St. Gregory the Theologian, Homily 40: On Holy Baptism, Works, Volume 2, P.P. Soikin Publishing House, without date; p. 558. Divine light ( phos) or illumination ( ellampsis) could be identified as the visible aspect of the Godhead, divine energies and grace, in which God is known. These are His “rays”, creative energies that penetrate the world in which God reveals Himself (Further reading: V.N. Lossky, Divine Light, A Study of Mystical Theology in the Eastern Church, Theological Works, Moscow, 1972, p. 114-116). St. Gregory of Nyssa, On infants who have been prematurely taken by death, Works, Part 4, Moscow, 1862; p. 343, 345, 349-350, 351, 359, 360. Further reading: Priest G. Dyachenko, Reasons for the early death of infants, Helper and Protector, Examples of Christian consolation for the unhappy and sorrowful, Part 2, Moscow, 1898, p. 53-55.//Compare with St. Theophan (the Recluse), Advice for an Orthodox Christian, Moscow, 1994, p. 169. On the unsuccessful attempts to create paradise on earth see: St. Theophan the Recluse. Commentary on the first Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians, Moscow, 1893, p. 152-154.//Compare with: V.N. Lossky, The meaning of the Old Testament, Dogmatic Theology, op. cit., p. 165. Further reading on Nemesius of Emesa: Szczur Piotr, Nemezjusz z Emesy, Encyklopedia Katolicka , t. 13. Lublin 2009, S. 899-900. Bishop Nemesius of Emesa, On That Pertaining to Providence, Ch. 44: ‘On the Nature of Man’, Moscow, Publishing House “Kanon + O I Reabilitatsiya”, 1998, p. 150-151.//For an example of the innocent death of ascetics see: The second massacre of the holy fathers on Sinai and Raithu, Lives of saints, Book Five, January, Moscow, 1904, p. 446).//See also: “On needless death, on the judgement and on the questioning of Alexander”, Prologue, Month of March, Day 23, March Quarter, Moscow, 1875, Page RKG (123).   Blessed John Moschus. Life of a robber who became a monk and who then voluntarily gave himself up to be executed, Chapter 166,  Pratum spirituale, Holy Trinity - St. Sergius Lavra, 1896, p. 195-196.//Ibid. Chapter 21, ‘Death of a hermit and his killer’, p. 27.//Priest G. Dyachenko, Examples of God’s Justice, which revealed secret murders, Helper and Protector, Examples of Christian consolation for those unhappy and sorrowing, Part 2, Moscow, 1898, p. 300-308.

— Мужчин у нас больше! И женщин тоже больше! Потому что когда пакистанец приходит к вере, приходит и семья, и дети. Не так, как в Европе. У меня есть знакомый из Америки — он баптист, жена православная. Так он, когда приезжает, ходит к баптистам, а жена — к нам! Представляете? У нас — не так! Отче наш на урду В ближайшее время читайте подробное интервью с о.Иоанном на ПРАВМИРе. Священник Иоанн Танвеер Служба св. архангелам и всем бесплотным силам Священник Иоанн Танвеер и священник Фома Диц. Они оба перешли из католицизма в православие, о.Иоанн — в Пакистане, о.Фома — в Германии. На встречу с о.Иоанном пришло более 80 человек. Переводит Анна Данилова о.Иоанн не только рассказывает, но и все обстоятельно подкрепляет жестами Протоиерей Александр Ильяшенко, настоятель храма Всемилостивого Спаса и диакон Георгий Максимов, организатор поездки о.Иоанна «Беседа прп. Серафима Саровского» на урду Рассказ о Пентархии Вопросы, вопросы, вопросы — задавали больше 2 часов ____________________________ Если вы можете принять участие в сборе средств на строительство православного храма в Пакистане, публикем счет о.Иоанна: Western Union Orthodox Mission in Pakistan Ghauri House 2- Clifton Colony Street no.1 Lahore 54600 Pakistan JOHN TANVEER код перевода отправлять по адресу: Mailing Address: FR. John Tanveer Orthodox Mission In Pakistan Ghauri House, 2- Clifton Colony,Street no.1 LAHORE-54600  PAKISTAN. Счет в банке: MASHREQ BANK PSC, 255 TH AVENUE NEW York, N.Y. 10016, USA. SWIFT CODE: MSHQUS33 U.S. DOLLARS A/C NO. EC70002809 FOR CREDIT TO SILK BANK LIMITED, KARACHI, PAKISTAN FOR ONWARD CREDIT TO M/S: _JOHN-TANVEER A/C #. _0061138000244001 WITH THEIR GULBERG BRANCH, LAHORE. Поскольку вы здесь... У нас есть небольшая просьба. Эту историю удалось рассказать благодаря поддержке читателей. Даже самое небольшое ежемесячное пожертвование помогает работать редакции и создавать важные материалы для людей. Сейчас ваша помощь нужна как никогда. Поделитесь, это важно Выбор читателей «Правмира»

In Chihli (later known as Hebei) province, in central Yung-ping-fu, a church and school were erected, and a native Chinese priest opened about twenty new places for preaching the Gospel. In Henan province, a Chinese official gave land in the city of Wei-hui, where he built a church and a school. This became a center for missionary work throughout Henan. By 1916 the Chinese Orthodox mission included: § the Monastery of the Dormition in Beijing; § the Hermitage of the Exaltation of the Cross in the hills west of Beijing; § a convent in Beijing; § nineteen churches, including four in Beijing; § thirty-two mission churches, including fourteen in Chihli province, twelve in Hubei, four in Henan, one in Tsian-fu, and one in Mongolia; § seventeen schools for boys and three for girls; § thirty-eight teachers, nearly all of whom were native Chinese; § 680 Chinese boys and girls enrolled in school; § a theological seminary in Beijing; § a meteorological station, library, printing house (which published one hundred Chinese Orthodox books), painting studio, carpenters shop, flour mill, candle factory, soap factory, weavers workshop, beehives, sewing house and brickyard. 785 Bishop Basil Yao of Beijing (1888–1962). Archpriest Basil Du († 1948), senior priest in Beijing. Photograph taken in 1938. (He is seen as a boy in the photo on p. 429, third from right.) Archpriest Sergius Chang, the surviving son of Sts. Mitrofan and Tatiana, New Martyrs of China. Photograph taken in 1934. (He is seen as a boy in the photo on p. 429, back row, fifth front left, dressed in white.) Chinese and Russian nuns of the Holy Protection Women’s Monastery in Beijing. Left to right: Fr. Elias Wen, Archpriest Basil Du and Hieromonk Innocent Jao. Beijing, 1932. The Orthodox Cathedral in Shanghai, built under the direction of St. John Maximovitch in the 1930s and dedicated to the Most Holy Mother of God «Surety of Sinners». The bell tower of the Orthodox mission in Beijing. Until the communists gained control of China in 1949, such cities as Beijing, Harbin and Shanghai were centers for Russian refugees of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

Of such, therefore, it has been said, By their fruits you shall know them. Matthew 7:20 And therefore was Ham cursed in his son, he being, as it were, his fruit. So, too, this son of his, Canaan, is fitly interpreted their movement, which is nothing else than their work. But Shem and Japheth, that is to say, the circumcision and uncircumcision, or, as the apostle otherwise calls them, the Jews and Greeks, but called and justified, having somehow discovered the nakedness of their father (which signifies the Saviour " s passion), took a garment and laid it upon their backs, and entered backwards and covered their father " s nakedness, without their seeing what their reverence hid. For we both honor the passion of Christ as accomplished for us, and we hate the crime of the Jews who crucified Him. The garment signifies the sacrament, their backs the memory of things past: for the church celebrates the passion of Christ as already accomplished, and no longer to be looked forward to, now that Japheth already dwells in the habitations of Shem, and their wicked brother between them. But the wicked brother is, in the person of his son (i.e., his work), the boy, or slave, of his good brothers, when good men make a skillful use of bad men, either for the exercise of their patience or for their advancement in wisdom. For the apostle testifies that there are some who preach Christ from no pure motives; but, says he, whether in pretence or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice. Philippians 1:18 For it is Christ Himself who planted the vine of which the prophet says, The vine of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel; Isaiah 5:7 and He drinks of its wine, whether we thus understand that cup of which He says, Can you drink of the cup that I shall drink of? Matthew 20:22and, Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me, Matthew 26:39 by which He obviously means His passion. Or, as wine is the fruit of the vine, we may prefer to understand that from this vine, that is to say, from the race of Israel, He has assumed flesh and blood that He might suffer; and he was drunken, that is, He suffered; and was naked, that is, His weakness appeared in His suffering, as the apostle says, though He was crucified through weakness. 2Corinthians 13:4Wherefore the same apostle says, The weakness of God is stronger than men; and the foolishness of God is wiser than men. 1Corinthians 1:25 And when to the expression he was naked Scripture adds in his house, it elegantly intimates that Jesus was to suffer the cross and death at the hands of His own household, His own kith and kin, the Jews.

41. Семюэлс Рут. По тропам еврейской истории. М.: Арт-Бизнес-Центр, 1993. 42. Сидорова Н.А. Всемирная история. Т. I. М.: Политиздат,1957. 43. Соловьев В.С. Магомет. Его жизнь и религиозное учение. С.-Петербург: Тип. Ю.Н. Эрлих, 1902. 44. Утченко С.Л. Всемирная история. М.: Политиздат, 1956. 45. Хазрат Шер-Али. Священный Коран. Арабский текст с русским переводом. Лондон: Аль-Ширкатул Исламийия, 1987. 46. Шантепи де ля Соссей Д.П. Иллюстрированная история религий. T.I. М.: Спасо-Преображенский монастырь, 1992. 47. Шмеман А. Исторический путь православия. Нью-Йорк: Издательство им. Чехова, 1954. 48. Щапов Я.Н. Религии мира. М.: Просвещение, 1994. 49. Эберхардт Вальтер. Истинные и ложные пути христианства. Краткий исторический обзор, 1976. 50. Эрл Е. Кернс. Дорогами христианства. М.: Протестант, 1992. Abdul-Hagg, Akbar A. Sharing Your Faith with a Muslim. Minneapolis, Minesota 554238: Bethany House Publishers, 1980. 51. Eliade, Mircea. The Encyclopedia of Religion. 1 vols. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1987. 52. Geisler, Norman L., Saleeb Abdul I. Ansvering Islam the crescent in the light of the cross. Michigan: A Division of Baker Book House, 1994. 53. Hastings, James, M.A., D.D. Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. 1 vols. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1922. 54. Katch, Abraham I. Judaism in Islam. Biblical and Talmudic backgrounds of the Koran and its commentairies. Suras II and III. Philadelphia: Penna Blok, 1954. 55. Montague, R. J. Apocryphal New Testament. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1926. 56. Montgomery, James A. Arabia and the Bible. Philadelphia: Pennsylvania Press, 1934. 57. Peters, F.E. Judaism, Christianity and Islam: The classical text and their interpretetion. Princeston, NJ: Princeston univ. Press, 1990. 58. Williams, J. A. Islam. New York: George Braziller, 1962. 59. William Whiston, A.M. The works of Josephus. Complete and unabridged. Peabody: Hendrickson Publisytrs, 1987. Примечания: 1. Журавский А.В. Иисус в Коране. Россия и мусульманский мир. М., 1997. Бюллетень рефератно-аналит. лит. С. 95–56.

Gundry, «House»   Gundry, Robert H. « " In My Father " s House Are Many Monaí (Joh 14:2).» ZNW 58 (1967): 68–72. Gundry, Matthew Gundry, Robert H. Matthew: A Commentary on His Literary and Theological Art. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1982. Gundry, Tribulation Gundry, Robert H. The Church and the Tribulation. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1973. Gundry, Use Gundry, Robert H. The Use of the Old Testament in St. Matthew " s Gospel: With Special Reference to the Messianic Hope. NovTSup 18. Leiden: Brill, 1975. Gundry and Howell, «Syntax» Gundry, Robert H., and Russell W. Howel1. «The Sense and Syntax of John 3:14–17 with Special Reference to the Use of οτως ... στε in John 3:16 .» NovT 41 (1999): 24–39. Gundry-Volf, «Spirit» Gundry-Volf, Judith. «Spirit, Mercy, and the Other.» Theology Today 51 (1994–1995): 508–23. Gündüz, «Problems»   Gündüz, Sinasi. «The Problems of the Nature and Date of Mandaean Sources.» JSNT 53 (1994): 87–97. Gunther, «Gospel»   Gunther, John J. «The Alexandrian Gospel and Letters of John.» CBQ 41 (1979): 581–603. Gunther, «Relation»   Gunther, John J. «The Relation of the Beloved Disciple to the Twelve.» Theologische Zeitschrift 37 (1981): 129–48. Gurney, Aspects   Gurney, O. R. Some Aspects of Hittite Religion. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977. Gustafsson, «Graffiti»   Gustafsson, Berndt. «The Oldest Graffiti in the History of the Church?» NTS 3 (1956–1957): 65–69. Guthrie, Introduction   Guthrie, Donald. New Testament Introduction. 4th ed. Downers Grove, 111.: InterVarsity, 1990. Guthrie, Orpheus Guthrie, W. K. C. Orpheus and Greek Religion: A Study of the Orphic Movement. 2d ed. New York: W. W. Norton, 1966. Guttmann, «Miracles» Guttmann, Alexander. «The Significance of Miracles for Talmudic Judaism.» HUCA 20 (1947): 363–406. Gwynne, «Invisible Father» Gwynne, Pau1. «YHWH and the Invisible Father.» Australasian Catholic Record 77, no. 3 (2000): 278–91. Haas, «Remains» Haas, N. «Anthropological Observations on the Skeletal Remains from Giv 3 at ha-Mivtar.» IEJ 20 (1970): 38–59.

Богословской темой, объединяющей книгу, является возмездие. Проповедь на эту тему (1:2–6) подводит пророка к предсказанию окончательного суда – дня Господня (1:7–3:20), которому в «последние дни» подвергнутся люди за свои поступки. Хотя Софония не одинок в своем внимании к дню Господню (ср.: Ис. 2 ; Иер. 46–51 ; Иез. 7 ; Иоил. 2 ), нигде эта тема не становится богословским стержнем книги в такой мере, как здесь. Софония раскрывает оба аспекта природы дня Господня: это время сурового наказания и благословенной надежды. Возмездие падет на Иудею за ее неспособность следовать завету. Перечисляются конкретные виды идолослужения (1:4–6), а также гражданские и религиозные руководители Иудеи (3:3–4), подлежащие суду. Особому осуждению подвергаются равнодушие (1:12–13) и гордыня (2:3) Иудеи. Не уйдут от наказания и другие народы (гл. 2); их развращение напоминает «развращение человеков», описанное в Быт. 6:5–7 . Гордыня ускоряет их гибель (2:10,15). Надежда даруется Израилю при условии, что он смирится и откажется от своей безрассудной гордыни (3:12). Это касается и настоящего момента (2:3), и будущего благословения Израиля (3:13–17) и других народов (3:9). Национальные, социальные и личные чаяния могут исполниться только при наличии смирения. Гордыня и надежда несовместимы. Дополнительная литература Boice J. M. The Minor Prophets, 2 vol. (Zondervan, 1983, 1986). Craigie P. C. Twelve Prophets, vol. 2, DSB (Westminster/John Knox Press, 1985). Eaton J. H. Obadiah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, TBC (SCM, 1961). Baker D. W. Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, TOTC (IVP, 1988). Robertson O. P. The Books of Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah, NICOT (Eerdmans, 1990). Motyer J. A. Zephaniah, in T. McComiskey (ed.), The Minor Prophets, vol. 3 (Baker Book House, 1994). House P. R. Zephaniah: Л Prophetic Drama (Sheffield Academic Press, 1988). Содержание 1:1 Надписание 1:2–6 Приговор 1:7 – 3:8 «День гнева – день сей» 1:7–13 Иудея 1:14 – 2:3 День Господень 2:4 – 3:8 Суд Божий над народами 3:9–20 День упования Комментарий

Bacon, «Displacement» Bacon, Benjamin Wisner. «The Displacement of John xiv.» JBL 13 (1894): 64–76. Bacon, «House»   Bacon, Benjamin Wisner. «»In My Father " s House Are Many Mansions» (Jn xiv.2).» ExpTim 43 (1931–1932): 477–78. Badiola Sâenz de Ugarte, «Tipologia»   Badiola Sâenz de Ugarte, José Antonio. «Tipologia pascual en el relato joânico de la muerto de Jesus.» Scriptorium victoriense 47, nos. 1–2 (2000): 5–19. Baer, Categories   Baer, Richard Α., Jr., Philós Use of the Categories Male and Female. Arbeiten zur Literatur und Geschichte des Hellenistichen Judentums 3. Leiden: Brill, 1970. Bagatti, Church   Bagatti, Bellarmino. The Church from the Circumcision. Jerusalem: Franciscan Printing Press, 1971. Bagatti, «Dove» Bagatti, Bellarmino. «Dove awenne la moltiplicazione dei pani?» Salmanticensis 28 (1981): 293–98. Baggott, Approach   Baggott, L. J. A New Approach to Colossians. London: A. R. Mowbray, 1961. Bailey, Peasant Eyes Bailey, Kenneth Ewing. Through Peasant Eyes: More Lucan Parables, Their Culture and Style. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1980. Bailey, Poet Bailey, Kenneth Ewing. Poet and Peasant: A Literary Cultural Approach to the Parables in Luke. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1976. Bailey, «Shepherd Poems» Bailey, Kenneth E. «The Shepherd Poems of John 10 : Their Culture and Style.» Near East School of Theology Theological Review 14 (1993): 3–21. Bailey, «Tradition» Bailey, Kenneth Ewing. «Informal Controlled Oral Tradition and the Synoptic Gospels.» Asia Journal of Theology 5 (1991): 34–54. Baines, «Square» Baines, William. «The Rotas-Sator Square: A New Investigation.» NTS 33 (1987): 469–76. Balch, «Encomia» Balch, David L. «Two Apologetic Encomia: Dionysius on Rome and Josephus on the Jews.» JSJ13 (1982): 102–22. Balch, «Friendship» Balch, David L. «Political Friendship in the Historian Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Roman Antiquities!» Pages 123–44 in Greco-Roman Perspectives on Friendship. Edited by John T. Fitzgerald. SBLRBS 34. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1997.

3 Elaine Pagels, Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas (New York: Random House, 2003), 32. Pagels is talking about the so-called Nag Hammadi texts, discovered near the Egyptian village of Nag Hammadi in 1945. In fact, the entire ‘Nag Hammadi library’, as it is sometimes called, totalling somewhat more than 1,000 papyrus pages, tumbled out of a single broken um about two feet high at the time of its discovery, and the standard, modem English translation occupies a single paper­back volume that sits comfortably in the palm of one hand. That English edition is: James M. Robinson (general editor), The Nag Hammadi Library in English (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1990). For the story of the discovery, including the height of the um, see Bart D. Ehrman, Lost Christianities (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), 52; also W. C. van Unnik, Newly Discovered Gnostic Writings: A Preliminary Survey of the Nag Hammadi Find (London: SCM Press, 1960), 10. For the number of pages, see Christoph Markschies, Gnosis: An Introduction, tr. J. Bowden (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 2003), 49. 4 Stephen Prothero, American Jesus: How the Son of God Became a National Icon (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2003), 7 – 8. 5 For an account of the Council and the question of the authenticity of the list, see the still authoritative B. F. Westcott, A General Survey of the History of the Canon of the New Testament, 6th edn. (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1980; repr. of 1889 original), 431 – 9. The list of New Testament books is identical to the contents of the traditional New Testament except that it omits the book of Revelation. 6 Bart Ehrman, ‘Christianity Turned on Its Head: The Alternative Vision of the Gospel of Judas’, in R. Kasser, M. Meyer, and G. Wurst (eds.), The Gospel of Judas from Codex Tchacos (Washington, DC: National Geographic, 2006), 77 – 120, at 118. See also Ehrman, Lost Christianities, whose chapters include titles such as ‘The Arsenal of the Conflicts: Polemical Treatises and Personal Slurs’ and ‘Additional Weapons in the Polemical Arsenal: Forgeries and Falsifications’.

Stott, «Commission»   Stott, John R. W. «The Great Commission.» Christianity Today, April 26, 1968: 3–5. Stowers, Diatribe Stowers, Stanley K. The Diatribe and Paul " s Letter to the Romans. SBLDS 57. Chico, Calif.: Scholars Press for the Society of Biblical Literature, 1981. Stowers, «Diatribe» Stowers, Stanley K. «The Diatribe.» Pages 71–83 in Greco-Roman Literature and the New Testament: Selected Forms and Genres. Edited by David E. Aune. SBLSBS 21. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1988. Stowers, Letter Writing Stowers, Stanley K. Letter Writing in Greco-Roman Antiquity. LEC 5. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1986. Stowers, «Resemble Philosophy?» Stowers, Stanley K. «Does Pauline Christianity Resemble a Hellenistic Philosophy?» Pages 81–102 in Paul beyond the Judaism/Hellenism Divide. Ed. Troels Engberg-Pedersen. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2001. Stowers, «Synagogue» Stowers, Stanley K. «The Synagogue in the Theology of Acts.» Restoration Quarterly 17 (1974): Strachan, Gospel Strachan, Robert Harvey. The Fourth Gospel: Its Significance and Environment. London: SCM, 1917. Strachan, «Odes» Strachan, Robert Harvey. «The Newly Discovered Odes of Solomon, and Their Bearing on the Problem of the Fourth Gospe1.» ExpTim 22 (1910–1911): 7–14. Strack, Introduction Strack, Hermann L. Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash. n.p.: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1931. Repr., New York: Atheneum, 1969. Strand, «Day» Strand, Kenneth A. «Another Look at " Lord " s Day» in the Early Church and in Rev. 1.10.» NTS 13 (1966–1967): 174–181. Strange, «Diversity» Strange, James F. «Diversity in Early Palestinian Christianty, Some Archaeological Evidences.» Anglican Theological Review 65 (1983): 14–24. Strange, «Galilee» Strange, James F. «Galilee.» Pages 391–98 in Dictionary of New Testament Background. Edited by Craig A. Evans and Stanley E. Porter. Downers Grove, 111.: InterVarsity, 2000. Strange and Shanks, «House» Strange, lames R, and Hershel Shanks. «Has the House Where Jesus Stayed in Capernaum Been Found?» BAR 8, no. 6 (November/December 1982): 26–37.

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