ISIS Kidnaps Over 100 Christian Families; Human Rights Groups Fear They Will Be Beheaded or Forced Into Sex Slavery/Православие.Ru ISIS Kidnaps Over 100 Christian Families; Human Rights Groups Fear They Will Be Beheaded or Forced Into Sex Slavery August 7, 2015    A Syrian refugee holds onto his daughter as he pleads to cross into Turkey at Akcakale border gate in Sanliurfa province, Turkey, June 15, 2015.      The Islamic State terrorist group has abducted scores of Syrian Christian families in what has been deemed the terrorist organization " s biggest military advance since it conquered the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra in May. According to the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights , IS captured the town of al-Qaryatain in the Homs district of western Syria on Thursday and took numerous Christian families hostage. The militants began their attack on the town after jihadi suicide bombers took out checkpoints at the entrance of the city. After a night of battle with Assad regime fighters, IS took control of the town which was once a destination for many Christians and religious minorities to flee to after the militants took over the city of Aleppo. SOHR estimates that at least 230 people have been captured by the terror group, including Christians and Muslims. It is believed that of the captured, 45 are women and 19 are children. The report adds that those kidnapped were on a checklist of Christian families that was prepared by IS. Some of the kidnapped victims were abducted from the Syriac Catholic Mar Elian monastery in the town. Nuri Kino, founder of the Syrian and Iraqi Christian advocacy group A Demand for Action, told Christian Today that many of the Christians abducted belong to Syriac Orthodox or Syriac Catholic churches, and that the number of known people kidnapped is likely to keep rising. Diana Yaqco, a spokesperson for A Demand for Action, told MailOnline that about 300 families were able to flee. But since the IS has taken up the practice of sexually enslaving the religious minority women and killing the religious minority men in the territories it captures, there is fear that the same could happen for these Christians and religious minorities that were abducted.

Arhiva Preafericitul Patriarh Chiril a vizitat expoziia „Jertfa dinastiei Romanov în slujirea Rusiei” la Ecaterinburg 18 mai 2013 15:39 Ziua, la 18 mai 2013, Preafericitul Patriarh al Moscovei i al întregii Rusii Chiril a vizitat Centrul de iluminare duhovniceasc „Mitocul Patriarhului” la Ecaterinburg. Centrul de iluminare duhovniceasc face parte din complexul Bisericii pe Temelii de Sânge i include biserica „Sfântul ierarh Nicolae Fctorul de Minuni”, muzeul familiei ariste, muzeul Patriarhiei în Rusia, o sal de concert cu pianul „arist” (instrumentul aparinea familiei arului Nicolai II i a fost adus în exilul din Tobolsk), biblioteca „Derjavnaya” i câteva sli de expoziie. Preafericitul Patriarh Chiril a vizitat muzeul familiei ariste, inclusiv expoziia „Jertfa dinastiei Romanov în slujirea Rusiei”, dedicat aniversrii a 400 de ani de la alegerea pentru domnie a lui Mihail Feodorovici Romanov. Sanctitatea Sa a fost condus de mitropolitul de Ecaterinburg i Verhoturie Chiril; guvernatorul regiunii Sverdlovsk E.V. Kuivaev; eful Casei imperiale a Rusiei marea duces Maria Vladimirovna; preedintele Fundaiei de caritate a marii ducese Olga Alexandrovna O.N. Kulikovskaia-Romanova. În expoziie sunt prezentate documente, fotografii din arhivele de stat, obiecte unice din colecii private, cri rare din fondurile bibliotecii „N. Belinski” i ale centrului „Mitocul Patriarhului”, precum i obiecte personale ale marelui cneaz Serghei Alexandrovici din muzeul mnstirii Novospasski, or. Moscova. În numele Bisericii pe Temelii de Sânge i al colaboratorilor muzeului, Preafericitului Patriarh Chiril i s-a adus în dar originalul fotografii casei Ipatiev, fcut în timpul deteniei în ea a familiei ariste. În încheiere, ctre Preafericitul Stpân s-a adresat O.N. Kulikovskaia-Romanova. Mulumindu-i pentru atenia, acordat jubileului Casei Romanov, ea i-a adus în dar Sanctitii Sale o medalie memorabil a Fundaiei de caritate a marii ducese Olga Alexandrovna în cinstea celei de a 400 aniversri a Casei Romanov, precum i copia panoului, executat în anul 1913 cu ocazia aniversrii a 300 de ani ai dinastiei ariste i care actualmente se pstreaz la urmaii Romanov. Serviciul de pres al Patriarhului Moscovei i al întregii Rusii Календарь ← 6 martie 2022 19 aprilie 2020

Arhiva Preafericitul Patriarh Kiril: Susinerea natalitii trebuie s devin o prioritate pentru stat, Biseric i organizaiile obteti 8 februarie 2012 18:38 „Este imposibil s rezolvm problemele demografice fr susinerea familiei”, - a declarat V.V. Putin în cadrul întâlnirii cu liderii comunitilor tradiionale religioase ale Rusiei, care a avut loc pe 8 februarie la mnstirea sfântul cneaz Daniil din Moscova. Remarcând c susinerea familiei este ”o preocuparea tradiional a organizaiilor religioase”, premierul Federaiei Ruse i-a exprimat disponibilitatea „de a orienta toate structurile de stat spre o colaborare activ cu asociaiile religioase” în aceast sfer. „Nu pot s nu susin propunerea Patriarhului Moscovei i al întregii Rusii despre organizarea centrelor de susinere a familiei în fiecare centru orenesc i municipal, - a continuat candidatul la postul de preedinte al Federaiei Ruse. – Biserica Otodox Rus a organizat la Moscova Casa Mamei. Astfel de structuri trebuie s fie cât mai multe. Astfel de centre de susinere a familiei trebuie s fie create în fiecare subiect, în fiecare municipiu i anume cu participarea Bisericii Ortodoxe Ruse, a altor confesiuni tradiionale, organizaii religioase i ONG-uri de orientare social. Organele puterii la toate nivelurile trebuie s contribuie la crearea i activitatea acestor organizaii”. „Noi avem câteva posibiliti de a schimba situaia radical”, - a declarat, continuând tema crizei demografice abordat de prim-ministru, Preafericitul Patriarh al Moscovei i al întregii Rusii Kiri. Întâistttorul a amintit c, potrivit datelor oficiale, în anul 2011 la 1 mln. 814 mii de copii nscui revine 1 mln. 230 mii de avorturi, pe deasupra numrul real al acestora din urm ar putea fi de trei ori mai mare. „Astzi opinia public înclin spre faptul c a face sau nu a face avort este alegerea femeii. Îns, chiar respectând o astfel de alegere, statul care este îngrijorat de starea demografiei, trebuie s se gândeasc la faptul cum s fac ca aceast alegere în favoarea avortului s se reduc considerabil”, - a subliniat Preafericitul Printe. „Este important ca la aceeai televiziune, în mijloacele mass-media s fie propagat natalitatea, s fie susinut prin diferite ci, pentru ca aceasta s devin prioritate în activitatea noastr - atât a statului, a instituiilor publice, cât i a Bisericii”, - a continuat Întâistttorul. Preafericitul Kiril a propus elaborarea unui program pentru regiunile depresive din punct de vedere demografic, program care ar asigura un suport material familiilor cu muli copii. “În acest context, ca i în privina susinerii femeilor care renun la avort, Biserica face astzi multe. Eu cunosc c i celelalte organizaii religioase fac. Noi suntem de acord ca împreun cu statul s participm la realizarea acestor programe”, - a spus în încheiere Preafericitul Patriarch Kiril. Календарь ← 6 martie 2022 19 aprilie 2020

Обращение в рабство пленников являлось своеобразной формой эксплуатации одних племенных общностей другими. Это означает, что социальное неравенство у восточных славян не имело еще внутренних стимулов и было локализовано в области межплеменных отношений. Нельзя также забывать, что в пленениях находило выражение также превосходство сверхчувственных потенций того или иного этнического образования над своими соседями. Следовательно, побудительные мотивы полонов возникали не только в материальной, но и в духовной сфере. Раб-пленник являлся наиболее древней фигурой зависимого люда на территории, занятой восточным славянством. Естественно предположить, что в древнерусских письменных источниках он должен быть упомянут прежде, чем какой-нибудь представитель иных групп зависимого населения. И вот тут наше внимание привлекают термины «челядь», «челядин». К вопросу о челяди на Руси конца IX – начала XI века Более полувека назад занятый изучением российских древностей Б. Д. Греков как-то заметил, что понятия «челядин» и «челядь» в исторической литературе «всегда относились к важнейшим объектам исследования». 332 И он нисколько не преувеличивал: не было и нет сколько-нибудь заметного исследователя общественного строя Древней Руси, который оставил бы в стороне вопрос о челяди. Высказывания отечественных историков о челяди конца IX-haчaлa XI в. можно разделить на две точки зрения. Согласно первой из них, челядь – это рабы, а соответственно второй за челядью скрывались не только рабы, но и люди нерабской зависимости, которую советские историки определяли как феодальную. 333 Представители последней точки зрения большое значение придавали этимологическим данным, касающимся слова «челядь». В этом слове, по мнению Б. Д. Грекова, «отражена история общественных отношений с очень отдаленной поры. Челядь, человек, колено (в смысле поколения), литовское keltis, латышское kilts – это слова одного корня, которые ведут нас к глубокой старине, когда keltis и kilts значило – genus, Geschlecht, т,е. род. Этот же термин на новой ступени общественного развития у болгар, русских, чехов и др. стал обозначать семью, детей, у арабов – женщину в семье и зависимых людей, детей. Соответствуя понятию familia, этот термин менял свое содержание вместе с историей familia, в состав которой первоначально входили домашние рабы, а с течением времени все чаще и чаще стали входить и нерабы». 334 Понятие familia послужило Б. Д. Грекову ключом к разгадке термина «челядь».

Tweet Нравится Orthodox volunteers bring more than 1,000 Christmas gifts to Syria Moscow, December 22, 2016 Photo:      A Russian delegation has arrived in Damascus with humanitarian aid and more than 1,000 children’s Christmas gifts in tow, for families that have lost parents in the war, reports . The cargo of medicine, grains, sugar, salt, pasta, canned foods, candy, stationery, and children’s toys was delivered by participants from the “Forty Times Forty” Orthodox public organization, the Apostle Paul Foundation, and the Orthodox social network “Elitsy.” Assistance is also being brought to the St. Thecla Convent in Maaloula which was destroyed in September 2013 by militants who kidnapped the abbess and eleven nuns, releasing them in April 2014. The monastery is being supplied with liturgical utensils, icons and procession banners. The delegation will also visit refugee camps, childrens " hospitals, orphanages, and students who have lost parents in the war, as well as various monasteries and churches. Additionally, the volunteers have a meeting scheduled with His Holiness Patriarch John X of Antioch, as well as various governmental and public figures. 22 декабря 2016 г. Рейтинг: 10 Голосов: 1 Оценка: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также IOCC Still Responding to Syrian Families in Aleppo IOCC Still Responding to Syrian Families in Aleppo IOCC maintains one of the largest established networks in Syria delivering life-saving humanitarian aid. IOCC’s reach extends to large parts of Syria through programs that provide emergency relief with health, education, water, sanitation, hygiene, shelter, crisis counseling and economic recovery assistance. Since 2012, IOCC has provided humanitarian relief to four million Syrian people displaced in their own country, or living as refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Armenia, Greece and Serbia. Church-state delegation visits Syria Church-state delegation visits Syria During their stay in Syria, the delegation visited the camp for displaced people in ash-Sham suburb of Damascus and the boarding school for children whose parents were killed defending their homeland from terrorists. " Moscow gives us hope " , says Syrian Catholic patriarch " Moscow gives us hope " , says Syrian Catholic patriarch " We will thank anyone who helps us stay in our country " Комментарии Elijah Borek 22 декабря 2016, 21:00 True Christian unity! Volunteers of the " 40x40 " (Sorok sorokov) Orthodox movement do so much good, they are active, courageous and openhearted. Новые материалы Выбор читателей © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru

Arhiva Sanctitatea Sa Patriarhul Chiril i-a exprimat condoleanele în legtur cu atacul efectuat asupra familiei clericului Eparhiei de Dnepropetrovsk protoiereul Anatolii Lysenko 29 aprilie 2016 17:42 În noaptea de 25 aprilie spre 26 aprilie 2016, în satul Kirovskoie (Obuhovka), raionul Dnepropetrovsk, nite necunoscui au efectuat un atac asupra casei slujitorului bisericii Eparhiei  de Dnepropetrovsk i Pavlograd, parohul  bisericii „Sfântul apostol Andrei cel Întâi chemat” din or. Dnepropetrovsk protoiereul Anatolie Lysenko. Criminalii l-au btut crunt pe printele Anatolie, iar pe soia lui au ucis-o. Sanctitatea Sa Patriarhul Moscovei i al întregii Rusii Chiril a expediat un mesaj Preafericitului mitropolit al Kievului i al întregii Ucraine Onufrie în legtur cu tragedia. „Cu durere în inim am aflat vestea despre atacul crud i necuviincios asupra familiei clericului Eparhiei de Dnepropetrovsk protoiereul Anatolii Lysenko i asasinarea feroce a soiei sale Irina”, se spune în mesajul Sanctitii Sale Stpânul. „În mod special este trist s auzim despre o astfel de crim în zilele Sptmânii Patimilor, când Biserica pomenete suferinele Domnului nostru Iisus Hristos. Credem i tim – suferind pentru slujirea Adevrului, copiii fideli ai Bisericii sunt pilde de mrturie i mucenicie”, a adugat Sanctitatea Sa Patriarhul Chiril. Menionând situaia complicat în care se afl azi Biserica Ortodox din Ucraina, Sanctitatea Sa Stpânul ne amintete de cuvintele lui Hristos Mântuitorul: «Dac M-au prigonit pe Mine, i pe voi v vor prigoni» (In. 15:20). „Îns, dup mila lui Dumnezeu, dup scârbire întotdeauna vine mângâiere i întrire: «Fericii cei ce plâng, c aceia se vor mângâia» (Mt. 5:4)”, a subliniat Întâistttorul. Sanctitatea Sa Patriarhul Chiril s-a adresat ctre Preafericirea Sa cu rugmintea „s transmit cuvintele de condolean, susinere i mângâiere printelui Anatolii” i a comunicat c se roag pentru sufletul preotesei ucise Irina. Serviciul de pres al Patriarhiei Moscovei i al întregii Rusii Календарь ← 6 martie 2022 19 aprilie 2020

По крайней мере язычник Пакат в своем панегирике Феодосию I говорит о gemitus et tormenta miserorum. (У Kurtz, Hand. der Kirchgesch, I, 2, стр. 235). Присциллиан и некоторые из его приверженцев были казнены; другие сосланы в заточение. Присциллиане были первые еретики, против которых была употреблена смертная казнь, которая вызвала протест у многих благочестивых и благородных мужей. Так, например, против этой казни высказался св. Амвросий Медиоланский (Ер. 24 ad Valentinianum); Мартин Турский открыто называл эту казнь новым и неслыханным злодеянием (novum esse et inauditum nefas, si causam ecclesiae judex saeculi judicaret. Sul. Sev. 1. c ). Сульпиций Север говорит в своей Historia sacra (c. 50), что ему одинаково не нравятся как обвиняемые, так и обвинители (ае mea quidem sententia est mihi tam reos, quam accusatores displicere). Были, впрочем, и за эту казнь. В этом смысле высказался бл. Августин (de mendacio ad Concent. c. 3) и св. Лев Великий (Ер. XV, 1). См. о Присциллиане трактат в новом издании патрологии Fessler’a (II, I, 219–234). 25 Сыны обетования – filii promissionis – по мнению Арендта суть не что иное как духовные христиане – πνευματικο [Испр. – Ред. АВ] гностиков (стр. 220). 26 Св. Лев излагал и опровергал мнения Присциллиана по Commonitorium’y и посланию, но не по тому посланию, которое в этой главе называется «дружественным» (familiaris), а другому, о котором говорится в конце XVI гл. 15 письма: Decusis omnibus quae libelli series comprehendit et a quibus commonitorii forma non discrepat и т.д., а также в предисловии: Nam et epistolae (familiaris гл. XVII) sermo, et communitorii series et libelli и т.д. et libbelli textus eloquitur. Послание (libellus) и коммониториум, по которому св. Лев излагал ересь Присциллиана, состояли из 16 глав (16-ю главу он называет «последней») и содержали 16 заблуждений Присциллиана. 17-е заблуждение, приводившее многих в недоумение (откуда св. Лев взял его, если Туррибий написал ему только о 16-ти заблуждениях?) вероятно взято из epistola familiaris, которое часто смешивали с тем, что св.

Condolences from the Orthodox and Coptic Churches of Egypt on the Crash of Russian Airbus-321      On October 31, 2015 Russian Airbus-321, headed for St. Petersburg, crashed over the Sinai peninusla, tragically killing all 224 onboard. In response to this tragedy the heads of the Orthodox and Coptic churches of Egypt have offered their prayers and condolences. In a note posted on the Patriarchate " s site , His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, while on a missionary trip in Uganda, wrote to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill: Your Beatitude and Most Holy Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, most beloved brother in Christ and concelebrant of my mediocrity, I embrace Your Holiness fraternally in the Lord, and address you. Already on our way to Uganda on a missionary journey, with sadness and anxiety we were informed by video and written mass media reports of the tragic news of the crash of the Russian aircraft and the untimely death of the passengers onboard. Through this fraternal letter we express our deepest condolences and our full support to you and to the families of the victims, and the pious Russian people, praying that the benevolent Lord will place the departed in a place of the living, and that the Most Holy Virgin, the hope of the despairing, will grant solace to you all. So, expressing again to you and to your Church heartfelt and complete support from our Apostolic and Patriarchal Throne and surrounding you with a fraternal and holy embrace, we remain in Christ’s love and all honour. The brother of Your Most Holiness in Christ, + Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch f Alexandria and All Africa In the Great City Of Alexandria 31 October 2015 Pope Tawadros II of Egypt " s Coptic Church also offered these words of consolation: We offer our heartfelt condolences to the Russian people and government for those who lost their lives in the of crash of the Russian passenger plane that came down in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula on Saturday. Russia and Egypt are bound by a historic deep-rooted relationship. We ask the Lord to grant the victims’ families comfort and peace. The Council of Egypt’s Churches also issued a statement of condolence which said: The Council of Egypt’s Churches has received with pain the news of the Russian plane crash. We extend our sincere condolences to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Russian people and government, and the families of the victims. 2 ноября 2015 г. Смотри также Комментарии Fr.Philip Gathari 2 ноября 2015, 13:00 With profound sadness i send my deepest and sincere condolences to The President of Russia and H.B.Kyril head, Russian Orthodox Church and all the people of Russia during this tragic air accident. The city of St.Petersburg where the plane was enroute, receive my condolences. Fr> Philip Gathari Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Activist: Rebels Robbing Homes, Desecrating Churches in Kessab Latakia, Syria, March 23, 2014 Rebels in Kessab Around 400 families from Kessab have taken refuge in Latakia following attacks on their town, while the fate of several individuals who have stayed behind remains unclear, the Armenian Weekly has learned. “Many Armenian families are staying with relatives and friends, while others have sought refuge in the Armenian Church and the church’s hall,” said Syrian Armenian community activist Nerses Sarkissian during a phone interview with Weekly editor Khatchig Mouradian. “The Aleppo Armenian Prelacy as well as the Red Crescent are providing relief and assistance to these families in Latakia,” Sarkissian added. Rebels engage in robbery and desecration Rebels who have entered Kessab are desecrating churches, pillaging houses, and destroying government buildings, Sarkissian told the Weekly. A few Syrian Armenians have been unable to leave Kessab, and their fate is unclear, he added. Sarkissian underlined that the rebels came from the Turkish side of the border and are receiving support from the Turkish military. He noted that the injured among them are being transported back to Turkey to receive medical attention. Assad ‘reassures’ Aram Catholicos Syria’s ambassador to Lebanon visited Catholicos Aram I in Antelias on March 22, conveying to him Syrian president Bashar al-Assad’s assurances that peace will be restored in Kessab. A delegation of priests left Antelias for Latakia on March 23 to assess needs and express the Catholicosate’s solidarity with the displaced population of Kessab. Turkey downs Syrian fighter jet Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan confirmed reports that the Turkish military had shot down Syrian fighter jet. The fighter jet crashed in Kessab. According to Ankara, it came under fire after crossing the Turkish border. Meanwhile, clashes continued. “According to a military source, units of the armed forces have since morning been directing fatal strikes to the terrorist groups which infiltrated the border from Turkey in Kassab area, inflicting heavy losses upon them,” reported the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) on March 23. Perched in the northwestern corner of Syria, near the border with Turkey, Kessab had, until very recently, evaded major battles between the army and rebels. Many Syrians had taken refuge there because of the relative calm in the area over the past three years. 24 марта 2014 г. Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Children in Russia prayed for peace and prosperity in the Ukraine Moscow, July 16, 2014      A Divine Liturgy, a children’s prayer service and a children’s cross procession with special petitions for peace in the Ukraine and Russia as well as a litia for repose of children, killed during combat operations in the southeastern Ukraine, took place at St. Alexis Monastery in the Yaroslavl region, reports RIA-Novosti with the reference to the All-Russian association of large families and families with adopted children of Russia, “Many children is good!” The organization together with “The Orthodox patriotic association of women” interregional public movement took a lead in the unusual event. “We hope that the Lord will hear the children’s prayers soon and will grant the Ukraine and its people peace, mutual understanding, prosperity, brotherly love to each other and that pure souls of the slain children are interceding before the Lord’s Throne and will help us in our prayer for peace in the Ukraine,” stressed the organizers. Over 250 children took part in the action, held with the blessing of Metropolitan Panteleimon of Yaroslavl and Rostov with the support of the Synodal Department for the Church and Society Relations. In total, about 300 people prayed for cessation of the bloodshed. Pupils of the Orthodox classical school at St. Alexis Monastery, students of the military school and children from large families of Moscow, Pereslavl-Zalessky as well as their parents proceeded with Icons of the Mother of God “Peschanskaya”, “Alexeevskaya”, Icons of Venerable Alexis, “the Man of God” and Holy Innocents of Bethlehem in memory of the children killed in Sloviansk, Lugansk and other cities and villages of the southeastern Ukraine. 40 candles were lit and kneeling prayers for peace, prosperity and removal of all evils were offered up. The St. Alexis Monastery is situated in the Novoalexeevka village of the Pereslavl-Zalessky district of the Yaroslavl region. It was founded in 1891. There is an orphanage for more than 200 children, at the monastery. Under the direction of the monastery brethren the children take part in annual summer archaeological excavations in the Crimea. An Orthodox classical school was opened at the monastery in 1996, and a military school in 2001. 17 июля 2014 г. Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

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