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    Footnotes   1.    Катехизис, Краткий путеводитель по православной вере. Изд. 4-е.  Митрополит Иларион (Алфеев), Издательский дом “Познание,” 2018. Часть II, стр. 130. 2.    Жит iя Святыхъ, Св. Димитр iй Ростовск iй, Москва, Синодальная Типограф iя, 1904.  Перепечатал Свято-Троицкий Монастырь, Джорданвилл, Н.Й., 1968. 3.     “ Religion, Spirituality, and Mental Health,” Simon Dein, FRCPsych, PhD, Psychiatric Times, Vol 27 No 1, Issue 1, January 10, 2010 4.     Martha and Mary Women’s Monastery of Mercy, Ulitsa Bol’shaya Ordynka, 34, Moscow. 5.     A Voice for Our Time, Radio Liberty Talks Vol. 1, Alexander Schmemann, SVS Press, Yonkers, NY, 2021, page 59. 6.  A conversation of Saint Seraphim of Sarov with N.A. Motovilov : a wonderful revelation to the world, Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, NY, 1962. Tweet Donate Share Code for blog Can Christianity Change the World? Archpriest Peter Olsen In his “Catechism” Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) writes the following:  “There is no personality in history who has had such an influence on the spiritual-moral development of mankind as Jesus Christ.  Devoid of any characteristics of a social reformative nature, His teaching, throughout the ... Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong. Having said that, Pravmir provides daily articles from an autonomous news service, weekly wall newspaper for churches, lectorium, photos, videos, hosting and servers. Editors and translators work together towards one goal: to make our four websites possible - Pravmir.ru, Neinvalid.ru, Matrony.ru and Pravmir.com. Therefore our request for help is understandable. For example, 5 euros a month is it a lot or little? A cup of coffee? It is not that much for a family budget, but it is a significant amount for Pravmir.


Fokin, A. (2018) Metropolitan Macarius (Bulgakov) and the catholic romantic ecclesiology in Germany (by the case of Heinrich Klee’s theology), Filaretovskii al’manakh 14: 117–134. (in Russian) Gezen, A. (1884) The history of the Slavic translation of the Creed . St. Petersburg, Imp. Akademija nauk Publ. (in Russian) Hilarion (Troitsky) (2004) Works: In 3 Vols , vol. 1. Moscow: Sretenskij monastyr " Publ. (in Russian) Ivantsov-Platonov, A., prot. (1898) About the Russian Church Government . St. Petersburg, A. A. Porohovshhikov Publ. (in Russian) Karelina, L. (2021) The Doctrine of the Church of St. Sylvester Malevansky in the context of ecclesiological discussions of the last third of the XIXth – early XXth century, Trudy Kievskoi dukhovnoi akademii 34: 51–65. (in Russian) Khomyakov, A. S. (1886) Complete works: In 8 vols , Vol. 2. Moscow: Universitet Publ. (in Russian) Khondzinskii P., archpriest (2014) On the Source of the Question from a «Biographer» of the St. Sergius of Radonezh in Prince E. N. Trubetskoy’s Lecture «Speculation in colors», St. Tikhon " s University Review. Theology. Philosophy. Religious Studies 6 (57): 9–20. (in Russian) Khondzinskii P., archpriest (2017) «The Church Is Not an Academy»: Russian Non-academic Theology of the 19th Century . Moscow, St. Tikhon " s University Publ. (in Russian) Khondzinskii P., archpriest (2019) The Idea of «Personalizing» the Church in Russian Theology in the Second Half of the 19th – Early 20th Centuries, Bulletin of the Ekaterinburg Theological Seminary 4 (28): 125–130. (in Russian) Khondzinsky, P., archpriest, Kyrlezhev, A. (2019) Sobornost’ in the Russian theological tradition, Issues of Theology 1 (3): 427–440. (in Russian) Kolcherin, A., priest, Mramornov, A. (eds.) (2015) Documents of the Holy Council of the Orthodox Russian Church of 1917–1918, vol. 5: Acts of the Council from the 1st to the 36th . Moscow, Novospassk ij monastyr " Publ. (in Russian) Lavrov, V., Lobanov, V., Lobanova, I., Mazyrin, A. (2008) The Hierarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Patriarchate and the State in the Revolutionary Era . Moscow, Russkaja Panorama Publ. (in Russian)


144 Simon, «Alexis Toth,» 407. 145 Toth recounts this in a lengthy letter to Nicholas when describing the troubles he (Toth) had had to endure from the Russians up to that point. See Toth to Nicholas, March 12, 1896, in Soldatow, Selected Letters, vol. 1, 23. 146 Sable discusses these on 118–122. Like Toth, Hotovitsky would later be canonized by the Orthodox Church. In his case, this was due to martyrdom by Bolsheviks. No official report of his martyrdom exists, though oral reports do. He had been spied upon and arrested several times before dying a martyr’s death due to sufferings undergone while in exile 147 See Sable, 122. 148 Willard Sunder land, «Peasant Pioneering: Russian Peasant Settlers Describe Colonization and the Eastern Frontier,1880 " s-1910s,» Journal of Social History 34:4 (2001), 895–922. 149 Toth to Bishop Nicholas, March 12, 1896, in Selected Letters, Sermons, and Articles, vol. 1, 21. 150 See Toth to Bishop Nicholas, March 12, 1896, in Selected Letters, Sermons, and Articles, vol. 1, 22. 151 Toth to Bishop Nicholas, December 10, 1897, in Soldatow, Selected Letters, Sermons, and Articles, vol. 4, 18. 152 See «Bishop Stephen (Alexander Dzubay),» in Tarasar, 132. 153 See Toth to Bishop Nicholas, December 10, 1897, in Soldatow, Selected Letters, Sermons, and Articles, Vol. 4, 19. Fr. Ambrose Vretta served the Russian Mission in America from1892–1896. See Oliver Herbel, «An Old World Response to a New World Situation: Greek Clergy in the Service of the Russian Mission to America,» LOGOS: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 53:3–4 (2012), forthcoming. 154 See Toth to Bishop Nicholas, December 27/January 8, 1898, in Soldatow, Selected Letters, Sermons, and Articles, Vol. 4, 26. 155 Bishop Nicholas " s letter, dated January 10/22, 1896, is available in the Amerikanski Russki Viestnik, of February 13,1896 (page 2 of the Cyrillic). 156 Bishop Nicholas " s letter is also available in Svoboda 6 (1896). 157 See Toth to Bishop Nicholas, March 12, 1896 in Soldatow, Selected Letters, Sermons, and Articles, vol. 1, 20–21.


О православной вере, I, 4 (P.G. XCIV, 800 В). 28 «…помилуй мя, грешного» (ср. молитву мытаря, Лк 18:13). 29 Есть любопытные параллели между исихастским «методом», с одной стороны, и индуистской йогой и мусульманской dhikr, с другой; однако не следует преувеличивать черты сходства. 30 Гомилии 16 (P.G. CLI, 193 В). 31 Письмо 234,1. 32 P.G.CL.1176C. 33 Ср. Максим, Ambigua, P.O. XCI, 1148 D. 34 В.Н.Лосский Очерк мистического богословия. Восточной Церкви, М., 1991,с. 130. 35 The Shape of the Liturgy (London 1945), p. 548. 36 P.G.CL.712A. 37 Цитир. в G. Vernadsky, Kieuan Russia (New Haven 1948), p. 195. 38 В Византиии существовала смертная казнь, но применялась редко; зато наказание в виде увечения было весьма распространенным. 39 Нестор, «Житие св. Феодосия», в: G.P. Fedotov, A Treasury of Russian Spirituality, p. 27. 40 Fedotov, The Russian Religious Mind, vol. I, p. 412. 41 Из жития Александра Невского, написанного » XIII в.; цитир. в: Fedotov, The Russian Religious Mind, vol. I, p. 383. 42 Св. Епифаний, «Житие св. Сергия», в: Fedotov, A Treasury of Russian Spirituality, pp. 69–70. 43 B.J. Kidd, The Churches of Eastern Christendom (London 1927), p. 304. 44 Sir Paul Rycaut, The Present State oj " the Greek and Armenian Churches (London 1679), p. 107. 45 «Исповедание» в данном контексте означает положения веры, торжественное провозглашение религиозного вероучения. 46 Цитир. в: Baynes and Moss, Byzantium: an Introduction, p. 385. 47 Цитир, в: В. Pares, A History of Russia (3 ed., London 1936), р. 93. 48 Цитир. J. Meyendorff, Une controverse sur le role social de l " Eglise. La querelle des biens ecclesiastiques au XVIe siecle en Russie, в журнале Irenikon, vol. XXIX (1956), p. 29. 49 Православным строго воспрещено, под угрозой отлучения, становиться франкмасонами. 50 Беседа старца Серафима с Н.А. Мотовиловым о цели христианской жизни, М., 1991, с. 22–23. 51 В православии титул папы принадлежит не только Римскому епископу, но и патриарху Александрии. Среди других его почетных титулов — «пастырь пастырей», «тринадцатый апостол» и «судья мира». 52


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173 Mango C., Hawkins E. J. W. The Hermitage of St. Neophytos and Its Wall Paintings//DOP 20 (1966), p. 119–206, esp. 158, 200–201, 204, note 126, and figs. 34, 45–46. 174 Excerpta Cypria: Materials for a History of Cyprus/Tr. C. D. Cobham. Cambridge, 1908, p. 38–40. 175 Parthog G. Byzantine and Medieval Cyprus: A Guide to the Monuments. New Barnet, 1994, p. 226–228. 179 Jolivet-Levy C. Les cglises byzantines de Cappadoce: Le programme iconographique de l’apside et de ses abords. Paris 1991, p. 112–116, and pl. 71. 180 For St. Niketas, see ibid., p. 53–56, pl. 4, 42, 43 and fig. l; for Haqli kilise, see ibid., p. 50–53, pis. 39 and fig. 1, pi. 41, fig. 1; for Ilanli kilise, see ibid., p. 307–310, pi. 169. 181 Teteriatnikov N. The Hidden Cross-and-Tree Program in the Brickwork of Hagia Sophia//Stephanos, studia byzantina ac slavica Vladimiro Vavnnek ad annum sexagesimum quintum dedicata, Byzantinoslavica. LV1/3 (1955), p. 689–699, figs. 1–4 (hereafter, The Hidden Cross-and-Tree Program). 183 Forschungen in Ephesos. Die Johanneskirche. Vienna, 1951, vol. IV/3, p. 278–279 and pl. LXIV (10a–15a). 184 Photographs of this column are in the Byzantine Photograph and Fieldwork Archives at Dumbarton Oaks, Washington D.C. 188 Ciggar K. N. Une description de Constantinople traduite par un pélerin anglais//REB 34 (1976), p.269 (106–111). 189 Dagron G. Constantinople imaginaire: etudes surle recueildes Patria. Paris, 1984, 197 (2), 203 (14), 238, note 117. See also, Archimandrid Leonid (Kavelin). Skazanie о Sv. Sofii Tsaregradskoi//Pamiatniki drevnei pis’mennosti i iskusstva. T. LXXVIII. St. Petersburg, 1889, p. 22. 190 Majeska G. P. Russian Travelers to Constantinople in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. Washington, 1984, p. 30–31. 192 The Book of the Wonderings of Brother Felix Fabri//Palestine Pilgrims Text Society/Tr. A. Stewart. Vol. X, part II, London, 1897, p. 608–610. For the illustration of these crosses, see Forsyth G. FI., Weitzmann K. The Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai: the Church and Fortress of Justinian. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1973. Plates, pis. LVIII, LIX.


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76 О Хомякове, в этом отношении, см. P. K. Christoff, An Introduction to Nineteenth Century Russian Slavophilism, Vol. I, A. S. Xomjakov (S. Gravenhagë 1961). О Соловьеве, см. К.В. Мочульский. Владимир Соловьев (Париж: 1936). О Федорове см. A. Schmemann, Ultimate Questions, An Anthology of Russian Religious Thought (New York: 1964), pp. 173sq.). 78 Его наиболее важные книги в этой области – The Destiny of Man (London: 1937) и Freedom and the Spirit (London: 1935). См. O. F. Clarke, Introduction to Berdyaev (London: 1950), и Зеньковский, История. Т. II. 80 См. С.В. Троицкий , Философия христианского брака, (Париж: 1933); P. Evdokimov: Le Mariage, Sacrement de ÍAmour (Lyon: 1944); La Femme et le Salut du Monde (Tournai-Paris: 1958); Sacrement de l " Amour (Paris: 1962). 83 G. Florovsky, «Orthodox Ecumenicism in the 19th Century», St. Vladimir " " s Seminary Quarterly, IV, 3–4 (1956). Это расширенная глава из: A History of The Ecumenical Movement, ed. by R. Rouse and S. C. Neill (London-New York: 1954), pp. 169–215. 84 N. Zernov, «The Eastern Churches and the Ecumenical Movement in the 20th Century», A History of the Ecumenical Movement, pp. 667sq. 85 S. Bulgakov: «By Jacob " " s Well» (On the Actual Unity of the Divided Church in Faith, Prayer and Sacraments), Journal of the Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius, 22, 1933; «Ways to Church Reunion», Sobornost, 2, 1935; «Spiritual Intercommunion», Sobornost, 4, 1935. 86 L. Zander: Vision and Action (London: 1952); «Let us in unity praise the All-Holy Spirit», Student World, 2, 1937, pp. 157–168; «What is Unity», Student World, 2, 1939, pp. 153–164; «Mouvement Ecumenique», Irenikon, 6, 1937, pp. 1–53. 87 N. Zernov, The Reintegration of the Church (London: 1952); Orthodox Encounter (The Christian East and the Ecumenical Movement), (London: 1961). 88 P. N. Evdokimov, «Notes preliminaires pour une theologie oecumenique», Foi et Vie, 6, (Paris: 1947), pp. 541–570, and L " Orthodoxie (Neuchatel-Paris: 1959), pp. 334sq. 89 Florovsky: «Une Vue sur l " Assemblee d " Amsterdam», Irenikon, XXII, 1 (1949); «The Orthodox Church and the WCC», St. Vladimir« " s Seminary Quarterly, II, 4 (1954); «The Challenge of Disunity», ibid., III, 1–2 (1955), pp. 31–36; «Obedience and Witness», The Sufficiency of God: Essays in Honor of W. A. Visser »t Hooft, ed. R. C. Mackie and Charles C. West (London: 1963); «Confessional Loyalty in the Ecumenical Movement», Student World, 43, 1; «The Eastern Orthodox Church and the Ecumenical Movement», Theology Today, VII, 1 (1950); см. также обзор Флоровским книги Зандера Vision and Action in St. Vladimir " " s Seminary Quarterly, I, 2 (1953), pp. 28–34.


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