Funeral Served for Reposed Serbian Metropolitan Christopher of Chicago and Libertyville Chicago, August 24, 2010 On August 24, at the Serbian Orthodox Monastery in Libertyville, Illinois, the burial service took place for Metropolitan Christopher of Chicago and Libertyville, of the Serbian Orthodox Church. At 7:45 on Wednesday, August 18, 2010, on the eve of the feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, His Eminence Christopher, Metropolitan of Chicago and Libertyville, fell asleep in the Lord at the age of 82. Born in Galveston, Texas, and baptized Velimir Kovacevich, the future Metropolitan Christopher was the ninth of twelve children of Serbian immigrant parents. After graduation from high school, he attended Nashotah House and graduated from St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Seminary in Libertyville, Illinois. After marriage, he was ordained to the Diaconate and Priesthood. Continuing his education, he earned a B.A. (Philosophy), Master of Letters (History) at the University of Pittsburgh; the Master of Divinity from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, Massachusetts, and completed courses and examinations for the doctorate at the Chicago Theological Seminary. Father Velimir ministered to parishes in Pennsylvania and in Chicago, also serving as chaplain to four universities. He assisted his parishes to become bilingual in their worship and education programs. As a priest, he served as spiritual father, counselor, youth worker, administrator, educator, and, above all, in priestly ministry at the Holy Altar. Widowed in 1970, he is the father of four, as well as the grandfather of nine. Elevated to the episcopate in 1978 by the Assembly of Bishops in Belgrade and tonsured with the monastic name of Christopher, he became the first American-born bishop to serve a diocese of his church in North America. As Bishop of Eastern America and Canada, he soon developed a diocesan-wide program in religious education. Active also in ecumenism, he has served on the joint commission of Orthodox and Roman Catholic bishops and on the Orthodox-Lutheran dialogue, and has represented his church at high levels in both the National and World Councils of Churches. In 1991, he was elevated to the rank of Metropolitan, thereby becoming Primate of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the U.S. and Canada. May the Lord our God grant blessed repose and eternal rest to His Eminence Metropolitan +Christopher. Information from the official website of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America 25 августа 2010 г. ... Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

757 Бержье Ж., Повель Л. Утро магов. с. 65. 758 Воробьевский Ю. Мистика фашизма.//Россия. 12-18 апреля 1995. 759 Письма Махатм. с. 242. 760 Блаватская Е. П. Тайная Доктрина. Т. 2, с. 186. 761 Блаватская Е. П. Тайная Доктрина. Т. 2, с. 214. 762 Блаватская Е. П. Тайная Доктрина. Т. 2, с. 205. 763 Шамбала – твердыня Света. – Томск, 1994, с. 97. 764 Бердяев Н. А. Учение о перевоплощении и проблема человека.//Переселение душ. Сборник. – М., 1994, с. 159. 765 Блаватская Е. П. Разоблаченная Изида. Т. 2, с. 696. 766 Blavatsky H. P. Die Geheimlehre. Bd.2 – Leipzig, 1922, s. 493 (ссылаюсь на раннее немецкое издание, поскольку нет уверенности в том, что Е. Рерих не «подчищала» переводимое ею на русский язык «учение»). 767 Блаватская Е. П. Письма. с. 315. 768 Гудрик-Кларк Н. Оккультные корни нацизма. с. 24. 769 Цит. по: Franco Rest. Waldorfpadagogik. Antroposofische Erziehung als Herausforderung fur offentliche und christliche Padagogik. – Mainz-Stuttgart. 1992, s. 14-15. 770 Черты, роднящие Штейнера с германским нацизмом, и история взаимоотношений вальдорфских школ и нацистского режима прослежены в статье голландского профессора Дж. Д. Имельмана «Waldorf-Education. An outdated combination of religion and education» in: Panorama. International Journal of Comparative Religious Education and Values. Vol. 4, number 2, winter 1992 (Braunschweig, Germany). 771 см. Гудрик-Кларк Н. Оккультные корни нацизма. с. 219. 772 Цит. по: Алексеев В., Григорьев А. Религия антихриста. – Новосибирск, 1994, с. 148. 773 Письма Елены Рерих 1932-1955. с. 401. 774 см. – Алексеев В., Григорьев А. Религия антихриста. с. 157. 775 Not necessarily the New-Age: Critical Essays. – N-Y., 1988, p. 18. 776 «Лама, в Веданте говорится, что очень скоро человечеству будут даны новые энергии. Верно ли это? – Из Священных Писаний мы знаем об Учении Благословенного, о жителях далеких звезд. Из этого же источника мы слышали о летающей стальной птице, о железных змиях, которые, изрыгая огонь и дым, поглощают пространство. Помощники Ригден-Джапо (Майтрейи) воплотятся в должное время; священная армия избавит Лхасу от всех ее гнусных врагов, и будет установлено царство справедливости. – Лама, если великие воины воплощены, разве не будет Шамбала действовать здесь, на земле. – Везде: здесь и на небесах. Все силы блага объединятся, чтобы уничтожить тьму. Каждый, кто поможет нам, будет вознагражден во сто крат и на самой земле, в этом воплощении. А все грешащие против Шамбалы погибнут в этом же воплощении… – Лама, ты сказал, что враги Шамбалы погибнут. Как они погибнут?.. Как грешники уничтожаются? – … Многие катаклизмы необходимы и имеют свою цель». (Рерих Н. К. Шамбала сияющая. – М., 1991, сс. 13, 18-19).

Archive DECR representative attends 6th International Interreligious Youth Forum 30 September 2019 year 20:43 The 6 th International Interreligious Youth Forum began its work in Manas, Republic of Dagestan, on 30 September 2019.  It was organized by the Russian Orthodox diocese of Makhachkala, the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Dagestan (SAMRD) the Council of Jewish Communities in Dagestan, and the Ministry for ethnic policy and religious affairs of the Republic. Over one hundred and fifty religious leaders, statesmen and young representatives of religious communities from different regions of Russia and foreign countries attended.. Deacon Iliya Kashitsyn, a staff member of the DECR secretariat for interreligious relations, took part in the forum with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and read out the message of greetings from Metropolitan Hilarion at the opening session. The participants visited the religious and educational centre under construction by the SAMRD and planted trees. That same day representatives of the Synodal departments and Orthodox guests visited the Cathedral of the Dormition and were received by Archbishop Varlaam of Makhachkala and Grozny. On October 2, a conference on the ways leading to ethno-confession peace and accord was held. The DECR representative took part in the section ‘Experience of traditional confessions in the Republic in ideological countering extremism and terrorism in the context of the 1999 events in Dagestan.’ He told the audience about the grounds of successful propaganda of extremism among young people, noting the key role of religious education in the formation of true culture of interreligious relations. The conference continued its work at the Republican House of Friendship. Several hundred of students of the Dagestan leading educational institutions attended. The conference being over, the guests visited the Church of the Kazan icon of the Mother of God in the city of Kaspiysk. DECR Communication Service / Календарь ← 7 December 2023 year

USCIRF issues statement on Hagia Sophia/Православие.Ru USCIRF issues statement on Hagia Sophia June 3, 2014 Washington D.C. - The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) finds misguided a recent bill introduced in Turkey " s parliament that would change the status of the historic Hagia Sophia in Istanbul from a museum to a mosque. USCIRF urges Prime Minister Erdogan publicly to reject the bill and affirm that Hagia Sophia " s current status will be maintained. Built in the sixth century by the Byzantine emperor Justinian, Hagia Sophia served for nearly 1000 years as the most visible symbol of the Christian faith within the Byzantine Empire. Following the 1453 Muslim conquest of Constantinople, Istanbul " s former name, this magnificent structure was converted to a mosque by Sultan Mehmed II. For nearly 500 years it was a similarly potent symbol of the Muslim faith within the Ottoman Empire before becoming a museum in 1935. Whether driven by political considerations tied to Turkey " s forthcoming elections, or for any other reason, opening Hagia Sophia as a mosque would clearly be a divisive and provocative move. It would send the message that the current government sees the sensitivities of Turkey " s religious minority communities, particularly its ancient Christian community, as being of little or no consequence. Led by the AK Party and Prime Minister Erdogan, Turkey has taken some positive steps over the last twelve years to reverse the negative consequences of decades of strict Kemalist secularism. During these decades, the government expropriated the property, including churches, of religious minority communities, and closed centers of higher education like Halki Seminary. These problematic chapters of Turkey " s history remain fresh in people " s minds and continue to shape minority sensitivities. Given Hagia Sophia " s longstanding connection to Christians and Muslims alike, as well as the rich spiritual meaning it embodies and the powerful emotions it evokes for members of both faiths globally, we believe the pending bill forces Turkey and its people into a zero-sum situation that unnecessarily favors one community over the other. Such an action could deepen the wedge between the government and its delicate relations with its Christian minority, by exacerbating the memories of the terrible religious freedom violations and historical tragedies that occurred in the last century. The problematic implications of such an action are compounded by the deteriorating landscape for democracy and human rights. The past year has seen the imposition of serious new restrictions on internet freedom, privacy, and media freedom, with troubling implications for religious freedom.

ун-ты в Абудже, Лагосе, Иларе и др. Христ. орг-ции создают и опекают университетские и миссионерские больницы, предоставляют квалифицированную медицинскую помощь и рабочие места и осуществляют духовное окормление верующих. Лит.: Шаревская Б. И. Старые и новые религии Тропической и Юж. Африки. М., 1964; Ajayi J. F. A. Christian Missions in Nigeria, 1841-1891: The Making of a New Élite. L., 1965; Oduyeye M. The Planting of Christianity in Yorubaland, 1842-1888. Ibadan, 1969; Adeleye R. A. Power and Diplomacy in Northern Nigeria, 1804-1906: The Sokoto Caliphate and its Enemies. L., 1971; Nwaka G. Secret Societies and Colonial Change: A Nigerian Example//Cahiers d " études africaines. P., 1978. Vol. 18. N 69. P. 187-200; Tasie G. O. M. Christian Missionary Enterprise in the Niger Delta, 1864-1918. Leiden, 1978; Киселев Г. С. О ранней исламизации Сев. Нигерии//Африка: История, историография. М., 1980. С. 29-40; Шпажников Г. А. Религии стран Африки: Справ. М., 19882; Adewale S. A. Proliferation of Churches in Nigeria. Ibadan, 1989; Abe S. A. The History of Christianity in Yorubaland of Nigeria in the 19th Cent.: Diss. Alexandria, 1990; Ezenibe S. U. Education and Religion, The Nigerian Situation: A Sociological Analysis. Bern, 1992; Religion and National Integration in Africa: Islam, Christianity, and Politics in the Sudan and Nigeria/Ed. J. O. Hunwick. Evanston, 1992; Hastings A. The Church in Africa, 1450-1950. Oxf., 1994; Iheanyi M. E. A Dangerous Awakening: The Politicization of Religion in Nigeria. Ibadan, 1995; Isichei E. A History of Christianity in Africa: From Antiquity to the Present. L., 1995; Akama E. S. Religion in Contemporary Nigeria: Some Topical Issues. Imo State, 1998; Adogame A. Religion and Economic Development in Nigeria//Nigerian J. of Economic History. Ibadan, 1999. Vol. 2. P. 22-45; Sundkler B., Steed Ch. A History of the Church in Africa. Camb., 2000; Barrett D. Encyclopedia. Oxf., 20012. Vol. 1. P. 549-554; Daudu M. Inter-Religious Harmony and a Sound Moral Foundation: Prerequisite for National Survival//Religions.

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Впервые (на английском языке): Ephraem, or Ephraim, or Ephrem, Saint//Encyclopedia Americana. New York/Chicago/Washington, D.C.: Americana Corporation (печаталось c 1957 no 1972 r.). Русский перевод с английского А. А. Почекунина выполнен по изданию: Encyclopedia Americana. New York/Chicago/Washington, D.C.: Americana Corporation. Впервые публикуется на русском языке. Эллинизм: эллинизация (христианства) Впервые (на немецком языке): Hellenismus: Hellenisierung (des Christentums)//Weltkirchenlexikon, ed. F. H. Littell, Hans H. Walz. Cols. 540–541. Stuttgart: Kreuz-Verlag. Русский перевод с немецкого А. А. Почекунина впервые в: Метапарадигма: богословие, философия, естествознание: альманах. – М.: АНО «Культурнопросветительский центр «ОПЕРА», 2016. – С. 159–160. Перевод выполнен по изданию: Weltkirchenlexikon, ed. F. Н. Littell, Hans H. Walz. Cols. 540–541. Stuttgart: Kreuz-Verlag. Православное богословие Впервые (на немецком языке): Orth. Theologie//Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 3rd ed. Tübingen. J. С. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck). Cols. 779–782. . Русский перевод с немецкого А. А. Почекунина впервые в: Метапарадигма: богословие, философия, естествознание: альманах. – М.: АНО «Культурнопросветительский центр «ОПЕРА», 2016. – С. 167–170. Перевод выполнен по изданию: Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 3rd ed. Tübingen. J. С. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck). Cols. 779–782. Россия Впервые (на английском языке): Russia, in: The Westminster Dictionary of Christian Education, ed. by Kendig Brubaker Cully, 484–487. Philadelphia, Penn.: The Westminster Press. Русский перевод с английского А. А. Почекунина впервые в: Метапарадигма: богословие, философия, естествознание: альманах. – М.: АНО «Культурнопросветительский центр «ОПЕРА», 2016. – С. 183–185. Перевод выполнен по изданию: The Westminster Dictionary of Christian Education, ed. by Kendig Brubaker Cully, 484–487. Philadelphia, Penn.: The Westminster Press. Бар Саума, Раббан Впервые (на английском языке): Bar Sauma, Rabban//Encyclopaedia Britannica, 14th ed. Chicago, 3.: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc, 1968 (печаталось c 1963 no 1973 г.).

Under her leadership, the Church’s lands were confiscated, and the budget of both monasteries and bishoprics were taken under government control. Endowments from the government replaced income from privately held lands. The endowments were often much less than the original intended amount. She closed 569 out of 954 monasteries and only 161 got government money. Only 400,000 rubles of church wealth was paid back. But her anti-monastic policies were not limited to material wealth—under Catherine, Orthodox religious education also suffered greatly. By 1786 Catherine had excluded all religion and clerical studies programs from lay education. By separating the public interests from those of the church, Catherine began a secularization of the day-to-day workings of Russia. She transformed the clergy from a group that wielded great power over the Russian government and its people to a segregated community forced to depend on the state for compensation. These secular reforms also had far-reaching effects, and inexorably led to the one of the cruelest persecutions of all times against the Church—the Bolshevik Revolution and its ideology of militant atheism, because the constructive interrelationship between clergy and the laity had been undermined. Under the Communists, not only the monasteries, but religion in general was liquidated. This harsh historical experience proved several things pertaining to our question, “to have, or not to have?” Pro-Possession: Pro-Non-Possession: Nun Cornelia (Rees) 26 января 2012 г. Рейтинг: 6.7 Голосов: 3 Оценка: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Metropolitan Daniel had been a monk of the monastery in Volokolamsk. He was elected abbot by the brothers of that monastery after St. Joseph’s repose, and later appointed Metropolitan of Moscow. His time as Metropolitan is not favorably remembered: he is seen as overly ambitious and too quick to take up the methods of the Spanish Inquisition to deal with ideological opponents. However St. Joseph may have dealt with heretics, he would hardly have approved of persecuting the non-possessor monks.

First U.S. Independent Orthodox Christian College Opens its Doors in 2011 Encinitas, California, October 21, 2010 St. Katherine " s President, Dr. Frank Papatheofanis St. Katherine College, the first independent Orthodox Christian College in the United States, announced recently that it would begin accepting student enrollment applications for classes that will begin in the fall 2011. Founded by Dr. Frank Papatheofanis, and located in Encinitas, California in North San Diego County, the college will offer undergraduate degrees in 12 majors including biochemistry, public policy and interdisciplinary studies. “The founding of St. Katherine College is a remarkable milestone in the history of the Orthodox Church in the U.S. We are providing a college experience to students of all religious and ethnic backgrounds. The motto Inquiry Seeking Wisdom provides the context of the school’s core philosophy,” says Dr. Papatheofanis, president of St. Katherine’s. St. Katherine College is the first independent Orthodox Christian College in the United States. It is an undergraduate college of liberal arts and sciences that focuses its integrative teaching in the core subjects of Composition, English Language and Literature, Foreign Language, U.S. Government and History, Economics, Mathematics, and the Sciences in addition to instruction in major-specific degree requirements. The college is independent, coeducational, not-for-profit and privately endowed. The College admits students of all religious and faith backgrounds and all classes are taught by experienced faculty who have earned terminal degrees in their academic field. Outstanding teaching and research—with relevance to the practical world and Christian witness as guiding principles—is the school’s primary purpose. The school is committed to a rigorous core of general education for first- and second-year students that emphasizes the unique value of studying original texts and of formulating original problems based on the study of those texts. This integrative core is based on criteria defined by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni. “Opening our student’s minds to new ideas and helping them to gain perspective with context is an important aspect to our well rounded education. That is something students can expect from St. Katherine College, " says communication director Vicki Brannock. Applications for the fall 2011 school year are now being accepted. For more information visit Greek Reporter 22 октября 2010 г. ... Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Religious Factor in International Relations. The Metropolitan Hilarion " s lecture at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations/Православие.Ru Religious Factor in International Relations. The Metropolitan Hilarion " s lecture at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations SOURCE: Interfax Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev)      Being in the walls of the country " s leading diplomatic institute, I would like to share with you my thoughts about the place and role of the religious idea in Russian society, international relations and global processes. A hot, though not always sufficiently profound discussion, is being held on this subject. In our country, the debate is normally about the forms in which the Russian Orthodox Church, to which most of our compatriots belong one way or another, should be present in the life of the people. This discussion is also held in the educational sphere. The Church is criticized for allegedly seeking to impose the knowledge of religion on the younger generation beginning from school to university. In this dispute, there is a great deal of arguments which I will not cite now. But you as international workers to be are aware that religion plays an essential role not only on the national level but also in relations between states. Without the knowledge of this role it is impossible to speak of a valid education in the field of international relations. I dare suggest that even in the period of the toughest efforts made in ideologizing the education system in the Soviet time, the Institute of International Relations was the university whose faculty considered the religious factor in international relations not to be an object of application of Soviet ideological cliches but rather a subject to be seriously studied. Neither along practical or theoretical lines is it possible to speak of the development of inter-state relations in most of the regions in the world without the understanding and assessment of the role of religious ideas in forming the world outlook of peoples living in those regions.

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