Craig S. Keener The fish sign. 21:1–14 OTHER SOURCES MAY SUGGEST that Jesus revealed himself on a regular basis to the disciples immediately after the resurrection; Luke seems most emphatic about this point (Acts 1:3), though he omits the Galilean appearances and may therefore refer to a state after the disciples had returned to Jerusalem (reading Luke, one would not know that they had left Jerusalem). In any case, John is emphatic that this is the disciples» third revelation (21:14); that Jesus manifested himself to them also frames this sign narrative (21:1, 14), underlining the significance of this appearance. When John counts, it may be primarily to tie events together (compare 2:1,19; 2:11 with 4:54); this event takes the previous resurrection appearances to a fuller level, though Thomas " s christological confession was climactic. What is John " s point? In the light of the rest of the Gospel, Jesus again provides food for his people (6:10–11; cf. Rev 7:16–17; 12:6); the emphasis here will be spiritual food (4:32–34; 6:35; 10:9; see 21:15–17). Given the following dialogue, the point of the narrative seems to be to define more specifically the character of Jesus» call in 20:21, especially for church leaders: loving Jesus requires Jesus» servants to love Jesus» followers. The Setting: Failing at Fishing (21:1–3) These verses provide examples of typical Johannine language in the nontheological vocabulary when one would least expect it from a later hand: for example, «after these things» (21:1; see 3:22; 5:1,14; 6:1; 7:1). Likewise, only this Gospel calls the lake «the sea of Tiberias» (6:1) or mentions Tiberias at all (6:23). In the very incomplete list of Jesus» followers here, 10853 the two named characters besides Peter (who is necessary to the following story) are distinctly Johannine: only in this Gospel does Thomas appear outside lists of names (11:16; 14:5; 20:24–28) and is he called Didymus, meaning «Twin» (11:16; 20:24) ; 10854 and only in this Gospel do Nathanael and Cana appear (1:45–49; 2:1,11; 4:46). 10855 The «sons of Zebedee» admittedly weigh against the thesis that this epilogue stems from the same author or source, since the rest of the Gospel reflects a studied, probably deliberate avoidance of mentioning them; but it is noteworthy that even here they are not individually named. The mention of Thomas (21:2) provides a connection with the previous narrative (20:24–29), 10856 demonstrating that he did persevere.

Novelty of the Matter and Human Body Concepts in the Great Church Fathers Скачать epub pdf In this report I would like to highlight the main results of my doctoral thesis research performed at the Department of Theology of Post Graduate and Doctoral Center of Russian Orthodox Church (in the name of Saint Cyril and Methodius, Chair of Theology). It should be noted that investigation of Holy Fathers’ doctrines concerning matter was up until now a neglected area. ‘Theory of matter’ is usually considered to be a part of pure philosophy. Meanwhile directly or indirectly the majority of Christian dogmatic ideas are connected to the issue of matter. One of the main results of this research consists in the arrangement of the perceptions of matter among Holy Fathers and theologians of Alexandrian theological school, the Cappadocian Fathers, St. Cyril of Alexandria and Rev. Maximus the Confessor. Is it has been so far a conviction among Russian theologians and philosophers that Holy Fathers in their teaching of matter either repeatedly kept on affirmation of nonexistence of matter or were simply adjacent to Plato 1 . It’s been demonstrated that Holy Fathers’ view of matter couldn’t be considered as one repeating the ideas of Platonists. At the second half of the 20 th century there has appeared a range of writings of western theologians on issues quite close to ours. 2 Nevertheless, these investigations have narrow focus on works of certain representatives of heathen philosophy and Holy Fathers. Moreover, the doctrine of matter is rarely a logical center of analysis. Therefore the purpose of my research was to carry out the analysis of the concepts of matter as the tangible substance of the material world and the terminology employed to describe the matter and possible changes in it and human’s body in the church’s sacraments and in the Eschatological perspective in the works of ecclesiastical writers of Alexandrian theological tradition. It is well known that in the systems of the Middle Platonists, Philo of Alexandria and the Neo-Platonists a better future for the individual is considered as the abandonment of its earthly body and in the translation to the heavenly spheres for an incorporeal life. Even those Neoplatonist systems opposing a negative ontological status for matter did not suggest any eschatological perspective for it other than its necessary persistence in the universe as the ‘last’ (τν ντων σχατον), 3 ‘worst’ (χερων, Plotinus, Ammonius, Damascene, Olimpiodor, etc.) and ‘always in need’ (νδες, Plotinus, Simplicus) at the edge of being. As a whole, Neoplatonism preserved the tendency descending from Plato of a contemptuous attitude toward matter. 4

111th annual Pilgrimage to St. Tikhon’s Monastery scheduled Memorial Day Weekend May 20, 2015 The healing Myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon from Hawaii will be greeted by thousands when it arrives for the 111th annual Pilgrimage to St. Tikhon’s Monastery over the Memorial Day Weekend, May 22 to 25. “Hundreds of pilgrims from across the United States are scheduled to make the annual spiritual journey,” said monastery spokesman the Very Rev. John Kowalczyk. “This pilgrimage is the largest gathering of Orthodox Christians in America.” An estimated 5,000 people are expected. Events begin Friday at 3:30 p.m. at the monastery archway, led by Abbot Igumen Sergius,accompanied by the monastic brotherhood and seminary community. Vespers and Matins follow at the Monastery Church, then dinner will be served in the dining hall. The formal greeting of the miraculous Iveron Icon is scheduled for Saturday at 4:30 p.m. at the Monastery Church. “We live in a world which is seeking healing, not just physical, but also emotional and spiritual. Being in the presence of this most-holy relic penetrates the terrestrial with the celestial intercession which is given freely for those who have faith,” said the Rev. Kowalczyk. The main liturgy begins at 10 a.m. on Memorial Day. The icon will be venerated during the service and pilgrims will be anointed following the service. His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, Archbishop of Washington, D.C., will be the main celebrant, with Archbishop Michael of New York, Archishop Mark of Philadelphia, Bishop David of Sitka and clergy from nearby parishes concelebrating. Responses will be sung by St. Tikhon’s Seminary Choir. Veneration of the icon and anointing of pilgrims will also take place on Monday, May 25, at a 2 p.m. service in front of the Bell Tower. His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, will deliver a homily prior to the anointing of pilgrims. Tours of the Metropolitan Museum of the Orthodox Church in America and Guzey Icon Repository will be provided, under the direction of Archpriest John Perich, curator. St. Tikhon’s newly expanded bookstore and gift shop will be open.

Материал из Православной Энциклопедии под редакцией Патриарха Московского и всея Руси Кирилла Содержание ДИАКОН [дьякон; греч. δικονος], одна из 3 священных степеней христ. церковной иерархии , низшая по отношению к степеням епископа и пресвитера. Происхождение служения Д. Архидиак. Андрей Мазур совершает каждение во время патриаршегобогослужения в храме Христа Спасителя. Фотография. 2007 г. Архидиак. Андрей Мазур совершает каждение во время патриаршегобогослужения в храме Христа Спасителя. Фотография. 2007 г. Существительное δικονος в греч. античной лит-ре употреблялось в значении «слуга» (в т. ч. служитель при языческих храмах; следует также отметить, что соответствующий глагол διακονω часто применялся для обозначения служения при трапезе), реже - «вестник» (см.: A Greek-English Lexicon/Comp. by H. G. Liddel, R. Scott; rev. and augmented by H. S. Jones. Oxf., 199610. P. 398). В LXX этим словом названы 7 царских евнухов (Есф 1. 10; 2. 2; 6. 3, 5). В Евангелиях словом δικονος обозначены служители при свадебном столе (Ин 2. 5, 9), царские слуги (Мф 22. 13), слуги Христа, т. е. Его верные последователи (Ин 12. 26), к-рые должны быть слугами и своим единоверцам (Мф 20. 26; 23. 11; Мк 9. 35; 10. 43) по примеру Самого Христа (Лк 22. 26-27). В Посланиях ап. Павла слово употребляется как в широком смысле - в значении всякого служителя добра или, наоборот, зла (2 Кор 3. 6; 11. 14-15; Еф 3. 6-7; Гал 2. 17), так и в узком - применительно ко Христу (Который назван «Служителем для обрезанных» (Рим 15. 8; здесь и далее рус. «служитель» синодального перевода соответствует греч. δικονος), поскольку проповедь Господа была обращена непосредственно к иудеям), к самому ап. Павлу (к-рый говорит о себе как о «служителе Бога» (2 Кор 6. 4), «Христове служителе» (2 Кор 11. 23), «служителе Церкви» (Кол 1. 24-25) и «благовествования служителе» (Кол 1. 23)) и др. апостолам и их помощникам (1 Кор 3. 5; Еф 6. 21; Кол 1. 7; 4. 7). «Божиим слугой» (Θεο... δικονος) ап. Павел называет и всякого представителя светской власти, поскольку любая власть исходит от Бога (Рим 13. 1-4) (слово δικονος употреблено также в Рим 16. 1; см. ст. Диаконисса ).

Archive A hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church visits Capetown 7 October 2018 year 12:23 On October 3, 2018, Archbishop Antoniy of Vienna and Budapest began his visit to South Africa. At the Capetown airport the head of the Moscow Patriarchate office for institutions abroad was met by Pavel Klimashin, representative of the Russian Federation general consulate and chairman of the coordinating board of the of Organization of Russian Compatriots in South Africa, and Archpriest Daniel Lugovoy, rector of the church of St Sergius of Radonezh in Johannesburg.  Later that day, Archbishop Antoniy met with the Russian consul general in Capetown Mr. R. Ambarov. They discussed numerous matters of mutual concern including the history and today’s situation of the Russian-speaking community in South Africa and possible ways of its development in the future. On October 4, Archbishop Antoniy said the Office for the Dead at the navy cemetery in Simon’s Town. He lifted up a prayer for the Russian seamen who found their final resting place in the south of the African continent. Wreaths were laid at their graves on behalf of the Russian general consulate and the association of compatriots. On the same day, Archbishop Antoniy attended a concert given by the choir of the St. Alexander of Svir Monastery of the Holy Trinity and addressed the audience. Among the invited guests were representatives of political and business circles in South Africa and the Russia-speaking diaspora. On October 5, Archbishop Antoniy met with the Archbishop of the Cape of Good Hope (Patriarchate of Alexandria). They discussed problems involved in the presence of the Orthodox Church in Capetown and pastoral care for the Russian-speaking community, as well as problems on the inter-Orthodox relation agenda. Participating in the talk were also Rev. Daniel Lugovoy, Archpriest Nicholas Giamouridis, rector of the St. George the Conqueror Cathedral in Capetown, and Deacon Sergiy Kalashnikov of the Moscow Patriarchate office for institutions abroad. After the talk, His Eminence Antoniy visited the church of Ss Raphael, Nicholas and Irene, in which he celebrated a brief thanksgiving. On October 6, the church delegation flew out to Johannesburg to attend the festivities devoted to the 20 th  anniversary of the opening of a Russian parish in South Africa, the website of the St. Sergius church in Johannesburg reports. DECR Communication Service / Календарь ← 7 December 2023 year

Christians bring aid to Libyan civilians amid conflict/Православие.Ru Christians bring aid to Libyan civilians amid conflict June 22, 2011 Christians are braving the fighting in Libya to deliver help to civilians trapped in the five-month-old conflict between dictator Muammar Gaddafi " s forces and NATO alliance-backed rebels, a senior Roman cleric there said on 21 June 2011 - writes Fredrick Nzwili . " Christians are still in the hospitals and schools. They are giving their share of help to alleviate the situation of the people, " the Rev Daniel Farrugia, a senior Roman Catholic priest at St Francis Catholic Church in Tripoli, told ENInews via e-mail. Accurate casualty estimates are difficult to obtain, but they range from 2,000 to 13,000 deaths since the beginning of the year, from various sources including Libya " s opposition National Transitional Council, Human Rights Watch, the UN " s High Commissioner for Human Rights and others. Recently, civilian deaths have increased. On 19 and 20 June, estimates of civilian deaths caused by NATO forces ranged from 25 to 30. Fearing reprisal attacks in the mainly Muslim country, many Christians fled as the war intensified, but nearly 3,000 Filipino Catholics remain, according to Libyan church sources. The Christians are working in hospitals where they provide medical, social and psychological services. He said that Mass is being said as usual every Friday morning, even as NATO forces conduct airstrikes to enforce a UN-sanctioned no-fly zone and protect civilians. The action was approved by the UN Security Council after Gaddafi " s forces attacked civilians protesting his 42-year rule. " I hope this testimony will serve to make it clear to everyone that above all one should show solidarity to those who suffer, " Bishop Giovanni Innocenzo Martinelli of Tripoli was quoted in media reports as saying in early June. " We pray this country and its people will find a peaceful solution. The violent way is not the solution. We believe in dialogue and pray for it, " said Farrugia. Asked what he thought about the future of the church in Libya, Farrugia said it will continue to stay and will always " dialogue " to find a way of serving Christians there and to give service. Before the war, there were more than 80,000 Christians in Libya. The Christians came from Asia, Africa and Europe, and belonged to the Catholic, Anglican, Greek Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox and some Pentecostal churches. ENI News 24 июня 2011 г. ... Предыдущий Следующий Комментарии Войдите через FaceBook ВКонтакте Яндекс Mail.Ru Google или введите свои данные: © 1999-2015 Православие.Ru При перепечатке ссылка на Православие.Ru обязательна Контактная информация Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Man arrested in San Diego Orthodox church fire By Sandra Dibble San Diego, CA, February 3, 2013 A 38-year-old man was being held Sunday on suspicion of arson after an early-morning fire caused heavy damage to a Greek Orthodox Church in unincorporated El Cajon. Darin Williams, who had been renting a room from one of the church’s parishioners, faces charges of arson, burglary and committing a hate crime in connection with the 4 a.m. fire at St. Gregory of Nyssa Greek Orthodox Christian Church, off Jamacha Road near Hidden Mesa Road. The Rev. Simeon Corona said the blaze originated in an outdoor patio area adjacent to a house where members worshipped. Firefighters punched holes in the ceiling of the main house after smoke spread to the attic, Corona said. The blaze, which was reported by a neighbor, was extinguished after about 45 minutes, according to the Cal Fire/San Miguel Fire District, whose crews put out the blaze in collaboration with firefighters from Heartland Fire and the Lakeside Fire Protection District. There were no injuries. Early estimates of the damage to the structure and its contents totaled close to according to the San Diego Sheriff’s Arson Unit. On Sunday morning, children and adults bundled up for the cold weather gathered for their regular weekly service. They sat outside, facing a makeshift altar set up in the church’s garage with some icons and vestments rescued from the fire. “It’s heartbreaking,” said member Chris Psillas. “But nobody was hurt. This is all repairable.” The church, founded about 20 years ago, has about 80 families, Corona said, with between 60 and 80 people who normally attend services. The church had been using the house for the past six years, Psillas said, with plans to eventually build a permanent church building on the site. He said the building is insured. The Sheriff’s Department reported Sunday that the investigation was continuing, and detectives were working with the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to determine how the suspected arson blaze was set. The Sheriff’s Department did not discuss what might have prompted Williams to set the fire. Corona said he has known Williams for a dozen years and described him as “a troubled man” who has been in and out of psychiatric hospitals. Corona said he had arranged for Williams to live at the house of a parishioner. Corona said he had been overseeing Williams’ financial situation for the past year and was in charge of receiving Williams’ checks and paying his bills. Williams was released this month from a psychiatric institution and had regained control of his finances, Corona said. The priest said Williams became upset when Corona told him that he could no longer stay at the parishioner’s house if he did not continue taking his medications. Williams is scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday. U-T San Diego 4 февраля 2013 г. ... Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Metropolitan Tikhon’s Holy Week, Pascha schedule announced April 20, 2013 The schedule of services at which His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon will preside has been released. On Lazarus Saturday, April 27, Metropolitan Tikhon will celebrate the Divine Liturgy at the Fort Bliss Orthodox Chapel, El Paso, TX.  The following morning—the Great Feast of the Entrance of Our Lord into Jerusalem—he will celebrate the Divine Liturgy at the chapel. On Holy Monday, April 29, he will celebrate the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts and Bridegroom Matins at Saint Sergius Chapel at the Chancery of the Orthodox Church in America, Syosset, NY.  He will celebrate the same cycle of services at Saint Tikhon’s Monastery on Holy Tuesday, April 30.  The following day—Holy Wednesday, May 1—he will celebrate the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts and the Matins of Holy Thursday at the monastery. On the morning of Holy Thursday, May 2, Metropolitan Tikhon will celebrate the Vesperal Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great at Saint Tikhon’s Monastery. Metropolitan Tikhon will celebrate the remaining Holy Week and Paschal services at Saint Nicholas Cathedral, Washington, DC according to the following schedule. Holy Thursday, May 2 Great, Holy and Good Friday, May 3 Holy Saturday, May 4 Great and Holy Pascha, May 5 Source: Code for blog Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong. Having said that, Pravmir provides daily articles from an autonomous news service, weekly wall newspaper for churches, lectorium, photos, videos, hosting and servers. Editors and translators work together towards one goal: to make our four websites possible -,, and Therefore our request for help is understandable. For example, 5 euros a month is it a lot or little? A cup of coffee? It is not that much for a family budget, but it is a significant amount for Pravmir. If everyone reading Pravmir could donate 5 euros a month, they would contribute greatly to our ability to spread the word of Christ, Orthodoxy, life " s purpose, family and society. Related articles His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon represented the Orthodox Church in America at the funeral of the Rev.… We’re all for it! Patriotism is a good thing: loving, treasuring one’s homeland and people, a… Once when I was a theology student in Paris I went to my spiritual father and… Also by this author Today " s Articles Most viewed articles Functionality is temporarily unavailable. Most popular authors Functionality is temporarily unavailable. © 2008-2024

Archive Пн DECR chairman begins his working trip to the Holy Land 3 November 2022 year 20:12 On November 2, 2022, with a blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Mosco and All Russia, the chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk, arrived in Israel on a working visit. On November 3, the DECR chairman was received in audience at the Patriarchate of Jerusalem by His Beatitude Theophilos III, Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and all Palestine. During a prolonged conversation, which was held in a warm and confidential atmosphere, they dealt with topics on the common Orthodox agenda and other issues of mutual concern. In particular, they discussed the situation of Christians in the Middle East as well as prospects for the development of cooperation between the two Churches. Attending the meeting were Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina; Archimandrite Alexander (Yelisov), head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem; Archpriest Nikolay Balashov, an adviser to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia; Archpriest Igor Yakimchuk, acting vice-chairman of the DECR; the Rev. Alexander Ershov, assistant to the DECR chairman; E.I. Skopenko, executive director of the Foundation for Support of Christian Culture and Heritage; Hegumen Nikon (Golovko), Hieromonk Dometian (Markarian) and Hieromonk Afanasy (Bukin), members of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem. In conclusion of the conversation, His Beatitude Theophilos and Metropolitan Anthony exchanged tokens of the meeting. DECR Communication Service /   Календарь ← 18 апреля 2024 г. (5 апреля ст.ст.) четверг Четверток Великого канона. Мчч. Агафопода диакона, Феодула чтеца и иже с ними (ок. 303). Перенесение мощей свт. Иова, патриарха Московского и всея России (1652). Прп. Пуплия Египетского (IV). Прпп. Феоны, Симеона и Форвина (IV). Прп. Марка Афинского, Фраческого (ок. 400). Прп. Платона, исп. Студийского (814). Прп. Феодоры Солунской (892). Сщмч. Алексия Кротенкова пресвитера (1930); сщмч. Николая Симо пресвитера (1931). Литургия Преждеосвященных Даров. На 6-м часе: Ис. XLII, 5–16 . На веч.: Быт. XVIII, 20–33 . Притч. XVI, 17 – XVII, 17 . Вся служба по Триоди. На утрене пение Великого канона прп. Андрея Критского («стояние Марии Египетской»). Катавасия по 3, 6, 8 и 9-й песнях канона (те же ирмосы). Читается Житие прп. Марии Египетской: 1-я часть – после кафизмы и седальнов перед 50-м псалмом; 2-я часть – после седальнов по 3-й песни канона. Поем «Честнейшую». Окончание утрени обычное великопостное. 1-й час без кафизмы. В конце утрени, часов и изобразительных по 3 великих поклона с молитвой прп. Ефрема Сирина. На всех часах тропари великопостные читаются; на часах и изобразительных – кондак «Душе моя...». Блаженны читаются. 7 April 2024 year Share with friends

Archive Пн Metropolitan Hilarion chairs a meeting of the Inter-Council Presence commission on theology and theological education 3 October 2018 year 17:48 On October 3, 2018, the Inter-Council Presence commission on theology and theological education met at the Ss Cyril and Methodius Institute for Post-Graduate Studies (CMI). The meeting was chaired by the chairman of the commission, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk in his capacity of chairman of the Synodal Biblical-Theological Commission and CMI rector.  Opening the meeting, His Eminence Hilarion announced the agenda. Then the meeting heard reports on the progress of work on various documents. The Rev. Roman Tarabrin presented a draft document on Ethical Problems Involved in In-Vitro Fertilization. The meeting agreed to send this draft to the Inter-Council Presence secretariat for further work. Hieromonk Stephan (Igumnov) spoke about the progress made in developing a document on Veneration of Holy Relics in the Orthodox Church. The meeting approved the membership of groups to work on the documents ‘Orthodox Understanding of the Causes of Extremism and Terrorism’ and ‘The Attitude to the Modern Practice of Exorcism (by beads bidding’. DECR Communication Service / Календарь ← 18 апреля 2024 г. (5 апреля ст.ст.) четверг Четверток Великого канона. Мчч. Агафопода диакона, Феодула чтеца и иже с ними (ок. 303). Перенесение мощей свт. Иова, патриарха Московского и всея России (1652). Прп. Пуплия Египетского (IV). Прпп. Феоны, Симеона и Форвина (IV). Прп. Марка Афинского, Фраческого (ок. 400). Прп. Платона, исп. Студийского (814). Прп. Феодоры Солунской (892). Сщмч. Алексия Кротенкова пресвитера (1930); сщмч. Николая Симо пресвитера (1931). Литургия Преждеосвященных Даров. На 6-м часе: Ис. XLII, 5–16 . На веч.: Быт. XVIII, 20–33 . Притч. XVI, 17 – XVII, 17 . Вся служба по Триоди. На утрене пение Великого канона прп. Андрея Критского («стояние Марии Египетской»). Катавасия по 3, 6, 8 и 9-й песнях канона (те же ирмосы). Читается Житие прп. Марии Египетской: 1-я часть – после кафизмы и седальнов перед 50-м псалмом; 2-я часть – после седальнов по 3-й песни канона. Поем «Честнейшую». Окончание утрени обычное великопостное. 1-й час без кафизмы. В конце утрени, часов и изобразительных по 3 великих поклона с молитвой прп. Ефрема Сирина. На всех часах тропари великопостные читаются; на часах и изобразительных – кондак «Душе моя...». Блаженны читаются. 7 April 2024 year Share with friends

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