Шутак Г. Пребывание Его Высокопреосвященства, Высокопреосвященнейшего Тихона, Архиепископа Алеутского и Северо-Американского, в Штате Колорадо//АПВ, 1905, т. IX, 15, с. 288–291. Щедрый дар//АПВ, 1901, т. V, 5, с. 106. Щенснович Э.Н. Письмо Его Преосвященству, Преосвященнейшему Тихону, Епископу Алеутскому и Северо-Американскому, от Командира броненосца «Ретвизана» Э.Н. Щенсновича//АПВ, 1904, т. VIII, 12, с. 243. Я. К истории созыва Всероссийского Церковного Собора. М.: Синод, тип., 1917. Bensin В. М. Russian Orthodox Church in Alaska 1794–1967... Sitka: Published by the Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church of North America, Diocese of Alaska, 1967. Benzin B.M . My recollections//Orthodox America 1794–1976. Development of the Orthodox Church in America/Ed. Constance J. Tarasar, John H. Erickson. Syosset: OCA. Department of History and Archives, 1975. P. 112. Christmas at the Graeco-Russian Church...//The San Francisco Call. – 1899. – 7 January. Detailed Timeline Vita of Archbishop Arseny. S. 1.: The Canonization Committee of the Orthodox Church in Canada, 2004. Doumouras A. Greek Orthodox Communities in America Before World War I//St. Vladimir’s Seminary Quarterly, 1967, v. 11, 4, p. 172–192. Easter celebrated by devout Russians...//The San Francisco Call. – 1900. – 23 April. Greet Russian Archbishop. His First Service Since Moving His Headquarters Here//The New York Times. – 1905. – 9 October. Gregersen С.Е. The architecture of Holy Trinity Cathedral//A history of Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Cathedral of Chicago. 1892–1992/Edited by Anatoly Bezkorovainy. Chicago: Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Cathedral, 1992. P. 131– 140. Head of the Russian Church in America...//The San Francisco Call. – 1898. – 14 December. Jeffrey J. In the Presence of the Saint. Saint Mark’s Parish, Denver and Saint Tikhon, Enlightener of North America...//The Lion. Unofficial Newsletter for Members Only of St. Mark’s Parish, Denver, Colorado, 2004, v. C X X IX , 4/5, p. 1–2. Kishkovsky L. Archbishop Tikhon and the North American Diocese 1898–1907//Orthodox America 1794–1976. Development of the Orthodox Church in America/Ed. Constance J. Tarasar, John H. Erickson. Syosset: OCA. Department of History and Archives, 1975. P. 83–101.


Archpriest Peter Gillquist reposes in the Lord/Православие.Ru Archpriest Peter Gillquist reposes in the Lord July 2, 2012 Fr. Peter Gillquist. Archpriest Peter E. Gillquist, retired chairman of the archdiocese " s department of missions and evangelism, chairman of Conciliar Press, speaker, and the author of numerous books including Becoming Orthodox, reposed on Sunday evening July 1, surrounded by his family. Fr. Peter and his wife of 52 years, Kh. Marilyn, had lived for many years in Santa Barbara, California, but as of June 2009 they relocated to Bloomington, Indiana, where their son Fr. Peter Jon Gillquist serves as pastor of All Saints Orthodox Church. Condolences may be posted on the All Saints website , where tributes have been pouring from all over the United States and abroad. A recent Ancient Faith Radio retirement interview with Fr. Peter, Kh. Marilyn and Fr. Peter Jon, is available here . The schedule of services is as follows: Schedule of Services for Fr. Peter E. Gillquist – July 4-6, 2012 Wednesday, July 4 6:00 p.m. Public Visitation at All Saints in Bloomington 7:00 p.m. Trisagion Service Night Vigil to (Reading of the Psalter) Thursday, July 5 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy in Bloomington (Followed by transport to Carmel, IN) 5:00 p.m. Public Visitation at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church (3500 W 106th St. Carmel, IN) 7:00 p.m. Trisagion Service Night Vigil to (Reading of the Psalter) Friday, July 6 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy (His Grace Bishop Anthony Presiding) 11:00 a.m. Funeral Service followed by Mercy Meal at Holy Trinity GOC 3:30 p.m. Burial Service at All Saints Cemetery in Bloomington In lieu of flowers it is requested that memorial donations be made to All Saints Church, Bloomington, to help defray funeral expenses and a cemetery monument. All excess funds will be split between the building funds of All Saints Church, Bloomington, Indiana, and St. Athanasius Church, Santa Barbara, California. Information about accommodations near Holy Trinity Church, Indianapolis/Carmel, is available here . Website of the Antiochian Archdiocese of North America 3 июля 2012 г. ... Предыдущий Следующий Комментарии Войдите через FaceBook ВКонтакте Яндекс Mail.Ru Google или введите свои данные: © 1999-2015 Православие.Ru При перепечатке ссылка на Православие.Ru обязательна Контактная информация Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


732 Koepgen G. Die Gnosis des Christentums. Salzburg, 1939. Георг Кепген, описывая Тринитарные основы христианской духовности, считает, что Православие сумело сохранить тайну Тринитарного общения Лиц в Боге, не ослабленную рациональной философией, которая отдает приоритет единству Бога и Его Сущности. 734 Berger K. M.Towards a Theological Gnoseology: The Synthesis of Fr. Dumitru Stniloae. Pp. 77–78. 737 Staniloae D. The Holy Trinity – the Basis of Christian Spirituality. 743 Станилоаэ Д., прот. Происхождение Святого Духа от Отца и Его отношение к Сыну как основание нашего обожения и усыновления Богу. http://www.portal-slovo.ru/theology/44780.php 749 Staniloae D. Theology and the Church. P. 80. См.также: Staniloae D. Orthodox Dogmatic Theology. V. 1. P. 68. 751 Выше мы приводили мысли прот. Станилоэ о том, что Бог «превосходит» Свою Сущность за счет Своей трех-ипостасности. Утверждение о том, что общение Лиц «утверждает» Их в бытии следует понимать как свидетельство ипостасно-природного баланса в богословии Станилоэ, как подтверждение неразрывности понятий Личности и Сущности в Боге. Ибо, хотя Личность и обладает и «управляет» Сущностью, но ее бытие состоит ни в чем ином как именно в этой Сущности. 752 Staniloae D. The Holy Trinity – the Basis of Christian Spirituality. 753 Staniloae D. Orthodox Dogmatic Theology. V. 1. P. 67. Так называются глава 3-я в сборнике Theology and the Church и глава 10-я в первом томе Orthodox Dogmatic Theology. 764 Staniloae D. The Holy Trinity – the Basis of Christian Spirituality. 765 Так, например, о. Станилоэ говорит о «сверхъестественном Откровении Божественной Личности», Staniloae D. Orthodox Dogmatic Theology. V. 1. P. 62. 766 Станилоэ Д., прот. О безначальной любви Отца, Сына, Святого Духа друг к Другу. 767 Staniloae D. Orthodox Spirituality: A Practical Guide for the Faithful and a Definitive Guide for the Scholar. P. 364. 771 Коман К., протопресв. Священник Думитру Станилоэ: переводчик, истолкователь и продолжатель святоотеческой традиции.


Archive His Holiness Patriarch Porfirije of Serbia and Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk visit the Russian Orthodox Church’s Belgrade Representation 11 November 2022 year 12:24 On November 10, 2022, His Holiness Porfirije, Patriarch of Serbia, and Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, who is in the Serbian capital on a working visit with a blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, visited the Russian church of the Holy Trinity at Tasmajdan - the Metochion of the Russian Orthodox Church, to venerate its shrines and evaluate the progress made in the repair and restoration work carried out in it. The DECR chairman was accompanied by Archpriest Nikolay Balashov, adviser to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia; Archpriest Vitaly Tarasjev, rector of the Belgrade Metochion; Archpriest Igor Yakimchuk, acting vice-chairman of the DECR; and Rev. Alexander Ershov, secretary to the DECR chairman. The Primate of the Serbian Orthodox Church, assisted by Metropolitan Anthony, celebrated the solemn rite of blessing the crosses for the cupolas of the Russian church in Belgrade and the over-gate mosaic image of the Holy Trinity and bestowed a benediction on the clergy and faithful of the church. His Holiness Patriarch Porfirije greeted Metropolitan Anthony and all those present and pointed to the importance of the church of the Holy Trinity as a place uniting the Russian and Serbian Orthodox nations. Metropolitan Anthony cordially thanked His Holiness for the care of the Metochion and its parishioners. Then His Eminence presented Archpriest Vitaly Tarasjev with a mitre, the right to ware which had been bestowed on him by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia on his 60th birthday in acknowledgment of his long-standing fruitful rector’s work, and with the Oder of St. Seraphim of Sarov, Degree III, in honour of the 30th anniversary of his priestly service. DECR Communication Service /Patriarchia.ru Календарь ← 7 December 2023 year


Archive Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem celebrates its main feast 18 June 2019 year 11:41 On June 17, 2019, the Day of the Holy Spirit, His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and All Palestine, traditionally presided over the celebrations on the annual day of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem, the official representation of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Holy Land,  Russian Ecclesiastical Mission Press Service reports. The festive day began with the Divine Liturgy, which was celebrated by Patriarch Theophilos in the main Russian church in the Holy Land – the Cathedral of the Trinity in Jerusalem. His Beatitude was assisted by Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, Metropolitan Joachim of Helenopolis, Archbishop Theodosios of Sebastia; Archimandrite Alexander (Yelisov), head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem; Archimandrite Roman (Krasovsky), head of the Ecclesiastical Mission of the Russian Church Outside Russia; Archimandrite Theophilos (Anastasiadis), representative of the Romanian Orthodox Church to the Patriarchate of Jerusalem; members and clergy of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission, representatives of the Arab clergy of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem; pilgrims in holy orders from Russia and Ukraine. The service was celebrated in Russian, Greek and Arabic, with the choir of the Gorny Convent sisters singing. After the dismissal, the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Jerusalem addressed Archimandrite Alexander, the hierarchy and clergy, as well as parishioners and pilgrims, stressing in particular that the day’s celebrations “renew our consent for the sake of salvation of our souls. It is the renewal in Christ and unity of our faith… so that, in the sacrament of the Divine Eucharist, we could point from the Holy City of Jerusalem to the fraternal churches, that is, the Zion Church renewed together with the Russian Orthodox Church watered with the blood of her new martyrs”. Addressing the Primate of the Church of Jerusalem, Archimandrite Alexander conveyed him cordial greetings from His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and wished him God’s help in his hard work to preserve the truth of Orthodoxy in the Middle East. He also presented Patriarch Theophilos with an icon of St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk with a part of her relics. Then the procession with the cross proceeded to the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission, where a festive meal was offered to all the guests of the feast.  DECR Communication Service /Patriarchia.ru Календарь ← 7 December 2023 year


С. 76. 774 Staniloae D. The Procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and His Relation to the Son, as the Basis of our Deification and Adoption. P. 179. 778 Бог Слово «персонифицировал» (так о. Станилоэ переводит греческий термин «προσωποποησεν», PG 86 a. 1748 A, см. также PG 86 a. 1496 A) «человеческую природу наиболее подлинным образом», ibidem. Pp. 31, 41. 785 Staniloae D. The Holy Trinity – the Basis of Christian Spirituality. 787 «Без сомнения Личность Христа спасает нас, ибо Он есть Сын Божий», Staniloae D. Orthodox Dogmatic Theology. V. 3. Pp. 86–87. 789 Staniloae D. Orthodox Spirituality: A Practical Guide for the Faithful and a Definitive Manual for the Scholar. P. 362. 791 Bordeianu R. Filled with the Trinity. The Contribution of DumitruStaniloae’s Ecclesiology to Ecumenism and Society. P. 58. 793 Staniloae D. The Procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and His Relation to the Son, as the Basis of our Deification and Adoption. P. 186. 794 Станилоэ Д., прот. Молитва Иисусова и опыт стяжания Святого Духа. Святой Дух в Жизни Церкви. С. 2. 795 Станилоаэ Д., прот. Происхождение Святого Духа от Отца и Его отношение к Сыну как основание нашего обожения и усыновления Богу. http://www.portal-slovo.ru/theology/44780.php 796 Staniloae D. «The Holy Spirit and the Sobornicity of the Church», chapter 2 of his Theology and the Church. P. 56. 798 О. Станилоэ определяет здесь человека как Личность «с большой буквы», подчеркивая высоту со-образности личности человека Личности Бога, Станилоэ Д., прот. О некоторых характерных особенностях Православия. 799 Berger K. M. Towards a Theological Gnoseology: The Synthesis of Fr. Dumitru Stniloae. P. 15. 802 « λλλων εναι παραδεγματα τν θεν κα τν νθρωπον», PG 91. 1113 B, см.: Louth A. Maximus the Confessor. P. 101. 803 Berger K. M. Towards a Theological Gnoseology: The Synthesis of Fr. Dumitru Stniloae. P. 18–19. 826 Noble I. Doctrine of Creation within the Theological Project of Dumitru Stniloae. Pp. 192–193. 827 Диалог с Богом имеет деятельную и интеллектуальную стороны одновременно, Staniloae D.


Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel Commemorated on March 26 Synaxis of the Holy Archangel Gabriel: The Archangel Gabriel was chosen by the Lord to announce to the Virgin Mary about the Incarnation of the Son of God from Her, to the great rejoicing of all mankind. Therefore, on the day after the Feast of the Annunciation, the day on which the All-Pure Virgin is glorified, we give thanks to the Lord and we venerate His messenger Gabriel, who contributed to the mystery of our salvation. Gabriel, the holy Archistrategos (Leader of the Heavenly Hosts), is a faithful servant of the Almighty God. He announced the future Incarnation of the Son of God to those of the Old Testament; he inspired the Prophet Moses to write the Pentateuch (first five books of the Old Testament), he announced the coming tribulations of the Chosen People to the Prophet Daniel (Dan. 8:16, 9:21-24); he appeared to Saint Anna (July 25) with the news that she would give birth to the Virgin Mary. The holy Archangel Gabriel remained with the Holy Virgin Mary when She was a child in the Temple of Jerusalem, and watched over Her throughout Her earthly life. He appeared to the Priest Zachariah, foretelling the birth of the Forerunner of the Lord, Saint John the Baptist. The Lord sent him to Saint Joseph the Betrothed in a dream, to reveal to him the mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God from the All-Pure Virgin Mary, and warned him of the wicked intentions of Herod, ordering him to flee into Egypt with the divine Infant and His Mother. When the Lord prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane before His Passion, the Archangel Gabriel, whose very name signifies “Man of God” (Luke. 22:43), was sent from Heaven to strengthen Him. The Myrrh-Bearing Women heard from the Archangel the joyous news of Christ’s Resurrection (Mt.28:1-7, Mark 16:1-8). Mindful of the manifold appearances of the holy Archangel Gabriel and of his zealous fulfilling of God’s will, and confessing his intercession for Christians before the Lord, the Orthodox Church calls upon its children to pray to the great Archangel with faith and love. The Synaxis of the Holy Archangel Gabriel is also celebrated on July 13. All the angels are commemorated on November 8. Troparion — Tone 4 Gabriel, commander of the heavenly hosts,/we who are unworthy beseech you,/by your prayers encompass us beneath the wings of your immaterial glory,/and faithfully preserve us who fall down and cry to you:/“Deliver us from all harm, for you are the commander of the powers on high!” Kontakion — Tone 8 Supreme commander Gabriel,/you are the glorious intercessor and servant/before the all-radiant, worthy, all-powerful, infinite and awesome Trinity./Ever pray now that we may be delivered from all tribulations and torments,/so that we may cry out to you:/“Rejoice, protection of your servants!” Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Tweet Нравится Theophany “bathing” not a sport, not for forgiveness of sins says St. Petersburg Diocese Moscow, January 17, 2017 Photo:      The St. Petersburg Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church is calling upon all faithful to sensibly approach Theophany “bathing” in fonts, pools, creeks, and ponds, neither for sport nor for forgiveness of sins. “There is a belief that if you immerse yourself in a font, you will wash away all your sins. I hasten to disappoint you,” says Fr. Bogdan Polevoi of the Joy of All Who Sorrow podvoriye of the Holy Trinity-Zelenesk Monastery, “but this is absolutely not true. If you led an indecent life for a whole year, allowing yourself anything, and then decide that if you come and plunge on January 18 or 19, you will be clean, pure, and wonderful—this is a mistaken belief,” he stated in a press conference with Interfax-Religion on Tuesday. It is a widespread custom in Russia to plunge three times into freezing bodies of water, often in Cross-shaped holes, or in pools set up throughout the cities on the feast of the Theophany—the Lord’s Baptism, on January 18 and 19. Fr. Bogdan is urging all participants to remember and perceive the sacred meaning of the act, without which it becomes “nothing more than some kind of sport or extreme procedure.” The Church has no official position on Theophany bathing as an ecclesiastical custom Fr. Bogdan reminds. Rather it is a good and pious folk custom which arose relatively recently. Emergency personnel will be standing by for the more than 1.5 million expected participants throughout the country, for which more than 3,500 designated places will be set up. 17 января 2017 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также For the Holy Cross For the Holy Cross Photogallery Swimming for the Holy Cross is one of the most favorite traditions of the Serbian people. Under the Communist party this custom was forgotten, but its revival began late in the 1990s and, particularly, early in the 2000s. Let’s Be Partakers! Archpriest Alexander Lebedev Let’s Be Partakers! When will holy water truly sanctify us? Archpriest Alexander Lebedev Archpriest Alexander Lebedev talks about the meaning and significance of the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, how and when the grace-filled power of holy water manifests, and whether it can turn out to be “fruitless”. Epiphany Epiphany The sixth of January is the feast of the Epiphany. Originally it was the one Christian feast of the “shining forth” of God to the world in the human form of Jesus of Nazareth. It included the celebration of Christ’s birth, the adoration of the Wisemen, and all of the childhood events of Christ such as his circumcision and presentation to the temple as well as his baptism by John in the Jordan. Комментарии © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru


Right hand of Grand Duchess Elizabeth the New Martyr arrives in St. Petersburg from NYC Moscow, May 5, 2017 Photo: mitropolia.spb.ru      A reliquary with the right hand of the holy New Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna arrived in St. Petersburg today. The reliquary, which also contains relics of the holy New Martyr Nun Barbara, was brought from the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR) Synodal Cathedral of the Sign in New York by chairman of the ROCOR Synodal Youth Department Archpriest Andrei Sommer, reports the site of the St. Petersburg Diocese. The relics are visiting Russia by the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral), first hierarch of ROCOR, and Metropolitan Barsanuphius of St. Petersburg and Ladoga. Photo: mitropolia.spb.ru      The reliquary was greeted at the airport by Bishop Nazary of Kronstadt and clergy of the St. Petersburg Diocese and then taken to the St. Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg. A moleben was celebrated before the relics in the lavra’s Holy Trinity Cathedral, after which all gathered had the opportunity to venerate the relics. “One hundred years ago in our glorious city the revolution began,” said Bishop Nazary. “Many people still welcome it as an achievement, and this means that atonement has not yet arrived in our society. I’m more inclined to call this event the great disaster that befell not only Russia within its present limits, but the whole territory of the Russian Empire,” he stressed. “This revolution marked the beginning of the division. The only positive value of these events is that the patriarchate was restored in Russia.” The archbishop called upon all present to contemplate the sad event of a century ago, and to pray to God and the martyrs to prevent such a thing from ever happening again. Photo: mitropolia.spb.ru      The full relics of Sts. Elizabeth and Barbara are housed in the St. Mary Magdalene Monastery in the Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem. St. Elizabeth’s relics were taken from Alapaevsk, Russia through Shanghai to Jerusalem, where she desired to be buried, in 1918. Her right hand was transferred to the United States after her 1981 canonization by ROCOR. The sacred relics will remain at the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the St. Alexander Nevsky Lavra from May 5 to 9, and at the Cathedral of the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God in memory of the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanov from May 9 to 11. 5 мая 2017 г. скрыть способы оплаты скрыть способы оплаты Смотри также Комментарии Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Venerable Ioseb of Khevi, Elder and Wonderworker (†1763) Memory 7 (20) October Little is known about the life of St. Ioseb of Khevi. The Church is certain only that he was a native of Khevi (in northern Georgia) and served as a priest in that village. In addition to being great warriors, the people of Khevi have throughout history been remarkably steadfast in the Christian Faith. The churches and monasteries in Khevi are extraordinary in both beauty and inaccessibility. They were deliberately built in mountainous places, as if reaching them should demand the greatest of zeal. The most important ornament and symbol of Khevi is the ice that perpetually caps the peak of Mt. Mqinvari (Kazbegi). On the slope of this mountain stands Trinity Monastery, where at one time St. Nino’s cross was preserved (it is presently kept in Tbilisi, in the northern section of the iconostasis at Sioni Cathedral). Located above Trinity Monastery, on the ice-covered, vertical cliff of Mt. Mqinvari, is a cave hermitage at 13,450 feet, known as the Bethlehem Cave. It is possible to reach this hermitage only by climbing chains let down from its height. According to the chronicle Life of Kartli, this cave has throughout history been used to store sacred objects and treasures of the Church. The historian Davit Batonishvili records that St. Ioseb was especially known for his love of holy objects, for keeping the strictest of fasts, and for his outstanding virtues. He climbed to the Bethlehem Hermitage and returned with a piece of the tent of the patriarch Abraham, which he presented to King Erekle. Having attained the heights of clairvoyance and miracle-working, St. Ioseb reposed peacefully in the year 1763. Thou art illumined by divine grace, O Holy Father Ioseb the Elder. Pray to Christ God on behalf of those who venerate thy holy name! Georgian tradition relates that both the tent of the Patriarch Abraham and the manger of Christ were kept in the Bethlehem Cave for many centuries.   Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze 8 ноября 2007 г. ... Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


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