Церковь Прп. Фридесвиды во Фрайлшеме, Беркшир (фото - Shaun Ferguson, Wikimapia.org) На западе Оксфорда, на улице Бодли-Роуд, стоит построенная в 1870-е годы англиканская церковь Святой Фридесвиды. В ее нефе выделяется «дверь Алисы», вырезанная в свое время самой Элис Лидделл! Одна из площадей, пролегающих к западу от центра города, носит название «Фрайдсуайд-Сквер», в честь небесной покровительницы. Святую Фридесвиду обычно изображают игуменией с короной на голове и посохом в руке, с бьющим источником или волом у ее ног, а также иногда – плывущей в лодке по Темзе с двумя монахинями, в сопровождении ангела. Преподобная мать Фридесвида Оксфордская, моли Бога о нас! Рейтинг: 10 Голосов: 378 Оценка: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  Имеется в виду святитель Брикций, епископ Турский, ученик и преемник святителя Мартина Милостивого († 444, память 13 ноября). В молодости святой имел очень вспыльчивый характер, но позднее покаялся и усердно боролся с язычеством, совершил немало чудес и построил несколько церквей.  Имеются в виду обширные области севера, северо-востока, востока и частично центра Англии, где с конца IX века до Норманнского завоевания в результате набегов на Англию викингов существовало особое государственное образование «Данелаг», или «область действия датского права», управляемое собственными законами.  Примечательно, что наш современник, другой композитор духовной музыки Джон Тавенер (1944–2013), прямой потомок Дж. Тавернера, с 1977 года был православным христианином и вдохновлялся знаменным распевом. Среди его знаменитых произведений – оратория «Кит», «Песнь Пресвятой Богородице», «Реквием Анны Ахматовой», хорал «Агнец», «Покров Пресвятой Богородицы», опера «Мария Египетская» и др. Находился также под влиянием других религиозных традиций. Поразительный факт: Дж. Тавенер – едва ли не единственный великий православный композитор-англичанин современности и единственный православный христианин, возведенный королевой в рыцарское достоинство! скрыть способы оплаты Смотри также


Although the veneration of Frideswide was never nationwide, many pilgrims went to her shrine in Oxford and the holy wells associated with her. Cases of healing from blindness, deafness, dumbness, paralysis, various sorts of swellings, leprosy, dropsy, arthritis, ulcers, stones, sciatica, intestinal diseases, fever, barrenness, mental illnesses and insanity were recorded in great numbers. Kings and queens visited her shrine too, for example Henry III, Edward I and Catherine of Aragon. Members of the royal family helped this site develop as a center of learning. St. Frideswide " s Church in Frilsham, Berks (photo by Shaun Ferguson from Wikimapia.org)    St. Frideswide " s well in Frilsham, Berks (taken from Mapio.net)      Today St. Frideswide is venerated especially by the Orthodox, also by Catholics and Anglicans. A twelfth-century parish church, standing on the site of a Saxon church, with a holy well in the village of Frilsham in Berkshire is dedicated to Frideswide. But the most popular destination is Binsey—a hamlet just to the northwest from Oxford, where there is a twelfth-century St. Margaret’s (St. Marina’s) Church with a holy well which appeared, as was said above, through the prayers of Frideswide. The church interior is very simple but the atmosphere of prayer, warmth and holiness is felt there by those who visit it. Alice Liddell The holy well is officially dedicated to St. Margaret of Antioch, but it is popularly known as “St. Frideswide’s well”. It is the prototype of the “treacle well” in the book Alice’s Adventures in the Wonderland ! (The author of this book, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832-1898), known under his pen name Lewis Carroll, was a mathematics lecturer at Christ Church College in Oxford—where St. Frideswide’s relics still rest at the cathedral. His books were inspired by Alice Liddell (1852-1934), a daughter of the then dean of Christ Church). There are regular Orthodox pilgrimages to this well and the annual blessing of its waters by the local Russian Orthodox community. There are modern Orthodox icons of the holy mother Frideswide; she is depicted on stained glass windows of many churches in Oxfordshire and even beyond (for example, Gloucester Cathedral), her statues can be found in a number of churches. A modern parish church in the town of Milton Keynes in county Buckinghamshire is dedicated to her. Frideswide is even venerated in France with the name “Frewisse”. Her statue can be found inside St. Vedast’s Church in the village of Bomy in the Pas-de-Calais departement. Once there were also a chapel and a fountain dedicated to her in this spot, though the origins of this veneration are unknown. But let us now talk of the veneration of this holy woman in the city of Oxford.


Третий день, в который обычно совершаются похороны имеет и непосредственное духовное отношение к Воскресению Христа на третий день после Его крестной смерти и празднику победы Жизни над смертью. О третьем дне поминовения после смерти говорит, например, св. Исидор Пелусиот (370–437): «Если ты хочешь узнать и о третьем дне, то вот объяснение. В пятницу Господь испустил дух. Это один день. Всю субботу Он пребывал во гробе, потом приходит вечер. С наступлением воскресенья Он восстал из гроба — и вот тот день. Ибо из части, как ты знаешь, познается целое. Так и мы установили обычай поминать усопших». Часть церковных авторов, например свт. Симеон Солунский, пишет о том, что третий день таинственно символизирует веру усопшего и его близких в Святую Троицу и стремление к трем евангельским добродетелям: вере, надежде и любви. И еще потому, что человек действует и проявляет себя в делах, словах и помышлениях (в силу трех внутренних способностей: разума, чувства и воли). Ведь в панихиде третьего дня мы просим Триединого Бога отпустить усопшему грехи, которые тот совершил делом, словом и помышлением. Полагают также, что поминовение в третий день совершается для того, чтобы собрать и соединить в молитве тех, кто признает таинство тридневного Воскресения Христова. Shaun Yow Ken Jie 9 дней после смерти Еще один день поминовения усопших в церковной традиции — девятый. «Девятый день, — говорит свт. Симеон Солунский, — напоминает нам о девяти чинах ангельских, к которым — как нематериальный дух — мог бы быть сопричислен и наш усопший близкий». Дни поминовения существуют в первую очередь для усердной молитвы об умерших близких. Святой Паисий Святогорец сравнивает смерть грешника с протрезвлением пьяного человека: «Эти люди подобны пьяным. Они не понимают, что делают, не чувствуют своей вины. Однако когда они умирают, из их головы выветривается [земной] хмель и они приходят в себя. У них открываются душевные очи, и они осознают свою вину, потому что душа, выйдя из тела, движется, видит, ощущает всё с непостижимой скоростью». Молитва — это то единственное, как мы можем надеяться, что может помочь ушедшим в мир иной. 40 дней после смерти


King’s response to Ellis emphasized that she is simply “defending her whiteness. Christian whiteness needs white Jesus. Attack white Jesus to her, and you attack her faith.” Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union tweeted, “If you make a move on His church I will meet you there. You will have to pry our Jesus and Mary statues from our cold dead hands.” Another comment against King’s statements explained that tearing down representations of our Savior Jesus Christ is a form of racism in itself. “There is a long beautiful history of people depicting Jesus looking familiar to their place and culture. Jesus is not about race, and saying to tear down depictions that occur in a European-dominant context is as racist as removing them from any culture.” Tweet Donate Share Code for blog Activist Says Statues of Jesus Christ Are a ‘Gross Form of White Supremacy,’ Should Be Torn Down CBN News Social justice activist Shaun King unleashed a barrage of comments on social media Monday claiming that statues of Jesus Christ are “a form of white supremacy” and should be torn down. King is the co-founder of Real Justice PAC and supports the Black Lives Matter movement by sharing his views on ... Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong. Having said that, Pravmir provides daily articles from an autonomous news service, weekly wall newspaper for churches, lectorium, photos, videos, hosting and servers. Editors and translators work together towards one goal: to make our four websites possible - Pravmir.ru, Neinvalid.ru, Matrony.ru and Pravmir.com. Therefore our request for help is understandable. For example, 5 euros a month is it a lot or little? A cup of coffee? It is not that much for a family budget, but it is a significant amount for Pravmir.


About Pages Проекты «Правмира» Raising Orthodox Children to Orthodox Adulthood The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today Twitter Telegram Parler RSS Donate Navigation Activist Says Statues of Jesus Christ Are a ‘Gross Form of White Supremacy,’ Should Be Torn Down Source: Faithwire CBN News 24 June 2020 Photo by Zachary Olson on Unsplash Social justice activist Shaun King unleashed a barrage of comments on social media Monday claiming that statues of Jesus Christ are “a form of white supremacy” and should be torn down. King is the co-founder of Real Justice PAC and supports the Black Lives Matter movement by  sharing his views  on injustice through social media. His remarks come in the wake of George Floyd’s death on May 25 and the surge of protests and activism that ensued over racial injustice and inequality. Across the country, protesters have vandalized and torn down statues that represent US history, from Confederate generals to President George Washington. Now, the Son of God is under attack, too. In a series of tweets, King declared that “statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down. They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been.” He continued, “All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down. They are a gross form of white supremacy. Created as tools of oppression. Racist propaganda. They should all come down.” The activist alleged that the “white Jesus is a lie” and “a tool of white supremacy created and advanced to help white people use the faith as a tool of oppression.” King’s comments have received a strong response from the Christian community. Jenna Ellis, a senior legal advisor to President Trump, defended her faith and willingness to stand up for Christianity. “If they try to cancel Christianity, if they try to force me to apologize or recant my Faith, I will not bend, I will not waver, I will not break. On Christ the solid Rock I stand. And I’m proud to be an American.”


Islam could be dominant UK religion in 10 years – census analysis UK, May 17, 2013 Shiite Muslims gather in Hyde Park in West London to mark the final day of Ashura. (AFP Photo/Shaun Curry)      One in 10 people under 25 are Muslim, while Christianity is in decline, the 2011 UK census reveals. An explosion in the Muslim population and an aging Christian demographic could mean Islam will be the dominant religion in the UK in 10 years. A new analysis of the 2011 census by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showed that the number of Christians was falling 50 per cent faster than had previously been thought. Earlier analysis of the statistics showed only a 15 per cent decline, but the ONS found that this figure had been beefed up by 1.2 million foreign-born Christians. Furthermore, the re-analysis showed that the majority of Christians were over the age of 60 and for the first time less than half of young people describe themselves as Christian. As a result the ONS has calculated that in a decade only a minority will classify themselves as Christians in England. Christianity is still the dominant religion in the UK with over 50 per cent of the population regarding themselves as believers. However, this may be set to change as the British Muslim population has surged dramatically over the past 15 years, increasing by 75 per cent in England and Wales. The 2011 census puts the Muslim population of the UK at around 5 per cent, a total that has been boosted by around 600,000 Muslim immigrants who have arrived in the UK over the past decade. Muslims attend Friday prayers on a rainy first day of Ramadan, at the courtyard of a housing estate next to a small BBC community centre and mosque in east London (Reuters/Chris Helgren)      Keith Porteous Wood, executive director of the National Secular Society, said to UK daily the Telegraph that the decline of Christianity is “inevitable.” “In another 20 years there are going to be more active Muslims than there are churchgoers,”he said.
