MOVING FORWARD The situation in Ukraine remains tense. It might very well follow the example of Moldova, effectively splitting in two. The United States has perceived Russian calls for dialogue as an attempt to dictate unacceptable conditions. In Russia, the continuing strife has fueled the activity of nationalists and authoritarians. The latter group has become especially active of late and is presenting itself as the only force capable of protecting Russia’s interests. An uncontrolled escalation of the confrontation could even lead to outright war. The only solution is for the United States and its allies to change their position from one of confrontation to one of constructive engagement. After all, a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine crisis is still possible. Even during the Cold War, Moscow and the West managed to reach agreements on the neutral status of Austria and Finland. Those understandings did not in the least undermine the democratic systems or the general European orientation of those countries, and they even proved beneficial to their economies and international reputations. It is no coincidence that it was Finland, a neutral state with strong ties to both the West and the Soviet Union, that hosted the talks leading to the signing of the Helsinki Accords, which played a major role in easing Cold War tensions. The solution to the current crisis similarly lies in providing international guarantees for both Ukraine’s neutral status and the protection of its Russian-speaking population. The alternative would be far, far worse: Ukraine could well break apart, drawing Russia and the West into another prolonged confrontation. 18 июня 2014 г. Смотри также Комментарии elena 31 июля 2014, 14:00 Very instructive article. The great tragedy is the pityful psychological state of many Ukrainians. They have been abused so much by anti-Russian propaganda that they are by now completely blind on both eyes and unable to think logically. They have indeed become cases for psychiatry.

“We fully support the efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group and the presidents of our states,” he said. “At the same time, we have to say that, unfortunately, until today the United Nations Security Council resolutions [reaffirming Azerbaijan " s territorial integrity and demanding a withdrawal of Armenian forces] have not been fulfilled and the longstanding efforts of the Minsk Group cochairs have not yielded tangible results.” Armenia-backed ethnic Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh broke free of Baku’s control following the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991 and a three-year war between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces followed. The hostilities ceased due to a Russia-brokered cease-fire. The war and earlier ethnic tensions in Azerbaijan and Armenia displaced hundreds of thousands of people, mainly Azerbaijanis. The military phase of the conflict also resulted in ethnic Armenians remaining in control of most of Karabakh as well as some surrounding territories. Negotiations since then — mediated by the American, Russian, and French cochairmanship of the OSCE Minsk Group — have resulted in little progress in resolving the dispute. The religious leaders of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Russia issued a joint declaration in April 2010 when the Armenian pontiff paid a landmark visit to Baku to attend a summit of religious leaders from around the world. Then, they also voiced support for the long-running efforts to resolve the Karabakh conflict and condemned “acts of vandalism” committed in the conflict zone. Другие публикации на портале: © 2007-2024 Портал Богослов.Ru. Издатель: БОГОСЛОВ.RU Адрес издателя: 141300 Московская область, город Сергиев Посад, территория Троице-Сергиевой Лавры. Все права защищены. Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ Эл ФС77-46659 от 22.09.2011 При копировании материалов с сайта ссылка обязательна в формате: Источник: Портал Богослов.Ru . Мнение редакции может не совпадать с мнением авторов публикаций. Редакция открыта к сотрудничеству и готова обсудить предложения.

661 Улевич, О. Миллионер во вьетнамках: журналист посетил подследственного в больнице колонии строгого режима/О. Улевич//Имя. – 1997. – 21 марта. – см. также: Дунцева, М. Суды: Валерий Буяк осужден на 10 лет/М. Дунцева//Имя. – 1999. – 08 июля. – С. 2. 665 Солнышко, Н. Проход Венеры 8 июня 2004 года. Создание Единого Ментального Телепатического поля/Н. Солнышко. – Бобруйск: Научно-духовный Центр «Солнце», 2004. – 10 с. 667 Материалы 10-го съезда Союза ЕХБ Беларуси. – Минск: Союз ЕХБ, 2002. – 46 с.; Gregory, K. Yet God is at work/K. Gregory. – Carnforth: rbc ministries, June 2008. – 1 p. 669 Carter, L.F. Charisma and Control in Rajneeshpuram. The role of shared values in the creation of a community/L.F. Carter. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. – 316 p. 671 С. 123–124. Metraux, A.D. Aum Shinrikyo " s Impact on Japanese Society/A.D. Metraux. – New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2000. – 165 p. 672 С. 14. Melton, J.G. The Church Universal and Triumphant: Its Heritage and Thoughtworld/J.G. Melton//Church Universal and Triumphant in Scholarly Perspective. Ed. by J.R. Lewis & G. Melton. – Stanford: CAR, 1994. – P. 1–20. 673 См. например: С. 2. Robbins, T. Cults, Converts and Charisma: The Sociology of New Religious Movements/T. Robbins. – London: SAGE Publications, 1988. – 252 p. 674 Knott, K. In Every Town and Village: Adaptive Strategies in the Communication of Krishna Consciousness in the UK, the First Thirty Years/K. Knott//Social Compass. – 2000. – Vol. 47. – – P. 153–167. 676 Цикл лекций Великого Белого Братства в ДК им. Держинского//Вечерний Минск. – 1991. – 24 июня. – С. 4. 677 См. например: Причины существования и пути преодоления религиозных пережитков/Е.С. Прокошина [и др.]; под общ. ред. А.И. Залесского. – Минск: Наука и техника, 1965. – 256 с. 679 Carden, P. Cults and New Religious Movements in the Former Soviet Union/P. Carden//East-West Church & Ministry Report. – 1998. – Vol. 6:3. – P. 1–5. 680 Моношэнс, Э.О. Высшей Вселенской Природы Путь/Э.О. Моношэнс. – Минск: ТПФ «Арт-Стиль», 1994. – 264 с.

Параллельно Калверстрат шел величественный проспект с двойным именем – Дамрак-Рокин, исполненный неторопливого достоинства, туристических агентств и сувенирных магазинов. Зашел Саша и туда. В первом же сувенирном стал набирать ерунды для родни и приятелей – и оказалось, что при всем внешнем разнообразии выбор крайне невелик. Несколько видовых открыток, пара фарфоровых домиков – все это как-то еще годилось, а основная масса сувениров была явно рассчитана на всеядных американцев: что-то в стиле родных слоников на комод, только на тему мельниц, каналов, деревянных башмаков и, для разнообразия, мужских половых органов. Впрочем, хватит на сегодня шоппинга. Захотелось вжиться в текущую мимо толпу, словно он сам себе задал такой вот этюд на актерское мастерство. Вот выходят из шикарного кафе две богатые старушки, блистательные и ухоженные леди с неизгладимой печатью банковского счета на лицах. Несется и хохочет стайка нагловатых, но незлых мальчишек-подростков, кажется, среди них и одна девчонка – а впрочем, у них и не разберешь. Деловая дама выпархивает из неверно припаркованной машины и бросается в чрево какого-то туристического заведения, а машина остается ждать, лживо мигая поворотниками прямо посреди мостовой… Что, что в них особенного? Почему они не такие, как мы? Выдернулась из толпы рука в шевиотовом пальто, махнула Саше – пожилой господин чем-то интересовался. Оставалось только спросить: – Do you speak English, sir? – Yes. I asked you where’s a bus stop. – Sorry, I don’t know. I’m a stranger here. – Are you from England? (о, какая незаслуженная лесть для Сашиного английского!) – No, I’m from Russia. – Ru-sha? where’s it? – Moscow, Soviet Union. – Oh, Rusland! Mikhail Gorbatchev! To-va-rish Yeltzin! Gorbatchev is a good man. He is better than Stalin. Stalin was a killer, I know. Do you agree? – Of course. Sorry, I’ve no time – Саша выматерился по-русски и быстро зашагал прочь. Так какие они, какие? И какой – я сам? Если честно – Саня и сам не знал, почему стал актером. Благополучный московский мальчик, единственный сын в средней семье того круга, что звался (и поделом!) советской интеллигенцией, он довольно рано начал ощущать свою «инаковость», и эту инаковость в нем, в отличие от большинства детей, так и не заглушили. Его не обошел стороной положенный набор занятий – языки, музыка и теннис, – но ничего из этого так и не закрепилось всерьез. Уже в старших классах стало понятно, к чему лежала душа и мозги: математика. Пошли районные и городские олимпиады, на горизонте бесспорно маячил мехмат МГУ и уже нащупывался некоторый блат.

     Catapulted into the news by the visit of the Russian Orthodox Church " s patriarch, Kirill, to Cuba, the faith " s cathedral in Havana breaks the colonial architectural monotony of the Old City, where it is recognized as one of the Caribbean island " s rare and exotic jewels. Standing on the shore of Havana Bay, the Byzantine-style structure stands out amid Spanish fortresses, convents, Catholic churches, cobblestoned streets and old mansions. Six ornate cupolas crown the edifice, the first stone of which was laid on Feb. 14, 2006, by then-Metropolitan Kirill himself, who 32 months later consecrated the Orthodox cathedral to Our Lady of Kazan, venerated as the patron saint of the Russian people. An image of Our Lady of Kazan welcomes the faithful and curious at the entrance to the church, built of more than a million Cuban-made bricks and containing furniture, lamps, bells and crosses brought from Russia and costing more than two million euros (about million). Another feature of this cathedral is that it is the largest, but not the only, Russian Orthodox church in the Cuban capital, with a small Greek Orthodox church consecrated in 2004 standing on the grounds of the nearby San Francisco Catholic convent. Construction of the church was a long-standing dream of the many Russian Orthodox faithful living in Cuba, one of the Latin American nations with the largest Russian-speaking population. The construction of the church coincided with the renewal of Cuban-Russian relations, which had undergone severe strain after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Cuba " s strong supporter in the decades following the Cuban Revolution. Recognized by the Cuban government as a " cultural bridge " and " symbol of Cuban-Russian friendship, " the cathedral was built by a joint team of designers and workers from the two nations. Kirill " s first patriarchal visit to Havana has been marked by the historic meeting he held with Pope Francis at the city " s airport, the first between the two leaders of the Russian Orthodox and Catholic Churches in almost 1,000 years. Fox News Latino 15 февраля 2016 г. Смотри также Комментарии Misha Yachikov 17 февраля 2016, 00:00 Can you please enrole me to get Pravoslavie.Ru.sent to my email for a year.thank you. Kibu Nesibu 15 февраля 2016, 23:00 Thanks my Jesus.I would like to see it Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Russian Orthodox Church, Politicians Criticize Pro-Gay Eurovision Cross-Dressing Winner/Православие.Ru Russian Orthodox Church, Politicians Criticize Pro-Gay Eurovision Cross-Dressing Winner Moscow, May 15. 2014 Conchita Wurst, representing Austria, reacts after qualifying in May 2014 " s Eurovision contest in Copenhagen. The Russian Orthodox Church and several politicians have strongly condemned last week " s Eurovision winner, a bearded Austrian cross-dresser who promotes gay rights, and have suggested that they will create their own pop competition. " The last Eurovision contest " s results exhausted our patience, " Communist Party deputy Valery Rashkin said about the winner of Europe " s top pop competition, 25-year-old Conchita Wurst. " We must leave this competition. We cannot tolerate this endless madness. " He added that he would like to see the creation of " Voice of Eurasia, " which would invite other countries from the former Soviet Union to participate, according to AFP news agency. A spokesman for the Russian Orthodox Church has also made strong remarks against Wurst. " The process of the legalization of that to which the Bible refers to as nothing less than an abomination is already long not news in the contemporary world, " Vladimir Legoyda, chairman of the Russian Orthodox Church " s information department, said according Interfax news agency. " Unfortunately, the legal and cultural spheres are moving in a parallel direction, to which the results of this competition bear witness. " Wurst, whose real name is Tom Neuwirth, has spoken out in favor of gay rights, and after being awarded the glass trophy last week said: " This night is dedicated to everyone who believes in peace and freedom. You know who you are. We are unity, and we are unstoppable. " The singer also reportedly later addressed the same message to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who last year signed controversial bills in Russia prohibiting the promotion and distribution of pro-gay material.

Ю. Арапов. М., 2001; Ислам на постсоветском пространстве: Взгляд изнутри/Ред.: А. В. Малашенко, М. Б. Олкотт. М., 2001; Of Religion and Empire: Missions, Conversion and Tolerance in Tsarist Russia/Ed. R. P. Geracy, M. Khodarkovsky. Ithaca; L., 2001; Батунский М. А. Россия и ислам. М., 2003. 3 т.; Сборник Рус. ист. об-ва. М., 2003. Т. 7(155): Россия и мусульманский мир/Ред.: Д. Ю. Арапов; Арапов Д. Ю. Система гос. регулирования ислама в Рос. империи: (Посл. треть XVIII - нач. ХХ в.). М., 2004; Усманова Д. М. Мусульманские представители в рос. парламенте, 1906-1916. Каз., 2005; Императорская Россия и мусульманский мир: [Сб. ст.]/Сост.: Д. Ю. Арапов. М., 2006; Bobrovnikov V. O. Islam in the Russian Empire//The Cambridge History of Russia. Camb., 2006. Vol. 2: Imperial Russia, 1689-1917. P. 202-206; Crews R. D. For Prophet and Tsar: Islam and Empire in Russia and Central Asia. Camb. (Mass.), 2006; Ислам в РФ: Энцикл. словарь. Н. Новг., 2007. Вып. 1: Ислам на Нижегородчине; М.; Н. Новг., 2008. Вып. 2: Ислам в Москве; 2009. Вып. 3: Ислам в Санкт-Петербурге; Вып. 4: Ислам в Центрально-Европ. части России; Empire, Islam, and Politics in Central Eurasia/Ed. T. Uyama. Sapporo, 2007; Кемпер М. Суфии и ученые в Татарстане и Башкортостане: Исламский дискурс под рус. господством. Каз., 2008; Central Eurasian Reader: A Biennial J. of Critical Bibliography and Epistemology of Central Eurasian Studies/Ed. S. A. Dudoignon. B., 2008-2011. Vol. 1-2; Ислам и советское государство: (По мат-лам Вост. отд. ОГПУ, 1926 г.)/Сост.: Д. Ю. Арапов. М., 2010-2011. Вып. 1-3; Islamic Education in the Soviet Union and its Successor States/Ed. M. Kemper, R. Motika, S. Reichmuth. L.; N. Y., 2010. Д. Ю. Арапов, В. О. Бобровников И. в европейской части России и на Сев. Кавказе Мусульмане Сев. Кавказа принадлежат к следующим основным этническим группам: 1) абхазско-адыгской: кабардинцы, черкесы, адыгейцы, шапсуги, абхазы, абазины; 2) нахско-дагестанской: вайнахи (чеченцы, ингуши) и дагестанцы (аварцы, даргинцы, лезгины, лакцы, табасаранцы, рутульцы, агулы, цахуры и др.); 3) тюркской: азербайджанцы, кумыки, карачаевцы, балкарцы, ногайцы, трухмены; 4) иранской: мусульмане-осетины и частично таты.

Three Glinsk Elders to be Canonized Kiev, August 17, 2010 On August 21, the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Vladimir, will preside at the canonization of three Glinsk elders: Schema-Metropolitan Seraphim (Mazhugi), Schema-Archimandrite Seraphim (Romantsov), and Schema-Archimandrite Andronik (Lukash), reports the Press Service of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The festal Liturgy will be served in the court of the Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God in Glinsk Stravropegial Monastery. Glinsk Monastery was founded in the sixteenth century on the border of the Muscovite and Lithuanian princedoms. The monastery is located on what was before the communist revolution Kursk Province, Russia, but is now part of the Ukraine. The monastery began its formation with a miracle—an icon of the Nativity of the Mother of God appeared on a tall pine tree. A spring gushed forth from under the roots of this tree soon afterward, and many spiritual and bodily ailments were healed by its waters. For several centuries, Glinsk monastery united the prayerful solitude of its sketes with the spiritual and physical feeding of all who came to visit. The monastery gave birth to a host of elders, thirteen of whom were canonized in 2008. These were mostly ascetics who labored in the monastery, and were glorified by miracles during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. These three Glinsk elders occupy a special place in Orthodox monasticism of the latter times. They experienced the closing of the monastery, persecutions, exile, and imprisonment. They were known for their deep humility and boundless love for people, who came to them for counsel from all over the former Soviet Union. Even today, there are still those who can testify to their strength of prayer and gift of clairvoyance. The upcoming canonization is a significant event for the monastery and for those places where these elders lived—Abhazia, Georgia, and the Ukraine. The relics of Fr. Seraphim (Romantsov) were brought from Abkhazi to Glinsk Hermitage last summer at the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. The monastery is preparing to receive potentially thousands of pilgrims for the event, according to the Glinsk tradition of love and hospitality. The monastery " s address is: Sosnovka Village, Glukhov Region, Suma Province, the Ukraine. email: 19 августа 2010 г. ... Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Patriarch Kirill says pilgrimage development from Russia to help Greece to cope with crisis Athens, June 4, 2013 Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia said he urged to develop religious tourism in the Russian-Greek relations. " Pilgrimage is not seasonal tourism, not people going to the seaside, so they can come at any time. If pilgrimage is successfully enhanced, then this will have spiritual meaning, will bring us closer, will strengthen relations between the Churches more and will contribute to the economy of your country, " the patriarch said at a meeting with Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras in Athens. The patriarch said that it was currently important for Greece to develop the spheres, which would bring income quickly and that the Russian Church attached great importance to the religious tourism and pilgrimage development. Patriarch Kirill said that Russia had also survived a crisis " having gone through utter collapse of the economic and political systems when the Soviet Union fell. " " But of course, in the past ten to twelve years, especially after President Putin came to power, a lot has changed in Russia and now we live in an utterly different country. So we have a very clear understanding of the mood and the feelings the Greek people currently experience having found themselves in economic trouble, " the patriarch said. Patriarch Kirill said that Greeks were a heroic nation, " a nation which preserved itself throughout thousands of years and which is a carrier of the highest antic and Christian culture. " " Such nations do not disappear, they can fight. I would like to assure you that the Russian Church and Russian people are together with you in this fight of the Greek people for their future, " the patriarch said. Samaras said he thanked the Russian Church for the financial support it gave to Greece during the crisis. The Greek prime minister said that he believed in the power of the Greek people, who were spiritually strong and who would overcome the difficulties they were experiencing. Interfax 7 июня 2013 г. ... Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Ukrainian leaders seek Ukrainian Orthodox autocephaly September 13, 2016      Meeting with the Ecumenical Patriarch in August, two former Ukrainian presidents delivered to him a petition of 5,000 signatures, seeking autocephaly for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, reports. Details of the meeting between Leonid Kravchuk and Viktor Yuschenko were not immediately known following the session, but BBC has now reported that the former Ukrainian authorities met with Patriarch Bartholomew seeking the recognition of a Ukrainian Orthodox Church separated from the Moscow Patriarchate which canonically governs the Ukrainian Church headed by His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry (Berezovsky). After Ukraine received its independence following the fall of the Soviet Union, then head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Filaret (Denysenko), went into schism as the self-proclaimed patriarch of the so-called " Kiev Patriarchate, " which is recognized by neither Moscow nor Constantinople, nor any Orthodox Church in the world. A second schismatic " Orthodox " body, the self-styled Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, operates in Ukraine, in addition to the Uniate Greek Catholics. 13 сентября 2016 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Смотри также Комментарии Arteides Imper 13 сентября 2016, 19:00 A petition of 5000 signatures for the whole of Ukraine??. Where was it held - in a village? Even in tiny Malta. our petitions gather much more signatures!!!! Anthony 13 сентября 2016, 16:00 The Phanar has no authority to do so, so they " re wasting their time. He should remember his own precarious position in Constantinople before mischief making in other jurisdictions. The only independence required in the Ukraine is the independence of the Russian parts or their reunification with mother Russia. This is the only inevitability and the sooner the better. Let the rest of the western " ukrainians " be subsumed into the morally financially and demographically bankrupt west. Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

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