In 1989 he was received into the Orthodox Church from Episcopalianism and, in the fall of the same year, he began studies at Saint Tikhon Seminary, South Canaan, PA. One year later he entered the monastic community at Saint Tikhon Monastery as a novice. After receiving his Master of Divinity degree from Saint Tikhon Seminary in 1993, he was appointed instructor in Old Testament at Saint Tikhon Seminary. He continues to serve as Senior Lecturer in Old Testament, teaching Master level courses in the Prophets and the Psalms and Wisdom Literature. He is also an instructor in the seminary’s Extension Studies program, offering courses in the lives of the Old Testament saints, the liturgical use of the Old Testament, and the Old Testament in patristic literature. Archbishop Tikhon collaborated with Igumen Alexander (Golitzin) in the publication of “The Living Witness of the Holy Mountain,” published by Saint Tikhon Seminary Press, by illustrating this classic book about Mount Athos. In 1995 he was tonsured to the Lesser Schema by His Eminence, Archbishop Herman, and given the name Tikhon, in honor of Saint Patriarch Tikhon, Enlightener of North America. Later that year he was ordained to the Holy Diaconate and Holy Priesthood at Saint Tikhon Monastery. In 1998 he was elevated to the rank of Igumen, and in 2000 to the rank of Archimandrite. In December 2002, he was appointed by Metropolitan Herman to serve as Deputy Abbot of Saint Tikhon Monastery. His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN presided at the consecration of Archbishop Tikhon [Mollard] to the episcopacy at Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk Monastery on Saturday, February 14, 2004. Archbishop Tikhon was elevated to the rank of Archbishop on May 9, 2012. On November 13, 2012, Archbishop Tikhon was elected Primate of the Orthodox Church in America source: Code for blog Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong.

In 1969 Eugene and Gleb moved to a secluded mountainside (“Noble Ridge”) near the small town of Platina, California, bringing all their printing equipment with them. A year later, the Brotherhood’s patron, Fr. Herman of Alaska, was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church, thus becoming America’s first canonized saint. Eugene and Gleb helped to prepare for the canonization by publishing material on St. Herman’s life and miracles, and by writing and printing the Church service to him. On October 27, 1970, the brothers were tonsured as monks by Archbishop Anthony Medvedev of Western America and San Francisco († 2000), of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. At their tonsure, Eugene was named after the Russian ascetic St. Seraphim of Sarov, Gleb was given the name of St. Herman of Alaska, and the new monastery was also named after St. Herman. Fr. Seraphim’s “elder from the mantle” at his tonsure was the humble Archimandrite Spyridon Efimov (†1984). Fr. Spyridon had been a disciple of Archbishop John and, like his teacher, had received the gift of clairvoyance from God. In succeeding years, Fr. Spyridon visited the monks whenever he could, giving valuable spiritual counsel and helping to set the new St. Herman of Alaska Monastery on a secure spiritual footing. Fathers Seraphim and Herman also looked for spiritual guidance from Bishop Nektary Kontzevitch of Seattle († 1983), a disciple of Elder Nektary of Optina Monastery in Russia. Bishop Nektary loved to visit the new monastery in northern California, which reminded him of the forest monasteries in Holy Russia. “In Platina,” he wrote in a letter, “the spirit of Optina dwells.” At the same time he warned Fathers Seraphim and Herman not to fall into pride. “Don’t think that anything you have is by your own efforts or merit,” he told them. “It’s a gift of God!” In the bosom of God’s nature, Fr. Seraphim’s spirit began to soar. He built for himself a small cabin in the forest, and there immersed himself in prayer and the God-inspired writings of the Holy Fathers. Through gradual inward purification, through ascetic struggle and unseen warfare, he began to acquire the mind and heart, the way of thinking and feeling of these ancient teachers and visionaries. Although he had a deep bond with nature and animals and cherished every day he could stay on Noble Ridge, he felt himself to be only a pilgrim on this earth and was consciously preparing himself for the life beyond. Several miraculous instances were witnessed of how he received guidance and help from the other world, especially from his reposed spiritual father, Archbishop John.

The Philokalia: The Complete Text. Compiled by St. Nicodemos of the Holy Mountain and St. Makarios of Corinth. Vol. 1. London: Faber and Faber, 1979. –. The Philokalia: The Complete Text. Vol. 2. London: Faber and Faber, 1981 . –. The Philokalia: The Complete Text. Vol. 3. London: Faber and Faber, 1984. –. The Philokalia: The Complete Text. Vol. 4. London: Faber and Faber, 1995. Pomazansky, Protopresbyter Michael. Orthodox Dogmatic Theology. Platina, Calif.: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1983. Third ed., 2005. Prayer Book. Jordanville, N. Y.: Holy Trinity Monastery, 1960. Red Pine (Bill Porter). Lao Tzus Taoteching. San Francisco: Mercury House, 1996. Ren Jiyu. The Book of Lao Zi. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1993. Rose, Fr. Seraphim. «The Chinese Mind.» The Orthodox Word, nos. 187– 88 (1996). –. Genesis, Creation, and Early Man. Platina, Calif.: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 2000. Second ed., 2011. –. The Soul After Death. Platina, Calif.: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1980. Third ed., 1993. –. (Eugene Dennis Rose). «Emptiness and Fullness in the Lao Tzu.» Master’s thesis, University of California, Berkeley, 1961. Rose, Fr. Seraphim, and Fr. Herman Podmoshensky, Blessed John the Wonderworker. Platina, Calif.: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1987. Ross, John. The Original Religion of China. Edinburgh: Oliphant Anderson & Ferrier, 1909. «Saint John Maximovitch of Tobolsk.” The Orthodox Word, no. 11 (1966). Sampson (Seivers), Elder. “Discussions and Teachings of Elder Sampson.» The Orthodox Word, no. 177 (1994). The Septuagint with Apocrypha: Greek and English. London: Samuel Bagster & Sons, Ltd. Reprint. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson Publishers, 1986. Seraphim of Sarov, St. Little Russian Philokalia. Vol. 1.4th ed. Platina, Calif.: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1996. Shien, Gi-ming. “The Basic Teachings of Taoism.» 1954. Original typescript, from the collection of Fr. Seraphim Rose. –. «Being and Nothingness in Greek and Ancient Chinese Philosophy.» Philosophy East and West, Vol. 1, no. 2 (July 1951).

A 21-year-old man apprehended leaving Holy Resurrection Cathedral here on the evening of Wednesday, June 10, 2015, has been charged with felony charges of Burglary II and three counts of Criminal Mischief III. The suspect allegedly broke a dozen windows and desecrated the altar and numerous interior appointments—including the skufia, wrought iron cross and chains of Saint Herman of Alaska, whose relics are enshrined in the cathedral—in what has been described as a “spree of destruction.”  As reported earlier, the relics of Saint Herman remained untouched. On-line donations to assist in the cathedral’s restoration and repairs may be made on-line via the web site of the Diocese of Alaska , or the cathedral’s Facebook page and web site .  Donations also may be sent by mail to Holy Resurrection Cathedral, PO Box 55, Kodiak, AK 99615. Established in 1794, the parish’s original church was erected two years later.  The current church—the parish’s fourth—was built in the 1940s after a devastating fire destroyed the previous church.  It was elevated to cathedral status in 2001. According to Archpriest Innocent Dresdow, cathedral Dean, parish faithful and community members immediately undertook the massive effort to prepare and clean the cathedral for the celebration of the Akathistos Hymn in honor of Saint Herman, held every Thursday evening, on June 11.  At its conclusion, a heartfelt message from His Grace, Bishop David of Sitka and Alaska was read. Below, cathedral parishioner Suzanne Bobo describes clean-up efforts and the Akathistos service.  Her account includes Bishop David’s words of thanks and encouragement. “On Thursday evening, June 11, the faithful gathered at Holy Resurrection Cathedral to celebrate the weekly Akathistos to Saint Herman of Alaska and to pray for the 21-year-old suspect….  With the blessing of His Grace, Bishop David, the altar was re-chrismated after Father Innocent removed the blood that had stained the original white covering from the altar’s consecration in the 1940s and glass shards from the shattered top of the Chrism container.  Earlier that afternoon, 12 parishioners and community members came together to continue the glass removal and prepare the church for divine services.  A number of parish and community members came to the arraignment hearing and the judge asked Father Innocent to address the court about the impact and consequences to the parish faithful and community at-large….

While in Tikhvin, Metropolitan Herman, Archbishop Job and members of the OCA delegation were guests at a dinner in their honor hosted by the governor, mayor and other officials. Father Sergei Garklavs was presented with keys to a house in the city of Tikhvin as a sign of gratitude for the years he served as the Tikhvin Icon’s guardian. Patriarch Aleksy also awarded Fathers Sergei and Alexander Garklavs the Order of Saint Sergius for their efforts in returning the icon. In commemoration of the icon’s return, the Garklaves presented an icon of Saints Tikhon and John Kochurov holding a model of Chicago’s Holy Trinity Cathedral to the Dormition Monastery. Metropolitan Herman, Archbishop Job, and members of the OCA delegation attended the Vigil on Saturday, July 10 at Saint Petersburg’s massive Cathedral of Saint Isaac. Earlier in the day, they prayed before the relics of the Blessed Xenia of Saint Petersburg and visited a number of other churches. The following morning, they concelebrated the Divine Liturgy with Metropolitan Vladimir in the Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, after which Metropolitan Vladimir once again thanked Metropolitan Herman for the return of the Tikhvin Icon, and presented with a large hand-painted copy of the Tikhvin icon which will hang in a prominent location at the Chancery of the Orthodox Church in America. Metropolitan Vladimir wished Metropolitan Herman and the delegation a safe journey back to the US. Metropolitan Vladimir also presented to Mr. John Mindala, OCA photographer, the order of St. Alexander Nevsky in recognition of his efforts to produce high quality prints and images of the Tikhvin icon for use by the Orthodox Church in America and Russian Orthodox Church. Other members of the OCA delegation included Protopresbyter Robert Kondratick, OCA Chancellor; the Very Rev. David Brum; Archimandrite Zacchaeus [Wood], OCA Representative to the Moscow Patriarchate; Archdeacons Alexei Klimitchev and Isidore [Brittain]; and Messrs. Peter Ilchuk, Alexis Liberovsky, Jason Vansuch, and Joel Wilson. Also attending the various services associated with the icon’s historic return was a group of three-dozen pilgrims on a trip especially arranged byF.O.S. Tours for the Orthodox Church in America, led by Mr. David Lucs.

Одна из первых сестер скита Блаженной Ксении сказала: «Никогда за всю историю нашего скита, кто бы нас ни посещал, жизнь наша не была легкой. Вечная борьба. Нам всегда помогала ревность к делу, к которому призвала матушка Бригитта, – пустынь, совместная жизнь, издание подвижнических книг. В наш духовно скудный век женщинам оставляют не так много выбора. Но огонек, возгоревшийся в сердцах наших предшественниц, подвигает и нас жить в идеалах пустыни. Чтобы он не, угас, нам нужно постоянно бороться с незримым сонмищем бесов и с собственным падшим естеством. С болью сердца и в трудах мы стяжаем пустыннический идеал». 1300 Hieromonk Ambrose (formerly Fr. Alexey Young). Personal Reminiscences of Fr.Seraphim//The Orthodox Word. 2002. Р.240. 1306 Евхаристический канон – самая торжественная часть литургии, в которой в определенный момент происходит пресуществление вина и хлеба в Тело и Кровь Христовы. 1311 Fr.Seraphim Rose. Saint Herman Summer Pilgrimage, 1978//The Orthodox Word. 1979. Р.6–9; Fr.Seraphim Rose. Saint Herman Summer Pilgrimage, 1979//The Orthodox Word. 1980. Р.60–64. 1312 Fr.Seraphim Rose. The St.Herman Summer Pilgrimages//The Orthodox Word. 1981. Р.199–200. 1318 Старец Никон был впоследствии причислен к лику святых вместе с другими Оптинскими старцами и Русской Зарубежной, и Русской Православной Церковью (Московского Патриархата). 1322 Свт. Иоанн Златоуст и другие святые отцы считали Книгу Бытия пророческой, поскольку ее автор, пророк Моисей, был провидцем событий прошлого. См. работу отца Серафима «Книга Бытия, сотворение мира и первый человек» (с.91–94). 1323 Fr.Seraphim Rose. Saiht Herman Summer Pilgrimage, 1979. Р.94; St.Herman Summer Pilgrimage, 1978. Р.47 1343 Письмо о Серафима (Роуза) N. От 24 июля 1974г. (это часть тех отрывков из книги прпп.Варсонофия и Иоанна, что перевел о.Серафим. После его кончины они были опубликованы под названием «Руководство к духовной жизни»). 1352 О.Серафим писал в этой статье: «Среди обращенных в Православие на Западе... есть соблазн слишком легко говорить о “ереси” и “еретиках” и воспринимать ошибки неправославных как предлог для фарисейского самодовольства в отношении собственной “православности”. Даже если такое отношение правильно выражено с точки зрения богословия, оно духовно неверно. Оно отпугивает многих из тех, кого Православие могло бы привлечь» (В защиту о. Димитрия Дудко//Православное слово. 1980. С.131).

Translated from Russian . You might also like: Orthodox Saint a Missionary to be Proud of The Miraculous Intercession of St. Herman of Alaska Our Connection to St. Herman of Alaska Tweet Donate Share Code for blog St. Herman of Alaska: Let Every Breath Praise the Lord Aleksei Shipovalnikov St. Herman of Alaska: Let Every Breath Praise the Lord Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong. Having said that, Pravmir provides daily articles from an autonomous news service, weekly wall newspaper for churches, lectorium, photos, videos, hosting and servers. Editors and translators work together towards one goal: to make our four websites possible -,, and Therefore our request for help is understandable. For example, 5 euros a month is it a lot or little? A cup of coffee? It is not that much for a family budget, but it is a significant amount for Pravmir. If everyone reading Pravmir could donate 5 euros a month, they would contribute greatly to our ability to spread the word of Christ, Orthodoxy, life " s purpose, family and society. Donate Related articles Miracle Reported of the Resurrection of… John Sanidopoulos The following report was released by Fr. Dionysios Tampakis, and is dated 22 January 2018. It… Why Ask the Saints? Jesus Is… Abbot Tryphon Most Protestant churches strongly reject all saintly intercession, citing passages such as 1 Timothy 2:1-5, which… Salvation is of the Body: The… Archpriest Michael Gillis It is very difficult for many converts to Holy Orthodoxy to pray to the saints. For… Today " s Articles “Le monde entier reste silencieux au… pravmir_com_team Depuis le 12 décembre 2022, la région de l " Artsakh, où vivent 120… “The whole world is silent about… Natalia Nekhlebova Since December 12, 2022 the region of Artsakh, where 120,000 Armenians live,…

On Sunday, February 28, 2016, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon and His Eminence, Archbishop Melchisedek concelebrated the Divine Liturgy with His Eminence, Archbishop Leo and His Grace, Bishop Arseni at the Church of the Transfiguration of Christ at the New Valaam Monastery during the Metropolitan’s official visit to the Orthodox Church in Finland. Photo: At the conclusion of the Liturgy, Metropolitan Tikhon presented an icon and relic of Saint Herman of Alaska.  In turn, Archbishop Leo presented an icon of Our Lady of Valaam to Metropolitan Tikhon.  The texts of their greetings to one another appear below. Additional information on and a photo gallery of Metropolitan Tikhon’s visit to the Church in Finland will be forthcoming.  [See related story .] Address of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon Church of the Transfiguration of Christ, New Valaam Monastery, Finland Sunday, February 28, 2016 Your Eminence, Archbishop Leo; Your Eminence, Archbishop Melchisedek; Your Grace, Bishop Arseni; Reverend Father Abbot Sergius and Brothers of this Holy Monastery; Reverend Fathers, Brothers and Sisters in Christ: The light of the Transfiguration of Christ, shining brightly in this Holy Church, in this Holy Monastery, and in Your Eminence’s words of greeting, leads us all to joy in Christ – joy in the Holy Eucharist, joy in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, joy in our common apostolic ministry in Finland and in North America. It has been a great blessing for me and my small delegation from the Orthodox Church in America to make this pilgrimage to the Finnish lands, to witness the great presence that the Orthodox Church of Finland has established here and to catch a glimpse of the Christian life in all three of your dioceses.  We have been ably assisted by bishops, clergy, monastics and faithful of your Church, but most especially by Father Rauno Pietarinen, who has been our faithful guide throughout our visit. While separated by great distances, the Orthodox Church in Finland and the Orthodox Church in America share a common history and vision.  The first saint of America came to Alaska from Valaam.  The participation of the late Archbishop Paul of Finland in the 1970 canonization of Saint Herman in Kodiak, Alaska remains a living sign of our common path in mission and sanctity.  The abiding presence of the monastic and missionary fruit of Saint Herman and his northern ascetic predecessors was felt very vividly during our visit.

About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Are You a True Christian? Navigation Orthodox Saint a Missionary to Be Proud Of Source: The Pueblo Chieftan America " s first Orthodox saint was a failure by American standards. He never possessed anything more than the clothes on his back. He had no formal education or career. He never achieved sexual fulfillment. Priest Barnabas Powell 08 June 2010 America’s first Orthodox saint was a failure by American standards. He never possessed anything more than the clothes on his back. He had no formal education or career. He never achieved sexual fulfillment. I don’t know when or where he was born. I can’t say with certainty when he died, since he was alone when it happened and his body waited months for burial. I can’t even tell you his full name, only the one name given at his monastic tonsure: “Herman.” Like most American Orthodox saints, Herman was an immigrant. Together with a small band of monks from Russian Finland, they came to Alaska in 1794, when it also belonged to Russia. Their primary mission was to catechize and confirm Aleuts who’d been baptized by Russian fur traders, many of whom married native Alaskans. This effort eventually led to the full-scale evangelization – at their own request – of the Aleut, Tlingit, Yupik and other First Nations. After traveling literally halfway around the world to get to Spruce Island (near Kodiak), Herman spent his first year in America living in a pit he dug in the ground. He later upgraded to a one-bedroom, no-bathroom hut made of twigs. There he established a school and orphanage for natives peoples and “Creoles” – children of mixed Russo-native parentage. Herman’s goal wasn’t to make the children Russian, but Christian. His students weren’t abducted from their families or beaten for speaking indigenous languages. In fact, when Herman discovered how brutally the management of the Russian American Fur Trading Co. was exploiting native people – men for their labor, women for sex – he became a persistent thorn in the side of his countrymen.

-. Orthodox Encounter: The Christian East and the Ecumenical Movement. London: J. Clarke, 1961. xiii, 200 p. -. Sunset Years: a Russian Pilgrim in the West. London: Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius, 1983. 192 p. Bibliography: p. 189–190. VIII. Hagiography The Acquisition of the Holy Spirit in Russia [series]. Platina, CA: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1987-. 1. Kontsevich, Ivan Mikhailovich. The Acquisition of the Holy Spirit in Ancient Russia. (Translation from the Russian by Olga Koshansky; edited by the St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood. 1988, 368 p.) 2. Florenskii, Pavel Aleksandrovich. Salt of the Earth: Or, a Narrative on the Life of the Elder of Gethsemane Skete Hieromonk Abba Isidore. (Compiled and arranged by Paul Florensky; translated from the Russian by Richard Betts; edited and annotated, with poetry versification, by the St. Herman Brotherhood. 1987. 151 p.) Acta sanctorum. 1684–1940. Paris, Rome: Victorem Palme. 67 v. New edition of work published from 1643 to 1925 narrating the lives of the Saints for each day of the calendar year. Work initiated by Joannes Bollandus in 1629 and continued by the Bollandists. Analecta bollandiana: Revue critique d’hagiographie, v. 1– (1882)-. Brussels: Societe des Bollandistes. Quarterly. Bulletin des publications hagiographiques. Text in Latin and French. Indexes: vols. 1–20 (1882–1901) 1 v.; vols. 21–40 (1902–22) 1 v.; vols. 41–60 (1923–42) 1 v.; vols. 1–80 (1882–1961) 1 v. Vols, for 1891– contain Bulletin des publications hagiographiques. Supplements: Acta sanctorum. Bibliotheca hagiographica graeca. 3. ed., mise a jour et considerablement augmente par Francois Halkin. Brussels: Societe des Bollandistes, 1957–1969. 5 v. (Subsidia hagiographica, nos. 8a, 47, 65.) Bibliotheca hagiographica orientalis. Ediderunt Socii Bollandiani. Brussels: Apud Editores, 1910 (1970 printing), xx, iii, 287 p. (Subsidia hagiographica; 10.) Blessed Paisius Velichkovsky: The Life and Ascetic Labors of Our Father, Elder Paisius, Archimandrite of the Holy Moldavian Monasteries of Niametz and Sekoul. Optina version. By Schema-Monk Metrophanes. Platina, CA: Saint Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1976-. Translation of Zhitie i pisaniia Moldavskago startsa Paisiia Velichkovskago, published in 1847 by the Optina Monastery. Bibliography: v.l, p.283–287.

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