Случившееся попало на видео.  На нем видно, как мальчик, держась за занавеску, шагает из окна. Внизу в это время прохожие растянули одеяло. После этого прыгает пожилая женщина.  Все произошло очень быстро, еще до приезда пожарных.  По оценкам медиков, мальчик не нуждается в помощи, а 61-летняя женщина госпитализирована.  Прохожие спасли ребенка, сорвавшегося с крутого склона в Анапе Трехлетний мальчик не удержался на лестнице «300 ступеней» в Анапе. Он вместе с мамой и бабушкой возвращался с пляжа. В какой-то момент он упал в пространство между перилами. Чудом ребенок зацепился за камыши на склоне. Мама пыталась в одиночку до него добраться. Но склон очень крутой, сил поднять ребенка у нее не было. Фото: t.me/typoanapa — Мама кричала: «Сиди и не двигайся!» Она смогла сама к нему добраться, но в одиночку поднять малыша было просто нереально, склон очень крутой, — рассказали очевидцы. На крики о помощи откликнулись мужчины, отдыхающие на пляже. Они принесли покрывало и автомобильный трос.  Все вместе они смогли помочь взобраться по склону маме с ребенком. Мальчик не пострадал — только сильно испугался и получил небольшие царапины.  Поскольку вы здесь... У нас есть небольшая просьба. Эту историю удалось рассказать благодаря поддержке читателей. Даже самое небольшое ежемесячное пожертвование помогает работать редакции и создавать важные материалы для людей. Сейчас ваша помощь нужна как никогда. Поделитесь, это важно Выбор читателей «Правмира» Подпишитесь на самые интересные материалы недели. Материалы по теме 16 марта, 2024 14 марта, 2024 14 марта, 2024 7 марта, 2024 1 марта, 2024 27 февраля, 2024 26 февраля, 2024 24 февраля, 2024 21 февраля, 2024 Лучшие материалы Показать еще Друзья, Правмир уже много лет вместе с вами. Вся наша команда живет общим делом и призванием - служение людям и возможность сделать мир вокруг добрее и милосерднее! Такое важное и большое дело можно делать только вместе. Поэтому «Правмир» просит вас о поддержке. Например, 50 рублей в месяц это много или мало? Чашка кофе? Это не так много для семейного бюджета, но это значительная сумма для Правмира.


Under the Old Law, the Jews stood, with girded loins and walking staffs in hand during the meal. There all things crumbled away through Fire, including the use of unleavened bread. Before He began to eat (thus says the divine Chrysostom), He rose from supper, laid aside His garments, and poured water into a basin in preparation for the Washing of the feet. He did these things both to shame Judas and to remind the other Disciples that it is not right to seek the first place. Similarly, after the washing, He exhorted them by saying that he who wishes to be first must be last of all, showing Himself as an example. It seems that Christ first of all washed Judas, who most presumptuously sat first in line, and last He came to Peter. Since Peter was more high-spirited than the others, he prevented the Teacher, but when at the same time he heard from the Lord that if Christ did not wash his feet he would have no part with the Lord, he yielded quite readily. So our Lord Jesus Christ washed the feet of the Disciples and showed a paradoxical exaltation through humility. He took His garments again and leaned back and exhorted and entreated them that they love one another and not seek the first place. While they were eating, He brought up the main point concerning His Betrayal. Since the Disciples were confused about His saying, Jesus said quietly to John alone, " It is he to whom I shall give a piece of bread when I have dipped it " (John 13:26). He spoke in this way because if Peter, being more high-spirited than the others, had known the truth, he would have taken it upon himself to strike a blow against Judas. Jesus said again, " He who dipped his hand with Me in the dish will betray Me " (Matt. 26:23). When both these events had occurred, after a little silence He took the bread and said, " Take, eat; this is My Body " (Matt. 26:26; Mark 14:22), and likewise the Cup, " Drink from it, all of you. For this is My Blood of the New Covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins " (Matt. 26:27-28; Mark 14:24). " Do this in memory of Me " (Luke 22:19). He performed these deeds and ate and drank with them. Notice that He calls His Body bread - not unleavened bread. Sol let those who offer the unleavened sacrifice be ashamed. After Judas tasted the bread, Satan entered into him, because when he first tempted him he already ruled over him completely. Then he withdrew and proceeded to the High Priests, in order that he might hand Christ over to them for thirty pieces of silver. After the Supper, the Lord went out with the Disciples to the Mount of Olives, to a certain place called Gethsemane. Then Jesus said to them, " All of you will be made to stumble because of Me this night, for it is written, I will strike the Shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered. But after I have been raised, I will go before you to Galilee " (Matt. 26:31-32; Mark 14:27). Peter said to Him, " Even if all are made to stumble, yet I will not be. "


You alone have opened the cataracts of the wrath of God, my soul, and have flooded as the earth all your flesh and actions and life, and have remained outside the Ark of Salvation. (Genesis 6-8) Refrain: Holy mother Mary, pray for us. To St. Mary of Egypt: With all eagerness and love thou didst run to Christ, abandoning thy former way of sin. And being nourished in the untrodden wilderness, thou didst chastely fulfill His divine commandments. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: To The Trinity: Unoriginate, uncreated Trinity, indivisible Unity, accept me who repent, save me who have sinned. I am Thy creation, despise me not, but spare me and deliver me from the fire of condemnation. Now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. Theotokion: Spotless Lady, Mother of God, hope of those who run to thee, and haven of those in distress, obtain grace for me from the merciful One, Thy Son and Creator, by thy prayers. Song 3. Eirmos: Establish, O Lord, my unstable. heart on the rock of Thy commandments, for Thou only art Holy and Lord. Refrain: Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me. Troparia: You have not inherited Shem’s blessing, wretched soul, nor have you received that vast possession like Japheth in the land of forgiveness. (Genesis 9:26-27) Come out, my soul, from sin, from the land of Haran! Come into the land of eternal life flowing with incorruption which Abraham inherited. (Genesis 12:4) You have heard, my soul, how Abraham of old left the land of his fathers and became a nomad. Imitate his resolution. (Genesis 12:1) At the Oak of Mamre the Patriarch entertained Angels, and inherited in his old age the spoil of the promise. (Genesis 18:1) Knowing, my wretched soul, how Isaac was mystically offered to the Lord as a new sacrifice and holocaust, imitate his resolution. (Genesis 22:2) You have heard of Ishmael (be watchful, my soul!) who was driven out as the son of a slave-girl. Beware lest you suffer something similar by your lusting. (Genesis 21:10)


Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Archbishop Ieronymos criticizes policy of de-Christianization of Greece Archbishop Ieronymos criticizes policy of de-Christianization of Greece “You have sold out and continue to sell out Greece’s treasures, you give away our railroads, our ports, but our homeland and Orthodoxy we will not give up. " Five bishops to bless Parma, OH’s ZOE House March 4 Five bishops to bless Parma, OH’s ZOE House March 4 ZOE for Life is a non-profit Orthodox Christian ministry that helps women during and after crisis pregnancies, offers pure living resources and retreats, and assists Orthodox Christian couples seeking to expand their families through adoption. Greek MP Asks God’s Forgiveness for Voting for Same-Sex Civil Partnership Greek MP Asks God’s Forgiveness for Voting for Same-Sex Civil Partnership “God forgive me. This weighs heavy on me. Please pray for God to forgive me,” he was quoted as saying. Комментарии robert nicodemo 23 ноября 2016, 18:00 What a shame... MarinaM 27 октября 2016, 13:00 So sad. Wonderful that Cuomo helped with St. Nicholas but hardly deserving of a Human Rights Award? So very very sad. Matthew 27 октября 2016, 10:00 Its seems somehow right that the award should be named after Patriarch Athenagoras. virginia 27 октября 2016, 05:00 it seems done for the love of power and money, compromising a whole community of faithful greeks who might believe it is wrong. i am not greek but of syrian ancenstry. it seem contradictory and shameful vaseili doukas 27 октября 2016, 04:00 See Papa Demtri " s posting about this betrayal of the unborn. In the law we would say that the GOA has aided and abetted the killing of babies. Anthony 26 октября 2016, 22:00 @T.D: " " Officially " " these people are still in Communion with Moscow - in word anyway. In deed, they are akin to heterodox, and have much more in common with them, than Orthodox. And they try to peddle the laughable lie that the CIA spy in Constantinople is " " first among equals " " and the " " spiritual leader " " of 250 million Orthodox like some kind of Dalai Lama guru, and other such nonsense which I shan " t waste my time repeating.


John 6:31/Psalm 78:24 – He gave them “bread” out of heaven to eat. Hebrew – gave them “food” or “grain” from heaven. John 12:38/Isaiah 53:1 – who has believed our “report?” Hebrew – who has believed our “message?” John 12:40/Isaiah 6:10 – lest they should see with eyes…turn for me to heal them. Hebrew – shut their eyes…and be healed. Acts 2:19/Joel 2:30 – blood and fire and “vapor” of smoke. Hebrew – blood and fire and “pillars” or “columns” of smoke. Acts 2:25-26/Psalm 16:8 – I saw…tongue rejoiced…dwell in hope.. Hebrew – I have set…glory rejoiced…dwell in safety. Acts 4:26/Psalm 2:1 – the rulers “were gathered together.” Hebrew – rulers “take counsel together.” Acts 7:14/Gen. 46:27; Deut. 10:22 – Stephen says “seventy-five” souls went down to Egypt. Hebrew – “seventy” people went. Acts 7:27-28/Exodus 2:14 – uses “ruler” and judge; killed the Egyptian “yesterday.” Hebrew – uses “prince” and there is no reference to “yesterday.” Acts 7:43/Amos 5:26-27 – the tent of “Moloch” and star of god of Rephan. Hebrew – “your king,” shrine, and star of your god. Acts 8:33/Isaiah 53:7-8 – in his humiliation justice was denied him. Hebrew – by oppression…he was taken away. Acts 13:41/Habakkuk 1:5 – you “scoffers” and wonder and “perish.” Hebrew – you “among the nations,” and “be astounded.” Acts 15:17/Amos 9:12 – the rest (or remnant) of “men.” Hebrew – the remnant of “Edom.” Rom. 2:24/Isaiah 52:5 – the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles. Hebrew – blasphemed (there is no mention of the Gentiles). Rom. 3:4/Psalm 51:4 – thou mayest “prevail” (or overcome) when thou art judged. Hebrew – thou might “be clear” when thou judges. Rom. 3:12/Psalm 14:1,3 – they “have gone wrong.” Hebrew – they are “corrupt” or “filthy.” Rom. 3:13/Psalm 5:9 – they use their tongues to deceive. Hebrew – they flatter with their tongues. There is no “deceit” language. Rom. 3:13/Psalm 140:3 – the venom of “asps” is under their lips. Hebrew – “Adder’s” poison is under their lips. Rom. 3:14/Psalm 10:7 – whose mouth is full of curses and “bitterness.” Hebrew - cursing and “deceit and oppression.”


The Prophet David reposed a thousand years before Christ’s Nativity and was buried in Jerusalem. With the grace of the Holy Spirit, the Prophet David compiled the Psalter, that great book about which we hear more than all the other books of the Old Testament; a book in which is expressed all the experiences of the believing soul: its grief over the loss of God and prayer for the Most High’s mercy and intercession; immense jubilation over union with God and the burning of divine jealousy. How many beautiful spiritual lines are in it that we all remember: Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy… (Psalm 50 or He that dwelleth in the help of the Most High (Psalm 90 and Give ear, O God, unto my prayer, and distain not my supplication (Psalm 54 and many, many others – more than can be listed. But the most important treasure of this book are the great prophesies about the Messiah, which were spoken by the Holy Spirit through the pious King. David, through the Holy Spirit, foretold the fact of the coming into the world of Christ the Savior (Psalm 88 and His Divine and human nature, not as King of the Jews, but as Redeemer of all mankind. The Prophet foretold the adoration of the magi and the future priestly ministry of the Messiah: His preaching among the nations and their turn to the truth. He also prophesied the triumphant entry into Jerusalem (Psalm 8:3; 117 25-26) and the betrayal of one of His closest friends and disciples (Psalm 40 54 and soon the bitter death of the betrayer himself (Psalm 54 24; 108 The Holy Prophet foretold the sufferings of Christ with such force and detail that it was as if he were an eyewitness: The kings of the earth were aroused, and the rulers were assembled together, against the Lord, and against His Christ (Psalm 2:1), for They have spoken against me with a deceitful tongue, and with words of hatred have they encompassed me (Psalm 108:2). He describes the false accusation of the Righteous One (Psalm 26:12; 34:11; 108: 2; 2:3 and His silence when on judgment (Psalm 27:14); mockery of Him (Psalm 21:7,8,16; 108:25); bullying, beatings, spitting, scourging (Psalm 34:15, 21). He foretold His shameful death: crucifixion (Psalm 21:15-18), and eating vinegar and bile instead of drinking (Psalm 68:22).


Rom. 9:17/Exodus 9:16 – my power “in you”; my name may be “proclaimed.” Hebrew – show “thee”; may name might be “declared.” Rom. 9:25/Hosea 2:23 – I will call my people; I will call my beloved. Hebrew - I will have mercy (love versus mercy). Rom. 9:27/Isaiah 10:22 – only a remnant of them “will be saved.” Hebrew – only a remnant of them “will return.” Rom. 9:29/Isaiah 1:9 – had not left us “children.” Hebrew – Jehova had left us a “very small remnant.” Rom. 9:33; 10:11; 1 Peter 2:6/Isaiah 28:16 – he who believes will not be “put to shame.” Hebrew – shall not be “in haste.” Rom. 10:18/Psalm 19:4 – their “voice” has gone out. Hebrew – their “line” is gone out. Rom. 10:20/Isaiah 65:1 – I have “shown myself” to those who did not ask for me. Hebrew – I am “inquired of” by them. Rom. 10:21/Isaiah 65:2 – a “disobedient and contrary” people. Hebrew – a “rebellious” people. Rom. 11:9-10/Psalm 69:22-23 – “pitfall” and “retribution” and “bend their backs.” Hebrew – “trap” and “make their loins shake.” Rom. 11:26/Isaiah 59:20 – will banish “ungodliness.” Hebrew – turn from “transgression.” Rom. 11:27/Isaiah 27:9 – when I take away their sins. Hebrew – this is all the fruit of taking away his sin. Rom. 11:34; 1 Cor. 2:16/Isaiah 40:13 -the “mind” of the Lord; His “counselor.” Hebrew – “spirit” of the Lord; “taught” Him. Rom. 12:20/Prov. 25:21 – feed him and give him to drink. Hebrew – give him “bread” to eat and “water” to drink. Rom. 15:12/Isaiah 11:10 – the root of Jesse…”to rule the Gentiles.” Hebrew - stands for an ensign. There is nothing about the Gentiles. Rom. 15:21/Isaiah 52:15 – been told “of him”; heard “of him.” Hebrew – does not mention “him” (the object of the prophecy). 1 Cor. 1:19/Isaiah 29:14 – “I will destroy” the wisdom of the wise. Hebrew – wisdom of their wise men “shall perish.” 1 Cor. 5:13/Deut. 17:7 – remove the “wicked person.” Hebrew – purge the “evil.” This is more generic evil in the MT. 1 Cor. 15:55/Hosea 13:14 – O death, where is thy “sting?” Hebrew – O death, where are your “plagues?”


Once again, seeing that they were sorrowful, the Lord comforted them: In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you for ever. Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you… Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (Jn 16:33, 14:16; Jn 14:27). The Lord asks His disciples to abide in Him and fulfill His commandments, for without Him they can do nothing: Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in Me. If ye abide in mM, and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again (Jn 15:4, 7; 14:3). The Lord comforts them, revealing to them that joy will follow from sorrows, that prizes have been prepared for them in the Coming Kingdom. Inasmuch as His disciples were interested in how the Lord would come to earth, the Savior announces to them the Divine truth that at the end of the world He will come in great glory to judge the living and the dead, and that all those who believe in Him sincerely and who have lived in repentance to the end of their lives will be found worthy of His Kingdom, and that the unbelieving or apostates, who have gone without repentance to the end of their lives, will be condemned to eternal torment. When shall these things be? (Mt 24:3), the disciples asked. The Lord answered them that of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but My Father only (Mt 24:36). In this way the Holy Scriptures preserve in deep mystery, and do not reveal to us the assigned time of, the Second Coming, in order that we might keep ourselves in purity and chastity, preparing at all times to meet the Lord. Therefore the Lord cautions his disciples: Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. Watch therefore (Mt 24:42; Lk 17:26, 27, 30; Mt 25:13).


19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet. 20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. 21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. 22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. 23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. 25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. 26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he. 27 And upon this came his disciples, and marvelled that he talked with the woman: yet no man said, What seekest thou? or, Why talkest thou with her? 28 The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men, 29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ? 30 Then they went out of the city, and came unto him. 31 In the mean while his disciples prayed him, saying, Master, eat. 32 But he said unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of. 33 Therefore said the disciples one to another, Hath any man brought him ought to eat? 34 Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work. 35 Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. 36 And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together. 37 And herein is that saying true, One soweth, and another reapeth. 38 I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour: other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours.


I was still a young man when the tragedy of historical events far outdid anything that I had read in books. (I refer to the outbreak of the First World War, soon to be followed by the Revolution in Russia.) My youthful hopes and dreams collapsed. But at the same time a new vision of the world and its meaning opened before me. Side by side with devastation I contemplated rebirth. I saw that there was no tragedy in God. Tragedy is to be found solely in the fortunes of the man whose gaze has not gone beyond the confines of this earth. Christ Himself by no means typifies tragedy. Nor are His all-cosmic sufferings of a tragic nature. And the Christian who has received the gift of the love of Christ, for all his awareness that it is not yet complete, escapes the nightmare of all-consuming death. Christ’s love, during the whole time that He abode with us here, was acute suffering. ‘O faithless and perverse generation,’ He cried. ‘How long shall I suffer you?’ (Matt. 17.17). He wept for Lazarus and his sisters (cf. John 11.35). He grieved over the hard-heartedness of the Jews who slew the prophets (cf. Matt. 23.37). In Gethsemane his soul was ‘exceeding sorrowful, even unto death’ and ‘his sweat was as it were drops of blood falling down to the ground’ (Matt. 26.38; Luke 22.44). He lived the tragedy of all mankind; but in Himself there was no tragedy. This is obvious from the words He spoke to His disciples perhaps only a short while before His redemptive prayer for all mankind in the Garden: ‘My peace I give unto you’ (John 14.27). And a little further on: ‘I am not alone, because the Father is with me. These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world’ (John 16.32, 33). This is how it is with the Christian: for all his deep compassion, his tears and prayers for the world, there is none of the despair that destroys. Aware of the breath of the Holy Spirit, he is assured of the inevitable victory of Light. The love of Christ, even in the most acute stress of suffering (which I would call the ‘hell of loving’), because it is eternal is free of passion. Until we achieve supreme freedom from the passions on this earth suffering and pity may wear out the body but it will only be the body that dies. ‘Fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul’ (Matt. 10.28).


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