Upon arriving in the country, the Archbishop encountered the fearful spiritual and material void that formal atheism had left behind, but he was not intimidated. He was committed to changing the situation. He began with the opening of a seminary for the preparation of young clergy and began restoring the existing Church properties while simultaneously undertaking projects to build new churches. It was this self-sacrificing work that convinced the Albanian Orthodox Christians to officially ask the Ecumenical Patriarchate to have then Metropolitan Anastasios as their Father and Chief Priest. Together with the work of revitalizing the Orthodox Church, innovative programs were also developed in the areas of health, social welfare, education, agricultural developments, culture and ecology. At the same time, he struggled to assist in relieving the many tensions in the Balkans. Author of 24 books (researches in African religions, essays in Theology and History of Missions, sermons etc) including Islam, a general survey (16 editions), History of Living Religions, significant chapters, Facing the World, Mission In Christ’s way, To the End of the Earth, Coexistence, In Albania Cross and Resurrection. Published more than 200 essays and articles of Theological and pastoral themes. His studies and articles have been translated into 17 foreign languages. He has been honored with 27 medals and awards of many Orthodox Churches and various countries. His significant contribution to Christian Mission, Theology, and the peaceful coexistence of people and religious communities has been internationally recognized. Archbishop Anastasios attended the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church in Crete,16-26 June 2016. Photography courtesy of  Basilica.ro Code for blog Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong.


The irrevocable nature of the Last Judgment in Orthodoxy maintains God’s beneficence versus mercilessness. God will not destroy human freedom even in eter­nity, and will allow those who turn against him to do so eternally. For this reason, Origen’s apokatastasis, the final restoration by which even the Devil has to be redeemed, was anathematized by the Second Council of Constantinople in 553. The second feature of judgment in Orthodoxy, remembrance of death and the “dread judgment seat,” is primarily an ascetic practice, attesting to the infinite blessedness of fellowship with the Holy Trinity tasted by the saints before death, compared with the desolation ofits absence. In recent times this is found in the writings of St. Silouan of Athos (d. 1938), where its philanthropic power is manifest. St. Silouan describes how knowledge of God by the Holy Spirit inspires one to pity and pray with tears “more especially for those who do not know God, or who resist Him and therefore are bound for the fire of torment” (Sophrony 1991: 352). Our judgment of others is therefore irreconcilable with the Holy Spirit, who imparts God’s universal love to the humble so that they may participate in the salvation of souls. By vol­untarily accepting judgment upon oneself alone, following Christ’s humble descent even to hell, one is also joined with him in his victory over death. The teaching “keep thy mind in hell, and despair not” (Sophrony 1991: 298, 430f.), which Christ imparted to St. Silouan, is, for the ascetic, a way of maintaining humility. SEE ALSO: Eschatology; Grace; St. Isaac the Syrian (7th c.); St. Mark of Ephesus (1392–1445); St. Silouan of Athos (1866–1938); Soteriology REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS Augustine, St. (1993a) Enchiridion. Library of Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers Vol. 3. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans. Augustine, St. (1993b) City of God. Library of Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers Vol. 2. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans. Basil the Great, St. (1987) Pre-communion Prayer. Prayer Book for Orthodox Christians. Boston: Holy Transfiguration Monastery.


–  What is the position of other traditional religions in Russia on this matter? – The traditional religions in Russia have a unified position on this matter. The consolidated position of representatives of major religious confession in the Russian Federation was formulated in a letter sent to President Vladimir Putin in June 2013 on behalf of the Interreligious Council in Russia. This letter stressed that Theology as poly-confessional educational standard taught on the level of Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees actually is a subject meta-area which cannot but be applied to the post-graduate studies as well. –  Please tell us about the major stages in the discussion concerning the definition of the status of theology in the list of chief subjects. –  As soon as we were given an opportunity to formulate our position, we held a comprehensive discussion on this problem in the church milieu. This theme was put on the agenda of the Supreme Church Council in summer 2013. We received a great deal of responses from the academic community and experts of various levels. With the blessing of the Supreme Church Authority, the work was entrusted to the Russian Orthodox Church’s inter-departmental coordinating group for teaching theology in universities, established by the Holy Synod. Contributions to this work were made by the Academic-Methodological Council on Theology, the Academic-Methodological Association on Classical University Education as well as St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Humanities University. At every stage we maintained direct contacts with specialists in the Ministry of Education and Science. Initially, not all the specialists always treated our position with due understanding. Some proposed that we should set up an extended group of subjects under the general designation “Philosophy, Ethics, Religious Studies, Theology”. But we could not agree to it since theology as science is fundamentally different from the other disciplines enumerated including religious studies which represent a study of religion often from atheistic perspectives.


That’s what the apostles all tried to do. That’s what the Fathers of the Council tried to do. That’s what any conscientious priest or bishop today will try to do. Tell the truth about Christ. Warn people about falsehood. Brothers and sisters, we should never be scandalized when we see or hear something going on in the Orthodox Church that sounds like a disaster. From the very beginning, the apostles abandoned Christ, and one of them betrayed Christ. People broke into factions, and formed their own schisms. Groups taught falsehoods, these groups gained popularity, and it sometimes took centuries to solve filthy scandals in the Church. Sometimes, whole generations lived and died, having to endure them. They are nothing new. So if you see them, you can simply say with King Solomon, there is nothing new under the sun. But never be discouraged, brethren: Like a great ocean, the Church purifies itself against whatever falsehood is poured into it. Through suffering, the faith of whole nations and individuals is purified, and made strong. And throughout it all, Christ’s original words – I pray for them, Holy Father: Keep through thy name those whom thou hast given me – are echoed again and again in every century. They are echoed in the prayers of His saints in every land and time. They are echoed in the prayers of every right-believing priest and bishop. And they are echoed every time you join your prayers to theirs, in your home, before your icons. Because the Lord knew it would get hard. And He does not abandon us.   – Archpriest Geoffrey Korz is a parish priest in Hamilton, Canada. Code for blog Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong. Having said that, Pravmir provides daily articles from an autonomous news service, weekly wall newspaper for churches, lectorium, photos, videos, hosting and servers. Editors and translators work together towards one goal: to make our four websites possible - Pravmir.ru, Neinvalid.ru, Matrony.ru and Pravmir.com. Therefore our request for help is understandable.


In 358 Saint Gregory quietly left Athens and returned to his parents at Nazianzus. At thirty-three years of age, he received Baptism from his father, who had been appointed Bishop of Nazianzus. Against his will, Saint Gregory was ordained to the holy priesthood by his father. However, when the elder Gregory wished to make him a bishop, he fled to join his friend Basil in Pontus. Saint Basil had organized a monastery in Pontus and had written to Gregory inviting him to come. Saint Gregory remained with Saint Basil for several years. When his brother Saint Caesarius (March 9) died, he returned home to help his father administer his diocese. The local church was also in turmoil because of the Arian heresy. Saint Gregory had the difficult task of reconciling the bishop with his flock, who condemned their pastor for signing an ambiguous interpretation of the dogmas of the faith. Saint Gregory convinced his father of the pernicious nature of Arianism, and strengthened him in Orthodoxy. At this time, Bishop Anthimus, who pretended to be Orthodox but was really a heretic, became Metropolitan of Tyana. Saint Basil had been consecrated as the Archbishop of Caesarea, Cappadocia. Anthimus wished to separate from Saint Basil and to divide the province of Cappadocia. Saint Basil the Great made Saint Gregory bishop of the city of Sasima, a small town between Caesarea and Tyana. However, Saint Gregory remained at Nazianzos in order to assist his dying father, and he guided the flock of this city for a while after the death of his father in 374. Upon the death of Patriarch Valentus of Constantinople in the year 378, a council of bishops invited Saint Gregory to help the Church of Constantinople, which at this time was ravaged by heretics. Obtaining the consent of Saint Basil the Great, Saint Gregory came to Constantinople to combat heresy. In the year 379 he began to serve and preach in a small church called “Anastasis” (“Resurrection”). Like David fighting the Philistines with a sling, Saint Gregory battled against impossible odds to defeat false doctrine.


Патриарх Варфоломей везде, казалось бы, ведет речь о Патриархате, а не о Патриархе Константинопольском. Однако мы видим выше важную оговорку: Вселенский Патриархат «как Первый Престол Православия». То есть речь идет даже не об исключительных правах и привилегиях Константинопольской Церкви, что было бы не меньшим отступлением от церковной истины, но именно о «Первом престоле Православия», как в Римо-католической церкви об «апостольском престоле». Итак, согласно патриарху Варфоломею и принявшему без всяких споров его доктрину Синаксису архиереев Константинопольской Церкви, Константинопольский престол обладает исключительным, уникальным положением и прерогативами в Церкви, которыми не обладает ни один престол или Поместная Церковь. Условием самого существования Вселенской Церкви является присутствие в ней Константинопольского престола, то есть наличие его в Церкви – критерий истинности последней. Без этого престола невозможно существование Православия. Он есть та закваска, которая формирует саму Церковь Христову и историю. Константинопольский престол – это мистическое начало Православной Церкви, подобно тому как Бог-Слово в начале всего. И как во Христе есть жизнь, являющаяся Светом человекам, так и Константинопольский Патриархат обладает особой, присущей только ему жизнью, являясь светом остальных Церквей. Отсюда логично вытекает и положение о том, что патриарший престол Константинополя обладает уникальным, присущим только первому престолу Православия правом экстерриториального всеобщего учительства во всем мире во все времена. Административные папистские притязания Константинопольского Патриарха выражены в его речи в таких словах: Вселенский Патриархат ... обладает канонической юрисдикцией и всеми апостольскими привилегиями в своей ответственности не только за сохранность единства и взаимообщения Поместных Церквей, но и за общее распространение Православия в современном мире и в исторической перспективе. В этом качестве Вселенский Патриарх как глава Православного Тела созвал в июне 2016 года Святой и Великий собор на Крите, величайшее церковное событие последних лет. («...the Ecumenical Patriarchate ... enjoys canonical jurisdiction and all apostolic privileges in its responsibility for safeguarding the unity and communion of the local Churches but also for the overall journey of Orthodoxy in the contemporary world and history». In this spirit, as President of the body of Orthodoxy, the Ecumenical Patriarch convened the Holy and Great Council in Crete in June 2016, the greatest ecclesiastical event in recent years») .


Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также The Triumph of Orthodoxy and Holy Icons The Triumph of Orthodoxy and Holy Icons An icon celebrating the veneration of icons, the Triumph of Orthodoxy is the festal icon for the first Sunday of Great Lent. As Lent is a period of communal fasting which continues for seven weeks, such triumphalism early on is understandable: it helps to strengthen the faithful for the coming days. From a Homily on the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov) From a Homily on the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov) The word anathema means severance, rejection. When the Church anathematizes a teaching, it means that that teaching contains blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, and for the sake of salvation it should be rejected and removed, as poison is removed from food. Sunday of Orthodoxy Archpriest Alexander Schmemann Sunday of Orthodoxy Archpriest Alexander Schmemann Rejoicing today in the triumph of Orthodoxy on this first Sunday of Lent, we joyfully commemorate three events: one event belonging to the past; one event to the present; and one event which still belongs to the future. Triumph of Orthodoxy Sunday Fr. Thaddaeus Hardenbrook Triumph of Orthodoxy Sunday Fr. Thaddaeus Hardenbrook After the exercise of Clean Week, the wisdom of the Church grants us a rest in the joy of Triumph of Orthodoxy Sunday. The First Sunday of Lent: The Sunday of Orthodoxy The First Sunday of Lent: The Sunday of Orthodoxy The theme of the victory of the icons, by its emphasis on the incarnation, points us to the basic Christian truth that the one whose death and resurrection we celebrate at Easter was none other than the Word of God who became human in Jesus Christ. Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council (787). The Holy Icons. Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council (787). The Holy Icons. The Iconoclasts, by repudiating all representations of God, failed to take full account of the Incarnation. They fell, as so many puritans have done, into a kind of dualism. Regarding matter as a defilement, they wanted a religion freed from all contact with what is material; for they thought that what is spiritual must be non-material. But this is to betray the Incarnation, by allowing no place to Christ’s humanity, to His body; it is to forget that man’s body as well as his soul must be saved and transfigured. Комментарии © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru


In April of 1924 Metropolitan Nazar received amnesty and was released after two years in prison. He returned to his diocese, which was undergoing many trials. He was not permitted to return to his own residence, but was obliged to live with his brother, while his former home was transformed into a storage facility. On August 14, 1924, a delegation from the village of Simoneti came to the metropolitan to request that he consecrate their local church. At the appointed time, the metropolitan arrived in Simoneti with his retinue and consecrated the church. That night, a group of Chekists (Soviet security agents) broke into the house whereMetropolitan Nazar and his entourage were staying, bound and beat them, and then dragged them to the village council. Without an investigation, the Troika (a Soviet extraordinary council of three judges) sentenced to death Metropolitan Nazar and four other clergymen—Priest German Jajanidze, Priest Ieroteos Nikoladze, Priest Simon Mchedlidze, and Archdeacon Besarion Kukhianidze. They were shot to death in the Sapichkhia Forest. In 1994, with the blessing of Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II, the full Ecclesiastical Council of the Georgian Church resolved with one accord to canonize Metropolitan Nazar and the clergymen who were martyred with him. At the same time, the council canonized all the Orthodox Christians who, for their Faith and the independence of their homeland, became victims of the totalitarian regime. They were proclaimed the “New Martyrs of the Georgian Church.” O Holy New Martyrs tortured by the godless enemy, intercede for us with the Holy Trinity and ask of Christ God great mercy for our souls! Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze For further information on the book THE LIVES OF THE GEORGIAN SAINTS by Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze contact St. Herman Press : St. Herman Press, P.O. Box 70, Platina, CA 96076 29 августа 2007 г. Venerable Martyrs Geronti, Serapion, German, Besarion, Mikael, Svimeon, and Otar of the Davit-Gareji Monastery (†1851) Commemorated August 12/25 Venerable Martyrs Geronti, Serapion, German, Besarion, Mikael, Svimeon, and Otar of the Davit-Gareji Monastery (†1851) Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries the Dagestanis were continually raiding and pillaging the Davit-Gareji Wilderness.


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George E. Demacopoulos Professor of Historical Theology Director and Co-Founder, Orthodox Christian Studies Center Fordham University @GDemacopoulos fordham.edu/orthodoxy 9 февраля 2015 г. Смотри также Комментарии Raphael 5 марта 2015, 04:00 We should all take this is a warning. In 2016 they have scheduled an ecumenical council. According to an " advisor " of the Ecumenical Patriarch a pressing matter that will be discussed is the following: " However, there are at least two issues up for discussion at the Great Council that encompass universal and unparalleled authority. The first is the way in which the Orthodox Churches will respond to religious fundamentalism and fanaticism. A united and unequivocal response to extremist and subversive elements and factions—sometimes within circles influenced by rigid or reactionary monastics—would be a compelling and committed emphasis on the “royal way” of discernment and moderation adopted by the classic teachers of the early church. Will we see a condemnation of separatist groups and a new commitment to ecumenical openness? " They are warning all those of a traditional mindset that they will be coming for us. Any person, lay or clergy labeled a " fundamental " will be attacked and severely punished. The old calendar Church is waiting for us, and I for one will gladly go if no Patriarch or Bishop will defend us and God " s truths. May God raise up another like the Holy St. Mark of Ephesus. J Clivas 10 февраля 2015, 00:00 A modernist, clearly. Joseph Hostetler 9 февраля 2015, 14:00 I am rather surprised that this fine website is posting this poorly written, disorientating and unfortunate article. For your readers please see responses to this article: Fr. John Whiteford " s Response to " Orthodox Fundamentalism " Matushka Constantina " s Response to " Orthodox Fundamentalism " my part, I would like to ask your readers if they have any information as to veracity of the claim that this author supports gay marriage. This accusation has been made and it is pertinent to the discussion of this article if this writer has made public commments to this effect. Thank you. Joseph Hostetler


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