Archive In Ukrainian Polesye one more church building of the canonical Church is seized with assistance of local officials 15 March 2019 year 10:35 On March 13, 2019, in Selets village, Dubrovitsa district, Rovno region, Ukraine, the OCU supporters cut locks off the doors of the Church of St. Nicholas of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Although the religious community has all the documents confirming its property right to the building and the land, people were turned out of the church. The vandals, who by their actions desecrated the church, immediately fastened their own locks, not letting the parishioners in and intimidating the rector, Archpriest Nikolai Ivanichko. As the Information and Education Department of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church reports, citing the Press Service of the diocese, these are not the first unlawful actions committed against the property of the canonical Church’s parishes, in which the local officials are involved. On March 12, clergymen and laypeople of the Dubrovitsa deanery, Polesye diocese, Ukrainian Orthodox Church, gathered for a prayerful vigil at the district state administration of the city of Dubrovitsa, Rovno region, and expressed their protest against the violation of their constitutional right to the freedom of religion. An unprecedented pressure is being exerted on them to give effect to the forced “transfer” of parishes to the newly-created schismatic structure called “the Orthodox church of Ukraine.” Despite the pressure, the Orthodox Christians in the Polesye region remain faithful to their Church and its Primate. So, there was nothing left do for the authorities but to illegally take away their places of worship. For instance, through personal efforts of the head of the local district state administration, N.M. Petrushko, three churches in Dubrovitsa deanery were closed. As spokespersons of the diocese note, the local authorities “incite religious enmity in the region and turn a deaf ear to all the appeals of the Orthodox faithful.” DECR Communication Service / Календарь ← 7 April 2024 year

On the feast of St. Nicholas, several thousand pilgrims prayed in Myra of Lycea Bari, May 31, 2011 On May 18–23, 2011, at the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople and His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, another pilgrimage was made by Russian Orthodox faithful to holy places of ancient Byzantium. Participating in the journey organized by the Pilgrimage center of the Moscow Patriarchate in cooperation with the Department of External Church Relations were clergymen and laypeople from Moscow, Ekaterinburg, Yaroslavl, and other diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, led by Archbishop Kirill of Yaroslavl and Rostov. The pilgrims visited Constantinople, Antalya, Demre (Myra in Lycea), and ancient Ephesus. On May 19, the pilgrims prayed at the services held in the main church of the Constantinople Patriarchate—the cathedral of Great Martyr George, and venerated the holy shrines there, which include a particle of the Whipping Pillar of our Lord Jesus Christ, relics of St. John Chrysostom, St. Gregory the Theologian, Holy Empress Theophania, Martyr Solomonia, and Martyr Euphemia. Then the group from Russia visited the church of the Mother of God in Blachernae, the Hagia Sophia Cathedral, and the Church of St. Irene. On May 21, the feast of St. John the Theologian, Archbishop Kirill served Divine Liturgy in the partially preserved church once built in Ephesus on the place where the beloved disciple of Christ reposed. Then the pilgrims visited the ruins of the Church of the Most Holy Mother of God, in which the Third Ecumenical Council took place in 431, reports the DECR Communication department . On May 22, the feast of the translation of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonder Worker from Myra in Lycia to Bari, Archbishop Kirill served Divine Liturgy in the basilica on the place where the great saint once served. Many clergy and laypeople attended the service, including those who came with Archbishop Kirill on pilgrimage, as well as members of the Russian speaking diaspora in Turkey, and several thousand Orthodox believers who were vacationing in the resorts of Antalya. At a meeting between Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia with Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople held in June of 2009 in Constantinople, the tradition of Russian pilgrimages to the ancient Christian holy sites located in modern Turkey was discussed. From that time on, pilgrimages have taken place regularly. 1 июня 2011 г. ... Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Archive Ss Nicholas and Basil Monastery in Donbass receives humanitarian aid 12 April 2022 year 16:37 The Ss Nicholas and Basil Monastery in the Donetsk Diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, with a blessing of Metropolitan Ilarion of Donetsk and Mariupol, has received a supply of humanitarian aid from Russia. The humanitarian aid group of the Russian National Organization “Combat Brotherhood” has brought to the monastery foodstuffs, infants’ food, hygienic resources, cans with diesel fuel for the generator for life support equipment necessary for fatal cases who are taken care of in the monastery. The monastery has also received medicines and bread from the Diocese of Donetsk. The monasteries’ bakery has been destroyed and now it is not possible for the monastery to bake its own bread. The St. Basil Monastery has given shelter from shelling to 230 people who live in it: the brothers of the St. Basil Monastery and sisters of the St. Nicholas Convent, as well as those who live in the monastery hospice for the sick and the old. In addition, the monastery has given refuge to over two hundred refugees from the nearby villages, including bed-ridden patients and children. The monastery has been bombarded almost daily by the Ukrainian side. Refugees have told volunteers that people are afraid to go out of doors because Ukrainian military begin shelling as soon as they see a movement. During the shelling a week ago, a woman was killed during her attempt to run from the church to the pilgrims’ center. Children say they have not been outdoors for over a week, they have not seen the sun. On the day of the humanitarian group’s arrival, a sister of the convent miraculously escaped death during a bombardment; her cell was burnt to the ground. The passage to the monastery and delivery of humanitarian aid are impeded by continued shelling; the safe evacuation of children and the sick is practically impossible. Nevertheless, the worship life of the monastery continues as divine services continue in the Ss Nicholas and Basil Monastery. The monks and nuns and their charges and refugees who have found refuge in the monastery live by hope for the reestablishment of peace. DECR Communication Service / Календарь ← 7 December 2023 year

Metropolitan Hilarion meets in New York with First Hierarch of the Russian Church Outside Russia New York, February 6, 2011 Metropolitan Hilarion, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations, who is on a visit to the United State of America, visited the residence of the Russian Church Outside Russia’ Synod on February 5, 2010 in New York. He was welcomed by the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Outside Russia, Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, and the clergy. The DECR chairman was accompanied by Archbishop Justinian, administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA, and Archpriest Igor Vyzhanov of the St. Nicholas cathedral in New York and representative of the World Russian People’s Council at the UN. The ROC delegation visited the Synodal church of the Kursk Root icon of the Mother of God to pray before the relics of holy martyrs, Princess Elizabeth and Nun Varvara, and the miracle-working icon. Addressing the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Outside Russia, Metropolitan Hilarion noted that only a day ago, he had attended the Bishops’ Council in Moscow with other hierarchs, were several important decisions were made for the life of the great and multinational Russian Orthodox Church. He said that he came to the American soil with the blessing of Patriarch Kirill to pray together with Orthodox brothers, both Russian and American, and to meet with representatives of other Christian confessions in order to talk with them about Orthodoxy through lectures. ‘I am very glad that my trip begins with this church, and to have this brotherly talk with you’, he said, and wished Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York God’s help in his ministry and efforts. Then the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad and Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk had a talk in which they discussed ways of consolidating the unity of the Russian Orthodox Church in the light of decisions made by the Bishops’ Council, which completed its work the day before. DECR Communication Service Edited by 7 февраля 2011 г. ... Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Bearing Witness to Orthodoxy: St. Catherine " s OCA Church in Moscow/Православие.Ru Bearing Witness to Orthodoxy: St. Catherine " s OCA Church in Moscow Fr. Christopher Hill The Church of St. Catherine-in-the-Fields, Moscow Zamoskvorechie ( " the-area-beyond-the-River-Moscow " ) epitomizes Orthodox Moscow, the Russian capital famed before the 1917 Revolution for its " forty-times-forty " churches. The quite courtyards and nineteenth-century manor houses, occasionally broken by the characteristic onion domes of Russian Orthodox churches, convey more than anywhere else in Moscow the atmosphere of a patriarchal way of life, of the Moscow of her priests, of bells calling the faithful to vespers or the Divine Liturgy, the smell of incense and the sonorous chanting of Old Church Slavonic. The names of the churches are indicative of the merchant guilds who patronized first their construction and then their maintenance: the Resurrection Church of the Barrel Makers, St. Nicholas " Church of the Blacksmiths, the Resurrection Church of the Coin Minters... If one walks southwards from the Kremlin along Zamoskvorechie " s most important thoroughfare Bolshaya Ordynka St. (until the sixteenth century the highway to the Tartar " Orda " or Golden Horde headquarters) one will encounter one such church before reaching the end of the street, St. Catherine " s Church " na Vspolie " ( " in-the-Fields " ), built in the mid-eighteenth century on the territory of the region " s cosmetics guild. The cosmetics merchants " settlement was originally established in the sixteenth century by order of Tsarina Anastasia Romanovna, while an adjacent church dedicated to St. Catherine was built by order of Tsarina Irina Feodorovna. A seventeenth-century chronicler tells us that in 1612, during the Time of Troubles when the Russian dynasty was threatened by Polish and Lithuanian adventurers, the site became a battleground between Russian soldiers and Lithuanian hetman Jan Karl Khotkevich. Having endured defeat once at the hands of the Russians, the redoubtable hetman dug himself and his troops into a fortification on St. Catherine " s parish territory. In the afternoon of 24 August 1612 the Russians attacked and drove the invaders out: " the bloodshed was great and awesome1, writes a contemporary eyewitness, " and out of shame the enemy scuttled all the way back to Lithuania " .

Archive Metropolitan Tikhon of All America and Canada presides at the Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas Russian Cathedral in New York City on the day of its patronal feast 20 December 2021 year 18:22 On Sunday, December 19, 2021, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, and at the invitation of His Grace Matthew Bishop of Sourozh and Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA & Canada, His Beatitude  Metropolitan Tikhon  presided at the Divine Liturgy at New York City’s Saint Nicholas Patriarchal Cathedral on the day of the Cathedral’s patronal feast. Concelebrating with His Beatitude were Archpriest George Konyev, Chancellor of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA, Archpriest Alexander Golubov, Igumen Nikodim, Dean of the Cathedral and Secretary of the Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes of the USA, and Priest Alessandro Margheritino, Secretary of the Orthodox Church in America. Metropolitan Tikhon’s delegation included Deacon Peter Ilchuk, Executive Secretary to the Metropolitan. After the Divine Liturgy, Igumen Nikodim shared the greetings of Bishop Matthew who welcomed His Beatitude, and noted his regrets for not being able to participate in the celebration. Metropolitan Tikhon offered his greetings to both His Holiness Patriarch Kirill and Bishop Matthew, thanking them for the opportunity to celebrate the Divine Liturgy on such beautiful and joyous day in which we honor the beloved Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia. His Beatitude also thanked Father George and the Cathedral’s clergy for their hospitality and love. In his homily at the end of the Divine Liturgy , His Beatitude pointed out that, “In today’s Gospel, we read that the crowds gathered around the Lord Jesus Christ and ‘sought to touch him, for power went out from him and healed them all.’ Perhaps, hearing this, we wish that we, too, could have seen Jesus with our eyes, touched him with our hands, and have received healing for the wounds of our bodies, our souls, our hearts. But of course, the Lord is always present to us, not just spiritually, in our inner being, but physically, through the saints.” Metropolitan Tikhon then remarked that, “Wherever there is sanctity, there is Jesus Christ. And in some cases, in accordance with God’s providence, the holiness of a person is so great that, even after his death, his body remains with us, visibly full of God’s healing grace, always making Christ’s power present in our lives. This is the case with Saint Nicholas.” At the conclusion of the liturgical celebration, His Beatitude and his delegation were welcomed to the parish hall to share a festal meal with the Cathedral’s community in honor of their patron saint. During the meal, Metropolitan Tikhon and Bishop Matthew were able to speak on the phone and exchange greetings of the feast. DECR Communication Service / Календарь ← 7 December 2023 year

Church head Patriarch Kirill I of Moscow and All Russia asked the government in October to do comparative genetic studies of remains of Emperor Nicholas and his father, Alexander III. This follows Investigative Committee resumed criminal proceedings earlier in the autumn into the slaying of members of the Romanov Imperial Family. The Russia " s Orthodox Church believes that positive findings of these forensic studies will deliver incontestable proof of the genuineness of tsarist remains and an opportunity for assigning to them the status of holy relics. Meanwhile, Alexander Zakatov, spokesman for the Romanov Imperial House in Russia, told TASS in an interview that final conclusions about authenticity of the remains of the Russian Imperial family would be premature. " The head of the House of Romanov, Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna, welcomed resumption of the investigation and the fact that the state has accommodated the Russian Orthodox Church request, " said Zakatov. " However, the remains of Emperor Alexander III [the father of Nicholas II] have not been studied yet. The facts made public today are just interim results of the investigation, a comparison with certain remained samples, " he added. " So far these results are consistent with the version that the Ekaterinburg remains may belong to the Imperial family. It’s premature to speak of a final decision yet. There are doubts, there are questions - all these questions, both genetic and historical ones, require an answer. " 14 ноября 2015 г. Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Remains of Tsar Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Are Authentic Say Investigators Remains of Tsar Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Are Authentic Say Investigators Although investigators are already convinced that the samples are genuine, further tests will be conducted in an attempt to provide irrefutable evidence of the veracity of the remains, including comparisons with blood samples taken from the clothes worn by Emperor Alexander II on March 1, 1881, the day of his assassination, which have been kept in the State Hermitage Museum.

Outremont bans annual Eastern Orthodox parade/Православие.Ru Outremont bans annual Eastern Orthodox parade Montreal, April 9, 2012 Reverend Michael Metni and his St. Nicholas church will be forced to suspend its longstanding parade tradition next week, following a ruling that sprouted from a dispute between the borough of Outremont and the local Hasidic community. Parishioners at one Russian Orthodox Church in Outremont won " t be allowed to hold their procession planned for next Saturday night. That " s because the borough of Outremont has banned parades and processions, including those for Eastern Orthodox Easter. The ban resulted after strained relations between some Outremont residents and the ultra-orthodox Jewish community of Hasidic Jews. Reverend Michael Metni is disappointed that authorities have outlawed the annual procession, which his St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church on St. Joseph Boulevard has held for 50 years. Metni is encouraging his parishioners to work to reverse the ban by appealing to a higher power. " We tell them pray and the Good Lord will resolve it. Man plants and God unplants, we always say, " said Reverend Metini. Parishioners believe that the Outremont borough should not involve their church in a conflict between some residents and the Hasidic Jewish community. " We " re not part of their group and they " re not part of ours. I don " t know what their problems are there and they have to resolve themselves, " said Peter Paganuzzi, parishioner of the St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Outremont Borough Mayor Marie Cinq-Mars said that she sympathizes with the church " s position, however she and a majority of councillors voted Monday to ban processions and parades until June 1. The measure comes in the wake of a shouting match on Durocher St. between Independent borough councillor Celine Forget and some Hasidic Jews celebrating Purim in March. The conflict required police intervention. The mayor says the ban on processions and parades is an attempt to stop the tensions from growing.

Oikawa explained that they were damaged during World War II. The church decided to take refuge in the countryside, and some of the paintings were taken down and packed to be taken to safety. The war ended before they actually were transferred, but by that time, the precious paintings had been irreversibly damaged. The church building itself is also in a precarious condition. The architecture has small eaves, unlike traditional Japanese shrines or temples, making it prone to damage from Japan’s rainy climate. Water has seeped in through the walls and slowly rotted the wooden structure inside. Major conservation projects were done in 1987 and 1999, but concern for the state of this aging building persists. The cathedral will be open for public viewing from Oct. 28 through Nov. 7. Visitors will be admitted between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Admission is 800 yen for adults and 400 yen for senior and junior high school students. The Asahi Shimbun Company 28 октября 2016 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Horrific Christian persecution in Japan detailed in new book by Jonathan Clements Horrific Christian persecution in Japan detailed in new book by Jonathan Clements Some of the gruesome acts done to the Christians included attaching straw coats to them and setting them on fire. Clements also tells the story of a pregnant woman who was kept in a cage while being submerged. The death of the mother and her baby may have been the incident that sparked the Shimabara Rebellion. Catholic Christian peasants rose up against the shogun " s forces in 1637 to 1638. Church to commemorate perished Russian sailors to be build in Japan Church to commemorate perished Russian sailors to be built in Japan A wooden Orthodox church will be erected at the Japanese cemetery, where local residents buried Russian sailors killed at the Tsushima Battle. St. Nicholas of Japan on Buddhism, continued Priest George Maximov St. Nicholas of Japan on Buddhism, continued Priest George Maximov Excerpts from his diary supplement our understanding of how St. Nicholas related to Buddhism. Here observations are also marked by the fact that they were made by a practicing missionary. Комментарии © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru

Archive New Russian Orthodox church consecrated in Spanish Torrevieja 27 March 2018 year 14:28 March 25, 2018 – Bishop Nestor of Korsun, administrator of the Korsun diocese, celebrated the Grand Consecration of a new parish Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God in Torrevieja, Alicante Province, Spain. During the consecration, the relics of the Holy Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian were placed at the holy altar. After a procession with the cross, Bishop Nestor, after anointing the holy relics with myrrh, placed them together with the consecration deed into a reliquary and seal it with reliquary wax. This placement of a part of holy relics at the basis of the altar means that the Universal Church in the period of persecution was established on the bones of martyrs. In the newly consecrated church, the archpastor celebrated the Divine Liturgy. He was assisted by Archpriest Yaroslav Dybach, rector of the Parish of St. George in Valencia, Archpriest Sergiy Prosandeyed, Hiero-schema-monk Nicholas (Serbian Church), Deacon Roman Onika, and other guests of the parish in holy orders. There were some 400 worshipers including parishioners, pilgrims and guests of the community from various parishes in Spain. After the liturgy, Bishop Nestor delivered an archpastoral homily, congratulated the community with the opening of a new church and presented laudatory diplomas to churchwardens and parishioners who proved to be the most active participants in the purchasing and adorning of the new church building. The building to be later arranged according to the canons of the interior decoration of the Orthodox church, was bought in autumn 2017. At the same time, the community bought an adjacent plot of land next to the picturesque Park of Europe 400 meters from the Mediterranean coastline. According to a report from the diocese of Korsun, the purchase of a new church facility became possible thanks to the active actions of the clergy and parishioners who managed in a short time to raise the sum necessary to continue financing the project. DECR Communication Service / Календарь ← 7 December 2023 year

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