Saint George was the patron saint and protector of several of the great builders of the Russian state. Saint Vladimir’s son, Yaroslav the Wise (in holy Baptism George), advanced the veneration of the saint in the Russian Church. He built the city of Yuriev [i.e., “of Yurii.” “Yurii” is the diminutive of “George”, as “Ivan” is of “John”], he also founded the Yuriev monastery at Novgorod, and he built a church of Saint George the Victory Bearer at Kiev. The day of the consecration of Saint George’s Church in Kiev, November 26, 1051 by Saint Hilarion, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Rus, has entered into the liturgical treasury of the Church as a special church feastday. Yuriev Day is beloved by the Russian people as an “autumn Feast of Saint George.” The name of Saint George was also borne by the founder of Moscow, Yurii Dolgoruky (+ 1157), who was the builder of many churches dedicated to Saint George, and the builder of the city of Yuriev-Polsk. In the year 1238 the heroic fight of the Russian nation against the Mongol Horde was led by the Great Prince Yurii (George) Vsevolodovich of Vladimir (February 4), who fell at the Battle at the Sita River. His memory, like that of Igor the Brave, and defender of his land, was celebrated in Russian spiritual poems and ballads. The first Great Prince of Moscow, when Moscow had become the center of the Russian Land, was Yurii Danilovich (+ 1325), the son of Saint Daniel of Moscow, and grandson of Saint Alexander Nevsky. From that time Saint George the Victory Bearer, depicted as a horseman slaying the serpent, appeared on Moscow’s coat of arms, and became an emblem of the Russian state. This has strengthened Russia’s connections with Christian nations, and especially with Iberia (Georgia, the Land of Saint George). The Orthodox Church in America 6 мая 2017 г. Рейтинг: 7.8 Голосов: 5 Оценка: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Квитанция Реквизиты для юридических лиц Реквизиты для переводов из-за границы Оплата с банковской карты Visa, MasterCard и Maestro Оплата наличными через кассы и терминалы Пожертвование через Сбербанк Онл@йн Яндекс.Деньги Альфа-клик MasterPass Интернет-банк Промсвязьбанка скрыть способы оплаты

Лит.: Stiefenhofer D. Die Geschichte der Kirchenweihe vom 1.-7. Jh. Münch., 1909; Black M. The Festival of Encaenia Ecclesiae in the Ancient Church with Special Reference to Palestine and Syria//JEcclH. 1954. Vol. 5. P. 78-85; Esbroeck M., van. L " opuscule sur la Croix d " Alexandre de Chypre et sa version géorgienne//Bedi Kartlisa. 1979. Vol. 37. P. 102-132; idem. Le discours de Jean Damascène pour la Dédicace de l " Anastasis//OCP. 1997. Vol. 63. P. 53-98; Renoux Ch. (Athanase). Un document nouveau sur la liturgie de Jérusalem: Les homélies festales d " Hésychius de Jérusalem//La Maison-Dieu. P., 1979. Vol. 139. P. 139-164; Schwartz J. The Encaenia of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Temple of Solomon and the Jews//ThZ. 1987. Bd. 43. H. 3. S. 265-281; Walker P. W. L. Holy City, Holy Places?: Christian Attitudes to Jerusalem and the Holy Land in the IVth Cent. Oxf., 1990; Borgehammar S. How the Holy Cross Was Found: From Event to Medieval Legend. Stockh., 1991; Barnes T. D. Athanasius and Constantius: Theology and Politics in the Constantinian Empire. Camb. (Mass.); L., 1993; Fraser M. The Feast of the Encaenia in the IVth Cent. and in the Ancient Liturgical Sources of Jerusalem: Diss. Durham (UK), 1995; idem. Constantine and the Encaenia//StPatr. 1997. Vol. 39. P. 25-28; Heid S. Zwei an den Enkainien der Jerusalemer Grabeskirche gehaltene Predigten des griechischen Ephräm//Oriens Chr. 2000. Bd. 84. S. 1-22; Tongeren L., van. Exaltation of the Cross: Toward the Origins of the Feast of the Cross and the Meaning of the Cross in Early Medieval Liturgy. Leuven, 2000; Botte B., Brakmann H. Kirchweihe//RAC. 2004. Bd. 20. Sp. 1139-1169; Findikyan M. D. Armenian Hymns of the Church and the Cross//St. Nersess Theol. Review. 2006. Vol. 11. P. 62-104; idem. Armenian Hymns of the Holy Cross and the Jerusalem Encaenia//REArm. 2010. Vol. 32. P. 25-58; Kovalchuk E. The Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem and St. Sophia of Constantinople: An Attempt at Discovering a Hagiographic Expression of the Byzantine Encaenia Feast//Scrinium. 2010. Vol. 6. P. 263-338; Permjakovs V. «Make This the Place Where Your Glory Dwells»: Origins and Evolution of the Byzantine Rite for the Consecration of a Church: Diss. Notre Dame (Ind.), 2012; Galadza D. Liturgy and Byzantinization in Jerusalem. Oxf., 2018.

A Russian Orthodox Church Will Be Built in Chile " s Second-Largest City/Православие.Ru A Russian Orthodox Church Will Be Built in Chile " s Second-Largest City January 22, 2013 Concepcion is Chile’s second-largest city with a population of 1.5 million. Among the Orthodox Christians living there are Russian emigres of the post-World War II period and their descendants, Russian and Ukrainian immigrants after the fall of the USSR, Palestinians, as well as Chilean converts. Orthodox services have become a regular occurrence since March, 2006, in a building in the Arab section known as Estadio Arabe. They are conducted mostly in Spanish, some prayers are read in Church Slavonic and Arabic. Concepcion’s Protopriest Alexei Aedo Vilugron of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia conducts the services. The parish belongs to ROCOR’s South American Diocese under His Grace Bishop John of Caracas and South America. Fr Alexei is Chilean by birth, having accepted Orthodox Christianity with his heart and soul. By his efforts and persistence, his focus and a great deal of labor, with reliance on God’s help, work on building the first-ever Orthodox Church in the south of Chile commenced in August 2011. The consecration of the cornerstone and erection of a cross on the site of the future church was performed by Vladyka John on December 5, 2010, in the presence of representatives of the local authorities and of the Russian Embassy. The Palestinian community of Concepcion donated the parcel of land for the church (costing approximately US and measuring 758 sq. m.). Donations by the parishioners covered all the expenses of the preliminary construction stages (planning and documentation). In July 2011, the community received aid from the Chilean government in the amount of 30M pesos (about The funds covered closing the perimeter of the property, excavations, foundation (1.5 m deep and 1.1 m wide), and the metal framework for the walls. Concepcion is in within Chile’s earthquake zone: the last earthquake, which struck in February 2010, measured 8.8 on the Richter Scale. For this reason, construction standards here are stringent and costly. Construction has been temporarily halted due to a lack of funds. The second stage of construction will cost We would be grateful for any help in building our church to the glory of God. Donations can be made by visiting Orthodox Community of St Silouan of Athos. The Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia 24 января 2013 г. ... Предыдущий Следующий Комментарии Войдите через FaceBook ВКонтакте Яндекс Mail.Ru Google или введите свои данные: © 1999-2015 Православие.Ru При перепечатке ссылка на Православие.Ru обязательна Контактная информация Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

It is therefore likely that the author of our text simply failed to mention the Gospel reading. See the analysis below. 58  Until the 11 th century, this litany preceded the Trisagion; only a few 11 th century manuscripts witness its transposition to the earlier point in the liturgy, which became normative in the 12 th –13 th centuries (Juan Mateos, La célébration de la Parole dans la liturgie byzantine. Étude historique (OCA 191, Roma: Pont. Institutum Studiorum Orientalium, 1971), 30). 61  Despite Afanasyeva, the contents of the treatise cannot be described as «a struggle between the angels, who are taking part in the liturgy and who help the priest to celebrate, and the devil, who tries to frighten the believers and to obstruct the celebration» (Afanasyeva, Old Slavonic Interpretations... 63). A story of such a struggle is indeed known, but from a different liturgical commentary, which is found in some late South Slavonic manuscripts, ascribed to St. Ephrem (Mirkovich, «Angels and Demons...»; Ivanova, «The Sermon of St. Basil the Great and of Father Ephraim...»), and which is interrelated to the late reworkings of Pseudo-Gregory’s treatise. But in the pristine redaction of the treatise, as well as in its oldest Russian translation, the devil is depicted as defeated from the very beginning of the liturgy (§ 6). However, §§ 16–17 describe a suspicious man «with sharp teeth like arrows and bloodshot eyes», possibly an allusion to the appearance of the devil. But the only function of this man is to try to expel «those standing in the church», and he by no means obstructs the celebration itself. Therefore, Afanasyeva’s generalisation is surprising. 63  See Michael Asmus, «Concerning the Question of Consecration of Commemorative Particles During the Divine Liturgy» [original title in Russian: Асмус М., «К вопросу об освящении поминальных частиц за Божественной литургией " ], in Вестник ПСТГУ I: Богословие. Философия 14 (2005), 5–22. 64  See Barbara Sweeney Mustain, The Melismos: the Child as Sacrifice in Byzantine Art (M.A.

Patriarch Kirill Celebrates Liturgy at Shamordino Hermitage of Our Lady of Kazan and Leads Consecration of Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) as Bishop of Yegoryevsk The primate of the Russian Orthodox Church led the congregation in celebrating the Divine Liturgy at the main church of the convent, the Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan. During the liturgy, Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) , abbot of the Sretensky Stavropegial Monastery, was consecrated as bishop of Yegoryevsk, vicar of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. His Holiness was assisted by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations (DECR), Metropolitan Clement of Kaluga and Borovsk, chairman of the ROC Publishing Board; Metropolitan Longin of Saratov and Volsk; Archbishop Maximilian of Pesochnya and Yukhnov, Archbishop Feognost of Sergiev Posad, head of the Synodal Department for Monasteries and Monastics; bishop Sergiy of Solnechnogorsk, director of the Moscow Patriarchate administrative secretariat; Bishop Nikita of Kozelsk and Lyudinovo; Archimandrite Anthony (Sevryuk), who has been elected as Bishop of Bogorodsk; Archpriest Vladimir Divakov, secretary to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia; Schema-Archimandrite Iliy (Nozdrin); the convent’s clergy, monks of the Optina Hermitage’s Monastery of the Presentation of Virgin Mary in the Temple and the Optina Hermitage and the Sretensky Monastery; as well as clergy from several dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church. Present at the service were Kaluga Governor A. Artamonov, Kaluga Regional Assembly Speaker N. Lyubimov, and Ms. Ye. Slabova, head of the Kozelsk City Administration. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Смотри также Комментарии dobero 25 октября 2016, 02:00 Congratulations to the newly consecrated Bishop! May he be an even brighter lamp. And congrats also for the success of his book, and the Book of the Year Award. Clearly, the Russian people needed such a book. Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

В Римской литургии это молитва " Quam oblationem " [каковое приношение] до установительных слов; в восточных анафорах это эпиклезис Святого Духа. К этому еще необходимо, по мнению Шеффонтэна, и знамение креста, как благословение. В XVII в. доминиканец Комбефис также защищал эпиклезу, как молитву, осуществляющую установительные слова Христа. Историко-критические исследования ряда ученых в области патрологии и литургики заставили призадуматься над фактом повсеместного на Востоке распространения эпиклезы и поставить вопрос о ee происхождении и сакраментальном значении. После работ Ренодо по изданию восточных литургий в 1715-1716 гг. и издания Dom Touttee в 1720 г. творений святого Кирилла Иерусалимского было высказано, как ими, так в особенности и ораторианцем Le Brun мнение в пользу эпиклезы Этим установительные слова не отрицаются, за ними остается их освятительная сила, но само освящение обусловлено эпиклезой. Мнение Ле Брэна породило очень обширную полемику. Ему возражали в 1717 г. Memoires de Trevoux, и оживленный обмен мнений имел место в течение ряда лет. В 1718г. в Париже появляется " Lettre d’un cure du diocese de Paris touchant le sacrifice de la messe " . B 1718 же году в " Journal de Trevoux " — " Reflexions sur la lettre d’un cure du diocese de Paris " . В 1718 — ответ Le Brun, " Lettre du P. Le Brun touchant la part qu’ont les fideles a la celebration de la messe " . B 1721 г. англичанин Грабе встал на сторону Ле Брэна и в защиту эпиклезы в своем трактате " De forma consecrationis eucharisticae. а Defense of the Greek Church against the Roman in the Article of the Consecration of the Eucharistical Elements " (London, 1721). B 1727 иезуит Bougeant возражал Le Brun в " Refutation de la dissertation du P. Le Brun sur la forme de la consecration " . Le Brun на это ответил в 1727 же году " Defence de l’ancien sentiment sur la forme de la consecration de l’eucharistie " (Paris, 1727). B 1728 г. возражала против эпиклезы Сорбонна. В следующем, 1729 г., появляются труды: иезуита Hongnant под заглавием " Apologie des anciens docteurs de la faculte de Paris, Claudes de Saintes et Nicolas Isambert, contre une lettre du P. Le Brun " и продолжение труда Bougeant " Traite theologique sur la forme de la consecration de l’eucharistie " . B 1730 и 1731 годах выступают против эпиклезы Breyer et Orsi (Breyer. " Nouvelle dissertation sur les paroles de la consecration de la sainte eucharistie " . Troyes, 1730; Orsi, O. P. " Dissertatio theologica de invocatione Spiritue Sancti in liturgiis Graecorum et Orientalium " . Milano, 1731). В 1740 г. Petrus Benedictus пишет свой " Antirrhetikon alterum adversus Le Brunum et Renaudotium " .

On November 21, 1917, the feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Mother of God, the enthronement of Metropolitan Tikhon took place. According to the tradition of the Eastern Orthodox Churches, a thrice “seating” of the elected Patriarch was conducted. During the age of Muscovite Rus’, there was a second episcopal consecration of the bishop in the “Patriarchal rank.” Three weeks later, on December 8, there was a council resolution worked out “On the rights and duties of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All the Russias.” In it, among other things, was stated: “The Patriarch of the Russian Church is its head hierarch. The Patriarch is the first among bishops who are equal to him.” The term now in use of “First Hierarch” (предстоятелем or первосвятителем) arose several decades later. Due to the new socio-political realities that came upon Russia from the end of October 1917, the Local Council was forced to stop its work earlier than planned. It has gone down in history for its two acts: the restoration of the Patriarchy and the election itself of the “first bishop among equals”. As opposed to all the subsequent Moscow Patriarchs of the twentieth century, His Holiness Tikhon could be rightly considered the conciliar choice of all the people for the head hierarch of the Russian Church. 3 Mikail Babkin Translation by 18 ноября 2016 г.  Tsar Peter I (the Great) did away with the Patriarchy in Russia and instituted in its place rule by a Holy Synod, with an Ober Procurator presiding. This latter position was always held by a layman. This was an abrupt and, for Church and Orthodox society, rather destructive change.  This would mean the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius (near Moscow), Kiev Caves (Kiev), St. Alexander Nevsky (St. Petersburg) , and Pochaev (Volhynia-Western Ukraine) Lavras.  The current Patriarch, His Holiness Kirill, was elected in a similar but not identical way. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю:

Tweet Нравится Bishop Jeronim of Jegar reposed in the Lord Source: The Information Service of the Serbian Orthodox Church November 25, 2016 Photo:      With faith and hope in Resurrection, the Diocese of Backa informs the public that on 24 November 2016, a little after 10 p.m. Bishop Jeronim of Jegar, Vicar of the Bishop of Backa reposed in the Lord. About time of the service of the funeral and requiem service the public will be notified later. The Biography of Bishop Jeronim (Mocevic) of Jegar of blessed repose He was born in Sarajevo on 26 September 1969; it was here that he finished elementary and secondary schools. He was tonsured in the monastery of Holy Archangels in Kovilj on 21st November 1990, ordained deacon on 27 January 1991, promoted as archdeacon on 26 July 1999. Archdeacon Jerome graduated at the Orthodox Theological Faculty in Belgrade in 2002, and the next year he was ordained as hieromonk. As post-graduate student he spent several years at the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome, where he acquired the title of a Master of theology having made research into liturgical sciences. He also improved his French knowledge at CLA – Centre de Linguistique Apliquée de Besançon, France. Metropolitan Jakovos of Mitilina promoted him into the rank of archimandrite in the church of St. Philothea in Smirna (Asia Minor), Turkey, in 2008. It was in the monastery of Prophet Elias in the island Lesbos in Greece that Metropolitan Theolyptos promoted Fr. Jerome as spiritual father. During this same year he spent some time at the University of Vienna where he attended the higher course (Oberstufe) in German. At the time being he has been writing his doctoral thesis in the field of liturgical theology. He speaks Greek, Italian, French, Russian, German and English. At the regular session of the Holy Council of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church on May 14, 2914 he was elected as Vicar Bishop of the Bishop of Backa Ireneus with the title Bishop of Jegar. Fr Jerome will be consecrated as Bishop in the Cathedral church of St. George of Novi Sad on September 28, 2014. The sacrament of consecration will officiate His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Ireneus with several Hierarchs. The Information Service of the Serbian Orthodox Church 28 ноября 2016 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Комментарии © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru При перепечатке ссылка на Православие.Ru обязательна Контактная информация Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Question of Consecration of Commemorative Particles and Debate on the Moment of Transubstantiation Which Took Place in Moscow in the Last Quarter of the XVIIth Century: The article about the commemorative particles from the «Schit very» («Shield of Faith») and «Osten» («Pricker»), edited from the manuscripts ГИМ. Син. 346, 452, 546 M.M. Bernatsky Publication contains a Slavonic text of the article entitled «On the particles which are extracted at the Prothesis» edited from all the main manuscripts of the «Schit very» and «Osten», which are theological-polemical collections, prepared after a decree of the patriarch Ioachim of Moscow, and are intended to be an official («Schit very») profound refutation of the non-orthodox opinion on the moment of Transubstantiation – as well as some other delusions contained in the printed Ukranian books of the XVIIth century (and also in the works by Moscow theologians of the period who based their convictions on those books), which became popular in Moscow because of the joining of Ukraine to Muscovite Rus. Introduction to the text edited is devoted to the history of appearance of the named text and also of different statements on the question of transubstantiation of commemorative particles, which were expressed during the debate on the Transubstantiation which took place in Moscow in the last quarter of the XVII-th century. 1 По истории возникновения и содержанию полемики прежде всего см.: Миркович Г. О времени пресуществления Св. Даров: Спор, бывший в Москве во второй половине XVII-ro века – опыт исторического исследования. Вильна, 1886, а также: Прозоровский А.А. Сильвестр Медведев: его жизнь и деятельность: Опыт церковно-исторического исследования. М., 1896; Любимов С. Борьба между представителями великорусского и малорусского направления в Великороссии в конце XVII и начале XVIII вв.//Журнал Министерства народного просвещения. СПб., 1875. 8. С. 117–152; 9. С. 74–104; Сменцовский М. Братья Лихуды: Опыт исследования из истории церковного просвещения и церковной жизни конца XVII и начала XVIII вв. СПб., 1899; Татарский И.А. Симеон Полоцкий (его жизнь и деятельность): Опыт исследования из истории просвещения и внутренней церковной жизни во 2 половине XVII в. М., 1886; Шляпкин И.А. Св. Димитрий Ростовский и его время (1651–1709 гг.). СПб., 1891; Скворцов Г.А. Патриарх Адриан: Его жизнь и труды в связи с состоянием Русской Церкви в посл. десятилетие XVII в. Казань, 1913. Из современных публикаций отметим: Курукина И.Л. Материалы к истории полемики конца XVII в.//Герменевтика древнерусской литературы. М., 1994. Сб. 7. Ч. 2. С. 429–440; она же. Богословская полемика кон. XVII в. как отражение сложных процессов светской жизни//Там же. Сб. 8. С. 169–174.

Invited to the winter session (September 2012-February 2013) are Metropolitan Vladimir of Omsk and Tavricheskoye, Metropolitan Veniamin of Penza and Nizhniy Lomov, Archbishop Mark of Hust and Vinogradov, Archbishop Simon of Murmansk and Monchegorsk, and Bishop Savva of Tiraspol and Dubossary. The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church opened the session and addressed its participants with welcoming words. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill awarded Metropolitan Vladimir of Lagoda and St. Petersburg with the Order of St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow, 1 st class, in consideration of his fruitful archpastoral ministry to the Holy Church of Christ and in connection with the 50 th anniversary of his episcopal consecration and the 60 th anniversary of his ordination as priest. His Holiness informed the participants of the agenda and noted that the Synod will have to consider a lot of documents. “We shall consider a draft prepared by the Inter-Council Presence that will help our work for rehabilitation of drug-addicts. At first, it was planned to present the draft to the Bishops’ Council, but it was later decided to present it to the Synod for thorough examination. The draft would be proposed to the Church as a guiding document,” His Holiness said and added that “the Synod will have to meet the requests of some bishops to set up new dioceses in the territories of their canonical responsibility and to make decisions on the election of new bishops.’ The Synod will also sum up the involvement of the Church in celebrations that took place in the Year of Russian History: the 1150 th anniversary of the Russian Statehood, the 400 th anniversary of the Ending of the Time of Troubles, and the 200 th anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812. Другие публикации на портале: © 2007-2024 Портал Богослов.Ru. Издатель: БОГОСЛОВ.RU Адрес издателя: 141300 Московская область, город Сергиев Посад, территория Троице-Сергиевой Лавры. Все права защищены. Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ Эл ФС77-46659 от 22.09.2011

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