2684 Rengstorf, Apostolate, 27. For one comparison of Johannine and rabbinic agency as well as questions of dating, see Friend, «Agency.» 2685 E.g., Dix, Ministry, 228–30; Wanamaker, «Agent»; Witherington, Christology, 133–35; Meier, Matthew, 115; Grayston, Epistles, 125; Hunter, Romans, 24; Héring, 1Corinthians, 1; Ladd, Theology, 381; Ellis, Paul, 30; De Ridder, Dispersion, 124–26; Bruce, History, 184. 2686 E.g., Richardson, Theology, 324; Malan, «Apostolate,» 57 (contending, probably wrongly, that most now reject it; see Davies and Allison, Matthew, 2:153, who suggest that most rightly connect «apostle» with shaliach). 2687 Ehrhardt, Ministry, 5. 2688 Schmithals, Apostle, 106. 2689 Wilson, Gentiles, 114. 2690 See Foakes Jackson and Lake, «Development,» 327–28; Lake and Cadbury, Commentary, 54; Richardson, Theology, 285. Many scholars connect the NT church with Israel " s qahal (e.g., Cerfaux, Church, 100–105; Barth, People of God, 11–12; Bruce, Books, 84; Meeks, Christians, 79; Ladd, Theology, 109–10). The DSS had already adopted the Hebrew term for their own community (Gaster, Scriptures, 17; Pfeiffer, Scrolls, 50–51). 2691         Comm. in Ep. ad Ga1. 1.1, cited by Dix, Ministry, 228. 2692 Lightfoot, Galatians, 93–94, citing Epiphanius Haer. 30. 2693 Lake, «Twelve,» 46, finding only Herodotus Hist. 1.21 (cf. 5.38) for the latter usage. 2694 Lake, «Twelve,» 46, the one occasion being 3 Kgdms 14:6. 2695 Lake, «Twelve,» 46, citing Josephus Ant. 17.299–303. 2696 Lake, «Twelve,» 46. Anderson, Mark, 171, thinks it unlikely that Jesus regarded the Twelve as shaliachim, but reasonable that the Jerusalem church saw them in these terms. 2697 Conzelmann, Theology, 45–46; Bultmann, Theology, 2(Bultmann accepting the derivation from the shaliach). 2698 E.g., Käsemann, Romans, 5–6. 2699 Kirk, «Apostleship,» 252. 2700         B.Ketub. 99b-100a. 2701 B. Gif. 23a; cf. p. Gif. 2:6, §1. 2702         T. Ta c an. 3(trans. Neusner, 2:274); also m. Ber. 5:5; b. Naz. 12b. For the sender " s responsibility, see m. Me c i1. 6:1; but reportedly pre-Christian tradition in b. Qidd. 43a holds the agent liable even if the sender is liable also.


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Uniate: Churches of Eastern rite that have entered into union with Rome. Also known as »Greek Catholic» or «Byzantine Catholic». Bibliography Primary sources Acts of the Council of Chalcedon (ad 451) Trans. R. Price and M. Gaddis, vols. I–III, Translated Texts for Historians, 45, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2005. Acts of the Quinisext Council »In Trullo» (ad 692) Trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 14, pp. 359–408. Apostolic canons Trans. ANF, vol. 7, pp. 500–5. Apostolic constitutions Trans. ANF, vol. 7, pp. 391–505. Athanasius of Alexandria Against the Arians, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 4, pp. 306–447. Against the Pagans ( " Contra gentes»), trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 4, pp. 4–30. Epistle to the Africans, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 4, pp. 488–94. Letter to Marcellinus in The Life of Antony and the Letter to Marcellinus, trans. R. C. Gregg, New York: Paulist Press, 1980. The Life of St Antony, trans. C. White in Early Christian Lives, London: Penguin Books, 1998, pp. 7–70; The Life of Antony and the Letter to Marcellinus, trans. R. C. Gregg, New York: Paulist Press, 1980. On the Decrees, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 4, pp. 150–72. On the Incarnation, trans. a religious of CSMV (Community of St Mary the Virgin, Wantage, Oxon.); St Athanasius on the Incarnation, London and Oxford: Mowbray, 1982. To Serapion, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 4, pp. 564–6. Augustine of Hippo Confessions, trans. R. S. Pine-Coffin, Middlesex: Penguin Books Ltd, 1961, reprinted. Barsanuphios and John of Gaza Barsanuphius and John, Questions and Answers, ed. and trans. D. J. Chitty, Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1966; Barsanuphe et Jean de Gaza. Correspondance: recueil complet, trans. L. Regnault, P. Lemaire and B. Outtier, Sablé-sur-Sarthe: Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes, 1972. Letters, vols. I–II, ed. John Chryssavgis, Washington, DC: CUA Press, 2006–7. Basil of Caesarea Commentary on the Prophet Isaiah, trans. N. Lipatov, Texts and Studies in the History of Theology, 7, Mandelbachtal, Germany and Cambridge: Edition Cicero, 2001.


The Praktikos and Chapters on Prayer, trans. J. E. Bamberger OCSO, Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1981. Evagrius Scholasticus Ecclesiastical History, trans. M. Whitby, Translated Texts for Historians, 33, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2000. Gregory Akindynos Discourse before Patriarch John XIV , trans. (Spanish) J. N. Cañellas in C. G. and V. Conticello (eds.), La théologie byzantine et sa tradition, vol. II, Turnhout: Brepols, 2002. Gregory of Nazianzus Epistle 101, trans. L. Wickham in St Gregory of Nazianzus, On God and Christ, Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 2002, pp. 155–66. Oration 2, In Defence of His Flight To Pontus, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 7, pp. 204–27. Oration 14, On the Love of the Poor, trans. B. E. Daley, SJ, Gregory of Nazianzus, London and New York: Routledge, 2006, pp. 75–97; also trans. M. Vinson, St Gregory of Nazianzus. Select Orations, Washington, DC: CUA Press, 2003, pp. 39–71. Oration 21, On the Great Athanasius, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 7, pp. 269–80. Oration 31, The Fifth Theological Oration, On the Holy Spirit, trans. L. Wickham in St Gregory of Nazianzus, On God and Christ, Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 2002, pp. 117–47; NPNF, series 2, vol. 7, pp. 318–28. Oration 38, On Theophany, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 7, pp. 345–52. Oration 40, On Holy Baptism, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 7, pp. 360–77. Oration 42, The Last Farewell, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 7, pp. 385–95. Oration 43, Panegyric on St Basil, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 7, pp. 395–422. Oration 45, The Second Oration on Easter, NPNF, series 2, vol. 7, pp. 422–34. Gregory of Nyssa Against Eunomius, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 5, pp. 33–248. Great Catechism, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 5, pp. 473–509. Homilies on Ecclesiastes, ed. and trans. P. Alexandre in Grégoire de Nysse, Homélies sur l’Écclésiaste, SC 416, Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1996. Homily on the Beatitudes, trans. A. Meredith in Gregory of Nyssa, London and New York: Routledge, 1999, pp. 91–9; see also H. R. Drobner and A. Viciano (eds.), Gregory of Nyssa: Homilies on the Beatitudes. An English Version with Commentary and Supporting Studies. Proceedings of the 8th Intl. Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa, Leiden, Boston and Cologne: Brill, 2000.


On the Creation of Humanity, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 5, pp. 387–427. On the Love of the Poor, trans. S. Holman in The Hungry are Dying, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001, pp. 193–9. On the Soul and Resurrection, trans. C. P. Roth, Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1993. Gregory Palamas Declaration of the Holy Mountain, trans. G. E. H. Palmer, P. Sherrard and K. Ware in The Philokalia, IV, pp. 418–25. Homilies on the Transfiguration, trans. C. Veniamin, The Homilies of St Gregory Palamas, South Canaan, PA: St. Tikhon " s Seminary Press, 2002. The Triads, trans. N. Gendle, Classics of Western Spirituality, Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1983. One Hundred and Fifty Chapters, trans. G. E. H. Palmer, P. Sherrard and K. Ware in The Philokalia, IV, pp. 346–417; see also R. E. Sinkewicz, CSB, St Gregory Palamas, The One Hundred and Fifty Chapters, Studies and Texts 83, Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1988. Irenaeus of Lyons Against Heresies, trans. ANF, vol. 1, pp. 315–567. Isaac of Nineveh (the Syrian) Ascetical Homilies, trans. The Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Boston, MA: Holy Transfiguration Monastery, 1984. Ascetical Homilies, " The Second Part», chaps. IV–XLI, ed. and trans. S. Brock, CSCO, 224–5, Leuven: Peeters, 1995. Mystic Treatises, trans. M. Hansbury, Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1989; trans. A. J. Wensinck, Amsterdam: Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, 1923; repr. Wiesbaden, 1969. Isaiah of Scetis, Abba Ascetic Discourses, ed. J. Chryssavgis and P. R. Penkett, Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 2002. John Chrysostom The Divine Liturgy According to St John Chrysostom, with appendices, South Canaan, PA: St Tikhon " s Seminary Press, 1977. Homilies on Genesis, trans. R. C. Hill in St John Chrysostom. Homilies on Genesis 1–67 , 3 vols., Washington, DC: CUA Press, 1985–92. Homilies on John, trans. NPNF, series 1, vol. 14, pp. 1–334. Homilies on Romans, trans. NPNF, series 1, vol. II, pp. 335–564. Homilies on Wealth and Poverty, trans. C. P. Roth, Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1984.


Divine Liturgy, trans Archimandrite Ephrem Lash, www.anastasis.org.uk/basil_liturgy.htm. Epistle 38, To his Brother Gregory, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 8, pp. 137–41. On authenticity, see A. Casiday, «Church Fathers and the shaping of Orthodox theology» above, n. 21. Hexaemeron, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 8, pp. 52–107. Homily Against Anger, trans. Nonna Verna Harrison in St Basil the Great: On the Human Condition, Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 2005, pp. 81–92. Letters, trans. Sr Agnes Clare Way, CDP, St Basil, Letters, vols. I–II, Washington, DC: CUA Press, 1951–5. On the Holy Spirit, trans. D. Anderson, Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1997; NPNF, series 2, vol. 8, pp. 1–50. On the Origin of Humanity, trans. Nonna Verna Harrison in St Basil the Great: On the Human Condition, Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 2005, pp. 49–64. On the Words, »Be Attentive to Yourself’, trans. Nonna Verna Harrison in St Basil the Great: On the Human Condition, Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 2005, pp. 93–105. Clement of Alexandria The Instructor (Paedagogus), trans. ANF, vol. 2, pp. 209–98. Clement of Rome First Epistle to the Corinthians, trans. K. Lake in The Apostolic Fathers, vol. V, Cambridge, MA, and London: William Heinemann Ltd, 1912; repr. 1959, pp. 9–121. Diadochus of Photike One Hundred Practical Texts of Perception and Spiritual Discernment from Diadochos of Photike, trans. and ed. J. E. Rutherford, Belfast: Belfast Byzantine Enterprises, 2000. Didache Staniforth, M. (trans.), Early Christian Writings, London: Penguin Books, 1968; rev. edn 1987, pp. 191–9. (Ps-)Dionysius the Areopagite On the Divine Names, trans. C. Luibheid in Pseudo-Dionysius. The Complete Works, New York and Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1987, pp. 49–131. Dorotheus of Gaza Discourses and Sayings, trans. E. Wheeler, Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1977. Eusebius of Caesarea Oration on the Tricennalia of Constantine, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 1, pp. 581–610. Evagrius Ponticus Chapters on Prayer, trans. G. E. H. Palmer, P. Sherrard and K. Ware, The Philokalia, I, pp. 55–71; cf. The Praktikos, below.


The Life in Christ, trans. C. J. deCatanzaro, Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1974. Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain (Mt Athos), with St Makarios of Corinth A Handbook of Spiritual Counsel, trans. P. A. Chamberas, New York: Paulist Press, 1989. The Philokalia, 5 vols. (see below for vols. I–IV in translation). The Rudder (Pedalion), trans. D. Cummings, Chicago: Orthodox Christian Educational Society, 1957. Origen Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, trans. T. P. Scheck, Washington, DC: CUA Press, 2001. Commentary on the Gospel According to John, trans. R. E. Heine, Washington, DC: CUA Press, 1989–93. " Commentary on the Gospel according to Matthew», ed. E. Klostermann and E. Berg, Origenes Werke, vol. XI: Origenes Matthäuserklärung, GCS 38, Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs 1933; rev. edn U. Treu, Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1976. Homilies on Jeremiah, trans. J. Clark Smith, Washington, DC: CUA Press, 1998. Homilies on Joshua, trans. B. J. Bruce, Washington, DC: CUA Press, 2002. On First Principles, trans. G. W. Butterworth, Gloucester, MA: Peter Smith, 1973. Peter Damascene Treasury of Divine Knowledge, trans. G. E. H. Palmer, P. Sherrard and K. Ware in The Philokalia, III, pp. 74–281. Philokalia The Complete Text, compiled by St Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain and St Makarios of Corinth, vols. I–IV, trans. G. E. H. Palmer, P. Sherrard and K. Ware, London: Faber and Faber, 1979–95. Photius Letters, ed. B. Laourdas and L. G. Westerink in Epistulae et Amphilochia, Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1983–8. The Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit, trans. J. P. Farrell, Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 1987. Romanos the Melode Kontakia on the Life of Christ, trans. Archimandrite Ephrem Lash, San Francisco, London and Pymble: HarperCollins, 1995. Sayings The Sayings of the Desert Fathers. The Alphabetical Collection, trans. B. Ward, London and Oxford: Mowbray, 1975; rev. edn 1981. Symeon the New Theologian Hymns of Divine Love, trans. G. A. Maloney, Denville, NJ: Dimension Books, 1978. Theodore of Stoudios


Homily on the Enjoyment of Future Goods, PG 51, cols. 352–3. John Climacus Ladder of Divine Ascent, trans. C. Luibheid and N. Russell, CWS, London: SPCK, 1982. John of Damascus (or Damascene) Exposition of the Orthodox Faith or Fountainhead of Knowledge, trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 9, pp. 1bis–101bis; ed. B. Kotter, OSB, Die Schriften des Johannes von Damaskos, vol. II, Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1969, pp. 7–239. On the Divine Images: Three Treatises Against Those Who Attack the Icons, trans. D. Anderson, Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 1980. John Moschos The Spiritual Meadow, trans. J. Wortley, Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1992. Lenten Triodion Trans. Mother Mary and K. Ware, London and Boston: Faber and Faber, 1978. Ps-Macarius Pseudo Macarius. The Fifty Spiritual Homilies and the Great Letter, trans. G. A. Maloney, SJ, New York and Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1992. Maximus the Confessor Ambigua, ed. PG 91, cols. 1032–417. " Difficulties» 1, 5, 10, 41 and 71, trans. A. Louth, Maximus the Confessor, London: Routledge, 1996. The Church " s Mystagogy, trans. G. C. Berthold in Maximus Confessor: Selected Writings, New York and Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1985, pp. 183–225. Opusculum II, ed. PG 91, cols. 137–40. Questions to Thalassius, trans. P. M. Blowers and R. L. Wilken in On the Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ. Selected Writings from St Maximus the Confessor, Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 2003, pp. 131–43. Record of the Trial, ed. and trans. P. Allen and B. Neil in Maximus the Confessor and His Companions, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002, pp. 49–73. Methodius of Olympus On the Resurrection, trans. (partially) ANF, vol. 6, pp. 364–77; ed. G. N. Bonwetsch, Methodius, GCS 27, Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1917, pp. 219–424. Nicene Creed Trans. NPNF, series 2, vol. 14, p. 3. Nicephorus Three Refutations against Constantine, ed. PG 100, cols. 205–534; French trans., M.-J. Mondzain-Baudinet, Nicéphore: contre les iconoclastes, Paris: Klincksieck, 1989. Nicolas Cabasilas


1542 So Safrai, «Literature»; cf. Visotzky, «Prolegomenon.» Silberman, «Use,» after critiquing an incorrect use of the sources, notes that he is not suggesting that the use of such sources be abandoned. Buchanan, «Use,» is among those who suggest guidelines. 1543 Cf. Sanders, Judaism, 413, concerning details about the Pharisees, complaining that Josephus provides only general observations. 1545 Vermes, Religion, 8–9. He may identify the rabbinic movement too closely with common Judaism, however (Vermes, Religion, 184). 1548 His mentor, Morton Smith, was among the early defenders, e.g., «Method,» although Neusner reports a later falling out between them (Neusner, New Testament, 4). The conservative Ben Zion Wacholder of Hebrew Union College replied to Smith " s article in «Reply.» Arguments for the reliability of early rabbinic sources, especially the Mishnah, were deemed important at least as early as 1925 (Oesterley, Liturgy, 16–35). 1549 Cf. Sanders, Jesus to Mishnah, 166–254,309–31, where he takes him to task on aspects of his methodology. 1550 Ibid., 110–13. Neusner acknowledges the development of his views on some matters (Saying, 181–87). 1551 See Neusner, New Testament, 106–24. Part of the issue may be semantic; Neusner himself (in «Pharisees») sees only relatively small differences in beliefs between Pharisees and other Jewish groups. 1553 Ibid., 57–58, claims only 3–5 percent of the materials in Gen. Rab. overlap with Lev. Rab. (This evaluation addresses shared stories or sayings, not customs or ideas.) 1555 Because Neusner " s scholarship, like that of most scholars, has matured and changed over time, we focus especially on one of his works rather than seeking to generalize about «the views of Neusner.» 1556 «Nearly all pre-70 traditions were thoroughly revised at Yavneh and afterward» (Neusner, Traditions, 3:239). Lieberman, Hellenism, 91–92 also observes that pupils sometimes mixed up which teacher said something, and that teachers also sometimes revised their own opinions, leaving contradictory versions of the teacher " s ruling or opinion (cf. p. B. Qam. 2:6, §3); this introduces complications into some post-70 attributions as wel1.


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