иером. Иаков (Цветков) Св. первомученице Фекле 235 (Сентября 24-го). Кондак глас 2-й. Самогласен. Ты, явивший Феклу первомученицею между женами, как блистающей венец между подвижницами, ущедри нас по неизреченному благоутробию Твоему. Дикие звери ее не устрашили, но и камения не поразили; ибо Сам Ты подаешь рабам Твоим силу. Ты, прославившей Феклу, Христе, спаси нас. Икосы: (Θεν) Ныне с усердием предпоставим, верные, Бога 236 началом (πρδρομον) нашею слова, совершая преславную память первомученицы Феклы; ибо она всегда невидимо ликует с нами, и, таинственно освящая всех нас, побуждает (προτρπεται) чрез сие Непрестанно превозносить Христа, Любителя своего и Учителя, взывая: «Приидите, будем чадами света, да воспоем вкупе: «Ты, Христе, прославившей Феклу, спаси насъ». (χουσα) Нося непрестанно в сердце своем Христа, Фекла мужественно презрела земнаго любителя и смертнаго (φθρτον) жениха, и все удовольствия сей временной жизни; возжегшись же безмерною любовно к самому Христу, молитвенно взывала к Нему: Женише мой, Нетленный Слове, Тебя вельми люблю, Тебя ищу, Тебя лобызаю; с тобою сраспинаюсь на креста и спогребаюсь; не презри мене, едине Безсмертне». Ты, Христе, прославившей Феклу, спаси нас. (Καταυγασθεισα) Озарив ум свой божественною любовию, Фекла, затемъ, с ненасытным наслаждением слушает слово Божее 237 ; пред всем собранием народа, пред всеми присными ей девами, она идет в средину ристалища. Она, таким образом, направила себя к вечному лицезрению Бога. Возведши же очи свои горе, она вместе с тем очистила (ξυνεν) слух и обоняние свое, дабы представить себя Богу непорочною во всех членах своих. Ты, Христе, прославивший Феклу, спаси нас. 235 Переведено из Anal, sacr; заимствовано Питрою из кодекса Криптоферратинского (Cryptoferratensi). О песнописце сего творения Питра замечает; Nec роёта latet, si fuerit Thecla certe inter elegantes saec, IX melodos computanda, как видно из акростиха: Θκ(λα). В Афон. кондакаре сих кондака и икосов нет – Сведение о св. первомученице было помещено в книге: «Кондаки и икосы разн. церковн. песнописцев, стр. 17-л, 2-го листа, и 84-я. Св. Фекла почитается равноапостольною: она проповедывала Евангелие Христово в Селевкии, где совершала величия и многоразличным чудеса. Читать далее Источник: Кондаки и икосы разных церковных песнописцев известные под названием безымянных : перевод с древнегреческого в первый раз, на русское наречие, иеромонаха Иакова (Цветкова) – М.: Тип. Л.Ф. Снегирева, 1885. – 193 с. Поделиться ссылкой на выделенное


Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk receives Syrian opposition members/Православие.Ru Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk receives Syrian opposition members Moscow, February 6, 2014 On February 5, 2014, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate " s External Relations Department Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk received representatives of the delegation of the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, who were staying in Moscow on February 3-5, at their request, reports communication service of the Department for External Relations. As Metropolitan Hilarion noted, the fate of Christian population of Syria was causing special concern. " We are really concerned about radicalism which is now resulting in numerous human victims as well as abduction of Christians, destruction of Christian churches, " he stressed. " We see that on the territory of Syria full-scale persecutions of Christians are taking place. Many of them were forced to leave the country and many became refugees inside the country. A huge humanitarian disaster is going on " . The hierarch has stressed that nothing is known so far about whereabouts of two Christian hierarchs, who were kidnapped in April 2013—Metropolitan Paul of Aleppo and Syriac Metropolitan Mar Gregory Johanna Ibrahim. He also stated that the abbess and nuns of St. Thecla Convent in Ma " loula, who had been abducted in December last year, were not released yet. Michel Kilo, member of the National Coalition " s Political Bureau; Saleh Dervish, member of the Kurdish National Council; Burhan Ghalioun, former head of the Syrian National Council; Mohammad Farouq Tayfour, deputy chairman of the National Coalition; and Badr Jamous, Secretary General of the National Coalition, were present at the meeting. The Department for External Relations was represented at the meeting by Archpriest Sergy Zvonarev, the DECR secretary for far abroad countries; Priest Dimitry Safonov, head of the DECR Sector for interfaith contacts; DECR staff members M. Palacio and O. Mazur.


Syria: The end of chrisian civilization?/Православие.Ru Syria: The end of chrisian civilization? Milena Faustova The Voice of Russia      The third-largest city in Syria, Homs has almost completely lost its Christian population. Thousands have been murdered, on the order of millions have fled. The same situation can be observed in Damascus, Aleppo, Khame, Latakia, and other cities. “This is a real religious war, which the world community assiduously takes no notice of,” the President of the Near East Institute, Eugene Satanovsky, believes: “ It is the accepted belief that religious wars have become a thing of the past. But they have become a thing of the past only for those Western politicians who pay no attention to them. Religious wars are going on both in Africa and the Near East. Syria is only one of the bridgeheads for the swift de-Christianization of this region. And since these wars are carried on by fanatic Islamists, representatives of radical terrorist movements, it is not to the advantage of the world community to interfere in them. So far no one has abolished this double standard, and — unlike the 19 th century, when the genocide of Christians in Syria or Lebanon still upset a person in Europe or America — today people simply close their eyes to this, out of both economic and geopolitical considerations.” Photo: EPA    Apart from the open persecutions, the Christian population in Syria today also more and more frequently becomes small change in the civil war, which has already gone on for three years. Two highly-placed Orthodox metropolitans were kidnapped by Islamists in the spring. One of them is the brother of the present Patriarch of Antioch and all the East, John X. There is still no reliable information about the fate of the hierarchs. And in the beginning of December armed extremists took Igumenia i Pelagia Sayyaf , the abbess of St. Thecla Equal-to-the-Apostles Monastery, hostage — together with several nuns. They are all alive so far, but there are no guarantees that they will be set free, relates the Vice-Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Protopriest Nikolai Balashov:


Archive Primate of Orthodox Church of Antioch receives delegation of Russian parliamentarians 22 January 2019 year 15:32 On 17 January 2019, the Russian delegation led by Mr. Dmitry Sablin, deputy of the State Duma and vice-chairman of the ‘Combat Brotherhood’ veteran organization, visited the residence of the Patriarch of Antioch in Damascus and met with His Beatitude Patriarch John X of the Great Antioch and All the East.  The delegation included Mr. Sergei Gavrilov, president of the Interparliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy and deputy of the State Duma; Mr. Dmitry Belik, deputy of the State Duma; and representatives of the Russian charitable organizations and entrepreneurs. Taking part in the meeting were also Bishop Luke of Seidnaya, vicar of His Beatitude Patriarch John, and Hegumen Arseniy (Sokolov), representative of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia to the Patriarch of the Great Antioch and All the East. Summing up the results of the meeting, Mr. Sergei Gavrilov noted that the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Antioch supported the intention of the Russian Orthodox Church to preserve the unity of canonical Orthodoxy all over the world. Patriarch John X expressed his opinion that “the schism in Ukraine organized by those who are not Orthodox Christians is a political process under religious cover,” and his regret that the Patriarch of Constantinople “does not hear the voice of faith.” “There is a risk that the schismatics will become extremist groups, alien to Orthodoxy. Attempts are being made by the Western structures to undermine the integrity of the Orthodox Church of Antioch in Syria. It is necessary to prevent the unfolding of the anti-Orthodox scenario in the bosom of one of the most ancient Orthodox Churches. The Orthodox Churches of Antioch and Russia have unique ties,” Mr. Gavrilov said. The Primate of the Orthodox Church of Antioch conveyed cordial greetings to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia with the anniversary of his enthronement. His Beatitude Patriarch John thanked Mr. Sablin and the ‘Combat Brotherhood’ organization for their financial aid in restoring the Convent of St. Thecla in Maaloula that had been seized and partly destroyed by militants during the war. After the meeting the members of the delegation, accompanied by Bishop Luke, proceeded to the Patriarch Maryamieh Cathedral in Damascus and prayed at the molyeben celebrated there with the blessing of His Beatitude Patriarch John by Hegumen Arseniy. DECR Communication Service /Patriarchia.ru Календарь ← 7 April 2024 year


Archive Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk has arrived in Egypt 7 November 2022 year 12:18 On November 6, 2022, Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, with a blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, arrived in Cairo. The aim of the visit is to meet with His Holiness Tawadros II, Patriarch of the Coptic Church, in the days when the Primate of the Coptic Church celebrates his 70th birthday and the 10th anniversary of his election to the Patriarchal see. Upon his arrival, Metropolitan Anthony visited Cairo’s historical Christian city centre to venerate its shrines. He also went to the famous ‘Suspended Church’ (al-Muallaqa), which was built on the ruins of the ancient Roman fortress ‘Egyptian Babylon’ and for a long time had been Coptic Patriarchs’ cathedral. He also visited the Church of Martyrs Sergius and Bacchus to venerate these saints of the first centuries of the Christian era. The church was built in the 4th century over the grotto in which the Holy Family stayed for three month during their forced flight to Egypt to escape Herod’s persecution. Metropolitan Anthony also visited the church built in that grotto the first foundation of which dates back to 58 AD. Then he visited the church of Protomartyr Barbara in which a part of her holy relics and a part of the relics of Ss Juliana and Damian and other saints are kept. His Eminence also visited the Convent of Holy and Great Martyr George the Victory-Bearer (Mar-Gigris) where he was warmly welcomed by Mother Superior Thecla who expressed great joy over the visit to the convent by a high-ranking representative of the Russian Orthodox Church. Metropolitan Anthony will meet with His Holiness Coptic Patriarch Tawadros II on November 7. During his trip, the DECR chairman is accompanied by Hieromonk Stephen (Igumnov), DECR secretary for inter-Christian relations, Rev. Alexander Ershov, assistant to the DECR chairman, and Dr Anton Milad, adviser to the Coptic Patriarch. DECR Communication Service /Patriarchia.ru Календарь ← 7 April 2024 year


I. С. В ноябре месяце 1827 года 1. Родовые документы: а) Метрическое свидетельство о рождении и крещении, выданное 30 июля 1816 In Imperio Suae Imperatoriae Majestatis, ALBXANDRI PRIMI Imperatoris et Avtocratoris Totius Rossiae etc. etc. etc. Domini Nostri Clementissimi Universis et Singulis quorum interest, aut quomodolibet interesse poterit, notum testatumque facio infta scriptus, reperiri in Libro Metricae baptizatorum Ecclesiae Parochialis Ilinecensis, id quod sequitur: Anno Domini Millesimo Septingentesimo Nonagesimo Octavo die vigesima quinta Decembris Mensis, Admodum Reverendus Dominus Nicolaus Siemaszko Presbyter Romanus, loco Vicarij baptizavit Infantem simul Confirmavit, nomine Josephum natum pridie, Filium Generosorum Dominorum: Josephi et Theclae de Iwanowskie Siemaszkow Conjugum legitimorum. Patrini fuerunt Magniflci Domini, Josephus Zwierzchaczewski Commissarius Bonorum Troszczanensium, cum Thecla Zapolska Pincernida Terrae Leopoliensis.. In Quorum fidem has Literas testimoniales ex Libro Memricae baptizatorum fideliter extractas, manu propria subscribe, et Sigillum Ecclesiae Parochalis appono.. Dat. in Residentia Plebanali Ilinecensi, die trigesima Julij, Millesimo Octingentesimo Decimo Sexto Anno Canonieus Smolenscensis et Kijoviensis, Decanus Anteactus in Circulis Lipovecensi et Machnovecensi, Iudex Deputatus Spiritualis Lipovecensis, Praepositus Parochialis Ilinecensis, Thomas Nacz StaroszHewicz. (М. П.) в) Выпись из книг земских уезда Винницкого, о заявлении экстракта из Киевского Дворянского Депутатского Собрания, о дворянстве фамилии Семашков, выданная 25 августа 1808 года за Za Roskazem Jego Jmperatorskiey Mosci Wypis z Xig Ziemskich Powiatu Winnickiego Roku Tysic Osmset Osmego. Miesica Sierpnia Dwudziestego pitego dnia. Przed Urzdem у Aktami ninieyszemi Ziemskiemi Powiatu Winnickiego у przede mn Janem Kozakiewiczem Regentem Akt tyche. Stawic si osobiscie ur. Jakob Siemaszko ten Extrakt z Akt kommissyi Legitymacyyiiey Domowi swemu sucédy, autentycznie wydany, dla wpisania do Xig Ziemskich Powiatu Winnickiego w sposob Obiaty poda w téy istocie: Z Rozkazu Jego Jmperatorskiey Mosci . Wypis z Protokuu Dzie Probacyynych Kijowskiego Szlacheckiego Zgromadzenia. Roku Tysic Osmset Trzeciego Mca Noivembra Dziesitego dnia. Kijowskie Szlacheckie Zgromadzenie roztrzsao Dowody rodowito Szlacheck probuice Powiatu Lipowieckiego ur. Piotra Siemaszka swem у braci swoich rodzonych w Podusznym Okadzie niezostaicych Imieniem przy prozbie podane:


About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation Ancient Orthodox Monastery of St. Thecla to be Restored in Syrian Maaloula Pravmir.com team 30 May 2018 Photo: www.tvc.ru Moscow, May 29, Interfax – Orthodox monastery of St. Thecla in Maaloula (Damascus Governorate) destroyed in Syria by gunmen from illegal armed groups will be entirely restored during a month, clerics will start celebrating liturgies there, rector of the church Ilias Ades told the journalists. “Everything was destroyed. We started restoring it. Today almost everything is ready. We only have to bring furniture to the cells, and in a month nuns will be able to get back to their monastery,” he said. According to the priest, for such a small town as Maaloula it is very important to restore everything that has been destroyed as people here earn their living from tourists and pilgrims. “Now you see: there are no tourists at all. So the things that are happening now, what we see today is a great happiness for residents of the town. And for the whole Syria. And I think that for the whole Christian world,” guide Olga Potapova said. Two thirds of Maaloula residents are Christians of various confessions, services in local churches are conducted in Aramaic language which Jesus Christ spoke. In December 2013 nuns of St. Thecla monastery were taken hostages by terrorists from Jabhat An-Nusra (banned in Russia). Three months later the nuns were exchanged for relatives of terrorists. In April 2014, the town was liberated by Syrian governmental troops. During the time when terrorists controlled the town, many Christian shrines were destroyed and desecrated there. Tweet Donate Share Code for blog Ancient Orthodox Monastery of St. Thecla to be Restored in Syrian Maaloula Pravmir.com team Moscow, May 29, Interfax - Orthodox monastery of St. Thecla in Maaloula (Damascus Governorate) destroyed in Syria by gunmen from illegal armed groups will be entirely restored during a month, clerics will start celebrating liturgies there, rector of the church Ilias Ades told the ...


Syria: Islamist Rebels Abduct 12 Nuns from Orthodox Monastery in Maaloula Damascus, December 2, 2013 Abbess of St Thecla in Maaloula Mother Pelagia (Sayyaf)      Islamist rebels have kidnapped a group of nuns from the Greek Orthodox monastery of St Thecla (Mar Taqla) in Maaloula (north of Damascus). Mgr Mario Zenari, the Vatican nuncio in Damascus, confirmed the information after speaking with the Greek-Orthodox Patriarchate. Through the Vatican diplomat, the latter “calls on all Catholics to pray for the women religious.” “Armed men burst in the monastery of St Thecla in Maaloula this afternoon. From there, they forcibly took 12 women religious,” Mgr Zenari said, citing a statement from Patriarchate. The group of Islamist rebels has apparently taken them to Yabrud, some 80 km north of the capital. Neither the nuncio nor the church Greek Orthodox Church know reason behind the kidnapping. Islamist Rebels from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) had invaded the small town on 5 September after driving out regime troops with the support of al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Brigades. After taking control of the city, they went on a rampage against Christian buildings, killing three young Catholic men. More than 3,000 people, the town’s entire Christian population, fled their homes seeking refuge in Bab Touma, the Christian quarter of Damascus. Some found shelter with relatives in Lebanon or in local Greek-Catholic convents. Only Muslims were left in town, plus 40 nuns at the St Thecla Monastery who stayed to help care for dozens of orphaned children. As of yesterday, Maaloula became again the scene of heavy fighting between the army and Syrian rebels, including many members of the extremist Jabat-al-Nusra militia. Clashes are concentrated mostly in the upper, oldest part of the town, where the St Thecla Greek-Orthodox and the Sts Sergius and Bacchus Greek-Catholic monasteries are located. From there, the rebels have launched repeated attacks against army positions in the lower part of town. Fighting is intensifying, sources told AsiaNews. ”The army is trying to regain control over the villages north of Damascus. For this purpose, it has launched a major offensive against the rebels, who are trying to hold government forces back through a scorched earth policy in the areas under their control.” Global Research 3 декабря 2013 г. ... Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


After all, “Behold, Damascus is about to be removed from being a city, and will become a fallen ruin,” reads Isaiah 17, a passage some Christians say they believe details a horrific event that leaves the city uninhabitable and leads to worldwide tribulation and the second coming of Christ, notes Gallop. “Another passage in Isaiah 19 deals with civil war in Egypt and the rise of a ‘fierce king.’ Talk of those prophecies has intensified as President Barack Obama considers a U.S. military strike on Syria in response to what Washington says is evidence that the Syrian leadership used chemical weapons against its own people. In turn, Syria vows to retaliate against neighboring Israel if the U.S. strikes. “Fighting raged through the picturesque mountain village of Maaloula, near Damascus,” reported Sherlock with the Telegraph’s Magdy Samaan, as the regime launched a counter-attack against the rebels. “They entered the main square and smashed a statue of the Virgin Mary,” said one resident of the area, speaking by phone and too frightened to give his name. “They shelled us from the nearby mountain. Two shells hit the St Thecla convent.” “Maaloula, tucked into the honey-colored cliffs of a mountain range north of Damascus and on a ‘tentative’ list of applicants for Unesco World Heritage status, is associated with the earliest days of Christianity,” noted the Telegraph. Syria. Christian Christmas      “St. Thecla, who is supposedly buried in the convent, was a follower of St. Paul. The inhabitants are mostly Melkite Greek Catholic and Orthodox Christians, but have historically lived peacefully alongside a Sunni Muslim minority. It is one of only three places in the world where Western Aramaic, a dialect of the language spoken by Christ, is still used. “Until recently, the town had managed to remain mostly unaffected by the civil war that has already claimed more than 100,000 lives. A visit by theDaily Telegraph last year found it ringed by government checkpoints but suffering from the lack of pilgrims and tourists who are normally vital to its economy.”


Tweet Нравится Leo Tolstoy—A Mirror of Russian Doubt It is well known that the decision of Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church to exclude Lev Tolstoy from the Church was a decision that split Russian society. The great writer " s magical personality, his inspired and tragic spiritual searches left no one indifferent to him. After all, both aspects were strikingly resonant with his era—one that brewed great trials for Russia. Of course, the journalists could not pass up such a rich theme for polemics during the centennial commemoration of Leo Tolstoy " s death. That is why the debate organized on November 23 by RIA Novosti (a Russian news agency) on the theme of Tolstoy went on for three hours. Present were press agents, representatives of Russian bohemian circles, amongst whom were the author " s great-great granddaughter, Thecla Tolstaya, and Priest George Orekhanov, the author of two books that studied Leo Tolstoy " s works from an unconventional angle. A contemporary interpreter of Tolstoy " s writings, theatrical producer Mikhail Ugarov, tried to set the tone of the discussion. He proclaimed, " Heresies aside, Tolstoy was a major religious thinker whose influence cannot be denied. " In his opinion, the Church not only could not forgive Tolstoy, but it cannot repent of that fact. Against all expectation, this argument did not become a catalyst for sharp polemic. Many fans of Tolstoy " s works agreed with the dean of the St. Tikhons Humanitarian University, Priest George Orekhanov. The latter related that, " To the attentive reader, several Tolstoys exist: in Chertkov " s publication we see the accuser, the struggler against monarchy. Another Tolstoy is the doubter, the truth seeker, and that is the image which the modern reader has yet to rediscover. " It is widely believed that during the critical epoch of the late nineteenth, early twentieth centuries, the Russian intelligentsia quite readily abandoned Christ. In the words of the philosopher Khomyakov, " If freedom of religious confession were granted in Russia, there would be few Orthodox left—the aristocracy would fall for Catholicism, while the peasantry would become Old Believers.


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