Archive Administrator of Moscow Patriarchate parishes in East and South-East Asia begins his trip to Philippines 22 June 2018 year 12:50 June 22, 2018 – the administrator of the Moscow Patriarchate parishes in East and South-East Asia, Archbishop Sergiy of Solnechnogorsk, has arrived in Davao, the administrative center of Mindanao Island in Philippines. At Francisco Bangoy international airport, he was met by Hieromonk Pitirim (Dondenko), secretary of the administrator of the Moscow Patriarchate in East and South-East Asia and senior priest at the Dormition church in Singapore; Rev. Stanislav Rasputin, permanent priest of the Moscow Patriarchate parish in General Santos city; Hieromonk Corniliy (Molev), permanent cleric of the Parish of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow in Davao; Rev. Siluan Thompson (Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia), rector of the church of St. John of Shanghai; wardens of the Moscow Patriarchate parishes on Mindanao Island, and staff members of the missionary center at the St.  Matrona church. Archbishop Sergiy visited the St. Matrona church, in which he was welcomed by the Philippian students undergoing training before entering St. Petersburg Theological Academy. The young people greeted His Eminence and presented him with a basket with Philippian fruits. Later that day, the archpastor celebrated vespers at the St. Matrona church at the Davao missionary center. Through the efforts made by an initiative group of priest since 2015, Christian communities in Mindanao, founded in the early 20th century by Grigorio Aglipay, began to join the Moscow Patriarchate. From 2015 to 2016, the work was carried out to catechize the Philippians who embraced Orthodoxy; the Russian Orthodox clergy celebrated divine services; new churches were built; liturgical and sacred texts were translated into the Sebyano language. Due to a lack of possibility for permanent pastoral care for the parishes by Orthodox priests, missionaries taught wardens to celebrate using the lay order. The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, by its decision of October 21, 2016 (Minutes 99), appointed Archbishop Sergiy of Solnechnogorsk as administrator of the Moscow Patriarchate parishes in East and South-East Asia including in the Republic of Philippines. In fulfilling the will of the Supreme Authority, Archbishop Sergiy has worked to revive the Parish of Our Lady of Iveron in Manila, which has functioned since 1934. He has also organized pastoral care for Orthodox compatriots residing in Philippines and for converted local communities. At present, an administrative and religious education center is being created in Davao for coordination of pastoral care for members of the Moscow Patriarch communities in Mindanao, catechizing those who decided to embrace Orthodoxy and training candidates for studies at theological schools of the Russian Orthodox Church. Календарь ← 7 April 2024 year

The prosecution accused the cleric of receiving " significant " funding from unnamed backers in Arab states. Bosnia " s Balkans neighbours Albania, Serbia and Kosovo have also swooped on jihadist networks in recent weeks. Fifteen men went on trial in Serbia and Albania in March accused of recruiting and financing volunteers for the war in Syria. " For the first time in the region, people who call on others, in a very sophisticated way, to go to foreign battlefields and commit crimes, are being tried, " Ahic said. " What will come out of these trials has yet to be seen. " 1 мая 2015 г. Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Alyse Radenovic and Art: Remembering the Serbian Christian Victims of Bratunac in Bosnia Alyse Radenovic and Art: Remembering the Serbian Christian Victims of Bratunac in Bosnia The Bosnian civil war witnessed massacres on all sides because outside of the mass simplicity of political leaders and major media agencies you have a different reality which is hidden. After all, despite the reality that America, Iran, al-Qaeda, Saudi Arabia and many others were all on the same side; it didn’t suit the image of the alleged “underdog” against a powerful “enemy.” Therefore, thousands of Orthodox Christians were slaughtered in Bratunac and in the Srebrenica region but of course this had to be kept quiet because it didn’t suit the agenda. Monument to Tsar and Passion-Bearer Nicolas II to be unveiled in Bosnia and Herzegovina Monument to Tsar and Passion-Bearer Nicolas II to be unveiled in Bosnia and Herzegovina The monument was to be unveiled on June 21, 2014, in Banja Luka on the initiative of the Serbian Republic’s (Bosnia and Herzegovina) president, the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies, the St. Basil the Great Charitable Foundation, and the Russian Military Historical Society. Bulgaria detains Brazilian, two Moroccans on terrorism charges Bulgaria detains Brazilian, two Moroccans on terrorism charges European governments are increasingly concerned by the flow of citizens heading to join jihadis of ISIS fighting in Syria and Iraq. Комментарии © 1999-2015 Православие.Ru

1424 Творения св. Киприана, T. I (письмо к Помпонию), стр. 104–105. Этот Помпоний был епископом одного города, подчинённого власти Карфагенского иерарха. 1428 В том же письме св. Киприана к Помпонию, но только это место почему-то опущено в русском переводе и заменено многоточием. 1432 Послание говорит: „пусть он (Павел) и не позволял себе ничего непристойного“ в данном отношении. До известной степени сдержанно относится к виновным и сам Киприан: он говорит: „в настоящем случае некоторые из братьев наших будут огорчены нами“ (Т. I, 108). Нужно вообще помнить, что нравы в древности были проще, и на многое смотрели снисходительнее, чем впоследствии. Наприм., в III веке общественные бани были общими для лиц обоего пола; и св. Киприан, запрещая посещать их христианским девственницам, не налагает подобного же запрещения на христианских женщин (Киприана. Творения. Т. II, 141 – Книга об одежде девственниц). Киев. 1891. 1438 Heinichen. Commentarii in Eusebii historiam, p. 719. Lipsiae, 1870. – Автор сочинения: De singul. clericorum, принимая на себя борьбу с рассматриваемым нами сожитием мужчин с девственницами, прибегает для достижения цели к очень различным средствам – и к увещанию, и к угрозам, и к просьбам, и к приказаниям. Из этого сочинения видно, что с субъинтродуктами жили и клирики, и аскеты-миряне. Автор, сообразно обстоятельствам времени, направляет свою речь против клириков, ибо в это время в особенности заботились о том, чтобы по крайней мере хоть духовных лиц устранить от неприглядного сожительства. Обстоятельный анализ сочинения: De sing cleric. у Achelis’a. S. 36–42. 1444 Древние расходятся во мнениях о том, где произнесены эти проповеди – в Константинополе или в Антиохии. В пользу первого мнения высказывается Палладий, биограф Златоуста, а в пользу второго – историк Сократ. Из новейших писателей разделяют мнение Палладия Филарет Черниговский и проф. Лопухин, написавший жизнь Златоуста в качестве введения к новому изданию творений этого отца в русском переводе. Мнение это заслуживает предпочтения, ибо невероятно, чтобы Златоуст позволил себе произнести такие резкие поучения в Антиохии, где он был лишь пресвитером...

Что касается исповедания Киром в манифесте своем (ст. 23) «Иеговы, Бога небесного», то не лишено значения сообщение Иосифа Флавия («Иудейские Древности», кн. XI, 1, 1), что «это Кир узнал при чтении книги, в которой за двести десять лет до этого пророк Исайя оставил свои предвещания», т.е. тех мест пророческой кн. Исайи ( Ис.44:28,45:1 ), в которых будущий освободитель иудеев из плена назван по имени (евр. Koresch, LXX: Κρος, персидск. Kurus (Kuru), вавилонск. Kuras); могли содействовать этому знакомству Кира с Библией сами иудеи (Cleric). О еврейском прозелитизме Кира, конечно, не может быть речи (ср. замечание о мнимом прозелитизме Хирама Тирского, к ( 3Цар.5:7 ), «Толковая Библия», т. II, с. 385). О неканонической молитве Манассии, царя иудейского, помещаемой в славяно-русской Библии непосредственно за главой ( 2Пар.36 ), см. комментарии к ( 2Пар.33:19 ). 11 Впрочем, в кодексе 168 у Кенникотта и кодексах 31, 940 у Росси читается: «сына брата его, бен-ахив» 12 Весьма обстоятельное и чрезвычайно интересное по своей самобытности исследование о происхождении и источниках книг Паралипоменон дано в не раз цитированной нами талантливой работе проф. А.А. Олесницкого , «Государственная Летопись царей Иудейских» или книги забытые ( παραλεπομενα). Труды Киевской Духовной Академии, 1879, 8 и 12. Однако основное положение автора о большей древности книг Паралипоменон сравнительно с 3 и 4 книгами Царств стоит в науке совершенно одиноко и является лишь гипотезой, весьма, впрочем, пригодной для сравнительного изучения и изъяснения книг Паралипоменон с одной стороны и книг Царств с другой. Всю силу убедительности имеет, во всяком случае, такое, например, заключение проф. Олесницкого: «известия книг Паралипоменон о царях Иудейских (кроме последних) отличаются летописным выбором материала и во всех отношениях большей, чем известия книг Царств, документальностью, обращаясь во многих случаях в голый сборник документов и списков и дышат свежестью известий, взятых непосредственно из сокровищницы царей народа Божьего». Op. cit., с. 481

Первою причиною несчастия первого мира полагает Моисей неправильные супружества сынов Божиих со дщерями человеческими. Кто суть сии сыны Божии? По переводу Симмаха, приводимому Иеронимом, сыновья вельмож. Сей перевод не противоречит свойству еврейского выражения OVlt? K (Пс. LXXXI. 6), но не слагается с настоящим сказанием Моисея. По тексту Александрийской Библии: Ангелы Божии. Сего мнения держится Лактаций (L. II, с. 14) и многие из древних. Иустин (in Apol.) утверждает, что от супружества Ангелов со дщерями человеческими произошли демоны. Афинагор в сих самых супружествах полагает падение Ангелов и от них же производит исполинов. Тертуллиан (De virg. et de singular cleric.) приписывает сим Ангелам изобретение астрологии, дорогих камней, металлов и некоторых женских украшений   . Но все сии предания противоречат свидетельству Иисуса Христа, что Ангелы не женятся (Мф. XXII. 30). По мнению Филона — человеческие души, которые, носясь в воздухе, желали обитать в телах человеческих (е gigant). По мнению новейших толкователей — потомки племени Сифова, которые не только были сыны Божии по благодати (Втор. XIV. 1. 1 Ин. III. 1), но, вероятно, под сим именем и составляли общество (Быт. IV. 26), противоположное обществу сынов человеческих, то есть потомков Каина, водимых одною человеческою поврежденною природою. Началом смешения столь противоположных обществ Моисей полагает прельщение красотою дщерей человеческих; а последствием то, что и те, которые принадлежали к обществу ходящих по духу, соделывались плотию, и самый свет начал прелагаться во тьму. Не вечно Духу Моему быть пренебрегаему человеками; в заблуждении своем они суть плоть. В основании сего перевода значение слова р»Т презрену быть, извлечено из арабского наречия, а слово ШУ2 произведено от ШУ блуждал. Таким образом, здесь представляется изображение людей первого мира, подобное обличительному изображению иудеев в речи первомученика Стефана (Деян. VII. 51). Пренебрежение к Духу Божию есть крайняя степень упорства против Духа Святого, и как сие упорство Стефан объясняет гонением на Пророков и несохранением закона (Деян. VII. 52, 53), так оное пренебрежение должно полагать в оставление без внимания всех Божественных, духовных и нравственных внушений чрез слово, природу и совесть. Поелику в сем состоянии человек действует так, как бы он имел только чувственную природу и никакой другой высшей, то весьма сообразно с сим состоянием называется он плотию. Но сему слишком неестественному состоянию нельзя быть вечно в целом человеческом роде, ибо он, пренебрегая Духа Божия, уже не привлекает дыхания Его, но отражает оное; соответственно с сим оно по необходимости отвлекается; и тогда не может стоять жизнь не только человека, назначенного к ближайшему сообщению с Духом Божиим, но и никакой твари (Пс. CIII. 29). Дух Божий, предваряя о сем плотских человеков, делает чрез то последнее усилие ввести в них животворящее Свое дыхание.

About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation New York City: Day of Orthodox Youth held in the Synodal Cathedral on Sunday of All Saints Source: Media Office of the Eastern American Diocese Natalya Mihailova 30 June 2016 Day of Orthodox Youth held in the Synodal Cathedral on Sunday of All Saints Photo: Seven years ago, in 2009, on the feast day of All Saints, Russian Orthodox Church Abroad reinstituted the celebration of the Day of Orthodox Youth. On the Sunday of All Saints, June 26, a festal Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the Synodal Cathedral of the Sign in New York City. Leading the Liturgy was Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America & New York, President of the Synodal Youth Department, co-served by diocesan vicar Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan, cathedral senior priest and Vice President of the Synodal Youth Department Archpriest Andrei Sommer, Priest George Temidis (cleric of the Nativity of the Mother of God Church at the New Kursk Root Hermitage in Mahopac, NY), Hieromonk Eutychius (Dovganyuk; cathedral cleric), Protodeacons Nicolas Mokhoff and Vadim Gan (cathedral clerics), Protodeacons Dimitri Temidis (cleric of the Holy Protection Church in Nyack, NY), Serge Arlievsky (cleric of the Holy Dormition Convent “Novo-Diveevo” in Nanuet, NY), and Eugene Kallaur (cleric of St. Seraphim of Sarov Memorial Church in Sea-Cliff, NY), and Deacon Nikifor Franklin (cleric of the Holy Protection Church in Rochester, NY). The youth choir, conducted by Anisia and Pavel Roudenko, who had recently returned from their missionary trip to Ukraine, sang the Divine Liturgy. Young members of St. Prince Vladimir Association were also helping the serving clergy in the altar. The festal Liturgy was served in the presence of the Protectress of the Russian Diaspora – the wonderworking Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God. Upon conclusion of the divine service, Metropolitan Hilarion congratulated the clergy, parishioners, and young singers with the feast and addressed the faithful with a sermon. His Eminence explained the origins of the feast, and how a modern person canacquire holiness. He then read his epistle , specially prepared for the Day of Orthodox Youth.

About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation Georgian priest arrested in plot to poison senior cleric Source: Toronto Star The priest was arrested at the Tbilisi airport with cyanide in his suitcase, with some reports saying the target was Patriarch Ilia, head of the Georgian Orthodox Church. Natalya Mihailova 14 February 2017 TBILISI, GEORGIA—Police in Georgia have detained a high-profile priest who is suspected of plotting to poison a senior cleric, prosecutors said on Monday. The announcement comes after well-respected Rustavi 2 television channel reported about an attempt to poison Patriarch Ilia, head of the Georgian Orthodox Church. Irakli Shotadze, chief prosecutor in the former Soviet republic, told reporters on Monday that Father Georgi Mamaladze was arrested at the Tbilisi airport on Friday with cyanide in his suitcase. Mamaladze, chief of the property department of the Georgian Orthodox Church, was on his way to Germany where Ilia is undergoing hospital treatment. Shotadze said the arrest was made after prosecutors received a tip from a man who reported that he had been contacted by a priest looking to buy cyanide. Police also found weapons at Mamaladze’s home. Shotadze refused to name the senior cleric that Mamaladze is suspected of having targeted. The 84-year old Ilia has been in poor health for several years, and was visibly frail when he welcomed Pope Francis to Georgia in October. Eka Beseliya, chairwoman of the parliamentary committee on legal issues, said Mamaladze’s arrest “has prevented a grave crime” but she said she was unable to disclose details of the case since it is classified. Beseliya added, however, that the patriarch’s “security and health are protected absolutely.” Tweet Donate Share Code for blog Georgian priest arrested in plot to poison senior cleric Natalya Mihailova The priest was arrested at the Tbilisi airport with cyanide in his suitcase, with some reports saying the target was Patriarch Ilia, head of the Georgian Orthodox Church

About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation Oldest Cleric of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad Passed Away team 29 May 2018 Moscow, May 28, Interfax – The oldest cleric of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia Protopresbyter Valery Lukyanov passed away last Friday at the age of 91. The burial service for the late priest will be held on Tuesday, May 29. Father Valery was born in 1927 in Shanghai to the family of emigrants. From September 1950 he lived in the USA where he served in the army and then finished the Building Faculty of the Polytechnic Institute at New York University. He worked as a civil engineer in the building industry. He married a daughter of a Russian priest, and has five sons. In 1963 he was ordained a deacon, four years after – a presbyter, in 1974 he became a protopresbyter. In various years he was a rector of St.Alexander of Neva Church in Lakewood (New Jersey), head of the church deanery, acting chief of the Russian Ecclesiastic Mission in Jerusalem. Tweet Donate Share Code for blog Oldest Cleric of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad Passed Away team Moscow, May 28, Interfax - The oldest cleric of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia Protopresbyter Valery Lukyanov passed away last Friday at the age of 91. The burial service for the late priest will be held on Tuesday, May 29. Father Valery was born in 1927 in Shanghai to the ... Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong. Having said that, Pravmir provides daily articles from an autonomous news service, weekly wall newspaper for churches, lectorium, photos, videos, hosting and servers. Editors and translators work together towards one goal: to make our four websites possible -,, and Therefore our request for help is understandable.

  În perioada 9-10 decembrie, cu binecuvântarea Patriarhului Chiril, Mitropolitul Antonie de Volokolamsk a fost într-o cltorie de lucru în Frana. La 10 decembrie, duminica a 27-a dup Rusalii, Preedintele DREB i Exarhul Patriarhal al Europei de Vest, Mitropolitul Nestor al Korsunului i Europei de Vest, au svârit Sfânta Liturghie în catedrala din Paris închinat Treimii celei Dttoare de Via.   Preedintele Departamentului pentru Relaii Externe Bisericeti a informat membrii Sinodului despre solicitrile primite privind transferul unor clerici în alte Biserici Ortodoxe Locale. i anume, Arhiepiscopul Antonie de Grodno i Volkovâsk a raportat c a primit o cerere de la iereul Andrei Nozdrin, cleric al eparhiei Grodno, de a fi transferat în jurisdicia Bisericii Ortodoxe Poloneze, precum i o scrisoare adresat acestui cleric, prin care se confirma disponibilitatea Preafericitului Savva Mitropolitul Varoviei i al întregii Polonii de a examina problema admiterii sale în rândul clerului Eparhiei de Varovia i Bielsk în cazul obinerii scrisorii de eliberare. Din partea arhiepiscopului Antonie de Grodno i Volkovâsk, nu au existat obiecii cu privire la transferul acestui cleric în cadrul Bisericii Ortodoxe Poloneze.   Preafericitul Printe Tihon Arhiepiscop de Washington i Mitropolit al Canadei i a Întregii Americi a trimis o scrisoare Preafericitului Patriarh Chiril al Moscovei i al Întregii Rusii, prin care a solicitat acordul Întâistttorului Bisericii Ortodoxe Ruse pentru trecerea în Eparhia din Pennsylvania de Rsrit a Bisericii Ortodoxe din America, a iereului Alexie Paraniuk, un cleric al parohiilor patriarhale ale Patriarhiei Moscovei din SUA. Episcopul Matei de Suroj, administrator temporar al parohiilor Patriarhale din SUA, nu a avut obiecii.   Audiind raportul, Sinodul l-a binecuvântat pe preotul Andrei Nozdrin s treac în jurisdicia Bisericii Ortodoxe Poloneze, iar pe preotul Alexie Paraniuk s treac în jurisdicia Bisericii Ortodoxe din America. Scrisorile lor de eliberare vor fi trimise Înaltpreasfinitului Sava Mitropolitul Varoviei i Întregii Polonii i, respectiv, Înaltpreasfinitului Tihon Mitropolitul Canadei i al întregii Americi.

About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation St Vladimir Memorial Church of the 1000th Anniversary of the Baptism of Rus celebrates its feast day Source: ROCOR team 04 August 2022 Photo: On Thursday, July 28, 2022, when the Holy Church celebrates the memory of the Baptizer and Enlightener of Rus’, the Holy Equal-of-the-Apostles Great Prince Vladimir, His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan paid an archpastoral visit to St Vladimir Memorial Church in Jackson, NJ, where he celebrated Divine Liturgy for its patronal feast day. Concelebrating with His Grace were: Archpriest Serge Lukianov (Dean of New Jersey) and Archpriest Serge Ledkovsky (deputy rector of the memorial church), Abbot Eutychius (Dovgan; Abbot of St Nicholas Skete in Freehold, NJ), Priest Nikolaj Kostur (cleric of the Serbian Orthodox Church) and Priest Anthony Williams (cleric of St Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Howell, NJ), and Protodeacon Serge Arlievsky (cleric of Holy Dormition Convent “Novo-Diveevo” in Nanuet, NY) and Protodeacon Paul Drozdowski (cleric of St Alexander Nevsky Cathedral). The parish choir sang the divine service. Despite its being a workday, a multitude of parishioners and guests prayed in the church, most of whom communed of Christ’s Holy Mysteries. Upon completion of Liturgy, Bishop Nicholas greeted everyone with the patronal feast, and addressed those present with a sermon, in which he noted, in part, that the church in Jackson “is a blessing given to us by our preceptors, who built it. And our duty is to continue their labors, preserving within ourselves the image of God, being an example of a good Christian, and raising up the young people in the Faith. “One can have everything, but if we do not have purpose in his life, a striving for Christ, then you could say that we have nothing at all. And Prince Vladimir gave us this wealth, this example, this blessing, this culture, all of which we must preserve and hand over to those around us.

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