Archive Bishop Irinej of Bac: Most Local Orthodox Churches continue to recognize canonical Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev and All Ukraine while ignoring citizen Sergey Dumenko 17 January 2023 year 17:42 The official website of the Serbian Orthodox Church has installed the Nativity interview Bishop Irinej of Bac gave to Peat, a weekly Serbian magazine, which came out on December 30. In particular, it deals with the situation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church enduring a new wave of persecutions. ‘In recent days, the state terror has been going literary through its peak. It is illustrated not only by the blasphemous invasion of the police and ‘security services workers’ into the greatest shrine of not only Ukraine but of the whole Russian Orthodox world - the Kiev Lavra of the Caves, but also by a threat that, if God will permit it’ ‘the pro-European’ and ‘democratically’-orientated Ukrainian state will simply ban, if not abolish it’, Bishop Irinej of Bac said, ‘It goes without saying that virtuous representatives of democracy and human, including religious, rights and freedoms on the both sides of the Atlantic wisely keep silent. In their opinion, in Kiev their ‘values’ and ‘ideals’ are defended knightly (!). The hierarch stressed that the hardening persecutions against the canonical Church is due to the deepening schism in Ukraine as a result of the uncanonical actions of the Patriarchate of Constantinople which has created in this country ‘its own para-ecclesial structure’ and this ‘in contravention of the existing predominant canonical Church, which it itself had recognized until the day of the implementation of its decision and actually continues to recognize it, for it does not dare declare it uncanonical or non-existent’. The archpastor regretted to note that he himself and many authoritative people warned Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople against the negative consequences of the step he conceived - the granting of ‘fictitious autocephaly to a non-existent Church in Ukraine, or rather to two forcibly and temporarily united schismatic groupings’ headed by ‘unrepentant and graceless schismatics’.

Elder Cleopa on the Eight Sources of Temptation On the second Sunday of Great Lent,the Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of St. Gregory Palamas, Archbishop ofThessalonica, the great defender of hesychasm. In order to demonstrate that thespiritual experience so beautifully described by St. Gregory Palamas continuesto live to this day within the Orthodox Church, we offer the following accountof a spiritual instruction offered by an outstanding contemporary hesychast, Elder Cleopa (Ilie) (1912-1998) of Sihastria Monastery in Romania. On the second Sunday of Great Lent, the Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of St. Gregory Palamas , Archbishop of Thessalonica, the great defender of hesychasm . In order to demonstrate that the spiritual experience so beautifully described by St. Gregory Palamas continues to live to this day within the Orthodox Church, we offer the following account of a spiritual instruction offered by an outstanding contemporary hesychast, Elder Cleopa (Ilie) (1912-1998) of Sihastria Monastery in Romania. What follows is an excerpt from an article written by His Grace, Atanasije (Jevtic) , Retired Bishop of Zahumlje and Herzegovina (Serbian Orthodox Church), entitled “Teachings of the Blessed Elder Cleopa.” In it, Bishop Atanasije describes a pilgrimage he undertook in 1976 with a fellow disciple of St. Justin Popovich , Metropolitan Amfilohije (Radovic) of Montenegro and the Littoral – both bishops were then hieromonks – to visit Elder Cleopa. Following a detailed history of the practice of hesychasm in Romania, His Grace relates how, sitting on a hill overlooking the fruit orchard, with Elder Cleopa kneeling before them, he asked the Elder how to live in this world while struggling with one’s passions and the temptations of the world. This is the reply the Elder offered him, as related by Bishop Atanasije: Teaching on the Eight Means of Temptation and the Struggle Against Them The Holy Fathers say (this is how Fr. Cleopa began to express concisely his spiritual experience to us, inherited from the Holy Fathers and personally experienced by him, as every one of his words clearly confirms) that on the path of salvation one is tempted by the devil from eight sides: from the front, from behind, from the left, from the right, from above, from below, from inside, and from the outside.

Accept The site uses cookies to help show you the most up-to-date information. By continuing to use the site, you consent to the use of your Metadata and cookies. Cookie policy Metropolitan Hilarion: Patriarch of Constantinople claims power over history itself The chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate department for external church relations, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, has given an interview to the Serbian Politika daily. -  How will you comment the decision of the Ecumenical Patriarchate Synod decision of October 12? Who will now act as the coordinating center for Local Orthodox Churches, considering that, as you have said, the Ecumenical Patriarchate has lost this right due to its recent decisions? Who could, for instance, convene a Pan-Orthodox Council and chair it? -  The recent decisions of the Synod of the Patriarchate of Constantinople constitute a gross violation of canon law. Their aim is to legalize the schismatics and invade the canonical territory of the Moscow Patriarchate. The response the Holy Synod of our Church gave on October 15 only reflected the reality that has set in after Constantinople’s actions. Having entered into communion with schismatics, it itself has departed into a schism. We had to resort to a break with the Church of Constantinople with deep sorrow, obeying to holy canons. The Patriarch of Constantinople, who for centuries has occupied the place of the first among the equals, among the Primates of Local Orthodox Churches, now claims to become ‘the first without the equals’ – an arbiter who believes to have a right to interfere in the internal affairs of Local Orthodox Churches by unilaterally regulating the application of any canonical norm in them. He claims the power over history itself by revoking decisions made over three centuries ago. If this new concept of primacy in the Church is to be believed, none of church resolutions is now firm and unchangeable – at any moment it can be unilaterally canceled on the basis of political profit or other interests.

Archbishop Tikhon of Podolsk Takes Part in Memorial for Russian War Prisoners in Slovenia Source: DECR Photo: On 25 July 2020, with a blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, Archbishop Tikhon, administrator of the Diocese of Berlin and Germany, took part in the memorial services at the Russian Chapel of the Holy Prince Vladimir Equal-to-the-Apostles on the Vrsic Pass in Slovenia. This year, the ceremony, organized by the Russian embassy in Slovenia, the Slovenia-Russia Society, the Kranjska Gora city administration and the Russian World Foundation, was held under the motto of solidarity and unity of nations and was devoted to all those who, during the pandemic that has become a common disaster, have shown exceptional orderliness, competence and compassion. Because of the pandemic restrictions, the event was attended by 200 people. The memorial was opened by the orchestra of the Slovenian police. It performed the national anthems of Slovenia and Russia. The assembly was addressed by Kranjska Gora Mayor Janez Hrovat, President of the Slovenian State Council Aloiz Kovsca, Russian ambassador T. Eivazov, and Slovenia-Russia Society member Urban Ocvirk. The ceremony devoted to the 104 th  anniversary of the chapel was attended by President of Slovenia Borut Pahor, chairman of the Slovenian State Council Igor Zorcic, Metropolitan Porfirije of Zagreb-Ljubljana (Serbian Orthodox Church), Bishop Stanislav Lipovsek of Celje (Roman Catholic Church), Bishop Leon Novak (head of the Evangelical Church of Slovenia), and chairman of the Slovenia-Russia Society Saša Ivan Gerina. Traditionally, President Pahor and Ambassador Eivazov laid wreaths at the Sons of Russia obelisk at the chapel. Then the head of the Russian Orthodox Church delegation, Archbishop Tikhon of Podolsk, said the Office for the Dead for the Russian war prisoners who died during World War I in Slovenia. Requiems were sung by the family quartet led by conductor-reader Mathew Kobro from Munich.

Archive DECR chairman attends official opening of an exhibition on interior decoration of St. Sava Church in Belgrade 20 December 2023 year 10:26 On December 19, 2023, an exhibition entitled ‘The Beautification of the Cathedral of St. Sava in Belgrade’ opened at the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Russian Academy of Arts in Moscow. The exhibition, organized by the Russian Academy of Arts in partnership with the Moscow International Foundation for Support to UNESCO, occupies an area of over 600 square metres, offering insight into the general artistic concept behind the interior mosaic decoration of the Cathedral of St. Sava in the Serbian capital and showing design drawings and sketches of its various elements. It is an unprecedentedly large-scale project carried out by a team of Russian and Belarusian mosaicists under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church. Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, attended the exhibition opening with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus’. Mr Nikolai Mukhin, academician, member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts, People’s Artist of Russia, who was the author of the project and supervised the interior decoration works, showed Metropolitan Anthony exhibits on display, giving him an overview of various stages in his team’s work. The exhibition was opened by the President of the Russian Academy of Arts, Zurab Tsereteli. In his opening address, he spoke of an important role of the academic artistic school and its representatives – the mosaicists who had created the mosaic decoration for St. Sava Church, thus carrying out the major project in the history of monumental art. The DECR chairman read out  greetings from His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus’. His Holiness Patriarch Porfirije of Serbia also sent a message of greetings to the artists and exhibition visitors, in which he noted that the interior decoration of the Church of St. Sava in Belgrade opened a new page in the history of Christian art and became a visible symbol of Russia-Serbia friendship.

Shifts in Paradigms. An Orthodox Psychiatrist on Homosexuality Dr. Lynne (Magdalene) Pappas Dr. Lynne Pappas, in Orthodox baptism, Magdalene, is a highly respected psychiatrist, board certified in child, adolescent, and adult psychiatry, practicing in Butte county and the Chico area of northern California. She has been practicing psychiatric medicine for over twenty-two years. She is also the president of the parish council of the Church of St. Andrew the Fool-for-Christ in Redding, California, a parish of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Dr. Pappas has agreed to share her professional knowledge with us on one " evil of the day. " —The subject of our conversation today is something that has been troubling many Christians in recent years—the general rise in the acceptance of homosexuality as a norm in many historically Christian countries. Legislature in the U.S. and other countries has dictated that homosexuality is not a psychiatric illness; and although most studies have shown that homosexuality is not genetically inherited, homosexuals are increasingly being treated as a minority group, which requires the protection of human rights legislation and tolerance education. One concern is not only how this affects the Church or society in general, but also how it affects those individuals who are experiencing homosexual inclinations but do not want to consign themselves to a homosexual lifestyle, and are seeking help. As a practicing psychiatrist, you have undoubtedly seen this conflict. What do these people do if they are told that they need to be accepted, rather than healed? What can you tell us about this? —First, I will speak to what you said in terms of the change in what we will call a paradigm. All of us look to markers in our environment and our world—and we are spiritually affected by them as well—of what is truth, what guides us in how to function in life, what is reality. So, we now have a situation where the world tells us that what was once held as abnormal, not of God, not a healthy lifestyle or choice of relationship, is now normal.

Accept The site uses cookies to help show you the most up-to-date information. By continuing to use the site, you consent to the use of your Metadata and cookies. Cookie policy The Origins of the " Barbarian Lands " Theory: The Greek Archdiocese of America and the Interpretation of Canon 28 of Chalcedon The following arcticle by Matthew Namee was originally published on the website of  Orthodox History In 1924, the future Patriarch Christophoros of Alexandria, then Metropolitan of Leontopolis, published an article called “The Position of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the Orthodox Church.” Christophoros opens by explaining the reason for his study: “the tendency that the Ecumenical Patriarchate has had over the past two years to desire to extend its spiritual jurisdiction over every ecclesiastical territory or every community which, for one reason or another, was or appeared to be deprived of regular spiritual government and oversight, which one describes as ‘Churches of the Diaspora.’” Christophoros presents this as something novel, something that has emerged “over the past two years” – that is, since 1922. One of the keystone prerogatives claimed by the Ecumenical Patriarchate is its jurisdiction over the so-called “diaspora” – regions not included within the geographic boundaries of the other Autocephalous Churches. Many Churches don’t accept this claim, evidenced by the presence of Antiochian, Russian, Serbian, Romanian, Bulgarian, and Georgian jurisdictions here in the United States and elsewhere in the diaspora. But the Ecumenical Patriarchate insists that this exclusive extraterritorial jurisdiction is in fact ancient, rooted in Canon 28 of Chalcedon, the Fourth Ecumenical Council, in the year 451. Canon 28 is a fascinating text. First, it acknowledges that the Bishop of Constantinople now has privileges equal to the Bishop of Rome, due to the fact that Constantinople is now the imperial capital and the seat of the senate. In the second half of the canon, it declares,

Д.Г. Полонский Почитание римского папы Льва I великого в южно- и восточнославянской традициях XII-XVII веков Источник Статья посвящена истории почитания римского папы Льва I Великого у православных славян, отраженной в болгарских, сербских и русских памятниках письменности различных жанров. Предложено объяснение причин, из-за которых посвященная понтифику церковная служба могла стать стимулом для появления в XII в. в Киевской Руси славянского перевода его главного богословского сочинения, широко распространявшегося в рукописной традиции на протяжении XV-XVII вв. The article deals with the history of veneration of Pope Leo the Great by the Orthodox Slavs as reflected in different genres of Bulgarian, Serbian, and Russian literary monuments. The author proposes an explanation why the church service devoted the pontiff could be an incentive for the creation the Slavonic translation of Leo’s main theological work to be created in the twelfth century in Kievan Rus’, and then was widely disseminated in the East Slavonic manuscript tradition throughout the fifteenth – seventeenth centuries. Деятельность папы Льва I Великого (440–461) в качестве первоиерарха Римской церкви, как и его сочинения, давно привлекают внимание историков и теологов. По-видимому, самый яркий эпизод биографии папы Льва Великого – его дипломатическая победа над предводителем гуннов Аттилой, впервые описанная папским секретарем Проспером Аквитанским, а позднее запечатленная многими живописцами эпохи Возрождения, в том числе Рафаэлем Санти Р. 262, 323]. Вторгшиеся в Италию гунны намеревались захватить и разграбить Рим, и когда на исходе лета 452 г. Аттила со своим войском подошел к Мантуе, навстречу ему выехало посольство во главе с Львом I. Понтифик вручил вождю гуннов богатые подарки и уговорил его уйти из Италии. В позднейших легендах, отраженных на фресках и полотнах, при встрече с папой Львом I Аттила увидел спускавшихся с небес и грозивших ему оружием апостолов Петра и Павла и, испугавшись, повернул коня.

В защиту единства Русской Церкви / 30 August 2023 year Statement in connection with the prohibition of access of teachers and students of Kiev Theological Schools to the territory of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra [Documents] 15 July 2023 year His Holiness Patriarch Kirill appeals to religious leaders and representatives of international organizations in view of the persecution of the father superior of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra 14 July 2023 year His Holiness Patriarch Kirill’s statement on attempts to evict the faithful from Kiev Pechersk Lavra [Patriarch : Messages] News 20 March 2024 year 13:53 Lectures on Orthodox ecclesiology held in Belarusian Exarchate’s dioceses From 11th to 15th March, Hegumen Dionisy (Shlenov), abbot of Saint Andrew’s Stavropegial Monastery in Moscow, professor and head of postgraduate studies at the Moscow Theological Academy, visited Belarus at the invitation of Metropolitan Veniamin of Minsk and Zaslavl, Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus. 18 March 2024 year 19:25 Archbishop Theodosios of Sebastia: The Orthodox Church is subjected to unprecedented persecution and violence in Ukraine Archbishop Theodosius of Sebastia (Patriarchate of Jerusalem) issued an appeal to all Christian Churches of the world, noting the need for an immediate intervention and support for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is being subjected to unprecedented persecution by government authorities in Kiev. 2 March 2024 year 19:42 Archbishop Theodosius of Sebastia: the oppression to which the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is subjected is unjust and cannot be justified or accepted in any form Archbishop Theodosius of Sebastia has said that " in the context of recent events, Jerusalem considers it offensive and sorrowful " that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is being persecuted and oppressed by state structures despite all appeals and pleas that have been made. 27 February 2024 year 22:34 The Serbian Patriarch pointed to the escalating intolerance of the Ukrainian authorities towards the Ukrainian Orthodox Church In response to the message of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus " in which His Holiness shared his alarm over the consideration in the first reading of the discriminatory draft bill No.

Tweet Нравится Patriarch Irinej of Serbia: Croatian attacks on Orthodox churches and Serbs ongoing Moscow, January 23, 2017 In a recent interview with Croatian newspaper Jutarnji list , His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Serbia called upon Croatian officials and clergy of the nation’s Catholic Church to give their attention to the continuing crimes against their Serbian population and the desecration of Serbian Orthodox churches there. “Last year the Serbian National Council in Croatia received statements of 180 attacks on Serbs, information of which the Holy Synod has in Belgrade. There is evidence that the victims—our fellow believers and countrymen, publicly declare only every third our fourth such incident. The suffering has not ceased even in time of peace. How many of our parishes have been desecrated in recent years?” said the patriarch. According to him, Croatian officials pay no attention to such incidents, saying, “I haven’t seen that over the past twenty years, in that time since the end, glory to God, of the war [the Serbo-Croatian conflict lasted from 1991 to 1995], any of the religious leaders in Croatian have publicly condemned attacks on the Serbian Church, or any Orthodox person.” The Serbian primate also noted that when he visited Jasenovac memorial complex in September he noticed on the walls words of welcome to Croatian nazis-ustasha. In conclusion, His Holiness expressed the hope that Serbia and Croatia could work together for peace, despite their historical and contemporary hardships: “In Serbia there are no citizens of first and second order. I hope the same will be soon in Croatia: that the problem of refugees and exiles will be solved … that the threats and denigration and desecration of Orthodox churches with derogatory graffiti will stop.” 23 января 2017 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Swastikas graffitied onto Serbian Orthodox Church in racist vandalism attack Swastikas graffitied onto Serbian Orthodox Church in racist vandalism attack Churchgoers said the racist graffiti was a reminder of atrocities carried out against their people during World War II and the horrors their forbears endured in prisoner of war camps.

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