Не говорю уже о слоге, о строе Филаретовой речи, о звуках и красках, о теплоте и возвышенности подлинника, о вдохновенных в нем строках и страницах молитвы и назиданий, обличений и утешений. Но нельзя не сказать, что язык перевода вовсе не соответствует и законам французского классических писателей языка, о котором Ривароль заявил, что tout се qui nest pas clair, n est pas frauqais. 1342 А тут очень мало ясного. Особенно же трудно, даже не возможно доискаться смысла в тех местах, где Серпинет старался перелагать с русского на французский буквально, позабыв, что дух животворит, а буква убивает. 1343 Гораздо лучше появившийся уже после кончины святителя Филарета английский перевод его проповедей, изданный под заглавием: Philaret, metropolite of Moscow. Select sermons, translated from the Russian. London, 1873. Этот перевод сделан был нашею соотечественницею, дочерью известного русского поэта Ф. И. Тютчева, Екатериною Федоровною Тютчевой, которая родилась и провела детство в чужих краях, где отец её служил при одном из наших посольств; но воспитывалась в Санкт-Петербургском Смольном Институте, и по выходе отсюда поселилась в Москве у своей бабки Екатерины Львовны Тютчевой, которая жила с дочерью и зятем Сушковыми. Через Н. В. Сушкова она познакомилась со святителем Московским Филаретом, который почитал ее своим другом за её основательное и многостороннее образование, при полном отсутствии педантизма, за её свежий, крепкий и цельный ум, за её всегда умную и назидательную беседу, за её искреннюю любовь к предметам серьезным: политики, словесности, истории и богословия, с которыми она хорошо была и знакома. В Бозе почивший государь император Александр Николаевич оказывал ей особенное уважение и любил с нею беседовать. Она-то, обладая прекрасным знанием новых иностранных языков и между прочим, английского, по настоянию и под руководством Н. В. Сушкова, а также побуждаемая и личным благоговением к памяти святителя Филарета, и совершила означенный перевод проповедей последнего. 1344 Жаль только, что она не все их перевела, ограничившись лишь избранными. Тем не менее таким образом, и просвещенный мир западный узнал Московского Златоуста, одного из величайших проповедников нашего времени и всех веков.


Archive Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church to the Local Orthodox Churches, interchurch organizations and international institutions meet at the DECR 26 March 2018 year 16:28 On 26 March 2018, a meeting of representatives of the Russian Orthodox Churches to the Local Orthodox Churches, interchurch organizations and international institutions took place at the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations (DECR) with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. The DECR chairman Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk chaired the meeting, attending which were archimandrite Alexander (Yelisov), head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem; archimandrite Vassian (Zmeyev), rector of the metochion of the Russian Orthodox Church in Sofia; archpriest Mikhail Gundayev, representative of the Moscow Patriarchate to the World Council of Churches and international institutions in Geneva; archpriest Viktor Lyutik, representative of the Moscow Patriarchate in Finland; archpriest Vitaly Tarasjev, rector of the metochion of the Russian Orthodox Church in Belgrade; archpriest Nikolai Lischenyuk, rector of the metochion of the Russian Orthodox Church in Karlovy Vary; hegumen Arseny (Sokolov), representative of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia to the Patriarch of Antioch and All the East; hegumen Philipp (Ryabykh), representative of the Moscow Patriarchate to the European international institutions; Rev. Viktor Kulaga, representative of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia to the Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa; archpriest Nikolai Balashov and archimandrite Philaret (Bulekov), vice-chairmen of the DECR; archpriest Igor Yakimchuk, Rev. Sergy Zvonarev and Rev. Dimitry Safonov, DECR secretaries; and archpriest Vladimir Aleksandrov, a DECR staff member. Discussed at the meeting were topical issues pertaining to cooperation between the DECR and representatives of the Russian Orthodox Churches to the Local Orthodox Churches, interchurch organizations and international institutions. DECR Communication Service /Patriarchia.ru Календарь ← 7 April 2024 year


Archive Пн His Holiness Patriarch Kirill meets with students of Higher Diplomatic Courses 14 November 2023 year 18:17 On November 14, 2023, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia spoke before a group of students of the Higher Diplomatic Courses of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Taking part in the meeting were also Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations; Archpriest Nikolai Balashov, adviser to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia; Archimandrite Philaret (Bulekov), Archpriest Igor Yakimchuk and Archpriest Nikolai Lischenyuk, DECR deputy chairmen; Mr Alexander Yakovenko, rector of the Diplomatic Academy; Mr Oleg Karpovich, Diplomatic Academy pro-rector for research work; Mr Mikhail Troyansky, dean of the Advanced Training Faculty of the Diplomatic Academy; Ms Tamara Vershinina, deputy dean of the Advanced Training Faculty; Archpriest Sergy Zvonarev, DECR secretary for far abroad countries; and Rev. Andrei Titushkin of the DECR Secretariat for Far Abroad Countries. Among the attendees were heads of the Russian foreign ministry’s divisions, appointed to posts abroad, and staff members of the Ministry’s central office. In his speech His Holiness Patriarch Kirill dwelt on the Russian Orthodox Church’s contacts with other Local Orthodox Churches, Christian confessions and various religious communities, as well as on the Church’s work aimed at offering pastoral guidance to the Russian citizens residing abroad. His Holiness also thanked the Department for External Church Relations for its work and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for cooperation. Mr Alexander Yakovenko, rector of the Diplomatic Academy, expressed gratitude to the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church on behalf of the audience for the fruitful meeting. DECR Communication Service /Patriarchia.ru Календарь ← 12 апреля 2024 г. (30 марта ст.ст.) пятница 7 April 2024 year Share with friends


130 Бывали случаи анафематствования и кроме первой недели великого поста; оно назначалось людям нераскаянным, несмотря на все увещания, или подававшим открыто соблазн своим поведением (напр. в случаях прелюбодеяния) и сеявшим церковные и гражданские смуты своим учением. Был случай, произнесения анафемы по определению Свят. Синода в 1771 г. по случаю убийства во время Московской чумы архиепископа Амвросия, а именно: а) при погребении его, по возглашении «вечной памяти», возгласить следующим образом: «Блаженныя памяти преосвященнаго Амвросия, Архиепископа Московскаго и Калужскаго злочестивым убийцам, анафема», б) в каждой церкви Московской епархии, по получении сего указа, отпет по покойном преосвященном панихиду и по окончании оной провозгласить его убийцам вышепоказанным образом «анафему» и в) чрез все годичное время чинить при отправляемых литургиях по преосвященном поминовение и каждый месяц петь панихиды с провозглашением убийцам анафемы вышеописанным образом. 131 Von hier ab beginnt der andere Theil des Ritus, das ewige Andenken der Verstorbenen und die Polychronien der Lebendigen. Auch dieser war bezüglich der Erwähnung der Namen nach der Verschiedenheit der Zeitverhältnisse mehr oder weniger ausführlich. Diejenigen grossen Fürsten und Fürstinnen, die jetzt nur in Gesamintheit erwähnt werden, wurden früher einzeln mit Namen genannt, mit sämmtlichen Angehörigen. Dasselbe wurde auch beobachtet bezüglich der Patriarchen (Hiob, Hermogenes, Philaret, Joasaph I, Josiph, Nikon, Joasaph II, Pitirim, Joakim, Adrian) und der Metropoliten, Erzbischöfe und Bischöfe, die in ihren Eparchien auch namentlich erwähnt wurden. Ebenso auch wurden hinzugefügt die bedeutenderen Gründer von Klöstern, Kirchen u. s. w. in den betreffenden Eparchien. 132 Отсюда начинается вторая часть чина православия, состоящая в возглашении «вечной памяти», усопшим и «многолетия» здравствующим, каковой список, смотря по обстоятельствам времени, также был короче или обширнее. Многие Великие Князья и Великие Княгини, которые теперь поминаются под общею рубрикою, прежде поминались поимённо со всеми родичами. То же самое наблюдалось и относительно патриархов (Иова, Гермогена, Филарета, Иоасафа I, Иосифа, Никона, Иоасафа II, Питирима, Иоакима и Адриана), Митрополитов, Архиепископов и Епископов, которые в своих епархиях поминались поимённо. Сюда же были присоединяемы выдающиеся строители монастырей, храмов и проч. в тех или, других епархиях.


Abbess murdered in Belorussia Minsk, January 6, 2017      On the night of January 5, the abbess of the Monastery of St. Xenia (in the Borisovo region of Minsk province, Belorus) Mother Vasilisa (Medved) was murdered, reports Sputnik.by . The press secretary of the Belorussian exarchate (of the Russian Orthodox Church) Fr. Sergei Lepin commented on the incident, “I can confirm that Matushka Vasilisa was murdered. Mostly likely, the attacker was one of the [psychologically] ill residents, of which there are many in the monastery.” The local law enforcement agencies confirmed this fact, but have not released details. “We are in great sorrow, such sorrow on the eve of the feast. Matushka was killed that night. I can’t say anything more,” one nun from the convent told the Sputnik news agency over the telephone. In her words, the law enforcement agencies are at work in the monastery and the assailant has been arrested. Later reports have determined that the mentally ill woman was a citizen of Belorus, but was originally from Kazakhstan. Abbess Vasilisa (Medved) was born March 10, 1949 in the Ukraine. After graduating from the department of history of the Chernigov Institute for Educational Studies, she became a schoolteacher. She was a parishioner of the Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral in the Belorussian capital, and after receiving an education with the St. Elizabeth sisterhood she became a sister of mercy. In 2001 she became a novice at the St. Elizabeth Convent. In 2002, at the blessing of Metropolitan Philaret of Minsk and Slutzk, she became the abbess of the St. Xenia Convent in the village of Baran, outside of Minsk. +ETERNAL MEMORAL TO MOTHER VASILISA 7 января 2017 г. Рейтинг: 10 Голосов: 6 Оценка: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Комментарии Chaim Y. Levi 20 февраля 2017, 23:00 Maybe is a muslim from Kazakhstan! They are the servants of the antichrist and want to destroy the righteous... Majlinda Stoia 15 февраля 2017, 23:00


Metropolitan Philaret of Minsk and Slutsk retires MINSK, 25 December (BelTA) – Metropolitan Philaret of Minsk and Slutsk, Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus, is retiring having reached the age of 75, informs the official website of the Moscow Patriarchate. At a session in Holy Danilov Monastery on 25 December the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow presided by Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill accepted a letter of resignation submitted earlier by Metropolitan Philaret. Members of the Holy Synod thanked Metropolitan Philaret for the 35-year leadership of the church in Belarus which was marked by the formation of ten eparchies, a manifold increase in the number of parishes, the opening of new monasteries and theological schools, the launch of a friendly and constructive dialogue with the authorities and public organizations, and maintenance of a due standard of interreligious relations. Metropolitan Philaret will become the honorary Patriarchal Exarch in Belarus. He will also keep his right to take part in the work of the Holy Synod and retain his seat at church services and official ceremonies. The Holy Synod thanked Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko for his willingness to guarantee due living conditions and medical services to Metropolitan Philaret. Metropolitan Philaret was born as Kirill Vakhromeyev in Moscow on 21 March 1935. He was appointed Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus on 16 October 1989. Source: Belarusian Telegraph Agency Code for blog Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong. Having said that, Pravmir provides daily articles from an autonomous news service, weekly wall newspaper for churches, lectorium, photos, videos, hosting and servers. Editors and translators work together towards one goal: to make our four websites possible - Pravmir.ru, Neinvalid.ru, Matrony.ru and Pravmir.com. Therefore our request for help is understandable. For example, 5 euros a month is it a lot or little? A cup of coffee? It is not that much for a family budget, but it is a significant amount for Pravmir. If everyone reading Pravmir could donate 5 euros a month, they would contribute greatly to our ability to spread the word of Christ, Orthodoxy, life " s purpose, family and society. Also by this author Today " s Articles Most viewed articles Functionality is temporarily unavailable. Most popular authors Functionality is temporarily unavailable. © 2008-2024 Pravmir.com


“With gratitude we recall his labours and pray for the repose of his soul in the mansions of the righteous. Let us endeavour to keep his memory in the land of Belarus so that the word of God, sowed with such love by the metropolitan, may bring further fruit,” the Patriarchal Exarch appealed to those present. Those who attended this event then proceeded to the memorial study in the museum buildings located on 27, Zybitskaya St. The children’s choir of the Church of St. Cyril of Turov performed songs in Belorussian dedicated to Zhirovichi monastery. The museum archivist Maria Netsvetaeva acquainted the guests with the newly-opened exhibition consisting of personal effects and awards which metropolitan Philaret had personally handed over to the museum such as guest books signed by guests of honour, manuscripts, vestments, icons and items of decorative and applied art from the metropolitan’s collection. The visitors also viewed one of the late Exarch’s favourite icons before which he often prayed – the image of St. Philaret the Merciful, taken from the domestic chapel in honour of the Synaxis of the Saints of Belarus at the Minsk diocesan administration. Metropolitan Benjamin brought to the attention of those present the simple everyday circumstances in which the late metropolitan achieved great things for the good of the homeland and the Mother Church. These achievements were rewarded by the rank of Hero of Belarus and numerous ecclesiastical awards. “But above all they were rewarded by the love of not only the Belorussian flock, but also by all those who knew and had the opportunity to converse with the Exarch beyond the confines of our country,” said metropolitan Benjamin. Metropolitan Philaret (Vakhromeyev) was the chairman of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate from 1981 to 1989.  The Ecclesiastical and Historical Museum of the Belorussian Orthodox Church was established in 2013 with the blessing of the metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk Philaret, the Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus, on the basis of his collection of church antiquities. The museum collection, exhibited in three halls, relates the history of the Orthodox Church in the lands of Belarus. At the opening of the museum there was also set up an exhibition dedicated to metropolitan Philaret. Its reconstruction was begun in 2020 with the blessing of the metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk Paul, the Patriarchal Exarch of All Russia. The exhibition was enlarged by the acquisitions of the table and armchair at which the late metropolitan Philaret worked in his rooms, as well as furniture from his work study.


Patriarch Kirill Speaks on the Role of the Deceased Metropolitan Philaret in the Revival of Church Life in Belarus Photo: church.by His Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, noted that a thorough revival of church life in Belarus took place precisely while Metropolitan Philaret was the Primate of the Belarus Orthodox Church, who reposed in the Lord yesterday, January 12. “With deep sorrow I received the news of the death of one of the outstanding hierarchs, the honorary Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus, Metropolitan Philaret (Vakhromeev). This is truly a great loss not only for the believers of Belarus, but for our entire Church,” said the Patriarch in his letter to Metropolitan Benjamin of Minsk and Zaslavl, Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus. Patriarch Kirill emphasized that the years of archpastoral mission of Vladyka Philaret on the Belarusian land “are marked by a comprehensive revival of church life, the restoration and construction of new churches and monasteries, and the development of spiritual education and educational activities.” “While following the word of Scripture, in an effort to supervise the flock, not by compulsion, but willingly and piously, and by not dominating the inheritance of God, but by setting an example (1 Pet. 5: 2-3), the newly departed hierarch testified to people with apostolic zeal about the beauty and truth of Orthodoxy, and contributed to the creation of peace and civil harmony on the Belarusian land,” added His Holiness Patriarch Kirill. In addition, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church noted “the significant contribution of the late Metropolitan Philaret to strengthening fraternal ties between Local Orthodox Churches and the development of interfaith dialogue.” The Patriarch pointed out in particular that, while serving in Europe, as chairman of the Department for External Church Relations, Vladyka Philaret “diligently performed the service assigned to him and acquired sincere love and respect from many people outside his country.”


Metropolitan Hilarion takes part in international academic conference in Minsk April 6, 2013 On 5 April 2013, an international academic conference on ‘Role of the Edict of Milan in the History of the European Civilization and Topical Issues of Church-State Relations Today’ was held at the Institute of Theology of the Belarusian State University. Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, rector of the Ss Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute for Post-Graduate and Doctoral Studies, chairman of the Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission, took part in the conference with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and at the invitation of Metropolitan Philaret of Minsk and Slutsk, Patriarchal Exarch for All Belarus. The conference was preceded by an enlarged meeting of the Council of the Institute of Theology, chaired by His Eminence Metropolitan Philaret. Members of the Council unanimously resolved to honour Metropolitan Hilarion the degree of doctor honoris causa of the Institute of Theology of the Belarusian State University “for his outstanding contribution to theology and education and for strengthening inter-Christian and inter-Faith cooperation.” The doctor honoris causa was greeted by Metropolitan Philaret of Minsk and Slutsk and by Mr. Sergei Ablameiko, rector of the University, who especially noted that the Belarusian State University had long known Metropolitan Hilarion as a gifted theologian and church historian, author of monographs dedicated to life and teaching of the Church Fathers and author of the works on dogmatics.” The conference opened with the report of the DECR chairman who cordially thanked Metropolitan Philaret and the Council for the honour. Addressing Metropolitan Philaret, Metropolitan Hilarion said, “You became the head of the Minsk diocese thirty-five years ago and began your ministry in the most atheistic Republic of the Soviet Union. Now, thanks to your selfless work, Orthodoxy has revived in the Belarusian land and has become its strong spiritual and moral force.”


Archive Пн Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk congratulated DECR vice-chairman Archimandrite Philaret (Bulekov) on his 55th birthday 17 January 2023 year 15:28 On January 16, 2023, Archimandrite Philaret (Bulekov), DECR vice-chairman, was congratulated on his 55th birthday in a solemn ceremony which took place at the Lesser Hall of the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations. DECR chairman Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk cordially congratulated Father Philaret on the remarkable date and wished him God’s help in his work. ‘Having such a substantial experience of the work in the Department for External Church Relations and in the Moscow Patriarchate establishments in other countries, you also have brilliantly proved your worth as vice-chairman of the Department zealously working at this post for the last eleven years. Invariable characteristics of your work are high professionalism, profound competence and ability to solve extraordinary problems, tenacious attitude to people, exclusively deep and sincere respect for your colleagues, subordinates and staff members’, the DECR chairman noted in particular in his greetings to Archimandrite Philaret. His Eminence Anthony presented Father Philaret with a bouquet of flowers, the congratulatory address and a pectoral cross. In his response, Archimandrite Philaret thanked His Eminence for his warm words. The congratulatory ceremony was attended by Archpriest Nikolay Balashov, adviser to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, Archpriest Igor Yakimchuk, DECR vice-chairman; Archpriest Nikolay Lishchenuk, DECR vice-chairman, heads of the sections and the DECR staff. On January 17, 2023, Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations (DECR), presented Archpriest Nikolai Lischenyuk, DECR vice-chairman, with a Patriarchal award – the Order of St. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, 3rd degree, in connection with his 50th birthday.


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