The place ofwomen in the counsels of the church for the future; their place in its offices of authority, and its common social and missionary strategies for the centuries ahead, is something that remains to be worked out and something that calls to be worked out, for the newly ascendant educa­tion and professional eminence of so many modern women demands an extensive reconsideration of the role of women in the Orthodox Church worldwide. Such a discussion has been partially initiated in the modern era, but a long road lies ahead, demanding much Christian honesty and willingness in all the Orthodox communi­ties – not only those that already have large numbers of professionally educated women, but also those (for historical rea­sons) with less. SEE ALSO: Contemporary Orthodox Theol­ogy; Deaconess; Marriage; Monasticism; St. Elizaveta Feodorovna (1864–1918); Virgins; Widows REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS Cameron, A. and Kuhrt, A. (eds.) (1983) Images of Women in Antiquity. Detroit: Wayne State University Press. Connor, C. (2004) Women of Byzantium. New Haven: Yale University Press. Constas, N. (2003) Proclus of Constantinople and the Cult of the Virgin in Late Antiquity. Leiden: Brill. Hackel, S. (2003) Pearl of Great Price: The Life of Mother Maria Skobtsova 1891–1945, Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. Holum, K. (1982) Theodosian Empresses: Women and Imperial Dominion in Late Antiquity. Berkeley: University of California Press. Kraemer, R. (1988) Maenads, Martyrs, Matrons, Monastics. Philadelphia: Fortress Press. Lipsius, R. A. and Bonnet, M. (1891) Acta Apostolorum Apocrypha. Leipzig: Mendelssohn. McGuckin, J. A. (1994) St. Cyril of Alexandria: The Christological Controversy. Leiden: E. J. Brill. Talbot, A. M. (1996) Holy Women of Byzantium. Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks. Tsironis, Ν. (2002) Κασσιαν η Υμνοοδς. Athens. Читать далее Источник: The Encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodox Christianity/John Anthony McGuckin - Maldin : John Wiley; Sons Limited, 2012. - 862 p. Поделиться ссылкой на выделенное

144 Vincent, Abel. JN. p. 40–300; Coüasnon Ch. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Jerusalem, London 1974; Corbo V. II Santo Sepolchro di Gerusalemme, I–III. Jerusalem, 1981; Patrich J. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre: History and Architecture//Tsafrir, Safrai (eds.), Jerusalem, p. 353–381; Biddle M. The Tomb of Christ. Phoenix Mill, 1999 145 Vincent, Abel. JN, p. 205–248; Corbo V. Scavo archeologico a ridosso della basilica dell’Ascensione//Liber Annuus 10 (1959–1960), p. 205–248. 146 Richmond E. T. Basilica of the Nativity, Bethlehem//QDAP 5 (1936), p. 75–81; Idem. The Church of the Nativity, the Plan of the Constantinian Building//QDAP 6 (1938), p. 63–66; Vincent H. Bethléem le sanctuaire de la Nativité d’après les fouilles recentes//RB 45 (1936), p. 551–74, 46 (1937), p. 93–121; Bagatti B. Gli antichi edifici sacri di Betlemme. Jerusalem, 1951. 147 Magen Y. The Church of Mary Theotokos on Mt. Gerizim//Ancient Churches Revealed/Ed. Y. Tsafrir. Jerusalem, 1993, p. 83–89. 148 Holum K. G. The Temple Platform: Progress Report on the Excavations//K. G. Holum, A. Raban and J. Patrich (eds.), Caesarea Papers 2 (Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplement 35), p. 13–34. 149 Corbo V. C. Cafamao, I. Jerusalem, 1975, p. 59–111; Idem. The House of Saint Peter at Capharnaum. Jerusalem, 1972; Idem. The Church of the House of St. Peter at Capernaum//Ancient Churches Revealed, p. 71–76. 150 Avner R. Jerusalem, Mar Elias – The Kathisma Church//Excavations and Surveys in Israel, 20 (2000), p. 101–103. 151 See the drawing of the Vienna Ms. 458 in: Meehan D. Adamnan’s De Locis Sanctis. Dublin, 1958 (frontispiece). 152 Theophanes. Chronographia. A. M. 5920/Ed. De Boor, I, Leipzig 1883, p. 86–87; on the translation of the relics to and within Jerusalem and the building of the church of St. Stephen see: Lagrange M. J. Saint Etienne et son sanctuaire à Jérusalem. Paris, 1894; Vincent, Abel. JN, p. 43–104. 153 Holum K. G., Vikan G. The Trier Ivory, Adventus Ceremonial, and the Relics of St. Stephen//DOP 33 (1979), p. 113–133; Idem. Theodosian Empresses – Woman and Imperial Dominion in Late Antiquity. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London, 1982, p. 103–109.

61. “Liturgy as Theology,” Worship 56 (1982) 113-117. 62. “Sunday in the Eastern Tradition,” in M. Searle (ed.), Sunday Morning: A Time for Worship (Collegeville 1982) 49-74. 63. “Ex Oriente lux? Some Reflections on Eucharistic Concelebration,” in K. Seasoltz (ed.), Living Bread, Saving Cup. Readings on the Eucharist (Collegeville 1982) 242-259 (reprint of no. 47). 64. “Byzantine Liturgical Evidence in the Life of St. Marcian the Œconomos: Concelebration and the Preanaphoral Rites,” OCP 48 (1982) 159-170. 65. “Ex Oriente Lux? Zur eucharistischen Konzelebration,” Theologie der Gegenwart 25 (1982) 266-277 (German version of no. 47). 66. “The Byzantine Office in the Prayerbook of New Skete: Evaluation of a Proposed Reform,” OCP 48 (1982) 336-357. 67. “Select Bibliography on the Byzantine Liturgy of the Hours,” OCP 48 (1982) 358-370. 68. “Iqamat al-iwharistiyya ‘abr al-tarih,” Al-Fikr al-Masihi (Mosul, Iraq) 18 no. 177 (1982) 321-328 (Арабскийперевод Yuhanan Gulag 60). 69. “Aradhanakraman Daivasastrathinte Uravidom,” Dukrana (Kottayam, Kerala, India) 2 no. 10 (Oct. 1982) 5-9 (Малаямскийперевод Alex Tharamangalam 61 ). 70. “Das Dankgebet für das Licht. Zu einer Theologie der Vesper,” Der christliche Osten 37 (1982) 127-133, 151-160 (Немецкаяверсия 35). 71. “Praise in the Desert: The Coptic Monastic Office Yesterday and Today,” Worship 56 (1982) 513-536. 72. “Preface” to G. Passarelli, L’eucologio cryptense G. b. VII (sec. X), (Analecta Vlatadon 36, Thessalonika 1982) 7-8. 73. “Historicism Revisited,” SL 14, nos. 2-3-4 (1982) 97-109. 74. “On the Question of Infant Communion in the Byzantine Catholic Churches of the U.S.A.,” Diakonia 17 (1982) 201-214. 75. Review of Mysterion. Nella celebrazione del Mistero di Cristo, la vita della Chiesa. Miscellanea liturgica in occasione dei 70 anni dell’Abate Salvatore Marsili (Quaderni di Rivista liturgica, n.s. no. 5, Leumann [Torino] 1981), OCP 48 (1982) 243-244. 76. Review of H.-J. Schultz, Die byzantinische Liturgie. Glaubenszeugnis und Symbolgestalt (Sophia 5, Trier 1980), OCP 48 (1982) 247-250.

461 For this issue, see very stimulating analysis by: Connor C. L. Art and Miracles in Medieval Byzantium. The Crypt at Hosios Loukas and its Frescoes. Princeton, 1991, p. 93–100. 462 Popovi D. О nastanku kulta svetog Simeona... p. 359–360; on the purpose of the “negative” miracles, Schreiner K. Zum Wahrheitsverstandnis im Heiligen- und Reliquienwesen des Mittelalters//Saeculum 17 (1969), S. 131–169. 463 Danilo Drugi. ivoti kraljeva i arhiepiskopa srpskih/Ed. G. Mak Danijel, D. Petrovi. Beograd, 1988, p. 105–106; on the visits to the relics, see: Snoek G. J. C. Op. cit., p. 242–245. 464 Stichel R. Studien zum Verhältnis von Text und Bild spät- und nachbyzantinischer Vergänglichkeitsdarstellungen. Wien, 1971, S. 126–132; for characteristic examples, see: Nicol M. Meteora. The Rock Monasteries of Thessaly. London, 1963, p. 96; Connor C. L. and W R. The Life and Miracles of St Luke of Steiris. Text, Translation and Commentary. Brookline, Massachusetts, 1993, p. 106–107; Morshakova E., Samoilova 71 Op. cit., p. 194. 465 Popovi D. Kult kralja Dragutina – monaha Teoktista//Zbomik radova Vizantološkog instituta XXXVIII (1999–2000), p. 309–325. 467 Mac Cormack S. Change and Continuity in Late Antiquity: The Ceremony of Adventus//Historia 21 (1972), p. 721–752; Holum K. G., Vikan G. The Trier Ivory, Adventus Ceremonial, and the Relics of St. Stephen//DOP 33 (1979), p. 115–133; Mc Cormick M. Eternal Victory. Triumphal rulership in late antiquity, Byzantium and the early medieval West. Cambridge, 1986; Dufraigne P. Adventus Augusti, Adventus Christi: recherche sur l’exploitation idéologique et litteraire d’un cérémonial dans l’antiquitè tardive. Paris, 1994. 468 Popovi D. Srpska vladarska translatio kao irijumfalni adventus//Trea Jugoslovenaska konfereneija vizantologa/Ed. Lj. Maksimovi (in press). 469 Sveti Sava. Sabrani spisi/Ed. D. Bogdanovid. Beograd, 1986, p. 117; Stefan Prvovenani. Sabrani spisi... p. 88; Domentijan. ivot svetoga Save i ivot svetoga Simeona/Ed. R. Marinkovi. Beograd, 1988, p. 113–116; Teodosije. itija... p. 161–163.

“War and Peace in the Byzantine Divine Liturgy,” in Timothy Miller (ed.), Peace and War in Byzantium, Washington DC 1995. Roger Tomlin. Christianity and the Late Roman Army. Constantine: History, Historiography and Legend. S.N.C. Lieu and D. Montserrat. London, Routledge: 21–51, 1998. Theological Perspectives on Violence and Nonviolence: a Study Process, Geneva 1998. Andre Trocmé. Jesus and the Nonviolent Revolution, Orbis Books; revised expanded edition, 2003. Violence, Nonviolence and Civil Conflict, Geneva, 1983. Why Violence? Why Not Peace? Study Guide, Geneva, 2002. Walter Wink. Jesus and Nonviolence: A Third Way, Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 2003. Alexander F. C. Webster, The Pacifist Option, Rowman & Littlefield, 1999. Alexander F. C. Webster, The Price of Prophecy: Orthodox Churches on Peace, Freedom, and Security, Eerdmans, 1995. Alexander F. C. Webster and Darrell Cole, The Virtue of War: Reclaiming the Classic Christian Traditions East & West, Regina Orthodox Press, 2004. C. Yanaras, “The Challenge of Orthodox Traditionalism,” in Fundamentalism as an Ecumenical Challenge, SCM Press, London, 1996. John Howard Yoder, The Politics of Jesus, Eerdmans, 2 nd edition, 1994. John Howard Yoder, What Would You Do? A Serious Answer to a Standard Question, Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1983. John Howard Yoder, When War Is Unjust: Being Honest in Just-War Thinking, Augsburg Fortress Pub, 1984. G. Zampaglione, The Idea of Peace in Antiquity, Notre Dame, 1973. Nationalism General Motyl (ed.), Encyclopedia of Nationalism, Newark, NJ, 1990. Anderson, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, London and New York, 1991. J. Armstrong, Nations before Nationalism (1982) Chapel Hill, NC, 1982. J. Breuilly, Nationalism and the State, Chicago, 1993. W. Connor, A Nation is a Nation, is a State, is an Ethnic Group, is a …, in Hutchinson and Smith, Nationalism, Oxford, 1994. W. Connor, Ethnonationalism, the Quest for Understanding, Princeton, NJ, 1993.

1990. Vol. 53. N 4. P. 194-204; idem. Idem: Evidence from the Post-Destruction Period//Ibid. 1991. Vol. 54. N 1. P. 28-35; Sullivan R. D. Near Eastern Royalty and Rome, 100-30 B. C. Toronto; L., 1990; Krieger K. S. Die Herodianer im Markusevangelium: Ein neuer Versuch ihrer Identifizierung//BN. 1991. Bd. 59. S. 49-56; Netzer E. Masada: The Yigael Yadin Excavations 1963-1965: Final Reports [Vol.] 3: The Buildings: Stratigraphy and Architecture. Jerusalem, 1991; idem. Cypros//NEAEHL. 1993. Vol. 1. P. 315-317; idem. Jericho//Ibid. Vol. 2. P. 682-692; idem. Masada//Hadashot Arkheologiyot: Excavations and Surveys in Israel. Jerusalem, 1993. Vol. 13. P. 111-112; idem. The Palaces Built by Herod: A Research Update//Judaea and the Greco-Roman World in the Time of Herod in the Light of Archaeological Evidence: Acts of a Symp., Nov. 3rd-4th 1988/Ed. K. Fieeschen, G. Foerster. Gött., 1996. P. 27-54; idem. The Palaces of the Hasmoneans and Herod the Great. Jerusalem, 2001; idem. The Architecture of Herod, the Great Builder. Tüb., 2006; Avigad N. Samaria//NEAEHL. 1993. Vol. 4. P. 1304-1334; Barag D. King Herod " s Royal Castle at Samaria-Sebaste//PEQ. 1993. Vol. 125. N 1/2. P. 3-18; Foerster G. Herodium: The Mountain Palace-Fortress//NEAEHL. 1993. Vol. 2. P. 619-621; Holum K. G., Raban A. Caesarea: The Joint Expedition " s Excavations: Excavations in the 1980 and 1990 and Summary//Ibid. Vol. 1. P. 282-286; Raban A. Caesarea. Maritime Caesarea//Ibid. P. 286-291; Fischer M. L., Stein A. Josephus on the Use of Marble in Building Projects of Herod the Great//JJS. 1994. Vol. 45. N 1. P. 79-85; Caesarea Maritima: A Retrospective after Two Millenia/Ed. A. Raban, K. G. Holum. Leiden; N. Y., 1996; Eisenman R. H. Paul as Herodian//J. of Higher Crimicism. Montclair (N. J.), 1996. Vol. 3. N 1. P. 110-122; Judaea and the Greco-Roman World in the Time of Herod in the Light of Archaeological Evidence: Acts of a Symp., Nov. 3rd-4th 1988/Ed. K. Fittschen, G. Foerster. Gött., 1996; Lönnqvist K. A Reattribution or the King Herod Agrippa I «Year 6» Issue: The Ñanopy and Three Ears of Corn//LA.

K. Fittschen, G. Foerster. Gött., 1996. P. 9-26; Raban A., Holum K. G., ed. Caesarea Maritima: A Retrospective after Two Millennia. Leiden, N. Y., 1996; Alföldy G. Pontius Pilatus und das Tiberieum von Caesarea Maritima//Scripta classica Israelica. Jerusalem, 1999. Vol. 18. P. 85-108; Holum K. G., Raban A., Patrich J., ed. Caesarea Papers 2: Herod " s Temple, The Provincial Governor " s Praetorium and Granaries, The Later Harbour, A Gold Coin Hoard and Other Studies. Portsmouth (R.I.), 1999; Hohlfelder R. Anastasius I, Mud, and Foraminifera: Conflicting Views of Caesarea Maritima " s Harbor in Late Antiquity//BASOR. 2000. Vol. 317. P. 41-62; Patrich J. A Chapel of St. Paul at Caesarea Maritima?//LA. 2000. Vol. 50. P. 363-382; idem. Urban Space in Caesarea Maritima, Israel//Urban Centers and Rural Contexts in Late Antiquity/Ed. J.W. Eadie, T. Burns. East Lancing (Mich.), 2001. P. 77-110; idem. The «Carcers» of the Herodian Hippodrome/Stadium at Caesarea Maritima and Connections with the Circus Maximus//JRArch. 2001. Vol. 14. P. 269-283; idem. The Martyrs of Caesarea: The Urban Context//LA. 2002. Vol. 52. P. 321-346; idem., ed. Archaeological Excavations at Caesarea Maritima. Areas CC, KK and NN: Final Reports. Jerusalem, 2008. Vol. 1: The Objects; idem. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Caesarea Maritima: Caput Judaeae, Metropolis Palaestinae. Leiden, 2011; Kingsley S. «Decline» in the Ports of Palestine in Late Antiquity//Recent Research in Late-Antique Urbanism/Ed. L. Lavan. Portsmouth (R. I.), 2001. P. 69-87; Turnheim Y., Ovadiah A. Art in the Public and Private Spheres in Roman Caesarea Maritima: Temples, Architectural Decoration and Tesserae. R., 2002; Carriker A. The Library of Eusebius of Caesaria. Leiden; Boston, 2003; Netzer E. The Cities in Herod the Great " s Realm//Die Stadt als Grossbaustelle: Von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit: Intern. Kongr. vom 7. bis 11. Nov. 2001 im Auswärtigen Amt, Berlin. B., 2003. P. 75-81; Christians and Christianity in the Holy Land: From the Origins to the Latin Kingdoms/Ed.

43. “La Chiesa di Costantinopoli e la sua liturgia,” L’Osservatore romano 119 n. 273 (mercoledì 28 novembre 1979) 3. 44. “Der Geist des christlichen Gottesdienstes im Osten,” Der christliche Osten 34 (1979) 147-156 (German version of no. 33). 45. “The Pontifical Liturgy of the Great Church according to a Twelfth-Century Diataxis in Codex British Museum Add. 34060,” I: OCP 45 (1979) 279-307. 1980 г. 46. “The Pontifical Liturgy of the Great Church according to a Twelfth-Century Diataxis in Codex British Museum Add. 34060,” II: OCP 46 (1980) 89-124. 47. “Ex Oriente lux? Some Reflections on Eucharistic Concelebration,” Worship 54 (1980) 308-325. 48. “Chronicle: Celebration of the Paschal Triduum,” Worship 54 (1980) 259-260. 49. Review of G. Barrois, Scripture Readings in Orthodox Worship (Crestwood, NY 1977), OCP 46 (1980) 239-240. 50. Review of D.J. Chitty, The Desert a City (Crestwood, NY, n.d.), OCP 46 (1980) 220-221. 51. Review of D. Dudko, Our Hope (Crestwood, NY 1977), OCP 46 (1980) 255-256. 52. Review of The Lenten Triodion, trans. Mother Mary and K. Ware (London/Boston 1978), OCP 46 (1980) 242-245. 1981 г. 53. “The Liturgy of the Great Church. An Initial Synthesis of Structure and Interpretation on the Eve of Iconoclasm,” DOP 34-35 (1980-1981) 45-75. 54. “The Liturgical Year: Studies, Prospects, Reflections,” Worship 55 (1981) 2-23. 55. “Chronicle: Interritual Concelebration,” Worship 55 (1981) 441-444. 56. “Historicisme: une conception à revoir,” LMD 147 (1981) 61-83 (French version of no. 73). 57. Review of Athenagoras Kokkinakis, The Liturgy of the Orthodox Church (London/Oxford 1979), OCP 47 (1981) 250. 58. Review of A Monk of the Eastern Church, The Year of Grace of the Lord (Crestwood, NY 1980), OCP 47 (1981) 255-256. 1982 г. 59. “Al-tuqus al-arqiyyah, turat wa da’wah,” Al-Fikr al-Masihi (Mosul, Iraq) 17 no. 171 (Jan. 1982) 32-40 (ApaбckuйnepeboдLouis Sako 4 ). 60. “The Frequency of the Eucharist throughout History,” Concilium 152 (1982) 13-24=“La fréquence de l’eucharistie à travers l’histoire,” Concilium 172 (1982) 27-44=“La frequenza dell’eucaristia nella storia,” Concilium 18 (1982) 35/189]-53/209=“Die Häufigkeit der Eucharistie im Lauf der Geschichte,” Concilium 18 (1982) 86-95=“De frequentie van de eucharistie in de loop der geschiedenis,” Concilium 18 (1982/2) 19-31=“La frecuencia de la eucaristía a través de la historia,” Concilium 172 (1982) 169-188=“Frequencia da eucaristia ao longo da historia,” Concilium 172 (1982) 19-35.

Слово при вручении архиерейского жезла епископу Дюссельдорфскому Лонгину 11 октября 1981 г. ЖМП. 1982, 1, с. 12. Доклад на заседании МПК 26 января 1982 года. ЖМП. 1982, 3, с. 5. Речь при открытии Всемирной конференции «Религиозные деятели за спасение священного дара жизни от ядерной катастрофы». ЖМП. 1982, 6, с. 4. Доклад на встрече Глав и представителей Церквей и религиозных объединений в Советском Союзе, посвященной подведению итогов Конференции (Троице-Сергиева Лавра, 6 июля 1982 г.). ЖМП. 1982, 9, с. 38. Слово при вручении архиерейского жезла епископу Клименту (Капалину). ЖМП. 1982, 10, с. 8. Речь при открытии Всемирной конференции. ЖМП. 1982, 11, с. 39. Приветствие участникам VI Генеральной конференции АБКМ. ЖМП. 1982, 12, с. 99. Слово на открытии заседаний «круглого стола». ЖМП. 1983, 5, с. 40. Речь при вручении ордена св. князя Владимира Геральду Геттингу. ЖМП. 1983, 8, с. 11. Выступление на юбилейном экуменическом собрании в Томаскирхе г. Лепцига по случаю 500-летия со дня рождения Мартина Лютера 11 ноября 1983 года. ЖМП. 1984, 3, с. 59. Речь при вручении ему диплома доктора богословия «гонорис кауза». ЖМП. 1984, 4, с. 54. Вступительное слово на открытии конференции «круглый стол» 2 апреля 1984 г. ЖМП. 1984, 6, с. 36. Межрелигиозная миротворческая деятельность Русской Православной Церкви. (Доклад на симпозиуме Коллегии докторов Дебреценской реформатской академии 22 августа 1984 г.). ЖМП. 1985, 3, с. 45. Вступительное слово на открытии конференции «круглого стола» 11 февраля 1985 г. ЖМП. 1985, 4, с. 37. Приветственное послание молодым христианам из социалистических стран (прибывших на встречу в Суздаль). ЖМП. 1985, 8, с. 58. Проповедь в соборе св. Петра в Женеве в воскресенье 17 ноября 1985 г. ЖМП. 1986, 2, с. 53. Выступление на встрече за «круглым столом» в Советском комитете солидарности стран Азии и Африки 9 октября 1985 года. ЖМП. 1986, 5, с. 39. Установление христианства на Руси (Речь при вручении диплома доктора богословия «гонорис кауза» на Евангелическом богословском факультете в г. Братиславе 14 июня 1985 г.). ЖМП. 1986, 5, с. 64-68, 6, с. 65-69.

Bourke M. M. The Epistle to the Hebrews Brown R., Perkins P., Saldarini A. Apocrypha; Dead Sea Scrolls; Other Jewish Literature. Byrne B., S.J. The Letter to the Philippians. Collins A.Y. The Apocalypse (Revelation). Collins R.F. The First Letter to the Thessalonians. Dalton W.J., S.J. The First Epistle of Peter. Dillon R. J. Acts of the Apostles Fitzmyer J.A. Introduction to the New Testament Epistles. Fitzmyer J.A. Paul. Fitzmyer J.A. The Letter to Philemon. Fitzmyer J.A. The Letter to the Galatians. Fitzmyer J.A. The Letter to the Romans. Giblin C. H. The Second Letter to the Thessalonians Harrington D. J. The Gospel According to Mark Hartman L.F., Di Lella A.A. Daniel. Horgan M.P. The Letter to the Colossians. Karris R. J. The Gospel According to Luke Kobelski P.J. The Letter to the Ephesians. Leahy T. W. The Epistle of James Meier J.P. Jesus. Murphy-O " Connor J. The First Letter to the Corinthians. Murphy-O " Connor J. The Second Letter to the Corinthians. Neirynck F. Synoptic problem Neyrey J. H. The Second Epistle of Peter Neyrey J. H. The Epistle of Jude Perkins P. The Gospel According to John. Perkins P. The Johannine Epistles Viviano B. T. The Gospel According to Matthew Wild R. A. The Pastoral Letters Wright A.G., Murphy R.E., Fitzmeyer J.A. A History of Israel. Аверинцев С.С. Вступительное слово к: Православное богослужение. Русифицированные тексты Вечерни, Утрени, Литургии св. Иоанна Златоуста. Вып. I. Изд. 2-е. М. 1999. Аверинцев С.С. Некоторые языковые особенности в Евангелиях.//Православная община. М. 1997. Аверинцев С.С. От берегов Босфора до берегов Евфрата. М. 1987. Аверинцев С.С. Павел.//София-Логос. Словарь. Киев. 2000. Аверинцев С.С. Почему Евангелия — не биографии.//Мир Библии. 8. М. 2001. Аверинцев С.С. Слово Божие и Слово Человеческое.//Новая Европа. Христианская Россия. 1995. Аверкий (Таушев), архиеп. Четвероевангелие. Апостол. Руководство к изучению Священного Писания Нового Завета. М. 2002. Адам К. Иисус Христос. Брюссель. 1961. С. 87-121.

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