New Orthodox church consecrated in New York New York City, October 6, 2014      On Saturday, October 4, Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York (the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia) consecrated the new Orthodox Church of St. John the Baptist in New York (Brooklyn, Sheepshead Bay). It can be said that for today this is one of the largest Orthodox churches in New York City and is inferior only to the St. Nicholas Cathedral on Manhattan (belonging to the Moscow Patriarchate) in respect of capacity and adornments. Most likely, only the Church of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia on 18th Avenue (the first of four Orthodox churches now active in this NY borough) can rival the newly consecrated church.      The new Church of St. John the Baptist now occupies the building of a former Methodist church; only a small, splendid dome and a distinctive cross above the entrance indicate that this is an Orthodox church. One can understand the joy of the church Rector Archpriest Alexander Belya, the parish council and all the parishioners, who over several years had to move from one rented premise of Brooklyn to another. Within the shortest possible space of time the church was repaired by the Kadar Elite Construction company, led by Michael Kadar. Benefactors and volunteers from among the parishioners actively helped in arranging the church. On Friday evening trowel men were still working here, and on Saturday morning the church was already receiving its parishioners and clergymen from neighboring communities, arriving to the celebration.      Clergy of the Cathedral of the Icon of the Mother of God “Of the Sign”, of the Church of St. John the Baptist, the Church of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, the Church of the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “The Inexhaustible Cup” as well as priests and deacons of other parishes of the diocese concelebrated with Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York at the Divine Liturgy and the church consecration. After the service the constructioin company director Michael Kadar and the churchwarden of the St. John the Baptist’s Church John (Ivan) Belya were presented with the highest award of the ROCOR—the Synodal Order of the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God, 3rd Class. The active volunteer builders received diocesan diplomas. 6 октября 2014 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Russian Church rep discusses Ukraine with Patriarch of Jerusalem, Archbishop of Cyprus Jerusalem; Nicosia, Cyprus, June 10, 2019 Photo:      His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, the head of the Russian Church’s Department for External Church Relations, had the opportunity to meet with the primates of the Jerusalem and Cypriot Churches in separate visits recently, discussing matters of mutual interest, including especially the Ukrainian Church crisis. Met. Hilarion visited the Holy Land on Friday, where he celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral of All Saints of the Russian Gorny Convent. Later that day, he met with His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem, conveying to him the good wishes of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill. During their meeting, the two hierarchs exchanged views on inter-Church relations of mutual interest, reports the press service of the Russian Orthodox Church . The two previously met in Jerusalem on January 10 . Following the meeting, Met. Hilarion visited and venerated the sacred sites of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. He then traveled to Cyprus the same day, where he was greeted at the airport by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Cyprus Stanislav Osadchy. The DECR head visited the Archdiocese the next day, where he met with His Beatitude Archbishop Chrysostomos of New Justiniana and All Cyprus. The hierarchs discussed a wide range of issues related to bilateral relations between the Russian and Cypriot Churches and to a broader inter-Orthodox agenda. Abp. Chrysostomos has taken up the task of mediating in the ongoing crisis caused by the Constantinople’s imprudent actions in Ukraine. In April , he met with the Patriarchs of Antioch, Alexandria, and Jerusalem in one meeting, and in May he met separately with the primates of the Serbian, Bulgarian, and Greek Churches, looking to come to a consensus among the Churches on how to deal with the ongoing crisis. Greek media has reported that Abp. Chrysostomos is proposing that the Russian Church grant autocephaly to the canonical Ukrainian Church headed by His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev and All Ukraine. It is unknown if that specific plan was broached with Met. Hilarion, but sources say that the Cypriot primate did propose a number of possible plans for solving the crisis, some more realistic than others. The meeting is said to have gone well overall. Follow us on Facebook ! 10 июня 2019 г. скрыть способы оплаты Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

The Mid-American Diocese Conference Welcomes Protopriest Andrei Tkachev Diocese of Chicago and Mid-America, July 1, 2013 With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Peter of Cleveland, Administrator of the Diocese of Chicago and Mid-America of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral in Chicago hosted the Third Orthodox Conference from June 21-13, 2013. Invited to this event was Protopriest Andrei Tkachev of Kiev, renowned preacher and publicist, one of the most-read contributors to, host of the television program Na son gryadushchii [Evening prayers], author of Mysli o pokajanii [Thoughts on Repentance], Missijonerskije zapiski [Missionary Notes], Loskutnoje odejalo [Patchwork Quilt], Smotri, nebo stanovitsja blizhe [Behold, Heaven Approaches], Prigotovlenije k smerti [Preparation for Death], and other books. The first two days of the conference were held at Novo-Gracanica Monastery of the Serbian Orthodox Church. On Friday evening, a bonfire discussion was held on a meadow at the shore of the monastery lake. Fr Andrei sat on a bench, with his listeners surrounding the bonfire, enthusiastically discussing Divine Liturgy. Some of the participants shared the thought that they felt like they were back in those distant times when the first Christians would sit around a fire, talking about Christ, strengthening their faith in Him in mutual love. On Saturday , Fr Andrei led a discussion on the family as a “school of all virtues,” touching upon the widest range of phenomena of daily life of each of us, how they affect our families, and how we can remain Christian in our times. The third day of the conference was held at Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral’s hall, where after Divine Liturgy and lunch, Fr Andrei frankly answered parishioners’ questions. The participants were very grateful to Fr Andrei for his visit, despite his busy schedule and travel from halfway across the globe. God willing, everyone will bring home some words of wisdom. Gratitude was also expressed to His Grace Bishop Longin of Novo-Gracanica and Midwest America for his permission to use his monastery, and the Serbian brothers and sisters for their hospitality. I remember how one of the former seminarians from Jordanville recounted how one of the hierarch of our Church, in his keynote address to the graduating seminarians, called the seminary “a school of Orthodox thought.” Indeed , this is accurate . Pondering this expression, it seems that seminars such as this one are also “schools of Orthodox thought.” We all have never needed “correct thought” as much as we do now. Correct thought should not only be our guide, but it unites everyone who wishes to live a good, Christian life. The Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia 2 июля 2013 г. ... Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

The Ascetical Homilies of Saint Isaac the Syrian, tr. Dana Miller (Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Boston, Mass. 1984), pp. 344-5; A.M. Allchin (ed.) and Sebastian Brock (tr.), The Heart of Compassion: Daily Readings with St Isaac the Syrian (‘Enfolded in Love’ series: London 1989), p.9. My own rendering is eclectic, drawing on both translations, but mainly following Dr Brock.  This is the opinion of the first editor of Barsanuphius, St Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain, Vivlos Varsanouphiou kai Ioannou (2nd edn, Sotirios Schoinas: Volas 1960), p. 267, n. 1. The Lenten Triodion, tr. Mother Mary and Archimandrite Kallistos Ware (London/Boston 1978), p. 175. On the Lord’s Prayer 5. We should not read into this statement an Augustinian doctrine of original guilt. This service is usually held on the evening of Good Friday. For the full text of the ‘Praises’, see The Lenten Triodion, tr. Mother Mary and Archimandrite Kallistos Ware, pp. 623-44. Issued in collaboration with the World Wide Fund for Nature International (WWF), and obtainable from WWF, World Conservation Centre, Avenue du Mont-Blanc, CH 1196, Gland, Switzerland. Комментарии ( 0): Написать комментарий: Правила о комментариях Все комментарии премодерируются. Не допускаются комментарии бессодержательные, оскорбительного тона, не имеющие своей целью плодотворное развитие дискуссии. Обьём комментария не должен превышать 2000 знаков. Републикация материалов в комментариях не допускается. Просим читателей обратить внимание на то, что редакция, будучи ограничена по составу, не имеет возможности сканировать и рассылать статьи, библиограммы которых размещены в росписи статей. Более того, большинство этих статей защищены авторским правом. На просьбу выслать ту или иную статью редакция отвечать не будет. Вместе с тем мы готовы рассмотреть вопрос о взаимном сотрудничестве, если таковые предложения поступят. Прим.: Адрес электронной почты опубликован не будет и будет виден лишь модераторам. Зарегистрированным пользователям Отправить

Монах Моисей Святогорец Блаженной памяти старец Георгий, происходивший из Понта, с ранних лет узнал сиротство и одиночество. После гонений и арестов, производимых безбожными властями Грузии, он прибыл в Грецию. Там за свою аскетическую жизнь и крепкую веру этот смиренный и достойный служитель Христов был вознагражден даром рассудительности, мудрости, прозорливости и пророчества. English Edition [News] One of the strongest typhoons on record, Haiyan ripped through central and eastern Philippines last week, killing 4,460 people, according to the United Nations. [News] On Friday, at Rakovica monastery, His Grace Bishop Andrej of Remesiana served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy and the memorial service for Serbian Patriarch Pavle of the blessed memory, who reposed on that day in 2009. [News] Dr. Stephen Meyer expressed concerns that proposed textbooks would " leave students in the dark about contemporary mainstream scientific controversies over Darwinian evolution. [Orthodoxy Today] Larisa Khrustalyeva Coming to the starets at his grave every day, I noticed that you could feel a special grace and tranquility. You don’t think about anything, nothing comes to your mind, you don’t worry about anything. There is extraordinary peace in your soul. [Suffering Church] No matter where Al-Qaida goes, it leaves a long, bloody trail of destruction and murder. The Syrian town of Sadad is no exception on the “service list” of organizations, which includes terrorist brutalities. The ancient Christian holy sites humbly accepted this cross also—the now common cross of the entire Middle East… We will tell it like it is: The picture before us (and recorded by our camera) was simple horrifying; by its scale and drama it is incomparable to any single tragedy in the Syrian chronicles of recent years. [News] The Linga portal with the reference to the Spanish radio station Cadena Соре tells about the joys and tragedies of a young man who turned to Christianity from Islam. Српска bepзuja [Вести] 17. новембра 2013. године председник за црквене везе Московске митрополит Волоколамски Иларион боравио у по благослову Светости Московског и целе Кирила срео се с представницима Ирака.

Испанский архиепископ напоминает, что без помощи единоверцев Святая Земля может стать безжизненным музеем На Страстную пятницу прошел всемирный Папский сбор в помощь христианам Святой Земли ТОЛЕДО. Испанский архиепископ напоминает, что без помощи единоверцев Святая Земля может стать безжизненным музеем, а потому единоверца на Страстную пятницу надлежит жертвовать по мере сил во всемирный Папский сбор в помощь христианам Святой Земли, пишет catholicnewsagency. Архиепископ Толедский и примас Испанский Франсиско Серро Чавес (Francisco Cerro Chávez) обратился к народу и миру с призывом о помощи христианам на Святой Земле, особенно в нынешнее тяжкое время войны, а иначе «она может очень скоро превратиться в безжизненный музей, в обыкновенный памятник истории и архитектуры». В этом послании под названием «Святая земля остро нуждается в нас во время войны» прелат просит единоверцев «укрепить христианское свидетельство» в регионе, в том числе пожертвованиями в «Папский сбор на Страстную пятницу христианам Святой Земли» ( Pontifical Good Friday Collection for the Holy Land ). Пожертвования проходят через местный орден францисканцев – попечителей святых мест. «В нынешнее время было бы грехом не сделать этого», – подчеркивает архиепископ. В письме он поведал о своей постоянной телефонной связи с монахами- францисканцами, пекущимися о тамошних святынях. Они сообщают ему о тяготах, которые несут в настоящее время монахи, духовенство и миряне. Архиепископ Серро призывает всемерно поддержать их, в том числе путем возобновления паломничеств на Святую землю, более активному вовлечению верующих в эти паломничества. Папский сбор на Страстную пятницу в помощь христианам Святой Земли проводится в приходах по всему миру уже несколько веков. «Христиане всего мира делают все возможное для присутствия своих братьев и сестер на земле Иисуса, – напоминает Попечительство Святой земли (Custody of the Holy Land) на своем вебсайте . – Этот сбор есть свидетельство всеобщей солидарности христиан с церковью в Иерусалиме».

Радуйтеся и веселитеся, яко мзда ваша многа на небесех. Рукописание наше на Кресте растерзал еси, Господи, и, вменився в мертвых, тамошняго мучителя связал еси, избавль всех от уз смертных Воскресением Твоим, имже просветихомся, Человеколюбче Господи, и вопием Тебе: помяни и нас, Спасе, во Царствии Твоем. Слава: Отца, и Сына, и Духа Святаго вси единомудренно, вернии, славословити достойно помолимся, Единицу Божества, в Триех сущую Ипостасех, неслиянну пребывающу, просту, нераздельну и неприступну, Еюже избавляемся огненнаго мучения. И ныне, Богородичен: Матерь Твою, Христе, плотию безсеменно рождшую Тя, и Деву воистинну, и по рождестве пребывшую нетленну, Сию Тебе приводим в молитву, Владыко Многомилостиве, прегрешений прощению дароватися всегда зовущим: помяни нас, Спасе, во Царствии Твоем. In Thy Kingdom remember us, O Lord, when Thou comest in Thy Kingdom. Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Through a tree Adam lost his home in Paradise, and through the Tree of the Cross the thief made Paradise his home. For the One, by eating, transgressed the commandment of his Maker; but the other, crucified at Thy side, confessed Thee as the hidden God. Remember us also, Savior, in Thy Kingdom. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. The lawless people bought the Maker of the Law from His disciple, and they led Him as a transgressor before the judgment-seat of Pilate, crying “Crucify Him”, though it was He who gave them manna in the wilderness. But, following the example of the righteous thief, we cry with faith: Remember us also, Savior, in Thy Kingdom. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. The murderers of God, the lawless nation of the Jews, cried to Pilate in their madness, saying, “Crucify the innocent Christ”; and they asked rather for Barabbas. But with the words of the good thief we cry to Him: Remember us also, Savior, in Thy Kingdom.

Thousands to walk Via Dolorosa today in Jerusalem with prayer for Ukraine Moscow, April 14, 2017 Photo:      Orthodox believers from Ukraine and various corners of the earth will walk the Via Dolorosa, or Way of Sorrow, bearing copies of famous wonderworking icons of the Mother of God from Ukraine, reports the site of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. “Every year, on Holy Friday in Jerusalem they have a cross procession along those streets where the feet of Christ the Savior stepped, Who bore His heavy Cross. The rite of this procession is celebrated every year, headed by His Beatitude the Patriarch of Jerusalem and All Palestine,” said Met. Anthony (Pakanich), Chancellor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. “The mission ‘The Way of the Lord in Prayer for Ukraine’ is a large-scale procession organized by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. This procession is a doubly-special prayer for our much-suffering Ukraine,” the hierarch continued. The idea for the mission first appeared in Eastern Ukraine, where war has continued unabated for three years already. “This is a special prayer that unites Jerusalem and Ukraine. Parishioners of our Eastern dioceses took the initiative for such a procession. His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry blessed this prayer. Icons from all corners of Ukraine are brought to Jerusalem. At the same time, prayers are offered at these icons in northern, southern, eastern, western, and central Ukraine. We, faithful people, place all of our hope in God, and therefore we believe that the Lord, Who suffered during these days in Jerusalem, and the Mother of God, who was present, will certainly help,” said Met. Anthony. Following the procession along the Way of Sorrow, organizers will present the icons to Patriarch Theophilus III of Jerusalem in his residence on the eve of Holy Saturday, with a request for prayer for Ukraine. 14 апреля 2017 г. Оценка: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 скрыть способы оплаты скрыть способы оплаты Смотри также Комментарии Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Новые материалы Выбор читателей Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Celebrations in honour of Archbishop Joasaph in Quebec 28 October 2010 October 15th through 17th, 2010, in the parishes of the Canadian Diocese that are situated in the province of Quebec, and first of all in St. Nicholas Cathedral in Montreal, celebrations of the 80th anniversary of the consecration to the episcopate of Archbishop Joasaph (Skorodoumov), who is justly called the enlightener of Canada, took place. The ministry of the Very Most Reverend Vladyka Joasaph continued for two decades, from 1930 to 1950. During this time he founded forty parishes and two monastic sketes. In part, these parishes exist to this day. In any case, the ever-memorable Archbishop Joasaph, by the mercy of God, was the founder of the Canadian Diocese of the Church Abroad. The Very Most Reverend Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, along with many guests from various places in Canada and USA, attended the solemnities. On the first day of his visit to Quebec, on Friday, October 15th, Vladyka Metropolitan visited the church in honour of the “Kazan” icon of the Mother of God in Rawdon. In the afternoon, he visited Ss. Peter & Paul cathedral of the Orthodox Church in America and then, paid a visit to Montreal’s mayor’s office, where he left his signature in the Book of the honourable guests of the city. From the mayor’s office, the First Hierarch of ROCA went to the reception, held in his honour by the General Consul of the Russian Federation in Montreal His Excellency A.V. Isakov. Next morning, on Saturday, Vladyka Metropolitan was greeted in the church of St. John of Sochava in Lachine, the parish that will celebrate its centennial anniversary next year. After the dismissal of the Divine Liturgy, the Metropolitan visited with the parishioners, and from Lachine he went to the meeting with the representatives of the Montreal Cossack Stanitsa named after ataman A.M. Kaledin. In time for the all-night vigil, the wonderworking copy of the Pochaev icon of the Mother of God was brought to Montreal from the Holy Trinity monastery in Jordanville, NY, the copy that has been preserved by the brotherhood of the monastery for over half a century. On Sunday, October 17th, at the St. Nicholas cathedral, at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy and a litia for the departed, a festive meal, prepared by the church Sisterhood, was offered to all present in the parish hall. After the meal, a lecture about the life and ministry of the ever-memorable Archbishop Joasaph was read. The celebration was concluded with a concert, in which a quartet from the Holy Trinity Seminary and the students of the cathedral’s A.S. Pushkin school shared their talents. Russian Church Abroad - Official site of the Montreal and Canadian Diocese 1 ноября 2010 г. ... Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Tweet Нравится Daughter of famous theologian Dumitru Stniloae reposes in the Lord Moscow, February 20, 2017 Photo:      Lidia Stniloae, daughter of the world-renowned Romanian Orthodox theologian Dumitru Stniloae, reposed in the Lord at 7:40 in the morning on Friday, February 17, at the age of 83, reports Libertatea . Her funeral will take place Wednesday at noon at Cernica Monastery, just outside of Bucharets, according to the site of the Romanian Patriarchate. Lidia Ionescu Stniloae was born on October 8, 1933 in Sibiu in central Romania to Fr. Dumitru and his wife Preoteas (Matushka) Maria. She studied atomic physics at the University of Bucharest from 1951 to 1955, her thesis being the first work in Romania on the theory of nuclear fission. She worked in the physics department until she was kicked out when her father was arrested in 1958. She married the same year and had a son, Dumitru Horia Ionescu. From 1961 she worked as a professor of food chemistry. In 1970 she embarked upon a literary career, publishing two volumes of poetry, in addition to other volumes she translated into the Romanian language. In 1984 she emigrated with her son to Germany and began working in the University of Freiburg. In 1991 she published her novel The Paradise of the innocents and in 2000 the volume The Light of Deed from the Light of the Word was published. In 2003 she released a book of poetry, Meeting with God, and in 2009 her Memoirs of a Fugitive . The daughter of the famous theologian has twice been awarded by the Romanian Patriarchate. She received the Dumitru Stniloae Diploma and Medal in 2013, a year the holy synod solemnly dedicated to the memory of Fr. Dumitru, and in 2014 Patriarch Daniel bestowed upon her the Cross of Maria Brâncoveanu Order of the Romanian Patriarchate. May her memory be eternal! 20 февраля 2017 г. Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Fr. Dumitru Staniloae: The Cross as a Means of Sanctification and Transformation of the World Fr. Dumitru Staniloae Fr. Dumitru Staniloae: The Cross as a Means of Sanctification and Transformation of the World Fr. Dumitru Staniloae Through the Cross, Christ sanctified His body—the link with the world. He rejected the temptations sent to Him by the world, that is to taste the pleasures, to satisfy His needs unrestrained or to avoid pain and death. If we, in the same way, ward off the temptations of sin and patiently suffer the pain of death, sanctity can spread from His body to all bodies and throughout the world. Комментарии © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru При перепечатке ссылка на Православие.Ru обязательна Контактная информация Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку ×

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