14 Например, архим. Киприан (Керн) утверждает, что пастырские искушения не следует систематизировать в соответствии с нормативным представлением о священнике: «бесцельно заниматься схоластическими уточнениями числа искушений или подвергать их той или иной классификации… все эти исчисления исходят скорее от отвлеченной науки, а не от духовного опыта» ( Киприан (Керн) , архим. Указ. соч. С. 113). 15 Этот процесс является естественным следствием «профессионализации» священства (см.: Vera H. The professionalization and professionalism of Catholic priests. Gainesville, Florida, 1982; Lenz K. Katholische Priester in der individualisierten Gesellschaft. Konstanz, 2009). Вопрос о допустимости и ограниченности понимания «священства» как профессии имеет сложную историю и не рассматривается в данной статье (см., например: Christopherson R. W. Calling and career in Christian ministry//Review of Religious Research. 1994. Vol. 35. 3. P. 219–237). 16 Современная редакция «Типового положения», действующая с 2003 г., опубликована на официальном сайте Немецкой епископской конференции: Rahmenordnung für die Priesterbildung/Sekretariat der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz. Bonn, 12. März 2003. URL: http://www. (дата обращения: 02.04.2021). 17 Приложение: Перевод документа «Rahmenordnung für die Priesterbildung»//Черный А. И. Подготовка священников в Католической Церкви в Германии после Второго Ватиканского собора (по официальным документам): дис. … канд. богословия. М.: ПСТГУ, 2013. С. 149. 20 Quasten J. Patrology. Vol. 3: The golden age of Greek patristic literature from the Council of Nicaea to the Council of Chalcedon. Utrecht-Antwerp; Westminster, 1960. P. 511–512. 21 Chryssavgis J. John Climacus: From the Egyptian desert to the Sinaite mountain. Milton Park; N.Y., 2017. P. 110–111. 22 См. подробнее: Deschwanden L. von. Eine Rollenanalyse des katholischen Pfarreipriesters//Beiträge zur religionssoziologischen Forschung. Internationales Jahrbuch für Religionssoziologie. Bd. IV. Köln; Opladen, 1968. S. 123–157.


382 . Hardman O. The ideals of asceticism. L. 1924. 232. 383 . Harl M. Le langage de l’expérience religieuse chez les pères grecs//RSLR 1977. 15. 5–34. 384 . Hamack A. Das Mönchtum, seine Ideale und seine Geschichte. Leipzig 1905. пер.: Гарнак А. Монашество. Его идеалы и его история. СПб. 1906. 385 . Harpham G. G. The ascetic imperative in culture and criticism. Univ. of Chicago Press 1987. 325. Hollywood A.//J. of Religion. 1992, jan. 72:1. 165 sq. [Постмодернист, трактовка аскетизма, находящая его во всех явлениях совр. жизни и мысли, но полностью оставляющая в стороне собственно аскезу, сферу подвига, в к-рой автор невежествен]. 386 . Harpham G. G. Old water in new bottles: The contemporary prospects for the study of asceticism//Semeia 1992. 58. 134–148. 387 . Harpham G. G. Asceticism and the compensations of art//Asceticism 1 .241). 357–368. 388 . Hausherr l. Les grands courantsde la spiritualité orientale//OCP 1935.1.114–138. 389 . Hausherr l. Ignorance infinie//OCP 1936. 2. 351–362. же://Id 2 .132). 38–49. 390 . Hausherr l. A propos de spiritualité hésychastë controverse sans contradiction//OCP 1937. 3. 260–272. 391 . Hausherr l. Penthos. La doctrine de la componction dans l’Orient chrétien. Rome 1944. (OCA 132). Wenger A.//REB 1949. 7. 256–257. пер.: Penthos: the Doctrine of Compunction in the Christian East. Kalamazoo 1982. (CistSt 53). [Дет. иссл-ние аскетич. понятия «сокрушения " ]. 392 . Hausherr l. Les Orientaux connaissent-ils les «nuits» de Saint Jean de la Croix?//OCP 1946. 12. 5–46. же://Id. Hésychasme et prière 2 .132). 87–128. 393 . Hausherr l. Dogme et spiritualité orientale//RAM 1947. 23. 3–37. же://Id. Études de spiritualité orientale 1 .405). 145–180. 394 . Hausherr l. Limitation de Jésus-Christ dans la spiritualité byzantine//Mélanges offerts à F.Cavallera. Toulouse 1948. 231–259. же://Id. 1 .405). 217–245. 395 . Hausherr l. La direction spirituelle en Orient. Rome 1950. 396 . Hausherr l. Direction spirituelle en Orient autrefois. Rome 1955. (OCA 144). пер.: Spiritual direction in the Early Christian East/Forew. Kallistos Ware, bp. [The spiritual father in saint John Climacus and saint Symeon the New Theologian. VII-XXXIII]. Kalamazoo 1990. (CistSt 116).


193 A. Bloom, Contemplation et ascuse, art. cit, 54. 194 Достопамятные сказания, Антоний 4 и11, с. 11, 12. 195 Homily 74 (71), tr. Wensinck, 345; tr. Miller, 347. 196 Достопамятные сказания.., Авраам, 1, с. 41. 197 АР, Anonymous collection, 266: ed. Nau, ROC 14 (1909), 369—370, tr. Ward, Wisdom, §134 (39). В русском издании «Достопамятных сказаний... » этот текст отсутствует. – Прим. ред. 198 Father (later Archbishop) Basil Krivocheine, The Ascetic and Theological teaching of Gregory Palamas, reprint from the Eastern Churches Quaterly (London: Geo. E. J. Codwell, 1954), 5. 199 Archimandrite Lazarus Moore, in St. John Climacus, The Ladder о Divine Ascent (London 1959), p. 51, note 3. 200 On Spiritual Knowledge 17: ed. Piaces, 94, 3; tr. Philokalia, 1: 258. 201 АР, anonymous collection 134: ed. Nau, ROC 13 (1908), 47; tr. Ward, Wisdom, § 2, 1. 202 Ср. Dmitry Obolensky, The Byzantine Commonwealth: Eastern Europe, 500—1453 (London; Weidenfield and Nicolson, 1971), 301—8, 336—43, Kallistos Ware, «Act out of Stillness»: The Influence of Fourteen Century Hesychasm on Byzantine and Slav Civilization, The «Byzantine Heritage» Annual Lecture, мая 28, 1995, ed. Daniel J. Sanas (Torontö The Hellenic Canadian Society of Constantinople and the Thessalonical Society of Metro Toronto). 203 The Life in Christ 6(PG 150:657D-660A); ed. M. H. Congourdeau, Sources Chretiennes 361 (Paris: Cerf, 1990), 76—78; quotes in J. M. Hussey, «Symeon the New Theologian and Nicolas Cabasilas Similarities and Contrasts in Orthodox Spirituality», Eastern Churches Review 4:2 (1972), 139. Некоторые полагают, что под «размышлением» Кавасила подразумевает исключительно молитву Иисусову, однако профессор Хюссей предпочитает более свободное толкование этой фразы. 204 Chapters 3.65: ed. Darrouzus, 100, 9—16; tr. McGuckin, 91. Очевидно, св. Симеон имел в виду, прежде всего, многообразные возможности, открывающиеся перед монашествующими или безбрачным духовенством, но последнее предложение приведенного здесь фрагмента, несомненно, следует понимать намного шире.


Tweet Нравится Polish Orthodox Church holds benefit concert for Syrian children Moscow, February 3, 2017 Photo: http://www.orthodox.pl/      A charity concert of Christmas carols was held January 27 in the Royal Castle in Warsaw to benefit children in Syria. The event, initiated by the “True to the Tradition of Generations” association in cooperation with the St. John of Climacus parish in Wola, was the latest in an ongoing string of charity events, reports the site of the Polish Orthodox Church. The hall was filled to the brim. Several honored guests were in attendance, including His Beatitude, Metropolitan Sawa of Warsaw and All Poland, as well as representatives of the diplomatic corps, local governments and educational institutions. The evening began with introductory remarks from Fr. Adam Misijuk, explaining the evening’s purpose of benefiting Syrian children who are suffering from the ongoing war in their land. He mentioned that upon hearing of the evening’s concert, representatives of the Antiochian Orthodox Patriarchate wrote: “It touches our hearts to know that the Orthodox Church in Poland prays for and thinks about how to help Syrians.” The concert then began, continuing with more than two hours of rousing carols from various family and parish choirs, presented in a variety of musical styles and Slavic languages. Loud applause accompanied every piece, as the audience was moved by the magnificent singing and overall message of faith in Almighty God. Following the last carol, the organizers of the concert congratulated the representatives of the Serbian embassy present as well as His Beatitude Sawa on his name’s day—the day of the great Serbian enlightener and first archbishop St. Sava I. The evening finally concluded with a Nativity hymn composed by St. Ephraim the Syrian being sung in Arabic and a joint prayer for Syria and the wellbeing of all those suffering there. 3 февраля 2017 г. Рейтинг: 10 Голосов: 1 Оценка: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю:


P. 1985. VIII, 204. (Théologie historique. 67). E. L.//Irenikon. 1985. 68. 582. 95 . Gouillard J. Constantin Chrysomallos sous le masque de Syméon le Nouveau Théologien//TM 1973. 5. 313–327. 96 . Gouillard J. Quatre procès des mystiques à Byzance (vers 960–1143). Inspiration et autorité//REB 1978. 36. 5–81. 97 . Graef H. The spiritual director in the thought of Symeon the New Theologian//Kyriakon: Festschrift Johannes Quasten/Ed. Granfield P., Jungmann J. A. Munster 1970. 2. 608–614. 98 . Grumel V. Nicholas II Chrysobergs et la chronologie de la vie de Syméon le Nouveau Théologien//REB 1964. 22. 253–254. 99 . Halleux A. de. Syméon le Nouveau Théologien//L’expérience de la prière dans les grandes religions. Actes du Colloque de Louvain-la-Neuve et Liège. Louvain 1980. 351–363. 100 . Holl K. Enthusiasmus und Bussgewalt beim Griechischen Mönchtum. Eine Studie zu Symeon dem Neuen Theologen. Leipzig 1898. VI, 331. [Глубокое иссл-ние мистико-экстатич. опыта, до сих пор используемое в науке]. 101 . Hunt Н. Penthos and Repentance in St Symeon the New Theologian//StPatr 2001. 35. 114–120. 102 . Ivanov S. A. Syméon le Nouveau Théologien en tant qu’un fol-en-Christ//Знаки Балкан. М. 1994. 2. 271–288. 103 . Kallistos Ware. The mystery of God and Man in St Symeon the New Theologian//Sobornost. 1971. 6:4. 227–236. 104 . Kallistos Ware, bp. Symeon the New Theologian//SS 1 .598). 235–242. 105 . Kallistos Ware, bp. The Spiritual Father in Saint John Climacus and Saint Symeon the New Theologian//StPatr Kalamazoo; Louvain 1989. 18:2. 299–316. 106 . Kambylis A. Eine Handschrift des Mystikers Symeon//Scriptorium. 1968. 22. 20–34. 107 . Koder J. Normale Mönche und Enthusiasten: der Fall des Symeon Neos Theologos//Religiöse Devianz. Untersuchungen zu sozialen, rechtlichen und theologischen Reaktionen auf religiöse Abweichung im westlichen und östlichen Mittelalter/Ed. Simon D. Frankfurt a. M. 1990. 97–119. (Ius commune. Sonderhefte 48). 108 . Koder J. Die Hymnen Symeons des Neuen Theologen.


94 Чистое действие (лат.) 95 «Божественное существует во вселенной и сущностью, и энергией». Amphil., 75; PG 101:465вс. 96 См.: Akindynos, Against Palamas, in Codex Monacensis graecus 223, foil. 283, 293, 298, 305, 311, etc. 97 Library, codex 1 98 Там же. 99 Ep. 2 to Pope Nicholas; PG 102:604?—605?. 100 Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit, 15; PG 102:293A. 101 Там же, 9, 23; PG 102:289в, 313BC. 102 Там же, 94. 103 Michael Psellos, Address to His Negligent Disciples, ed. J. F. Boissonade (Nuremberg, 1838; репринт, переизд.. Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1964), p. 151. 104 Ed. C. Sathas, Bibliotheca graeca medii aevi (Venice, 1872), V, 442. 105 Address to His Negligent Disciples, p. 146. 106 См. В. Tatakis, La philosophic byzantine (Paris: Alcan, 1949), p. 199. 107 Michael Psellos, On the Character of Some Wntings, ed. J. F. Boissonade, P. 52. 108 Консул философов (греч.) 109 CM. J. Gouillard, Synodikon, p. 56—60,188—202. 110 Порядок (лат.). По-русски — чин богослужения. (Тут имеется в виду наличие нескольких «ордо» в римско-католической церкви.) 111 Обожение (греч.). 112 Evagrius Ponticus, Praktikos; PG 40:1272—1276. 113 Pseudo-Nilus (Evagrius), De Oratione, 84; PG 79:1185в. 114 Там же, 52. 115 Там же, 34л. 116 Там же, 11. 117 Macarius of Egypt, Нот., 11, 1; ed. Domes, p. 96—97, 118 Там же, 15, 20; p. 139. 119 Там же, 11, 11; р. 103. 120 Там же, 1, 12; р. 12. 121 Diadochus, Сар. 77. 78; ed. ?. des Places, SC, 5 bis (Paris: Cerf, 1955),p. 135—136. 122 Там же, 85; р. 144—145. 123 См. там же, 31, 32, 61, 88. 124 John Climacus, The Ladder of Paradise, Degree 28; PG 88:1112c. 125 Там же, слово 27; PG 88:1097лв. 126 О Евагрии и Максиме см. Lars Thunberg, Microcosm and Mediator: The Theological Anthropology of Maximus the Confessor (Lund: Gleerup, 1965) p. 317—325. 127 «Братская» (христианская) любовь (греч.). 128 CM. Lossky, Vision of Cod, p. 9—10. 129 Anastasius Bibliothecarius, Preface to the Eighth Council, Mansi XVI, 6 130 И.Ошер, ред. — в изд.: OnentChr 12 (1928), 45. 131 ymeon the New Theologian, Cat. II; ed. B. Krivocheine, Symeon le Nou-veau Theologien, Catecheses, SC 96 (Paris: Cerf, 1963), p. 421—424.


Palmer, Philip Sherrard and Kallistos Ware (Faber & Faber, London/Boston 1979–95). This last does not contain the introduction by St Nikodimos. 6 Philokalia I, xxii. No doubt St Nikodimos has here in view the dispute between St Gregory Palamas and the monk Job: see Patriarch Philotheos Kokkinos, Encomium on St Gregory of Thessaloniki (PG [=Patrologia Graeca] 151:573B-574B), cited in Philokalia V 107. 8 Dobrotolubiye (Moscow 1793). See Antonios-Aimilios N. Tachiaos, Πασιος Βελιτσκφσκ (1722–1794) κα σκητικοφιλολογικ σχολ του (ταιρεα Μακεδονικν Σπουδν, δρυμα Μελετν Χερσονσου το Αμου 73: Thessaloniki 1964), 113–14. 10 Compare the analogy of the foliage of a tree and its fruit in the Gerontikon, Alphabetical Collection, Agathon 8 (PG 65:112AB). 15 St Gregory of Sinai, On Prayer 5 (Philokalia IV, 82; ET IV, 278). The phrase comes from St John Climacus, Ladder 27 (PG 88:1112A), who is adapting Evagrios, On Prayer 71 (Philokalia I, 182; ET I, 64). 18 Philokalia I, xxi. Compare St Kallistos and St Ignatios Xanthopoulos, Directions to Hesychasts 4 (Philokalia IV, 199; ET E. Kadloubovsky and G.E.H. Palmer, Writings from the Philokalia on Prayer of the Heart [Faber & Faber, London 1951], 166). 22 Maximos, Various chapters 6 II, 150; ET II, 240); cf. To Thalassios 59 (PG 90: 609A; Corpus Christianorum 22, 53, lines 137–8). 24 See H.A. Hodges, introduction to Unseen Warfare: Being the Spiritual Combat and Path to Paradise of Lorenzo Scupoli as Edited by Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain and Revised by Theophan the Recluse, translated by E. Kadloubovsky and G.E.H. Palmer (Faber & Faber, London 1952), 49–51. 25 Philokalia I, 134–5; ET I, 155–6 (PG 65:1041B-1045A). Mark the Ascetic, also known as «Mark the Hermit», is more correctly designated »Mark the Monk». 27 See Kallistos Ware, A Fourteenth- Century Manual of Hesychast Prayer: the Century of St Kallistos and St Ignatios Xanthopoulos (Canadian Institute of Balkan Studies, Toronto 1995). 28 See Kallistos Ware, " The Jesus Prayer in St Gregory of Sinaí, Eastern Churches Review 4(1972), 3–22; David Balfour, Saint Gregory the Sinaite: Discourse on the Transfiguration, offprint from Θεολογα 52:4– 54(1981–3). Читать далее Источник: Edit. Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation, Athens 2004. Поделиться ссылкой на выделенное


1791 . Chryssavgis J. Χαρμολπη: Joyful sorrow in the Ladder of St. Climacus// Κληρονομι. 1985. 17. 137–142. 1792 . Chryssavgis J. The Jesus Prayer in the «Ladder» of St. John Climacus//OS 1986. 35. 30–33. 1793 . Chryssavgis J. The monk and the demon: The demonology of the Byzantine Fathers. A study of the Ladder of St John Climacus (580–649)// Θεολογα. 1986. 57. 753–764. 1794 . Chryssavgis J. The sources of St. John Climacus (c. 580–649)//OS 1988. 37. 3–13. 1795 . Chryssavgis J. Ascent to Heaven. The theology of the human person according to St John of the Ladder. Brookline Mass. 1989. VIII, 269. Bayer M.//OS 1991. 40. 222. 1796 . Chrysawgis J. Una spiritualità dell’imperfezione. La via delle lacrime in Giovanni Climaco//GC 4 .1807). 171–193. 1797 . Colunga A. La escala espiritual de san Juan Climaco//Vida sobrenatural. 1936. 31. 269–277. 1798 . Corneanu N. Contributions des traducteurs roumains à la diffusion de l’Échelle de S. Jean Climaque//StPatr 1966. 8. 340–355. (TU 93). 1799 . Corrigan K. Constantine’s problems: the making of the Heavenly Ladder of John Climacus, Vat.Gr. 394//Word and Image. 1996. 12.61–93. 1800 . Cortesi M. La ricezione della «Scala» in Occidente//GC 4 .1807). 279–300. 1801 . Couilleau G. La pénitence chez St Jean Climaque//Monachisme d’Orient et d’Occident: l’Orient monastique, quelques jalons au cours du premier millénaire (Colloque de Sénanque, 9–11 octobre 1984). 53–78. 1802 . Deseille Placide. La dottrina spirituale di Giovanni Climaco//GC 4 .1807). 95–133. 1803 . Duffy J. Embellishing the steps: Elements of presentation and style in the «Heavenly Ladder» of John Climacus//DOP 2000. 53. 1–17. 1804 . Farantakes P. I. Καταβολς κα διαστσεις τν ννοιν « σοφα» κα » φιλοσοφα» στον ωννη τς Κλμακος//Parnassos. 1994. 36. 132–156. 1805 . Flusin B. Il monachesimo sinaitico al tempo di Giovanni Climaco//GC 4 .1807). 27–55. 1806 . Fokilidis I. ωννης τς Κλμακος//EkPhar 1920. 19. 5–48, 342–364. 1807 . Giovanni Climaco e il Sinai. Atti del IX Convegno ecumenico internazionale di spiritualità ortodossa sezione bizantina, Bose 16–18 settembre 2001/A cura di Sabino Chialà e Lisa Cremaschi. Bose 2002. 404. [GC].


Saint Michael Antiochian Orthodox Church here will once again sponsor the annual Climacus Conference Friday and Saturday, February 13-14, 2015. This year’s theme will explore beautify and aesthetics. “In its fifth year, the conference is a pan-Orthodox intellectual and spiritual event featuring scholars and voices across the fields of theology, philosophy, patristics, classical education, literature, and culture and politics,” said David Write, the conference’s founder and director.  “It is unique in that it provides an opportunity for people to be enriched by thinking well across disciplines through scholarly engagement with the classic liberal arts, while approaching such an endeavor through the spiritual ‘nous,’ the mind of the heart, enabling our ascension ‘of the ladder,’ as inspired by Saint John Climacus and his Ladder of Divine Ascent .” Detailed information, including a list of speakers and their topics, may be found on the Climacus Conference web site and Facebook page or by contacting Mr. Wright at 502-296-2095 or davidwright1@Hotmail.com . Code for blog Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong. Having said that, Pravmir provides daily articles from an autonomous news service, weekly wall newspaper for churches, lectorium, photos, videos, hosting and servers. Editors and translators work together towards one goal: to make our four websites possible - Pravmir.ru, Neinvalid.ru, Matrony.ru and Pravmir.com. Therefore our request for help is understandable. For example, 5 euros a month is it a lot or little? A cup of coffee? It is not that much for a family budget, but it is a significant amount for Pravmir. If everyone reading Pravmir could donate 5 euros a month, they would contribute greatly to our ability to spread the word of Christ, Orthodoxy, life " s purpose, family and society. Also by this author Today " s Articles Most viewed articles Functionality is temporarily unavailable. Most popular authors Functionality is temporarily unavailable. © 2008-2024 Pravmir.com


Ascent to Heaven: The Theology of the Human Person according to Saint John of the Ladder. Brookline, 1989; idem. John Climacus: from the Egyptian Desert to the Sinaite Mountain. Aldershot [u.a.], 2004; Никон (Васин), игум. Сущность покаяния по учению св. Иоанна Лествичника : Дипл. работа/МДА. Загорск, 1983. Маш.; Α.Β.Πιτσλκας. Η Γνεσις και θεραπεα τν παθν κατ τν διδασκαλαν το γου ωννου τς Κλμακος. Λρισα, 1984; И.Монаршек, свящ. Учение прп. Иоанна Лествичника о христианских добродетелях: Дипл. работа/МДА. Загорск, 1984. Маш.; P.Savvopoulos. Ekstatische Person als Bildungsziel bei Johannes Klimakos. Fr./M.; N.Y., 1986; T.Špidlik. John Climacus (or Scholasticus)//EEC. 1992. Vol.1. P.442; γντιος, ρχιμ. Εσαγωγ//Κλμαξ το ωννου το Σινατου. Ωρωπς, 1997. Σ.1–15; В.Лепахин. Лествица как полифоничный символ духовной аскетической жизни//Вестн. РХД. 1998. С.5–28; он же. Страсть и лествица страстей//Там же. С.5–22; J.M.Duffy. Embellishing the Steps: Elements of Presentation and Style in the «Heavenly Ladder» of John Climacus//DOP. 1999. Vol.53. P.1–17; U.Dahari. Monastic Settlements in South Sinai in the Byzantine Period: the Archaeological Remains. Jerusalem, 2000; M.van Parys. L " interprétation des Écritures Saintes dans l " " Échelle» de saint Jean Climaque//Irénikon. 2001. T.74. P.515–536; В.Г.Пуцко. Лествица райская Иоанна Лествичника в ранней старообрядческой иконописи//Старообрядчество: история, культура, современность: Материалы. М., 2002. С.293–298; M.Cortesi. La Ricezione della «Scala» in Occidente//Giovanni Climaco e il Sinai: Atti del IX Convegno ecumenico internazionale. Sezione bizantina. Bose, 2001/Ed. K.P.Charalampidis, e.a. Magnano, 2002. P.279–300; D.Stniloae. Introducere//Filocalia sau Culegere din scrierile Sfinilor Prini, care arat cum se poate omul curi, lumina i desvîri. Vol.9: Sfîntul Ioan Scrarul; Ava Dorotei/Trad. din grec., introd. i note: pr. prof. dr. D.Stniloae. Bucur., 2002, 2007, 2009. P.1–34; P.Deseille. La dottrina spirituale di Giovanni Climaco//Giovanni Climaco e il Sinai.


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