1358 Fr.Alexey Young. The Royal Path of the Righteous Hieromonk Seraphim of Platina//Orthodox America. 2002. Р.12. 1361 Прокимен – строка (чаще всего из псалмов), которая на богослужении сначала читается, а потом поется. 1363 Fr.Alexey Young. For His Soul Pleased the Lord//Orthodox America. 1982. Aug.–Sept. Р.1. См.также: Fr.Alexey Young. Letters from Fr.Seraphim. Р.281. 1364 Ryassaphore-monk Laurence. A Man of This World//Orthodox America. 1982. Aug.–Sept. Р.2. 1366 Лебедева Екатерина. Оптинский старец Иосиф: Жизнеописание и записи. Platina (California), 1978. C.75–76. 1367 Из беседы Барбары Мюррей 2 сент. 2002г. в монастыре Прп.Германа. Цит. по: The Twentieth Anniversary of Fr.Seraphim s Repose//The Orthodox Word. 2002. Р.214. 1371 Hieromonk Ambrose (formerly Fr.Alexey Young). Personal Reminiscences of Fr.Seraphim//The Orthodox Word. 2002. Р.236–240. Из беседы о. Амвросия 2 сент. 2002г. (20-летие кончины о. Серафима (Роуза)) в монастыре Прп.Германа. 1372 Поднявшись на ту гору во второй раз за день, о.Серафим отметил в летописи: «В пятницу вечером, снова взойдя на гору, о.Серафим чувствовал себя уставшим, но глубоко счастливым». 1373 Some Personal Remembrances//Orthodox America. 1992. Aug.–Sept. Р.7. Частично взято из беседы Барбары Мюррей 2 сент. 2002г. в монастыре Прп.Германа. 1374 Из лекции о.Серафима «Православие в США» в Свято-Троицком монастыре. Джорданвилль (Нью-Йорк). 12/25 декабря 1979г. (гл.89). Текст опубликован в «The Orthodox Word» (Т980. Р.226). 1378 See Eugene Rose. The African Greek Orthodox Church//The Orthodox Word. Р.163–180; Fr.Theodorus Nankyama. Missionary Correspondence: A Missionary Tour to Fort-Portal, Toro District (Uganda)//The Orthodox Word. 1969. Р.105–109. 1379 Fr.Seraphim Rose. Contemporary Signs of the End of the World (Признаки конца света в наше время). Беседа 14 мая 1981г. в университете Санта-Круз в Калифорнии.//The Orthodox Word. 2003. Р.40. 1380 Fr.Seraphim Rose. Watching for the Signs of the Times (Искать знамения времен). Беседа на Женской конференции 21 янв. 1979г. в г.Рединг (Калифорния).


Одна из первых сестер скита Блаженной Ксении сказала: «Никогда за всю историю нашего скита, кто бы нас ни посещал, жизнь наша не была легкой. Вечная борьба. Нам всегда помогала ревность к делу, к которому призвала матушка Бригитта, – пустынь, совместная жизнь, издание подвижнических книг. В наш духовно скудный век женщинам оставляют не так много выбора. Но огонек, возгоревшийся в сердцах наших предшественниц, подвигает и нас жить в идеалах пустыни. Чтобы он не, угас, нам нужно постоянно бороться с незримым сонмищем бесов и с собственным падшим естеством. С болью сердца и в трудах мы стяжаем пустыннический идеал». 1300 Hieromonk Ambrose (formerly Fr. Alexey Young). Personal Reminiscences of Fr.Seraphim//The Orthodox Word. 2002. Р.240. 1306 Евхаристический канон – самая торжественная часть литургии, в которой в определенный момент происходит пресуществление вина и хлеба в Тело и Кровь Христовы. 1311 Fr.Seraphim Rose. Saint Herman Summer Pilgrimage, 1978//The Orthodox Word. 1979. Р.6–9; Fr.Seraphim Rose. Saint Herman Summer Pilgrimage, 1979//The Orthodox Word. 1980. Р.60–64. 1312 Fr.Seraphim Rose. The St.Herman Summer Pilgrimages//The Orthodox Word. 1981. Р.199–200. 1318 Старец Никон был впоследствии причислен к лику святых вместе с другими Оптинскими старцами и Русской Зарубежной, и Русской Православной Церковью (Московского Патриархата). 1322 Свт. Иоанн Златоуст и другие святые отцы считали Книгу Бытия пророческой, поскольку ее автор, пророк Моисей, был провидцем событий прошлого. См. работу отца Серафима «Книга Бытия, сотворение мира и первый человек» (с.91–94). 1323 Fr.Seraphim Rose. Saiht Herman Summer Pilgrimage, 1979. Р.94; St.Herman Summer Pilgrimage, 1978. Р.47 1343 Письмо о Серафима (Роуза) N. От 24 июля 1974г. (это часть тех отрывков из книги прпп.Варсонофия и Иоанна, что перевел о.Серафим. После его кончины они были опубликованы под названием «Руководство к духовной жизни»). 1352 О.Серафим писал в этой статье: «Среди обращенных в Православие на Западе... есть соблазн слишком легко говорить о “ереси” и “еретиках” и воспринимать ошибки неправославных как предлог для фарисейского самодовольства в отношении собственной “православности”. Даже если такое отношение правильно выражено с точки зрения богословия, оно духовно неверно. Оно отпугивает многих из тех, кого Православие могло бы привлечь» (В защиту о. Димитрия Дудко//Православное слово. 1980. С.131).


admin “Christ’s call is still reaching to us; let us begin to listen to it.” These words of Father Serpahim (Rose)—ascetic, theologian, and preacher—are relevant today more than ever. His books helped many to hear this call. Written in the 1970s and ‘80s for his contemporaries lost in the intellectual ... Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong. Having said that, Pravmir provides daily articles from an autonomous news service, weekly wall newspaper for churches, lectorium, photos, videos, hosting and servers. Editors and translators work together towards one goal: to make our four websites possible - Pravmir.ru, Neinvalid.ru, Matrony.ru and Pravmir.com. Therefore our request for help is understandable. For example, 5 euros a month is it a lot or little? A cup of coffee? It is not that much for a family budget, but it is a significant amount for Pravmir. If everyone reading Pravmir could donate 5 euros a month, they would contribute greatly to our ability to spread the word of Christ, Orthodoxy, life " s purpose, family and society. Donate Related articles Orthodoxy on Other Christians… Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose) A few years before he died, Fr. Seraphim received a letter from an African-American woman who,… Forming the Soul – Spirit, Soul… Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose) The soul that comes to Orthodoxy today often finds itself in a disadvantaged or even crippled… Also by this author " Russian Church official: let’s not dramatize the Pan-Orthodox Council situation admin Russian Church official: let " s not dramatize the Pan-Orthodox Council situation " Metropolitan Onuphrius Expressed His Condolences to the Family of the Killed Clergyman of the Horlivka Diocese admin Today, dialogue is the only civilized solution to all problems and perplexities, excluding the escalation of evil and…


Makarios, Hierodeacon. It Is Later Than You Think! American Aposde to the Russian People//«Pravda». Ru. 2002. Sept. 27. [Mansur, Mary]. “With the Saints Give Rest...”//Orthodox America. 1982. Rossi, Vincent. The American Acquisition of the Patristic Mind//The Orthodox Word. 1984. Р.267–274. Sherry, Matthew. A Warrior of the Spirit for Modem Times//The Orthodox Word. 1994. 327–333. Stephen, Fr. Fr.Seraphims Beginnings as an Orthodox Writer//The Orthodox Word. 1984. P.31–37. Stephens III, Dr.Raphael W. Fr.Seraphim Rose, Patron of the Unborn//The Orthodox Word. 1989. Р.157–160. Stolen Glimpses into the Inner World of Fr. Seraphim//The Orthodox Word. 1987. Р.300–303. Toner, Jamey. “Maranatha!”//The Orthodox Word. 1994. Р.321–326. Yentzen, Celia. A New Miracle of Fr. Seraphim//The Orthodox Word. 2004. P.217–219. The Twentieth Anniversary of Fr.Seraphims Repose//The Orthodox Word. 2002. Р.209–215. Young, Fr. Alexey [Hieromonk Ambrose], A Mighty Pen Is Stilled//Orthodox America. 1982. Young, Fr. Alexey [Hieromonk Ambrose]. Letters from Fr. Seraphim. Richfield Springs (N.Y.), 2001. Young, Fr. Alexey [Hieromonk Ambrose]. My Advice to Converts//Again. 1994. Dec. 4. Vol. 17. Р.25–27. Young, Fr. Alexey [Hieromonk Ambrose]. Personal Reminiscences of Fr. Seraphim//The Orthodox Word. 2002. Р.233–241. Young, Fr. Alexey [Hieromonk Ambrose], The Royal Path of the Righteous Hieromonk Seraphim of Platina//Orthodox America. 2002. Р.6–7, 12. Young, Fr. Alexey [Hieromonk Ambrose]. Two Miracles of Fr.Seraphim//The Orthodox Word. 1984. P.44–45. Книги о.Серафима (Роуза), изданные на русском языке Аще забуду тебе, Иерусалиме/Сб. ранних работ. Мстиславль: Просветитель, 1995. Блаженный Иоанн Чудотворец. М.: Правило веры; Русский паломник, 1993. Блаженный Иоанн Чудотворец. Изд. 2-е. М.: Братство прп.Германа Аляскинского; Российское отделение Валаамского общества Америки, 1999. Божие откровение человеческому сердцу. М.: Братство прп.Германа Аляскинского; Российское отделение Валаамского общества Америки, 1994; 2-е изд. – М.: Московское подворье Свято–Троицкой Сергиевой лавры, 1997.


The Philokalia: The Complete Text. Compiled by St. Nicodemos of the Holy Mountain and St. Makarios of Corinth. Vol. 1. London: Faber and Faber, 1979. –. The Philokalia: The Complete Text. Vol. 2. London: Faber and Faber, 1981 . –. The Philokalia: The Complete Text. Vol. 3. London: Faber and Faber, 1984. –. The Philokalia: The Complete Text. Vol. 4. London: Faber and Faber, 1995. Pomazansky, Protopresbyter Michael. Orthodox Dogmatic Theology. Platina, Calif.: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1983. Third ed., 2005. Prayer Book. Jordanville, N. Y.: Holy Trinity Monastery, 1960. Red Pine (Bill Porter). Lao Tzus Taoteching. San Francisco: Mercury House, 1996. Ren Jiyu. The Book of Lao Zi. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1993. Rose, Fr. Seraphim. «The Chinese Mind.» The Orthodox Word, nos. 187– 88 (1996). –. Genesis, Creation, and Early Man. Platina, Calif.: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 2000. Second ed., 2011. –. The Soul After Death. Platina, Calif.: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1980. Third ed., 1993. –. (Eugene Dennis Rose). «Emptiness and Fullness in the Lao Tzu.» Master’s thesis, University of California, Berkeley, 1961. Rose, Fr. Seraphim, and Fr. Herman Podmoshensky, Blessed John the Wonderworker. Platina, Calif.: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1987. Ross, John. The Original Religion of China. Edinburgh: Oliphant Anderson & Ferrier, 1909. «Saint John Maximovitch of Tobolsk.” The Orthodox Word, no. 11 (1966). Sampson (Seivers), Elder. “Discussions and Teachings of Elder Sampson.» The Orthodox Word, no. 177 (1994). The Septuagint with Apocrypha: Greek and English. London: Samuel Bagster & Sons, Ltd. Reprint. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson Publishers, 1986. Seraphim of Sarov, St. Little Russian Philokalia. Vol. 1.4th ed. Platina, Calif.: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1996. Shien, Gi-ming. “The Basic Teachings of Taoism.» 1954. Original typescript, from the collection of Fr. Seraphim Rose. –. «Being and Nothingness in Greek and Ancient Chinese Philosophy.» Philosophy East and West, Vol. 1, no. 2 (July 1951).


Отец Серафим преодолел зыбучие пески модных философских учений, понял, что, прежде чем задаваться целью, куда идти, человек должен найти истинный ответ на вопрос, откуда он родом. Незадолго до смерти отец Серафим писал: «Ответ мы найдем в мудрости Церкви, доверившись нашим пастырям и святым отцам, жившим до нас. Люди готовы это услышать». 935 637 Fr.Herman and Brotherhood. Father Spyridon: Sotainnik of Blessed John//The Orthodox Word. 1988. P.197–198. 638 Fr.Herman and Brotherhood. Father Spyridon: Sotainnik of Blessed John//The Orthodox Word. 1988. P.238. 639 Fr.Herman and Brotherhood. Father Spyridon: Sotainnik of Blessed John//The Orthodox Word. 1988. P.201. 643 Преподобного отца нашего Иоанна, игумена Синайской горы, Лествица. СвятоТроицкая лавра, 1908. Слово 4:78. 644 Творения иже во святых отца нашего аввы Исаака Сириянина. Слова подвижнические. М., 1893. Слово 48. С 215–216. 646 Abbess Vera Verkhovsky. Elder Zosima, Hesychast of Siberia. Platina, 1990. P.127–128, 107; Житие и подвиги схимонаха Зосимы. Platina (California), 1977. C.75,91–92. 647 See: Fr.Seraphim Rose. Genesis, Creation and Early Man. P.166–167, 328, 421, 445; and St.Gregory of Sinai. Chapters on Commandments and Dogmas in: The Philokalia. Vol.4. London, 1995. P.213; Добротолюбие. В рус. пер., доп. М., 1895. Т.1. 648 Интервью о.Алексея Янга в номере «Русского пастыря» от 9 марта 1999г. Об архиепископе Иоанне в этом интервью говорится как о св.Иоанне, поскольку оно вышло после его канонизации. 650 Eugene Rose. The Prayer of the Good Thief. Written in april 1964. In Fr.Seraphims «Heavenly Realm». P.39. 653 См.: A Note on Reincarnation//Fr.Seraphim Rose. The Soul After Death. Platina (California), 1980. P.129. Revised edition: 1993. P.121–127. 660 Fr.Seraphim Rose. The Desert Dwellers of the Jura//The Orthodox Word. 1977. P.114–115. Sec: St Gregory of Tours. Vita Patrum/Platina (California), 1988. P.123–124. 661 См., например: Прпп. отцы Варсануфий Великий и Иоанн Пророк. Руководство к духовной жизни. М., 1855. Гл.256, 535, 551; St.Nikolai Velimirovich. The Prologue of Ohrid. Alhambra (California), 2002. Reflection for June 14.


Fr. Seraphim Rose giving a lecture at the New Valaam Academy, Platina, 1980. Eugene accepted Orthodoxy in an unassuming church and had the feeling of coming home. This is also a very important moment granted to many people. Entrance into the Promised Land should be emphasized by its contrast with the lifeless desert that one leaves behind. The Father’s embrace is especially warm after the prodigal son’s life among the swine, far from home. Contrast is needed, which says to the heart: “Well, here it is, finally.” This contrast is needed not only for those who were born and raised in a non-Orthodox country. It is needed for all those who seek God and find Him after long effort, though he be not far from any one of us (Acts 17:27). “The doors of the church literally closed behind my back,” recalls Fr. Seraphim. For those who seek God alone and His grace, similar things happen without the participation of any strong mediators; that is, without any powerful sermons, grand architecture, or soul-stirring music. Everything around might be very humble and everyday, but the seeker experiences a memorable meeting with the One Who is likewise seeking the seeker. This is the moment of conversion. Orthodoxy should become a world religion that counteracts the ethnic limitations we are used to. Orthodoxy is by nature supra-nationalistic and universal. It is fitting for it to become this. If only we ourselves would enter in, and not prevent those Americans, Brazilians, Thais, Congolese, etc. who want to enter into communion with God, they willenter the Church, every day. They will bring their historical and mental characteristics, make us take another look at what we have grown accustomed to, from the vantage point of eternity. The first among them will be people like Father Seraphim Rose—that is, the intellectually gifted and insatiable in their desire to know God, the energetic and uncompromising, who want to worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father seeketh such to worship him (Jn. 4:23). And there is no nation that is absolutely incapable of bearing this fruit.


    Archimandrite Demetrius Trakatellis, “St. Neilus on Prayer,” Sobornost, 1966, Winter-Spring, page 84. Diakonia , 1974, no. 4, pages 380, 392. Fr. Thomas Hopko, in St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 1969, no. 4, p. 225, 231. St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly , 1969, no. 3, p. 164. A detailed description may be read in Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future, St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1975. Tweet Donate Share Code for blog The Holy Fathers of Orthodox Spirituality Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose) We must face squarely a painful but necessary truth: a person who is seriously reading the Holy Fathers and who is struggling according to ... Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong. Having said that, Pravmir provides daily articles from an autonomous news service, weekly wall newspaper for churches, lectorium, photos, videos, hosting and servers. Editors and translators work together towards one goal: to make our four websites possible - Pravmir.ru, Neinvalid.ru, Matrony.ru and Pravmir.com. Therefore our request for help is understandable. For example, 5 euros a month is it a lot or little? A cup of coffee? It is not that much for a family budget, but it is a significant amount for Pravmir. If everyone reading Pravmir could donate 5 euros a month, they would contribute greatly to our ability to spread the word of Christ, Orthodoxy, life " s purpose, family and society. Donate Also by this author " Orthodoxy on Other Christians… Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose) A few years before he died, Fr. Seraphim received a letter from an African-American woman who, as a… " Thirst for the Holy Spirit: On the Feast of Mid-Pentecost Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose) For too many of us, perhaps, the weeks following the radiant Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord…


Excerpt from Hieromonk Damascene’s talk on the 30th Anniversary of the Repose of Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose) Sept. 2, 2012, at the St. Herman of Alaska Monastery SOURCE: The Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia With Abbot Hilarion’s blessing, I would like to say some words that we feel are important to say on this day. As many of you know, this monastery was founded with the blessing of Archbishop Anthony of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia in 1969, and Fr. Seraphim lived all of his Orthodox life as a faithful and obedient member of the Russian Church Outside Russia. In all the years this monastery has been in existence, today is the first day that a First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia has visited our monastery. During Fr. Seraphim’s lifetime, there was talk that the then-First Hierarch, His Eminence Metropolitan Philaret, would be coming to visit. Fr. Seraphim, with the help of other brothers, even built the Tsar’s Room – now a chapel dedicated to the Russian Royal Martyrs – as a room to properly receive the Metropolitan. But for logistical reasons, Metropolitan Philaret was unable to attend at that time, and the Metropolitan-receiving room did not fulfill its original purpose. After Fr. Seraphim’s repose, it was not just logistical reasons that prevented the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Outside Russia from coming here. The reasons are painful to relate, but we feel that we should talk about them, and that the appropriate time is precisely today, on Fr. Seraphim’s 30th anniversary, when a First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad is here for the first time. Within a year after Fr. Seraphim’s repose, our then-Abbot, Fr. Herman, went into schism from his ruling hierarch, Archbishop Anthony, from the Russian Church Abroad, and from the entire Orthodox Church. Those of us who remained here followed him in that schism. Moreover, to justify this schism, Fr. Herman engaged in a campaign to discredit Archbishop Anthony and the good name of the Russian Church Abroad, and we, who wrongly believed he was being unjustly persecuted, followed him in this, too. Of all of us, I was the worst culprit, because in the first biography of Fr. Seraphim, Not of This World, I included a subtext which attempted to justify Fr. Herman’s break from his Archbishop and the Russian Church Abroad.


иером. Дамаскин (Христенсен) Библиография Книги о.Серафима (Роуза), изданные на английском языке Father Gerasim: Guardian of St.Herman of Alaska (О.Герасим: Страж прп.Германа Аляскинского). Platina, 1983. Отдельный оттиск статьи из «The Orthodox Word» («Православного слова»). Genesis, Creation and Early Man: The Orthodox Christian Vision (Книга Бытия. Творение. Первый человек: православный христианский взгляд). Platina, 2000. Gods Revelation to the Human Heart (Божие откровение человеческому сердцу). Platina, 1987. Heavenly Realm. Lay Sermons of Fr. Seraphim Rose (Царствие Небесное. Светские проповеди о. Серафима (Роуза)) . Platina, 1984. The Holy Fathers of Orthodox Spirituality (Святые отцы Восточной Церкви). Forestville (California): Fr.Seraphim Rose Foundation, 1997. Включает статьи «The Holy Fathers: Inspiration and Sure Guide to True Christianity», «How to Read the Holy Fathers» and «How not to Read the Holy Fathers». The Holy Fathers: Sure Guide to True Christianity (Святые отцы: верный путь христианства). West Coast Orthodox Supply, 1983. Отдельный оттиск статьи из «The Orthodox Word». Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age (Нигилизм: Источник революции современной эпохи). Forestville (California): Fr.Seraphim Rose Foundation, 1994. Новое иэд.: Платина, 2001. Включает статью о.Серафима «The Philosophy of the Absurd» («Философия абсурда»). Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future (Православие и религия будущего). Platina (California): St.Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1975. 2-е изд., испр. и доп. Platina, 1979; 3-е изд.: 1990; 4-е изд.: 1996; 5-е изд.: 2004. The Soul After Death (Душа после смерти). Platina, 1980; 2-е изд.: 1982; 3-е изд.: 1993; 4-е изд.: 2004. The Place of Blessed Augustine in the Orthodox Church (Место блж.Августина в Православной Церкви). Platina, 1983; новое изд.: 1996. Weeping Icons of the Mother of God (Плачущие иконы Божией Матери). Platina, 1966. Отдельный оттиск статьи из «The Orthodox Word». Читать далее Источник: Отец Серафим (Роуз). Жизнь и труды/Иеромонах Дамаскин (Христенсен) ; пер. с англ. под ред. С. Фонова. - Москва : Изд-во Сретенского монастыря, 2009. - 1055 с. : ил., портр. Поделиться ссылкой на выделенное


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