Как ни удивительно это прозвучит для некоторых исследователей, из всего этого разнообразия сочинений все же можно сделать определенный вывод. Как и во многих других материях, главный вопрос не в том, почему многие ученые придерживаются тех или иных взглядов или какие тенденции преобладают в интеллектуальном мире и даже не в том, какое мнение высказывает большинство людей в опросах. sus: The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant (San Francisco: Harper Collins, 1991); John Dominic Crossan, Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1994); Marcus J. BorJesus: A New Vision: Spirit, Culture, and the Life of Discipleship (San Francisco: Harper Collins, 1987). Отчасти похожая работа: Burton L. Mack, The Lost Gospel: The Book of Qand Christian Origins (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1993). Главный вопрос таков: что говорят факты об Иисусе как об исторической личности? Какие источники имеются в нашем распоряжении? Есть ли среди них нехристианские материалы? Когда жил Иисус? Что Он делал? Чему Он учил? Как Он умер? Истинно ли новозаветное утверждение, что Иисус воскрес из мертвых? Наша цель – искать ответы на такие вопросы, при этом убедительно опровергая основные возражения и выясняя, какие источники подтверждают традиционное представление об Иисусе. 2. Действительно ли Иисус жил на свете? Ученых, считающих, что никакого Иисуса вообще не было, крайне мало. Подобный вывод обычно рассматривается как грубое злоупотребление имеющимися историческими данными. Даже Рудольф Бультман, стремившийся демифологизировать Новый Завет , говорил: «Ни в коей мере мы не находимся во власти тех, кто сомневается или отрицает, что Иисус жил на свете» Однако это мнение оказалось довольно живучим и время от времени всплывает заново. Сказанное относится, прежде всего, к более популярным трактовкам жизни Иисуса. Как выглядят подобные аргументы? Здесь мы рассмотрим взгляды двух ученых, отстаивающих эту точку зрения. Джордж А. Уэллс В нескольких недавних сочинениях 29 Дж. А. Уэллс объясняет свою позицию, согласно которой Иисус, возможно, и был историческим персонажем, но все же малоизвестным. Автор не исключает, что Иисуса никогда даже и не было, а в Новом Завете Его история основана на древних мистических культах.


The 13th All-Diaspora Russian Orthodox Youth Conference Opens in the Cathedral of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” San Francisco, June 28, 2014      On Friday, June 27, 2014, a moleben to St John of Shanghai and San Francisco performed in the Cathedral of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” in San Francisco opened the 13th All-Diaspora Russian Orthodox Youth Conference. The cathedral contains the reliquary of the great saint of the Russian diaspora. Heading the service was His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, along with clergymen from various dioceses of the Russian Church Abroad. Hierarchs of the Church Abroad prayed at the service, who are in San Francisco for a session of the Council of Bishops of ROCOR, as well as His Grace Bishop Panteleimon of Orekhov-Zuev, President of the Synodal Department of Social Service of the Moscow Patriarchate, and His Grace Bishop Iona of Obukhovsk, Vicar of the Kievan Metropoliate, both participants of the youth conference, and a host of believers from various countries. At the end of the singing of the akathist, Metropolitan Hilarion welcomed the young conferees. “Today, after decades of godlessness in our historic homeland, the Russian Orthodox Church is restoring its missionary work, which, with God’s help, never ceased in the Russian Church Abroad,” said His Eminence. “Moreover, the years of wandering by the refugees and forced emigres did not for a moment stop serving God and neighbor. Today, social service is very difficult, but this grace-filled podvig is open to all people of all ages in all countries. The world around us is in need of mercy, and the chance to do good is given to us constantly.” The greeting of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia was read by Bishop Panteleimon. The epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Onouphry, locum tenens of the Kievan Metropoliate was read by Bishop Iona, who also relayed to Vladyka Hilarion the heartfelt support and greeting from Metropolitan Onouphry, and offered him a gift of a panaghia. 30 июня 2014 г. Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Arhiva Preafericitul Patriarh Chiril a adresat un mesaj de salut participanilor la cel de-al XIII-lea Congres al tineretului ortodox din întreaga Strintate 27 iunie 2014 13:30 Preafericitul Patriarh al Moscovei i al întregii Rusii Chiril a felicitat participanii la cel de-al XIII-lea Congres al tineretului ortodox din întreaga Strintate, desfurat în San Francisco. Organizatorilor, participanilor i oaspeilor celui de-al XIII-lea Congres al tineretului ortodox din întreaga Strintate (SUA, San Francisco, 27 iunie – 4 iulie 2014) Dragi frai i surori! Salut cordial pe toi organizatorii, oaspeii i participanii la cel de-al XIII-lea Congres al tineretului ortodox din întreaga Strintate, care îi desfoar lucrrile în San Francisco. Forul actual este dedicat la dou teme foarte actuale din viaa Bisericii: activitatea de misionarism i slujirea social. Mrturia credinei noastre are o importan enorm pentru milioane de oameni, muli dintre care, din pcate, în ziua de azi  îi pierd reperele morale tradiionale. Mrturia aceasta este cu atât mai convingtoare i cu atât mai puternic, cu cât mai mult noi o  întrim prin faptele noastre bune, prin fapte reale ale dragostei i milosteniei, ale grijii pentru cei care au nevoie de atenia i ajutorul nostru. Slujirea social i facerea de fapte bune este o continuare important i organic a Liturghiei, a acelei „cauze comune”, la care este chemat fiecare cretin. Anume dragostea fa de aproapele este un criteriu al credinei active a omului, doar, conform spuselor apostolului Iacov, „credina fr de fapte moart este” (Iac. 2:26). Este simbolic c acest congres se desfoar în zilele srbtoririi aniversri a 20 de ani de la proslvirea sfântului ierarh Ioan de Shanghai i de San Francisco, care a manifestat prin propria via o pild de buntate, dezinteresare, sensibilitate i grij pentru durerea i nenorocirea altuia. El a fost acolo, unde a fost suferin. El rspundea întotdeauna la acordarea ajutorului în caz de nenorocire i purta lumina dragostei lui Hristos celor împovrai de scârbiri multiple. Sper c forul care îi deschide astzi lucrrile va contribui la unirea tinerilor în dorina lor de a munci întru slava lui Dumnezeu i pentru folosul celor apropiai, urmând  pilda nevoinei sfântului ierarh Ioan de Shanghai. Chem asupra voastr binecuvântarea Domnului i Mântuitorului cel Milostiv, v doresc sntate durabil i ajutor de sus în toate inteniile bune. +CHIRIL, PATRIARHUL MOSCOVEI I AL ÎNTREGII RUSII   Календарь ← 6 martie 2022 19 aprilie 2020


Church of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco Under Construction at St. Elizabeth Convent in Minsk, Belarus      In recent years the St. Elizabeth Convent in Minsk, Belarus has been constructing a church in honor of St John of Shanghai and San Francisco on the territory of the National Mental Health Centre in Novinki in Minsk which sees 25,000 patients annually from throughout Belarus. This church is very important for those who undergo treatment in the psychiatric clinic—as soon as it is opened, patients will have the opportunity to receive both spiritual and physical healing by participating in prayer, the Holy Mysteries and regular services.The church is named in honor of St. John because he dedicated his entire life to serving other people, including the sick, and he was known to often visit the sick in hospitals and has worked numerous miraculous healings. Speaking of the vision for the church, Archpriest Andrew Lemeshonok states: " This church should really be like an outpost of Heaven, because here one sees grated windows and hears the moans and screams of the patients. " Psychiatrist Dr. Pogotskaya explains the need for the church: “When and individual falls ill, he always moves towards God more intensely. Mental diseases are diseases of the soul, and they are so closely intertwined with the diseases of the spirit that sometimes the border between them disappears. This is why this kind of cooperation is more important for psychiatry than for any other branch of medical science.” Eugene Nekrasov, a former patient testifies: “When you have to stay in the hospital for a long time, a visit to the church is like a breath of fresh air because you escape the usual routine, not to mention the spiritual help you can get in the church.” Your support and prayers for the successful implementation of this construction project are greatly appreciated. Please consider making a donation to this philanthropic project and visit the Facebook page dedicated to the building of the church of St. John. Below is a video detailing the story and construction of the church of St. John at the National Mental Health Center, followed by various images from the construction progress and the first Liturgy celebrated in the unfinished temple: Please click the image to view the video. September 2013      October 2013      May 2014      January 2015            July 2015      The First Liturgy in the Unfinished Church of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco, 2014      22 августа 2015 г. Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Sermon by St. John (Maximovich, +1966) of Shanghai and San Francisco on the Holy Pentecost St. John (Maximovich) of Shanghai and San Francisco Trinity. Andrei Rublev The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit share one nature, one essence, one substance. That is why the Three Faces are the Trinity, one-in-substance. Humans also have one nature, one substance. But while God is the Indivisible Trinity, divisions occur in mankind constantly… The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit have common thought, common will, common actions. What the Father desires, the Son also desires, and the Holy Spirit also desires. Whatever the Son loves, so do the Father and the Holy Spirit also love. Whatever is pleasing to the Holy Spirit, is pleasing to the Father and Son. Their actions are also common among them, all act in conjunction and in accord. This is not so with man. We are in constant disagreement, we have differing desires. Even a small child expresses his own wishes, willfulness, disobedience to his loving parents. As he grows older, he separates from their more, and so often in our day becomes completely alienated from them. People simply don’t share identical opinions, on the contrary, there are perpetual divisions in all things, quarrels and conflicts between individuals, wars between nations. Adam and Eve, before their Fall, were in full accord and of common spirit with one another at all times. Having sinned, alienation was immediately sensed. Justifying himself before God, Adam blamed Eve. Their sin divided them and continues to divide all of mankind. Emancipated from sin, we approach God, and, filled with His grace, we sense our unity with the rest of mankind. Such unity is very imperfect and lacking, since in each person some portion of sin remains. The closer we approach God, the closer we approach each other, just as the closer rays of light are to each other, the closer they are to the Sun. In the coming Kingdom of God there will be unity, mutual love and concord. The Holy Trinity remains eternally unchanging, all-perfect, united in essence and indivisible. The One, Indivisible Trinity ever remains the Trinity. The Father always remains the Father, the Son remains the Son, the Holy Spirit remains the Holy Spirit. Besides Their personal Properties, They all share all in common and in unity. That is why the Holy Trinity is One God. St. John (Maximovich) of Shanghai and San Francisco 25 июня 2013 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку


Among those who came to the capital of California for the conference were hierarchs, clergy and representatives of expatriates’ organizations in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico and the USA.  The plenary session was opened by the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Outside Russia, Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York. Among the speakers were Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, Archbishop Justinian of Naro-Fominsk, administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA, Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada, Bishop Peter of Cleveland, administrator of the dioceses of Chicago and mid-America, Bishop Theodosius of Seattle, Hegumen Philaret, DECR vice-chairman, Ms. A. Safonova, deputy director for the Russian Foreign Ministry’s department for expatriates, V. Vinokurov, Russian general consul in San Francisco. Ms. N. Norochinskaya, president of the Historical Perspective Foundation, and V. Istratov, deputy executive director of the Russian World Foundation.  During the forum, which was held in a spirit of mutual understanding, the episcopate, clergy, diplomats and representatives of expatriate organizations considered problems involved in the support of the Russian-speaking diaspora in North America and Oceania. Participants shared their experience in organizing expatriates’ religious life, extra-liturgical fellowship, and assistance to brothers and sisters in adapting to local conditions in the county of residence.  The work was summed up in a communiqué.  After that the participants came to the Cathedral of Our Lady the Joy to All the Afflicted of the ROCOR diocese of San Francisco and Western America to see the church, which for many decades has been a place of prayer and fellowship for Russian expatriates of various emigration waves. They sang a prayer at the holy relics of St. John, Archbishop of Shanghai and the Miracle-worker of San Francisco.  mospat.ru Другие публикации на портале: © 2007-2024 Портал Богослов.Ru. Издатель: БОГОСЛОВ.RU Адрес издателя: 141300 Московская область, город Сергиев Посад, территория Троице-Сергиевой Лавры.


Шутак Г. Пребывание Его Высокопреосвященства, Высокопреосвященнейшего Тихона, Архиепископа Алеутского и Северо-Американского, в Штате Колорадо//АПВ, 1905, т. IX, 15, с. 288–291. Щедрый дар//АПВ, 1901, т. V, 5, с. 106. Щенснович Э.Н. Письмо Его Преосвященству, Преосвященнейшему Тихону, Епископу Алеутскому и Северо-Американскому, от Командира броненосца «Ретвизана» Э.Н. Щенсновича//АПВ, 1904, т. VIII, 12, с. 243. Я. К истории созыва Всероссийского Церковного Собора. М.: Синод, тип., 1917. Bensin В. М. Russian Orthodox Church in Alaska 1794–1967... Sitka: Published by the Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church of North America, Diocese of Alaska, 1967. Benzin B.M . My recollections//Orthodox America 1794–1976. Development of the Orthodox Church in America/Ed. Constance J. Tarasar, John H. Erickson. Syosset: OCA. Department of History and Archives, 1975. P. 112. Christmas at the Graeco-Russian Church...//The San Francisco Call. – 1899. – 7 January. Detailed Timeline Vita of Archbishop Arseny. S. 1.: The Canonization Committee of the Orthodox Church in Canada, 2004. Doumouras A. Greek Orthodox Communities in America Before World War I//St. Vladimir’s Seminary Quarterly, 1967, v. 11, 4, p. 172–192. Easter celebrated by devout Russians...//The San Francisco Call. – 1900. – 23 April. Greet Russian Archbishop. His First Service Since Moving His Headquarters Here//The New York Times. – 1905. – 9 October. Gregersen С.Е. The architecture of Holy Trinity Cathedral//A history of Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Cathedral of Chicago. 1892–1992/Edited by Anatoly Bezkorovainy. Chicago: Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Cathedral, 1992. P. 131– 140. Head of the Russian Church in America...//The San Francisco Call. – 1898. – 14 December. Jeffrey J. In the Presence of the Saint. Saint Mark’s Parish, Denver and Saint Tikhon, Enlightener of North America...//The Lion. Unofficial Newsletter for Members Only of St. Mark’s Parish, Denver, Colorado, 2004, v. C X X IX , 4/5, p. 1–2. Kishkovsky L. Archbishop Tikhon and the North American Diocese 1898–1907//Orthodox America 1794–1976. Development of the Orthodox Church in America/Ed. Constance J. Tarasar, John H. Erickson. Syosset: OCA. Department of History and Archives, 1975. P. 83–101.


Л. Н. Парийский о церковной ситуации в Америке в середине 1940-х гг./Публикация А.А. Кострюкова //Вестник ПСТГУ II: История. История Русской Православной Церкви. М., 2012. Вып. 6 (49). С. 108. Протокол 7 Заседаний Архиерейского Собора Русской Православной Церкви Заграницей 23 ноября/6 декабря 1950 г.//Синод РПЦЗ [Электронный ресурс]. 2016. Режим доступа: (дата доступа: 28.01.2016). Woerl Michael . Archbishop James (Roy C. Toombs) of Manhattan, Head of the American Orthodox Mission, Vicar of the Diocese of Eastern America and Jersey City//ROCOR Studies [Электронный ресурс]. 2017. Режим доступа: (дата доступа: 28.01.2017). Бочков Павел, свящ . История «Американской Православной Католической Церкви». От миссии к расколу и регрессу//Труды Перервинской православной духовной семинарии. М., 2015. 12. С. 45. Apostolic Episcopal Church//Melton’s Encyclopedia of American Religions/ J. Gordon Melton , editor in chief; James Beverley, Constance Jones, Pamela S. Nadell , associate editors. 8th ed. Detroit – New York – San Francisco – New Haven, Conn – Waterville, Maine – London, 2009. P. 105. Бочков Павел, свящ. Обзор неканонических православных юpucдukцuй  XX–XXI bb. Т. 2: Реформаторские расколы: монография/свящ. Павел Бочков. Киев: ДП «Персонал», 2014. С. 240; Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church in America//Melton’s Encyclopedia of American Religions/ J. Gordon Melton , editor in chief; James Beverley, Constance Jones, Pamela S. Nadell , associate editors. 8th ed. Detroit – New York – San Francisco – New Haven, Conn – Waterville, Maine – London, 2009. P. 1161. Apostolic Episcopal Church–Order of Corporate Reunion//Melton’s Encyclopedia of American Religions/ J. Gordon Melton , editor in chief; James Beverley, Constance Jones, Pamela S. Nadell , associate editors. 8th ed. Detroit – New York – San Francisco – New Haven, Conn – Waterville, Maine – London, 2009. P. 105; Part 1 – 1922 – 41// The Apostolic Episcopal Church [Электронный ресурс]. 2017. Режим доступа: (дата доступа: 29.01.2017).


14 ноября 2016 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также 50th annivesary celebrations of the repose of St John of Shanghai and San Francisco 50th annivesary celebrations of the repose of St John of Shanghai and San Francisco The procession concluded with praises to St John sung before his uncorrupt relics, at the end of which Metropolitan Hilarion read the prayer to him composed by Archbishop Anthony (Medvedev), who succeeded him on the cathedra of Western America, and who initiated the uncovering of the saint’s relics, which were discovered to be uncorrupt. “The Only Voice with Which Any Orthodox Christian is Entitled to Speak is the Voice of the Church:” A Conversation with Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg) Part 1 “The Only Voice with Which Any Orthodox Christian is Entitled to Speak is the Voice of the Church:” A Conversation with Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg) Part 1 Jesse Dominick, Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg) While visiting Moscow during the month of June, Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg), rector of the Sts. Cyril & Athanasius Institute for Orthodox Studies in San Francisco and an Archimandrite of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, visited Sretensky Monastery for an interview with Pravoslavie.ru. This is the first part of our interview with Father Irenei, which focuses on the nature of the human person and several of the challenges facing modern society. " I Give Thanks to the Lord: " An Interview with Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan " I Give Thanks to the Lord: " An Interview with Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan I always desired to serve in church or in a monastery, but I had no idea where or how. Most important for me was to help people and pass along what I had received from others. Simply put, I always relied on the will of God. And the Lord led me. Комментарии © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru При перепечатке ссылка на Православие.Ru обязательна


из Б. «сокровищницей всех сокровищ Господних», а также шеей тела Церкви, передавая молитвы Господу и направляя Божии милости людям. Кроме богословских текстов, Л. из Б. принадлежит авторство ряда молитв Пресв. Богородице и Ее прославлений, также включаемых в «Mariale». Лит.: Bonaventura da Coccaglio. Vita del B. Lorenzo da Brindisi, Generale dell " Ordine di Cappuccini, cavata di processi compilati per la sua beatificazione. R., 1783; Paris J., de. La doctrine mariale de S. Laurent de Brindes: Étude théologique. R.; P., 1933; Bernardino da San Giovanni Rotondo. S. Laurentius a Brundusio et immaculata conceptio. Isola Del Liri, 1940; Claudio da Solesimo. L " apologetica di San Lorenzo da Brindisi: Originalità: Studio storico-critico. R., 1959; Basso A. P. Laurentius von Brindisi: Der apostolische Lehrer. Münch. etc., 1960; Carmignano di Brenta A. M., da. San Lorenzo da Brindisi: Dottore della Chiesa universale (1559-1619). Venezia, 1960-1963. 4 vol.; idem. Missione diplomatica di Lorenzo da Brindisi alla corte di Spagna in favore della Lega cattolica tedesca (1609). Padova, 1964; idem. Lorenzo Russo//BiblSS. Vol. 8. Col. 161-180; Didier de Cr é . L " épouse de Saint-Espirit: Un peu de théologie avec S. Laurent de Brindes, docteur de l " Église. Blois, 1960; Krizovljan A., de. Marie et l " Église dans S. Laurent de Brindes//Études franciscaines. N. S. P., 1960. Vol. 10. P. 1-35; Martinelli A. Scientia B. Mariae Virginis iuxta «Mariale» S. Laurentii Brindisini//Laurentianum. R., 1960. Vol. 1. P. 161-177; Rafel S., de. El cristocentrismo de San Lorenzo de Brindis en su primer sermón sobre el «Missus est»//Estudios franciscanos. Barcelona, 1960. Vol. 61. P. 203-272; Carito G. Giulio Cesare Russo e la spiritualità cristiana in Brindisi fra XVI e XVII secolo. Brindisi, 1977; Sauser E. Laurentius von Brindisi//BBKL. 1992. Bd. 4. Sp. 1246-1248; Criscuolo V. Lorenzo da Brindisi//Il grande libro dei santi: Dizionario enciclopedico. Torino, 1998. Vol. 2. P. 1215-1218; Armellada B., de. La figura e l " opera di S. Lorenzo da Brindisi//Laurentianum. 2000. T. 41. P. 3-21; idem. La excepción de la Inmaculada: Exégesis generosa de S. Lorenzo de Brindis//CF. 2009. Vol. 79. N 1/2. P. 45-60; Ellington D. S. From Sacred Body to Angelic Soul: Understanding Mary in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Wash., 2001; Catarozzolo A. Padre Brindisi: Apostolo senza frontiere: Riflessioni sulla spiritualità di Giulio Cesare Russo. Galatina, 2005; Lotti L. San Lorenzo da Brindisi: Dottore della Chiesa. Terlizzi, 2005; Busolini D. Lorenzo da Brindisi//Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani. R., 2006. Vol. 66. P. 64-67; Kuster N. Laurentius von Brindisi: Apostel auf den Strassen Europa. Kevelaer, 2010; Wagner V. The Holy Spirit According to St. Lawrence of Brindisi//CF. 2012. Vol. 82. N 3/4. P. 679-694.


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