Christians in Sudan are afraid to pray and attend church services. CNN video screenshot Christians in Sudan are not attending church services like they used to in the wake of the Meriam Ibrahim apostasy case, activists have reported. The Christians are afraid that they will be told to denounce their faith or receive a death sentence – the penalty under Sharia law for apostasy. Ibrahim was sentenced on May 15 to 100 lashes and death by hanging for marrying a Christian and refusing to renounce her faith. Although she was raised by an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian mother, Ibrahim is considered Muslim because this was the faith of her estranged father. She has been held in the Omdurman Federal Women’s Prison in North Khartoum with her 20-month-old son since January, and gave birth to a daughter in prison on May 27. Sudanese activists say that after the secession of South Sudan in 2011, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir enacted laws that persecuted Christians. “If you look at the laws of the country, the laws favour Muslims,” Christian Sudanese human rights lawyer Nabeel Adeeb told  CNN . “Number one, the crime of apostasy, which is creating a wall around Islam that nobody is allowed to leave.” According to the  United Nations , over 97% of Sudan’s population is Muslim. Adeeb said he knows of around 200 cases in 2013 of Christians being deported for “evangelising”. “It was almost en masse,” he  said . “They confiscated Bibles and searched Christian centres, deported them without instigating any legal procedures.” Another activist summed up the fear that Sudanese Christians live with on a daily basis. “The church is now contaminated with terror. You don’t feel safe in prayer,” the unidentified Christian told  CNN . Some Sudanese Christians are still gathering together to pray and ask God to protect Ibrahim. “Father, we ask that You stand with Your child, Meriam,” a Sudanese pastor  prayed  at a Sunday service. “We ask that You strengthen and support her and grant her Your grace.”

Syrian Christian Leaders Call On U.S. To End Support For Anti-Assad Rebels The stories told by five top Syrian Christian leaders about the horrors their churches are experiencing at the hands of Islamist extremists are biblical in their brutality. Bishop Elias Toumeh, representative of the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, tells of the funeral he led ten days ago for the headless body of one of his parishioners in Marmarita. Rev. Adeeb Awad, vice moderator of the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon, explains how the rebels blew up his church and then pointed the finger at the regime. Bishop Armash Nalbandian, primate of the Armenian Church of Damascus, says he received word on Facebook from a fellow bishop in Aleppo that two congregants were traveling when opposition fighters stopped their bus, made them present their Armenian IDs, and then took them away. The fighters, Nalbandian recounts, returned to the fellow passengers a few hours later with a box, which they said were cakes. Inside were the two Armenian heads. Photo: SANA/Reuters. Armenian Orthodox Christians gather at their church of St Sarkis in Old Damascus for Christmas service, January 6, 2014. The bishops’ stories are difficult to independently verify, and the war’s death toll goes far beyond just Christian communities in Syria–more than 130,000 people have been killed since the fighting began, and at least two million others have fled the country. But they are emerging as part of a concerted push by Syrian Christians to get the U.S. to stop its support for rebel groups fighting Syrian president Bashar al Assad. “The US must change its politics and must choose the way of diplomacy and dialogue, not supporting rebels and calling them freedom fighters,” says Nalbandian. The group is the first delegation of its kind to visit Washington since the crisis began three years ago, and its five members represent key different Christian communities in the country. Awad, Toumeh, and Nalbandian were joined by Rev. Riad Jarjour, Presbyterian pastor from Homs, and Bishop Dionysius Jean Kawak, Metropolitan of the Syrian Orthodox Church. The Westminster Institute and Barnabas Aid, two groups that focus on religious freedom and relief for threatened faith communities, sponsored their trip.

В 1808 г. в Храме вспыхнул пожар, уничтоживший деревянный шатер над Анастасисом и повредивший Кувуклию. Причина пожара осталась предметом спора различных христианских конфессий, обвинявших друг друга в захвате святыни. В 1860-х гг. был сооружён полусферический купол над ротондой, наподобие Анастасиса времен Константина Великого. В результате землетрясения 1927 г. были повреждены Кувуклия и купол Католикона. Кувуклия была укреплена снаружи с боков стальными балками и стяжками, а купол восстановили и украсили ликами Иисуса Христа и святых. В таком виде здание существует и сейчас. Храм Гроба Господня, путешествие во времени (3D-pekohcmpyhkцuя) Структура и современный статус [ править править код ] Храм Гроба Господня Современный храм Гроба Господня — архитектурный комплекс, включающий Голгофу с местом Распятия, ротонду (сооружение с куполом, под которым непосредственно расположена Кувуклия), Кафоликон (кафедральный собор Иерусалимской православной Церкви), подземный храм Обретения Животворящего Креста, храм святой равноапостольной Елены и несколько приделов. На территории Храма Гроба Господня расположено несколько монастырей, ряд вспомогательных помещений, галерей и т. п. Храм разделен между шестью конфессиями христианской церкви: греко-православной, католической, армянской, коптской, сирийской и эфиопской, каждой из которых выделены свои приделы и часы для молитв. Так, церковь францисканцев и Алтарь гвоздей принадлежат католическому ордену св. Франциска, храм равноапостольной Елены и придел «Три Марии» — Армянской апостольской церкви, могила св. Иосифа Аримафейского, алтарь на западной части Кувуклии — Коптской церкви. Голгофа, Кафоликон принадлежат Иерусалимской Православной Церкви. Кувуклия находится в совместном пользовании различных конфессий — литургию на Гробе Господнем друг за другом служат православные (с 23 до 3 часов ночи), армяне (с 3 до 6 часова утра), затем католики (с 6 часов утра до 9). Нередко такое деление служит причиной конфликтов между представителями различных конфессий. Чтобы не было никаких недоразумений между различными конфессиями, ключи от храма с 1192 г. хранятся в арабско-мусульманской семье Joudeh, причем право отпирать и запирать дверь принадлежит другой мусульманской семье Нусейбе. Эти права на протяжении веков передаются в обеих семьях от отца к сыну. Устройство храма [ править править код ]Храм_Гроба_Гос...

Иерусалим многоликий «Тогда Иисус сказал ученикам Своим: если кто хочет идти за Мною, отвергнись себя, и возьми крест свой, и следуй за Мною» (Мф. 16:24) На фото: группа католических паломников идет по Via Dolorosa (Крестному пути) с символическим деревянным крестом на плечах. Любой желающий пройти Крестным путем может получить точно такой же крест рядом с девятой остановкой, именуемой «Место третьего падения Христа» Исраэль Шамир — православный христианин. Крестился уже здесь, в Израиле, эмигрировав в 1969 году из СССР. К Православию и борьбе с израильским национализмом Исраэль-Адам пришел, вернее приехал, на ослике. Работа пресс-секретарем Израильской социалистической партии оставляла ему много свободного времени. Исраэль завел ослицу Люду и, путешествуя на ней, стал заново открывать для себя Святую землю. Постепенно он понял, что нельзя любить только «своих» и что иудаизм для него — это шоры, которые мешают любить всех. Мы сидим с Адамом на одной из крыш старого города, в кафе «Папа Андреа’с». Слышно пение муэдзинов, собирающих мусульман на послеполуденную молитву, за муэдзинами вступают колокола лютеранского храма. Это очень по — иерусалимски — уметь уживаться. По-другому, наверно, и невозможно в городе, ставшем священным для трех мировых монотеистических религий, в городе, где еврейский кибуц находится на расстоянии броска камня от арабского двора. В храме Воскресения Христова, более известном как храм Гроба Господня, та же проблема. Здесь 42 придела (включая те, что на крыше), принадлежащих представителям шести конфессий: православные (русские и греки), монофизиты, католики. Ключи от храма хранятся у уважаемой мусульманской семьи Джудэ (Joudeh), которая с 1109 года выступает в качестве третейского судьи в межконфессиональных спорах за храм. Хранителем врат является другая семья — Нусейбе (Nusseibeh). Почетная обязанность передается в обеих семьях от отца к сыну. Каждое утро глава семьи Нусейбе берет ключ у семьи Джудэ и отпирает массивную створку двери. Целый день он следит за порядком в храме, а на закате стуком медного кольца выгоняет последних туристов их храма и снова запирает дверь.

“For centuries, Christian pilgrims were denied entry to the church, or had to pay huge sums to pray on the Sepulchre,” he said, all while holding the key. At the head of the procession, Vitores was flanked on one side by Wajeeh Nusseibeh, his son Obadah and two cousins, all of whom were equally compensated by the friars for their services with the symbolic sum of On Vitores’ other side were Adeeb Joudeh, wearing an impeccable dark gray suit, and his 19-year-old son Jawad. For about 20 minutes, Joudeh ceded control of the only existing key to the Holy Sepulchre. While there is another key, it is broken and no longer used. The functioning key is normally kept in a small office attached to the church and is guarded by an employee of the Joudeh family. “This key has seen Saladin and every generation of my family since 1187. To me, it’s an honor to be in charge of the holiest of Christian places,” Joudeh said, while walking the cobblestoned alley leading to the Holy Sepulchre. He insisted on showing on his smartphone what he claimed are 165 official decrees confirming the Joudeh family’s role as custodian of the church over the centuries. “My ancestor who was given the keys was a  sheik , a highly respected person, who was not supposed to perform physical labor, such as climbing the ladder to open the gate,” Joudeh explained. “That’s why the Nuseibehs were called in to perform this duty. Unfortunately, they feel still ashamed of being just the doorkeepers.” At the end of the procession, the key was welcomed by cheerful pilgrims waiting in front of the church. For a few minutes, everybody stared at the solemn opening of the gate before rushing in. Moments later, Adeeb Joudeh walked home with his son, as did Wajeeh Nuseibeh. They will come back here, time and again, at the gate of the Holy Sepulchre: two Muslims, coming in peace to bear the key to the heart of Christianity. Source:   International Business Times Code for blog Since you are here… …we do have a small request. More and more people visit Orthodoxy and the World website. However, resources for editorial are scarce. In comparison to some mass media, we do not make paid subscription. It is our deepest belief that preaching Christ for money is wrong.

ISIS militants parade severed heads through Mediterranean coast town of Bin Jawad - the fourth to fall to militants in Libya Source: Mail Online January 17, 2016 Gruesome convoy: ISIS militants paraded severed heads from the back of a pick-up truck after seizing control of the Libyan town of Bin Jawad (pictured, file photo). It is the fourth Libyan city to fall to the terror group.      ISIS militants paraded severed heads from the back of a pick-up truck after seizing control of a fourth Libyan city in the Mediterranean country, according to eyewitnesses. Locals say jihadists drove through the coastal town of Bin Jawad shouting 'Allahu akbar [God is great]' from the gruesome convoy. A number of residents fled in terror last week, not long after the town fell into the terror group's hands, while others were ordered into a sports stadium. Their fate is unclear. It is feared ISIS may now try to seize more oil installations in the region, according to Mark Willis at The Sunday Times . The terror group's black flag was raised in Bin Jawad the same day ISIS fighters attacked the oil ports of Ras Lanuf and Sidra on January 4. Heavy weapons and suicide bombers, including a 15-year-old boy, were used as part of the assault, which left two storage tanks of crude oil on fire. Bin Jawad is 20 miles from Sidra and 36 miles from Ras Lanuf, leading to concerns the town could be used by ISIS to stage similar attacks. It was captured earlier this month, with hundreds of government workers rounded up by the terrorist group and many families forced out of their homes. One eyewitness who escaped Bin Jawad told The Sunday Times: 'They drove through the town after Friday prayers with men in the back of pick-ups holding severed heads and shouting, " Allahu akbar [God is great]. " Concern: ISIS " s black flag was raised in Bin Jawad the same day its fighters attacked the oil ports of Ras Lanuf and Sidra on January 4 (file photo). It is feared the terror group may now try to seize more oil installations.      'I counted three heads.' Other residents were told their homes now 'belonged to Islamic State' and that they had to leave. Most of the 200 local men arrested had worked for security forces or government ministries, with relatives now fearing for their loved ones' safety. ISIS also raided shops, seizing cigarettes and destroying them on a large bonfire. An Egyptian worker was publicly lashed 80 times after being caught smoking on the street, while residents also described similar atrocities being carried out as those witnessed by civilians in ISIS strongholds in Iraq and Syria. Mail Online 22 января 2016 г. Смотри также Комментарии Мы в соцсетях Подпишитесь на нашу рассылку

Who Guards The Most Sacred Site In Christendom? Two Muslims March 30, 2013 (Photo: Reuters/Steve Crisp/) The Holy Sepulchre during the Holy Fire ceremony in Jerusalem’s Old City. Every Christian knows the holiest places in Christendom are in Jerusalem. The holiest of all, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, was erected in 325, over the site where it is believed Jesus was crucified, buried and rose from the dead. Yet, few know that it is a Muslim who opens and closes the only door to this holiest of Christian sites. In fact, it’s two Muslims: one man from the Joudeh family and another man from the Nuseibeh family, two Jerusalem Palestinian clans who have been the custodians of the entrance to the Holy Sepulchre since the 12th century. Every morning, at 4:30, Adeeb Joudeh travels from his apartment outside the walls of the Old City to bring the cast-iron key to the church, just as his father and his forebears did before him. Once there, he entrusts the key — looking like a 12-inch (30-centimeter) long iron wedge — to Wajeeh Nuseibeh, who knocks at the gate to call the priests and the pilgrims who spend the night praying inside. From inside the church, a wooden ladder is passed through a porthole to help him unlock the upper part of the enormous door. Then, he unlocks the lower one before handing the precious key back to Joudeh. The ritual is reversed every evening at 7:30, after hundreds of tourists and pilgrims have left the church. During holidays, such as Holy Week, which culminates Sunday with the Christian Easter, the elaborate opening and closing ceremonies take place several times a day. Why the elaborate ritual? As often happens in Jerusalem, a city holy to several peoples and religions, there are different versions to explain why two Muslim families hold the key to the holiest site in Christendom. “After the Muslim conquest in 637, the Caliph Omar guaranteed the Archbishop Sophronius that the Christian places of worship would be protected and so entrusted the custodianship to the Nuseibehs, a family who originated in Medina and had had relations with the Prophet Muhammad,” said Nuseibeh, a retired 63-year old electrician, while waiting in a nearby cafe to carry out his duties at the Holy Sepulchre.

New details emerge in killing of Pakistani Christian couple Source: Shama Bibi was four months pregnant when she and her husband were killed Natalya Mihailova 06 November 2014 New details have emerged about the killing of a Pakistani Christian bonded laborer and his wife, who were killed after being accused by local Muslims of blasphemy. Pakistani Christians gather and pray for a murdered Christian couple in Kot Radha Kishan Wednesday (AFP Photo/Arif Ali) Waqar Hussain, AF Pakistan November 6, 2014 Shehzad Masih and Shama Bibi, who was four months pregnant at the time of the killing, were locked inside a brick-making factory before their murder to prevent them from fleeing their debts, relatives said Wednesday. The couple were later beaten, surrounded by a crowd of up to 1,500 villagers and then thrown on top of a lit furnace, multiple witnesses said. By the time the Muslim mob was done, only charred bones and their discarded shoes remained. The gruesome incident took place Tuesday in the tiny hamlet of Chak 59 (village 59) near Kot Radha Kishan town, some 60 kilometers southwest of Lahore. It has sparked protests by Christians and outrage among rights activists, with police arresting 44 suspects as of Wednesday. Jawad Qamar, a local police official, said according to initial reports events began to unfold more than a week earlier with the death of Shehzad’s father, a local religious healer. “When he died, Shehzad’s wife went to his room and cleaned up the mess. There was a trunk in his room, Shehzad’s wife took the things that could be useful and threw the trash in front of her house,” said Qamar. “The garbage collector collected the trash the next day and told a local cleric that he had collected pages of the Koran thrown in front of Shehzad’s house from the trash.” Iqbal Masih, Shehzad’s older bother, said that he and his whole family were bonded workers paying off their debts to the brick kiln owner, a man named Mohammed Yousuf — an illegal practice branded by rights groups as akin to modern-day slavery.

Village Mayor Ahmed Abdel Hadi said attacks by settlers on the village of 3,000 residents have increased over the past two years. EAPPI has a 24-hour presence in the nearby smaller, more vulnerable village of Yanoun, noted field worker Joudeh Abu Sa " d, which sometimes helps to prevent attacks, but volunteers can come to visit Asira Al-Qibliya only once a week to assess the situation here. Mahklouf said villagers are in touch with the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) but soldiers and border police often only arrive after the attack is over or don " t stop the settlers. " The mission of the IDF in the Judea and Samaria Division includes maintaining security and stability. It is in the IDF " s understanding that all forms of violence undermine such stability, " said an IDF spokesman in an e-mail response to an inquiry by ENInews. One of the Israeli responses has been to prevent the Palestinians from entering land more than 60 meters from their home, much of which is used by the residents to grow their own produce in small gardens, he said. According to the United Nations Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the weekly average of settler attacks against Palestinians and their property has increased by 40 percent in 2011 compared to 2010 and by over 165 percent compared to 2009. Israelis from peace groups have come to visit and support them, said village resident Hadra Abdul Kareem, whose 14-year-old son was jailed for 30 days after an attack for throwing rocks back at the settlers. " We show the children that there are two kinds of people, that there are Israelis who like peace, " she said. " We don " t want to put hatred in their heads. We don " t need violence. I don " t want our children to do violence or to go to jail. " Judith Sudilovsky Другие публикации на портале: © 2007-2024 Портал Богослов.Ru. Издатель: БОГОСЛОВ.RU Адрес издателя: 141300 Московская область, город Сергиев Посад, территория Троице-Сергиевой Лавры. Все права защищены. Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ Эл ФС77-46659 от 22.09.2011