Статья посвящена рассмотрению инструментария библеиста: переводов и изданий Библии на различных языках, библейских словарей и энциклопедий, комментариев к Священному Писанию , а также библейских компьютерных программ, без использования которых на сегодняшний день невозможно профессиональное изучение библейского текста. Ключевые слова: переводы Библии, издания Библии, библейские словари, библейские энциклопедии, библейские комментарии, библейские компьютерные программы. D.Dobykin, Saint Petersburg Theological Academy Biblical Scholar’s Library The article is devoted to the " biblical scholar’s toolkit»: translations and editions of the Bible in various languages, biblical dictionaries and encyclopedias, commentaries on the Holy Scripture and biblical software, the absence of which today makes it impossible to study the Biblical text professionally. Keywords: translations of the Bible, editions of the Bible, biblical dictionaries, Biblical encyclopedias, biblical commentaries, biblical software programs. При чтении Библии часто возникают вопросы о значении слов, стихов или отрывков. Для того чтобы найти истинное значение прочитанного текста, необходимо обращаться к дополнительной литературе. Сейчас на русском языке уже издано много книг по библеистике, и сделать выбор достаточно сложно. При составлении библиотеки библеисту, во-первых, надо помнить, что «пособия надо принимать только за средства к изысканию истины, а не за самую истину, которая только еще ищется» 1 . Во-вторых, следуя правилу апостола: «Все испытывайте, хорошего держитесь» ( 1Фес.5:21 ) – стоит обращаться и к тем пособиям, которые написаны неправославными. Конечно, в первую очередь надо обращаться к святоотеческим толкованиям, затем к православным ученым-богословам и только потом ко всем остальным. Блж. Августин советует употреблять для дела Божия даже творения языческих мудрецов, если они в каких-либо случаях могут ему служить (Христианская наука, II, 40) 2 . Свт. Василий Великий дает христианским юношам наставление, каким именно образом можно пользоваться языческими писаниями в деле христианского учения (Беседа XXII, К юношам о том, как получать пользу из языческих сочинений) 3 .


И. Скерцо Информация о форматировании Основные используемые источники Библия каноническая, Синодальный перевод (по умолчанию). ПЕК – Перевод епископа Кассиана, перевод с греческого подлинника Нового Завета. Новый Завет на греческом языке с подстрочным переводом на русский язык, СПб, РБО, 2001. NLEK – Новый лингвистический и экзегетический ключ к греческому тексту Нового Завета, СПб, Библия для всех, 2001. WH – Greek New Testament. Westcott-Hort text from 1881. NA – Greek New Testament. Nestle-Aland 26/27 edition. UBS – Greek New Testament. United Bible Societies 3/4 edition. LXX – Septuagint. BHS – Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Греческо-русский и еврейско-русский лексикон Стронга. Древнегреческо-русский словарь И.Х. Дворецкого, под редакцией С.И.Соболевского. · Список использованных публикаций Общества Сторожевой Башни (ОСБ): Внимайте пророчеству Даниила! 1999 г. Внимайте себе и всему стаду, 1992 г. (книга для старейшин). Ежегодник Свидетелей Иеговы (периодическое издание: 1 раз в год). Истина, ведущая к жизни вечной, 1968 г. Исследования Писаний (серия томов Ч. Рассела, пер. с англ. «Studies in the Scriptures», 188 6–1917 г.). Как завести и продолжить разговор на библейскую тему, 1994 г. Наше царственное служение/НЦС/(ежемесячный бюллетень для внутреннего пользования). Объединены в поклонении единому истинному Богу, 1989 г. Организованы проводить наше служение, 1990 г. (книга для возвещателей). Организованы, чтобы исполнять волю Иеговы, 2005. (книга для возвещателей). Откровение: его грандиозный апогей близок! 2002 г. Перевод Нового Мира/ПНМ/. Христианские греческие писания в переводе на русский язык, 2001 г; New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures/NWT/. Познание, ведущее к вечной жизни, 1995 г. (книга для изучения). Поклоняйтесь единственному истинному Богу, 2002 г. Понимание Писаний, 1988 г. (пер. с англ. «Insight on the Scriptures»). Приближайся к Иегове, 2002 г. Приложение к Переводу Нового Мира; Appendix NWT. Пробудитесь! (периодическое издание). Рассуждение на основании Писания, 1989 г. (пер. с англ. «Reasoningfrom the Scripmures»).Cbuдemeлu Иеговы в России, 1995 г.


Tweet Нравится Saint Arsen, Bishop of Ninotsminda (†1082) Memory 31 July (13 August) Arsen of Ninotsminda was an ascetic who labored in the 11th century. History tells us that he was a brilliant translator, writer, calligrapher, and theologian, and indeed one of the greatest Church figures of his time. St. Arsen was tonsured a monk in Jerusalem, and after some time he returned to Georgia, where he was consecrated bishop of Ninotsminda. But the venerable Arsen longed to lead a life of solitude, so he approached King Davit Kuropalates for permission to resign from the bishopric and settle at a monastery. The king honored Arsen’s request, and the pious man set off for the monastery with Ioane Grdzeslidze, a man of letters and another great figure in the Church. When the news of his decision reached the Iveron Monastery on Mt. Athos, Sts. Ioane and Ekvtime invited the fathers to Mt. Athos, and the next year Arsen and Ioane arrived at the Holy Mountain. There they assisted St. Ekvtime in his translations of the Holy Scriptures and many theological books. St. Arsen labored fruitfully at the Iveron Monastery for many years and reposed peacefully at an advanced age. He was buried on Mt. Athos at the monastery’s church of St. Simeon the Stylite. St. Giorgi of the Holy Mountain later translated his relics to the ossuary of the monastery’s catholicon. Outstanding in virtue and a fulfiller of Christ’s commandments, O Holy Father Arsen, pray to God for us! Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze For further information on the book THE LIVES OF THE GEORGIAN SAINTS by Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze contact St. Herman Press : St. Herman Press, P.O. Box 70, Platina, CA 96076 15 августа 2007 г. Saint Tsotne Dadiani the Confessor (13th century) Commemorated July 30/August 12 Saint Tsotne Dadiani the Confessor (13th century) Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze Saint Tsotne Dadiani, a virtuous military leader and the prince of Egrisi, lived in the middle of the 13th century. During that time Georgia languished under the yoke of Mongol oppression.


Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus opposes revision of the Church tradition regarding sodomy/Православие.Ru Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus opposes revision of the Church tradition regarding sodomy Athens, April 5, 2015 Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus has severely criticized attempts revise the Church tradition regarding sodomy, reports AgionOros.ru with reference to Romfea.      “The enemy is striving to make us, people, slaves to the flesh and to the sin, to turn spiritual creatures into material ones, like dumb animals…” “The Orthodox Church respects private life and man’s free will. However, it should be noted that the process of legalization of the crime against the human nature and physiology is going on: today the vile passion of homosexualism has been legally recognized; tomorrow pedophilia will be legalized (take Holland, for example); the next will be bestiality (Germany). This is the gravest crime against Eternal God and the human personality, repeating the blasphemy of Sodom and Gomorrah.” “Justification, support and promotion of these shameful and ungodly passions as well as attempts to present them as a variation of the norm are unnatural and inadmissible. The Holy Scriptures which express the Will of God more than once condemn homosexuality as a passion, a sin and abomination.” “For all the Holy Fathers homosexuality is one of the most corrupt and unclean sins, an outrageous ingratitude to the Creator, blasphemy and denial of the Gospel. The public propaganda of homosexuality is like a plague on both the family and the society. Moreover, it will cause psychopathological disorders in children raised by same-sex couples (and we are being actively urged to accept this practice).” 6 апреля 2015 г. Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также “Satan has crawled like a snake into the Finnish Parliament” Jonah Beckham “Satan has crawled like a snake into the Finnish Parliament” Johan Beckman If the given law is in fact passed, then this will signify the end of Christianity in the official Church of Finland.


Источники и пособия Библия на еврейском языке. Издание А. Рейхарда. Вена 1877. Vetus Testamentum graecum cum variis lectionibus edidit. Holmes. Т. 4. Prophetae. Oxonii. 1827. Biblia sacra, Vulgatae editionis, Sixti Qunti. Editio nova, auctoritate summi pontificis leonis XII excusa. Francofurti a M. 1826. Библия на славянском языке. Санкт-Петербург. 1872. Библия в русском переводе. Издание третье (синодское). Санкт-Петербург. 1882 г. Книги Священного Писания переведены с еврейского языка и изданы Обществом распространения Библии в Британии и в других странах. Лондон. 1875. Пророческие книги Ветхого Завета. Опыт переложения на русский язык. Алтайского миссионера Архимандрита Макария. Москва.1863. Св. Ефрема Сирина . Творения в русском переводе. Москва. 1853. Часть 8-я. «Толкование на книгу пророчеств Иоиля». Стр. 131 и сл. Alexandr. Opera. T. 4. ωλ. (Migne Curs. Completus. Series Graeca. T. 71. Parisiis. 1859). Бл. Феодорита. Творения в русском переводе. Москва. 1857. Часть 4-я. «Толкование на пророка Иоиля» Стр. 318 и сл. Hieronymi. Opera. Editio Mariani Victorii Reatini Parisiis. 1643. Tom. V. Commentaria in Ioelem p. 77 sqq. Rosenmilller. Scholia in Vetus Testamentum. Prophetæ minores. Vol. 1. Lipsiæ. 1812. Ioel p. 430 sqq. Justi. Ioel neu ubersetzt und erklärt. Lpz. 1820. Kurzgefasstes exegetisches Handbuch zum Alten Testament. 1 Lieferung. Die kleinen Propheten von. Hitzig. Lpz/1838/Ioel.. Ewald. Die Propheten des Alten Bundes 1 Bd. Stuttgart. 1840. Ioel. Migne. Scripturae sacrae cursus completus. T. 20. Parisiis. 1841. Ioel. Здесь помещено толкование на кн. пр. Иоиля Кальмета. Hengstenberg. Christologie des Alten Testamentes, 1 Bd. 2 Ausgabe. Berlin 1854. Ioel. Schegg. Die kleinen Propheten. 1 Thl. Regensburg. 1854. Ioel. Keil. Biblischer Commentar uber die zwolf kleinen Propheten. Leipzig. 1806. Ioel. Wünsche. Die Weissagungen des Propheten Ioel. Leipzig. 1872. Grätz. Der einheitliche Character der Prophetie Ioels. Breslau. 1873. Cook. The Holy Bible with a explanatory and critical Commentary. Vol. VI. London 1876. Ioel p. 494 flw. Это сочинение, обыкновенно, называется «Speaker Bible».


As Orthodox Believers are Deprived of the Eucharist, Patriarch Daniel Indicates Other Ways of Partaking of Christ Source: Basilica.ro As Romanian Orthodox believers are deprived of receiving Holy Communion in churches following the coronavirus outbreak, Patriarch Daniel said there are several ways to receive Christ in our souls spiritually. ‘Now only those who call priests home can receive the Eucharist,’ Patriarch Daniel said during his homily in an empty patriarchal cathedral on Holy Thursday. His Beatitude referred to one of his spiritual directors, Elder Cleopas Ilie from Sihastria Monastery, who based on the experience of the Saints ‘shows us that besides the Holy Eucharist – as the highest way to partake of Christ – there are also other ways to unite with our Saviour.’ Prayer is the first work by which we can spiritually partake of Christ, the Patriarch explained. ‘Christ, who is called in prayer, comes in us mystically through the Holy Spirit and abides in us and transmits His humble and merciful love.’ Another way through which we spiritually receive Christ is by listening to God’s Word in the Holy Scriptures. ‘When we listen to Christ’s words, He secretly comes into our souls and sanctifies not only our ears but also our soul and body.’ Remembering the teaching of Sts Maximos the Confessor and Mark the Ascetic, Patriarch Daniel said that ‘we also partake of Christ by fulfilling His commandments: to love God and our neighbours.’ Therefore, when we are deprived of the Eucharist, we should communicate spiritually with Christ ‘through prayer, by listening to God’s Word, by listening to church services and through many merciful deeds.’ He reminded that the desert fathers rarely received Holy Communion, ‘but they communicated very often through prayer, feats and a great love for God and others.’ His Beatitude stressed the significant importance of the Holy Eucharist instituted by the Saviour Jesus Christ on the Great and Holy Thursday. The Holy Fathers called it ‘the medicine of immortality,’ the Patriarch explained, adding that Holy Communion is administered as ‘a provision for eternal life.’


Photo: missionrocor.ru During these holy days of Great Lent and Passion Week throughout the world, churches have been closed. By Divine allowance, government officials of many nations have, from fear of the spread of COVID-19, announced general quarantines, including in the Holy Land. Christians have limited access to holy sites, deprived of spiritual support, common prayer and the partaking of the Holy Gifts of Christ in their churches. Still, daily divine services are being celebrated in the churches of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem of the Russian Church Abroad. The clergy, brethren and sisters of the mission pray that the Lord replace His righteous wrath with mercy and would root out this illness and the fear it causes for our true repentance, and that He grant state officials wisdom and discernment. Lazarus Saturday is always a joyous event in the Bethany Community of the Resurrection of Christ (what is known now as the town of Azaria), where Righteous Lazarus and his sisters Martha and Maria lived. From Holy Scripture, we know that Christ often visited His friends, who loved and always happily welcomed Him. On this day, which precedes His salvific sufferings, Crucifixion and Resurrection, the Holy Church praises His raising of Lazarus, who had been dead for four days. This year’s celebration was modest but solemn. Archimandrite Roman (Krassovsky), Chief of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem, arrived for evening services. Though entry into Bethany is blocked, Fr Roman and Monk Avenir, after a brief questioning, were kindly allowed through. The Bethany Community operates a girls’ boarding school, which following the quarantine, still has 13 students living there. Archimandrite Innokenty (Sereda) lives there as well, among the nuns and students. Great compline and matins were performed at the upper Church of Righteous Lazarus, Martha and Maria. According to the custom, after evening services, everyone visits the grave of St Lazarus where he was resurrected by the Lord. This year, it is closed to pilgrims, but in response to a request sent to the municipality, the small community was granted permission to visit. It was the only visit allowed on this holy day. The pilgrims entered with lit candles, and after hearing the reading of the Gospel of the day, they prayed for all Orthodox Christians who were unable to participate in the pilgrimage, and who were unable in general to attend church. Venerating the place of Lazarus’ resurrection, the pilgrims departed at the crack of dawn.


Metropolitan Nicolae signs Orthodox hierarchs’ Statement on Sanctity of Life: We are fully human from conception Source: Basilica.ro Photo credit: Freepik.com Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan Nicolae of the Americas has recently signed a joint statement of US Orthodox hierarchs which clarifies their position on abortion and affirms the equality of preborn children with all the people who have already been born. “The Orthodox Church has consistently and unequivocally recognized the full humanity of every person beginning at the moment of conception,” is written in the document, entitled  Statement on the Sanctity of Life . “This position is informed by Scripture and Holy Tradition and is validated by modern science, which confirms that a new, distinct human organism comes into existence at conception. The Orthodox Church is, and always has been, unabashedly pro-life, regarding abortion as the killing of another human being.” The message mentions that American law, just as that of other states as well discriminates from this point of view between preborn children on one hand and already-born children and adults on the other hand. “There is no basis in either law or science, and certainly not in morality or religion, to draw a distinction between a human who is in the womb and a human who is outside of it,” the Orthodox hierarchs emphasize. They explain their affirmation is based on the Holy Scripture: “It is true that the Most Holy Theotokos gave her consent to the Incarnation of the Uncreated Word of God (our Saviour Jesus Christ – ed.n.)” “Once this consent was given, the Incarnation took place: the Word became flesh at that moment. The Orthodox Church embraces this paradox of the Incarnation, of the Uncreated becoming one of His creatures. Yet while paradoxes of this kind are essential to our faith, so too is clarity: the clarity that the newly-conceived human – including the Lord Himself at the moment of His conception – is a full human.” “Here, then, the consent of the Theotokos ends, and her duties as a mother begin: once she conceived the Lord, she had the sacred responsibility of nurturing and caring for Him, which she fulfilled perfectly,” the hierarchs add.


St Nicodemus the Sanctified of Tismana      Pious Nicodemus was of Macedonian-Romanian origin. He was born in Prilep, in the South of Serbia, about 1320, being related to the ruling prince of Wallachia Nicolae Alexandru Basarab (1352-1364) and to Holy Prince Lazar of Serbia (1371-1389). He learned to read the Holy Scriptures from childhood and loved to serve Christ. While his parents wished to see him holding high positions according to their rank, he gave up all his parents’ fortune and the fame of the world. Dressed in poor clothes he fled his parents’ house and went to Holy Mount Athos , where he entered Hilandar Monastery . After three years of discipleship he was tonsured into monasticism, then ordained deacon, and after some time, a priest. Later he went back to Serbia, where he set up two monasteries and a parish church. In about 1369, Saint Nicodemus arrived in Wallachia, miraculously crossing the River Danube. With the blessing of Saint Hyacinth, then metropolitan of Wallachia, he settled here and set up Motru and Vodia Monasteries . In 1375, Saint Nicodemus was a member of the delegation that went to the Patriarchate of Constantinople to reconcile it with the Church of Serbia after some disagreements. Saint Patriarch Philotheus of Constantinople (1354-1355; 1364-1376) highly esteemed Saint Nicodemus, elevated him to the rank of archimandrite, and gave him a patriarchal staff and three particles of holy relics. He came back to Wallachia where, through divine instruction, he set up Tismana Monastery in 1378. Pious Nicodemus settled there together with some of his disciples, but the number of those who would serve Christ under the spiritual guidance and advice of the wise abbot was increasing. He taught them all kindly and guided them to fulfill the will of God. Saint Nicodemus was a great founder and organizer of the monastic life here, according to the regulations of the Holy Mount Athos, and his disciples also founded, helped by the righteous Romanian ruler princes, the first coenobitic monasteries of Wallachia, which also had the task of opposing Catholic proselytism.


A long-awaited, 60-plus page document by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, titled  “Of What Life Do We Speak?  Four Pillars for the Fulfillment of the Apostolic Work of the Church,”  was released on Friday, June 29, 2018—the Feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul—in preparation for the  19th All-American Council  of the Orthodox Church in America. Drawing on Scripture and the writings of the late Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann, Metropolitan Tikhon focuses on four essential areas, or “pillars,” of the Orthodox Christian Tradition—the Spiritual Life, Stewardship, Relations with Others, and Outreach and Evangelism.  In each instance, Metropolitan Tikhon relates these four pillars, individually and collectively, to the overall life of the Church for clergy and faithful alike while considering the challenges facing the Orthodox Church in America as it continues to minister and witness well into the 21st century. “The work I am releasing today is the product of prayer and reflection, as well as the consideration of input I have received from the Holy Synod, Metropolitan Council, clergy and individual members of the Orthodox Church in America over the past four years,” Metropolitan Tikhon said.  “It was initially inspired by the theme of our  18th All-American Council  which challenged us to respond to Saint Tikhon’s question: How do we expand the mission of Orthodoxy in North America? “Now, I am offering a framework which will further help guide the work of the Orthodox Church in America, her parishes, clergy, monastics, and faithful, not only during our discussions at the 19th All-American Council in Saint Louis, but for decades to come,” Metropolitan Tikhon concluded.  “May the intercessions of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, whose memory we celebrate today, guide and inspire us on this journey.” The  complete text of  Of What Life Do We Speak?  is available in PDF format for downloading.  Copies also will be available at the 19th All-American Council, slated to convene in Saint Louis, MO July 23-27, 2018.


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