Most Nazi groups in Russia are Neopagans, Well-known Rabbi Says/Православие.Ru Most Nazi groups in Russia are Neopagans, Well-known Rabbi Says August 18, 2010, Interfax Russia faces no threat of the " Orthodox Fascism " , Chairman of the Congress of Russia " s Jewish Religious Communities Zinovy Kogan believes. " Main Nazi groups are not Orthodox. They are neopagans, " he said Wednesday at a press conference in Moscow. According to Kogan, different neopagan groups, such as Kolovrat and Rossiysky Kulak, present the major threat. Kogan called absurd the articles about the " Jewish global government " or " united global government " posted recently in Internet. " Jewish unity and solidarity is just a legend. The Jewish community involves the most deep-going inside contradictions, " he noted. Interfax - Religion 20 августа 2010 г. ... Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Russia makes Nazi revisionism a crime Russia makes Nazi revisionism a crime The Russian Federation’s president Vladimir Putin has signed a law which introduces a penalty up to five years of imprisonment for rehabilitation of Nazism, denial of the facts recognized by the judgment of the Nuremberg trial, and spreading false information about USSR activities during the World War II. Belgrade: Exhibition On Wehrmacht Crimes In Serbia Opens Belgrade: Exhibition On Wehrmacht Crimes In Serbia Opens An exhibition on crimes committed by the Wehrmacht in Serbia during World War II has opened at Dom Vojske Srbije in Belgrade. Ukrainian parliament recognizes militia that collaborated with Nazis Ukrainian parliament recognizes militia that collaborated with Nazis The Simon Wiesenthal Center condemned Ukraine’s recognition of the group as well as a second bill that equated communist and Nazi crimes. Комментарии Войдите через FaceBook ВКонтакте Яндекс Mail.Ru Google или введите свои данные: © 1999-2015 Православие.Ru При перепечатке ссылка на Православие.Ru обязательна Контактная информация Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

They insist that Poland welcome refugees on a voluntary basis, with a preference for Christians. European Union nations are at odds over how to care for tens of thousands of asylum seekers who have come ashore in Italy and Greece after surviving dangerous Mediterranean crossings. Last year, Warsaw granted refugee status to around 200 Syrians, according to Ewa Piechota, spokeswoman for Poland " s Office for Foreigners. She told AFP that initially the state will provide free medical care to the Estera-sponsored asylum-seekers who entered Poland on three-month travel visas. Free language training and help finding jobs will be made available after they gain refugee status. The conflict in Syria, which erupted in 2011, has left at least 220,000 people dead and four million refugees, according to the latest UN figures. Syria " s 1.2 million Christians made up some five percent of its population before the war. Many have since fled. – AFP 20 июля 2015 г. Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также The Monasteries in Poland are Proof that the Church is Alive Magdalena Slavinskaya, Archimandrite Athanasius (Nos) The Monasteries in Poland are Proof that the Church is Alive Magdalena Slavinskaya , Archimandrite Athanasius (Nos) I will say it once again: our goal is always salvation. The world changes, but the Orthodox faith does not. We should not conform to the world; the world should conform to the faith. Circumstances in life can change, but the strivings of the human soul remain forever unchanged. A person can strive for only one thing—for fullness, which is Jesus Christ. This is the most important thing in the life of every person who believes, and not only of the monk. Syria in Flames: Is This How to Defend Our Faith? Syria in Flames: Is This How to Defend Our Faith? Towns and villages in Syria that have been home to Christians for 2,100 years are being steadily emptied as families flee persecution, the deadly violence of a civil war, fears of chemical warfare and a rash of targeted kidnappings in which Christian leaders have been held for large ransoms. Mountain of Servants Mountain of Servants Mountain of Servants is the story of five Syriac Christians who struggle to protect what " s left of their dwindling community in Southeastern Turkey. Комментарии Georgina Fickova 25 сентября 2015, 15:00 Wonderful to hear. I am Czech living in Bergen Norway. I would like to be of service to Christian Syrians as a devout Christian I feel it is my duty to help our brothers and sisters who are being so barbarically persecuted. How can I help? Where could I send funding? What about Yazidi minorities are we helping them too? © 1999-2015 Православие.Ru

Carpenter E., Hastings A. Cantuar: The Archbishops in Their Office. L., 1997. P. 417. Marrin A. The Last Crusade: The Church of England in the First World War. Durham (N.C.), 1974. P. 83. Hylson-Smith K. The Churches in England from Elizabeth I to Elizabeth II: In 3 vols.: Vol. 3: 1833–1998. L., 1998. P. 170. Prestige G. L. The Life of Charles Gore. L., 1935. P. 370. Wilkinson A. The Church of England and the First World War. L., 1978. P. 101. Carpenter E., Hastings A. Cantuar: The Archbishops in Their Office. L., 1997. P. 418. Bell G. K. A. Randall Davidson, Archbishop of Canterbury. Oxf., 1935. Vol. 2. P. 758. Bell G. K. A. Randall Davidson, Archbishop of Canterbury. Oxf., 1935. Vol. 2. P. 827. Reckitt M. B. Maurice to Temple: A Century of the Social Movement in the Church of England. L., 1947. P. 161. См. также: Hylson-Smith K. The Churches in England from Elizabeth I to Elizabeth II: In 3 vols.: Vol. 3: 1833–1998. L., 1998. P. 174. Prestige G. L. The Life of Charles Gore. L., 1935. P. 383. Swann E. Is There a Catholic Sociology? L., 1922. Reckitt M. B. Maurice to Temple: A Century of the Social Movement in the Church of England. L., 1947. P. 169. Tawney R. H. Religion and the Rise of Capitalism. L., 1926, 1944 2 . Tawney R. H. Religion and the Rise of Capitalism. L., 1944 2 . P. 279. Norman E. R. The Church and Society in England 1770–1990: A Historical Study. Oxf., 1976. P. 320. Комментарии ( 0): Написать комментарий: Правила о комментариях Все комментарии премодерируются. Не допускаются комментарии бессодержательные, оскорбительного тона, не имеющие своей целью плодотворное развитие дискуссии. Обьём комментария не должен превышать 2000 знаков. Републикация материалов в комментариях не допускается. Просим читателей обратить внимание на то, что редакция, будучи ограничена по составу, не имеет возможности сканировать и рассылать статьи, библиограммы которых размещены в росписи статей. Более того, большинство этих статей защищены авторским правом. На просьбу выслать ту или иную статью редакция отвечать не будет.

In any case, at the present time, the Uniate Church’s right to existence is not under question, and its existence is a fact. But it would be remarkable if Pope Francis’s words, “the Unia is a thing of the past”, would have some result in Vatican affairs. In order to clear the path to removing the mutual suspicion between the Orthodox and Catholic Churches and to their solidarity in the stand against the antichristian spirit of this age, it is necessary to remove the most onerous obstacle in the way of rapprochement, which is not the Unia’s existence in and of itself but rather the renewal in the early 1990’s of Uniate aggression 3 against Orthodox communities in Galicia and Carpatho-Russia, spreading then into areas such as Volhynia and Podolia, where the Unia had been long and resolutely forgotten, and even to lands where it had never existed. A man who according to Catholic dogma possesses unlimited authority over all Catholic communities regardless of their rite should also have the authority to put a stop to this aggression, and to cooperate in the return of churches criminally seized from their canonical Orthodox parishes. Archpriest Vladislav Tsypin Translation by 22 октября 2015 г.  During World War II, Ukrainian nationalists in Galicia and Volhynia collaborated with the occupying Nazis against Jews, and then settled scores with the Poles. This resulted in up to 100,000 brutally and sadistically murdered Poles in Volhynia and eastern Galicia, mostly by Ukrainian Greek Catholics.  After World War II ended, Volynia and Galicia became part of the Soviet Union. Stalin’s regime and the Ukrainian authorities came down hard on the Ukrainian nationalists, and since the Greek Catholic Church was hand-in-glove with that movement, it was no longer safe to be a Uniate.  After the fall of the Soviet Union and the formation of an independent Ukrainian state, the Greek Catholics in western Ukraine were encouraged by their co-religionists abroad to reactivate. An uncontrolled grabbing of Orthodox Churches ensued, often involving violent attacks on clergy and parishioners who did not want to leave Orthodoxy.

Америка, Британия и их союзники одолели два режима, не имевшие равных в истории по своей мощи, варварству и экспансионизму . Всего через три с половиной года после вступления Америки в войну нацистскую военную машину удалось не просто остановить или разбить — в результате одной из самых жестоких и выдающихся военных кампаний в истории она была фактически уничтожена. Нацистский режим уничтожило сочетание американской технической мощи и высокого боевого духа массовой призывной армии демократического государства, которая, несмотря на недостаточное обучение и отсутствие опыта, за считанные месяцы сравнялись по боевым качествам со своими закаленными противниками — немцами. (How the ‘cowboys’ of the West defeated the Nazis. The Wall Street Journal) Вклад Советского союза упоминается лишь изредка, немного чаще называются города, в которых была одержана победа. Только едва ли упоминание городов напомнит о России – немногие американцы знают слова Смоленск, Курск и даже Ленинград. Победа в каждой из точек описывается преимущественно с помощью пассивного залога: под Сталинградом была одержана победа над фашистами, не указывается, кто именно одержал победу. Наиболее ярко это выражается в таблицах о Второй мировой войне: в хронологической таблице БиБиСи с Советским Союзом связана лишь одна дата: Surrender at Stalingrad marks Germany’s first major defeat. Капитуляция в Сталинграде – первое крупное поражение Германии. BBC:World War Two: Summary Outline of Key Events В детском справочнике по истории Второй мировой войны ( World War II for Kids: A History with 21 Activities) Советский союз упоминается рядом с повествованием о бомбах, сброшенных на Японию. 8 Августа, Россия объявляет войну Японии, входит в Маньчжурию 9 августа, Атомная бомба сбрасывается на Нагасаки. Вопрос к читателям – какое же государство сбросило бомбы на Хиросиму и Нагасаки? Думается, что ответ читающему такой текст очевиден. Вот так выглядит вся краткая история Второй мировой войны: Основные события Второй мировой войны. Нажмите для увеличения

Сталина в конечном итоге спасло то, что ошибки Гитлера оказались еще грубее. Немецкий диктатор направил свои войска в Россию в конце июня 1941 года, не снабдив их зимней одеждой: фюрер был убежден, что они одержат победу до наступления зимы ( Newsweek ). Тупой и еще тупее, так сказать. Почему же столь недальновидная немецкая армия одержала такие сокрушительные победы в Европе? О мощи и таланте немецких войск написано много, и чем более они сильны и талантливы, тем выше и труднее был подвиг наших воинов, которые бились с сильнейшим противником. Но Советский Союз выступает в качестве пространственно-погодного феномена, в котором под влиянием трудных метеоусловий условий и в результате недальновидного руководства, немцы сами терпят поражение, что завершает американский триумф. Итак,  возникает новая официальная хронология, новая история Второй мировой войны: Концом диктатуры в Европе стал не разгром нацистской Германии, а падение Берлинской стены.  The long shadow of the Second World War Для многих жителей Центральной Европы Вторая Мировая война закончилась лишь тогда, когда Советского Союза не стало, а они вновь обрели потерянную независимость. Один кошмар кончился — другой начался (The Financial Times) Примечательна запись на мемориале на капитолии в Джорджии, США: Second world war – Dec.7, 1941 – Sep, 2, 1945 Внести хоть малый вклад в свою версию истории России чрезвычайно просто – была бы только поддержка на государственном уровне. На русском языке о войне сегодня сайтов – прекрасных, дорогих, содержательных немало, но основная часть мировой информации хранится на английском языке. Поэтому 10-15 прекрасно, качественно сделанных исторических порталов о Второй мировой войне с фотоальбомами, переведенными сводками, документами, книгами, хронологией – выходящие в топ англоязычных поисков, стали бы ясным и нужным ответом на новую медиахронологию. Сколько еще Вильнюсских деклараций должно быть принято, чтобы это наконец стало  очевидным? _______________________________________

Archive Metropolitan Hilarion celebrates requiem service at Zeitenlik Allied Military Cemetery in Thessaloniki 30 June 2019 year 13:55 On 28 th  June 2019, in continuation of his pilgrimage to the places of St. Paul’s preaching, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, arrived in Thessaloniki. At the premises of the Metropolis of Thessaloniki Metropolitan Hilarion met with Metropolitan Anthimos of Thessaloniki. The hierarchs exchanged opinions on a number of issues of mutual interest. That same day the DECR chairman and those accompanying him on his pilgrimage visited the Zeitelink Allied Military Cemetery. Buried there are more than 25 thousand soldiers from Serbia, France, Great Britain, Italy and other countries, including 400 Russian soldiers and officers, who had fallen in battles on the Macedonian front during the First World War. Metropolitan Hilarion celebrated a litiya at the memorial to the Russian soldiers. After the service Metropolitan Hilarion addressed those present, saying: “Your Eminence, dear Fathers and Brothers, “We have prayerfully commemorated the commanders and soldiers who laid down their lives for faith and homeland: not only for our Russian homeland, but also for the land of Greece, sacred for all of us. Like many other lands, it is ensanguined with the blood of our Russian soldiers – here they fought for the freedom of this country, for the freedom of the Greek people. And the present generations of the Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and Greeks – of all those who fought in this land – are grateful for their heroic deeds. We are praying that the Lord give rest to their souls and forgive their sins. We are also lifting up our prayers, so that the tragedy of war would never occur again, that politicians would draw a lesson from the terrible tragedies of the past, and so that peace would reign throughout the world and our young people would not have to give their lives and shed their blood. “Memory eternal be to all those fallen, those buried at this cemetery. May the Lord preserve our countries and our peoples in peace and welfare.” Later that day Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk visited the Metropolis of Neapolis of the Greek Orthodox Church, located in the western part of Thessaloniki. The DECR chairman was warmly welcomed by Metropolitan Varnavas of Neapolis and Stavroupolis, who told him about the activities of his diocese, including its social and charitable projects. DECR Communication Service / Календарь ← 7 December 2023 year

The plight of child soldiers of the Lord " s Resistance Army/Православие.Ru The plight of child soldiers of the Lord " s Resistance Army Kampala, September 19, 2013 Known for the kidnappings of children that are exploited as soldiers, the Lord " s Resistance Army, since 1986, has maintained a war of opposition against the Government of Uganda. The rebels enter the homes at night and abduct children, easy prey because they are not able to return home alone, are disciplined and strictly comply with the rules. During the night many of these young children seek help in shelters that are situated in distant cities of the Central African Republic and they are the only shelters that can protect them. In a documentary titled " Good Night, Ouma " , tells the story of the young Ugandan commuters that due to the fear of being abducted by the rebels take refuge in " Noah " s Ark " , a specialized center for their protection especially during the most critical hours of the day. During all these years of war, more than 150,000 people have died and nearly 2 million have been forced to live in refugee camps. In the world there are between 250,000 and 300,000 child soldiers who unfortunately do not go to school, are forced to fight and are mistreated. Currently the three African countries where these young victims are concentrated are: the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia and South Sudan. Agenzia Fides 25 сентября 2013 г. ... Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также “Each of us must become an apostle.” A talk with Archimandrite Theologos (Chrysantakopoulos), a missionary to the Congo Svetlana Khmeleva “Each of us must become an apostle.” A talk with Archimandrite Theologos (Chrysantakopoulos), a missionary to the Congo Svetlana Khmeleva A missionary should first of all witness the good tidings of the gospel as it has been preserved by the Orthodox Church over the centuries—without change, without additions, without omissions. We have to look at our brothers (and we are all brothers, children of the one God, be we baptized or not) as at an icon, the image of God. We must respect the traditions by which people live, apply what is best of them. If tradition contradicts the spirit of Christianity, we have to explain this to people with love, without offending them. Children of South Sudan Baptized into Orthodoxy: a silent statement Children of South Sudan Baptized into Orthodoxy: a silent statement South Sudan is the newest independent state in the world, formed in July 2011. The majority of its citizens are Christian, while the Orthodox population is estimated to be a few thousand. Комментарии Войдите через FaceBook ВКонтакте Яндекс Mail.Ru Google или введите свои данные: © 1999-2015 Православие.Ru

Muslim UK Minister of Faith Demands Greater Protections for Mideast Christians Amid " Real Danger " of Extinction/Православие.Ru Muslim UK Minister of Faith Demands Greater Protections for Mideast Christians Amid " Real Danger " of Extinction November 18, 2013 Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, the United Kingdom " s first-ever Minister of Faith and also its first Muslim cabinet member, has demanded a greater international response to the religious persecution of Middle East Christians, specifically those in war-torn Syria. Warsi called religion-based segregation, discrimination and violence " the biggest challenge we face in this young century. " Worshippers attend a service at the Syriac Orthodox Church in Al-Darbasiyah, Hasakah province on Nov. 13, 2013. Photo: Reuters/Stringer      " Across the world, people are being singled out and hounded out simply for the faith they follow or the beliefs they hold, " said Warsi, adding that various faiths " are falling victim to the new sectarianism that is breaking out across continents. " However, the U.K. politician, who also serves as Senior Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, went on to highlight Christianity, " a religion which is suffering particularly in the wake of changes to the Middle East. " " Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox Christians and others are the victims of this type of militant sectarianism. These communities have lived in these regions for centuries, in places where their faith was born. Yet some are portrayed as newcomers, " said Warsi on Friday at Georgetown " s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs. " Many are rooted in their societies, adopting and even shaping local customs. Yet they are increasingly treated as outsiders. These minority populations have co-existed with the majority for generations. Yet a mass exodus is taking place, on a Biblical scale. In some places, there is real danger that Christianity will become extinct. " Warsi used as an example of such dangers the conflict in Syria, home to one of the world " s oldest Christian communities and the Middle East " s largest.

Federal Discrimination Against Religion? July 21, 2014 Religious groups will not receive an exemption from an executive order signed this morning by President Barack Obama banning “discrimination” based on sexual orientation or “gender identity” by federal contractors. The order adds sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of specially protected categories that apply to federal contractors, and it adds gender identity to sexual orientation as a protected category for federal employees. The order could institutionalize federal discrimination against all religious groups and persons affirming natural marriage, traditional sexual ethics and the biological reality of gender. A June letter sent following the U.S. Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby-Conestoga Wood decision requested that the President include explicit religious freedom protections in any executive order regarding LGBTQ employees of federal contractors. The letter, which was organized by Institutional Religious Freedom Alliance President Stanley Carlson-Thies, was signed by religious leaders including National Association of Evangelicals President Leith Anderson, Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America Executive Director for Public Policy Nathan Diament, National Christian Hispanic Leadership Conference President Samuel Rodriguez, and Obama Spiritual Advisor Pastor Joel C. Hunter. Officials from World Relief, World Vision, World Concern, Food for the Hungry and Samaritan’s Purse are signatories, along with numerous Christian Colleges and Universities. Several denominational leaders also signed, including officials from the Assemblies of God, the Seventh-Day Adventists, Wesleyan Church, Presbyterian Church in America, Church of the Nazarene, Christian & Missionary Alliance and others. President Obama’s new executive order compelling all federal contractors to affirm the latest LGBTQ orthodoxy escalates the ongoing culture war against traditional mores and religion. Kudos to those religious leaders who defend liberty of conscience and dignity for all persons against an increasingly intolerant state and secular culture that seek to eradicate traditional faith and practice from public life. Religious groups adhering to transcendent truths beyond the present age now have the special role to argue for freedom for ALL persons and to oppose the growing intolerance for any dissent from the reigning zeitgeist. Freedom of speech, conscience and religion are precious gifts essential to justice and democracy. 22 июля 2014 г. Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

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