миф об Аресе и Афродите и миф о возвышенной любви Венеры и М.). Бог войны Арес олицетворял разрушительную силу, военная сила М. в большей степени была средством гарантии мира и благополучия. Со временем место почитания М. было перенесено из-за границ города в центр. М. был посвящен храм у Капенских ворот (366 г. до Р. Х.), откуда рим. войско выступало на войну. Имп. Август построил 2 храма, посвященные М.: на Капитолийском холме (закончен в 20 г. до Р. Х.) и на Форуме (закончен во 2 г. до Р. Х.). Этот храм был посвящен М.-мстителю и возведен в благодарность за победу над убийцами Юлия Цезаря, впосл. он стал местом для подготовки к военным действиям. В этом храме хранили захваченные доспехи и вооружение; все трофеи посвящали М. Святилища М. начали возводить на ключевых военных форпостах Рим. империи. Сохранилось более 900 надписей с посвящениями М., только треть из них была создана рим. воинами, что свидетельствует о том, насколько культ М., связанный с имп. властью, был популярен среди гражданского населения. В зап. провинциях с М. часто отождествляли главных богов племенных и территориальных общин, чему служили ранние римские представления о М. М. изображался либо как безбородый юноша, либо как мужчина с бородой; на голове у него, как правило, был шлем, а в руках - копье. Начиная с имп. Адриана рим. императоров при жизни стали изображать в образе М. (напр., скульптурная группа «Адриан и его супруга Сабина в образах Марса и Венеры», 120-140 гг.). Образ М. часто присутствовал на рим. монетах. Лит.: Croon J. H. Die Ideologie des Marskultes unter dem Principat und ihre Vorgeschichte//ANRW. II 17. 1981. Tl. 2. Bd. 17. Tbd. 1. S. 246-275; Маяк И. Л. Римляне ранней Республики. М., 1993; Gordon R. L., Ley A. Mars//Der Neue Pauly. Stuttg., 1999. Bd. 7. Sp. 946-951; Forsythe G. A Critical History of Early Rome: From Prehistory to the First Punic War. Berkeley, 2006; War and Peace in the Ancient World/Ed. K. A. Raaflaub. Oxf., 2007; Franconi T. V. Provincial Cults of Mars in the Roman Empire//Roman in the Provinces: Art on the Periphery of Empire. Boston, 2014. P. 145-154. А. А. Захарова Рубрики: Ключевые слова:


Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Church of Scotland minister loses role as chaplain of Glasgow school after calling homosexuality a " disorder " Church of Scotland minister loses role as chaplain of Glasgow school after calling homosexuality a " disorder " Head teacher removes minister from post at Glasgow Gaelic School after Facebook comments You may not be interested in Culture Wars, but Culture Wars are interested in you Fr. John Whiteford You may not be interested in Culture Wars, but Culture Wars are interested in you Fr. John Whiteford It is therefore not only permissible, but obligatory for all of the faithful, and even more so for the clergy, to oppose these attempts to infect our Church with the same heresies that have wreaked such havoc in mainline Protestant Churches, and are in the process of doing the same in the Roman Catholic Church. Scottish monk arrested for distributing leaflets promoting sexual morality Scottish monk arrested for distributing leaflets promoting sexual morality A Scottish monk has been arrested for distributing a series of leaflets in the Cambridgeshire area critical of homosexuality, fornication, contraception, euthanasia, abortion, and divorce. The European Left’s War On Christianity The European Left’s War On Christianity It was an attack of unreasoning rage and unrelenting hatred on one of the world’s greatest symbols of love and peace, life and hope. Where does humanistic culture lead? St. Justin Popovic Where does humanistic culture lead? St. Justin Popovic St. Justin Popovic survived two world wars in Serbia, and in this treatise on European culture he discerns the problems with the European worldview that led to such a human disaster, and touches upon the probable future. Sex and the Moral Imagination Fr. Stephen Freeman Sex and the Moral Imagination Fr. Stephen Freeman As the day draws near for the US Supreme Court to insist on nationwide approval for gay marriage, a watershed in modern thought has been reached. For although the Supreme Court is not the arbiter of morality, its decisions generally signal a deep level of cultural acceptance. Комментарии © 1999-2015 Православие.Ru


Patriarchs Call on Region " s Christians to Hold on to Their Lands Balamand, Lebanon, July 3, 2014 The patriarchs of Eastern churches Tuesday deplored the raging violence in Iraq and Syria that has caused a massive wave of refugees, exhorting Christians to maintain their presence in the region " s war-torn countries and keep hold of their lands. In a statement released at the opening of their Holy Synod in Lady of Balamand Convent in north Lebanon, Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rai, Melkite Gregorius III Lahham, Syriarc Catholic Patriarch Ignatius III Younan, Syrian Orthodox Patriarch Ignatius Ephrem and Greek Orthodox Patriarch John Yazigi released a statement on local and regional developments. " The patriarchs prayed for the people of Mosul and north Iraq and urged the world to prevent Iraq " s disintegration and save its people from the scourge of a devastating war, " the statement said. " They also called upon the international community to preserve Iraq " s civilizations, including the deep-rooted Christian civilization, and encouraged their sons to cling on to their land and not give it up under the pressures of current conditions. " The statement followed ISIS " declaration of an Islamic caliphate over territories it has seized in Syria and Iraq, which have further raised fears of the rise of extremism in the region. The patriarchs demanded the release and safe return of all kidnap victims, whether civilians, clerics, or nuns, notably bishops Yohanna Ibrahim and Paul Yazigi, who went missing in Syria 14 months ago. They also called for the safeguarding of democratic norms and political freedoms in Lebanon by ensuring the quick election of a new president. Parliament is still struggling to elect a president to fill the post, but political sources told Al-Markazieh news agency that some of the suggestions being put forward would soon be translated into action. Pressure to elect a president is forcing Lebanese and Western political, spiritual and diplomatic officials to find a solution and remove any barriers slowing the electoral process. The prelates also urged the reactivation of constitutional institutions, especially Parliament and Cabinet, to enable the country to deal with the pressing economic, social and security challenges it is facing. Suggestions to fix the internal situation have included a Bkirki summit. It has not yet been decided whether only Christians, Christians and Muslims, or all Lebanese factions would take part in such a summit, which would culminate in " Bkirki " s declaration to save Lebanon. " In addition to the patriarchs, the synod was attended by more than 40 bishops representing the churches of Antioch and the Orient. 5 июля 2014 г. Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Nach dem Krieg nahm er, weiterhin Mitglied der «Bruderschaft vom Heiligen Berge», seine Lehrtätigkeit im Institut St. Serge wieder auf. Am 29.6.1947 verteidigte er seine Doktorarbeit am Institut. Am 28.7.1947 empfing er durch M Vladimir (Tichonickij) die Bischofsweihe. Im September 1947 wurde er Rektor des St. Serge­Instituts und blieb es bis zum Tode. Er entfaltete eine große schriftstellerische und wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit als Professor für Neues Testament, wovon seine zahlreichen Schriften zeugen. Außerdem war er ökumenisch sehr aktiv, er nahm an der 1. Vollversammlung des ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen in Amsterdam 1948 teil. 1951, 1954 und 1958 war er beim ökumenischen Patriarchen in Konstantinopel. 1954 hielt er in Chalki Vorlesungen. 1951 besuchte er Finnland und den Nahen Osten. 1961 wurde er Dr. h.c. der Universität Thessaloniki. Schließlich wurde er als Gast zum Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil nach Rom eingeladen. Nach der dritten Session hielt er im Herbst 1964 noch zwei Wochen Vorlesungen, dann verließen ihn die Kräfte. Er starb am 4.2.1965 in Paris. Werke: La Pentecôte Johannique (Joh 20,19–23), Valence-sur-Rhöne 1939, 181 S. Christos i pervoe christianskoe pokolenie, Paris 1950, 370 S. Carstvo Kesarja pered sudom Novogo Zaveta, Paris 1949, 50 S.; 2 1965. Evangelisty как istoriki, in: Pravoslavnaja Mysl’ 1(1928) 24 S. Principy pravoslavnago izuenija Sv. Pisanija, in: Put‘ 13 (1928) 3–18. The Parable of the Unjust Steward (russ.),in: Vest.russ.chr.dv. 8–9(1929) 10 S. Voskresenie Lazarja i Voskresenie Christovo, in: Put’ 16(1929) 3–18. The Testament of Judeo-Christianity (russ.), in: Prav. Mysl’ 1930,2, 45 S. Kniga о semi peatjach. Novejšaja literatura ob Apokalipsie, in: Put‘ 21(1930)97–128. Cerkovnoe predanie i Novozavetnaja nauka, in: ivoe Predanie. Pravoslavie i Sovremennost f 3(Paris 1936)153–170. The Sermon on the Mount in the teaching of the Gospel, in: The Student World 1937,3,12 S. L " Eglise du Christ et la Parole de Dieu, in: Die Kirche Jesu Christi und das Wort Gottes. Ein Studienbuch über das Wort Gottes als Lebensform und Lebensgrund der Kirche. Hg. von W. Zöllner und W. Stäblin. Berlin 1937, 7 S.


Michael Prokurat, Alexander Golitzin, Michael D. Peterson Скачать epub pdf CLEMENT, OLIVIER CLEMENT, OLIVIER, lay theologian, author (17 November 1921– ). Born in the city of Aniane in Languedoc, a region with a tragic religious history involving the Cathari and Camisards, Clement received neither baptism nor religious education as a child. He graduated from the University of Paris, writing a thesis on Peter the Venerable, Abbe of Cluny. There he was a student of Alphonse Dupront, a founder of “religious anthropology,” and with whom he collaborated in the Resistance during the later years of World War II. Following the war he taught in Paris at the Lycee Louis le Grand. After his conversion to Christianity in 1951 Clement participated in theological study organized by the Patriarchate of Moscow in which V. Lossky, L. Ouspensky, and S. Sakharov (qq.v.) were teaching. Due to the premature death of V. Lossky in 1958, Clement edited several of Lossky’s manuscripts which were subsequently published. At St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute (q.v.) Clement replaced Lev Zander as professor of comparative theology and Paul Evdokimov (q.v.) as professor of moral theology. He also has taught the history of the Ecumenical Councils (q.v.) and Byzantine theology, and continues at the Higher Institute of Ecumenical Studies, Paris. During the 1960s he formed a committee to help shed light on the condition of Christians in the USSR, and he protested with Pierre-Emmanuel in favor of Russian Christians. From 1976 to 1994 he was also president of the association of “Believer-Writers,” a group of Christian (all denominations), Jewish, and Moslem writers. Clement has edited Desclee de Brouwer, the collection Theophanie, and the journal Contacts, a French-language Orthodox journal. He is author of The Spirit of Solzhenitsyn (trans. 1976), but his most influential book, recently translated into English, is a two-volume catechesis entitled The Living God. He has written Notes sur le temps a la lumiere de la tradition orthodoxe (1959), Byzance et le christianisme (1964), Dialogues avec le patriarche Athenagoras (1969, 1976), Le Christ terre des vivants (1977), Le visage interieur (1978), Le chant des larmes, essai sur le repentir (1983), Sources, les mystiques chretiens des origines (1983, 1989, 1992), Deux temoins: Vladimir Lossky et Paul Evdokimov (1985), Berdiaev, un philosophe russe en France (1991), Trois Prieres (1993), and Corps de mort et de gloire (1995). In addition, he has authored books on Western Christianity, modernity, and non-Christian religions, and has received honorary doctorates from the Institute of Theology of Bucharest and the Catholic University of Louvain. Читать далее Источник: The A to Z of the Orthodox Church/Michael Prokurat, Alexander Golitzin, Michael D. Peterson - Scarecrow Press, 2010. - 462 p. ISBN 1461664039 Поделиться ссылкой на выделенное


Archive XIV International Film Festival ‘Russia Abroad’ opens in Moscow 8 November 2020 year 18:37 On November 7, 2020, the XIV International Film Festival ‘Russia Abroad’ was opened at the Alexander Solzhenitsyn House of Russia Abroad. The festival has been held since 2007 and represents a contest of fiction films and documentaries the aim of which is to introduce viewers to films devoted to the cultural and scientific legacy of the Russian diaspora, the history of World War I, the 1917 state coup d’état, the Civil War in Russia, and the problems of migration in general. This year the festival is held in online format and thanks to it its program can be assessed not only by Moscow residents, but also by people all over Russia as well as compatriots living abroad. The principal founders and organizers of the festival are the House of Russia Abroad and the Russian Way film studio with the support of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow City Department of Culture, and the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations. Messages of greetings were brought to the organizers and participants by Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs S. Lavrov, and Chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Affairs Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk. The present film forum will show fiction and non-fiction films from ten countries including Belarus, Brazil, Canada, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Russia, Serbia, Sweden and the USA. In 2020, the organizers prepared screening and memorial evenings timed to various commemorative dates: centenary of the Russian exodus, centenary of the formation of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, 75th anniversary of the Great Victory over nazism, Alexander Kuprin’s and Ivan Bunin’s 150th birthdays, American actor of Russian background Yul Byinner’s 100th birthday. Viewers will be introduced to little-known pages in the biographies of film director Andrey Tarkovsky, choreographer Boris Volkov, singer Alla Bayanova, writer Vladimir Nabokov, biologist Sergey Chakhotin, psychologist Yelena Antipova, who made a revolution in pedagogics, circus artist and ‘the strongest man on earth’ Alexander Zass, and other outstanding figures of the Russian diaspora. The jury of the film contest includes our compatriots representing creative professions from Australia, Belgium, Poland, Serbia, as well as Russian filmmakers. The Russia Abroad film festival will last till November 14. Its full program is available on the festival’s website. DECR Communication Service /Patriarchia.ru Календарь ← 7 December 2023 year


Oikawa explained that they were damaged during World War II. The church decided to take refuge in the countryside, and some of the paintings were taken down and packed to be taken to safety. The war ended before they actually were transferred, but by that time, the precious paintings had been irreversibly damaged. The church building itself is also in a precarious condition. The architecture has small eaves, unlike traditional Japanese shrines or temples, making it prone to damage from Japan’s rainy climate. Water has seeped in through the walls and slowly rotted the wooden structure inside. Major conservation projects were done in 1987 and 1999, but concern for the state of this aging building persists. The cathedral will be open for public viewing from Oct. 28 through Nov. 7. Visitors will be admitted between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Admission is 800 yen for adults and 400 yen for senior and junior high school students. The Asahi Shimbun Company 28 октября 2016 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Horrific Christian persecution in Japan detailed in new book by Jonathan Clements Horrific Christian persecution in Japan detailed in new book by Jonathan Clements Some of the gruesome acts done to the Christians included attaching straw coats to them and setting them on fire. Clements also tells the story of a pregnant woman who was kept in a cage while being submerged. The death of the mother and her baby may have been the incident that sparked the Shimabara Rebellion. Catholic Christian peasants rose up against the shogun " s forces in 1637 to 1638. Church to commemorate perished Russian sailors to be build in Japan Church to commemorate perished Russian sailors to be built in Japan A wooden Orthodox church will be erected at the Japanese cemetery, where local residents buried Russian sailors killed at the Tsushima Battle. St. Nicholas of Japan on Buddhism, continued Priest George Maximov St. Nicholas of Japan on Buddhism, continued Priest George Maximov Excerpts from his diary supplement our understanding of how St. Nicholas related to Buddhism. Here observations are also marked by the fact that they were made by a practicing missionary. Комментарии © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru


проникновения//Новый век: История глазами молодых: Сб. науч. тр. аспирантов и студентов. Саратов, 2005. Вып. 3. С. 149-160; он же. Влияние миссионерской идеологии и деятельности на процесс колонизации Нов. Зеландии и адаптацию маори//Там же. 2006. Вып. 4. С. 104-120; он же. Брит. колонизаторы и туземцы Нов. Зеландии 1769-1840 гг.: Межцивилизационные отношения в контексте колониальной политики: Канд. дис. Саратов, 2006; он же. Англ. колониальная политика в Нов. Зеландии, 1833-1840 гг.//Междунар. отношения: История и современность. М., 2007. Вып. 1. С. 70-79; он же. Идеологические аспекты коммерческой теории «систематической колонизации» (на примере деятельности Новозеландской компании в 40-е гг. XIX в.)//История и ист. память. Саратов, 2010. Вып. 1. С. 40-50; Mein Smith P. A Concise History of New Zealand. Camb., 2005; Newman K. Ratana Revisited. Auckland, 2006; idem. Ratana: The Prophet. Auckland, 2009; Reid N. J. M. Liston: A Life. Wellington, 2006; Dakin J. The Secular Trend in New Zealand. Wellington, 2007; Bryant G. New Zealand without God? Tauranga, 2008; Haworth G. M. R. Marching as to War?: The Anglican Church in New Zealand during World War II. Christchurch, 2008; Many Voices in Mission: 25 Years of the Salvation Army in New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga, 1983-2008. Wellington, 2008; Knowles B. Transforming Pentecostalism: The Changing Face of New Zealand Pentecostalism, 1920-2010. Lexington (Kentucky), 2014; idem. New Life: A History of the New Life Churches of New Zealand, 1942-1979. Lexington, 20153; Мижуев П. Г. Передовая демократия совр. мира: Англ. колония Нов. Зеландия. М., 2015; Аюшеева Д. В. Особенности распространения буддизма в Австралии и Нов. Зеландии//Власть: Общенац. науч.-полит. ж. М., 2016. 8. С. 128-133; Te Ara - The Encyclopedia of New Zealand//teara.govt.nz/en [Электр. ресурс]. И. В. Чининов История Православия Православие распространилось в Н. З. в 60-х гг. XIX в., когда в страну прибыли первые греческие золотоискатели. Большинство из них впоследствии покинули Н.


Even after his death, he did not deny himself the pleasure of a little travel. For a long time, his relatives could not decide where to bury Vladyka. Some proposed Russia—his homeland, after all; some England, next to his matushka, some Serbia, which he loved so much. Vladyka Basil (Rodzianko), post-mortem photograph. I can imagine what ecstasy Vladyka’s soul was experiencing in the heavens: Any trip promised to be interesting. However, his body was taken from Washington no further than New York—someone had insisted that he be buried in the New Diveyevo Convent, not far from the city. But it did not work out there, and Vladyka returned to Washington. There his bodily travels finally ended, and Vladyka was laid to rest in the Orthodox section of “Rock Creek” cemetery. Bishop Basil (Rodzianko). During his life, Vladyka jokingly called himself “the retired” bishop. According to his status, he was only an out-of-staff bishop, sent into “retirement” from the American Autocephalous Church. A “retired bishop” does not rule anything and has no say in official Church life. Therefore, Vladyka introduced himself from time to time as “retired Bishop Basil.” But he was a true bishop! He boundlessly ruled over human souls. The unconquerable strength of this amazing authority, which extends itself even today over those who had the great happiness of knowing Vladyka Basil, were his unforgettable and inimitable kindness, faith, and love. Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) Translated by Nun Cornelia (Rees) 2 февраля 2011 г. Every Holy Saturday in the Holy Sepulchre Church in Jerusalem, a sacred fire comes down into the Lord’s Sepulchre and lights the candle of the Jerusalem Patriarch. The fire is then distributed to the faithful, and many keep their oil lamps lit by it as a blessing for the year. General Andrei Andreyevich Vlasov, September 14 [ O.S. September 1] 1900 — August 2, 1946) defected from the Red Army during World War II, and led the Russian Liberation Army, with the aim of overthrowing the soviet government. He was captured by the soviets at the end of the war and hanged.


Caucasus peoples reject Wahhabism - Investigative Committee/Православие.Ru Caucasus peoples reject Wahhabism - Investigative Committee Moscow, August 26, 2010 - Interfax Wahhabism is losing support in the North Caucasus, head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Prosecutor General " s Office Alexander Bastrykin said. " I have the impression that Wahhabism is passing. In my opinion, the people of the Caucasus have not accepted this radical and extremist ideology after all, " Bastrykin said in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta published on Thursday. " Bombings carried out under the terrorists " hallmark look more like economic brigandage, " he said. " This is clear from a series of crimes investigated in Dagestan, " Bastrykin said. Interfax - Religion 27 августа 2010 г. ... Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Two Wahabi Ideologists Hiding in Turkey - Chechen President Two Wahabi Ideologists Hiding in Turkey - Chechen President Two renowned Wahabi ideologists, Isa Umarov and Shamsuddi Batukayev, are hiding in Turkey, the Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov said. Islamic universities of Tunisia, Egypt transform into Wahabi floor - All-Russian Muslim Board Islamic universities of Tunisia, Egypt transform into Wahabi floor - All-Russian Muslim Board The latest events in Tunisia and Egypt exposed a serious problem of the Islamic world: religious universities in these countries have stopped training clerics of moderate Islam and transformed into a Wahabi floor, member of the All-Russian Muslim Board Executive Committee Muhammedgali Huzin told Interfax-Religion on Monday. It is time to declare total war on Wahhabism, Russian specialist on Islam R. Silantyev believes It is time to declare total war on Wahhabism, Russian specialist on Islam R. Silantyev believes The specialist on Islamic studies Roman Silantyev believes that the new terrorist attack in Volgograd makes a critical priority of the issue of protecting citizens of the Russian Federation from terrorists, and serious measures must be taken against the terrorist threat. Комментарии Войдите через FaceBook ВКонтакте Яндекс Mail.Ru Google или введите свои данные: © 1999-2015 Православие.Ru При перепечатке ссылка на Православие.Ru обязательна Контактная информация Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


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