Photo: His Eminence Metropolitan Tikhon (Shevkunov) of Pskov and Porkhov, the author of the best-seller  Everyday Saints ,  presented the Chinese translation of his work in Hong Kong on Monday, reports  TASS . “Although it’s just a crumb, it’s still our humble contribution to the strengthening of the mutual understanding of the peoples of Russia and China. If it somewhat opens to Chinese readers the most important thing, what we have in the spiritual life in Russia, I’ll consider my mission accomplished,” His Eminence said at the event at the Grand Hyatt in Hong Kong. The initiative to translate the book into Chinese was launched  in 2014 . The book release drew diplomats, journalists, public figures, and representatives of the Russian club in Hong Kong and the local Orthodox parish. Professor of Russian philology Liu Wenhai, President of the Chinese Association for the Study of Russian Literature, says he spent nearly a year translating the nearly 400 pages and 200,000 characters. “It is distinguished from many other religious books by the fascinating narrative, the sincere tone, and the absence of strict moral teachings and theological sermons,” Wenhai said. Illustrations for the Chinese translation were handled by Zhou Changsin, who visited Russia and prepared 25 thematic paintings. He is considered the founder of the style of Chinese oil painting characterized by its fine details and expressive tones. Everyday Saints  has already been published in 18 different languages and sold 3 million copies, Met. Tikhon noted. The Swedish translation was published just a few days ago as well. Met. Tikhon was also in China in July to present the Chinese translation of the book  Word of a Pastor by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill. “In China, unfortunately, little is known about Orthodoxy, which is the foundation and core of the spiritual life in Russia. At the same time, we find considerable interest, firstly from educated people, academic circles in China, about what Orthodoxy is,” he said.

" You will not be able to put it down. " A review of Everyday Saints, by Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) Archpriest Andrew Phillips Russian literature has a long history of dealing with Church themes. Pushkin, Leskov and Chekhov come to mind at once. However, these themes are also central in Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy and more recently in Pasternak and Soloukhin, and in fact they are present in all Russian literature, as an underpinning and uniting background of spiritual and cultural values. What is original about this book is that the author is not just a very talented writer with a sensitive artist’s heart, but he is also a monk, priest and senior archimandrite in Moscow, the Superior of Sretensky Monastery, Fr Tikhon Shevkunov. And, above all, what is original is that this book has been written now, as a monument to what has risen a generation after the death of three generations of forced – and failed – State atheism. In other words, this book breathes Resurrection. A spiritual child of the ever-memorable Elder Ioann Krestyankin of the Pskov Caves Monastery, Fr Tikhon has made his historic, central Moscow Monastery into a bastion of genuine Orthodoxy, with one of the best choirs in Russia. There is to be found a prominent seminary, with several international students, the best Orthodox bookshop in Moscow and probably the best and biggest Orthodox website in Russia ( ), which also has an English-language section. Apart from being a gifted writer, Fr Tikhon is also a film-maker (‘A Byzantine Lesson’), runs the anti-alcohol campaign in the Russian Federation, is responsible for Church-cultural relations, and is a great friend of the Church Outside Russia - we see him regularly. His book, Everyday Saints, is being translated into ten languages, the Greek edition having already appeared. Now we have the English edition of ‘Nesvyatye Svyatye’ (literally, ‘Unholy Saints’). This is a bestseller in Russia, having sold the unprecedented number of 1,100,000 paper copies and millions of electronic copies since it appeared one year ago. It has been read by all, believer and atheist alike, has changed lives, and really is unputdownable, as I know myself when I read it in one more or less continuous eighteen-hour sitting in September 2011. Little wonder that in Moscow it has been awarded the ‘Book of the Year’ prize for 2012.

His book, which has just been published in French under the title Père Rafaïl et autres saints de tous les jours [“Father Raphael and Other Everyday Saints”], has been a publishing event in Russia: not only did its presentation at the capital’s library attract more than 1,000 people, but it sold 1.2 million copies that day; it sat atop the best-seller lists of books in all categories for many months, and has received several awards, including best book of 2012. It has already been translated into English (Fr. Tikhon presented it at the Library of Congress), Greek, and Serbian, and for several months before its publication in French was the object of promotional campaigns on several Orthodox websites in French-speaking countries, including the excellent orthodoxologie . Archimandrite Tikhon presenting the French edition of Everyday Saints at the libairie La Procure, Paris. This book represents a sort of spiritual autobiography of Archimandrite Tikhon. It begins when the author, while studying at the State Institute of Cinematography in Moscow, discovers Orthodoxy with a small group of friends, receives baptism, and discovers his monastic vocation during a short pilgrimage to the Pskov-Caves Monastery (also called Pechory). The book is essentially made up of his memories from the period when he was a novice and monk of this monastery (between 1982 and 1992). In fact, Fr. Tikhon holds himself back in this book: he uses his story as a pretext for letting other figures he met take center stage, especially in the Pechory monastery. This includes the great figure of the Elder John (Krestiankin), who became his spiritual father at the monastery, but also many unknown monks who nevertheless have a very distinctive and often picturesque personality. The original title of the book is Nesviatye sviatye, which can be translated as “saints who are not (officially) saints” or “saints who have not been canonized.” These figures sometimes have conspicuous faults, unconventional behavior, or a banal appearance, but Fr. Tikhon knows how to discover and manifest, beyond these appearances, their profound and hidden spiritual wealth, often characterized by unwavering faith, a deeply penitential spirit, and great fervor in prayer. These stories, while making no claim to achieve the level of the lives of saints or the Apophthemata of the Desert Fathers, nevertheless constitute apothegms of our times that convey precious teachings. They are all the more touching and useful in that the persons described are not represented as perfect beings perched on unattainable heights, but as beings having their frailties, flaws, irregularities, and contradictions, who nonetheless overcome them by their deep faith in Christ. These stories are also a precious testimony to the spiritual wealth, human qualities, and joys of the monastic life, of which the author gives a vision that is positive, open, and even enthusiastic.

А за месяц до нашего приезда случился необычайно сильный ливень, который грозил погубить весь урожай гранатов. Пришлось собирать плоды прямо под ливнем, сразу после вечерней службы. Собрали две тонны, сдали местной фруктовой конторе. Оказалось, что изо всей округи монахини стали единственными, кто сумел спасти урожай, у всех гранаты так и пропали. Верные друзья аризонских монахинь В монастыре есть виноградники, вино для Евхаристии здесь свое. Делают в монастыре вино и из гранатов, и даже из кактусов. Расфасовывают в маленькие бутылочки на сувениры. Кстати, о сувенирах. Здесь чудная церковная лавка. Очень большой выбор икон, книг, в том числе и на русском языке, четок, дисков с православными песнопениями в исполнении сестер монастыря святого Паисия. Работает небольшой издательский отдел. Около сотни тысяч акафистов, изданных монахинями, разошлись по Америке. Сестры своими руками делают каждый год тысячи четок из самых разных материалов: шелкового шнура, шерсти, натурального камня, дерева; очень красивы жемчужные молитвенные браслеты. Книга архимандрита Тихона (Шевкунова) «Несвятые святые» в магазинчике есть и на русском, и на английском. По-английски она называется «Everyday Saints». Книга очень популярна среди православных в Америке. У меня даже был заготовлен вопрос к монахиням: читали ли они «Everyday Saints»? Но сестра Назария меня опередила, она задала этот вопрос мне. Ей книга очень нравится, и по тем же самым причинам, что и всем нам. Живые герои, отличный язык, добрый юмор, отсутствие фарисейской благостности и сладкого елея. Уже темно. Мы прощаемся с сестрой Назарией. Перед сном снова просматриваю альбомы. Их два. Один посвящен истории Свято-Паисиевского монастыря, другой — истории Свято-Никольского Черноостровского монастыря в городе Малоярославце Калужской области. Альбомы разные, а фотографии похожи. И там и тут монахини начинали с нуля. В Аризоне монастырь возводился почти на пустом месте, за исключением маленькой часовни и нескольких хозяйственных построек. В Калуге, цитирую альбом, «здания монастыря представляли собой руины и свалку». В пустыню русский монастырь превратился за годы советской власти.

The subject of the quality and faithfulness of the translations of ecclesiastical and liturgical texts into English that are being used requires special attention. Already one can note that in many instances, not only are these inferior, but they are seen unconsciously introducing wrong beliefs and even heretical notions into Orthodox worship. The conveyance of subtle and precise meanings of sacred texts and of the poetical hymnology of the Orthodox Church into another language is a most difficult task. Even the best knowledge of both languages is not enough. It demands holiness of life, for only then does the translator enter into the depths of divine meanings and is able to convey them faithfully into another language. It is sufficient to observe that only Saint John Chrysostom abbreviated the Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great, that Saints Cyril and Methodios successfully translated sacred texts into the Slavic language, and after them, holy persons successfully translated other texts into other languages. Many of the Saints translated into new languages hitherto untranslated ecclesiastical terminology and thus enriched these languages with thousands of new foreign words from the Greek language. The ecclesiastical language of the prototypes is poetic, lofty, rich, deep and draws those who hear it to spiritual ascents, to a place where the sacred and wondrous mystery is perfected, where the Most High Triune God is worshipped. It is not fitting that this worship be rendered prosaically into the usual everyday language, but through a subtle and exalted clarity, be rendered in such a way that the hearer is transported to another reality, to another higher world. Besides, the whole performance of liturgy aims at this mystagogical elevation to the Throne of God, before Whom the Trisagion Hymn is sung with the Cherubim. The amazement at the sacred vestments, the contrite psalmody, the fragrance of the incense, the environment of the Church decorated with sacred figures, the unique quality of the architecture - all these things transport us to the other reality, [which is] the Church. Within all this sanctity, we ought not use everyday language, which brings us down once again to earth.

“Everyday Saints” Wins the Hearts of Polish Catholics Book alters understanding of Russian Orthodoxy and changes people’s attitude towards Russia. January 14, 2014. PRAVMIR. The book Everyday Saints and Other Stories by Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) has won the hearts of Catholic monks in Poland. 80% of the Orthodox bestseller’s Polish edition, released by the Polish Orthodox publishing house “Bratchik” will be bought by Catholics, noted Marek Yakimuk, director of the publishing house. “We published 2,000 copies, yet we can already see that this won’t be enough. Now we’ll publish five times more. 80% of the published books go to Catholics. This book completely alters the understanding of Russian Orthodoxy and changes people’s attitude towards Russia,” quotes the publishing house. The presentation of the book Everyday Saints recently took place in Krakow and at the Jagiellonian University. The author, Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov), Abbot of the Sretensky Monastery, was warmly welcomed by more than just Orthodox Christians. “We had an unscheduled visit to a Catholic Benedictine monastery. When we entered the monastery, a monk ran out to meet us and said that he had just finished the book and was very pleased to meet the author,” related Marek Yakimuk. Fr. Tikhon was also heartily welcomed by representatives of the Catholic episcopate. As it turned out, many clerics were familiar with his book. Translated from the Russian Code for blog Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong. Having said that, Pravmir provides daily articles from an autonomous news service, weekly wall newspaper for churches, lectorium, photos, videos, hosting and servers. Editors and translators work together towards one goal: to make our four websites possible -,, and Therefore our request for help is understandable. For example, 5 euros a month is it a lot or little? A cup of coffee? It is not that much for a family budget, but it is a significant amount for Pravmir. If everyone reading Pravmir could donate 5 euros a month, they would contribute greatly to our ability to spread the word of Christ, Orthodoxy, life " s purpose, family and society. Also by this author Today " s Articles Most viewed articles Functionality is temporarily unavailable. Most popular authors Functionality is temporarily unavailable. © 2008-2024

126 Theology, according to this definition, is not a theory, or a science with a definite subject, prior to investigation. On the contrary, theology is the mode of existence with God in which knowledge of God is the unfolding of one’s own experience of life in God. According to The Philokalia’s definition, in order to receive a gift of theologia one must be nearly a saint. How, then, can one be a theologian if one is not a saint? How can theology be communicated and taught if it involves a personal experience of union with God? Gregory Palamas suggested that those who have no direct experience of God but who trust the saints can also be regarded as true theologians, but at the lower level. 127 This means that in order to be a theologian in this lower sense, one must be able to read and trust the saints and the Fathers of the church. This implies, however, one’s participation in the life of the church, whose living experience (that is, historical experience of the saints and fathers) constitutes its tradition and its theology. This participation is attained through communion with Scripture and through the church’s sacraments, that is, liturgically. Theology, as a personal experience of participation in truth, which is affirmed by the church, thus constitutes communion with God. The notion of truth being involved in a theological context makes the experiential dimension of theology even more vivid because – as far back as Ignatius of Antioch and Irenaeus of Lyons – truth was linked with life, understood eucharistically. This innovative view proclaimed the eucharist as a principle of existence, understood as life. The eucharist became a principle of truth, as a principle of immortality. Since in our everyday lives we are subject to decay and death, life in the church, understood as the acquisition of the ecclesial hypostasis in our nature (that is, incorruption and immortality), is achievable through the eucharist, keeps us alive, and provides us hope of immortality. Christ is the center of the eucharist and the principle of life.

“This one—on standby!” A story for volume two of Everday Saints Ivan Rogov In spring of 2014, published an appeal by Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) to readers with an offer to combine efforts and write the second volume of Everyday Saints . The site has received a large number of readers’ stories since then, many of which were published on the Russian sight. The hero of today’s story is a soldier who can really be called a hero: Alexander Petrovich Zhukov has been awarded the medal of the “Golden Star” as a Hero of the Russian Federation. Here is the astounding story of his courage and steadfastness in the faith. You, too, are encouraged to send your stories to: Alexander Petrovich Zhukov I met Alexander Petrovich Zhukov in the same educational group (adult graduate school). He was modest a man of few words, above thirty years of age, with a medal of the “Golden Star” Hero of Russia on his suit jacket. We (his classmates) first noticed a remarkable character trait of his when he removed his mark of distinction before taking his session exams. It was “so that they would give me realistic grades,” he would answer simply when asked why. We never mustered the resolved to ask him about his heroism, but when we read about him in open sources we were convinced that he really was a Hero of Russia. Winter, 2000. A counter-terrorist operation during the second Chechen war. A group of special forces fell under a fire storm, and only an immediate evacuation could help. The rescue operation was headed personally by the leader of the search and rescue service of military aviation for the Central Caucasus military region, lieutenant colonel Zhukov, who had already participated in scores of military operations (paratroop landings in the enemy’s rear to search and save the crews of downed fighter planes and helicopters, evacuation of encircled Russian divisions, gathering and removing the wounded), including in the first Chechen war. After disembarking from the helicopter in order to organize a rescue operation, under conditions of increased firing and with the aim of saving the lives of those who they had succeeding in lifting onto the helicopter, he gave the command to depart, while he himself stayed behind.

Review of the French Edition of “Everyday Saints” Jean-Claude Larchet On April 3, Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) presented the French edition of his best-selling book, Everyday Saints and other Stories in Paris, at the libairie La Procure. This edition, entitled, Père Rafaïl et autres saints de tous les jours was translated by Maria Luisa Bonaque. The well-known French Orthodox theologian, Jean-Claude Larchet, wrote a review of Fr. Tikhon’s book, which has been translated into English for us. Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov), born in 1958, is an important and influential figure in the Russian Orthodox Church not only because he is reputed to be the confessor of Vladimir Putin (who needs a confessor like everyone else) and Executive Secretary of the Patriarchal Council for Culture, but also because of his activity as abbot. Commissioned in 1994 by the Pskov-Caves Monastery, where he became a monk, to create a metochion in Moscow, he turned the previously abandoned Sretensky Monastery (on Lubyanka, not far from the infamous KGB building) into one of the most dynamic and radiant monasteries in the capital. This monastery, in the years since its inception (it became stravopegial in 1995), has managed to attract numerous people of all stripes and especially many young people, who today still make up the bulk of the crowd that gathers to attend liturgical services. Abbot Tikhon has founded a choir of high quality whose style is particularly characterized by its dynamic tempos. He has opened a seminary (of which he is rector) on the premises. He has created an Internet site, , which remains the most important of the Russian Church, constituting a reference source on all areas of the life of the Orthodox Church (it contains, notably, the texts of the daily liturgical services along with iconographic illustrations and ad hoc musical arrangements). It is well anchored in Orthodox tradition, unlike the competing website, which is heavily affected by Western influences. He has created a publishing house that is today the most important in Russia. He has also opened the best religious bookstore in Russia and the finest store for icons and religious art in Moscow.

Из произведений наших православных семейных специалистов порекомендую весьма удачную книгу семейного психолога И.А. Рахимовой «Нам не жить друг без друга». Также очень грамотной и конструктивной является книга кандидата психологических наук Е. Морозовой «Гармония в семье и браке». Можно посоветовать почитать книги детских психологов И. Медведевой и Т. Шишовой, а также сборники Дмитрия Семеника. Меня нередко спрашивают: можно ли православным людям читать книги популярных светских психологов: супругов Свияш, Д. Еникеевой, В. Леви и тому подобных. Не могу порекомендовать подобную литературу. В этих книгах, несомненно, можно найти хорошие мысли, но эти зерна придется отделять от очень большого количества плевел. Эти сочинения написаны людьми, весьма далекими от веры и даже обычной нравственности; например, в них можно найти оправдание абортам, блуду, гомосексуализму и другим постыдным грехам. А в книгах Свияш иногда можно встретить и явный оккультизм. Так что не советую впустую тратить время. Слава Богу, выбор у нас есть, и с каждым годом хорошей литературы на семейную тему издается все больше. В заключение позволю себе небольшую саморекламу и порекомендую некоторые свои книжки: «Малая церковь» , «Он и она», «Семейные конфликты. Профилактика и лечение». Рекомендую также почитать мои статьи на семейную тему и послушать диск с записями лекций «Семейная школа»; его можно найти в книжных магазинах и на моем сайте . Рейтинг: 9.2 Голосов: 148 Оценка: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 скрыть способы оплаты Комментарии Сергей 19 июля 2013, 17:23 Из второго вопроса следует ещё вопрос: - Взаимная радость от секса(телесной близости) между мужем и женой, без цели деторождения - является ли грехом или нет? ///////////// Irina 12 декабря 2012, 02:27 Hello Svetlana, Unfortunately, it is really difficult to find the articles translated into English. However, this website is available in English. Scroll all the way up and you will see the link " English version " . I can also strongly recommend you to read " Every day saints " by Tikhon Shevkunov.

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