«Христианскаянаука» Hoekema, Anthony A. Christian Science. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1974. Martin, Walter. Walter Martin Speaks Out on the Cults. Ventura: Vision House Publishers, 1983. Martin, Walter, and Klann, Norman H. The Christian Science Myth. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1956. Peabody, Frederick W. The Religio-Medical Masquerade. Fleming H. Revell, 1910. Twain, Mark. Christian Science. Harper. 1907. Мормонизм Bales, James D. The Book of Mormon? Rosemead: Old Paths Book Club, 1958. Budvarson, Arthur. The Book of Mormonism – True or False? Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1941. Call, Lamoni. 2000 Changes in the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Modern Microfilm Company. Fraser, Gordon H. Is Mormonism Christian? Chicago: Moody Colportage Library, 1957. Gibbs, Josiah F. The Mountain Meadows Massacre. Salt Lake City: Salt Lake Tribune, 1910. Hoekema, Anthony A. Mormonism. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1974. Hougey, Hal. Archeology and the Book of Mormon. Pacific Press, 1973. Martin, Walter R .The Maze of Mormonism. Santa Ana: Vision House Publishers, 1978. McConkie, Bruce R. Mormon Doctrine. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, rev. 1978. What the Mormons Think of Christ. Salt Lake City. Mulder, Wm. Among the Mormons. New York: Knopf, 1958. Nelson, Dee Jay. The Joseph Smith Papyri – A Translation and Preliminary Survey. Salt Lake City: Modern Microfilm Company. Nutting, J. D. The Little Encyclopedia of Mormonism. Cleveland: Utah Gospel Mission, 1927. Sackett, Charles C. Whats Going On in There? Thousand Oaks: Ex-Mormons for Jesus, 1982. Starks, Arthur E. A Complete Concordance to the Book of Mormon. Independence: Herald Publishing House, 1950. Thayer, Joseph Henry. Greek-English Lexicon. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1973. Спиритизм Koch, Kurt E. Christian Counseling and Occultism. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1973. McKight, Marcus. Spiritualism. London, 1950. Schofield, A. T. Modern Spiritism – Its Science and Religion.


St. Paul is the foremost preacher of the gospel that he calls the gospel of God or gospel of Christ. For Paul, the content of the gospel is Jesus Christ as Son of God and universal Lord in whom the awaited future age has been decisively established through his death and resurrection ( Rom. 1.1–4; 8.31–34 ; 1Cor. 15.1–4 ). Received by faith, the gospel is actualized in baptism and lived out as spiritual worship of God ( Rom. 1.16–17; 6.1–11; 12.12 ). The results or benefits of the gospel are expressed through a rich terminology: salvation, justifica­tion, redemption, expiation, reconciliation, adoption, sanctification, transformation, new creation, and the fruit of the Spirit such as love, peace, and joy. ( Rom. 3.21–26; 5.1–11 ; 1Cor. 1.30 ; 2Cor. 3.18; 5.17 ; Gal. 5.22–23 ). But the gospel, both as announcement and summons, also called “word of God” and “heralding” (kerygma), entails serious demands: to put to death sinful deeds or risk losing Christ and the kingdom ( Rom. 6.12–23; 8.12–13 ; 1Cor. 6.9–10 ; Gal. 5.19–21, 24 ). Finally, the gospel includes the good news of the birth of the church which is the body of Christ and the temple of the Holy Spirit ( 1Cor. 3.16; 12.27 ). Church and gospel belong together. The gospel is the gospel of God, bearing God’s power, and grounded in God’s saving acts in Christ and the Spirit. But the church also is the “Church of God” ( 1Cor. 1.2 ), an intrinsic part of God’s saving work and thus consti­tutive of God’s revelation. Without the church there is no gospel to be preached. But without the gospel, there is no church worthy of God’s loving will and grand plan to save the world. SEE ALSO: Bible; Christ; Church (Orthodox Ecclesiology); Cross; Evangelism; Resurrec­tion; Soteriology REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS Breck, J. (1986) The Power of the Word in the Worshiping Church. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. Dunn, J. D. G. (1998) The Theology of Paul the Apostle. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans. Hengel, M. (2000) The Four Gospels and the One Gospel of Jesus Christ: An Investigation of the Collection and Origin of the Canonical Gospels. Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press.


Change and Tradition in Russian Civilization. Westland, Michigan: Hayden-McNeill Publishing, Inc., 1994; rev. ed., 1995. 138 pp. Modern Russian Theology: Bukharev, Soloviev, Bulgakov. Edinburgh: T&T Clark; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2000. 443 pp. Статьи в энциклопедиях " Tradition. " The Encyclopedia of Religion, Mircea Eliade, Editor in Chief. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1987. Vol. 15, pp. 1-16. " The Orthodox Tradition. " A Companion to the Philosophy of Religion, ed. by Philip L. Quinn and Charles Taliaferro. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1997, pp. 186-193. " Tradition. " Updated and revised version of 1987 article. The Encyclopedia of Religion, 2d ed., Lindsay Jones, Editor in Chief. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005. Vol. 13, pp. 9267-9281. “The Christian East.” Updated and revised version of “The Orthodox Tradition,” 1997. A Companion to the Philosophy of Religion, ed. Charles Taliaferro and Paul Draper. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, forthcoming. “Berdyaev, Nikolai Aleksandrovich,” “Bulgakov, Sergei Nikolaevich,” and “Soloviev, Vladimir Sergeevich,” in The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity, Daniel Patte, gen. ed. Cambridge University Press, forthcoming. Переводы Juris Rubenis and Maris Subacs. Finding God in a Tangled World: Thoughts & Parables. Trans. from the Latvian by Paul Valliere. Brewster, Massachusetts: Paraclete Press, 2007. Главы из книг и статьи 1. " The Problem of Liberal Orthodoxy in Russia in 1905, " St. Vladimir " s Theological Quarterly, Vol. 20 (1976), No. 3, pp. 115-131. 2. " Modes of Social Action in Russian Orthodoxy: The Case of Father Petrov " s Zateinik, " Russian History, Vol. 4 (1977), Pt. 2, pp. 142-158. 3. " The Idea of a Council in Russian Orthodoxy in 1905, " Russian Orthodoxy Under the Old Regime, ed. Robert L. Nichols and Theofanis George Stavrou (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1978), pp. 183-201. 4. " Russian Orthodoxy and the Challenge of Modernity: The Case of Archimandrite Makary (Mikhail Ya. Glukharev), " St. Vladimir " s Theological Quarterly, Vol. 22 (1978), No. 1, pp. 1-15.


In its approach to issues ranging from fertility treatments to euthanasia to abortion and genetic engineering, Orthodoxy reflects a freedom and flexibility that takes personal circumstances into account, as well as several strong normative tendencies. Among these tendencies are an insistence upon the sacredness of every human being, an affir­mation of humanity’s call to responsible stewardship of nature, a reverence for sacra­mental marriage between one man and one woman as the proper context for procreation, a preference for respecting and restoring natural processes as opposed to artificially manipulating or creating new processes for transmitting life, and an eschatological viewpoint that does not place absolute value on earthly existence, but rather venerates earthly life as a gift oriented ultimately toward God’s eternal kingdom. SEE ALSO: Death (and Funeral); Ethics; Humanity; Marriage; Sexual Ethics REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS Breck, J. (1998) The Sacred Gift of Life: Orthodox Christianity and Bioethics. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. Breck, J. (2005) Stages on Life’s Way: Orthodox Thinking on Bioethics. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. Engelhardt, H. T. (2000) The Foundations of Christian Bioethics. Lisse, Netherlands: Swets and Zeitlinger. Guroian, V. (1996) Life’s Living Toward Dying: A Theological and Medical-Ethical Study. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans. Harakas, S. (1990) Health and Medicine in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition. New York: Crossroad. Harakas, S. (1992) Living the Faith: The Praxis of Eastern Orthodox Ethics. Minneapolis: Light and Life. Hatzinikolaou, N. (2003) “Prolonging Life or Hindering Death? An Orthodox Perspective on Death, Dying and Euthanasia,” Christian Bioethics 9: 187–201. Larchet, J.-C. (2002) The Theology of Illness, trans. J. Breck. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. LeMasters, P. (2008) The Goodness of God’s Creation. Salisbury, MA: Regina Orthodox Press. Plate 9 Russian priest monk blessing Paschal kulich cake. RIA Novosti/AKG


30. “The Patristic Hermeneutic Heritage,” in Paul Ballard (ed.) The Bible in Pastoral Practice: A Reader (London: DLT, 2005) 25-41. 31. “The Final Act,” Christian History and Biography 85 (2005), 39-42 (special edition on the Council of Nicaea). 32. “Articulating Identity: the fourth and fifth centuries,” in L. Ayres, A. Louth & F. Young (eds.), The Cambridge History of Early Christian Literature (Cambridge: CUP, 2004), 414-463. 33. “A Reading of John D. Caputo’s ‘God and Anonymity’,” in Mark Dooley (ed.) A Passion for the Impossible: John D. Caputo in Focus (Albany NY: SUNY Press, 2003), 129-146. (With response by Caputo, 147-152). 34. “Augustine, Christology and God as Love: An Introduction to the Homilies on 1 John,” Kevin Vanhoozer (ed.) Nothing Greater, Nothing Better: Theological Essays on the Love of God (Grand Rapids MI: Eerdmans, 2001), 67-93. 35. “A Lack of Theological Vision: The Interpretation of Reality and the future of ‘liberal’ theology,” in Ian Markham and J’anine Jobling (eds.) Radical Liberalism (London: SPCK, 2000), 194-202. 36. “The Grammar of Augustine’s Trinitarian theology,” in Robert Dodaro & George Lawless (eds.), Augustine and his Critics (London & New York: Routledge, 1999), 56-71. 37. Articles in Allan Fitzgerald (ed.), Augustine Through The Ages: An Encyclopedia (Grand Rapids MI: Eerdmans, 1999): 1. “Being: esse, essentia” 2. “The Cappadocians” 3. “God” (with Michel R. Barnes) 4. “Measure, number and weight (Wisd. 11:21)” [all articles also in A. Fitzgerald & J. García (eds.), Diccionario de San Agustín. San Agustín a través del tiempo (2001), and A. Fitgerald and M.-A. Vannier (eds.) Saint Augustin. La Méditerranée et l " Europe. IVe-XXIe siècle (Paris: Cerf, 2005)] 38. “Introduction: A project in The Study of Christian Origins,” in (ed.) Lewis Ayres & Gareth Jones, Christian Origins: Theology, Rhetoric and Community (London: Routledge, 1998), 1-7. 39. “Theology, Social Science and Postmodernity: Some Theological Considerations,” in K. Flanagan & P. Jupp (eds.), Postmodernity, Sociology and Religion (London: MacMillan, 1996), 174-189.


217. Табак Ю. М. [Рец. на кн.:] Levinskaya I. The Book of Acts in It " s Firsts Century Setting. Vol. 5: Diaspora Setting. Grand Rapids (Michigan): Eerdmans, 1996 [=Левинская И. А. Книга Деяний и мир диаспоры]//Страницы. 1997. Т. 2. 1. С. 152–153. См. также 2820. Послания апостольские См. 2324. Соборные послания апостолов 218. Бухарев А. М. О Соборных апостольских посланиях/Архим. Феодор (Бухарев, расстрижен); Подгот. к печ.: еп. Анатолий (Кузнецов)//БТ. 1972. Сб. 9. С. 149–225. 219. Мень А. В., прот. Послания ап. Петра: [Из словаря по библеистике]/Подгот. текста: В. Н. Кузнецова//МБ. 1995. Вып. 3. С. 40–43. См. также 384. Послания ап. Павла 220. Бухарев А. М . Учение ап. Павла об антихристе/Архим. Феодор (Бухарев, расстрижен)//АиО. 1997. 2(13). С. 12–33. 221. Мень А. В., прот. Послания ап. Павла: [Из словаря по библеистике]/Публ. и примеч.: игум. Игнатий (Крекшин)//МБ. 1994. Вып. 2. С. 41–73. 222. Польсков К. О., свящ. Исполнение и чаяние: (Об одной из сторон богословия ап. Павла)/Диак. К. О. Польсков//БСб. 1999. 3. С. 59–68. Анализ догматического содержания Рим. 5, 1–11 и Еф. 2, 5–6 : Крещение как начало спасения. См. также 139. Толкования на отдельные послания 223. Барт К. Христос и Адам: Человек и человечество в 5 гл. Послания к Римлянам/Пер. с англ.: В. Кузнецов; Послесл.: К Саирсингх//Страницы. 1996. 1. С. 4–27; 2. С. 5–22. 224. Крейцер Л., Руке Д. Пение в новой тональности: Послание к Филиппийцам 2, 9–11 и «Анданте» Крейцеровой сонаты Бетховена/Пер. с англ.: К. Бурмистров//Страницы. 1998. Т. 3. 3. С. 324–328. Библеистика: Экзегетика: Культурологический анализ формы. 225. Польсков К. О., свящ. О христологии Первого послания ап. Павла к Фессалоникийцам//БСб. 2000. 5. С. 88–103. 226. Сперанский М. К., прот. VI глава Послания ап. Павла к Римлянам: Экзегетический анализ содержания: [Докл. на Богосл. собеседовании – IV между представителями ЕЛЦ Германии и РПЦ. Ленинград, 12–19 сент. 1969 г.]//БТ. 1973. Сб. 10. С. 109–112. См. также 188, 222, 1420, 2325. Откровение (Апокалипсис) св. ап. Иоанна Богослова


A council of 1946 requested that they come under the juris­diction of the American metropolia, which sent bishops to head the church (Benjamin, 1947–53; Irenei, 1953–60, Nikon, 1960–2, and Vladimir, 1962–72). The Japanese Church received autonomous status from the Moscow patriarchate at the same time the metropolia received autocephaly (as the Orthodox Church in America), although this status has not been recognized by the ecumenical patriarch. As an autonomous church, the election of its primate (metro­politan) must be confirmed by the Moscow patriarchate, but it can elect its own bishops without such confirmation. In 1972 Bishop Theodosius (Nagashima) was installed as the first native Japanese metropolitan, and he served as head of the church until his death in 1999. In 2000 a local council elected Daniel (Nushiro) as metropolitan; Russian Patriarch Aleksii II traveled to Japan to enthrone him. Today, the Church of Japan consists of three dioceses: the archdiocese of Tokyo, the western diocese based in Kyoto, and the eastern diocese based in Sendai. In 2007, sixty-seven parishes were served by the met­ropolitan and one other bishop, twenty-two priests, and twelve deacons. Almost all of the clergy are Japanese who were trained at the seminary in Tokyo. Nikolai Kasatkin, who is acknowledged even by non-Orthodox as one of the greatest modern missionaries, was canon­ized by the Orthodox Church of Japan and the Russian Orthodox Church in 1970 as “equal to the apostles.” SEE ALSO: Evangelism; Russia, Patriarchal Orthodox Church of; United States of America, Orthodoxy in the REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS Bartholomew, J. (1987) “The Missionary Activity of St. Nicholas of Japan,” MDiv thesis, St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. Besstremiannaia, G. E. (2006) Iaponskaia Pravoslavnaia tserkov’: Istoriia i sovremennost’. Sergiev Posad: Sviato-Troitskaia Sergieva Lavra. Bolshakoff, S. (1943) The Foreign Missions of the Russian Orthodox Church. London: SPCK. Drummond, R. H. (1971) A History of Christianity in Japan. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans. Naganawa, M. (1995) “The Japanese Orthodox Church in the Meiji Era,” in J. T. Rimer (ed.) A Hidden Fire: Russian and Japanese Cultural Encounters, 1868–1926. Stanford: Stanford University Press; Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center Press, pp. 158–69. Nakamura, K. (ed.) (2004) Dnevniki Sviatogo Nikolaia Iaponskogo, 5 vols. St. Petersburg: Hyperion. Remortel, M. V. and Chang, P. (eds.) (2003) St. Nikolai Kasatkin and the Orthodox Mission in Japan. Point Reyes Station, CA: Divine Ascent Press. Roberson, R. (2008) The Eastern Christian Churches: A Brief Survey, 7th edn. Rome: Orientalia Christiana. Sablina, E. (2006) 150 let Pravoslaviia v Iaponii: Istoriia Iaponskoi Pravoslavnoi Tserkvi i ee osnovatel’ Sviatitel’ Nikolai. Moscow: AIRO- XXI; St. Petersburg: Dmitrii Bulanin. Ushimaru, P. Y. (1980) “Japanese Orthodoxy and the Culture of the Meiji Period,” St. Vladimir’s Seminary Quarterly 24: 115–27.


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  The Enigma of the Christ Icon Panel at St. Catherine " s at Sinai: A Call for Re-Appraisal. Union Theological Seminary Quarterly Review. 52. 3-4. 1999. 29-47.   The Prayer of the Heart in Patristic and Early Byzantine Tradition. pp. 69-108, in - Prayer & Spirituality in the Early Church. vol. 2. edd. P Allen, W Mayer, & L Cross. Queensland. 1999. (Australian Catholic University. Centre for Early Christian Studies).   Lent Through the Centuries. in: The Living Pulpit. vol. 9. No. 1. pp. 9, 18. (New York). Jan - March, 2000.   Articles: St. Cyril of Alexandria. also: Nestorianism. in : The Dictionary of Historical Theology. Ed. T. A. Hart. Paternoster Press, Exeter, [Eerdmans, Grand Rapids] 2000.   Aliens and Citizens of Elsewhere: Xeniteia in East Christian Monastic Literature. pp. 23-38 in: D. Smythe. (Ed.) Strangers to Themselves: The Byzantine Outsider. Ashgate-Variorum Press. London. 2000. [Acts of the 32nd Symposium of The Society for Byzantine Studies. Brighton. 1998.]   Articles: Constantinople, Council of Ephesus, Chalcedon, Deification, Greek Theology 4-6th Centuries, Monophysitism, Nestorianism, Nicaea, & Quest of The Historical Jesus, in: The Oxford Companion to Christian Thought. A Hastings. (et al. edd). OUP. Oxford & New York. 2000.   Greek Theology -4th to 6th Centuries. Reissued as chapter 2 in: A Hastings, A Mason & H Pyper (edd). Christian Thought: A Brief History. Oxford & New York. 2002. pp. 17-32.   Articles: Cyril of Alexandria, John Klimakos, Neophytos Enkleistos, Relics, Symeon the New Theologian, Canonisation in: The Encyclopedia of Greece & The Hellenic Tradition. G. Speake. (ed). Fitzroy-Dearborn. London. 2000.   Articles: S. Gregory Nazianzen, S. John of Damascus, S. John Klimakos, Macrina, Pachomios, & Shenoudi of Atripe. In: Encyclopedia of Monasticism. WM Johnston. (ed). Fitzroy-Dearborn. Chicago. 2000.   Chapter 1: The Early Church Fathers. in: The Story of Christian Spirituality. G. Mursell. (ed). Lion Books. Oxford. 2001. (& Fortress Press. Minnesota. 2001.)


Wilmington, 1988; idem. Introduction to the NT. N. Y., 20102; Schneemelcher W. Der Laodicenerbrief//Neutestamentliche Apokryphen in deutscher Übersetzung/Hrsg. E. Hennecke, W. Schneemelcher. Tüb., 19895. Bd. 2. S. 41-44; Cosgrove Ch. H. Laodiceans, Epistle to the//Mercer Dictionary of the Bible/Ed. E. Watson. Macon, 1990. P. 500; Backus I. Renaissance Attitudes to NT Apocryphal Writings: J. Lefevre d " Étaples and His Epigones//Renaissance Quarterly. N. Y., 1998. Vol. 51. N 4. P. 1169-1198; eadem. Historical Method and Confessional Identity in the Era of the Reformation (1378-1615). Leiden; Boston, 2003. P. 276-286; Sellew Ph. «Laodiceans» and the Philippians: Fragments Hypothesis//HarvTR. 1994. Vol. 87. N 1. P. 17-28; idem. «Laodiceans» and Philippians Revisited: A Response to P. Holloway//Ibid. 1998. Vol. 91. N 3. P. 327-330; Holloway P. A. The Apocryphal «Epistle to the Laodiceans» and the Partitioning of Philippians//Ibid. P. 321-325; idem. Consolation in Philippians: Philos. Sources and Rhetorical Strategy. Camb.; N. Y., 2001; Boismard M.-É. L " enigme de La lettre aux Éphésiens. P., 1999; idem. La lettre de St. Paul aux Laodiceens. P., 1999; idem. Paul " s Letter to the Laodiceans//The Pauline Canon/Ed. S. E. Porter. Leiden; Boston, 2004. P. 45-57; Kelhoffer J. A. Miracle and Mission: The Authentication of Missionaries and their Message in the Longer Ending of Mark. Tüb., 2000; Watson D. F. Laodiceans, Letter to the//Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible/Ed. D. N. Freedman. Grand Rapids, 2000. P. 790; Norelli E. La Lettre aux Laodicéens: Essai d " interprétation//Archivum Bobiense. 2001. Vol. 23. P. 45-92; Burnet R. Pourquoi avoir écrit l " insipide épitre aux Laodicéens?//NTS. 2002. Vol. 48. N 1. P. 132-141; Ehrman B. D. Lost Christianities: The Battles for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew. Oxf.; N. Y., 2003; idem. Lost Scriptures: Books that Did Not Make it into the NT. Oxf.; N. Y., 2003. P. 165; Hall Th. N. Aelfric and the Epistle to the Laodiceans//Apocryphal Texts and Traditions in Anglo-Saxon England/Ed.


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