In an exclusive interview on Friday, Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili said that finding ways to take control over jihadi-inclined emotions in Pankisi is a sensitive issue in a country still struggling to teach respect for civil liberties. “By putting more pressure, we would devalue the democratic processes; the openness of our law enforcement agencies and development of civil society,” said Margvelashvili. “By strengthening the law enforcement vector you might see a temporary solution, but eventually it would lead to totalitarian control.” To some extent, it seems, “the law enforcement vector” contributed to the radicalization of Abu Omar. Just a few years ago, he was going to the Orthodox Church with his Christian father, and working as a shepherd in the mountains. “During the war in Chechnya he helped Chechen insurgents and refugees to cross back and forth from Chechnya to Georgia,” a former spokesman for the Georgian Interior Ministry, Shota Utiashvili, tells The Daily Beast. Walking on the most remote mountain paths with insurgents, the young shepherd developed his knowledge of maps, terrain and weaponry, a skill he later used and refined while serving with Georgian military intelligence in the 2008 war against Russia. In 2010, however, a Georgian court sentenced Batirashvili to three years of jail for illegally possessing a weapon. In prison, Batirashvili converted to conservative Islam, grew a beard and swore he would lead a holy war against non-believers when he got out of jail. In 2012, he was diagnosed with tuberculosis. The future ISIS commander was released from prison and moved to Turkey. Nobody in Pankisi has seen him since then. On September 24, the the U.S. government placed 28-year-old Abu Omar on a “specially designated global terrorists” list . But Abu Omar seemed unperturbed. His sights are still set on Russia. On that same day Abu Omar offered to pay a million reward for the assassination of one of the Kremlin’s most influential figures, Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov, and lesser rewards for the liquidation of 11 more members of the Chechen leadership ranging from to million.

Зарегистрированным пользователям Войдите , чтобы оставить комментарий под своим именем. Отправить Другие публикации на портале: События Поместный Собор называет миссионерство главной задачей современной Церкви 29 января 2009 10 События Завершился Поместный Собор Русской Православной Церкви 29 января 2009 10 Статья Слово митрополита Смоленского и Калининградского Кирилла, избранного и нареченного Патриархом Московским и всея Руси, при завершении Поместного собора Русской Православной Церкви 28 января 2009 года Святейший Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кирилл  —  29 января 2009 10 Статья Чин интронизации Патриарха Московского и всея Руси: история и современность. Часть 1. Интронизация епископов и Патриархов в древней Церкви и в Византии Желтов Михаил, священник  —  1 февраля 2022 10 Статья К обсуждению документа Межсоборного присутствия «Место Поместных и Архиерейских Соборов в системе церковного управления» Беглов, Алексей Львович  —  7 апреля 2011 10 Статья Как действовали рабочие органы Поместного Собора? 5 февраля 2009 10 Статья Иеромонах Савва (Тутунов): В Русской Церкви может быть создан «постоянный собор» Савва (Тутунов), архимандрит , Великанов Павел, протоиерей  —  5 февраля 2009 10 События Участие мирян в Поместном соборе — свидетельство силы Церкви, считают участники выборов нового Патриарха 31 января 2009 10 События Избранный Патриарх Московский и всея Руси посетил Свято-Троицкую Сергиеву Лавру 31 января 2009 10 Статья Троице-Сергиева Лавра и Предстоятели Русской Церкви Макарий (Веретенников), архимандрит  —  30 января 2009 10 События Русская Церковь планирует создать свою общественную палату 29 января 2009 10 События Кадровые вопросы в Русской Церкви после избрания Святейшего Патриарха будет решать Священный Синод 29 января 2009 10 События Поместный Собор называет миссионерство главной задачей современной Церкви 29 января 2009 10 События Завершился Поместный Собор Русской Православной Церкви 29 января 2009 10 Статья Слово митрополита Смоленского и Калининградского Кирилла, избранного и нареченного Патриархом Московским и всея Руси, при завершении Поместного собора Русской Православной Церкви 28 января 2009 года Святейший Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кирилл  —  29 января 2009 10 Статья Чин интронизации Патриарха Московского и всея Руси: история и современность.

Ως επικεφαλς της Ρωσικς Ορθοδξου Εκκλησας ο Αγιτατος Πατριρχης Κριλλος πραγματοποησε 46 επσημες επισκψεις σε 30 χρες: το Αζερμπατζν (2009, 2010), την Αλβανα (2018), την Αρμενα (2010, 2011), τη Λευκορωσα (2009, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2018), τη Βουλγαρα (2012, 2018), τη Βραζιλα (2016), τη Μεγλη Βρετανα (2016), την Ελλδα (2013), την Αγυπτο (2010), το Ισραλ (2012),  την Ιορδανα (2012), το Καζαχστν (2010, 2012), την Κπρο (2012), την Κιργιζα (2017), την Κνα (2013), την Κοβα (2016), το Λβανο (2011), τη Μολδαβα (2011, 2013), την Παλαιστνη (2012),  την Παραγουη (2016), την Πολωνα (2012), τη Σερβα (2013, 2014), τη Συρα (2011), την Τουρκα (2009), το Ουζμπεκιστν (2017), την Ουκρανα (2009, 2010 τρεις φορς, 2011 δο φορς, 2012, 2013), τη Γαλλα (2016, 2019), το Μαυροβονιο (2013), την Εσθονα (2013), την Ιαπωνα (2012). Πραγματοποιθηκαν συναντσεις με τους Προδρους της Αμπχαζας (2010, 2013, 2014, 2019), του Αζερμπατζν (2009, 2010), της Αλβανας (2018), της Αρμενας (2010, 2011, 2013), της Λευκορωσας (2009 δο φορς, 2012, 2013 δο φορς, 2015, 2016, 2018), της Βουλγαρας (2009, 2012, 2018), της Βραζιλας (2016), της Γουατεμλας (2010), της Γερμανας (2010), της Ελλδος (2013), του Ισραλ (2012, 2016), της Ιρλανδας (2010), της Ιταλας (2017), του Καζαχστν (2010, 2012, 2015),  της Κπρου (2012), της Κιργιζας (2012, 2017), της Κοβας (2019), της Λετονας (2010), του Λιβνου (2010, 2011, 2013), της Βρειας Μακεδονας (2014, 2015, 2017), της Μολδαβας (2009, 2013, 2017 δο φορς, 2018), της Παλαιστνης (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015 δο φορς, 2017, 2018), της Παραγουης (2016), της Πολωνας (2012), της Υπερδνειστερας (2010, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017), της Σερβικς Δημοκρατας (2014), της Σερβας (2014, 2016), της Συρας (2011), της Σλοβενας (2010), των ΗΠΑ (2009), του Ουζμπεκιστν (2017), της Ουκρανας (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013), της Γαλλας (2016), της Κροατας (2017), του Μαυροβουνου (2009), του Ισημερινο (2009, 2013), της Ντιας Οσετας (2011, 2014, 2017). Επιπλον, ο Αγιτατος Πατριρχης Κριλλος συναντθηκε με τον επικεφαλς του κρτους του Βατικανο (2016), τον υπουργ Εξωτερικν του κρτους του Βατικανο (2017), τη Βασλισσα της Μεγλης Βρετανας (2016), τον Βασιλι της Ιορδανας (2012, 2018), τον Πρεδρο της Λακς Δημοκρατας της Κνας (2013, 2015), τον πρεδρο του Συμβουλου Επικρατεας της Δημοκρατας της Κοβας (2009, 2015, 2016, 2018), τον διδοχο πργκιπα του Λιχτενστιν  (2009), τον ασκντα χρη Προδρου της Μολδαβας (2011, 2012), τον Πργκιπα του Μονακ (2013), τον Αυτοκρτορα της Ιαπωνας (2012).

Сергий 16 марта 2009, 16:48 Упокой, Господи, душу раба Твоего протоиерея Михаила! Светлый был человек, глубоко интеллигентный, скромный, вдумчивый - настоящий Пастырь. Р.Б.Сергий, г.Киев. Елена 15 марта 2009, 20:06 Спасибо за рассказ об отце Михаиле!Читала и вспоминала своего папу.Он тоже прошел всю войнуМоя мама была верующей, молилась за всех нас.А папа в церковь не ходил-коммунистам не положено!Но всю жизнь он прожил как православный.А потом стал крестным для двух внучек.Вечная память всем воинам!Слава Богу за все! иер.Димитрий 15 марта 2009, 18:48 спаси Господи за статью. Низкий поклон всем ветеранам и вечная память. Александр 14 марта 2009, 16:46 Спасибо. Вспомнил своего деда. Он тоже был добрый, хоть и не православный. Василий 12 марта 2009, 15:41 Можно написать много слов благодарности за эту хорошую статью, да вот слезы льются. Спаси Госпади! Рустик 12 марта 2009, 13:12 Помяни, Господи во Царствии своем усопшего раба Твоего прот. Михаила и сотвори ему вечную память! Андрей 9 марта 2009, 15:19 Спасибо большое за статью. Дай Бог здоровья всем нашим ветеранам, кто проливал кровь за нас. Низко склоняю голову. Сергий 8 марта 2009, 20:53 Вечная Слава заступникам и защитникам земли русской: благоверным военачальникам, воинам и народу - живот свой положившим и кровь свою пролившим за Веру и Отечество наше. чтец Александр 5 марта 2009, 12:22 В Псково-Печерском патерике игумен Алипий - полный кавалер Ордена Солдатской Славы! Слава Героям! Лариса 28 февраля 2009, 12:53 Спасибо за красивую историю. Хотелось бы ещё что-нибудь прочитать о священниках-воинах. ОЛЬГА 26 февраля 2009, 11:50 Настоящими героями всегда славилась РУСЬ ВЕЛИКАЯ. Читая Вашу статью испытываешь искреннюю радость за таких благородных людей как отец Михаил, которые своей жизнью показывают и доказывают, что добро всегда побеждает зло... Спасибо Вам уважаемый автор! диакон Е. 25 февраля 2009, 19:44 Вот она, Русь Святая. Непобедимая и милосердная к врагам. Господи, слава Тебе! Людмила 25 февраля 2009, 09:59

Likewise, Ibn Taymiyya confirms that “the ulema of the Muslims from all four schools of law–Hanafi, Shafi’i, Maliki, Hanbali, and others, including al-Thawri, al-Layth, all the way back to the companions and the followers–are all agreed that if the imam destroys every church in lands taken by force, such as Egypt, Sudan, Iraq, Syria … this would not be deemed unjust of him,” adding that, if Christians resist, “they forfeit their covenant, their lives, and their possessions.” Elsewhere he writes, “Wherever Muslims live and have mosques, it is impermissible for any sign of infidelity to be present, churches or otherwise.” Echoing the words of the jurists that the church is “worse than bars and brothels” and “houses of torment and fire,” in August 2009, Dar al-Ifta, an Al Azhar affiliate, issued a fatwa likening the building of a church to “a nightclub, a gambling casino, or building a barn for rearing pigs, cats or dogs.” In July 2012, Dr. Yassir al-Burhami, a prominent figure in Egypt’s Salafi movement, issued a fatwa forbidding Muslim taxi-drivers and bus-drivers from transporting Coptic Christian priests to their churches, which he depicted as “more forbidden than taking someone to a liquor bar.” Regardless, one need only examine the Conditions of Omar–an influential document Muslims attribute to 7th century Caliph Omar, purportedly ratified with a conquered Christian community–to appreciate the plight of the church under Islam. Among other things, conquered Christians had to agree: Not to build a church in our city… and not to repair those that fall in ruins or are in Muslim quarters;…. Not to clang our cymbals except lightly and from the innermost recesses of our churches; Not to display a cross on them [churches], nor raise our voices during prayer or readings in our churches anywhere near Muslims; Not to produce a cross or [Christian] book in the markets of the Muslims;…. [I]f we change or contradict these conditions imposed upon ourselves . . . we forfeit our dhimma [covenant], and we become liable to the same treatment you inflict upon the people who resist and cause sedition.

No Church Bells, Crosses, or Renovations The story of St. George Coptic Church in Edfu is especially instructive of the plight of churches in Egypt. Built nearly a century ago, during the Christian “Golden Age,” St. George was so dilapidated that the local council and governor approved its renovation and signed off on the design. Soon local Muslims began complaining, making various demands, including that the church be devoid of crosses and bells–as stipulated by the Conditions of Omar–because they were “irritating Muslims and their children.” Leaders later insisted that the very dome of the church be removed. Arguing that removal of the dome would likely collapse the church, the bishop refused. The foreboding cries of “Allahu Akbar!” began; Muslims threatened to raze the church and build a mosque in its place; Copts were “forbidden to leave their homes or buy food until they remove the dome of St. George’s Church”; many starved for weeks. Then, after Friday prayers on September 30, 2011, some 3,000 Muslims rampaged the church, torched it, and demolished the dome; flames from the wreckage burned nearby Christian homes, which were further ransacked by rioting Muslims. Security, which was present, just “stood there watching,” according to Christian eyewitnesses. Edfu’s Intelligence Unit chief was seen directing the mob destroying the church. Even the governor of Aswan appeared on State TV and “denied any church being torched,” calling it a “guest home.” He even justified the incident by arguing that the church contractor made the building three meters higher than he had permitted: “Copts made a mistake and had to be punished, and Muslims did nothing but set things right, end of story,” he proclaimed on TV. It was this incident which caused Egypt’s Christians to protest in October 2011, leading to the Maspero Massacre, when the Egyptian military intentionally targeted and killed dozens of Christian protesters, including by running them over with armored vehicles–even as state media lied by portraying the Christians as the aggressors and the military as the victim, a narrative which the Western mainstream media gullibly disseminated. In July 2011, a Muslim mob went on a violent spree, attacking, among others a 5-month pregnant Christian woman and other Christians who were “beaten with iron rods and pipes.” According to Fr. Estephanos of the region, “The real reason behind this assault was the church bell, which has greatly angered the Muslims in the village. This is the first time such an incident has taken place in this village which is 60-75% Christian, and the reason is definitely the presence of the church bell.” As seen in the Conditions of Omar, church bells are forbidden in Islam.

After the State of Israel, the Patriarchate is the nation’s largest landholder, even owning the land upon which the Knesset building stands today. Many local Palestinian Christians speak or are familiar with the Greek language, which is a remnant of Palestine’s Byzantine past, and almost every clergyman speaks Arabic. While, over time, other groups came to stake their claims on the Holy Land, the influence of the Greek Orthodox (or more accurately, the Rum Orthodox, referring to the Christianized and Hellenized Roman Empire), did not diminish. Even amid destruction and loss of life, including the Persian invasion, centuries of Arab-Muslim rule, and the brutal Crusader period, among others, the Church endured and maintained a high status by the governing authorities of the time. For example, the acknowledgment of the Patriarchate’s authority through its classification as a “millet” (a separate legal court for a confessional community) by the Ottomans, allowed it to continue to actually own all its public properties, maintaining the Patriarch as the titleholder and administrator of all lands registered in his name as well as under the name of the Orthodox community. This explains the Patriarchate’s control of the Orthodox communities’ public properties in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories and also its ability to register lands as waqf to this day. The Status Quo law, implemented during Ottoman times is still followed, continuing to guarantee the rightful authority of the Greek Orthodox Church over most of the Christian holy places, as well as protecting other rights involving property ownership and its legal status. Historical Ties with Muslim-Majority Nations Until today, the Patriarchate actually gives legitimacy to the historical claims that the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Palestinian Authority have over the Muslim holy places – claims which stem from the Covenant of Omar. This covenant was the agreement made between Patriarch Sophronios and Caliph Omar ibn al Khattab during the Muslim invasion of Jerusalem in 637 AD. Their agreement has been the foundation upon which legal agreements between the Patriarchate and the governments of its jurisdictional authority have been made since.

Similarly, in October 2011, in the Upper Egyptian village of Elmadmar which only has two churches to serve 15,000 Christians, Muslim mobs surrounded one of these two churches, St. Mary’s Church, hurling bricks at it and trying to demolish it, while chanting “No to the church.” Although it has had state security approval to operate, its license was still pending. According to the priest, “Muslims claim that we hold a mass every day at 4 PM, and we ring the church bell, which the church does not have, besides singing hymns, which they claim disturbs them.” Collective Punishment Many attacks on Coptic churches occur in the context of “collective punishment,” which also has echoes tracing back to the Conditions of Omar. After naming any number of other conditions–including not displaying crosses, not ringing bells, not singing loudly–the Conditions of Omar concludes by having Christians agree that “if we change or contradict these conditions imposed upon ourselves . . . we forfeit our dhimma [covenant], and we become liable to the same treatment you inflict upon the people who resist and cause sedition.” Accordingly, throughout Islamic history to the present moment, anytime any Christian anywhere has been accused of breaking Sharia’s dhimmi laws, churches–at once the most obvious and vulnerable representation of Christianity–are first to be attacked in retribution by the Muslim mob, often in the context of collective punishment. This has centuries of historical precedents. While discussing the status of churches in the Middle East after the Islamic invasions, Bat Ye’or writes “they were often burned or demolished in the course of reprisals against infidels found guilty of overstepping their rights.” Collective punishment is even doctrinally approved: the Yemeni jurist al-Murtada wrote, “The agreement will be canceled if all or some of them break it.” At the other end of the Arab world, the Moroccan jurist al-Maghili taught that “the fact that one individual (or one group) among them has broken the statute is enough to invalidate it for all of them.”

Although the Greek Orthodox Church has had a presence in Jerusalem since its existence, looking forward, there is a political agenda on the part of Israel. No one can deny they would like to gain property that the patriarchate owns, especially in the Jaffa Gate area. Has this put pressure on the church? You have touched upon a very delicate issue, the core of the importance and significance of the patriarchate’s presence and role concerning Jerusalem and the greater area. From the religious point of view, many of the holy places under the charge of the patriarchate have remained accessible to all pilgrims and visitors without any discrimination whatsoever. It is due to the presence of the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulcher. What has been acknowledged by everybody locally, regionally and internationally is that if it were not for the presence of the patriarchate here, most of the holy places would have been destroyed, or at the end of the day, turned into museums or archeological sites and tourist attractions. But so far, the holy places have been maintained as places of blessedness and worship. In terms of culture and even politics, the patriarchate is very important, first of all because it gives legitimacy to the historical claims that the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the PA have over the holy places — because they both have claims from the Muslim Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab, when the Muslims took over the city of Jerusalem from the then-Patriarch of Jerusalem Sophronius, and it is well known that they made a peace covenant known as “the Covenant of Omar.” This fundamental agreement has been the basis of all the legal transactions or legal agreements that have taken place so far between the patriarchate and the states and their respective authorities. The other thing is that the patriarchate has been the inheritor of the natural heritage, that is to say, churches, monasteries and other properties, which later were augmented. This is what makes the patriarchate important for the natural, the physical and the demographic [aspects] of Jerusalem. The patriarchate continues to hold properties within and around the Old City — within politically strategic places.

Russia has supported the regime in the Syrian civil war. Russia's support has evoked reactions from Muslims in the Caucasus region, which have been drawn to the Jihad in Syria. Jihadists from the Caucasus have two reasons to engage in the " holy war " in Syria, to help their Sunni co-religionists and to exact revenge on Russia, which according to the jihadists has been oppressing them in the Caucasus. But these jihadist groups have rarely participated in any real battles, instead they prefer to amuse themselves by plundering and murdering innocent civilians. Often they commit war crimes and crimes against humanity. This propaganda video is one of many examples showing how brutally these terrorists act. Those who watch the video can see that these terrorists are from the Russian Caucasus. The " holy war " -- Jihad -- has united many extremists from Chechnya, Dagestan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, the Balkans and many other Muslim countries. They have been able to move inside Turkey unhindered, along the Syrian border. It has been generally known that Turkey has helped these extremists with weapon and logistics. But in the last few months Turkey has been caught red-handed several times. Turkish media that slipped past Turkish state censorship reported the following: As a result of Turkey's involvement and to the active support for the extremist groups, eleven Syrian civil opposition organizations decided to take Turkey to the court for Human Rights in Europe. The Caucasus " Holy War " in Syria The extremist group which consists of many different ethnicities from the Caucasus was founded in 2006 under the name " Caucasus Emirate " during the Chechen war against Russia. This Caucasian mobilization is now also in Syria. The terrorists from the Caucasus excel in their brutality. Abu Omar the Chechen, who founded the Hattab brigade very quickly made a name for himself. Several small groups that came from the Caucasus announced their allegiance to Abu Omar the Chechen. In Syria these groups were called the " Turkish Brothers. " The Caucasus Emirate has at various times been allied with the Free Syrian Army and Al Qaeda. Lately the group has joined the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Jihadist groups which are terrorising the population of Syria along the Turkish border are well known to Turkey. These jihadists are provided with weapons and communications equipment such as walky-talkies by the Turkish secret service MIT.

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