Tweet Нравится Polish Orthodox Church holds benefit concert for Syrian children Moscow, February 3, 2017 Photo:      A charity concert of Christmas carols was held January 27 in the Royal Castle in Warsaw to benefit children in Syria. The event, initiated by the “True to the Tradition of Generations” association in cooperation with the St. John of Climacus parish in Wola, was the latest in an ongoing string of charity events, reports the site of the Polish Orthodox Church. The hall was filled to the brim. Several honored guests were in attendance, including His Beatitude, Metropolitan Sawa of Warsaw and All Poland, as well as representatives of the diplomatic corps, local governments and educational institutions. The evening began with introductory remarks from Fr. Adam Misijuk, explaining the evening’s purpose of benefiting Syrian children who are suffering from the ongoing war in their land. He mentioned that upon hearing of the evening’s concert, representatives of the Antiochian Orthodox Patriarchate wrote: “It touches our hearts to know that the Orthodox Church in Poland prays for and thinks about how to help Syrians.” The concert then began, continuing with more than two hours of rousing carols from various family and parish choirs, presented in a variety of musical styles and Slavic languages. Loud applause accompanied every piece, as the audience was moved by the magnificent singing and overall message of faith in Almighty God. Following the last carol, the organizers of the concert congratulated the representatives of the Serbian embassy present as well as His Beatitude Sawa on his name’s day—the day of the great Serbian enlightener and first archbishop St. Sava I. The evening finally concluded with a Nativity hymn composed by St. Ephraim the Syrian being sung in Arabic and a joint prayer for Syria and the wellbeing of all those suffering there. 3 февраля 2017 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю:

Tweet Нравится All Bible commentaries gathered on mobile iOS app Moscow, October 11, 2016      Optina Monastery has completed work on the “Commentaries on the Holy Scriptures” mobile app for iOS, reports the monastery’s website . The “Commentaries on the Holy Scriptures” project was begun in 2010 on the basis of the official website of the Orthodox Optina Monastery (in Russian: “Pustyn”, that is, “Hermitage”). The aim of the project is to collect into one place all known commentaries on every verse of the Holy Scriptures. “Now happy users of iPhone (and soon also of iPad) will be able to have commentaries on nearly every verse of the Holy Scriptures that they want near at hand in off-line mode,” a message on the monastery’s website reads. New commentaries daily appear on the website which allows for keeping the application base up to date. The latter is available here . “The commentaries include not only texts of the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church, but also those of other authors, both ancient and modern, whose comments agree with Orthodox Tradition,” the message specifies. According to information from the project authors the same application will be made for Android in the near future as well. Let us keep the following words said by Venerable Ephraim the Syrian in our memory: “When you notice that you get bored with reading Divine Scriptures and that you listen to spiritual instructions with reluctance, then know that your soul has become extremely sick. For this is the beginning of evil-mindedness and those who have had it reaped the fruit of death.” Translated by Dmitry Lapa 13 октября 2016 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также A new App for smartphones and tablets by the Orthodox Metropolitanate of Hong Kong and South East Asia A new App for smartphones and tablets by the Orthodox Metropolitanate of Hong Kong and South East Asia A must have for every Chinese speaking Orthodox Christian and for all those who want to learn more about the Orthodox Church. Being Separate in a Connected World Fr. Chris Makiej Being Separate in a Connected World Fr. Chris Makiej Beloved in Christ, we have to see ourselves as being different than the world around us! As Christians we are called to be “in the world, but not of the world.” (John 15:19). The Scripture says “come out and be separate…” (2 Cor. 6:17). Greek Church Goes Digital Greek Church Goes Digital The Greek Orthodox Church is entering the digital age by enabling the request of various church documents, like baptism certificates, online. Комментарии Alexey Khlopoff 14 октября 2016, 02:00 Are these going to be available in the English language? © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru

Archive Humanitarian aid brought from Russia to the war-damaged church of the Dormition in Syrian city of Zabadani 10 August 2020 year 11:27 Humanitarian aid has been brought to the church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God in the city of Zabadani being restored with the help of Russia and the Russian Orthodox Church. In the course of a joint humanitarian action, the Center for Reconciliation of the Warring Parties in the territory of the Arab Republic of Syria and the Boyevoe Bratstvo [Combat Brotherhood], the Russian national public organization of war veterans, conveyed food packages to parishioners in need. Besides, the church’s Sunday school received from Russian veterans sports equipment, namely, football gates, basketball baskets, ping-pong tables, balls and chess. Before the war, the school was attended by over 700 children; there were sports events, festivals and youth activities arranged for them. At present, there are only 150 schoolchildren in it. As Dmitry Sablin, Boyevoe Bratstvo first deputy head, noted, the church in Zabadani had always been a center of attraction for local Christians. During the war, this city, located 30 km away from Damascus, was repeatedly captured by Jabhat al-Nusra militants and Christians had to flee it. The church of the Dormition with its almost two-century-old history was looted and damaged. At present, worship services are held in an adjacent building, but already in a month’s time, according to Metropolitan Ephraim of Seleucia, vicar of His Beatitude Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, the Orthodox people in Zabadani hope to assemble for worship in the church and by the end of the year to complete restoration work in it. ‘The aid and support of Russia are very important for us. It is a guarantee that those who had to flee from militants will come back home and that Christians will remain in their land’, the archpastor stressed. The parish youth group told the Russian guests about their work including studies with Sunday school children. They sang Christian hymns for the guests and invited them to come for Christmas in the already restored church. Parishioners of the church of the Finding of the Holy Sepulchre in Moscow who have helped the Syrian Sunday schools in a regular basis promised to send them Christmas gifts. Participating in the meeting were E. Kurbanov, councillor of the Russian embassy in Syria and A. Kozlenko, first secretary of the embassy, as well as Boyevoe Bratstvo representatives, and military personnel from the Russian Center of Reconciliation in Syria. DECR Communication Service / Календарь ← 7 April 2024 year

2001. Vol. 35. P. 502-507; Shemunkasho A. Healing in the Theology of St. Ephrem. Piscataway (N. J.), 2002; Bierbaums M. Ephraim the Syrian on «Freedom of the Will» in Manichaeism//Aram Periodical. 2004. Vol. 16. N 2. P. 263-277; Lange C. The Portrayal of Christ in the Syriac Commentary on the Diatessaron. Leuven, 2005. (CSCO; 616. Subs; 118); Sauma A. Efrem Syriern (306-373): Hans liv och skrifter. Stockholm, 2005; Biesen K., den. Simple and Bold: Ephrem " s Art of Symbolic Thought. Piscataway (N. J.), 2006; Karukaparampil O. J. Concept of God in Ephrem and in «Rig Veda»//PdO. 2006. T. 31. P. 191-199; Tanoglu I., Tanoglu S. Eserleriyle Mor Afrem. Istanbul, 2006. С. Брок «Греческий Ефрем» Несомненно, что тексты на греч. языке, приписываемые Е. С., имели хождение уже при его жизни или вскоре после его смерти и высоко ценились св. отцами. Предполагается, что греч. и лат. мир был знаком только с греч. текстами, приписывавшимися Е. С., при этом подлинные сир. тексты оставались неизвестными. Поскольку греч. тексты Е. С. обычно считаются неподлинными, они, как правило, остаются вне поля зрения исследователей. До недавнего времени греч. сочинения, приписывавшиеся Е. С., были малодоступны: они существовали только в громоздких (in folio) изданиях XVIII в. Ранние свидетельства Различные авторы с IV по IX в. свидетельствуют о высоком авторитете Е. С. в визант. правосл. мире, однако его репутация основывалась полностью на обширном корпусе сочинений на греч. языке, приписывавшихся ему; сами авторы свидетельств были уверены, что они имеют дело с переводами подлинных работ, написанных по-сирийски. Блж. Иероним Стридонский В 115-й гл. соч. «De Viris Illustribus» блж. Иероним говорит о Е. С. как о «диаконе Церкви в Эдессе» (Edessenae Ecclesiae diaconus) и сообщает: «...он писал много на сирийском языке и достиг столь великой славы, что в некоторых церквах его писания читались вслух после чтения Писаний» (multo Syro sermone composuit et ad tantam venit claritudinem, ut post lectionem Scripturarum publice in quibusdam ecclesiis eius scripta recitentur). Далее он сообщает, что читал «его книгу о Святом Духе, которую некто перевел с сирийского» (eius volumen de Spiritu Sancto, quod quidam de Syriaca verterat) и «обнаружил проницательность возвышенного ума даже в переводе» (et acumen sublimis ingenii, etiam in translatione, cognovi). Созомен Немного позже историк Созомен посвятил Е. С. специальную главу «Церковной истории» ( Sozom. Hist. eccl. III 16), не имеющую соответствия в «Церковной истории» Сократа, к-рую Созомен использовал в качестве образца. Он превозносит стиль Е. С. и говорит, что его произведения звучат по-гречески так же, как и по-сирийски, и превосходят сочинения самых выдающихся греч. писателей, чьи работы только теряют при переводе. Он говорит, что писания Е. С., состоящие из 300 тыс. строк, были переведены на греч. язык во время его жизни и продолжали переводиться. Севир, патриарх Антиохийский

For a number of centuries the Church of the East had only sporadic contact with the Christians of the ‘land of the Romans’ (the Eastern Roman Empire). At the Local Council of 410 in Seleucia-Ctesiphon the Church of the East, which earlier had come under the Church of Antioch, proclaimed its independence, and the bishop of Seleucia-Ctesiphon became the head of all Christians in Persia. The decision of the Synod was confirmed by Shah Yazdegerd I (399 – 420) who treated Christians favourably. At the Council at Markabte in 424 the powers of the bishop of Seleucia-Ctesiphon as head of the Persian Church were confirmed and broadened. As a result the leader of the Persian Christians became known as the Catholicos-Patriarch of the East. The isolated position of the Church of the East to a significant degree determined the specific nature of its historical development. It formed its own liturgical traditions, its own theological schools came into being and its own independent theological language arose. A huge influence on the development of Syrian Christianity was exerted by the movement of the so called ‘sons of the covenant’ (bnay qyama), which blossomed in the fourth century . The ‘sons of the covenant’ gave an oath of chastity and led an ascetic way of life. They often united into small communities for the purpose of communal living. As a result the basic ideas of the ‘sons of the covenant’ became the foundation of  Syrian monastic spirituality. An important theological centre of all Eastern Syrian Christianity was the so called ‘school of the Persians’ (i.e. Persian refugees), founded in the fourth century in Edessa. The main subject that was taught was Scripture: disciples listened and noted down the commentaries of their instructor . The school was attended by the Syriac-speaking youth of Edessa and the surrounding regions, as well as by immigrants from Persia . The commentaries of St. Ephraim the Syrian, who interpreted some of the books of the Bible, was used as a model for the interpretation of Scripture until the mid-fifth century.

The hierarchy of our Church in the person of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill and the Holy Synod devotes great attention to the development of various branches of theological scholarship and the consolidation of the scholarly resources available. One such branch is patristics. The study of the works of the holy fathers was one of the priority tasks of the theological academies as far back as the pre-revolutionary period. The academies were the basis for the systematic translation of the works of the holy fathers, thanks to which we now have at our disposal the multi-volume collections of the works of such Greek and Latin authors as Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, John Chrysostom, Augustine and many others, as well as monographs devoted to the holy fathers. Translation and research work in the field of patristics was renewed in the 1990s, and today there are many scholars labouring in this field.  New translations of the works of the holy fathers are appearing based on modern critical editions of their works, and monographs and articles are being published which help us to place patristic theology in the context of modern theological discourse and make the thinking of the fathers more applicable to Church life today. One of the gaps in pre-revolutionary patrology was Syrian patristics. There were renowned experts of Latin and Greek patrology working in the theological academies, but there were practically no Syrologists in Russia. An eight-volume collection of the works of St. Ephraim the Syrian exists in Russian, more than half of which consists of pseudo-epigraphs translated from the Greek. Only in the last four volumes are there works translated from the Syriac original. The famous Russian philologist and classicist Sergei Sobolevsky, who at the beginning of the twentieth century translated the works of Isaac the Syrian into Russian from Greek, used the German translation from the Syriac of his works for the collation of the more difficult places. In the Soviet period there appeared original Russian works in Syriac studies. Here we should mention first of all the works of Nina Pigulevskaya, who made an enormous contribution in acquainting the Russian reader with the classics of Syriac writings. We ought also to note the works of Sergei Averintsev, who opened up for the Soviet secular reader the world of Byzantine and Syriac patristics through the prism of the literary study and research of the ‘poetics’ of early Christian texts. However, for understandable reasons in the period of militant atheism our secular researchers were unable to study purely religious problems, as a result of which there was no systematic study of Syrian patristics.

About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation Three Athonite Elders Officially Included in the Calendar of the Church team 10 March 2020 The great 20th-century Athonite spiritual fathers Elder Joseph the Hesychast and Elders Daniel and Ephraim of Katounakia were officially added to the calendar of saints of the Orthodox Church by the Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Constantinople yesterday, March 9, reports the Vatopedi-run website  the Ascetic Experience . “These saints have shown that zeal and prayer come and are preserved through the unity of the brotherhood around the abbot, achieved through the earnest and loving obedience of each member of the brotherhood,” writes the Ascetic Experience. St. Joseph the Hesychast reposed on the day of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos and will be commemorated each year the day after, on August 16/29. St. Ephraim of Katounakia reposed on the Saturday of the Ascetic Saints, the last Saturday before Great Lent), “so it is very likely that he will be celebrated with Saint Ephraim the Syrian,” according to the Ascetic Experience. St. Daniel of Katounakia reposed on the feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, and his brotherhood asked for him to be celebrated on the Holy Mountain the day before, September 7/20. Tweet Donate Share Code for blog Three Athonite Elders Officially Included in the Calendar of the Church team The great 20th-century Athonite spiritual fathers Elder Joseph the Hesychast and Elders Daniel and Ephraim of Katounakia were officially added to the calendar of saints of the Orthodox Church by the Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Constantinople yesterday, March 9, reports the Vatopedi-run ... Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong.

Aid collection for Syrian infants continuing Moscow, August 28, 2013 Photo: IOPS      The Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (IOPS) is not going to stop humanitarian aid collection for Syrian people and no matter what the course of events in the country, it will be attempting to give to those in need, the deputy chairman of IOPS Elena Agapova reported on Tuesday to RIA-Novosti. Today the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society is announcing fundraising for the purchase and delivery to Syria of baby food, which is of vital importance for Syrian children. As a result of economic unilateral sanctions introduced by a number of Western countries towards Syria, the country is having serious problems with providing children up to age one with baby food, the selling of which to Syria is prohibited under various pretexts. There is nothing to feed little babies with. " Our non-governmental organization intends to continue the aid collection and, as far as possible, delivery of this humanitarian aid, " said Elena Agapova. The IOPS deputy chairman stressed that the organization was giving help to Syria not through state structures but through Syrian spiritual leaders: Patriarch John X of Antioch and All East and Grand Mufti of the Syrian republic Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun. The humanitarian aid is received by both Christian and Muslim population of the country. " We are rendering aid neither to Syrian authorities nor to any other forces. This is support of the Russian people to the Syrian people who are currently in a extremely difficult situation due to violence, " said the agency " s spokeswoman. According to the report to RIA-Novosti of the acting representative of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia at the Patriarchal throne of Antioch, Hieromonk Ephraim (Pashkov), it is planned to transmit the humanitarian aid to the Syrian people in the middle of September. " We are not winding up anything yet. We will not make plans too early on how the situation will change, but at the same time we are not going to lose heart either, " said Fr Ephraim.

Due to their education, Christians became the cultural elite in the Arab Caliphate and later in the Mongol Empire. The Assyrian Church flourished in the XII-XIII centuries: in addition to a wide geographical coverage, influential politicians became members of the Church; in particular, Sartaq Khan, son of Batu Khan, was its member. In the XIV century, after a series of numerous mass pogroms, the decline of the Church occurred, and its borders were reduced to the territories of Kurdistan, Syria and India. The invasion of Tamerlane greatly undermined the position of the Assyrian Church. From the XVII century the capital of the Church became the settlement of Qudshanis in Turkey, and Assyrian Christians formed their own millet (an officially recognised self-governing religious community) in the Ottoman Empire. In the late 19th century, Assyrians dreamed of establishing autonomy or a state of their own. During the First World War, the Assyrian people were persecuted by the Turkish authorities: many and many thousands were killed or died as a result of forced relocation. A significant number of Assyrians left their historical homeland during those years, people were scattered all over the world. In 1954, the Patriarch was exiled and for a long time his sea remained in the USA. Today the Church consists of the dioceses of Iraq, Iran and Russia; India and UAE; Syria; Australia, New Zealand and Lebanon; Europe; Eastern USA; Western USA; California; Canada. Since 2021, the Primate of the Church is His Holiness Catholicos-Patriarch Mar Awa III. Since 2015, the residence of the Catholicos is in Erbil, Iraq. The [Assyrian] Church unites about 400,000 believers. The Assyrian Church of the East confesses the Nicene Creed and recognises the first two Ecumenical Councils. The doctrine is based on the tradition of the Antiochian theological school; among the theologians honoured are Diodorus of Tarsus, Theodore of Mopsuestia and Nestorius of Constantinople. Because of the veneration of Nestorius, historiography has come to assume that the Assyrian Church professed Nestorianism. However, the Church itself rejects this view, citing the Book of Heraclides, the last work of Nestorius, in which he sets forth a doctrine significantly different from the Nestorianism condemned at the Third Ecumenical Council. At this point it is difficult to speak of a systematised dogmatics of the Assyrian Church of the East; its theological heritage is scattered. There existed two major theological schools, the Edessa and Nizibis schools. Notable among the major theologians are the Venerable Ephraim the Syrian, the Venerable Jacob of Nizibis, Aphrahat of Persia, Narsai of Nizibi, Babai the Great, and others. The traditional Christological formula was fixed by Babai the Great in the seventh century: " two natures, two Qnomas in one person and one will of Christ. "

About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation Syrian Children Receive Presents from Russia on St. Nicholas Day team 21 December 2020 Photo: On December 19, 2020, commemoration day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, an event for children was held in the Patriarchate of the Orthodox Church of Antioch, reports the official website of the Russian Orthodox Church. The event was organized with the assistance of the Representation of the Russian Orthodox Church in Damascus, the All-Russian Organization of Veterans “Combat Brotherhood”, the Embassy of Russia in Syria, and the Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties, and the Russian Center for Science and Culture. Photo: Refugee children from Zabadan received gifts from Russia. Among those who sent the gifts were parishioners of the Moscow Ressurection Church and permanent chiefs of the Sunday schools of the Orthodox Church of Antioch. This city, which was in the hands of terrorists for several years, is now returning to a peaceful life. Russia is restoring a temple in Zabadan in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. Bishop Ephraim of Seleucia, Vicar of the Patriarch of Antioch and the whole East, thanked the guests for the joy they brought to the children, as well as for their help in installing Christmas trees in the Patriarchate in Damascus, in the Dormition Church in Zabadan and in several other Syrian towns. The day before, a Russian event for Sunday school students was also held at the Church of the Holy Cross in Kesaa, the largest temple of the Antiochian Orthodox Church. Among those present were representatives of the “Combat Brotherhood”, servicemen of the Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties, cultural attaché of the Russian Embassy in the Syrian Arab Republic T.A. Side. Photo: Tweet Donate Share Code for blog Syrian Children Receive Presents from Russia on St. Nicholas Day

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