Talbert Ch.H. Romans. Macon, 2002. Taubes J. The Political Theology of Paul. Stanford, CA, 2004. Taylor V. The Epistle to the Romans. 2 nd ed. London, 1962. Thiessen M. Paul and the Gentile Problem. Oxford, 2016. The Letters of St Paul in the Revised Standard Version and New Vulgate with a commentary by members of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Navarre. (The Navarre Bible). Dublin-New York, 2005. VanLandingham C. Judgment and Justification in Early Judaism and the Apostle Paul. Peabody, MA, 2006. Ware J.P. Synopsis of the Pauline Letters in Greek and English. Grand Rapids, 2010. Watson F. Paul and the Hermeneutics of Faith. London-New York, 2004. Watts R.E. “For I am Not Ashamed of the Gospel”: Romans 1:16–17 and Habakkuk 2:4. – Romans and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Gordon D.Fee on the Occasion of His 65 th Birthday. Ed. by S.K.Soderlund and N.T.Wright. Grand RapidsCambridge, 1999. P.3–25. Winger M. By What Law? The Meaning of Νμος in the Letters of Paul. Atlanta, Georgia, 1991. Witherington B. Grace in Galatia: A Commentary on Paul’s Letter to the Galatians. Grand Rapids, 1988. Witherington B. The Paul Quest. The Renewed Search for the Jew of Tarsus. Downers Grove-Leicester, 1998. Кто отлучит нас от любви Божией: скорбь, или теснота, или гонение, или голод, или нагота, или опасность, или меч? как написано: за Тебя умерщвляют нас всякий день, считают нас за овец, обрёченных на заклание. Но все сие преодолеваем силою Возлюбившего нас. Ибо я уверен, что ни смерть, ни жизнь, ни Ангелы, ни Начала, ни Силы, ни настоящее, ни будущее, ни высота, ни глубина, ни другая какая тварь не может отлучить нас от любви Божией во Христе Иисусе, Господе нашем ( Рим.8:35–39 ). О книге: Послание к Римлянам – один из самых трудных для понимания текстов, входящих в корпус Нового Завета. Центральная тема послания – соотношение между христианской верой («благодатью») и ветхозаветными установлениями («законом»). Предлагаемая книга, написанная ведущим российским богословом, автором фундаментальных исследований об Иисусе Христе, об апостолах Петре и Павле, об Отцах Церкви эпохи Вселенских Соборов, подробно раскрывает исторический контекст, в котором появилось Послание к Римлянам, и содержит полный богословский комментарий к нему. Написанная живым языком, книга будет полезна всем, кто интересуется историей возникновения и первоначального развития христианства, кто хочет глубже узнать христианское вероучение.


63 Феодорит. Толкования на Послания Павла (PG 82:64). Рус. пер.: Библейские комментарии отцов Церкви. Новый Завет. Т.6. С.67. 65 Примером подобной проекции могут послужить: Хейз Р. Этика Нового Завета. С.504–544; Furnish V.P. The Moral Teaching of Paul. P.55–92. 78 O различных вариантах решения данной проблемы см. в: Longenecker R.N. The Epistle to the Romans. P.279 (автор приводит восемь вариантов из научной литературы). 79 Cm.: Novum Testamentum graece. P.394–395 («Те, которые, не имея закона, согрешили, вне закона и погибнут; а те, которые под законом согрешили, по закону осудятся, потому что не слушатели закона праведны пред Богом, но исполнители закона оправданы будут. Ибо когда язычники, не имеющие закона, по природе законное делают, то, не имея закона, они сами себе закон: они показывают, что дело закона у них написано в сердцах, о чем свидетельствует совесть их и мысли их, то обвиняющие, то оправдывающие одна другую. В тот день Бог будет судить тайные дела человеков, по благовествованию моему, через Иисуса Христа»). 81 Филон Александрийский. О сотворении мира 1, 3 (Opera. Vol.1. P.1). О «естественном законе» у Филона см., в частности: Koester Н. Paul and His World. P.134–141. 82 Иларион (Апфеев), митр. Иисус Христос. Жизнь и учение. Книга VI: Смерть и воскресение. С.180, гл.3, 5. 88 В том смысле, что, согласно изложенному взгляду, «новый Израиль» полностью заместил собой израильский народ. Подробнее см. в: Иларион (Алфеев) , митр. Иисус Христос. Жизнь и учение. Кн. IV. Притчи Иисуса. С.463–464, гл.5, 2. 95 Климент Апександрийский. Строматы 2, 7, 34 (Clemens Alexandrinus. [Werke.] Bd.2. S.131). Рус. пер.: Библейские комментарии отцов Церкви. Новый Завет. Т.6. С.143 97 Глагол δικαιω встречается в Новом Завете 39 раз, в том числе 27 в посланиях Павла, из них 15 в Послании к Римлянам. Существительное δικαιοσνη встречается в Новом Завете 91 раз, в том числе 57 у Павла, из них 33 в Послании к Римлянам. Cm.: Dunn J.D.C. The Theology of Paul the Apostle. P.341. O «праведности» и «правде» в Новом Завете см.: Иларион (Алфеев) , митр. Иисус Христос. Жизнь и учение. Книга II: Нагорная проповедь. С.107–111, гл.2, 4. О понимании «праведности Божией» у Павла см.: Longenecker R.N. The Epistle to the Romans. P.168–176.


Apostle Herodion of the Seventy, and those with Him Commemorated on April 8 Saints Herodion (Rodion), Agabus, Asyncritus, Rufus, Phlegon and Hermes are among the Seventy Apostles, chosen by Christ and sent out by Him to preach (Synaxis of the Seventy Apostles: January 4). The holy Apostle Herodion was a relative of Saint Paul, and his companion on many journeys. When Christianity had spread to the Balkan Peninsula, the Apostles Peter and Paul established Saint Herodion as Bishop of Patara. Saint Herodion zealously preached the Word of God and converted many of the Greek pagans and Jews to Christianity. Enraged by the preaching of the disciple, the idol-worshippers and Jews with one accord fell upon Saint Herodion, and they began to beat him with sticks and pelt him with stones. One of the mob struck him with a knife, and the saint fell down. But when the murderers were gone, the Lord restored him to health unharmed. After this, Saint Herodion continued to accompany the Apostle Paul for years afterward. When the holy Apostle Peter was crucified (+ c. 67), Saint Herodion and Saint Olympos were beheaded by the sword at the same time. The holy Apostle Agabus was endowed with the gift of prophecy. He predicted (Acts 11:27-28) the famine during the reign of the emperor Claudius (41-52), and foretold the suffering of the Apostle Paul at Jerusalem (Acts 21:11). Saint Agabus preached in many lands, and converted many pagans to Christ. Saint Rufus, whom the holy Apostle Paul mentions in the Epistle to the Romans (Rom. 16:11-15), was bishop of the Greek city of Thebes. Saint Asyncritus (Rom. 16:14) was bishop in Hyrcania (Asia Minor). Saint Phlegon was bishop in the city of Marathon (Thrace). Saint Hermes was bishop in Dalmatia (there is another Apostle of the Seventy by the name of Hermas, who was bishop in the Thracian city of Philippopolis). All these disciples for their intrepid service to Christ underwent fierce sufferings and were found worthy of a martyr’s crown. Troparion — Tone 1 Let us praise in hymns the six-fold choir of Apostles:/Herodion and Agabus,/Rufus, Asyncritus, Phlegon and holy Hermes./They ever entreat the Trinity for our souls! Troparion — Tone 3 Holy Apostles/entreat the merciful God/to grant our souls forgiveness of transgressions. Kontakion — Tone 4 With the light of the Holy Spirit,/you illumine the way of the faithful like stars, O Holy Apostles./As you gaze on God the Word you repel the darkness of error. Kontakion — Tone 2 You became the disciples of Christ/And all-holy Apostles,/O glorious Herodion, Agabus and Rufus,/Asyncritus, Phlegon and Hermes./Ever entreat the Lord/To grant forgiveness of transgressions/To us who sing your praises. скрыть способы оплаты Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


P., 1959; Robinson H. W. Corporate Personality in Ancient Israel. Phil., 1964; Porter J. R. The Legal Aspects of the Concept of «Corporate Personality» in the OT//VT. 1965. Vol. 15. P. 361-380; Rey B. Creati in Cristo Gesú: La nuova creazione secondo S. Paolo. R., 1968; Rogerson J. W. The Hebrew Conception of Corporate Personality: A Re-Examination//JThSt. 1970. Vol. 21. N 1. Р. 1-16; Cerfaux L. Cristo nella teologia di S. Paolo. R., 19712; Houlden J. L. Ethics and the NT. Harmondsworth, 1973; Kümmel W. G. Römer 7 und das Bild des Menschen im NT: Zwei Studien. Münch., 1974; Sanders E. P. Paul and Palestinian Judaism: A Comparison of Patterns of Religion. Phil., 1977; Schlatter A. Die Theologie der Apostel. Stuttg., 19773; Bultmann R. Theologie des NT. Tüb., 19808; Schlier H. Grundzüge einer Paulinischen Theologie. Lpz., 1981; Meeks W. A. The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul. New Haven, 1983; Lindars B. The Sound of the Trumpet: Paul and Eschatology//BJRL. 1985. Vol. 67. N 2. P. 766-782; Jones F. S. «Freiheit» in den Briefen des Apostels Paulus. Gött., 1987; Martin B. L. Christ and the Law in Paul. Leiden etc., 1989; Klein W. W. The New Chosen People: A Corporate View of Election. Grand Rapids, 1990; Grossi V. Anthropology//EEC. 1992. Vol. 1. P. 44-46; Aune D. E. Human Nature and Ethics in Hellenistic Philosophical Traditions and Paul//Paul in His Hellenistic Context/Ed. T. Engberg-Pedersen. Edinb., 1994. P. 291-312; idem, ed. The Blackwell Companion to the NT. Oxf. etc., 2010; Malherbe A. J. Determinism and Free Will in Paul: The Argument of 1 Corinthians 8 and 9//Paul in His Hellenistic Context. Edinb., 1994. P. 231-254; Witherington B. Paul " s Narrative Thought World. Louisville, 1994; Швейцер А. Мистика ап. Павла// Он же. Жизнь и мысли. М., 1996. С. 177-480; Hahne H. A. The Corruption and Redemption of Creation: An Exegetical Study of Romans 8. 19-22 in Light of Jewish Apocalyptic Literature: Diss. Toronto, 1997; Dunn J. D. G. The Theology of Paul the Apostle.


Berlin 1840 S. 418 u. Aum. 2) считает возможным объяснить эти различия экзегетическими приемами талмудического толкования, но, как известно, все подобные способы являлись лишь для оправдания и подкрепления данного существующего предания, почему оно будет раньше их и должно иметь другие причины для своего возникновения. 655 См. Commentar zu dem Brief, an die Romer von Prof. F. Godet, deutsch bearbeitet von E. R. Wunderlich , Erster Theil (Hannover 1881), S. 7. J. Fr. Clarke, The Ideas of the Apostle Paul, p. 29. O. Pfleiderer, The Influence of the Aposmle Paul, p. 195. † E. Ha(tch), Art. «Paul» в «The Encyclopaedia Britannica», vol. XVIII (ninth edition, Edinburgh 1885), p. 416 a. 656 М. Krenkel, Paulus, S. 30. St. Paul " s Conception of Christianity by Prof. A. B. Bruce, Edinburgh 1894, p. 35, и. ср. тоже в «The Expositor» (где почти вся эта книга печаталась отдельными статьями), 1893, II, р. 126. Ge- schichte der neutestamentlichen Offenbarung von Prof. C. F. Nösgen. Zweiter Band: Geschichte der apostolischen Verkündigung. Munchen 1893. S. 167. O. Pfleiderer: Das Urchristenthum, S. 26; The Influence of the Apostle Paul, p. 34–35. J. Stalker, The Life of St. Paul, p. 53, 55, i. W. Adeney, The Theology of the N. T., p. 158. J. Fr. Clarke, The Ideas of the Apostle Paul, p. 26, Spiritual Development of St. Paul by Rev. George Matheson, p. 46–47. Exegetisch-kritische Verhandeling over den brief van Paulus aan de Galatiërs door Dr. J. M. S. Baljon, Leiden 1889, bl. 130–131. Lessons on the Acts of Apostles. By Eugene Stock. London. P. 46. 43. В. Фаррар, Жизнь и труды св. Апостола Павла в переводе проф. А. П. Лопухина , Спб. 1887, стрн. 915, прим. 320 (иллюстрированного издания). 657 Gedanken und Bemerkungen zur Apostelgeschichte. Von Pfarren Gottfried Jüger. 1. Heft: zu Kap. 1–12. Lpzg 1891. S. 36–37: «Слово «рожон» скорее должно разуметь о вонзенном в совесть жале». 658 Prof. Е. D. Burton в «The Biblical World» 1893, I, 12–14. Cp. Neutestamentliche Theologie oder Geschichtliche Darstellnng der Lehren Jesu and des Urchristenthums nach den neutestamentlichen Quellen.


He saw the Acropolis and the buildings whose ruins crown it still: the Propylaea, the Parthenon, the Erechtheum, and the Temple of the Wingless Victory. He saw the Asklepieion, whose ruins are still cut in the side of the Acropolis, and he saw the lovely theatre of Dionysus at the foot of the hill. He saw the Theseum, which today is the most perfectly preserved Greek temple in the world, and he must have seen the Tower of the Winds and the circular Monument of Lysikrates. All these monuments of Paul’s day have defied the chilling touch of time. Henry Vollam Morton 16 октября 2016 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также The Holy Glorious and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul Sermon of Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo The Holy Glorious and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul Sermon of Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo St. Augustine The Apostle Paul, formerly Saul, was changed from a robbing wolf into a meek lamb. Formerly he was an enemy of the Church, then is manifest as an Apostle. Formerly he stalked it, then preached it. The Christian Parthenon and St. Paul Nun Nectaria (McLees) The Christian Parthenon and St. Paul Nun Nectaria (McLees) St. Paul was the rst Christian missionary to preach in the celebrated intellectual stronghold of the Greco-Roman world. Indeed, Athens still reigned as the university of the Empire; she lived on her reputation as the city of the philosophers, and her streets were lled with the arguments of Platonists, Stoics, and Epicureans. Other intellectual centers had arisen in Rome, Alexandria, Antioch and Tarsus, but Athens remained indisputably the queen. Sermon on St. Dionysius the Areopagite Archpriest Andrew Phillips Sermon on St. Dionysius the Areopagite Archpriest Andrew Phillips After the martyrdom of his spiritual father the Apostle Paul, Dionysius conceived of the desire to follow in his footsteps. Thus, he left Athens and travelled to Greek settlements in the West. According to tradition, he ended up, not among the many Greeks in Rome, but elsewhere among Greeks in the Roman Empire, in Gaul, in what is today Paris. It was here at the end of the first century that the elderly Dionysius found martyrdom. Комментарии © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru


When he was at the gates of Damascus, Saul from Tars, the persecutor, later on Saint Paul the Apostle understood that it was a living relationship between Christ, the Lord, and those who believed in Him, and that when the Church, namely the Body of Christ, suffered, Christ suffered too”, the Primate of the Romanian Orthodox Church explained. While speaking about the preaching of these Saints Apostles, the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church showed that the people were hostile to them and that they suffered a lot because of their faith in Christ, becoming models worthy following, examples of confessing the Gospel of Christ not only in good times, but also in times of persecution: “These great teachers of repentance become great missionaries too, people who enlighten the life of many pagans, who guide the confused ones, raise the fallen ones, and encourage the disappointed ones. Saint Peter the Apostle and Saint Paul the Apostle preached the Gospel of Christ in a hostile world, and they were imprisoned several times. (…) These imprisonments were complemented with many troubles, having been beaten and mocked. They suffered a lot, this fact showing that the world they were preaching in was against them very often either because of a formalist faith of the Jews or because of the pagan faiths. (…) Saints Peter and Paul the Apostles preached the Gospel in a hostile world, with much confusion from the point of view of the faith, of the life with much injustice. Nevertheless they were victorious through the power of God. (…) Today, these two great apostles, preachers, missionaries, teachers of repentance, as well as of courage, are enlighteners of the Church for us, who pray and urge us to preach the Gospel not only when everything is well, but also in times of persecution and hostility. To end with his speech, His Beatitude wished all those who were celebrating their name days joy and much help of God for keeping, transmitting, and intensifying faith: “Today about 500,000 Romanians are named Peter or Paul, the names of these Saints Apostles or of other names derived, which fact shows that our people have great devotion for these great Apostles whom we pray to protect and enlighten us to love Christ and the Church, to be confessors of the right faith, supporters of the Church and of her work in the world. We wish all those named Peter and Paul many years of life, good health, joy and much help of God for keeping, transmitting and intensifying the faith”. Saints Peter and Paul the Apostles are considered protectors of those deprived of liberty in Romania. 11 июля 2013 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Комментарии © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru При перепечатке ссылка на Православие.Ru обязательна Контактная информация Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


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