosul Serghie, era transmis i marelui cneaz Dmitrii Donskoi, i altor cneji care aveau stpânire, clerului, poporului, formând acea putere mare solidar, care a fost capabil se distrug vrjmaul pe câmpia Kulikovo. În acest an noi srbtorim aniversarea a 700 de ani din ziua naterii lui. Evenimentul de azi este o parte a srbtoririlor la scara întregului popor, dedicate pomenirii sfântului cuviosului i purttorului de Dumnezeu printelui nostru Serghie. M bucur c acest eveniment a avut loc anume aici, pe pmântul Gatcinei. V felicit pe toi cu acest eveniment”. La intrare în Gatcina, în partea de nord a oraului (Ingherburg) în secolul al XIX-lea a fost ridicat o biseric în cinstea sfântului Serghie de Radonej. În timpul sovietic (conform unelor informaii – în timpul eliberrii oraului de la ocupanii germano-fasciti) cldirea bisericii a fost distrus. Exist, de asemenea, o presupoziie, c aceast cldire s-a pstrat în aspect reconstruit pe teritoriul aa-numitelor cazarme Roii, accesul fiind interzis din cauza statutului secret al obiectului militar. În zilele noastre a fost luat decizia cu privire la construcia în partea de nord a oraului, la rscrucea oselelor Leningrad i Pukin, a unei biserici în cinstea aniversrii a 700 de ani de la naterea cuviosului Serghie de Radonej. Serviciul de pres al Patriarhului Moscovei i al întregii Rusii   Календарь ← 6 martie 2022 19 aprilie 2020


Archive Patriarch Kirill’s book Thoughts for Each Day of the Year published in Italian 18 March 2021 year 15:54 Thoughts for Each Day of the Year  – a book by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia – has come out in its Italian translation. The edition includes fragments from His Holiness’s homilies, scholarly articles, addresses, speeches, books and interviews for over 35 years of his pastoral ministry. The book allows its readers to learn more about Patriarch Kirill as a pastor of the Church of Christ, a thinker who addresses topical issues of the present-day world, and a man with profound spiritual experience and unique charisma of a preacher. Each day of the calendar year is marked by a certain passage. In the foreword to this edition, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, rector of Ss. Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute of Postgraduate Studies, notes that while the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, first and foremost, attends to his Church and flock and seeks answers to the questions of importance for believers in Russia and near abroad countries, he is also concerned over the current developments in the countries of the European Union, in America and the Middle East. He raises a wide range of topics. At the same time, when opening this book, the reader should not forget that underlying all the manifold activities of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill is one principle which he himself regards as fundamental: serving God and the Church in all things and with total devotion. The publication of this book in the Italian language is an evidence of the European public’s interest both in the personality of Patriarch Kirill and in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Italian translation was done by Giovanna Parravicini. The edition was prepared by Poznaniye Publishing House together with the Russkiy Mir Foundation. DECR Communication Service /Patriarchia.ru Календарь ← 7 April 2024 year


Archive DECR secretary for interreligious relations takes part in the forum in Elista 8 October 2022 year 10:45 On October 6, 2022, an interregional reflection-action conference on ‘Nikolay Palmov: Personality and Time’ was opened in Elista. It was devote to the 150th birthday of Nikolay N. Palmov, an historian of the Church, the founder of Kalmyk studies, an educator and the founder of the museum and archive work in Kalmykia. The conference was organized by the Palmov National Museum of the Republic of Kalmykia with the support of the Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs, the diocese of Kalmykia, the Kalmykia National Archives and the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Kalmykia Academic Center. The conference was attended by historians, regional ethnographers, archaeologists, archivists and librarians, professors and students of educational institutions. Archbishop Justinian of Elista and Kalmykia greeted the participants in the plenary session. He spoke about the topicality of Palmov’s academic legacy and his unique contribution to Kalmyk historical studies. He also recalled that Nikolay Palmov, a son and grandson of Orthodox priests, rose as a scholar in the church milieu. He called upon the participants to resort to Nikolay Palmov’s works more often as they have remained relevant today. A message of greeting was sent to the attendees by the Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk. It was read out by Rev. Dimitry Safonov, executive secretary of the Interreligious Council in Russia, who came to Elista with a blessing of the DECR chairman. Then Father Dimitry delivered a paper on ‘Nikolay Palmov as a historian of the Church’ with an analysis of Palmov’s academic studies in church history, archaeology and heortology and historical liturgics.  On the side-lines of the conference, the DECR secretary for interreligious relations had a meeting with the senior administrator of the Central Khurul  " Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni’ to inform him about the work of the Interreligious Council in Russia and the experience of Orthodox-Buddhist relations. On the same day, the work of the conference was summed up at the RIA Kalmykia Press Center. In his remarks, Father Dimitry Safonov stressed that Nikolay Palmov as an Orthodox scholar, who devoted his last fifteen years to studies in the history of the Kalmyk people and culture, is a unique example of selfless service for both ecclesiastical scholarship and the Kalmyk people. He called upon scholars to joint their efforts for preparing and publishing a collection of Nikolay Palmov’s ecclesiastical studies. DECR Communication Service /Patriarchia.ru Календарь ← 7 April 2024 year


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