Metropolitan Theodosy also noted that, " The ideology of radicalism which is being spread within the Arab world and which instructs Muslims to war against Christians, not only has became a tragedy for Christians in the Middle East, but also has become destructive for the Arab countries themselves.... Christians, especially those who belong to one, Arab nation, consider Arab Muslims as their neighbours and even brothers in blood. Christians follow the words of the New Testament: " If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone " (Romans 12:18).... The Russian Church is calling upon national, regional, international public and humanitarian organizations to raise their voice in defense of rights of Arab Christians and to do their possible to retain peace and the traditional Christian presence in the Middle East " . 10 сентября 2013 г. ... Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Tormenting the Souls of Religious Arabs: ‘Arab Spring’ Degrades into Sectarian Counterrevolution Tormenting the Souls of Religious Arabs: ‘Arab Spring’ Degrades into Sectarian Counterrevolution The blind sectarian rampage, which has been waging a war on worship mosques, churches and religious shrines have become a modern Arab trade mark phenomenon, since what the western media called from the start the “Arab Spring” overwhelmed the Arab streets. Jordan strains under weight of Syrian refugees Jordan strains under weight of Syrian refugees As we arrived in Maru, we found large crowds gathered in front of the distribution center. Women, children and heads of families had been waiting all morning in the hot sun to hear their family name announced to receive a box of food, school supplies and toys for their children. Conference explores the important role of Christians in Middle East peace Conference explores the important role of Christians in Middle East peace The most important gathering of Christian Arab voices on Palestine and Peace Комментарии Войдите через FaceBook ВКонтакте Яндекс Mail.Ru Google или введите свои данные: © 1999-2015 Православие.Ru

Exhibition, " Overcoming: Russian Church and Soviet authorities " opens in Yaroslavl/Православие.Ru Exhibition, " Overcoming: Russian Church and Soviet authorities " opens in Yaroslavl Yaroslavl, October 8, 2013 The exhibition of exclusive historical materials, " Overcoming: the Russian Church and the Soviet authorities " began its work on October 8 in the gallery of the Dormition Cathedral, reports . The exhibition with this name twice amazed the visitors both in Moscow and Italy and now it has come to Yaroslavl. From October 8 to 22, residents of Yaroslavl will be able to familiarize themselves with the exploits of Orthodoxy during the difficult Soviet period. Unique archival documents, displayed on the exhibition stands, are supplemented with local materials as well—extant items and documents of clergymen and their family members. The exhibition displays the objects that tell exclusively about the earthly life of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Yaroslavl land. The materials that underlie the exhibition were prepared by St. Tikhon " s Orthodox University and the Museum of modern history of Russia. “Fortunately, the time of persecution of the Church in our country is now in the past. But that difficult time is still remembered by those few people who survived beyond repressions, after exiles in labor camps and prisons, together with their descendants. Our duty is to tell the story it in its true colors, " noted Archbishop Veniamin of Rybinsk and Uglich at the press-conference the day before opening of the conference in the Dormition Cathedral. “This exhibition enjoyed great success last autumn in Moscow: it was visited by more than 7,000 people, and it even had to be prolonged three times,” said a co-author of the " Overcoming " exhibition, senior researcher of the Modern Church History department of St. Tikhon " s University Lidia Golovkova. “In August of this year, in Rimini, the Italian version of this exhibition was presented and it broke all attendance records. And this is symbolic: " a time to gather stones " has come, and it means that interest in culture and history is growing in our society.

Archive DECR chairman attends Climate Change Summit of Religious Leaders in Rome 4 October 2021 year 14:12 On October 4, 2021, with a blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, attended the Summit of Religious Leaders held in anticipation of the 26th session of the UN Conference on Climate Change. The event was organized by the embassies of Great Britain and Italy to the Holy See and attended by heads and representatives of Christian Churches, world religions and diplomatic corps. The participants were addressed in particular by Pope Francis of Rome, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury, Grand Imam of Al-Azhar University Ahmad Muhammad al-Tayyeb, acting Secretary General of the World Council of Churches Archpriest John Sauka, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Luigi di Majo, chairman of the 26th Session of the UN Climate Change Conference Mr. Alok Sharma. Addressing the assembly on behalf of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, Metropolitan Hilarion stressed that in accordance of the document “The Position of the Russian Orthodox Church on Pressing Ecological Problems”, which was adopted by the 2013 Bishops’ Council, the Russian Church “believes it to be her duty to promote the strengthening in people belonging to different social, ethno-cultural and professional communities the feeling of common responsibility for the preservation of God’s creation and to support their efforts in this area”. According to the hierarch, the present ecological situation is caused by the wish of some to make a prophet out of others, as well as unjust enrichment. The DECR chairman called upon the religious leaders to assume common responsibility for the present and future of humanity by working for the preservation of the globe and prevention of a global ecological disaster. DECR Communication Service / Календарь ← 7 December 2023 year

International Orthodox Chaplains’ Association supports chaplains of canonical Ukrainian Church Moscow, March 9, 2017 Photo:      The statement of the Third International Conference of Orthodox Military Chaplains, held October 17-21, 2016 by the Orthodox Ordinariate of the Polish army in Warsaw, was published on March 8 on the site of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church’s Synodal Department for Relations with the Armed Forces. The statement expressed approval and support for the decision to introduce military chaplains in Ukraine, reminding that the international Orthodox community recognizes only the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, reports the Information Department of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The self-styled and nationalistic “Kiev Patriarchate” and “Ukrainian Autonomous Orthodox Church” are schismatic, in communion with no one. “Knowing about the difficult situation of religious life in Ukraine, in particular about the painful and tragic schism of Ukrainian Orthodoxy, we consider it our duty to remind those involved in the organization of military chaplaincy service that thus far all Orthodox military chaplains, regardless of nationality and citizenship, providing care and spiritual aid to soldiers in the army (in peacekeeping operations and other activities), were and are mutually recognized and interchangeable as clerics of canonical Local Orthodox Churches,” the document reads. Thus, the document continues, the conference hopes that in all future peacekeeping missions involving Ukrainian troops, spiritual nourishment will come from canonical chaplains of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, under His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry. Chaplaincy service from schismatic priests will most likely in the future create situations in which soldiers of another country will be cut off from access to spiritual help, and will have no liturgical services to attend, as Orthodox Christians do not participate in the worship of schismatics and heretics. The gathering of chaplains expressed hope for understanding and support from Ukrainian authorities. The statement was drafted on behalf of representatives of Orthodox chaplaincy services in Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraine, and Finland. 9 марта 2017 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

En franзais, trois periodiques m " ont ete particulierement utiles: la revue Istina et le bulletin Vers l " unite chretienne, publies l " un et l " autre a Paris par le centre d " etudes «Istina»; et la revue Irenikon, editee par les Benedictins de Chevetogne, en Belgique, et dont la «chronique religieuse» fait autorite. J " ai utilise les Informations catholiques internationales, Paris, et le bulletin du Service oecumenique de Presse et d " Information, Geneve. Les commentaires du P. Wenger et du P. Scrima dans la Croix et le Monde m " ont beaucoup aide pour l " interpretation des evenements. J " ai puise dans les longues chroniques que Mgr Basile Krivocheine a consacrees aux conferences pan-orthodoxes, dans le Messager de l " exarchat du patriarche russe en Europe occidentale, publie a Paris, conferences que j " avais moi-mkme presentees dans l " hebdomadaire Reforme, a Paris. Contacts, revue franзaise de l " Orthodoxie, qui рагаот a Paris, a donne plusieurs chroniques sur ces evenements, et reproduit en particulier une etude du P. Georges Khodre sur le voyage d " Athenagoras Ier au Proche-Orient en 1959. AlMontada, publie a Beyrouth, donne, entre autres, le point de vue (tres eclairant sur Upsal) du Mouvement de Jeunesse orthodoxe du Patriarcat d " Antioche. En roumain, Biseri-ca Ortodoxa Romana a donne en 1967 un proces-verbal detaille de la rencontre, a Bucarest, du patriarche Athenagoras et du patriarche Justinien. Le P. Jean Meyendorff, dans le St. Vladimir " " s Seminary Quarterly, Crestwood, Tuckahoe (New-York) a publie une excellente mise au point du dialogue entre l " Orthodoxie et les Eglises non-chalcedoines. Чтобы понять Халкидон, нужно увидеть его в контексте труднейшей диалектики первых Соборов, где от антиномии к антиномии понемногу высветлялась тайна Христа. Коль скоро Бог действительно сошел к нам, Христос должен быть homoousios («единосущен» в смысле тождественности) со безначальным Отцом, истоком и основой божественности; таким было направленное против Ария решение Собора в Никее (325).

1–4. PG – Patrologiae cursus completus//Accurante J.-P. Migne. Series graeca. Paris, 1857–1866. 949 См.: Борис, архим. В каких отношениях особенно важно для пастыря Церкви обладать научным знанием богословия? СПб., 1903. С. 6; Барсов Н. И. , проф. Несколько исследований исторических и рассуждений о вопросах современных. СПб., 1899. С. 277 (далее – Барсов. Несколько исследований…). 950 См.: Hering Herm. D. Die Lehre von der Predigt. Berlin, 1905. S. 282 und 281 (далее – Hering. Die Lehre…). Ср.: Руководство для сельских пастырей. Киев, 1893. Т. 1. С. 398. 953 Юрьевский А., свящ. Гомилетика, или наука о пастырском проповедовании Слова Божия. Киев, 1903. С. 179 (далее – Юрьевский. Гомилетика). 954 La predication c’est la transmission de la verite par le moyen de la personnalite (Brooks Ph. Conferences sur la predication//Trad, par E. Nyegaard. Paris, 1884. P. 6; далее – Brooks. Conferences…). 955 См.: ProbstFerd., Dr. Katechese und Predigt vom Anfang des IV bis zum Ende des VI Jahr. Breslau, 1884. S. 134, § 29 (далее – Probst. Katechese…). 957 См.: Значение образцовых, преимущественно святоотеческих, Слов для современного проповедника//Прибавление к «Церковным ведомостям». 1890. 1. С. 11. 958 Необходимо помнить, что предмет проповеди всегда один; современность касается только способа раскрытия этого предмета. Границы применения современности указаны профессором Тареевым в следующих словах: «Словесное обнаружение современности в проповеди допускается лишь до того предела, пока она не становится содержанием проповеди» (По вопросам гомилетики. С. 116). 959 Для первохристианской общины, малой по числу членов, безраздельно преданной новому учению, гонимой и презираемой миром и, в свою очередь, презиравшей прельщения грешного мира, не только ожидавшей, но и желавшей, чтобы сократились дни этого мира, слово Божие представляло самодовлеющий интерес, а потому тогда обычной формой проповеди было почти исключительно чтение Писания, с изъяснением стих за стихом. См.: Певницкий В. Ф.

Architectural competition, “Design of an Orthodox church”, launched in Moscow Moscow, November 6, 2015 On November 9 at 13.00, the Union of Architects of Russia held a press conference dedicated to the launching of the open architectural contest, “Design of an Orthodox church that can accommodate 300, 600 and 900 people with a parish complex”, reports the Synodal Information Department. The contest is being held by the Financial and Economic Administration of the Moscow Patriarchate, the Union of Architects of Russia and the Guild of Temple Builders.      Over the period of revival of church architecture and with the beginning of the active church building many new churches were built in Russia, but, unfortunately, not all of them are up to the high criteria of art and architecture. Moreover, designing economical and at the same time rather spacious and multifunctional churches, which can provide all necessary premises for a full-fledged parish life, is now more in demand. But today, with limited budgets, there is a real need to diversify the palette of exterior and interior architecture of churches and Orthodox church complexes. The aim of the contest is the search and creation of the image of an Orthodox church with a parish complex. It will help bring to light design decisions which can afterwards be recommended to the Financial and Economic Administration of the Moscow Patriarchate for construction in all dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church. Archbishop Mark of Ryazan and Mikhaylov, Chairman of the Financial and Economic Administration of the Moscow Patriarchate and Chairman of Board of Church Construction Support Fund in Moscow ; Andrei Vladimirovich Bokov, President of the Union of Architects of Russia; Sergei Olegovich Kuznetsov, chief architect of the city of Moscow; Archpriest Andrei Yurevich, chief architect of the Financial and Economic Administration of the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as other experts in architecture and town building were invited to participate in the press conference. 9 ноября 2015 г. Комментарии Kailasnath k l 2 марта 2016, 20:00 I am a student architect from india,now can i praticipate in this design competation Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Ergänzungsband. Kleine Reihe 11]. Münster, 2014. S. 472–475, 483–484, 487; Di Berardino A. Leone Magno e il calendario cristiano: tra Oriente e Occidente//Synthesis. 2015. Vol. 4/1. P. 43–59. Показательно отсутствие рассмотрения сюжета о Пасхе в посвященной Льву I обобщающей монографии С. Вессель: Wessel S. Leo the Great and the Spiritual Rebuilding of a Universal Rome. Leiden; Boston, 2008. (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae. Texts and Studies of Early Christian Life and Language; 93). Поверхностный анализ церковно-политического измерения пасхалистических споров в IV–VI вв., включая и избранный нами сюжет, см. в: Holford-Strevens L. Church Politics and the Computus: From Milan to the Ends of the Earth//The Easter Controversy of Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Its Manuscripts, Texts, and Tables. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Science of Computus in Ireland and Europe Galway, 18–20 July, 2008/Ed. by I. Warntjes, D. Ó Cróinín. Turnhout, 2011. P. 1–21. 3 См.: Nothaft C.Ph.E. Dating the Passion. The Life of Jesus and the Emergence of Scientific Chronology (200–1600). Leiden; Boston, 2012. P. 73–88; Кузенков П.В. Христианские хронологические системы. М., 2014. С. 119, 181–183, 210, 259–261. Особо следует отметить ряд статей в сборнике, посвященном позднеантичным и средневековым системам летосчисления, где наряду с прочими рассмотрена пасхалия Виктория Аквитанского: Warntjes I. The Argumenta of Dionysius Exiguus and Their Early Recensions//Computus and Its Cultural Context in the Latin West, AD 300–1200. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Science of Computus in Ireland and Europe. Galway, 14–16 July, 2006/Ed. by I. Warntjes, D. Ó Cróinín. Tournhout, 2010. P. 40–111; Graff E. The Recension of Two Sirmond Texts: Disputatio Morini and De divisionibus temporum//Ibid. P. 112–142; Holford-Strevens L. Marital Discord in Northumbria: Lent and Easter, His and Hers//Ibid. P. 142–158; Ohashi M. The Annus Domini and the Sexta Aetas: Problems in the Transmission of Bede’s De temporibus//Ibid.

   Небольшая часть вечера у нас с Накаем отнята была на участие в общем собрании членов «Сайдан» (имущественного церковного общества). Объявлено было, какие Церкви внесли свое имущество вкладами в Сайдан. Положено написать священникам, чтобы они побудили свои подведомые Церкви, где уже есть недвижимое имущество, перевести его на Сайдан, в обеспечение сохранности этого имущества.      22 февраля/7 марта 1910. Понедельник.    Вечером занятия переводом не было — у Накая разболелись зубы.    Двое русских учеников: Иван Попов, исключенный, и Павел Кузнецов, больной, отправлены во Владивосток и дальше в их дома. На дорогу дано по 20 ен, которые они обещались возвратить из домов.      23 февраля/8 марта 1910. Вторник.    Целый день перевода не было по болезни Накая. Зато я исправил залежавшуюся корреспонденцию. Написал, между прочим, в Edinburgh и выписал за посланные 15 шиллингов 9 томов «Reports of Commissions», в которых будет описано все, что сделает «World Missionary Conference», имеющая состояться в Эдинбурге 14—23 июля нового стиля сего года. «Reports» обещают выпустить в сентябре. Чтение будет, должно быть, интересное и поучительное.      24 февраля/9 марта 1910. Среда.    Вчера вечером получил письмо из Эдинбурга от «Sir А. Н. L. Fraser, Chairman of Commission VIII of the World Missionary Conference». Назначение этой Комиссии — рассуждать об объединении всех христиан и указать средства к тому. Фрэзер спрашивает моего мнения по сему предмету. Кстати, не было занятия с Накаем по болезни его, и я ответил Фрэзеру до обеда. Смотри копию.      25 февраля/10 марта 1910. Четверг.    Накай полубольной приходил заниматься, и мы сегодня отдали в печать начало Праздничной Минеи. К началу 6-го месяца крепко обещают напечатать всю. В 6-м месяце мне нужно быть в Оосака устанавливать иконостас и прочее.    Написал письмо в ответ Глебу Михайловичу Ванновскому, бывшему здесь до войны нашим военным агентом, теперь командующему Кавалерийской бригадой в Варшаве — просил 2500 рублей, недостающих на постройку в Оосака.

First visit in history of assembly of Orthodox Hierarchs to Yakutia Yakutsk, September 27, 2013      The guests will come not only from Russia, but also from Georgia, Belarus, the Ukraine, Poland and Azerbaijan. All of them will take part in the Church and public anniversary events, reports the official website of the Diocese of Yakutsk and Lensk. Bishop Roman of Yakutsk and Lensk noted at the press conference that this anniversary was celebrated in order to draw the attention of residents of the republic to these glorious and important events: the 350th anniversary of the oldest monastery in northeast Russia, the Monastery of the Savior in Yakutsk, the 240th anniversary of the Church of the Mother of God in Yakutsk, the 150th anniversary of the Yakutsk theological seminary, and the 20th anniversary of restoration of the Diocese of Yakutsk and Lensk. " Moreover, we want to express our deep gratitude to the people who labored to restore the Churches of the northern land. Over the last two decades, 65 churches and the same number of chapels were built. Church life has been restored in every respect. Educational, missionary, social work that is being done in the Diocese, was formed during this very period, " said the Hierarch. With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, the ancient and much-venerated wonder-working Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God, which for around 400 years has been kept in the Pochaev Lavra, one of the centers of Orthodox life in the Ukraine, has been brought to Yakutia. From today " s (Sept. 27) evening to the main day of the anniversary celebrations, this icon will be staying in the Transfiguration Cathedral. And on October 6, the feast-day of St. Innocent (of Irkutsk), a solemn Divine Liturgy will be served with the assembly of Hierarchs concelebrating (something unique), and the faithful of the capital of Yakutia will proceed with the icon in a Cross procession from the Transfiguration Cathedral to the monument to St. Innocent. Among other major events there are: the research and practical conference, " Mission of Orthodoxy in the cultural space of Yakutia " ; release of the second edition of the restored first newspaper of the republic, " The Diocesan Bulletin of Yakutia " ; the publication of two books—the renewed translation of the Bible for children in the Yakut language, and To the North Through the Centuries, written by the famous poet, journalist, doctoral candidate of philosophy Irina Dmitrieva. As part of the anniversary celebrations, two new churches will be consecrated: on October 5, the St. George Church in the village of Zhatay, and on October 7, the St. Nicolas Church in the town of Vilyuysk. The city residents and guests will also be able to attend a poetry festival, a grand celebratory concert in the Russian theatre, and other events. 2 октября 2013 г. ... Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

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