They want the power to stamp out all disapproval of homosexuality in your society and to compel every citizen (especially the youth) to embrace the view that homosexual conduct is good and normal. They ask for a place at the table, but once they have one all the social ideals they exploited to get there, such as social tolerance, freedom of speech, and respect for cultural diversity, are discarded. In place of those ideals is inserted a new backwards and upside-down morality and world-view that condemns all disapproval of homosexuality as a new fictionalized form of bigotry. I have termed this phenomenon ‘Homo-fascism’ and defined it as a form of extreme left-wing, regressive radicalism which seeks to establish rigid authoritarian controls over all public discourse and government policies regarding sexual norms and proprieties, and to enact punitive measures against conscientious objectors that would punish or suppress all disapproval of homosexuality and related sexual behaviors (that would of course even though they deny it, quickly include a sexual indoctrination and exploitation of children). In the coming months and years Russia and Her people will be increasingly portrayed by emotion laden and abusive hyperbole as bigoted haters, intent on exterminating homosexuals. Indeed, the propaganda campaign on that theme has already been initiated, with video footage purporting to show Russian neo-Nazis beating homosexuals now being circulated on the Internet, along with the false implication that this is the intent of your policy.” Other American evangelical leaders mentioned in the HRC report also travel to other nations to help them in the global resistance to the gay agenda intensely promoted by the U.S. government. 25 февраля 2015 г. Смотри также Комментарии Benjamin Chung 26 февраля 2015, 20:00 The Homosexual Agenda is now extremely radical and invasive in the United States especially here in California where I live. They have been attacking Judeo-christian values to which I swear allegiance according to the teaching of the Christian Bible. Their attacks are gaining even more momentum. Come Lord Jesus and put an end to the Babylonian corruption system and its immoralities! " As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man. " Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Tweet Нравится Israel to Begin 3-Year Search for More Dead Sea Scrolls Source: CBN News November 17, 2016 Photo:      Israel is set to embark on a three-year expedition to search for additional Dead Sea Scrolls and other antiquities in the Judean Desert. The expedition, led by a government research team, will mark the first large-scale archaeological survey of the area in more than 20 years. It " s set to begin next month. The archaeologists plan to survey hundreds of desert caves near the Dead Sea, where the world " s oldest biblical manuscripts were discovered in 1947. The government initiated the expedition after looters found manuscripts in the area in recent years. The Dead Sea Scrolls are thought of as the crown jewel of Israeli antiquities. Recently, the Palestinian Authority petitioned UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) to deny Israeli ownership of the Dead Sea Scrolls, saying the caves where they were found are beyond the " green line, " making them stolen property. CBN News 17 ноября 2016 г. Оценка: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Archaeologists spotlight first Solomon’s Temple-era artifacts ever found on Temple Mount Archaeologists spotlight first Solomon’s Temple-era artifacts ever found on Temple Mount Carried out in rare cooperation with Muslim authorities, series of digs in recent years at flashpoint site yielded unprecedented proof of biblical-time activity, scholars say. Ancient city unearthed where David battled Goliath Ancient city unearthed where David battled Goliath Archaeologists believe they have found evidence of King David’s footprints in a mysterious two-gated city from 3,000 years ago, mentioned in the Bible’s story of David and Goliath. Archaeologists Find Pool of Siloam, Confirm Gospel of John Accurate Archaeologists Find Pool of Siloam, Confirm Gospel of John Accurate According to an inscription in one of the tunnels, called the " Siloam inscription, " two teams dug in opposite directions — one from the north and the other from the south — and met in the middle. The result was a reliable source of water that enabled Judah to withstand the Assyrian siege. Комментарии Carl 18 ноября 2016, 03:00 I suggest a new title - " Israel " to Begin Immediate Search for More Palestinian Land to Steal Новые материалы Выбор читателей © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru При перепечатке ссылка на Православие.Ru обязательна Контактная информация Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Archive Particle of hieroconfessor Famar’s relics is handed over to the Georgian Orthodox Church 10 December 2018 year 21:13 On 10 December 2018, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations (DECR), arrived in Georgia with a working visit with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. St the request of His Holiness and Beatitude Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II of All Georgia, Metropolitan Hilarion brought a particle of relics of the hieroconfessor Famar (Marjanova) as a gift to the Georgian Orthodox Church. She has been canonized recently by the Georgian and Orthodox Churches. The relics were met by His Holiness and Beatitude Ilia II, bishops, clerics and monastics of the Georgian Orthodox Church at the Patriarchal residence. A short prayer service was celebrated at the shrine with the relics. After the prayer service the DECR chairman met with His Holiness and Beatitude. They were joined in the meeting by six hierarchs of the Georgian Orthodox Church; rector of the Sioni Cathedral; archpriest Kakhaber of the Church of St. George in Moscow; archpriest Igor Yakilmchuk, DECR secretary for inter-Christian relations, archpriest Vladimir Aleksandrov of St. Alexander Nevsky church in Tbilisi, and Vyacheslav Lee, a Metropolitan Hilarion’s sub-deacon. His Holiness and Beatitude Catholic-Patriarch Ilia II conveyed his deep gratitude to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill for the precious gift – relics of hieroconfessor Famar whose life had been closely connected with the Georgian and Russian Orthodox Churches. Both Primates expressed confidence in the great importance of St. Famar’s prayers for the strengthening of fraternal ties between the Russian and Georgian people. Metropolitan Hilarion cordially greeted Patriarch Ilia on behalf of Patriarch Kirill, who sent a particle of relics of St. Famar to the Georgian Orthodox Church at the request of its Primate. She was canonized by the Georgian Orthodox Church in 2016, and the Russian Orthodox Church also canonized her as a confessor of the 20th century who went along her way of the Cross. “Today we glorify hieroconfessor Famar as a heavenly protectress of our two Churches and our people. I do hope that the saint’s prayers will be with us in our common work for the good of Holy Orthodoxy and united our nations by spiritual bond that abides in our hearts, crosses all earthly boundaries and will remain on earth and in the Heavenly Kingdom,” Metropolitan Hilarion said. Discussed at the meeting were topical problems of the inter-Orthodox relations. That same day the DECR chairman returned to Moscow. DECR Communication Service / Календарь ← 7 December 2023 year

Епископ Австралийско-Новозеландский Ириней призывает премьера Австралии не признавать независимость Косово Канберра, 21 февраля 2008 г. Епископ Австралийско-Новозеландский Ириней (Добричевич) Сразу после признания австралийским правительством во главе с премьер-министром Кевином Раддом самопровозглашенной независимости Косова, Его Преосвященство Епископ Австралийско-Новозеландский Ириней обратился к премьеру с письмом, в котором он пишет: Его Превосходительству Кевину Радду, Главе правительства Австралии Ваше Превосходительство, господин премьер-министр, Обращаемся к вам от имени Сербской Православной Церкви и многочисленной, патриотически настроенной сербской общины Австралии, чтобы насколько возможно настоятельно просить Вас и правительство Австралии отменить решение от 19 февраля 2008 года о дипломатическом признании одностороннего отделения Косова от Республики Сербии. Косово и Метохия – сербский духовный Иерусалим и колыбель, прародина сербского народа. Край Косово является и будет являться составной частью суверенного государства Сербия согласно Хартии ООН, резолюции 1244 Совета безопасности ООН, а также согласно всем действующим документам и международным конвенциям по правам человека, правам нации и нерушимости международно признанных границ. В связи со всем перечисленным, признание Косова как независимого государства нарушает все существующие стандарты международного права, относящиеся к процедуре создания государства. Во-первых: международное право, основываясь на ряде очень важных причин, предполагает, что отделение части территории от международно признанного государства допустимо только в случае согласия государства-метрополии, то есть, в данном случае, Республики Сербии. Как заметил в своем выступлении еще в 1992 году бывший Генеральный секретарь ООН Бутрос Бутрос-Гали: «Поскольку каждая этническая, религиозная или языковая группа требовала бы собственной государственности, не было бы конца разделению, а добиться мира, безопасности и экономического процветания для всех было бы все трудней и трудней.» (Boutros Boutros-Ghali, An Agenda for Peace, Preventive Diplomacy, Peacemaking and Peace-keeping, United Nations, New York, 1992, para. 17.)

Statement of Interreligious Council of Russia concerning the situation in the Ukraine/Православие.Ru Statement of Interreligious Council of Russia concerning the situation in the Ukraine Moscow, April 3, 2014 On April 3, 2014, in the Danilovskaya hotel, under the chairmanship of head of the Moscow Patriarchate " s Department for Church and Society Relations Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin a regular working session of the Interreligious Council of Russia took place. Moscow government representative A.A. Ignatenko, representative of Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation I.K. Korostelev were present at the event in addition to representatives of traditional faiths of Russia, reports . The statement of the Interreligious Council of Russia concerning the situation in the Ukraine: " We, the heads and representatives of traditional religious communities of Russia, express our deep concern in connection with the ongoing events in the Ukraine. The Ukrainian and Russian peoples are united by the centuries-old common history, and inseparable spiritual, cultural and kindred relationships. Our fraternal nations must cherish this commonality and work towards its development. We categorically condemn the provocation of ethnic conflicts, the derivation of political dividends from the people " s suffering. We hope that no one ever manages to change the Ukraine into a state that is hostile to Russia. We also feel certain that the wise and freedom-loving Ukrainian nation must preserve its right to an independent choice of its historical path, of its own values, which cannot be torn from its many centuries’ history, its moral standards, its model of organization of economics, public and state life. It is also important to preserve the common cultural and spiritual space of the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). Respecting the right of all Ukrainian residents and various public groups to freely choose their path of development, we are calling all to do their best to peacefully and mutually acceptably settle the existing controversies and disagreements. We consider intolerable any language-related, ethnic, religious and political discrimination. It is the recognition of the full extent of the legal rights of various ethnic, regional and religious communities, including a right to participation in determination of fate of the whole state with respect for traditional values of the majority of the nation, that can prevent new sources of instability. We feel as if they are our own wounds the killing of people, the appearance of refugees, the increase of intolerance and mutual indifference in Ukrainian society, persecution of certain religious and social figures, threats to the normal functioning of monasteries, churches, mosques and synagogues.

IT STILL WORKS But what " s happening is not just an issue of religion, it " s also one of human rights, which is why free people should be actively concerned. We live in a nation where faith is well-protected, where churches still hold some societal value. Even nonbelievers are disturbed when a church is vandalized or desecrated. Even so, we forget that Christianity isn " t supposed to be " popular, " because it goes against everything that secular society has come to value. Despite their continued dominance, some American Christians equate even a modicum of criticism with persecution, but it isn " t even close. In a different country, the entire Robertson clan might have been arrested and never heard from again. According to Open Doors " World Watch List, the United States isn " t even listed among the world " s persecutor nations. If being called a Bible thumper is the worst thing that happens to millionaires who only stand to make more money for being criticized, it means the First Amendment still works. For everyone. 27 января 2014 г. Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Syria’s Christians Flee Kidnappings, Rape, Executions Syria’s Christians Flee Kidnappings, Rape, Executions Running from assault, abduction, and assassination at the hands of jihadists and FSA rebels, Syria’s ancient Christian community fears a religious pogrom is set to erupt. Over 60 churches and monasteries destroyed in Syria Over 60 churches and monasteries destroyed in Syria Militants in Syria have destroyed over 60 Christian churches and monasteries, and more than 70 thousand Orthodox residents of Homs, and more than a half the Christians of Aleppo have left their homes. The slaughter and torture of Christians: not a priority for the Government, Labour or DfID The slaughter and torture of Christians: not a priority for the Government, Labour or DfID " One hundred thousand Christians will be massacred this year because of their beliefs. " Last Tuesday, with these words, Jim Shannon MP (DUP) began a Commons debate on the unfashionable crime against humanity.

Всякий, ненавидящий брата своего, есть человекоубийца; а вы знаете, что никакой человекоубийца не имеет жизни вечной, в нем пребывающей. 1 Ин. 3,15 В тюрьмах Эритреи находятся в заключении 3000 христиан 24.09.2011 Правительство Эритреи - один из самых репрессивных в мире режимов – держит в тюремном заключении 3000 христиан , «где они сталкиваются с плохим обращением, лишены нормальной еды и лечения, подвергаются принуждению к отказу от своей веры». Об этом говорится в сообщении организации «Christian Solidarity Worldwide», которое цитирует CWN. Организация — часть коалиции, которая призывает Совет по Правам человека при Организации Объединенных Наций (United Nations Human Rights Council) расследовать случаи систематического нарушения прав человека в этой африканской стране. Первоначально колонизированная Италией Эритрея была передана в состав Эфиопии в 1952 г. В конечном счете после гражданской войны, длившейся десятилетия, Эритрея возвратила себе независимость в 1993 г. под главенством Исайяса Афверки, марксиста, который получил военную подготовку в Китае во времена Мао Цзэдуна. Сегодня Афверки остается во главе тоталитарного режима, управляющего Эритреей. Организация Reporters Without Borders («Репортеры Без Границ») считают ситуацию со свободой печати в Эритрее наихудшей в мире. Первоначально христианская область, где доминировали монофизиты, отвергшие деяния Халкидонского Собора 451 г. (4-го Вселенского), страна с населением в 5.8 миллионов человек сегодня наполовину заселена мусульманами, 30% населения — христиане-монофизиты, принадлежащие к Эритрейской Церкви, еще 3% жителей католики-униаты. Однако правительство признает существование в стране только ислама, Эритрейской Церкви, Католической и Лютеранской Церквей. Приверженцев других конфессий систематически арестовывают и заключают в тюрьму. Прежде всего, это касается верующих различных протестантских деноминаций. Но сторонники официально признанных конфессий находятся в столь же тяжелом положении. Принадлежность к исламу или Эитрейской Церкви не обеспечивает им неприкосновенности от преследования. Так, в 2005 г. правительство, не считаясь с церковными канонами, назначило мирянина управлять Эритрейской Церковью, а в следующем году Патриарх этой Церкви был свергнут. В 1998 г. правительство национализировало католические школы и медицинские клиники; в 2008 власти конфисковали всю церковную собственность в столице страны. Седмица.Ru / Древо-инфо.Ru Редакция текста от: 24.09.2011 10:35:08

     The Aleppo Codex, the oldest surviving copy of the Hebrew Bible that some experts believe all versions of the Old Testament stem from, has been recognized by UNESCO as an important world treasure. I24News reported that the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization added the millennium-old Codex earlier this week to its International Memory of the World Register, which honors some of the most important discoveries relating to human history. Adolfo Roitman, the head curator of the Shrine of the Book Museum in Jerusalem, which holds the Codex, explained its significance, stating that all current versions of the Old Testament stem, " in one way or another, from this ancient manuscript. " The Codex is believed to have been written somewhere around the year 930 in the town of Tiberias on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. It has been moved around through several different cities, and as many as 190 pages are missing from the surviving copy, though scholars disagree where and when they were lost. It was smuggled out of Syria and arrived in Israel in 1958, before it was eventually moved to the Israel Museum in the mid-1980s. It is also not clear who precisely owns the Codex, though filmmaker Avi Dabach, who is planning to make a documentary about the ancient manuscript, believes that it belongs to the Jewish community that fled Syria. " In the 1960s the Aleppo-Jewish community sued the people who brought the Codex to Israel … The Israeli Authorities decided to confiscate this item and then, from a position of strength, force on the community an arrangement, " Dabach has said. Although the Aleppo Codex is considered the oldest copy of the Hebrew Old Testament, there are much older fragments of biblical manuscripts in existence, such as the 2,000-year-old Dead Sea scrolls. The scrolls, written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, date back to the first and third centuries BCE, and contain texts from the Old Testament pertaining to the birth of Christianity. They are believed to have been hidden from approaching Roman armies in the caves in the Judean desert on the shores of the Dead Seas somewhere around 68 BCE. Back in September 2011, the scrolls were made available online through a joint effort by Israel " s national museum and Google, whereas previously only a small group of scholars had read them. The Christian Post 11 февраля 2016 г. Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Christian Population in Iraq in Danger of Being Eradicated in 5 Years Christian Population in Iraq in Danger of Being Eradicated in 5 Years In the report titled " Persecuted and Forgotten, " Aid to the Church in Need documents the persecution of Christians in Iraq from 2013 up to the present. The UK-based charity enumerates 10 countries in which Christians suffer the worst persecution and Iraq, Nigeria, Sudan, and Syria topped the list. The other countries in the list include China, Eritrea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and North Korea, the report details. Death, violence and displacement: The persecution of Christians Death, violence and displacement: The persecution of Christians Believers: attacked and killed; churches, schools and businesses: looted and torched - Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world. Can Christians hope for the freedom to practice without fear? Комментарии 29 января 2016, 21:00 the hope and change false narrative of the current administration under Obama has only brought hope an change to terrorist. once the world leader in peace an freeing the oppressed we have become impotent. our friends don " t trust us and our ever growing list of enemies don " t respect us. the sad truth is no Muslim countries are excepting migrants to their nations while the western countries are flooding over with insurgents. these people are not seeking a better life, rather the invasion of Islamazation. what we have in America is a wave of welfare recipients an terrorist. further to date the deportation of Christians and Jews escalates the welcome mat is extended to jihads. the world is at the most dangerous point ever. that includes both world wars an the cold war. we don " t have a president anymore , rather an emperor who circumvent the constitution and propagates the lie that Islam is the religion of peace. let me make this perfectly clear, on 20 Jan 2017 things will change as the United States will return to her position of the leader of freedom an protection from the threats of radical Islamic terrorism. then real hope and change takes place. © 1999-2015 Православие.Ru

Тех же, кто был родом с востока, возвращали на родину органы репатриации, которые часто прибегали к насильственным методам с использованием оружия. По оценкам В. Н. Земскова, которые он делает на основании объяснительных записок репатриантов, среди «восточных рабочих» твердых возвращенцев было не менее 70 %, невозвращенцев – около 5 %, остальные 25 % составляли так называемые колеблющиеся (большинство из них хотели вернуться, но опасались репрессий). Примерно такое же соотношение было и среди военнопленных [Полян, 372]. Но в число перемещенных лиц входили также представители антикоммунистических движений и граждане, добровольно покинувшие оккупированные зоны СССР с отступающими частями германской армии , что существенно меняет выше приведенное соотношение. Принудительной выдачи не избежали в том числе жители Эстонии, Латвии, Литвы, Западной Украины и Западной Белоруссии, Молдавии и Северной Буковины, а также эмигранты «первой волны» и лица, оказавшиеся на территории СССР в результате расширения его границ в сентябре 1939 г. по договору с Германией, несмотря на то, что они не являлись советскими гражданами. Правовой основой для насильственной репатриации послужили соглашения между тремя союзническими государствами – Англией, США и СССР, подписанные Черчиллем, Рузвельтом и Сталиным 10 и 11 февраля 1945 г. на Крымской конференции в Ялте [Советский, 178]. Несколько позже – 13 марта и 29 июня 1945 г. – аналогичные ялтинским соглашения были заключены СССР с Бельгией и Францией. Репатриация проводилась также из других стран Западной Европы: Италии, Швейцарии, Нидерландов, Польши, Румынии, Чехословакии, Венгрии, Болгарии, Югославии. Западные оккупационные власти осуществляли репатриацию во взаимодействии с United Nations Reliefand Rehabilitation Administration – UNRRA (Администрация помощи и восстановления Объединенных Наций), учрежденной 9 ноября 1943 г. в Вашингтоне 44 странами, в том числе и СССР. Задача UNRRA сводилась к оказанию помощи беженцам и восстановлению экономики освобожденных стран.

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