500 The guards appear in the Chludov Psalter, folio 26v and in the Pantokrator Psalter, folios 30v and 109r, in the last case together with the Myrophores. There are more miniatures where the soldiers and/or the Myrophores appear next to Christ’s Tomb, suggesting the event of the Resurrection, while Christ himself is omitted (Chludov Psalter, folios 6r, 44r, 67v; Pantokrator Psalter, folios 89r, 112r). Brubaker L. Vision and Meaning in Ninth-Century Byzantium, Images as Exegesis in the Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus. Cambridge University Press, 1999, p. 302, mentions the theological implications of humans witnessing Christ’s Resurrection in the art of the ninth century. Byzantine theology considered the fact that Jesus was seen and touched by people as proof of his Incarnation. In this context are mentioned various relevant events from the Gospels, and I. John, 1, 1 is frequently cited (“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched – this we proclaim concerning the Word of life”). See, for example, the Acts of the 3rd Ecumenical Council, Mansi IV, 633D, 648E, 677AB, 692D, 756AB, 1196A, Mansi V, 9A, 25B212A-E; the Acts of the 6th Ecumenical Council, Mansi XI, 425B-D, 477D. Also, in relation to Christ’s representation in images, the Acts of the 7th Ecumenical Council, Mansi XIII, 164D, 256A-C, 282E; Patriarch Nicephoros, Antirrheticus I, PG 100, 292A; and Theodore Studite, Refutatio et sub- versio, PG 99, 444A, to mention just a few cases. 501 Rom und Byzanz, Schatzkammmerstucke aus bayerischen Sammlungen/Ed. R. Baumstark, Exhibition catalogue, München 1998, no. 9, p. 84–90. 502 Volbach W. Elfenbeinarbeiten der Spatantike und des frühen Mittelalters. Mainz, 1952, no. 111, pl. 33. 503 Weitzmann K. Eine vorikonoklastische Ikone des Sinai mit der Darstellung des Chairete//Tortulae: Studien zu altchristlichen und byzantinischen Monumenten, Römische Quartalschrift. Suppl. 30, Rome, 1966, p.


SEE ALSO: Iconoclasm; Icons; Monasticism REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS Roth, C. P. (trans.) (1981) St. Theodore the Studite: On the Holy Icons. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. St. Theophan (Govorov) the Recluse (1815–1894) KONSTANTIN GAVRILKIN Born into the family of a rural priest, after the seminary Georgii V. Govorov continued his studies at Kiev Theological Academy, where, under the influence of the Kievan Cave Mon­astery, he decided to become a monk. Prior to his graduation in 1841, he was tonsured (with the name Theophan) and ordained deacon and priest shortly afterwards. For a few years he served as instructor and administrator at a number of ecclesiastical schools, but in 1847 he resigned from St. Peterbsurg Theological Academy in order to join the Russian Mission in Jerusalem, where he studied Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, and French. He also traveled throughout the Middle East and visited many holy places in Syria, Egypt, and Palestine. In 1854, because of the Crimean War, the Mission was closed, and upon his return to Russia he was appointed again to St. Petersburg Academy, and then, five months later, to the Olonetskaia Seminary (Petrozavodsk). Less than a year later he was sent to the Russian Embassy Church in Constantinople. In the summer of 1857 he was made dean of St. Petersburg Theological Academy, only to be consecrated bishop of Tambov in 1859 and moved again in 1863 to the see of Vla­dimir. In 1866, tired of his endless transfers and busy administrative life, he petitioned the synod to allow him to resign and live as a “simple monk” in a monastery of his choice in order to dedicate his life to the study of Scripture, prayer, and writing. The synod (after launching an inquiry into his “unusual” request) accepted his resignation, and Theophan moved to Vyshenskaia Pustyn’ (Tambov province). For six years he followed the monastery’s regular life, but in 1872 withdrew from direct contact with all people, both inside and out­side the monastery, except for the abbot, his father-confessor, and the keleinik, a monk assigned to assist him.


Sources chretiennes. (Paris: Cerf), n. 1 (1941)-. Irregular. Chiefly French; some Greek and Latin. Symeon, the New Theologian, Saint, 949–1022. Hymns of Divine Love. Introduction and translation by George A. Maloney. Denville, NJ: Dimension Books, n.d. 297 p. Theodore, Studites, Saint, 759–826. St. Theodore the Studite On the Holy Icons. Translated by Catharine P. Roth. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1981. 115 p. Translated from the original Greek. Bibliography: p. 115. B. Secondary Sources Azkoul, Michael. The Influence of Augustine of Hippo on the Orthodox Church. Lewiston, NY: E. Mellen Press, 1990. vi, 299 p. (Texts and studies in religion; v. 56.) Basil of Caesarea, Christian, Humanist, Ascetic: A Sixteen-Hundredth Anniversary Symposium. Edited by Paul Jonathan Fedwick. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1981. 2 v. (xxxvii, 715 p.) Baur, Chrysostomus. Joh n Chrysostom and His Time. Sr. M. Gonzaga, transi. Westminster, MD: Newman Press, 1959–60. 2 v. Translation of Der heilige Johannes Chrysostomus und seine Zeit. Christianity Among the Slavs: The Heritage of Saints Cyril and Methodius: Acts of the International Congress held on the Eleventh Centenary of the Death of St. Methodius Rome, October 8–11, 1985 Under the Direction of the Pontifical Oriental Institute. Edited by Edward G. Farrugia . . . [et al.] with the editorial committee. Rome: Pontificium Institutum Studiorum Orientalium, 1988. ix, 409 p. (Orientalia Christiana analecta; 231.) English, French and Italian. Dvornik, Francis. Byzantine Missions Among the Slavs: SS. Constantine-Cyril and Methodius. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1970. xviii, 484 p. (Rutgers Byzantine series.) Bibliography: p. 419–464. -. Photian and Byzantine Ecclesiastical Studies. London: Variorum Reprints, 1974. 472 p. (Collected studies series; 32.) English and French. Ellverson, Anna-Stina. The Dual Nature of Man: A Study in the Theological Anthropology of Gregory of Nazianzus. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell [distributors], 1981. 119 p. (Studia doctrinae Christianae Up-saliensia; 21.) Originally presented as the author’s doctoral thesis, Uppsala University.


Basic monograph on the great monastic reformer. Dvornik, F. The Photian Schism: History and Legend. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1948. Historical rehabilitation of Photius by a Roman Catholic scholar. Gardner, A. Theodore of Studium, His Life and Times. London, 1905. Gouillard, J. «L " heresie dans l " Empire byzantin des origines au XII e siecle,» Travaux et Memoires, I (Paris, 1965), 299–324; repr. in Gouillard, J. La Vie religieuse a Byzance. London: Variorum, 1981. Grossu, Nicholai. Prepodobnyi Theodor Studit (St. Theodore the Studite). Kiev, 1907. Hergenrother, J. Photius, Patriarch yon Konstantinopel: Sein Leben, seine Schriften und das griechische Schisma. 3 vols. Regensburg, 1867–1869; repr. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1960. Still the only systematic survey of Photius» theology; very critical of the Greek «schismatics.» Joannou, P. Christliche Metaphysik in Byzanz. I. Die Illuminations-lehre des Michael Psellos und Joannes Italos. Studia Patristica et Byzantina, 3. Heft. Ettal, 1956. Lemerle, P. Le premier humanisme byzantin. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1971. A presentation of Byzantine civilization in the early medieval period. Stephanou, P. E. Jean Italos, philosophe et humaniste. Orientalia Christiana Analecta, 134. Rome, 1949. Uspensky, Theodor. Ocherki po istorii Vizantiiskoy obrazovannosti (Notes on the History of Byzantine Learning). St. Petersburg, 1891. Especially important for intellectual developments in the eleventh century. Zervos, Chr. Un philosophe neoplatonicien du XI e siecle: Michel Psellos. Paris, 1920. Chapter 5 Chitty, Derwas J. The Desert a City: An Introduction to the Study of Egyptian and Palestinian Monasticism under the Christian Empire. Oxford, 1966; repr. Crest-wood, New York: St. Vladimir " " s Seminary Press, 1977. Dorries, Hermann. Symeon von Mesopotamien: Die Uberlieferung der messalianischen «Makarios» Schriften. Texte u. Untersuchungen, 55, 1. Leipzig, 1941. The most authoritative presentation of the «Messalian» theory about the writings of pseudo-Macarius.


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