40 . On byl dostupnee vsekh. Svidetelstva o pomoshchi i pochitanii Ioanna Chudotvortsa. Kniga 9 [He was the most accessible. Testimonies of the help and veneration of John the Wonderworker. Book 9]. Moscow: Fund Of St. John The Wonderworker; The Museum Of Shanghai The Wonderworker Publ., 2012. 41 . Paisii Svyatogorets. Sviatoi Arsenii Kappadokiiskii [Saint Arseny of Cappadocia]. Moscow: Publishing house Holy Mountain, 2008. 42 . Paisii Svyatogorets. Slova v 6 t. [Words in 6 vol.]. Transl. from Greek by fr. Dorimedont V. 4. Semeinaya zhizn« [Family life]. Holy Mount Athos, Moscow: Publishing house Holy Mountain, 2007. 43 . Petr (Pigol»). Grigorii Sinait i ego dukhovnye preemniki [Gregory Sinai and his spiritual successors]. Moscow: ООО Maktsentr Publ., 1999. P. 97–114. 44 . Porfirii Kavsokalivit. Tsvetoslov sovetov [Color of advice]. Mount Athos: publishing house of the Deserts of the Thebaid New Athos Russian St. Panteleimon monastery, 2008. 45 . Porfirii (Uspenskii). Vostok khristianskii. Istoriia Afona v 3 ch. [The Christian East. History of Athos in 3 hours]. Kyiv: Printing House Of Franckevic, 1877. P. 3. Afon monasheskii [Athos monastic]. 46 . Pyukhtitskii Uspenskii zhenskii monastyr» [The pühtitsa Dormition convent]. Library of St. Petersburg Theological Academy Publ., Typewriting, 1986. 47 . Russkoe pravoslavnoe zhenskoe monashestvo XVIII–XX vv. [Russian Orthodox women " s monasticism of the XVIII–XX centuries]. Comp. nun. Taisia. Sergiev Posad: Edition Of The Holy Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1992. 48 . Serafim Sarovskii. Letopis’ Serafimo-Diveevskogo monastyrya [A chronicle of the Seraphimo-Diveyevo monastery]. Comp. Holy Martyr Seraphim (Chichagov). Svyato-Troitskiy Serafimo-Diveevsky monastery, Kovcheg Publ., 2011. 49 . Sizenko A. G. Velikie zhenshchiny velikoi Rossii [Great women of great Russia]. Rostov-on-don: Vladis publishing house, 2010. 50 . Porfirii Kavsokalivit. Zhitie i slova [Life and words]. Transl. from Greek by rev. V. Petrov. Maloyaroslavets: The publication of St. Nicholas Chernoostrovsky convent, 2006.


After the transfer to Ekaterinburg of several members of Nicholas II’s family along with persons from his circle of friends, the following people on 30 April 1918 were placed under house-arrest in the home of N.N. Ipatiev [usually known as the “Ipatiev House”]: Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra Feodorovna, Grand Duchess Maria Nicholaevna, physician to the royal family Professor E.S. Botkin, the valet T.I. Chemodurov, and the lady’s maid A.S. Demidova. On the same day, V.A. Dolgorukov and I.D. Sednev were put in prison. On 23 May 1918, from the city of Tobolsk to Ekaterinburg were transferred Tsarevich Alexei Nicholaevich, and Grand Duchesses Olga Nicholaevna, Tatiana Nicholaevna and Anastasia Nicholaevna, who were all placed in the Ipatiev House. Together with them also arrived a large group of servants and people from their circle of friends. In the Ipatiev House were placed the boy L. Sednev and the manservant A.E. Troop. The valet T.I. Chemodurov was transferred from the Ipatiev House to prison in Ekaterinburg. Immediately after the arrival in Ekaterinberg of the above-named group, the following were arrested and put in prison: I.L. Tatischev, [maid of honor] A. V. Gendrikova, [children’s instructress] E.A. Shneider, K.G. Nagornyi and A.A. Volkov. On the night of 16-17 July 1918 in the city of Ekaterinburg in the home of engineer N.N. Ipatiev were shot the [following] members of the Russian imperial house: Emperor Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov, Empress Alexandrovna Feodorovna Romanova, the successor to the throne Tsarevich Alexei Nicholaevich Romanov[age 13], [the Tsar’s 4 daughters, ages 17-22:] Grand Duchesses Olga Nicholaevna Romanova, Tatiana Nicholaevna Romanova, Maria Nicholaevna Romanova, and Anastasia Nicholaevna Romanova. Together with them were shot physician-in-ordinary E.S. Botkin, servants A.S. Demidov and A.E. Troop, and the cook I.M. Kharitonov. The fact of the shooting and death of the royal family and servants is common knowledge, but few people know that together with the family of the former Emperor, totally innocent people from among the servants also underwent repression —people who voluntarily followed the family into exile, helped the dethroned Tsar, or had some kind of contact with the royal family. In essence, these people voluntarily chose the path of selfless devotion and death. The repressions of these people did not end in 1919, but continued into the 1920’s and 1930’s. Unfortunately, the fate of many of these people, voluntarily having gone into exile, is now unknown, as also unknown are the full personal particulars of several of the sufferers; but that does not deprive them of the right to rehabilitation, and does not deprive their descendants of the right to be proud of their ancestors.


Sheehan, Thomas. First Coming: How the Kingdom of God Became Christianity. New York: Random House, 1986. Sherwin-White, A. N. Roman Society and Roman Law in the New Testament. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1963. Sillem, Edward. Ways of Thinking About God. New York: Sheed and Ward, 1961, especially pp. 118–133, 136–9, 160–65. Silvester, Hugh. Arguing with God. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1971. Six, J. E. L " atheisme dans la vie et la culture contemporaines. 2 vols. Paris: Desclee, 1967–68. Smart, Ninian. Philosophers and Religious Truth. London: SCM, 1964. Chapter two is an answer to the criticism that miracles are unscientific. Smith, Gerard and L. H. Kendzierski. The Philosophy of Being. New York: Macmillan. Christian Wisdom Series, 1961. Smith, John E. Reason and God. Encounters of Philosophy with Religion. New Haven: Yale Univeristy Press, 1967. . Experience and God. New York: Oxford University Press, 1968. Sontag, Frederick. God, Why Did You Do that? Philadelphia: Westminister, 1970. Sowell, Thomas. Knowledge and Decisions. New York: Basic, 1980. Stearns, J. Brenton. «On the Impossibility of God " s Knowing That He Does Not Exist.» The Journal of Religion 46 (1966), pp. 1–8. Stein, Robert H. «Was the Tomb Really Empty?» The Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 20 (March 1977). Grand Rapids: Baker, 1978. Stephen, Leslie. English Thought in the Eighteenth Century. Third Edition. London: Murrary, 1902. Stoner, Peter W. and Robert С Newman. Science Speaks: Scientific Proof of the Accuracy of Prophecy and the Bible. Chicago: Moody, 1968. Strauss, David. A New Life of Jesus. Volume I. London: Williams and Norgate, 1879. Summers, Ray. Commentary on Luke. Waco: Word Books, 1972. Swinburne, Richard. The Concept of Miracle. London: Macmillan, 1970. . The Coherence of Theism. Clarendon Library of Logic and Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977. . The Existence of God. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979. . Faith and Reason. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981.


Эти два дня в моем путешествии (т. е. этот и следующий) можно назвать мокрыми днями; никогда я еще не был так отлично вымочен; но это ни малейшего не произвело влияния на мое здоровье; иначе бы я вам и не писал об этом, дражайшие родители. Итак, мокрый приехал я в Мартиньи... Но до следующего раза, милые, дражайшие мои родители. Спешу к вам послать это письмо, за которым скоро надеюсь отправить другое. Прощайте, дражайшие родители мои. —646— Не сердитесь на Ивана 951 : он имеет чувства, в этом я уверен, это я имел случай видеть; он – малый не дюжинный, это тоже правда; в нем много недостатков, но к нему должно быть снисходительнее. Прощайте, дражайшие родители мои. О, когда-то я буду с вами, милый мой отесенька и милая моя маменька, в Москве, среди семейства! Крепко, крепко обнимаю вас и целую ваши ручки. Ваш Костенька Обнимаю доброго нашего Михаила Петровича 952 Сообщил Анатолий Александров (Продолжение следует) 759 Статья эта была прислана из Америки задолго до выступления этой последней против Германии. Ред. 760 Unity und Missions: Can a divided Church save the World? New York, 1915, p. 21. Из уважения к правде нужно отметить, что из 95% протестантов Соединённых Штатов, т. е. 33.580 причастников принадлежат к 37 различным наименованиям; 5%, т. е. 1.665.000 причастников принадлежат к другим 133 наименованиям, среди которых 70 насчитывают каждое менее 5.000 членов. Наиболее многочисленные и лучше организованные вероисповедания следующие: баптисты, лютеране, методисты, пресвитериане. – Carroll, The Religious, Forces of the United States, New York. 1912, p. LXXV. 762 «... are а part of the price, that Protestantism is paying for the luxury of its divisions». – The union Christian forces in America, Philadelphia, p. 33–34. 764 Edith А. Talbot. The «new» American religion. The Biblical World. 616. vol. XLVII, p. 99–107. 768 De Maistre, Considérations sur la France, chap. 11 p. 23. Oeuvres complètes, t. 1, 1884, Lyon. 771 Американская епископальная церковь , Казань, 1908. На английском языке лучшие сочинения принадлежат Samuel Wilberforce’y, Оксфордскому епископу. А history of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America, London 1856; William White, епископ Пенсильванский, Memoirs of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, New York 1880; William Stevens Perry, епископ Иовский, The history of the American Episcopal Church, Boston 1885; Samuel D. Mcconnell, History of the American Episcopal Church, from the planting of the colonies to the end of the civil war. New-York, 1890; Charles C. Tiffany, архидиакон Нью-Йоркский, A history of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, New-York, 1895; Joseph Blount Cheshire епископ Северно-Каролинский, The Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America, New-York, 1912; George Hodges, three hundred years of the Episcopal Church in America, Philadelphia 1906; id. the Episcopal Church, its faith and Ordors, New-York, 1915.


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Olson, D.T. The Death of the Old and the Birth of the New: The Framework of the Book of Numbers and the Pentateuch. BJS 71. Chico: Scholars, 1985; Palcy, S.M. King of the World: Ashur-nasir-palIIof Assyria 883859 B.C. New York: Brooklyn Museum, 1976; Petrie, W.M.F. Egypt and Israel. Rev. ed. London: SPCK, 1911; Pritchard, J.B., ed. Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament. 3 ed. with Supplement. Princeton: Princeton University, 1969; Redmount, C.A. «Bitter Lives: Israel In and Out of Egypt.» In The Oxford History ofthe Biblical World, pp. 79121. Ed. by M.D. Coogan. New York: Oxford, 1998; Rendsburg, G.A. «The Date of the Exodus and the Conquest/Settlement: The Case for the UOOs.» VT42 (1992): 510527; Rendtorff, R. The Old Testament: An Introduction. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1986; Ross, J. F «The Prophet as Yahweh " s Messenger.» In Israel " s Prophetic Heritage: Essays in Honor of James Muilenburg, pp. 88109. Ed. by B.W. Anderson and W. Harrelson. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1962; Rowley, H.H. The Growth ofthe Old Testament. New York: Harper and Row, 1950; Rowley, H.H. Studies in Old Testament Prophecy: Presented to Т.Н. Robinson on His Sixty – Fifth Birthday, August 9th, 1946. Edinburgh: Т. & T. Clark, 1950; Sailhamer, J.H. The Pentateuch as Narrative. Grand Rapids: Zonder-van, 1992; Sarna, N.M. «Exodus, Book of.» ABD, 2:689700. Ed. by David Noel Freedman. New York: Doubleday, 1992; Sarna, N.M. Exploring Exodus: The Heritage of Biblical Israel. New York: Schocken, 1986; Schmidt, W.H. Old Testament Introduction. 2 ed. Trans, by M J. ÓConnell and D.J. Reimer. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 1999; Shaw, C.G. «Enlightenment, The.» Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, 5:310316. New York: Charles Scribner " s Sons, 1928; Skinner, J. Prophecy and Religion. Cambridge: University Press, 1922; Smith, G.A. The Book of Deuteronomy. Cambridge: University Press, 1918; Soggin, J. A. An Introduction to the History of Israel and Judah. 2 ed. London: SCM, 1993;


42 The History of Christianity from the Birth of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire, Lond. 1840, revised ed., Lond. and N. York (Middleton), 1866, 3 vols. Более важна его «История латинского христианства до понтификата Николая V», до 1455 г. (History of the Latin Christianity to the Pontificate of Nicholas V, Lond. and N. York, 1854 sqq., 8 vols. Мильман также написал «Историю евреев» (History of the Jews, 1829, revised 1862, 3 vols.) и выпустил издание «Заката и падения» Гиббона с полезными примечаниями. Полное собрание исторических трудов Мильмана было издано в Лондоне (1866 – 1867, 15 vols, octavo). 43 Lectures on the History of the Eastern Church, Lond. and N. York, 1862; читались в Оксфорде. Это не полная история, а ряд ярких описаний наиболее интересных личностей и событий из истории Восточной церкви. Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church, Lond. and N. York, 1862 – 1876, in 3 vols. Независимая и искусная адаптация взглядов и выводов «Истории Израиля» (Geschichte Israel " s) Эвальда, которой Стэнли отдает дань уважения в предисловии к 1–му и 3–му томам. Сочинения Стэнли «Исторические хроники Кентерберийского собора» (Historical Memorials of Canterbury Cathedral, 1855, 5 th ed. 1869) и «Исторические хроники Вестминстерского аббатства» (Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey, 1867, 4 th ed. 1874) важны для английской церковной истории. Его «Лекции по истории шотландской церкви» (Lectures on the History of the Church of Scotland, 1872) доставили удовольствие умеренным и либеральным, но не понравились ортодоксальным пресвитерианам, соотечественникам Нокса и Вальтера Скотта. 44 «Жизнь Христа» (Life of Christ) Фаррара впервые вышла в Лондоне (1874, 2 vols.) и до 1879 г. выдержала тридцать изданий, включая американские перепечатки. Life and Work of St. Paul, Lond. and N. York, 1879, 2 vols.; The Early Days of Christianity, London and New York, 1882, 2 vols.; Lives of the Fathers, Lond. and N.Y. 1889, 2 vols. 45 History of the Church of Christ in (16) Chronological Tables. N. York (Charles Scribner), 1860. «Хронологические таблицы к истории Церкви» Вайнгартена (Zeittafeln zur Kirchengeschichte, 3 d ed., 1888) не столь полны, но имеют более удобный размер.


THE ORTHODOX CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES Extensive studies dealing with aspects of the development of the Orthodox Church in the United States are few. Early movements toward greater unity up until 1970 are discussed in Serafim Surrency " s The Quest for Orthodox Church Unity in America (Saints Boris and Gleb Press: New York, 1973). A general history of the Metropolia/Orthodox Church in America with some references to other jurisdictions is Orthodox America: 1784–1976, ed. Constance Tarasar and John Erickson (Syosset, NY: Orthodox Church in America, 1975). Some aspects of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese are discussed in History of the Greek Orthodox Church in America, ed. Miltiades Efthimiou and George Christopoulos (New York: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese, 1984) and in George Papaioannou " s From Mars Hill to Manhattan (Minneapolis: Light and Life, 1976). A brief account of the development of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese is found in Demetrios Constantelos, Understanding the Greek Orthodox Church: Its Faith, History and Practice (New York: Seabury Press, 1982). The same author has collected a number of documents related to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese in his Encyclicals and Documents of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese, 1922–1972 (Thessaloniki: Patriarchal Center for Patristic Studies, 1976). Of historical value is the work done by the Historical Records Survey in its Eastern Orthodox Churches and the Armenian Church in America (New York: Works Project Administration, 1940). This text contains a number of general essays on various jurisdictions, together with a review of their activities in New York City prior to 1940. Although his text is somewhat outdated, Arthur Piepkorn provides a valuable introduction to various Orthodox jurisdictions in his Profiles in Belief: The Religious Bodies in the United States Volume I: Roman Catholic, Old Catholic and Eastern Orthodox (New York: Harper and Row, 1977). LATE EIGHTEENTH- AND NINETEENTH-CENTURY DEVELOPMENTS AND CONCERNS Valuable documents related to the Alaskan mission have been collected by Michael Oleska in his Alaskan Missionary Spirituality (New York: Paulist Press, 1987). For a historical introduction to the mission, see his Orthodox Alaska: A Theology of Mission (Crest-wood, NY: St. Vladimir " s Seminary Press, 1992). Also of importance are the works by Barbara Smith, Russian Orthodoxy in Alaska (Anchorage: Alaska Historical Resources, 1980); Orthodoxy and Native Americans: The Alaskan Mission (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir " s Seminary Press, 1980); and Russian America: The Forgotten Frontier (Tacoma: Washington Historical Society, 1990). Paul Garrett " s St. Innocent: Apostle to America (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir " s Seminary Press, 1978) is a comprehensive study that emphasizes the missionary activity of this major personality.


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